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We use particle tracking to determine contributing areas (CAs) to wells for transient flow models that simulate cyclic domestic pumping and extreme recharge events in a small synthetic watershed underlain by dipping sedimentary rocks. The CAs consist of strike-oriented bands at locations where the water table intersects high-hydraulic conductivity beds, and from which groundwater flows to the pumping well. Factors that affect the size and location of the CAs include topographic flow directions, rock dip direction, cross-bed fracture density, and position of the well relative to streams. For an effective fracture porosity (ne) of 10−4, the fastest advective travel times from CAs to wells are only a few hours. These results indicate that wells in this type of geologic setting can be highly vulnerable to contaminants or pathogens flushed into the subsurface during extreme recharge events. Increasing ne to 10−3 results in modestly smaller CAs and delayed well vulnerability due to slower travel times. CAs determined for steady-state models of the same setting, but with long-term average recharge and pumping rates, are smaller than CAs in the models with extreme recharge. Also, the earliest-arriving particles arrive at the wells later in the steady-state models than in the extreme-recharge models. The results highlight the importance of characterizing geologic structure, simulating plausible effective porosities, and simulating pumping and recharge transience when determining CAs in fractured rock aquifers to assess well vulnerability under extreme precipitation events.  相似文献   

Butler JJ  Zhan X  Zlotnik VA 《Ground water》2007,45(2):178-186
The impact of ground water pumping on nearby streams is often estimated using analytic models of the interconnected stream-aquifer system. A common assumption of these models is that the pumped aquifer is underlain by an impermeable formation. A new semianalytic solution for drawdown and stream depletion has been developed that does not require this assumption. This solution shows that pumping-induced flow (leakage) through an underlying aquitard can be an important recharge mechanism in many stream-aquifer systems. The relative importance of this source of recharge increases with the distance between the pumping well and the stream. The distance at which leakage becomes the primary component of the pumping-induced recharge depends on the specific properties of the aquifer, aquitard, and streambed. Even when the aquitard is orders of magnitude less transmissive than the aquifer, leakage can be an important recharge mechanism because of the large surface area over which it occurs. Failure to consider aquitard leakage can lead to large overestimations of both the drawdown produced by pumping and the contribution of stream depletion to the pumping-induced recharge. The ramifications for water resources management and water rights adjudication can be significant. A hypothetical example helps illustrate these points and demonstrates that more attention should be given to estimating the properties of aquitards underlying stream-aquifer systems. The solution presented here should serve as a relatively simple but versatile tool for practical assessments of pumping-induced stream-aquifer interactions. However, this solution should not be used for such assessments without site-specific data that indicate pumping has induced leakage through the aquitard.  相似文献   

Water table fluctuation (WTF) methods are a primary and well-established way to determine groundwater recharge based on the direct response of the water table to precipitation input. An emerging complexity of recharge is whether it occurs as an episodic and transient process, or a continuous steady-state process, however, most studies have not focused on these short-term vs. long-term timescales, in part because of a lack of data resolution. Here, high-resolution (subhourly) precipitation and water-level data are analyzed for wells in the suburbs of New York City using two contrasting WTF approaches, with a common mathematical basis, that are suited to episodic and continuous processes. The resulting hourly recharge results, like the individual water-level records from comparable wells, are sensitive indicators of subtle differences in aquifer conditions such as thickness of the unsaturated zone, position in the flow system and localized preferential flow. While the episodic, transient approach excludes diffuse recharge by design, the continuous, steady-state approach is influenced by short-term precipitation events, and therefore integrates transient processes to some extent. However, the continuous, steady-state approach is subject to its own limitations relating to position in the aquifer system, and may overestimate recharge if aquifer conditions are not well understood. More widespread use of higher resolution data as well as understanding aquifer conditions and refining aquifer parameters would improve WTF recharge estimation.  相似文献   

