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The 2003 Marine Parks Congress recommended networks of marine reserves to be established covering 20–30% of habitats by 2012. Most marine reserves are, however, failing to meet their objectives, the main reason being attributed to lack of funding. In light of the growing need for effectively managed marine reserves, a survey ascertaining tourists' support and willingness to pay extra to stay at reserves managed by the private sector – Hotel Managed Marine Reserves (HMMRs) was conducted at Whale Island Resort, Vietnam. A total of 97.5% support HMMR, 86.3% were willing to pay, the median amounting to US$9.6/room/night, or 10% of the average room rate, equaling US$67,277 at 60% occupancy.  相似文献   

Despite increasing attention paid to the value of marine resources, in particular marine protected areas (MPAs), their economic valuation focuses mainly on use values of ecosystem services such as fishery and tourism. Furthermore, most MPA related studies are carried out for coastal ecosystems, especially tropical coral reefs. The valuation of remote marine ecosystems is rare. The main objective of this paper is to estimate public willingness to pay (WTP) for alternative management regimes of a network of offshore MPAs in the North Sea under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). In a baseline valuation study carried out just before the adoption of the MSFD, beach visitors and a random sample of coastal and non-coastal residents were asked for their preferences for two alternative management options of three remote, ecologically sensitive areas with multiple use conflicts. Despite the lack of public awareness and familiarity with the offshore marine areas, a majority of 70% is willing to pay extra tax for their protection. Using a conservative value elicitation procedure, Dutch households are willing to pay on average maximum 0.25% of their annual disposable income to ban access and economic use. This serves as an indicator of what a network of remote MPAs in the MSFD is allowed to cost according to the Dutch tax payer.  相似文献   

Carrying capacity is an important index used to evaluate the status of regional resources, ecological environment, and regional economic development. Marine industrial parks have gained substantial attention from domestic and foreign investors and governments at all levels; in particular, these parks are an essential part of the national blue economy development plan of the Chinese government. The carrying capacity of a marine industrial park is important to all related stakeholders. In this study, an evaluation system was established based on the literature review and expert interviews by using 32 indices under three dimensions (pressure, bearing, and transformation) to determine the carrying capacity of a marine industrial park. The carrying capacity of marine industrial parks in Shandong Province was evaluated using this system across diverse dimensions by incorporating state space and analytic hierarchy processes. Results indicated that carrying capacity significantly differed among regions, parks, and specific dimensions. Comparison among different types of marine industrial parks indicated that the modern marine service industry and fishery industrial parks showed improved and efficient development with relatively high bearing rates. By contrast, the modern marine manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industrial parks were significantly underdeveloped. This study proposes academic approaches and practical implications for the involved governments and managing committees. Furthermore, suggestions on park planning, policy support, industrial cluster, and industry–university–research institute alliances are provided to the government and enterprise perspectives to increase the carrying capacity of marine characteristic industrial parks.  相似文献   

Beach erosion can have major economic implications because of the potential impact on coastal recreation demand – particularly for countries where coastal tourism is one of the main sources of external revenue. Djerba Island (Tunisia) falls in that category. With about 125 km of coastline, Djerba Island is one of the most important Tunisian destinations. However, the island is experiencing coastal erosion problems. The Tunisia government launched a project to fight costal erosion through the Stabiplage technique. This study provides the first economic valuation of beach erosion control in Tunisia and is the first one that focuses on the Stabiplage technique. Specifically, a contingent valuation survey is carried out to elicit the public willingness to pay (WTP) for the project. An interval payment card question format is used to obtain information about WTP from representative samples of residents and tourists in Djerba. The results reveal a positive WTP for the project. Aggregate WTP estimates range from €133,459 (median value) to €5,180,269 (mean value). These values can help inform decisions about whether to undertake the project based on either the benefit-cost ratio rule or majority voting rule.  相似文献   

