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我国的海洋倾废管理制度和体系日臻完善,既制定了《海洋环境保护法》等国内海洋法律、法规,又相继批准了《联合国海洋法公约》和加入了《1972伦敦公约》,在原则上与国际公约保持一致。但随着海洋经济的蓬勃发展,海洋倾废活动日益频繁,不断出现新的处置方式,从而导致对海洋倾废的定义有不同的理解,并因此引发了一些争议。文章从法律的角度,结合倾废管理实践,对海洋倾废的定义进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,防治废弃物的海洋倾倒对海洋资源和生态环境的损害,加强海洋倾废对海洋环境污染的控制与管理,根据《海洋环境保护法》、《排污费征收使用管理条例》(国务院令字第369号)、《中华人民共和国海洋倾废管理条例》(1985年3月6日国务院  相似文献   

The alkaline aluminate waste, of which 1000–2000 tonnes are dumped a few times a year off the Belgian coast in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, contains 5·4% NaCl, 1·8% dissolved Al and 7·4% NaOH, in addition to traces of heavy metals and some aniline- and phenol-derivatives. The pH rises locally to 8-5 and the total Al-concentration reaches 120niglitre−1(corresponding to an initial waste dilution factor of only 150) in the 10-m wide track just beyond the discharging barge, but these decay quickly to pH 8·1 and 1 mg litre-1 in the 30-m wide track, 500m behind the barge. The relation between the waste concentration and seawater pH was studied. The white precipitate that forms immediately in the sea was identified as Mg6---Al2---CO3---(OH)16---4H20 (hydrotalcite-manasseite like). No trace of it was found in the local sediments.  相似文献   

Korean Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua observations of the variation in ocean color at the sea surface were utilized to monitor the impact of nutrient-rich sewage sludge disposal in the oligotrophic area of the Yellow Sea. MODIS revealed that algal blooms persisted in the spring annually at the dump site in the Yellow Sea since year 2000 to the present. A number of implications of using products of the satellite ocean color imagers were exploited here based on the measurements in the Yellow Sea. GOCI observes almost every hour during the daylight period, every day since June 2011. Therefore, GOCI provides a powerful tool to monitor waste disposal at sea in real time. Tracking of disposal activity from a large tanker was possible hour by hour from the GOCI timeseries images compared to MODIS. Smaller changes in the color of the ocean surface can be easily observed, as GOCI resolves images at smaller scales in space and time in comparison to polar orbiting satellites, e.g., MODIS. GOCI may be widely used to monitor various marine activities in the sea, including waste disposal activity from ships.  相似文献   

Wind-induced drift of objects at sea: The leeway field method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for conducting leeway field experiments to establish the drift properties of small objects (0.1-25 m) is described. The objective is to define a standardized and unambiguous procedure for condensing the drift properties down to a set of coefficients that may be incorporated into existing stochastic trajectory forecast models for drifting objects of concern to search and rescue operations and other activities involving vessels lost at sea such as containers with hazardous material.An operational definition of the slip or wind and wave-induced motion of a drifting object relative to the ambient current is proposed. This definition taken together with a strict adherence to a 10 m wind speed allows us to refer unambiguously to the leeway of a drifting object. We recommend that all objects if possible be studied using what we term the direct method, where the object’s leeway is studied directly using an attached current meter.We establish a minimum set of parameters that should be estimated for a drifting object for it to be included in the operational forecast models used for prediction of search areas for drifting objects.We divide drifting objects into four categories, depending on their size. For the smaller objects (less than 0.5 m), an indirect method of measuring the object’s motion relative to the ambient current must be used. For larger objects, direct measurement of the motion through the near-surface water masses is strongly recommended. Larger objects are categorized according to the ability to attach current meters and wind monitoring systems to them.The leeway field method proposed here is illustrated with results from field work where three objects were studied in their distress configuration; a 1:3.3 sized model of a 40-foot Shipping container, a World War II mine and a 220 l (55-gallon) oil drum.  相似文献   

