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混合范数下的最优化反演方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在求解地球物理反问题时,通常根据最小二乘准则构造目标函数进行反演,并在实践中得到了广泛的应用.为进一步增强反演的稳健性及减少多解性,不损失反演结果的分辨率,本文提出了混合范数下的最优化反演方法,它根据数据和模型可能服从不同的概率分布,对数据空间和模型空间采用不同的范数来构造目标函数.在给出目标函数的基础上,导出了混合范数下的线性反演方程.由于该线性反演方程的复杂性,我们采用混合范数下迭代再加权共轭梯度法进行求解.最后,通过对模拟的电阻率数据进行反演,验证了本文计算方法是可行的.  相似文献   




随机噪声是影响地震勘探有效信号的主要因素,其存在大大降低了地震记录的信噪比.在噪声压制方法不断被改进的同时,对随机噪声特性进行研究,了解噪声的产生机制是对其进行压制的先决条件,目前对噪声的研究主要是特性研究以寻找规律性,对其进行定性定量的分析还比较少.本文根据塔里木沙漠地区实际采集环境,考虑到噪声的连续性给计算带来的不便,假设各类噪声源以点源的形式分布在检波器周围,依据相应理论确定各类噪声源的源函数,其激发的噪声经由波动方程传播,将随机噪声作为各类噪声源共同作用的综合波场,建立随机噪声的理论模型.通过分析不同种噪声对地震记录的影响,选取合适的滤波方法对其进行压制,实验结果表明,通过建立沙漠地区随机噪声的理论模型,为选择有效的滤波方法,提高地震记录信噪比起到理论指导作用.  相似文献   




基于匹配追踪和遗传算法的大地电磁噪声压制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



GNMF小波谱分离在地震勘探噪声压制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
田雅男  李月  林红波  吴宁 《地球物理学报》2015,58(12):4568-4575
地震勘探资料噪声压制及信噪比提高是整个地震勘探信号处理过程中的重要任务,随着地震勘探深度的增加及其复杂性,人们对地震数据质量的要求越来越高.勘探环境的复杂化使得采集到的地震资料中有效信号被大量噪声淹没,无法清晰辨识,严重影响后续的数据处理与解释.小波去噪是地震勘探中常用且发展较成熟的一种方法,但是其涉及到的阈值函数选取问题一直令人困扰,虽然已有多种阈值函数被提出,但仍存在各自的缺陷.本文利用小波分解在时域及频域良好的信号细节体现特性,引入模式识别中的非负矩阵分解(NMF)谱分离思想,针对小波系数阈值优化问题,提出了一种小波域图非负矩阵分解(GNMF)消噪算法.该方法首先在小波分解基础上,利用GNMF算法实现小波分解系数谱中信号分量与噪声分量的谱分离,然后通过反变换重构各分离子谱对应的子信号,最后利用K均值聚类算法将得到的多个子信号划分为信号类及噪声类,最终得到重构信号及分离噪声.合成记录和实际地震资料的消噪结果验证了新方法在提高信号与噪声分离准确性和精度方面的有效性,同时新方法避免了阈值选取造成的噪声压制不理想或有效成分损失问题.与小波消噪结果的对比及数值分析也说明了新方法在噪声压制及有效成分保持方面的优势.  相似文献   

含噪声数据反演的概率描述   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据贝叶斯理论给出了对含噪声地球物理数据处理的具体流程和方法,主要包括似然函数估计和后验概率计算.我们将数据向量的概念扩展为数据向量的集合,通过引入数据空间内的信赖度,把数据噪声转移到模型空间的概率密度函数上,即获得了反映数据本身的不确定性的似然函数.该方法由于避免了处理阶段数据空间内的人工干预,因而可以保证模型空间中的概率密度单纯反映数据噪声,具有信息保真度高、保留可行解的优点.为了得到加入先验信息的后验分布,本文提出了使用加权矩阵的概率分析法,该方法在模型空间直接引入地质信息,对噪声引起的反演多解性有很强的约束效果.整个处理流程均以大地电磁反演为例进行了展示.  相似文献   


三维密度反演已经成为重力数据定量解释的常规方法,但由于重力数据本身并没有深度分辨率,为了减少由此引起的重力反演的非唯一性,常用的手段是引入额外的先验信息.本文提出了一种重力三维稀疏反演(以下简称稀疏反演)方法,该方法通过求解物性上下界约束时的Lp范数(0 ≤ p ≤ 1)稀疏优化问题,来获得具有尖锐边界的解.与传统的L2范数反演方法相比,稀疏反演方法可以更加有效地利用已知的物性信息,获得深度分辨率更高的反演结果.此外,我们也分析了稀疏反演方法与二值、三值反演算法的等价性以及在实际应用中需要注意的问题.最后,通过模型试验以及矿区实测数据反演验证了稀疏反演方法的有效性.


