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Technical change in fisheries is an under-researched area in resource economics and management. This is surprising, because technical progress is the main driver of the development in fishing power and capacity. This article reviews the recent research and development in technology that have occurred in fisheries. New policy implications of introducing technical change into the standard bioeconomic model are illustrated. Bycatch saving technical change is critical to bycatch reduction and ecosystem based fisheries management, and optimal policies cost-effectively reduce bycatch, create incentives to induce bycatch saving technical change, and establish technology policy for research and development.  相似文献   

If the rising sea level due to climate change proceeds in the future with the rate observed in the past four decades, it could inundate some coastal lowlands. The aim of this paper is to assess future risk of sea-level rise (SLR) on the Nile delta of Egypt located along the Mediterranean Sea. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are verified, against ground control points, and used to identify areas susceptible to inundation due to future SLR. Analysis of DEMs maps and cross-shore profiles has identified locations that are vulnerable to SLR including coastal wetlands, agriculture areas, and urban neighborhoods. The results have revealed that about 7% of the Nile delta area is at risk of inundation due to future SLR. This information could be used by coastal zone managers in planning and protection of coastal areas.  相似文献   

海岸带可持续发展已成为区域可持续发展和全球变化科学等多学科交叉研究的重要内容和热点课题。加快推进海岸带可持续发展相关研究,对加强我国生态安全、海洋环境保护、海洋经济发展,实现我国经济社会的可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。在系统调查分析了相关文献资料的基础上,总结了国内外海岸带可持续发展相关的资源、环境、经济、技术、政策和规划等方面的研究现状和进展,分析了海岸带可持续发展研究存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):319-344
The coastal zone of the State of Campeche have some of the Gulf of Mexico’s richest ecosystems characterized by extensive seagrasses, mangrove forests, low-land tidal wetlands, a broad deltaic environment, including the Usumacinta/Laguna de Terminos estuarine ecosystem, and extensive low salinities and brackish wetlands in the Petenes region. Commercial and artisanal fishing, maritime transport, agriculture and cattle grazing in low-land areas, urban expansion, building of highways, and tourism, are important economics activities that are increasing in the State of Campeche. However, the growth needs to occur in a sustainable manner with adequate protection of the coastal ecosystems. The theoretical approach and conceptual basis of the integrated coastal management plan are based on 20 years of scientific research in the region; and from 1990 to the present, a number of projects have been completed which serve as case studies of coastal management coupling science, technology, public participation, and policymaking in the southern Gulf of Mexico. After developing seven “study case” integrating science into policymaking, a management approach was developed considering four main actions: promotion of institutional arrangements, so that the multi-sectorial planning approach be considered in coastal resources development; strengthening of public awareness related to coastal resources management policies and capabilities; gathering, analysis and dissemination of information related to coastal resources development; and provision of technical solutions to coastal resources uses in conflict. Finally this is a case study where science played a significant role in the politics of the policy process, both in protecting key estuarine ecosystem and the planning process defining the ICZM plans.  相似文献   

Coastal areas, and their small-scale fisheries, are important targets for both internal and transboundary migration partly because high mobility is an inherent feature of many artisanal fisheries livelihoods. As climatic changes are forecast to occur, environmental changes may trigger increased flows of migrant fishers. Policies that seek to promote development in ways that do not extensively degrade natural resources will thus have to deal with likely increases in flows of people across administrative boundaries. However, to date little attention has been directed at this issue and little is known about how policies related to coastal resources and development address these issues. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by analyzing policies and legal documents related to coastal resource management and development to examine the extent to which they recognize and integrate fishers' migration in their provisions. Migrant well-being and vulnerabilities are also addressed by examining the extent to which existing policies dealing with socio-economic development and environmental management address migrants and their needs. The analysis shows that policies related to governance of marine resources and coastal development lack an acknowledgment of fishers' migration issues and suggests that this signals an important gap in policy. The implications of this are discussed. The paper also highlights the fact that the invisibility of the issue in policy means that institutions developed to deal with coastal management at the community level may not have sufficient support from legal and policy documents, and may not be developed or equipped to handle the possible conflicts and difficult trade-offs that need to be addressed as a result of current and potentially increasing fishers’ mobility.  相似文献   

