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叶剑锋  刘小勇 《东北测绘》2012,(1):51-54,58
地理信息系统在以浏览器为客户端的WebGIS方向发展中必然会遇到交互性能与响应速度问题。本文在采用互联网GIS的前提下,讨论B/S和C/S体系的优劣及在GIS中混合应用的可能性,以此来平衡客户端硬件和服务器的压力,解决大型模型运算时响应速度与计算速度的矛盾,并以新疆南疆地下水资源管理系统为例进行研究。  相似文献   

空间辅助决策支持系统的应用模型及管理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷兵  刘纪平  谭海  陶坤旺 《测绘科学》2005,30(1):55-56,75
应用建模是空间辅助决策支持系统有效管理和使用模型的基础。本文抽象了空间辅助决策应用模型的组成结构和建立过程,分析了空间辅助决策应用模型的特点;接着分基础空间模型库、基础非空间模型库、应用模型库、模型管理库四部分探讨了空间决策支持系统中应用模型的管理,最后给出了相应的建设性结果。  相似文献   

In mountainous areas, it is the undulant terrain, various types of geomorphic and land use that make the remote sensing images great metamorphism. Moreover, due to the elevation, there are many areas covered with shadow, clouds and snow that make the images more inaccurate. As a result, it would be very difficult to carry out auto-classification of RS images in these areas. The study took Southwest China as the case study area and the TM images, SPOT images as the basic information sources assisted by the a...  相似文献   

从县级和乡镇土地资源日常管理的难点和管理人员的实际需求出发,通过整合高清影像、土地利用的现状信息和规划信息等数据,形成土地利用信息空间数据库,以ArcGIS为平台开发具备GIS基础功能和专题功能的土地利用监管信息系统,以实现土地利用的可视化管理,降低基层管理人员的技术门槛。  相似文献   

随着中国社会信息化的发展,电子政务已成为当前社会经济信息化的突破口,而基于GIS的电子政务建设也成为当前的一个热点。本文以徐州市电子政务的建设为例,探讨了电子政务的技术基础、空间数据基础设施等问题;并提出徐州市电子政务的框架体系结构,分析了建设徐州市电子政务需要注意的主要问题,如基本原则、主要任务及主要对策,为建设徐州市电子政务提供了参考。  相似文献   

论地理信息系统(GIS)在自然灾害应急管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了自然灾害应急管理系统的一般特点,自然灾害管理工作内容与功能需求及信息需求,探讨了GIS技术应用于自然灾害管理时所发挥的重要作用。指出在计算机技术迅速发展的同时,GIS与GPS(Global Positio-ning System)、RS(Remote Sensing)以及其他计算机应用系统进行有机集成,使自然灾害应急管理系统进一步实现多维性、动态性,更好地为灾害应急管理提供决策分析与支持。  相似文献   

怀柔应急水源地是北京第一个建成的特大型应急备用水源地,经过数年的开采后,应急水源地水位大幅度下降,地下水漏斗面积不断扩大.PSInSAR技术在监测地面沉阵方面具有很大的优势,本文利用PSInSAR技术和2003年-2009年间28幅Enviast卫星的ASAR影像监测怀柔应急水源地地区地面沉阵情况,试验结果表明该地区平均沉降量为8mm/a.通过该地区地面沉降状况和地下水漏斗发展趋势之间的对比,发现地面沉降范围和地下水漏斗有较大的空间一致性,平面分布趋势整体上由南西—北东向北西—南东转变.  相似文献   

流域水环境监测管理系统建设将对当地水环境信息化建设和业务部门工作效率提高起到促进作用,为水环境管理与保护决策提供必要依据。文章对信息采集、传输、主要技术和系统总体结构做了研究.介绍了系统功能和实现方法。系统本着低成本、开发简单、快捷、方便的原则,采用可视化开发工具、GIS组件、Access数据库集成模式,开发C/S结构的应用系统。系统实现了基本GIS功能、信息管理、水质模拟、水环境容量计算、污染源分析等功能,满足当前业务数据分析管理需要,达到了一定辅助决策的目的。  相似文献   

随着数字化进程中空间数据库的建设,应用GIS平台可以有效地分析及显示城市内涝灾害分布.以武汉市豹澥社区为研究对象,在分析洪灾形成因素的基础上,提出基于地理信息系统的内涝灾害风险评估指标模型.基于GIS结合SWMM模拟出的不同暴雨重现期的城市内涝结果,进行内涝灾害风险区划分析,绘制出不同暴雨重现期的内涝风险分布图.  相似文献   

A regional groundwater management system has been elaborated, integrating Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and various web services. It consists of web geospatial application so-called HydrIS (Hydrogeological Information System) based on Open Source components and technologies, leading to a feasible and low-cost solution. Therefore, HydrIS permits delivery of data from a number of heterogeneous sources to standards supported by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The protocols used for exchanging data are also derived from OGC standards, i.e., WMS (Web Mapping Service), WFS (Web Feature Service), and WCS (Web Coverage Service). Finally, a geoportal was developed, which consists of client-applications that communicate with different Web Services (WMS, WCS, and WFS) through http-requests.  相似文献   


It has long been recognized that an effective drought monitoring and early warning system, which provides functions for real-time condition monitoring and prediction, risk assessment, information dissemination and response recommendation, is very important for the preparedness for and mitigation of drought impacts. In this article, we review the currently existing drought monitor and early warning systems, discuss applicable remote sensing datasets and drought indicators and present the development of a web-based quasi-real-time Global Drought Monitoring & Analysis Platform (Web-GDMAP). The Web-GDMAP is built upon a series of indicators derived from multi-source satellite remote sensing data and various other sources of data. From a technical perspective, the Web-GDMAP system includes a series of components from data storage, model implementation and distribution, to client-side visualization and user intuitive interaction. From a theoretical perspective, the Web-GDMAP system integrates multi-indicators on different aspects of drought, including anomalies in precipitation, anomalies in land surface thermal and vegetation conditions, water deficit of soil and plants, etc. Several case studies on applying the developed Web-GDMAP in the Asian region are demonstrated. Further improvements and perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   