苍南海域疏浚物倾倒悬浮物扩散特征现场试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过海上倾倒试验,了解疏浚物倾倒在苍南海域的悬浮物扩散特征。试验结果表明:1)疏浚物粒径特征值为倾倒点水体中悬浮物特征值的1.3~2.7倍,倾倒试验过程中水体中悬浮物粒径值的变化较好地体现了疏浚物在水体中的沉降过程;2)由倾倒引起的悬浮物浓度增加而形成的云团在15~30 min后漂离倾倒点,30~60 min后,云团基本消失,且由倾倒引起的悬浮物增量效应也基本结束;3)倾倒云团在顺流方向距倾倒点0.3~0.4 km处,表层水体悬浮物增量影响不明显,疏浚物倾倒造成水体悬浮物浓度增高的影响在顺流方向1.5 km左右基本结束。  相似文献   

根据宁波北仑海域的连续3a的实测风浪资料,讨论了在不同风速条件下波高分布和周期分布,以及两者的联合分布;通过与理论结果的比较,得出波高分布与Rayleigh分布基本符合,但有一些差异,周期分布与孙孚的理论周期分布较符合,而波高与周期的联合分布除了图形的形状以及大波对应的无因次周期的值与孙孚的理论值有差异外,两者吻合较好。  相似文献   

利用海岸线的海洋遥感图像控制点(GCP)自动匹配法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究一种利用海岸线自动确定海上地面控制点(GCP)的方法.借助边缘检测技术提取海岸线,将海岸线的点全部作为控制点的备选集合,利用相关松弛法寻找同名点,建立一种可靠判别机制来保证海岸线上GCP的正确性,通过平均法和插值法求取海上GCP的值.利用本方法可以方便地得到分布密集的GCP值,其中海上GCP值具有子像元精度.同时研究了一种新的几何变换方法,即用插值法直接求取需校正图像的几何变换坐标,随着插值密度的增加,求得海上GCP值的点就越多,最后使所有点的坐标值通过插值方法计算得到,代替二元n次方程组进行空间坐标变换,使遥感图像的几何配准误差在某种程度上达到0,利用该方法对海洋遥感资料进行几何配准,可以提高配准的精度和节省机时,为遥感资料的动态监测和数据库建设创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

Distribution of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in seawater, and chemical composition of surficial sediments were studied in relation to pulpmill effluent and dumping of dredge spoil containing wood debris in Alberni Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. The maximum concentration of POC (377–584µg Cl–1) was observed at the surface around the dumping area (5–7 km seaward of the inlet's head), and at the location immediately adjacent to the dump site POC was elevated throughout the water column (50 m). While POC tended to decrease in the surface layer for a distance of about 25km down-inlet, measureable effects of POC in the deeper water did not extend beyond 600m from the dump site. The dump site was conspicuous by the large maximum in C:N ratio (46.3). In contrast, DOC was observed to be highest (4.25mg Cl–1) at the head of the inlet where pulpmill effluent was being discharged and a secondary maximum was found about 10km down-inlet from the dump site. The data suggest that a considerable proportion of the dredge spoil sinks rapidly near the dump site, probably within several hundred metres. Some of the spoil, perhaps low density wood debris may travel considerably further with the surface water where by leaching it may contribute to some extent to the surface DOC before sinking into deeper water.  相似文献   

2006年3月和7月分别对珠江口疏浚物倾倒区附近的大型底栖生物进行了调查.对比分析了倾倒区内外大型底柄生物种类数、丰度、生物量、优势种和种类多样性指数的差异.结果表明,海洋倾倒可能使倾倒区内大型底栖生物种类、丰度、生物量和种类多样性降低,但对海区优势种的影响较小.AMBI和BENTIX指数评价结果认为倾倒区内底柄生物受到轻微干扰,倾倒区附近海域大型底柄生物群落在3月受干扰程度较7月大.丰度生物量比较(Abundance/biomass comparison,简称ABC)曲线分析结果认为倾倒区内大型底栖生物群落受到海洋倾倒活动轻微或中等程度的干扰.  相似文献   

Marine plastic debris has been a pervasive issue since the last century, and research on its sources and fates plays a vital role in the establishment of mitigation measures. However, data on the quantity of plastic waste that enters the sea on a certain timescale remain largely unavailable in China. Here, we established a model using material flow analysis method based on life cycle assessment to follow plastic product from primary plastic to plastic waste with statistical data and monitoring data from accurate sources. This model can be used to estimate and forecast the annual input of plastic waste into the sea from China until 2020. In 2011, 0.547 3–0.751 5 million tons of plastic waste entered the seas in China, with a growth rate of 4.55% per year until 2017. And the amount will decrease to0.257 1 to 0.353 1 million tons in 2020 under the influence of governmental management. The amount of plastic waste discharged from coastal areas calculated in this study was much larger than that from river, thus it is suggested to strengthen the governance and control of plastic waste in coastal fishery activities in China in order to reduce the amount of marine plastic waste input.  相似文献   

