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 A method for general assessment of groundwater vulnerability was developed using the concept of hydrogeological settings by which a small-scale landscape can be represented by larger units on the map. For accidental spills, the time available for remedial actions is crucial. Travel times to the saturated zone or to a depth of 5 m are classified in four intervals, ranging from <1 day to > 1 yr. Total particle surface available for retention of pollutants in the unsaturated zone is used as a semi-quantitative indicator of vulnerability in a long-term perspective. This indicator is classified into four intervals, ranging from <1×106 m2/m2 to >25×106 m2/m2. The quality of the surfaces is not assessed. However, the absence of an intact soil profile is estimated to result in an increase in vulnerability by one class. Application of the methodology was demonstrated in an area south of Stockholm, Sweden. The digital geological map was processed using GIS to delineate four defined hydrogeological settings and vulnerability classes. Compared with an existing vulnerability map based on stratigraphic zoning, the hydrogeological settings allow a site to be interpreted in its hydrogeological context, and the use of quantitative vulnerability indicators increase the usefulness in practical planning and management. Received, June 1997 · Revised, February 1998 · Accepted, April 1998  相似文献   

Pesticides are a potential threat to the quality of extracted groundwater when the water-supply area is used for agricultural activities. This problem is discussed for the water-supply area of Sint-Jansteen, The Netherlands, where measured pesticide concentrations in the extracted water regularly exceed EU limits (0.1 μg/L). Groundwater samples taken from the aquifer within the water-supply area show low contamination, but samples taken from the extracted water occasionally contain pesticides, making the water inadequate for drinking-water purposes. The more intense contamination of the extracted water is caused by the change in the natural groundwater flow pattern near the extraction wells. In this area, pesticide use cannot be avoided easily, and an approach is given to differentiate pesticide use in the area according to expected travel time toward the wells and the chemical characteristics of the pesticides. A groundwater flow model for the area is developed and the effects of groundwater extraction on the natural flow pattern are evaluated. Using particle tracking, the travel-time zones are determined. Combining these results and the degradation behavior of certain pesticides led to an optimal scheme to integrate agricultural activities and groundwater extraction in the area. This is illustrated for five different types of pesticides (atrazine, simazine, bentazone, MCPA, and mecoprop). Received, October 1998/Revised, July 1999, September 1999/Accepted, November 1999  相似文献   

The ionic and isotopic compositions (δD, δ18O, and 3H) of urban groundwaters have been monitored in Seoul to examine the water quality in relation to land-use. High tritium contents (6.1–12.0 TU) and the absence of spatial/seasonal change of O–H isotope data indicate that groundwaters are well mixed within aquifers with recently recharged waters of high contamination susceptibility. Statistical analyses show a spatial variation of major ions in relation to land-use type. The major ion concentrations tend to increase with anthropogenic contamination, due to the local pollutants recharge. The TDS concentration appears to be a useful contamination indicator, as it generally increases by the order of forested green zone (average 151 mg/l), agricultural area, residential area, traffic area, and industrialized area (average 585 mg/l). With the increased anthropogenic contamination, the groundwater chemistry changes from a Ca–HCO3 type toward a Ca–Cl(+NO3) type. The source and behavior of major ions are discussed and the hydrochemical backgrounds are proposed as the basis of a groundwater management plan.  相似文献   

 A field study from October 1989 through July 1992, conducted on a 4.1-km2 area in south-central Wisconsin, USA, examined the distributions of atrazine and its chlorinated metabolites in groundwater and related those distributions to the groundwater flow system. MODFLOW and PATH3D were used to assess bedrock-aquifer susceptibility to contamination. Estimated travel time from water table to bedrock surface ranges from <0.25 to >512 yr. Spatial distribution of the estimates demonstrates that increased travel time to bedrock can result from the presence of shallow surface-water bodies, greater depths to bedrock, and smaller hydraulic conductivities. Estimated travel times to local domestic wells are inversely related to atrazine and desethylated atrazine concentrations observed in water from those wells. The potential impact of long-term atrazine use on aquifer water quality was investigated using MT3D in two best-case scenarios. Uncertainties associated with predicted atrazine concentrations at various depths and times were estimated. For shallow groundwater, widespread violations of Wisconsin's current preventive action limit were predicted, but with large uncertainty stemming from uncertain estimates of input parameter values. The simulations indicate, however, that moderate inputs at the water table are very unlikely to produce violations of Wisconsin's standards deeper in the aquifer. Received, October 1997 Revised, July 1998 Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