The water budget myth, which is the idea that safe pumping must not exceed the initial recharge, gave rise to a controversy about the role of recharge in assessing the sustainability of groundwater development. To refute the concept of safe yield, a simplified water budget equation is used, which equals the total pumping rate to the sum of capture and storage change. Since initial recharge and discharge are canceled out from this equation, it is concluded that sustainable pumping has nothing to do with recharge. Investigating the assumptions underlying this equation, it is seen that it expresses the superposition principle, which implicitly assumes the groundwater reservoir can be depleted indefinitely and boundary conditions are an infinite source of water. To evaluate sustainability, however, the limits of the aquifer system must be examined accurately. Theoretically, this can only be accomplished applying nonlinear models, in which case setting up the simplified water budget equation is impossible without knowing the initial conditions. Hence, excluding recharge when assessing sustainable pumping may not be done inconsiderately, which is illustrated by two examples. An analytical solution, developed by Ernst in 1971 to simulate flow to a well in a polder area with a nonlinear function for drainage, even shows that it is not necessarily a misconception to assume the cone of depression stops expanding when the pumping rate is balanced by the infiltration rate.  相似文献   

Local surface water and stormflow were infiltrated intermittently from a 40-ha basin between September 2003 and September 2007 to determine the feasibility of recharging alluvial aquifers pumped for public supply, near Stockton, California. Infiltration of water produced a pressure response that propagated through unconsolidated alluvial-fan deposits to 125 m below land surface (bls) in 5 d and through deeper, more consolidated alluvial deposits to 194 m bls in 25 d, resulting in increased water levels in nearby monitoring wells. The top of the saturated zone near the basin fluctuates seasonally from depths of about 15 to 20 m. Since the start of recharge, water infiltrated from the basin has reached depths as great as 165 m bls. On the basis of sulfur hexafluoride tracer test data, basin water moved downward through the saturated alluvial deposits until reaching more permeable zones about 110 m bls. Once reaching these permeable zones, water moved rapidly to nearby pumping wells at rates as high as 13 m/d. Flow to wells through highly permeable material was confirmed on the basis of flowmeter logging, and simulated numerically using a two-dimensional radial groundwater flow model. Arsenic concentrations increased slightly as a result of recharge from 2 to 6 μg/L immediately below the basin. Although few water-quality issues were identified during sample collection, high groundwater velocities and short travel times to nearby wells may have implications for groundwater management at this and at other sites in heterogeneous alluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

In this study, we use borehole temperature data and stable isotopes to delineate the flow system and estimate the effect of urbanization in the Nagaoka area of Japan. Temperature profiles were measured four times in observation wells during the period 2000-2001 and compared with those measured in the same wells during the period 1977-1983 (Taniguchi 1986). Water was sampled in both observation and pumping wells during the same period. The temporal and spatial variability in temperature indicate clearly the effect of urban warming and heavy pumping on the ground water system. Urban warming caused higher temperatures recently as compared to the older values, and pumping caused induced recharge from the river to the ground water. The stable isotope data show the ground water flow system is divided into shallow, intermediate, and deep systems, and that land use and infiltration rate are affecting the shallow flow system.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to analyse a drawdown pattern around a pumping well in an unconfined sandy gravelly aquifer constructed in a laboratory tank by means of both experimental and numerical modelling of groundwater flow. The physical model consisted of recharge, aquifer and discharge zones. Permeability and specific yield of the aquifer material were determined by Dupuit approximation under steady‐state flow and stepwise gravitational drainage of groundwater, respectively. The drawdown of water table in pumping and neighbouring observation wells was monitored to investigate the effect of no‐flow boundary on the drawdown pattern during pumping for three different boundary conditions: (i) no recharge and no discharge with four no‐flow boundaries (Case 1); (ii) no recharge and reservoir with three no‐flow boundaries (Case 2); (iii) recharge and discharge with two no‐flow boundaries (Case 3). Based on the aquifer parameters, numerical modelling was also performed to compare the simulated drawdown with that observed. Results showed that a large difference existed between the simulated drawdown and that observed in wells for all cases. The reason for the difference could be explained by the formation of a curvilinear type water table between wells rather than a linear one due to a delayed response of water table in the capillary fringe. This phenomenon was also investigated from a mass balance study on the pumping volume. The curvilinear type of water table was further evidenced by measurement of water contents at several positions in the aquifer between wells using time domain reflectometry (TDR). This indicates that the existing groundwater flow model applicable to an unconfined aquifer lacks the capacity to describe a slow response of water table in the aquifer and care should be taken in the interpretation of water table formation in the aquifer during pumping. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strategies for offsetting seasonal impacts of pumping on a nearby stream   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ground water pumping from aquifer systems that are hydraulically connected to streams depletes streamflow. The amplitude and timing of stream depletion depend on the stream depletion factor (SDF(i)) of the pumping wells, which is a function of aquifer hydraulic characteristics and the distance from the wells to the stream. Wells located at different locations, but having the same SDF and the same rate and schedule of pumping, will deplete streamflow equally. Wells with small SDF(i) deplete streamflow approximately synchronously with pumping. Wells with large SDF(i) deplete streamflow at approximately a constant rate throughout the year, regardless of the pumping schedule. For large values of SDF(i), artificial recharge that occurs on a different schedule from pumping can offset streamflow depletion effectively. The requirements are (1) that the pumping and recharge wells both have the same SDF(i) and (2) that the annual total quantities of recharge and pumping be equal. At larger SDF(i) values, it takes longer for pumping to impact streamflow in a wide aquifer than it does in a narrow aquifer. In basins that are closed to further withdrawals because streamflow is fully allocated, water-use changes replace new allocations as the source of water for new developments. Ground water recharge can be managed to offset the impacts of new ground water developments, allowing for changes in the timing and source of withdrawals from a basin without injuring existing users or instream flows.  相似文献   

