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We study the unsteady free-convection flow near a moving infinite flat plate in a totating medium by imposing a time-dependent perturbation on a constant plate temperature. The temperatures involved are assumed to be very large so that radiative heat transfer is significant, which renders the problem very nonlinear even on the assumption of a differential approximation for the radiative flux. When the perturbation is small, the transient flow is tackled by the Laplace transform technique. Complete first-order solutions are deduced for an impulsive motion.  相似文献   

We consider the buoyancy-induced flow of an electrically-conducting fluid with radiative heat transfer past a vertical flat plate of infinite length. We assume that the density obeys the simple Boussinesq equation of state while the viscosity and thermal conductivity vary with temperature, that is a compressible fluid. If the temperature of the plate is such that a time-dependent component is superimposed on a constant value, the problem is tackled by asymptotic approximation. The results are compared and contrasted with those of incompressible flow.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional free-convection flow near an infinite vertical plate moving in a rotating fluid in the presence of a transverse magnetic field is studied in the case when the plate temperature undergoes a thermal transient. An exact solution has been obtained by defining a complex velocity with the help of the Laplace-transform technique, when the plate is moving with a velocity which is an arbitrary function of time. Three special cases of physical interest are also discussed.  相似文献   

The paper studies the hydromagnetic flow of a thermally-radiating binary mixture of an incompressible fluid. Both the Soret and Dufour effects are considered when the fluid is not chemically reacting. When the gas is optically thin the resultant system of ordinary differential equations could be solved in a closed form. Generally the problem is reduced to a set of integral equations which are tackled by perturbation and iteration. The problem is worthy of note in the re-entry problem.  相似文献   

The hydromagnetic flow in a vertical channel with heat and mass transfer is studied when chemical reaction is present. For the general integral equation for radiative flux and in the absence of the Dufour term, the problem is reduced to a set of coupled integral equations which are solved iteratively. The results are compared with the solutions obtained when chemical reaction is absent.  相似文献   

Unsteady free-convection oscillatory flow on a porous plate near an infinite vertical plate in a rotating medium in the presence of a constant transverse magnetic field is investigated under an oscillatory forcing effect on the plate. An exact solution of the problem is determined by using the Laplace transform method. The thermal influence on the skin friction at the plate is determined, and the structure of the thermal waves is presented.  相似文献   

A numerical solution for unsteady hydromagnetic free-convection currents of a viscous incompressible and electrically conducting fluid induced by a vertical moving infinite plate is considered for constant heat flux at the plate. Velocity and skin-friction have been worked out for various values of the parameters occuring into the problem. It is found that magnetic parameter has a retarding effect on the velocity of air and water, while skin-friction increases with it.  相似文献   

An analysis of Hall effects on the hydromagnetic free convection resulting from the combined effects of thermal and mass diffusion of an electrically-conducting liquid passed an infinite vertical porous plate in a rotating frame of reference is carried out when a strong magnetic field is imposed in a plane which makes an angle with the normal to the plate. The expressions for the mean velocity, mean temperature in the boundary layer, and the mean skin-friction, the mean rate of heat transfer on the plate are derived. The influence of Hall currents on the flow is studied for various values of .  相似文献   

The influence of free-convection currents and mass transfer in the case of laminar, non-steady boundary layer is studied here. The fluid is the air, considered incompressible and electrically conductive. The free-stream velocity oscillates about a mean value. A pulsated suction is also taken into account. A second meterial lies in small concentration in the fluid and absorbs part of the radiation. The influence of various parameters (G. M. etc.) on the flow is examined.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional flow of an electrically conducting and incompressible viscous fluid past a uniformly accelerated infinite vertical porous plate is studied in a rotating fluid. The flow is assumed to be at small magnetic Reynolds number so that the induced magnetic field is neglected. An exact solution has been obtained by defining a complex velocity with the help of the Laplace transform method for the Prandtl number equal to unity. The effects of rotation, magnetic and free-convection parameters are discussed for the whole problem. Also, the skin-friction components on the plate are discussed.  相似文献   

Rotation effect on the hydromagnetic free-convection flow of an electrically conducting, viscous, and incompressible fluid past a steadily moving vertical porous plate has been analysed in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. The free-stream velocity oscillates in time about a constant mean, while the suction velocity, normal to the porous plate, is constant. The magnetic Reynolds number of the flow is taken small enough so that the induced magnetic field can be neglected. The plate temperature is constant and the difference between the temperature of the plate and the free stream is moderately large causing the free-convection currents. The flow field is described by nonlinar coupled system of equations. With viscous dissipative heat taken into account, approximate solutions of the problem are obtained for the components of velocity field and temperature field as well as for the skin-friction components and rate of heat transfer.  相似文献   

An analytical study is performed to examine the heat source characteristics on the free-convection and mass transfer flow past an impulsively started infinite non-conducting vertical plate of a viscous, incompressible electrically-conducting fluid under the action of a uniform magnetic field through porous medium. The effects of various parameters on the velocity field are extensively discussed.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional unsteady free-convection flows of a viscous fluid near a porous infinite vertical plate in a rotating medium in the presence of a constant transverse magnetic field are investigated under an arbitrary time-dependent heating of the plate. By using the Laplace transform technique, the Green function of the problem is determined and exact solutions are obtained for special cases of the impulsive and the accelerated heating effect for an arbitrary Prandtl number. The thermal influence on skin friction at the plate and the displacement thickness of the boundary layers are discussed.  相似文献   

