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In the mingled mafic/felsic Halfmoon Pluton at The Neck, Stewart Island (part of the Median Batholith of New Zealand) some hornblende gabbros and diorites retain magmatic structures, whereas others show evidence of major changes in grain and inclusion shapes, and still others are amphibolite‐facies granofelses with few or no igneous relicts. These mafic to intermediate magmas crystallized in felsic magma relatively quickly, with the result that most deformation occurred at subsolidus conditions. It is suggested that mafic‐intermediate rocks with predominantly igneous microstructures spent less time in the magmatic system. The metamorphism of the mafic rocks appears to be ‘autometamorphic’, in the sense that elevated temperatures were maintained by magmatic heat during subsolidus cooling. Elevated temperatures were maintained because of repeated sheet injection and subconcordant dyke injection of hot basaltic and composite mafic‐felsic magmas, into a dominantly transtensional, km‐scale, outboard‐migrating, magmatic shear zone that operated semi‐continuously for between c. 140 and c. 130 Ma. Complete cooling occurred only when the system evolved to transpressional and the locus of magmatism migrated inboard (southward) between c. 130 and c. 120 Ma, associated with solid‐state mylonitic deformation. Intermingled granitic rocks escaped metamorphism, because they remained magmatic to lower temperatures, and experienced shorter and lower‐temperature subsolidus cooling intervals. However, the felsic rocks underwent relatively high‐temperature solid‐state deformation, as indicated by myrmekite replacing K‐feldspar and chess‐board subgrain patterns in quartz; locally they developed felsic mylonites. The felsic rocks were deformed in the solid state because of their high proportion of relatively weak minerals (quartz and biotite), whereas the mafic rocks mostly escaped subsolidus deformation, except in local high‐strain zones of hornblende‐plagioclase schist, because of their high proportion of relatively strong minerals (hornblende and plagioclase). We suggest that such contrasting microstructural features are diagnostic of long‐lived syntectonic magma transfer zones, and contrast with the more typical complex, batholith‐scale magma chambers of magmatic arcs.  相似文献   

Although subgreenschist facies metamorphic rocks are widespread in the upper crust, mineralogical processes affecting these rocks are poorly understood. Subgreenschist mineralogical transitions have been invoked as critical controls on the mechanical behaviour of rocks within the crustal seismogenic zone, calling for further study of very low‐grade metamorphic assemblages. In this study a multi‐technique thermobarometric study of the Chrystalls Beach Complex mélange, which is located within the Otago Schist accretion‐collision assemblage of the South Island of New Zealand, is presented. The Chrystalls Beach Complex comprises highly sheared trench‐fill sedimentary rocks and scattered pillow basalts, and is inferred to have formed during Jurassic subduction under the paleo‐Pacific Gondwana margin. Equilibrium mineral assemblages indicate peak PT conditions in the range 400–550 MPa and 250–300 °C, which is supported by chlorite thermometry. Relatively high pressures of burial and accretion during foliation development are inferred from phengite content and b0 spacing analyses of white mica. Rare lawsonite occurs in a post‐foliation vein, and illite ‘crystallinity’ measurements indicate a thermal overprint during exhumation. These PT estimates and their relative chronology indicate that the mineral assemblages developed along a clockwise PT path. Based on variability in PT estimates from different techniques, mineral assemblages developed during burial are largely overprinted during exhumation at similar or higher‐T than experienced along the prograde path. Observed subduction‐related subgreenschist assemblages are therefore likely to indicate lower‐P than experienced during subduction, as higher‐P mineral compositions re‐equilibrate during exhumation. The PT path inferred in this study is similar in shape to PT paths for higher grade parts of the Otago Schist, and other exhumed accretionary prisms around the world, and is therefore probably common for rocks buried, accreted and exhumed in accretionary prisms.  相似文献   