J.W. Roy  M.C. Ryan 《Ground water》2010,48(6):869-877
Measurement of dissolved gases in groundwater is becoming increasingly common and important. Many of these measurements involve monitoring or sampling within wells or from water pumped from wells. We used total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP) sensors placed in the screened section of various wells (4 to 72 m deep) to assess the dissolved gas conditions for open wells compared to the conditions when sealed (i.e., isolated from the atmosphere) with a hydraulic packer (one well) or when pumped. When the packer was installed (non-pumping conditions), TDGP rose from <1.7 to >3.1 atm (<172 to >314 kPa), with declines noted when the packer was removed or deflated. While pumping, TDGP measured in many of the wells rose to substantially higher levels, up to 4.0 atm (408 kPa) in one case. Thus, when groundwater is gas charged, the background aquifer TDGP, and likewise the dissolved gas concentrations, may be substantially higher than initially measured in open wells, indicating significant in-well degassing. This raises concerns about past and current methods of measuring the dissolved gases in groundwater. Additional procedures that may be required to obtain representative measurements from wells include (1) installing in-well hydraulic packers to seal the well, or (2) pumping to bring in fresh groundwater. However, observed transient decreased TDGPs during pumping, believed to result from gas bubble formation induced by drawdown in the well below a critical pressure (relative to TDGP), may disrupt the measurements made during or after pumping. Thus, monitoring TDGP while pumping gas-charged wells is recommended.  相似文献   

A practical pumping system for the recovery of free petroleum hydrocarbon product from shallow aquifers has been developed. The system is patterned after suction-lift well point dewatering systems used in the construction industry. Pumping equipment consists of double-diaphragm suction-lift pumps manifolded to up to four recovery wells. Recovery wells are constructed with screens below the water table and sealed wellheads to enable vacuum-assisted flow of fluids to the wells. Pumps utilized are pneumatically driven, can be pumped dry without damage, induce a vacuum on the wells when pumping dry, and provide delivery of pumped fluids to fluid separation and storage facilities. The system is effective in both low- and high-permeability formations due to the wide range in available pumping rates afforded by the pumps.  相似文献   

The article presents semi‐analytical mathematical models to asses (1) enhancements of seepage from a canal and (2) induced flow from a partially penetrating river in an unconfined aquifer consequent to groundwater withdrawal in a well field in the vicinity of the river and canal. The nonlinear exponential relation between seepage from a canal reach and hydraulic head in the aquifer beneath the canal reach is used for quantifying seepage from the canal reach. Hantush's (1967) basic solution for water table rise due to recharge from a rectangular spreading basin in absence of pumping well is used for generating unit pulse response function coefficients for water table rise in the aquifer. Duhamel's convolution theory and method of superposition are applied to obtain water table position due to pumping and recharge from different canal reaches. Hunt's (1999) basic solution for river depletion due to constant pumping from a well in the vicinity of a partially penetrating river is used to generate unit pulse response function coefficients. Applying convolution technique and superposition, treating the recharge from canal reaches as recharge through conceptual injection wells, river depletion consequent to variable pumping and recharge is quantified. The integrated model is applied to a case study in Haridwar (India). The well field consists of 22 pumping wells located in the vicinity of a perennial river and a canal network. The river bank filtrate portion consequent to pumping is quantified.  相似文献   