Coastal environments are susceptible to a range of impacts arising from medium and long-term climate change. However, as Ireland's population and industrial centres are concentrated in coastal locations, Ireland's coastal communities will be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, making the best use of existing knowledge to inform the establishment of governance structures capable of facilitating the measures and actions which may soon be required is a national imperative. Coastal communities worldwide have turned to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as a process to deliver sustainable development. This paper explores how experience gained from ICZM implementation can be harnessed to inform the development and implementation of climate adaptation policies, with a particular focus on the coastal zone. Using the principles and conceptual basis of Earth System Governance – an emerging approach to analyse complexity of governance under global environmental change – the paper maps the architecture of ICZM and climate governance in Ireland. The research identifies the main barriers to, and opportunities for, integrated application of the two policy domains. Barriers include the fragmentation of governance structures and responsibilities of key stakeholders, a lack of coordinated support for ICZM implementation at the national level, and a relatively weak awareness of the specifics of adaptation at the local level. Opportunities include the availability of expertise gathered from phases of ICZM implementation in Ireland, which encompasses mechanisms for science-policy integration, and invaluable experience of stakeholder participation and interaction. Current political and scientific support at national and EU levels give an additional impetus to climate research and actions which may bring additional opportunities and resources to coastal governance in Ireland.  相似文献   

Ensuring sustainability of livelihoods for communities residing in coastal environments of the Global South has gained considerable attention across policy making, practice and research fields. Livelihood enhancement programs commonly strategize around developing people's resilience by diversification of income and subsistence activities, but are criticised for inadequate appreciation of local contexts. This in part results from the application of theoretical approaches in practice which are informed disproportionately by dominant science-based narratives and utilised by actors in higher level political arenas. This leads to the prioritization of objectives that do not necessarily reflect local livelihood conditions. There is an urgent need to address the multiple challenges that limit the possibility for sustainable livelihoods in spatially and temporally dynamic environments. This paper presents an analysis of the policy landscape in which intervention strategies for sustainable coastal livelihoods emerge. It examines how livelihood improvement approaches take shape in the context of conservation, rural development, and regional resource governance. Drawing from analyses of broader regional policies and an extensive literature review, a conceptual framework is presented. It details various influences that can flow up or down multi-scaled governance structures to affect policy and management - from agenda-setting narratives of policy makers to the dynamic and changeable nature of livelihoods. Case studies from the Arafura and Timor Seas region are introduced to illustrate some of these trends. The discussion highlights challenges encountered in the pursuit of sustainability for coastal and marine-based livelihoods, and suggests directions for more effective long term policy, management and strategic interventions.  相似文献   

国际海洋科技领域研究热点及未来布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球海洋研究呈现出若干新的特点.本文基于对近年来全球重要海洋研究进展信息,分析了全球环境变化背景下几个重要研究热点方向的最新进展,包括全球海洋物理环境变化研究、海洋塑料污染研究、海洋酸化研究、南北极和印度洋研究以及海洋技术开发等.基于对美国、英国、日本和俄罗斯等重要海洋国家最新发布的海洋科技创新政策和计划,分析...  相似文献   

Coastal erosion and storms represent a source of risk for settlements and infrastructure along the coast. At the same time, coastal natural assets, including landscape, are threatened by increasing development mainly driven by tourism. The Mediterranean coast is especially vulnerable to these processes, considering its high biological and cultural diversity. An additional challenge is represented by climate change, as it will force coastal communities to apply more or less drastic adaptation strategies. Coastal setbacks, used to protect coastal communities and infrastructure from storms and erosion, and to preserve coastal habitats and landscapes from degradation, is one of the main instruments suggested by the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management of the Barcelona Convention, entered into force on the 24 of March 2011. Its implementation has the potential to influence coastal policies in other regions, such as the neighbouring Black Sea.The CONSCIENCE project has formalized concepts and conducted specific studies to provide new tools for coastal erosion management practice. The objective of this paper is to present a synthesis of the research conducted into coastal setbacks for coastal erosion management and climate change adaptation. This is done by analysing the requirement of the Protocol, current processes and management practices in two case study areas (Costa Brava Bays in Spain and Danube Delta, in Romania) and the new challenges posed by climate change.  相似文献   

Sea level rise (SLR) adversely impacts groundwater quality and capacity of coastal regions. The objectives of this paper are to determine key natural and anthropogenic parameters which may influence and enhance adverse SLR impact upon coastal environments, as well as to assess these natural and anthropogenic components contributing to SLR, and enhance adverse effects of SLR on the environment. This would enable assessment of vulnerability of coastal areas. Components are evaluated in this paper by averaging data relative to respective measured parameters, along with given weightings and assessed ratings, vis-à-vis world maximal reference values. Israel's Mediterranean coast is utilized as an example for such an approach. This can indicate where operational long-term planning measures would be recommended, along with development of effective monitoring and the carrying out of helpful engineering and ecological activities.  相似文献   