The Sisters Shear Zone (SSZ) on Stewart Island, New Zealand, is a greenschist-facies extensional shear zone active prior to and possibly during the development of the Pacific–Antarctica spreading ridge at ∼76 Ma. We report quantitative kinematic and rotation data as well as apatite fission-track (AFT) ages from the SSZ. Early kinematic indicators associated with the NNE-trending stretching lineation formed under upper greenschist-facies metamorphism and show alternating top-to-the-NNW and top-to-the-SSE senses of shear. During progressive exhumation lowermost greenschist-facies and brittle-ductile kinematic indicators depict a more uniform top-to-the-SSE sense of shear in the topmost SSZ just below the detachment plane. Deformed metagranites in the SSZ allow the reconstruction of deformation and flow parameters. The mean kinematic vorticity number (Wm) ranges from 0.10 to 0.89; smaller numbers prevail in the deeper parts of the shear zone with a higher degree of simple shear deformation in the upper parts of the shear zone (deeper and upper parts relate to present geometry). High finite strain intensity correlates with low Wm and high Wm numbers near the detachment correlate with relatively weak strain intensity. Finite strain shows oblate geometries. Overall, our data indicate vertical and possibly temporal variations in deformation of the SSZ. Most AFT ages cluster around 85–75 Ma. We interpret the AFT ages to reflect the final stages of continental break-up just before and possibly during the initiation of sea-floor spreading between New Zealand and Antarctica.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):1106-1128
The coastal geomorphology of the northeastern Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand, is examined with the aim of determining the mechanisms of Holocene coastal uplift. Elevation and coverbed stratigraphic data from previously interpreted coseismic marine terraces at Horoera and Waipapa indicate that, despite the surface morphology, there is no evidence that these terraces are of marine or coseismic origin. Early Holocene transgressive marine deposits at Hicks Bay indicate significant differences between the thickness of preserved intertidal infill sediments and the amount of space created by eustatic sea level rise, therefore uplift did occur during early Holocene evolution of the estuary. The palaeoecology and stratigraphy of the sequence shows no evidence of sudden land elevation changes. Beach ridge sequences at Te Araroa slope gradually toward the present day coast with no evidence of coseismic steps. The evolution of the beach ridges was probably controlled by sediment supply in the context of a background continuous uplift rate. No individual dataset uniquely resolves the uplift mechanism. However, from the integration of all evidence we conclude that Holocene coastal uplift of this region has been driven by a gradual, aseismic mechanism. An important implication of this is that tectonic uplift mechanisms do vary along the East Coast of the North Island. This contrasts with conclusions of previous studies, which have inferred Holocene coastal uplift along the length of the margin was achieved by coseismic events. This is the first global example of aseismic processes accommodating uplift at rates of >1 mm yr−1 adjacent to a subduction zone and it provides a valuable comparison to subduction zones dominated by great earthquakes.  相似文献   

Analytical data are presented for the following elements: Cs, Rb, Ba, K, Sr, Ca, Na, Fe, Mg, Cu, Co, Ni, Li, Sc, V, Cr, Ga, Al, Si, La, Y, and Zr. Eight samples were analysed by the spark source method for rare earths, Tl, Pb, Hf, Sn, Nb, Mo, Bi, and In. In addition to data on rhyolitic volcanics, a small number of intermediate volcanics and eugeosynclinal sediments were analysed for comparative purposes. The following features are shown by the trace element data:
  1. The rhyolitic rocks have consistently lower concentrations of most trace and minor elements when compared with recent estimates of average concentrations in granites. None of the criteria for strong fractionation (e.g. low K/Rb, Ba/Rb and K/Cs ratios) are present.
  2. The data do not indicate any systematic differences between the rhyolitic lavas and ignimbrites, although the very young rhyolitic pumices are consistently more “basic” in their element concentrations compared to the other rhyolitic analyses.
  3. The residual glasses (and devitrified matrices) are depleted, relative to the total rock compositions, in Fe, Mg, Ca, Sr, V, Sc, and Al, and enriched in Cs, Rb, K, Ba, and Si. Zr is depleted in the residual glasses separated from rhyolites, but not in the andesitic residual matrices.
  4. The rare earth fractionation patterns of the rhyolitic and andesitic extrusives are very similar, being intermediate between chondritic and sedimentary patterns i.e., there is no evidence of strong fractionation. The rhyolitic patterns also indicate a slight Eu depletion.
  5. Comparable trace and minor element behaviour (with the possible exception of Zr) seems to exist through the rhyolite-andesite compositional range. This is supported by the whole rock-residual liquid trends for the various elements studied, which broadly coincide with the observed whole rock trends, both through the rhyolitic-andesitic compositonal range, and within the rhyolitic compositional range.
The data are finally discussed in the light of the possible origin of the rhyolitic magmas. It is believed that the analytical data presented are qualitatively consistent with the recently proposed idea that the magmas are derived by partial fusion of the associated Triassic-Jurassic eugeosynclinal greywacke-argillite sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