Being able to accurately locate and describe recreational use within marine parks is essential for their sustainable management. Given the difficulty in accessing many marine parks, as well as their large size, the surveys to obtain these much-needed data are often logistically challenging and expensive. Aerial surveys are one potential method for obtaining accurate, timely data and this paper details the design for one such survey conducted in the Ningaloo Marine Park, off the northwestern coast of Australia. Ningaloo has been nominated as a world heritage site and the fringing coral reef that forms the centrepiece of the Marine Park extends for 300 km along the coastline. The survey involved 34 temporally stratified flights conducted over a 12-month period. All vessels and people were geo-referenced and where possible, their activities were recorded, providing data that clearly illustrates dramatic expansions and contractions in recreational use. Not only does the spatial extent of use expand in the peak visitor season (April-October), the density of use correspondingly increases. High densities of recreational activity in the Park’s waters were accompanied by increased numbers of vehicles, camps, boat trailers and boats on the adjacent shoreline. Aerial surveys proved to be an effective method for rapidly obtaining recreational data with high spatial accuracy. Such a method has broad applicability to marine parks as it provides comprehensive data to benchmark existing recreational use, as well as monitor future changes in activity patterns, which are essential for the informed management that must underpin sustainability efforts.  相似文献   

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) has been put forward as a potential sustainable alternative to single fin fish species aquaculture. In IMTA, several species are combined in the production process. Integrating species has a conceivable dual advantage; the environmental impact can be lowered through nutrient cycling and from an economic perspective there is potential for increased efficiency, product diversification and a higher willingness to pay for more environmentally friendly produced salmon. This paper presents the results from a choice experiment which examines whether the Irish public is willing to pay a premium for “sustainably produced” farmed salmon from an IMTA process. Uniquely, an ecolabel was used in the design, based on familiar energy rating labels, to communicate the environmental pressure of fish farming to respondents. The experiment demonstrates that the Irish public has a willingness to pay a price premium for sustainability in salmon farming and for locally produced salmon.  相似文献   

我国是遭受海洋灾害影响最为严重的国家之一,海洋防灾减灾不仅是我国也是全球重大议题。我国海洋灾害灾次频、灾种多、灾情重,直接危及人民生命财产安全,制约海洋经济长足发展并阻碍海洋生态文明建设。现阶段我国的海洋防灾减灾体系建设发展迅速,但与发达国家相比尚存差距。面对复杂严峻的形势,尤其是在机构改革的背景下,借鉴他国经验并健全完善我国海洋防灾减灾体系十分必要。因此,本文立足我国基本国情,选取具有丰富经验的日本作为比较研究对象,深入剖析中日两国现有海洋防灾减灾体系,在“一案三制”基本架构的视角下归纳两国差异,审视我国问题所在,并为我国未来海洋防灾减灾工作提出具有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

Odours of different sources can indicate to hermit crabs the availability of empty shells, crucial resources for the life cycle of almost all of them. Here, we compared Clibanarius erythropus and Pagurus bernhardus for the intensity of investigative behaviour exhibited towards an empty, well-fitting shell in the presence of (1) plain seawater as control and seawater conditioned by (2) dead and live snails, (3) dead and live conspecifics, (4) live predators, and (5) food. During 10 min of observation, we recorded latency (the time until the first contact with the shell), and the number and duration of shell investigation bouts. The two species behaved similarly when exposed to the odours of food, live snails, and predators, while a more intense shell investigation was induced by dead snail odour in C. erythropus and by dead or live conspecific odour in P. bernhardus. Further studies should investigate the influence of phylogeny and ecology on this interspecific difference.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on Fv/Fm (maximal quantum yield of photosystem II) in the diatom Chaetoceros debilis and dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) depleted cultures to determine whether this parameter could be used to monitor N or P limitation. In the nutrient depleted experiments, no obvious decrease of cell density and chlorophyll concentration was observed except in N-depleted incubation of S. trochoidea. For C. debilis, Fv/Fm decreased quickly in periods of N- and P-depletion and re-supply of N and P induced a quick recovery of Fv/Fm. However, in S. trochoidea culture, Fv/Fm remained unchanged in N- and P-depleted conditions and addition of sufficient N and P to N- and P-depleted cultures did not affect Fv/Fm. Therefore, Fv/Fm is insensitive to N and/or P limitation in growth of S. trochoidea. The results suggested that Fv/Fm was not a robust diagnostic for nutrient limitation in dinoflagellates. The differences in the sensitivity of Fv/Fm to nutrient limitation may result from different nutrient storage abilities among algal species.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物粒度参数3种计算方法的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
海洋沉积物粒度参数是反映沉积物物质来源及水动力条件的敏感性指标。目前国内对海洋沉积物粒度参数计算方法并不完全统一,制约了粒度数据的整合和使用。利用长江口外近海348个表层沉积物粒度数据,分别使用Folk和Ward的图解法公式、Collias等的矩法公式和McManus的矩法公式进行了粒度参数的计算。运用相关分析和基本统计分析等方法,讨论了不同方法计算结果间的差异和影响因素。结果显示:图解法与矩法计算的平均粒径和分选系数分别呈显著线性相关,且不受沉积物物质来源的影响。对于偏态和峰态,3种不同方法计算结果的相关性较低,甚至表现为不相关。不同方法计算的沉积物粒度参数的差异性均与沉积物类型和频率曲线分布形态有关。当物质组成均匀、频率曲线近正态分布时,不同方法计算的粒度参数的相关性显著提高。当沉积物较粗或较细时,粒度分布偏离正态且具有明显尾部特征,用不同方法计算结果的差异会随之增大。对3种不同公式综合对比认为Collias等的矩法公式反映沉积物粒度分布特征更加灵敏、可靠,建议在进行资料整合时采用。  相似文献   