Recent changes in marine policy in Panama are closely related to sustained expansion of the Panamanian economy in the past ten years. Important drivers of economic growth such as the Panama Canal expansion, tourism, and real estate development directly involve marine and coastal areas. Therefore, maintaining the quality of these environments, as well as the sustainability of the human communities that depend on them, calls for the implementation of adequate management and planning policies. In light of a complex history of marine and coastal policy in Panama, current institutional restructuring processes, and a growing recognition of the importance of marine and coastal geographies, the authors aim to document the current status of, and community response to, marine and coastal policy in Panama, analyzed in terms of three important cross-cutting sectors: tourism, fishing, and conservation. To do so, the authors introduce two case studies: one in the Pearl Islands Archipelago and one in Bocas del Toro, each with varying degrees of participation or involvement in each sector, to illustrate the range of adaptations to change occurring in coastal communities. Based on an in-depth policy analysis and the case studies, the authors suggest that there are important administrative and structural gaps in the legislation and institutions that enforce them, as well as a lack of integration across institutions. In particular, the authors highlight the lack of clear marine and coastal property regimes as an obstacle to the implementation of integrative marine policies in Panama.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2000,43(10-11):963-972
On July 1st 1999, the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), University of Dar Es Salaam celebrated its 20th anniversary. IMS was established as a lead institute for conducting advanced marine research and training in Tanzania. Its 20th anniversary accords us an opportunity to reflect on the advances of marine science in Tanzania. Being a coastal nation and by recognizing the importance and potentials of the ocean and coastal area, Tanzania, since its independence has been doing efforts to set-up sound marine policies and institutional framework and build the nation's capability, including human, in marine affairs. A careful study of Tanzania's marine science policies, institutional framework, and human capability indicates that the situation has improved satisfactorily, especially in human capacity. However, the country's capability in conducting basic and advanced marine science research remains poor due to the lack of a research vessel. The major problem has been the high construction and running costs of a research vessel. I am proposing two approaches from other countries, i.e., Japan, Germany, USA, and UK that can be adopted in Tanzania. Firstly, the research vessel can be acquired as a national resource, i.e., bought and owned by the government. Secondly, relevant and capable beneficiaries, departments, and organizations e.g., the navy, can buy the vessel and make it available to the marine science community. Acquiring a multipurpose marine research vessel is an important next step that Tanzania needs to make in marine science. I am also proposing formulation of a national policy to guide marine science research and development, and the establishment/selection of a lead agency with full authority to manage and supervise all marine and coastal area development/economic activities.  相似文献   

文章以北方国际航运中心相关政策为研究对象,从其作用机理出发,通过Python脚本实现高频词提取,构建了适用于北方国际航运中心政策的PMC评价指标体系,对其中6项具有代表性的专项政策进行实证分析。结果表明,天津市委出台的政策的PMC指数略高于国务院出台政策;政策作用对象与政策内容间存在正相关性;虽然目前北方国际航运中心政策均处于良好级别且随时间推移得分呈现上升趋势,但仍存在港城联动性不足、保障措施不足、政策作用的具体对象不完善等问题。基于以上问题,提出增强港城联动性、优化政策保障措施、细化政策应用对象等相应的政策建议,以期进一步完善国际航运中心政策内容。  相似文献   

Tourism is a major source of income in Malaysia, and coastal development for tourism is greatly encouraged. This study reviews the policies that affect the development of coastal resorts, hotels and tourism-related infrastructure in Malaysia from the pre-construction phase to the post-construction operational phase. Problems in coastal protection policies have deep roots including a lack of public support and awareness for environmental issues, inadequate governmental agency coordination and lack of funding which is necessary for successful implementation. A review of studies assessing the usefulness of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in Malaysia was conducted to determine whether potential impacts were well understood prior to starting development, and highlighted the issue of poor Environmental Management Plans during the operations phase of most coastal resorts. At the current level of fiscal, governmental and public support it is difficult to enforce policies aimed at minimizing environmental impacts from coastal resort developers.  相似文献   

This paper systematically reviews and synthesizes peer-reviewed, English-language scientific publications (n=212) to identify relevant research about how Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) is integrated with coastal planning. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) methodology is applied in this study. Attention was given to studies concerning human-environment interactions as opposed to physical or biological climate change issues alone because the coastal planning and EBA approach addresses the management of human actions in nature. The literature references include the issue of climate change (77%); however, limited evidence of EBA in coastal areas are reported (18%), and it is evident that the issues have become relevant in the scientific literature published in recent years. Broad texts demonstrate that SLR is one of the major long-term impacts (68%), and all of these papers recognize the most affected ecosystems in the tropics would be mangroves. EBA is an emerging option that can offset anticipated ecosystem losses and improve coastal planning to cope with SLR because it provides benefits beyond climate change stressors. There is a need to synthesize a road map for incorporation of mangrove regulations into local planning instruments and for building capacity for their implementation. Application of PRISMA in marine science will enhance future reviews, facilitate the systematic search and adequately document any theme, and also be useful in determining research gaps or information needs.  相似文献   