An analytical study is performed to examine the unsteady forced and free-convection flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid when there is a consdtant heat flux between fluid and plate. The expressions for the vleocity field, the penetration distance and the skin-friction have been obtained by the Laplace transform technique. The influence of the various parameters entering into the problem is extensively discussed with the help of tables.  相似文献   

An exact analysis of Hall current on hydromagnetic free convection with mass transfer in a conducting liquid past an infinite vertical porous plate in a rotating fluid has been presented. Exact solution for the velocity field has been obtained and the effects ofm (Hall parameter),E (Ekman number), andS c (Schmidt number) on the velocity field have been discussed.Nomenclature C species concentration - C w concentration at the porous plate - C species concentration at infinity - C p specific heat at constant pressure - D chemical molecular diffusivity - g acceleration due to gravity - E Ekman number - G Grashof number - H 0 applied magnetic field - j x, jy, jz components of the current densityJ - k thermal conductivity - M Hartman number - m Hall parameter - P Prandtl number - Q heat flux per unit area - S c Sehmidt number - T temperature of the fluid near the plate - T w temperature of the plate - T temperature of the fluid in the free-stream - u, v, w components of the velocity fieldq, - U uniform free stream velocity - w 0 suction velocity - x, y, z Cartesian coordinates - Z dimensionless coordinate normal to the plate. Greek symbols coefficient of volume expansion - * coefficient of expansion with concentration - e cyclotron frequency - dimensionless temperature - * dimensionless concentration - v kinematic viscosity - density of the fluid in the boundary layer - coefficient of viscosity - e magnetic permeability - angular velocity - electrical conductivity of the fluid - e electron collision time - u skin-friction in the direction ofu - v skin-friction in the direction ofv  相似文献   

The effects of magnetic field and mass transfer on the flow of an elasto-viscous fluid past an infinite vertical plate, when the plate is moving with uniform velocityU, are discussed. The magnetic lines of force are assumed to be fixed relative to the plate. The Laplace transform method is used to obtain the expression for velocity. The effect of various parameters, occurring into the problem, is discussed with the help of tables.  相似文献   

The Hall effect on the unsteady hydromagnetic free-convection resulting from the combined effects of thermal and mass diffusion of an electrical-conducting liquid through a porous medium past an infinite vertical porous plate in a rotating system have been analysed. The expressions for the mean velocity, mean skin friction, and mean rate of heat transfer on the plate are derived. The effects of magnetic parameterM, Hall parameterm, Ekman numberE, and permeability parameterK * on the flow field are discussed with the help of graphs and tables.Nomenclature C p specific heat at constant pressure - C the species concentration inside the boundary layer - C w the species concentration at porous plate - C the species concentration of the fluid at infinite - C dimensionless species concentration - D chemical molecular diffusivity - E Ekman number - Ec Eckert number - g acceleration due to gravity - Gr Grashof number - Gm modified Grashof number - H 0 applied magnetic field - (J x, Jy, Jz) components of current density - M magnetic parameter - m Hall parameter - P Prandtl number - q m mean rate of heat transfer - Sc Schmidt number - t time - t dimensionless time - T temperature of fluid - T w temperature of the plate - T temperature of fluid at infinite - T dimensionless temperature - (u, v, w) components of the velocityq - w 0 suction velocity - (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates - z dimensionless coordinate normal to the plate Greek symbols coefficient of volume expansion - * coefficient of thermal expansion with concentration - frequency - dimensionless frequency - k thermal conductivity - K * permeability parameter - dinematic viscosity - density of the fluid in the boundary layer - coefficient of viscosity - e magnetic permeability - angular velocity - electrical conductivity of the fluid - m mean skin friction - mn mean skin friction in the direction ofx - mv mean skin friction in the direction ofy  相似文献   

The unsteady flow of an incompressible electrically-conducting and elasto-viscous fluid (Walter's liquidB), filling the semi-infinite space, in contact with an infinite non-conducting plate, in a rotating medium and in the presence of a transverse magnetic field is investigated. An arbitrary time-dependent forcing effect on the motion of the plate is considered and the plate and fluid rotate uniformly as a rigid body. The solution of the problem is obtained with the help of the Laplace transform technique and the analytical expressions for the velocity field as well as for the skin-friction are given.  相似文献   

The problem of the free-convection flow of a viscous heat generating fluid through porous media in a rotating frame of reference is considered for the case when a strong magnetic field is imposed in a direction which is perpendicular to the free-stream and makes an angle to the vertical direction. Analytical expressions for the velocity field and temperature are given, and the influences of the various parameters on the velocity field are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper points out the errors in the solutions of a research work by N. Nanousis under the same title published in this journal, volume 199, 1993. The correct solutions of the problem for the velocity field and the drag on the plate, by the Laplace transform technique, are presented. The results are discussed for two cases of an arbitrary time-dependent forcing effect. It is shown that the viscoelastic parameterk > 0 influences the velocity and introduces reverse flow. For a suddenly accelerated plate,k > 0 increases the velocity forz < and decreases it forz > . In the case of the ramp-type boundary condition,k > 0 tends to decrease the velocity.  相似文献   

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