All groundwater pumped is balanced by removal of water somewhere, initially from storage in the aquifer and later from capture in the form of increase in recharge and decrease in discharge. Capture that results in a loss of water in streams, rivers, and wetlands now is a concern in many parts of the United States. Hydrologists commonly use analytical and numerical approaches to study temporal variations in sources of water to wells for select points of interest. Much can be learned about coupled surface/groundwater systems, however, by looking at the spatial distribution of theoretical capture for select times of interest. Development of maps of capture requires (1) a reasonably well-constructed transient or steady state model of an aquifer with head-dependent flow boundaries representing surface water features or evapotranspiration and (2) an automated procedure to run the model repeatedly and extract results, each time with a well in a different location. This paper presents new methods for simulating and mapping capture using three-dimensional groundwater flow models and presents examples from Arizona, Oregon, and Michigan.  相似文献   

Bredehoeft J 《Ground water》2011,49(4):468-475
An aquifer, in a stream/aquifer system, acts as a storage reservoir for groundwater. Groundwater pumping creates stream depletion that recharges the aquifer. As wells in the aquifer are moved away from the stream, the aquifer acts to filter out annual fluctuations in pumping; with distance the stream depletion tends to become equal to the total pumping averaged as an annual rate, with only a small fluctuation. This is true for both a single well and an ensemble of wells. A typical growing season in much of the western United States is 3 to 4 months. An ensemble of irrigation wells spread more or less uniformly across an aquifer several miles wide, pumping during the growing season, will deplete the stream by approximately one-third of the total amount of water pumped during the growing season. The remaining two-thirds of stream depletion occurs outside the growing season. Furthermore, it takes more than a decade of pumping for an ensemble of wells to reach a steady-state condition in which the impact on the stream is the same in succeeding years. After a decade or more of pumping, the depletion is nearly constant through the year, with only a small seasonal fluctuation: ±10%. Conversely, stream depletion following shutting down the pumping from an ensemble of wells takes more than a decade to fully recover from the prior pumping. Effectively managing a conjunctive groundwater and surface water system requires integrating the entire system into a single management institution with a long-term outlook.  相似文献   

Anderson WP  Evans DG 《Ground water》2007,45(4):499-505
Ground water recharge is often estimated through the calibration of ground water flow models. We examine the nature of calibration errors by considering some simple mathematical and numerical calculations. From these calculations, we conclude that calibrating a steady-state ground water flow model to water level extremes yields estimates of recharge that have the same value as the time-varying recharge at the time the water levels are measured. These recharge values, however, are a subdued version of the actual transient recharge signal. In addition, calibrating a steady-state ground water flow model to data collected during periods of rising water levels will produce recharge values that underestimate the actual transient recharge. Similarly, calibrating during periods of falling water levels will overestimate the actual transient recharge. We also demonstrate that average water levels can be used to estimate the actual average recharge rate provided that water level data have been collected for a sufficient amount of time.  相似文献   