边缘海氮循环过程研究是全球海洋氮循环研究的重要组成部分,对全球氮源汇格局有显著影响,进而对全球气候变化产生反馈.人为活动和气候变化又是影响边缘海关键氮循环过程速率的重要因素.南海作为中国和西北太平洋最大的边缘海,是边缘海氮循环研究的理想场所.本文详细总结了南海近岸和海盆区的氮源汇过程及其内循环过程的最新研究进展,结果显...  相似文献   

On the basis of the satellite maps of sea level anomaly(MSLA) data and in situ tidal gauge sea level data,correlation analysis and empirical mode decomposition(EMD) are employed to investigate the applicability of MSLA data,sea level correlation,long-term sea level variability(SLV) trend,sea level rise(SLR) rate and its geographic distribution in the South China Sea(SCS).The findings show that for Dongfang Station,Haikou Station,Shanwei Station and Zhapo Station,the minimum correlation coefficient between the closest MSLA grid point and tidal station is 0.61.This suggests that the satellite altimeter MSLA data are effective to observe the coastal SLV in the SCS.On the monthly scale,coastal SLV in the western and northern part of SCS are highly associated with coastal currents.On the seasonal scale,SLV of the coastal area in the western part of the SCS is still strongly influenced by the coastal current system in summer and winter.The Pacific change can affect the SCS mainly in winter rather than summer and the affected area mostly concentrated in the northeastern and eastern parts of the SCS.Overall,the average SLR in the SCS is 90.8 mm with a rising rate of(5.0±0.4) mm/a during1993–2010.The SLR rate from the southern Luzon Strait through the Huangyan Seamount area to the Xisha Islands area is higher than that of other areas of the SCS.  相似文献   

This study establishes an offshore and coastal fisheries policy indicator system to evaluate the performance of policies to achieve sustainable development in offshore and coastal fisheries. A modified Delphi method is used to establish this system, and the weights of indicators are calculated using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to aggregate indicators. Results show that ecological policies have not achieved their goals because production and catch per unit effort are decreasing. Indicators with respect to management efficiency have increased after the implementation of the buyback and off-fishing programs. However, net returns indicator, which is affected by increasing cost and production value, is stable. Due to inefficient management resulting from insufficient resources, indicators for the number of illegal fishing cases per year and the number of smuggled aquatic production incidents have increased. This shows that requirement for enhanced compliance is necessary. The objective for cultivating talents in fisheries has not been achieved because average wage for fishers is lower than the average civil wage, resulting in an increase in the hiring of foreign fishers.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):546-561
Much of Southeast Asia's economic success is based on the under-priced export of valuable natural resources. Nowhere is this more evident than in fisheries—an important commodity in Southeast Asia, with significant export volumes contributing to the foreign exchange earnings of these countries.Existing fisheries and aquaculture policy development have lead to increased export earnings over the last decade, but have also resulted in increased extraction rates and incurred huge costs in terms of decreased local economic productivity and destruction of natural coastal resources. What is worrying is that Southeast Asian governments intend to further stimulate the export of fishery products, in particular shrimp from aquaculture, thereby increasingly threatening both domestic food security and the economic opportunities of local communities.This paper argues that: (1) current fisheries management and development policies are not contributing to domestic food security, are not profitable to the Southeast Asian macro-economy, and are doing much damage to coastal ecosystems and rural poor communities; (2) development of shrimp aquaculture has a negative impact and further expansion of the industry should be halted; (3) the considerable fisheries resources of the region should be used and managed to ensure domestic food security and economic development of the presently marginalized sectors of the population.Five recommendations that will help ensure sustainable use of coastal resources and deliver profits to the countries and communities that depend on these resources are made at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the impacts of potential changes of land cover due to sea-level rise (SLR) on storm surge (i.e., the rise of water above normal sea level, namely mean-sea level and the astronomical tide, caused by hurricane winds and pressure) response inside bays on the lower Texas coast. We applied a hydrodynamic and wave model (ADCIRC + SWAN) forced by hurricane wind and pressure fields to quantify the importance of SLR-induced land cover changes, considering its impacts by changing bottom friction and the transfer of wind momentum to the water column, on the peak surge inside coastal bays. The SLR increments considered, 0.5 m to 2.0 m, significantly impacted the surge response inside the bays. The contribution of land cover changes due to SLR to the surge response, on average, ranged from a mean surge increase of 2% (SLR of 0.5 m) to 15% (SLR of 2.0 m), in addition to the SLR increments. The increase in surge response strongly depended on storm condition, with larger increases for more intense storms, and geographical location. Although land cover changes had little impact on the surge increase for SLR increments lower than 1.0 m, intense storms resulted in surge increase of up to 10% even for SLR below 1.0 m, but in most cases, the geometry changes were the major factor impacting the surge response due to SLR. We also found a strong relationship between changes in bottom friction and the surge response intensification; demonstrating the importance of considering land cover changes in coastal regions that are highly susceptible to SLR when planning for climate change.  相似文献   

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