Hilbert-Huang 变换与大地电磁噪声压制   总被引:22,自引:10,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
大地电磁信号具有非线性、非平稳、非最小相位特征,不符合以Fourier变换为基础的传统功率谱估计的基本要求. Hilbert-Huang变换是近年发展起来的处理非线性、非平稳信号的完全局部时频分析方法. 本文在简要介绍Hilbert-Huang变换基本原理与算法基础上,以实际数据分析为例,探讨了它在大地电磁信号处理及噪声压制中的应用. 提出利用Hilbert时-频能量谱对大地电磁信号进行时段筛选,以提高信号品质,增强数据处理的质量和资料的可解释性. 利用经验模态分解方法及其多尺度滤波特征,可以有效地分析MT信号中的噪声分布特征,并进行干扰压制.  相似文献   

数学形态滤波与大地电磁噪声压制   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
数学形态滤波是一种新型的非线性滤波方法.介绍了形态学滤波的基本原理,针对大地电磁信号表现出的非线性、非平稳性和非最小相位特性,综合结构元素特征我们提出一种基于数学形态滤波的大地电磁噪声压制方法.为了有效抑制目标信号中的噪声干扰及修正统计偏倚现象,通过选用合理的结构元素及形态开-闭、闭-开组合,将正、负结构元素级联构造组合广义形态滤波器对实测大地电磁信号进行噪声压制.实验结果表明,该方法是切实可行的,有效地剔除了大尺度干扰及基线漂移,较好地还原了大地电磁信号的原始特征,修正了标准形态算子所产生的统计偏倚现象,去噪精度高.该方法计算速度快,具有潜在优势,为矿集区海量大地电磁信号与强干扰的分离提供了一条新的途径,应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

In land seismic surveys, the seismic data are mostly contaminated by ground-roll noise, high amplitude and low frequency. Since the ground-roll is coherent with reflections and depends on the source, the spectral band of seismic signal and ground-roll always overlap, which can be clearly seen in the spectral domain. So, separating them in time or frequency domain commonly causes waveform distortions and information missing due to cut-off effects. Therefore, the combination of these factors leads to search for alternative filtering methods or processes. We applied the conventional Wiener–Levinson algorithm to extract ground-roll from the seismic data. Then, subtracting it from the seismic data arithmetically performs the ground-roll suppression. To set up the algorithm, linear or nonlinear sweep signals are used as reference noise trace. The frequencies needed in creating a reference noise trace using analytical sweep signal can be approximately estimated in spectral domain. The application of the proposed method based on redesigning of Wiener–Levinson algorithm differs from the usual frequency filtering techniques since the ground-roll is suppressed without cutting signal spectrum. The method is firstly tested on synthetics and then is applied to a shot data from the field. The result obtained from both synthetics and field data show that the ground-roll suppression in this way causes no waveform distortion and no reduction of frequency bandwidth of the data.  相似文献   

本文通过对径向接收函数和垂直向接收函数进行低通滤波,获取了S波视速度随低通滤波参数的变化曲线,然后利用经验关系将它转换成了台站下方的S波速度结构,并以此作为接收函数反演的初始模型.理论数值实验表明:由于初始模型的S波速度值提供了有效的约束,即使Moho面深度并不准确,但反演迭代过程还是快速地向真解逼近.另外,通过给观测波形加入10%的噪声,在保持S波速度不变的情况下,分别对波速比进行5%的正负扰动(即泊松比分别扰动为0.23和0.27),反演结果仍然快速向真解收敛.对保山台记录的远震接收函数反演结果表明:用本文方法反演所得结果与测深结果较为一致.这充分说明只要S波速度值(而非泊松比)能够提供有效的约束,接收函数的反演过程对P波速度的选取并不敏感.  相似文献   