Inner boundary conditions describe the interaction of groundwater wells with the surrounding aquifer during pumping and are associated with well-skin damage that limits water production and water derived from wellbore storage. Pumping test evaluations of wells during immediate and early time flow require assignment of inner boundary conditions. Originally, these concepts were developed for vertical well screens, and later transferred to wellbores intersecting highly conductive structures, such as preferential flow zones in fractured and karstic systems. Conceptual models for pumping test analysis in complex bedrock geology are often simplified. Classic analytical solutions generally lump or ignore conditions that limit or enhance well productivity along the well screen at the onset of pumping. Numerical solutions can represent well drawdowns in complex geological settings, such as karst systems, more precisely than many analytical solutions by accounting for additional physical processes and avoiding assumptions and simplifications. Suitable numerical tools for flow simulations in karst are discrete pipe-continuum models that account for various physical processes such as the transient hydraulics of wellbores intersecting highly conductive structures during pumping.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate long-term groundwater level fluctuation in regular monitoring wells constructed by the Ministry of Water Resources in Barka, Sultanate of Oman. For this study, groundwater level data for 71 wells and rainfall data from six stations were collected from 1984 to 2003 and analysed. Based on long-term water level fluctuation, groundwater wells are classified into three groups. In group 1, water level shows a long-term cyclic trend without yearly fluctuation whereas in group 2 the water level declined continuously until 1995 followed by a constant water level. In group 3, water level decreases continuously throughout the study periods with rapid annual cyclic variation. Group 1 wells show high water-level fluctuations (5 to 10 m) and seem to be regulated by discharge (lateral flow) from this aquifer and recharge from the adjacent Jabal Akhdar mountainous region. Constant trend in water level after 1995 in group 2 wells illustrates the advancement of saline–fresh water interface to the inland due to heavy pumping which is justified by higher electrical conductivity and Cl/HCO3 ratio. In group 3 wells, the water level dropped continuously due to overabstraction by agricultural farms and human settlements. In addition, wells existing near the recharge dams express the influences of recharge dams and rainfall, and exhibit high water-level fluctuations during heavy rainfall periods. The long-term regional variation indicates that water level drops continuously in the coastal and central parts of the study region. Linear regression analysis revealed that the decline in water level is 0·3–0·4 m year−1 near the coastal and central parts of the study area and is almost constant in the remaining area. We conclude that the contribution of man-made activities on groundwater level is well compared with natural factors. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marathwada Agricultural University, Pharbani, has developed about 560 hectares of Wagarwadi watershed in Pharbani district since 1987. Groundwater monitoring on 16 observations wells at weekly intervals commenced in January 1992, and rainfall and pan evaporation has been measured daily at a hydrometeorological station situated in the nearby university campus. Aquifer parameters, namely, transmissivity and specific yield, have been estimated by carrying out a pumping test on a large diameter well. Groundwater recharge resulting from rainfall has been estimated using a water balance model of the soil moisture zone considering soil zone thickness and crops grown. The SCS (Soil Conservation Service) curve number method was used for surface runoff estimation. The groundwater flow model has been constructed using the nested squares, finite difference method. Nested square meshes of sizes 160 m×160 m and 80 m×80 m have been used and the steady-state condition of aquifer system was simulated in the model assuming the June 1992 water level configuration under equilibrium conditions. The model has been calibrated for transient conditions incorporating additional seepage from the water harvesting structures and their contribution to the groundwater regime has been assessed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present rice‐dominated cropping system in the Hirakud canal command (eastern India) is under severe threat due to imbalance between irrigation water supply and demand. The canal water supply, which is the only source of irrigation, only meets 54% of the demand at 90% probability of exceedance (PE). In order to mitigate the irrigation water deficit from canal water, groundwater is considered as a supplemental source. Quasi‐three‐dimensional groundwater flow simulation modelling was, therefore, carried out by using Visual MODFLOW to detect the change in hydraulic head due to transient pumping stresses. The simulation model was calibrated and validated satisfactorily. Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters shows that groundwater recharge is most sensitive followed by aquifer hydraulic conductivity at almost all the sites of the command area, whereas the model is comparatively less sensitive to specific storage and specific yield. Enhanced pumping scenarios showed that groundwater extraction can be increased up to 50 times of the existing pumping without causing any adverse effect to the aquifer but the aquifer does not permit to exploit water in order to fulfill the irrigation water demand even at 10% PE. Hence, it is imperative to develop an optimal land and water resources management plan of the command area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pumping test evaluation of stream depletion parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lough HK  Hunt B 《Ground water》2006,44(4):540-546

The vertical variation of drawdown around pumping wells generates an induced flow in the observation wells. A set of governing equations is presented to couple the drawdown variation and the vertical flux distribution in observation wells. A numerical example is performed to justify the governing equations and to verify the solution methods used by the simulation software WT. The example analyzes the effect of skin loss, wellbore storage, and vertical segmentation on the drawdown and induced flow in observation well during pumping. The evaluation of the Fairborn pumping test involves a vertically homogeneous and anisotropic water table aquifer, uniform well‐face drawdown conditions in the pumping well and simulation of the drawdown evolution in the observation well with and without the effect of induced flow. The computer calibrations resulted in small differences between the measured and simulated drawdown curves.  相似文献   

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