臭氧在鱼类育苗中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要研究臭氧在鱼类育苗水质处理中的应用效果,观察不同浓度的臭氧对养殖水中细菌和弧菌的灭菌效果,及其对鱼苗孵化率和仔鱼存活率的影响。  相似文献   

An essential component of ecosystem-based approaches in coastal zone management and the emerging field of marine planning are partnerships and collaborations between a range of multi-sector organisations and individuals. Ensuring that partnerships are effective is a priority for those responsible for planning and management in coastal and marine environments. Current partnership evaluation approaches, however, tend to view effectiveness as the cumulative end result of a set of variables acting in a linear process at a specific point in time. Given that governance and participation are acknowledged as non-linear and multifaceted processes, more reflective and nuanced approaches that take account of the dynamic, multidimensional and geographically embedded nature of the collaborative process are needed. This paper proposes a new framework for partnership evaluation based on policy narratives and indicators, and demonstrates the potential of the approach using three case studies of partnerships focused upon marine nature-based tourism. The insights from this research have direct relevance to the agencies and organisations responsible for delivering integrated coastal management, including marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

AcomparativestudyonproteincontentandaminoacidcompositionofeightspeciesofUnicellularmarinefeedalgae¥//INTRODUCTIONInrecentyear...  相似文献   

Temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) account for almost 71% of the total number of South African estuarine systems. To date the dynamics of microalgal production and biomass in TOCEs is poorly understood. A survey was therefore conducted in two TOCEs along the KwaZulu-Natal coast: the river-dominated Mdloti and the marine-dominated Mpenjati. The aims of this investigation were: (1) to compare the variability of benthic and pelagic microalgal production and biomass in these two contrasting systems; (2) to determine the key environmental parameters influencing primary production in these TOCEs. Results show a similar pattern of primary production and biomass in both estuaries. High benthic microalgal biomass with low primary production and low phytoplankton biomass with high rates of pelagic primary production were observed in both estuaries. Possible explanations for this include: (a) optimum light conditions in the water column, compared to the sediment surface; (b) high impact of grazing by zooplankton in the water column; and (c) settling of phytoplankton. Significant correlations were observed between primary production and environmental parameters (Kd, PAR, temperature, DIN and DIP), during the open and closed phases of both estuaries. A BIOENV (PRIMER) analysis showed that patterns of primary production in both estuaries were influenced primarily by interactions of multiple independent parameters. Comparisons between measured hourly pelagic primary production rates at the Mpenjati and Mdloti and the composite parameter (Pc) of Cole and Cloern (1987) revealed highly significant relationships (r2 = 0.8; p < 0.001) between these differently derived variables.  相似文献   