Data are presented for K, Ba, Sr, Rb, Li, Ga, Mg, Mn, and Fe for twelve rhyolitic plagioclases (An28-An46), one dacitic (An53), and three andesitic plagioclases (An68-An81). Additional data are presented for Ga, Gr, V, Ni, Co, Sc, Y, La, Sr, and Ba for two augites, nine hypersthenes, and five hornblendes separated from the same rocks. Distribution factors have been calculated, using these data, and previously published results for coexisting groundmass compositions (=liquids).The plagioclases show a positive correlation between, and a progressive increase in K and Ba (range 0.09–0.58% and 61–610 p.p.m. respectively) with increasing Ab-content. Sr (range 465–880 p.p.m.) shows a well defined maximum between An40-An55. The plagioclases have extremely high K/Rb ratios (mostly > 1,000).This volcanic series is characterised by relatively Mg-rich pyroxenes and hornblendes. The augites contain higher Sc, Cr, Y, Sr, and Y relative to their coexisting hypersthenes, while the hornblendes exhibit higher Sc, V, Ba, Sr, Y, and La relative to coexisting hypersthenes. Very marked differences in concentrations of these elements exist between the rhyolitic and andesitic ferromagnesian phenocrysts. There is also evidence of a systematic distribution of Sc, V, Cr, Y, Co, and Ni between coexisting hypersthenes and hornblendes, and between these minerals and their coexisting whole rock and groundmass compositions.The data are discussed from a petrological viewpoint, as they are interpreted to indicate that the phenocrysts crystallised in the magmas in which they are found, and are not xenocrystic. No evidence of hybridisation or contamination, subsequent to the onset of crystallisation, is found.  相似文献   

西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床存在明显的岩浆混合作用,对其研究有助于探测地球的深部过程。本文以构造-岩浆事件理论为依据,根据花岗岩类构造组合特征和成因建立了甲玛矿床所在的冈底斯成矿带的构造-岩浆演化序列,阐述了岩浆混合作用发生的直接原因为岩浆底侵作用,论证了混合岩浆的起源机制(源区继承性),可能为约40%的基性端元(镁铁质岩浆)与约60%酸性端元(花岗闪长质岩浆)在15 Ma左右于源区预混合和就位过程中发生的以机械混合为主的再次混合作用;得出了甲玛矿床成矿流体中的金属元素和S主要来源于岩浆混合作用的幔源铁镁质岩浆,暗示岩浆混合对成矿具有贡献。  相似文献   