Big Earth Data has experienced a considerable increase in volume in recent years due to improved sensing technologies and improvement of numerical-weather prediction models. The traditional geospatial data analysis workflow hinders the use of large volumes of geospatial data due to limited disc space and computing capacity. Geospatial web service technologies bring new opportunities to access large volumes of Big Earth Data via the Internet and to process them at server-side. Four practical examples are presented from the marine, climate, planetary and earth observation science communities to show how the standard interface Web Coverage Service and its processing extension can be integrated into the traditional geospatial data workflow. Web service technologies offer a time- and cost-effective way to access multi-dimensional data in a user-tailored format and allow for rapid application development or time-series extraction. Data transport is minimised and enhanced processing capabilities are offered. More research is required to investigate web service implementations in an operational mode and large data centres have to become more progressive towards the adoption of geo-data standard interfaces. At the same time, data users have to become aware of the advantages of web services and be trained how to benefit from them most.  相似文献   


The development, integration, and distribution of the information and spatial data infrastructure (i.e. Digital Earth; DE) necessary to support the vision and goals of Future Earth (FE) will occur in a distributed fashion, in very diverse technological, institutional, socio-cultural, and economic contexts around the world. This complex context and ambitious goals require bringing to bear not only the best minds, but also the best science and technologies available. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications (FOSS4G) offers mature, capable and reliable software to contribute to the creation of this infrastructure. In this paper we point to a selected set of some of the most mature and reliable FOSS4G solutions that can be used to develop the functionality required as part of DE and FE. We provide examples of large-scale, sophisticated, mission-critical applications of each software to illustrate their power and capabilities in systems where they perform roles or functionality similar to the ones they could perform as part of DE and FE. We provide information and resources to assist the readers in carrying out their own assessments to select the best FOSS4G solutions for their particular contexts and system development needs.  相似文献   


The development of spatial decision support for environmental resource management, e.g. forest and agroecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, or hydrological planning, started in the 1980s and was the focus of many research groups in the 1990s. The combined availability of spatial data and communication, computing, positioning, geographic information system (GIS)- and remote sensing (RS)-technologies has been responsible for the implementation of complex SDSS since the late 1990s. The regional GIS-based modelling of environmental resources, and therefore ecosystems in general, requires setting-up an extensive geo and model database. Spatial data on topography, soil, climate, land use, hydrology, flora, fauna and anthropogenic activities have to be available. Therefore, GIS- and RS-technologies are of central importance for spatial data handling and analysis. In this context, the structure of spatial environmental information systems (SEIS) is introduced. In SEIS, the input data for environmental resource management are organised in at least seven sub-information systems: base geodata information system (BGDIS), climate information system (CIS), soil information system (SIS), land use information system (LUIS), hydrological information system (HIS), spatial/temporal biodiversity information system (STBIS), forest/agricultural management information system (FAMIS). The major tasks of a SEIS are to (i) provide environmental resource information on a regional level, (ii) analyse the impact of anthropogenic activities and (iii) simulate scenarios of different impacts.  相似文献   

Coastal area is always a zone with complex problems. Due to the attraction they exert, are facing many social problems. Therefore, a coastal city is usually a city with problems. Its extension, caused by the influx of people from different backgrounds, creates an increased demand for services. One of the problems frequently encountered, especially in Senegal, is access to water. The problem of access to water is poorly treated, without being correlated with the urban evolution, i.e. with increasing population and demand growth. The water resource is facing numerous complications such as the lack of integrated management, integration issues at the governance level, where the local factor is often forgotten.The town of Mbour, object of our study, does not come out of that lot, being an attractive coastal city, from an African country. This indicates the need for an integrated management oriented from local to a global basis and not vice versa. The study presented in this paper indicates that a large proportion of the population has not access to a verified drinking water system and uses water from wells or standpipes. Half of the surveyed population (50%) has no access to a water supply system. The water poverty map of the town overlaps with that of the general poverty excepting few neighborhoods. This means that even areas that are not affected by poverty have a very low or poor access to water, which so far remains the perverse effect of the reform of the Senegalese water sector in 1995.  相似文献   

GIS Web Services技术在地下水取水许可管理系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷庆玲  窦炜 《北京测绘》2006,(1):9-12,21
主要以地下水取水许可管理系统为例研究和探讨了基于GISWebServices的分布式电子政务系统的设计与实现。该电子政务系统具有和GIS系统无缝集成的优点,可以实现跨平台和异构系统无缝集成,实现了分布式计算。  相似文献   

本文在对公共卫生应急防疫管理的需求分析、体系结构、系统功能等详细研究的基础上,以湖南省长沙市为例进行系统的设计与开发,实现了地图的基本操作、数据管理、信息服务、疫情分析和应急管理等功能。  相似文献   

蒋良群 《北京测绘》2010,(4):93-94,48
根据地理信息系统课程的特点,针对资源环境与城乡规划管理专业,提出基于Arcview软件的地理信息系统课程实验设计,包括实验要求、实验内容与具体课时安排等。学生通过学习实践,可以加深理解地理信息系统的理论、技术和方法,为本专业相关领域应用问题的分析和解决打下基础。  相似文献   

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