Alternative livelihood programmes are often used in multipleuse marine protected areas as incentives, compensation for lost opportunities, or as intervention strategies for poverty alleviation. Yet little is known about their impacts on biodiversity conservation and the well-being of the targeted communities. This study focuses primarily on alternative livelihood projects undertaken among selected groups of individuals, in six villages, located in the Mnazi Bay-Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park (MBREMP), Mtwara district, southern Tanzania. The aim was to investigate how the processes involved in the implementation of these new livelihood activities contributed to the expected outcomes of providing good returns to reduce community's dependency on the sea and improve conservation. Data were collected through focus group discussions with selected members of local community, who actively took part in the projects; key informant interviews with conservation personnel and district fisheries officials; questionnaire surveys of a random sample of project beneficiary households; and a review of pertinent documents. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents (90%) reported that the projects were allocated inappropriately. Interviews and focus groups further revealed that the purpose of alternative projects was not sufficiently clear and that many beneficiaries perceived that these projects were initiated simply to comply with the MBREMP regulations. Overall, 70% of survey respondents stated that the project activities could not compete with the income gained from fisheries. An analysis of documents further revealed that almost all projects began to flounder when funding from the MBREMP came to an end. This was because they were not supported beyond the pilot phase and, thereafter, insufficient revenue was generated to maintain running costs. Improved targeting and design of livelihood interventions will ensure that the projects achieve the goals of providing alternatives for fishers, increasing well-being and improving biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Marine reserves are increasingly being established as a mechanism to protect marine biodiversity and sensitive habitats. As well as providing conservation benefits, marine reserves provide benefits to recreational scuba divers who dive within the reserve, as well as to recreational and commercial fishers outside the reserve through spill-over effects. To ensure benefits are being realised, management of marine reserves requires ongoing monitoring and surveillance. These are not costless, and many marine reserve managers impose an entry fee. In some countries, dive tourism is major income source to coastal industries, and a concern is that high entry fees may dissuade divers. In this paper, the price elasticity of demand for dive tourism in three countries in South East Asia – Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia – is estimated using a travel-cost model. From the model, the total non-market use value associated with diving in the area is estimated to be in the order of US$4.5 billion a year. The price elasticity of demand in the region is highly inelastic, such that increasing the cost of diving through a management levy would have little impact on total diver numbers.  相似文献   

为研究连云港海洋牧场人工鱼礁区建设前后的水动力环境变化,利用DHI MIKE水动力模块模拟2002年和2016年人工渔礁区建设前后的水动力环境,并分析人工鱼礁区潮流为SE方向时顺流方向纵断面流速和流向的空间变化规律以及工程前后鱼礁区内水质和水生物的变化情况。结果表明:人工鱼礁区建成后,工程海域垂向流速和流向变化较大,水平流速和流向变化较小;由于附着在人工鱼礁上大型藻类的生长,水质逐年变好,且水生物量也逐年增加。  相似文献   

The ocean captures a large part of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. As a result of the increase in CO2 partial pressure the ocean pH is lowered as compared to pre-industrial times and a further decline is expected. Ocean acidification has been proposed to pose a major threat for marine organisms, particularly shell-forming and calcifying organisms. Here we show, on the basis of meta-analysis of available experimental assessments, differences in organism responses to elevated pCO2 and propose that marine biota may be more resistant to ocean acidification than expected. Calcification is most sensitive to ocean acidification while it is questionable if marine functional diversity is impacted significantly along the ranges of acidification predicted for the 21st century. Active biological processes and small-scale temporal and spatial variability in ocean pH may render marine biota far more resistant to ocean acidification than hitherto believed.  相似文献   

Many developing countries are expanding their network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to meet ambitious marine conservation targets set globally and to develop tourism nationally. This study explores the human dimensions of MPA planning in Mozambique by engaging local resource users in a series of structured discussions about marine resource use, pressures on marine resources, ways to address such pressures, and the potential positive and negative impacts of MPAs on the management of marine resources and livelihoods, from a community perspective. Findings show that the groups and communities interviewed are at best ambivalent towards MPAs while at the same time supporting increased government regulation, including conventional fisheries management measures. The study suggests that without significant community involvement in the choice of marine conservation tools, the drive to establish MPAs to achieve biodiversity conservation and tourism development goals may be counterproductive, at least in terms of poverty alleviation and sustainable resource use. It argues that a wider range of marine conservation approaches and tools needs to be considered in addition to MPAs, taking into consideration local views and institutional capacities.  相似文献   

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