In northwest Guernsey, excellently exposed sections of coast reveal a wide variety of diorites and associated rocks which are particulariy instructive in understanding field relationships in diorite complexes generally. In this area, three groups of rocks may be distinguished. A Diorite Group consists of even grained diorite, acicular diorite and appinite, believed to be related to each other by fractionation. This group was intruded by a Granodiorite Group which contains diorite xenoliths. In turn, both of these were intruded by an Inhomogeneous Suite of rocks varying from meladiorite through to tonalite. Field evidence and geochemistry show that this last, highly variable suite of rocks was formed by the unusual process of fractional crystallization coupled with disruption and partial redigestion of early solid fractionates by derivative liquids, leading to the marked inhomogeneity. Such a mechanism may be more generally applicable but clear evidence for it seems to be restricted to rocks of dioritic composition. The margins of the Inhomogeneous Suite usually consist of tonalite which has piped into the surrounding diorites of the Diorite Group, and the two rock groups are thought to have been at least partially liquid at the same time. The exact shape of pipes may prove to be a useful indicator of physicai conditions at the time of magma emplacement in this and other intimate associations of magmas of contrasted composition. Although the Diorite Group was emplaced first, dark (apparently chilled) margins sometimes occur in diorites of this Group where they are in contact with the later Inhomogeneous Suite. In such intimate associations as this, dark margins must be interpreted with extreme caution.  相似文献   

Analysis of over 1400 earthquakes in the North Island of New Zealand from 1955 to 1969, comprising all shocks with ml ? 4.3 for shallow, and ML ? 4.0 for deep events, reveals several empirical relationships between the depth and the equivalent radius of the area occupied by shocks, the number and density of the shocks, and the coefficient b and the maximum magnitude. The coefficient b increases linearly with depth from 1.0 for shallow earthquakes to 1.4 for those at a depth of 120 km, and then decreases to 0.75 at 300—350 km. The variation with depth shows clear inverse correlation with the distribution of maximum stress along the downgoing slab, calculated for several slab models by Smith and Toksöz. Similarly, the maximum magnitude at different depths correlates distinctly with the distribution of the principal stress. Time variations of the coefficient b and the rate of earthquake occurrence, for both shallow and deep earthquakes, have an oscillatory character, with a period of 7–8 years. These variations also imply that shallow and deep seismicity are mutually dependent.  相似文献   

Recent pantelleritic lavas comprise the whole of the isolated and outlying volcano of Mayor Island. Mineralogically, they are characterised by phenocrystic anorthoclase-sodic27 sanidine, quartz, sodic ferrohedenbergite, and cossyrite. Nine new chemical analyses of the lavas are presented (including one residual glass), confirming their strongly sodic and peralkaline nature. One analysis is also given of trachybasalt, which occurs as common inclusions in the mantling pumice deposits. These inclusions are characterised by abundant feldspar phenocrysts. Detailed trace element data is presented for five of the lava samples, representing the mam volcanic phases and the trachybasalt inclusions. The following conclusions are presented:
  1. The lavas exhibit a marked enrichment (relative to “average” granitic compositions) of the alkalis; rare earths; highly charged cations (e.g. Nb, Zr, Hf, Mo, U, Th); Ga, Be, and Cl. In contrast, they show a spectacular depletion of Sr, Ba, and Mg, and a less intense depletion of Ca, Sc, V, and Cr.
  2. The pantelleritic rare earth patterns show a similar degree of fractionation to the sedimentary pattern, and are dominated by a very strong Eu depletion. This suggests feldspar subtraction. The trachybasalt pattern shows a similar degree of fractionation, but exhibits enrichment of Eu.
  3. The trachybasalt inclusions are characterised by a trace element assemblage comparable to alkali basalts, except for higher Ba and exceedingly high K/Rb and K/Cs ratios. The chemical and mineralogical data suggest that they represent partial feldspar accumulate rocks.
  4. There is a progressive enrichment of nearly all trace and minor elements in the youngest lavas. This includes those elements that show an overall depletion in the lavas. The younger lavas are also enriched in Na and Fe, but further depleted in Al.
The data is interpreted to indicate that the pantellerites were derived by crystal differentiation from a postulated mildly alkali olivine basalt parent — feldspar fractionation is considered to have been extremely important in this process. It is shown that the element enrichment occurring in the younger lavas may not be wholely explained by crystallisation differentiation alone — it is possible that some additional process is required. It is also shown that the observed enrichment of sodium in the youngest lavas can only occur during crystal fractionation if quartz, as well as anorthoclase, separate from the magma. This is due to the higher alkali abundances of the anorthoclase phenocrysts, relative to the pantellerite compositions. There is limited evidence that post-eruptive devitrification of some of the lavas has resulted in some modification of the lava chemistry, notably sodium loss.  相似文献   