渤海倾倒区沉积物重金属富集特征及其潜在生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑琳  刘艳  袁媛  周春莹  曲亮 《海洋通报》2014,33(3):342-348
根据2012年渤海6个海洋倾倒区沉积物重金属监测结果,采用富集系数法和潜在生态风险评价法对Hg、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn、As共6种重金属富集特征和潜在生态风险进行了分析和评价。结果表明:渤海倾倒区沉积物中As、Zn、Hg、Pb富集度相对较高,Cu和Cd富集度较低。其中,黄骅倾倒区(C1区)和天津港倾倒区(C区)As富集显著,为较高和中等污染程度;葫芦岛港倾倒区Hg、Zn、锦州港倾倒区Zn富集达到中等污染程度。渤海倾倒区沉积物重金属综合潜在生态风险处于较低水平,风险排序为AsCdHgPbCuZn。其中具有较高潜在生态风险的重金属为Hg、Cd和As,分布区域在葫芦岛港、锦州港和黄骅港倾倒区。  相似文献   

桶形基础平台海上沉放安装   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
桶形基础平台是世界上一种最新型的海洋平台,可广泛应用于海上油气田开发。为满足我国际油气田开发中卫星平台的结构和功能要求,桶形基础平台采用新的压载沉放方法安装,具有更高的效率和经济性。沉放过程中桶形基础平台受到水流和波浪的作用,结合模型试验对平台运动进行数值模拟分析,以了解在整个沉放过程中相应参数的变化趋势。根据桶形基础平台的特征,制定联台沉放方案,并通过压载实现平台的沉放控制。  相似文献   

The design and application of a lander (an apparatus developed at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAN) to study the chemical processes in the near-bottom layer) are described. The methodological foundations and design peculiarities of the lander were developed in the course of chamber experiments carried out at shallow depths with the assistance of divers. The transition to greater depths required development of a multifunctional automatic device capable of independently performing long-term surveys in the near-bottom layer, including those of the chemical exchange at the water-bottom interface.  相似文献   

Microalgae are significant contributors to biodiversity and primary production in shallow coastal habitats. The invasive Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) can occupy former mangrove habitats in disturbed areas, and its allelopathic capability can affect growth rates of microalgae. The four microalgae tested against dilution extracts of Schinus fruits varied in their growth response, suggesting variable but unpredictable impacts on microalgal biodiversity, primary production, and community structure.  相似文献   

The sea surface heights (SSHs) observed by the TOPEX altimeter are compared with tide gauge data at Chichijima in Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands and hydrographic data taken around the islands, in order to quantitatively verify the altimeter observations and oceanic tide corrections by three tide models proposed by Cartwright and Ray (1991), Rayet al. (1994), and Maet al. (1994). First, performance of the new tide models is assessed by comparing tidal variations consisting of diurnal and semi-diurnal constituents with the tide gauge data at Chichijima. The tide model proposed by Rayet al. gives the smallest root-mean-squared (rms) difference of 2.61 cm. Errors in amplitude and phase in each tide model are evaluated by spectral analysis. The TOPEX SSHs corrected by the tide models are compared with sea level data at Chichijima. A long-term variation of a period of about 1 year is found in the residual between the SSHs and the Chichijima sea levels. This variation is also found in the difference between the dynamic height anomalies calculated from hydrographic data around the island and the Chichijima sea levels. By subtracting the long-term variation, the rms difference between the TOPEX SSHs and the Chichijima sea levels is reduced to about 4 cm and the slope of the regression line is improved to unity. The residual shows variations related to aliasing caused by incompleteness of the ocean tide correction with the repeat cycle of the altimeter observation.  相似文献   

Microalgae are significant contributors to biodiversity and primary production in shallow coastal habitats. The invasive Brazilian pepper (Schinusterebinthifolius) can occupy former mangrove habitats in disturbed areas, and its allelopathic capability can affect growth rates of microalgae. The four microalgae tested against dilution extracts of Schinus fruits varied in their growth response, suggesting variable but unpredictable impacts on microalgal biodiversity, primary production, and community structure.  相似文献   

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