饶丽婷  武欣  郭睿  党博  党瑞荣 《地球物理学报》2023,66(10):4253-4268



地震反演成像中的Hessian算子研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
总结了牛顿类地震反演方法中Hessian算子的作用,对其在地震反演成像中的数学物理含义进行了分析.Hessian算子是误差泛函对模型参数的二阶导数,反映了误差泛函对模型变化的二次型特征.分析声波方程下的Hessian算子的格林函数表达形式,发现其表达了整个观测系统和子波频带等因素对地震数据空间到模型空间投影过程的影响.提出了两种分别适用于最小二乘偏移和全波形反演的Hessian算子简化格式.平面波Hessian算子应用于最小二乘偏移能够得到相对保真的成像结果,改善了地震偏移成像的精度.地下偏移距Hessian算子应用于全波形反演能够加快反演迭代的计算效率.最后,对Hessian算子在地震反演成像中的价值进行了讨论和评价.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法CSAMT反演计算研究   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了CSAMT方法测深的遗传算法反演,比较传统的线性反演方法,其对初始模型依赖性小,全局寻优能力强,适用于在地下电性参数比较模糊的条件下对测深曲线进行反演.本文设计多种理论模型进行模拟,证明该算法精度高,可行性强.  相似文献   

The increased popularity of airborne measurements of the gravity gradient tensor for resource studies and geological mapping has resulted in a new awareness of the importance of terrain effects. In these measurements, the terrain effect often overwhelms that of the underlying crust and it becomes important to formulate a strategy for taking it into account when presenting the data and when inverting the data into density models. Using newly acquired data from Northern Sweden, we first attempted to estimate a variable terrain density model by inverting the data using a terrain model with a laterally varying density. Using data weights related to the topography variations, we find the best estimate of the lateral variation of the terrain density. We translate this model into a full three-dimensional model such that all columns have the same vertical centre of mass as estimated from inspecting the radially averaged power spectrum of the area. This then defines a reference model for subsequent three-dimensional inversion of the gravity gradient tensor dataset. We tested this approach first on synthetic data calculated from the measured topography including two density anomalies before we applied it to the measured data. The result is a model in which the surface density variations are propagated downwards in a systematic manner now in better agreement with measured densities of rock samples in the area.  相似文献   

Model uncertainty is introduced into direct-current resistivity data by adding random changes to layer thicknesses in a ten-layer model. The resulting information is then aliased by generating a sounding curve which contains less information than the ten resistivities and nine thicknesses. These sounding curves are then inverted via the Backus-Gilbert algorithm using singular value decomposition to obtain solutions in terms of simpler two-or three-layer models. Quantitative results confirm what has been known qualitatively for many years as the principle of equivalence. An interesting result is that the geometric average of a given suite of noisy models is virtually identical to the best-fit model for the average of the noisy curves. The results show that the inversion of resistivity data by nonlinear least-squares parameter fitting is stable in the sense that noise in the data inverts to the same magnitude of noise in the model.  相似文献   

Waveform inversion met severe challenge in retrieving long‐wavelength background structure. We have proposed to use envelope inversion to recover the large‐scale component of the model. Using the large‐scale background recovered by envelope inversion as new starting model, we can get much better result than the conventional full waveform inversion. By comparing the configurations of the misfit functional between the envelope inversion and the conventional waveform inversion, we show that envelope inversion can greatly reduce the local minimum problem. The combination of envelope inversion and waveform inversion can deliver more faithful and accurate final result with almost no extra computation cost compared to the conventional full waveform inversion. We also tested the noise resistance ability of envelope inversion to Gaussian noise and seismic interference noise. The results showed that envelope inversion is insensitive to Gaussian noise and, to a certain extent, insensitive to seismic interference noise. This indicates the robustness of this method and its potential use for noisy data.  相似文献   

We advance a principle directed to assigning numerical values to free parameters usually present in inversion methods. It may be formulated as: ‘Optimum estimates of free parameters in an inversion procedure must lead, in tests using synthetic data, to solutions whose geometrical expression reflects the main qualitative or semiquantitative geological characteristic of the study area.’ To this end, the interpreter should (i) specify a typical anomalous source geometry which incorporates the most relevant geological information for the study area, (ii) compute the corresponding gravity anomaly and (iii) invert the anomaly for the source geometry finding the numerical values of the free parameters that lead to a solution closest to the typical source. Application of the above methodology to synthetic and real data from the basement relief of a rift basin has asserted its efficacy.  相似文献   

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