香加南山花岗岩基位于东昆仑造山带东段,岩基主要岩石类型为花岗闪长岩。千瓦大桥-加鲁河一带花岗岩体为香加南山岩基的重要组成部分。香加南山花岗岩基含大量暗色微粒包体,包体中捕掳晶丰富。千瓦大桥-加鲁河一带花岗岩体寄主岩中斜长石和暗色微粒包体中捕掳晶斜长石具正常环带,An值震荡变化,角闪石和黑云母Mg O含量和Mg#值较低,具壳源特征;暗色微粒包体中基质斜长石具核边结构,核部和边部An值存在间断,角闪石和黑云母Mg O含量和Mg#值较高,具幔源特征。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果显示千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩、暗色微粒包体和加鲁河辉长岩的结晶年龄分别为251.0±1.9Ma、252.8±3.0Ma和221.4±3.3Ma。千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩和加鲁河花岗闪长岩富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损高场强元素(HFSE),具较低的Mg#和Nb/Ta比值;从千瓦大桥到加鲁河花岗闪长岩呈现出由准铝质中钾钙碱性系列向准铝-弱过铝质中钾-高钾钙碱性系列演化;暗色微粒包体和加鲁河辉长岩轻重稀土元素分异程度相对较低,具较高的Mg#和Nb/Ta比值。千瓦大桥花岗闪长岩和加鲁河花岗闪长岩分别为古特提斯演化俯冲阶段和后碰撞阶段幔源岩浆底侵新生地壳使其部分熔融产物。镁铁质岩浆注入长英质岩浆的混合作用形成了暗色微粒包体。岩浆混合过程中,如果岩浆不完全混合,混合岩浆中混入物质除了长英质岩浆的残留岩浆和捕掳晶,还应该有镁铁质岩浆与长英质岩浆之间的元素梯度差导致的物质扩散;如果岩浆为近完全混合,混合岩浆近似为镁铁质岩浆和长英质岩浆以一定比例二元混合。东昆仑东段晚古生代-早中生代幔源岩浆对花岗质岩浆的影响是一个持续的过程,从俯冲阶段早期流体交代地幔熔融,到俯冲阶段后期板片断离,然后同碰撞阶段板片断离的持续影响,再到后碰撞阶段加厚地壳的拆沉作用,由于地球动力学体制不同,导致幔源岩浆影响的大小和特征不同。  相似文献   

Orogenic granitoids often display mineralogical and geochemical features suggesting that open-system magmatic processes played a key role in their evolution. This is testified by the presence of enclaves of more mafic magmas dispersed into the granitoid mass, the occurrence of strong disequilibrium textures in mineralogical phases, and/or extreme geochemical and isotopic variability.

In this contribution, intrusive rocks constituting the Sithonia Plutonic Complex (Northern Greece) are studied on the basis of mineral chemistry, whole-rock major, trace element geochemistry, and Sr and Nd isotopic composition. Sithonia rocks can be divided into a basic group bearing macroscopic (mafic enclaves), microscopic (disequilibrium textures), geochemical, and isotopic evidence of magma interaction, and an acid group in which most geochemical and isotopic features are consistent with a magma mixing process, but macroscopic and microscopic features are lacking.

A two-step Mixing plus Fractional Crystallization (MFC) process is considered responsible for the evolution of the basic group. The first step explains the chemical variation in the mafic enclave group: a basic magma, represented by the least evolved enclaves, interacted with an acid magma, represented by the most evolved granitoid rocks, to give the most evolved enclaves. The second step explains the geochemical variations of the remaining rocks of the basic group: most evolved enclaves interacted with the same acid magma to give the spectrum of rock compositions with intermediate geochemical signatures. A convection–diffusion process is envisaged to explain the geochemical and isotopic variability and the lack of macroscopic and petrographic evidence of magma interaction in the acid group.

The mafic magma is presumably the result of melting of a mantle, repeatedly metasomatized and enriched in LILE due to subduction events, whereas the acid magma is considered the product of partial melting of lower crustal rocks of intermediate to basaltic composition.

It is shown that Sithonia Plutonic Complex offers the opportunity to investigate in detail the complex interplay between geochemistry and magma dynamics during magma interaction processes between mantle and crustal derived magmas.  相似文献   

通过闹枝沟岩体中的包体(脉体)的野体地质学特征及寄主岩石的关系,阐述了闹枝沟岩体岩浆混合作用的野外地质学证据。首次确定闹枝沟岩体岩浆是由基性慢源岩浆和酸性壳源岩浆混合而成,岩体成因类型属壳幔混合型,为岩浆混合成因的花岗岩提供了初步的野外识别标志。  相似文献   

通过区域地质调查研究,在湘东北文家市涧溪冲村原中元古代冷家溪群新发现一套基本无序的变质沉积-火山岩系。根据岩石矿物学、岩石地球化学研究表明,涧溪冲变质沉积-火山岩系为变质火山岩夹变质粘土质沉积岩,属绿片岩—高绿片岩相。变质火山岩的原岩为大洋拉张环境下形成的以低钾拉斑玄武岩为主,低钾玄武安山岩次之的火山-次火山岩系,其物源为亏损地幔。变火山岩Sm-Nd全岩等时线年龄为(2594±48)Ma,其形成时代可能是新太古代。因此,与传统的中元古代冷家溪群的岩石组合、形成环境、形成时代、变质变形都具有明显不同的特征,原冷家溪群应予以解体。  相似文献   

Characterisation of mine waste rock with respect to acid generation potential is a necessary part of routine mine operations, so that environmentally benign waste rock stacks can be constructed for permanent storage. Standard static characterisation techniques, such as acid neutralisation capacity (ANC), maximum potential acidity, and associated acid–base accounting, require laboratory tests that can be difficult to obtain rapidly at remote mine sites. We show that a combination of paste pH and a simple portable carbonate dissolution test, both techniques that can be done in the field in a 15 min time-frame, is useful for distinguishing rocks that are potentially acid-forming from those that are acid-neutralising. Use of these techniques could allow characterisation of mine wastes at the metre scale during mine excavation operations. Our application of these techniques to pyrite-bearing (total S = 1–4 wt%) but variably calcareous coal mine overburden shows that there is a strong correlation between the portable carbonate dissolution technique and laboratory-determined ANC measurements (range of 0–10 wt% calcite equivalent). Paste pH measurements on the same rocks are bimodal, with high-sulphur, low-calcite rocks yielding pH near 3 after 10 min, whereas high-ANC rocks yield paste pH of 7–8. In our coal mine example, the field tests were most effective when used in conjunction with stratigraphy. However, the same field tests have potential for routine use in any mine in which distinction of acid-generating rocks from acid-neutralising rocks is required. Calibration of field-based acid–base accounting characteristics of the rocks with laboratory-based static and/or kinetic tests is still necessary.  相似文献   

The 3.7 ka year-old Averno 2 eruption is one of the rare eruptions to have occurred in the northwest sector of the Phlegraean Fields caldera (PFc) over the past 5 ka. We focus here on the fallout deposits of the pyroclastic succession emplaced during this eruption. We present major and trace element data on the bulk pumices, along with major and volatile element data on clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions, in order to assess the conditions of storage, ascent, and eruption of the feeding trachytic magma. Crystal fractionation accounts for the evolution from trachyte to alkali-trachyte magmas; these were intimately mingled (at the micrometer scale) during the climactic phase of the eruption. The Averno 2 alkali trachyte represents one of the most evolved magmas erupted within the Phlegraean Fields area and belongs to the series of differentiated trachytic magmas erupted at different locations 5 ka ago. Melt inclusions record significant variations in H2O (from 0.4 to 5 wt%), S (from 0.01 to 0.06 wt%), Cl (from 0.75 up to 1 wt%), and F (from 0.20 to >0.50 wt%) during both magma crystallization and degassing. Unlike the eruptions occurring in the central part of the PFc, deep-derived input(s) of gas and/or magma are not required to explain the composition of melt inclusions and the mineralogy of Averno 2 pumices. Compositional data on bulk pumices, glassy matrices, and melt inclusions suggest that the Averno 2 eruption mainly resulted from successive extrusions of independent magma batches probably emplaced at depths of 2–4 km along regional fractures bordering the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera.  相似文献   

Ignimbrites from the central North Island consist mainly of glass or its devitrified product (70–95%); their phenocryst mineralogy is varied and includes plag., hyp., ti-mag., ilm., aug., hblende, biot., san., qtz, ol., with accessory apatite, zircon and pyrrhotite. The Fe-Mg minerals can be used to divide the ignimbrites into four groups with hyp.+aug. reflecting high quench temperatures and biot.+hblende +hyp.+aug., low quench temperatures. Oxygen fugacities lie above the QMF buffer curve and even in ignimbrites with low crystal contents the solid phases apparently buffered fO2. Some ignimbrites contain the assemblage actinolite, gedrite, magnetite and hematite, reflecting post-eruption oxidation. The mineralogy also allows estimation of using pyrrhotite and thence , . The assemblage biotite-sanidine can be used to estimate and thence . Water fugacity is calculated in a variety of ways using both biotite and hornblende as well as the combining reaction . It is high and approaches P total in most ignimbrites (~4kb) but is lower in unwelded pumice breccias. Comparison of temperature estimates using mineral geothermometers for the various phenocryst phases suggests that the ignimbrite magmas showed temperature differences of 60–100 °C and pressure differences of several kilobars. Individual magma chambers therefore, would have extended over several kilometres vertically. The chemical potential of water may have been constant through the magma.  相似文献   

Zoned crystals can be important recorders of magmatic processes in space and time. However, in most situations, the temporal dimension is difficult to quantify. Here, we have employed secondary ion mass spectrometry depth profiling to excavate parallel pits into non-polished crystal faces of zircon to obtain ~5 μm resolution U–Th disequilibrium ages (one pit) that can be correlated with trace element zoning at sub-μm resolution derived from a second pit. Data from 17 crystals representing each of the four rhyolite eruptions of Tarawera volcano, an intra-caldera edifice within the Okataina Volcanic Centre, reveal diverse zircon growth conditions over time. Most crystals display rimward depletions in Zr/Hf and Ti, broadly consistent with cooling and crystallization. However, a significant fraction of crystals lacks these patterns and displays rimward trace element variations consistent with isothermal or prograde crystallization. Oscillatory zonation patterns in Y, Th, and U are superimposed on the Zr/Hf and Ti trends. Despite the limited number of crystals analyzed in this way, the striking lack of ubiquitous trace element zoning patterns in crystals from the same hand sample implies that fractional crystallization upon cooling was punctuated by magma recharge and crystal mixing affecting different parts of the magma reservoir. By combining data from all crystals, a systematic change to more heterogeneous trace element abundances is revealed by zircon crystal domains <45 ka following the Rotoiti caldera-forming eruption. This contrasts with the more uniform conditions of zircon crystallization lasting >100 ka prior to caldera formation and is best explained by the post-caldera system consisting of small, isolated melt pockets that evolved independently. An important conclusion is that the zircon ‘cargo’ in volcanic rocks reflects thermally and compositionally divergent processes that act near simultaneously in a magma storage region and not exclusively the conditions in the eruptible magma.  相似文献   

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