Humboldt, Arago, and the temperature of groundwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 An early indication of groundwater contamination occurs when pollutant concentrations start to fluctuate and exceed background values of ambient fresh groundwater. An analysis of a characteristic situation of this type uses data from Israel's coastal phreatic granular aquifer. The pollutant is generally seawater, and the contamination process involves replacement of freshwater by encroaching sea- or other saltwater, a process augmented by human activity. The contamination process involves three stages: (1) groundwater composition remains relatively stable with small salinity content; (2) small salinity changes are perceptible with reversible fluctuations; and (3) salinity concentration increases at a sharply higher rate. The second stage is a useful early-indicator signal of contamination. Early-indicator signals of groundwater pollutant concentrations involve "minor" fluctuations in water chemistry at the advent of the contamination process. The intensity and magnitude of such a salinization/pollution process at any given location depends upon lithologic matrix, aquifer heterogeneity, and resultant flow domain characteristics, as well as contaminant properties. If such "signs" are detected at a sufficiently early stage, appropriate management steps may be taken to rectify further seawater and/or saltwater encroachment. Received: 23 July 1996 · Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

 The total amount of groundwater resources in the middle and upper Odra River basin is 5200×103 m3/d, or about 7.7% of the disposable groundwater resources of Poland. The average modulus of groundwater resources is about 1.4 L/s/km2. Of the 180 'Major Groundwater Basins' (MGWB) in Poland, 43 are partly or totally located within the study area. The MGWB in southwestern Poland have an average modulus of groundwater resources about 2.28 L/s/km2 and thus have abundant water resources in comparison to MGWB from other parts of the country. Several types of mineral waters occur in the middle and upper Odra River basin. These waters are concentrated especially in the Sudety Mountains. Carbon-dioxide waters, with yields of 414 m3/h, are the most widespread of Sudetic mineral waters. The fresh waters of the crystalline basement have a low mineralization, commonly less than 100 mg/L; they are a HCO3–Ca–Mg or SO4–Ca–Mg type of water. Various hydrochemical compositions characterize the groundwater in sedimentary rocks. The shallow aquifers are under risk of atmospheric pollution and anthropogenic effects. To prevent the degradation of groundwater resources in the middle and upper Odra River basin, Critical Protection Areas have been designated within the MGWB. Received, January 1995 Revised, May 1996, August 1997 Accepted, August 1997  相似文献   

Application of a groundwater contamination index in Finland and Slovakia   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
A methodology is presented for evaluating and mapping the degree of groundwater contamination by applying the contamination index C d . The applicability of the contamination index was tested in two distinctly different geological regions: the area between Uusikaupunki and Yläne in southwestern Finland and the Brezno area in central Slovakia. The index takes into account both the number of parameters that exceed the upper permissible concentrations of contaminants or potentially harmful elements and the part of the concentrations exceeding those values. The water-quality parameters reflect the effect of diverse natural (topographical, climatical, geological, biological) and anthropogenic (type of land use, local pollution) environmental factors on groundwater quality. In Finland, technical-aesthetic contamination was found over more than half the test area. These quality problems were most often related to acidity and high concentrations of organic carbon and Al and Fe in wells. Health-risk-based contamination, mainly caused by elevated concentrations of fluoride, radon, or nitrate, was found in only a few separate areas. In Slovakia, naturally contaminated and anthropogenically polluted groundwaters could be distinguished. The geogenic pollution is mainly derived from sulfide mineralizations. In both countries the strongest anthropogenic pollution was found in intensively cultivated areas.  相似文献   

Characterization of groundwater contamination using factor analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The effluent contamination of groundwater at two industrial sites at Visakhapatnam, India, was studied using factor analysis. Thirty groundwater samples near a zinc smelter plant and 19 from the polymers plant were analyzed for specific conductance, chloride, bicarbonate, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The data were subjected to R-mode factor analysis and the factor scores transferred to areal maps. While magnesium and sulfate are the dominant contaminants at the zinc site, sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate from the effluent are affecting groundwater in the polymers area. Contour maps for each factor suggest the areal extension of the contaminants. Received: 1 March 1995 · Accepted: 18 September 1995  相似文献   

为了有效避免地下水系统遭受污染,保护地下水资源,采用改进的DRASTIC模型对地下水易污染性进行了评价.鉴于DRASTIC模型的诸多缺陷,将模糊综合评价方法运用到模型中,构建了各评价指标于各个级别的最优相对隶属度矩阵;引用语气算子确定指标权重,计算出了研究区样本集的级别特征值向量.将样本的易污染性进行排序,用研究区样段的水质评价结果进行了验证,结果证明,易污染性程度越高的地区综合评价水质越差;为进一步验证评价方法的真实性,将易污染性排序结果与传统DRASTIC法评价排序结果进行对比,两种方法排序一致.可见,本次改进的模型在克服了DRASTIC的诸多缺陷的同时,使得计算结果真实、可靠,且更加体现了计算过程的科学性与合理性.  相似文献   

 Hydrogeologic data of 455 water wells comprising geologic logs, water qualities, and aquifer test results are analyzed to determine hydrogeological characteristics, water quality, and sustainable yield of the groundwater resources of Cheju volcanic island. The groundwater of the island occurs in unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits and clinkers interbedded in highly jointed basaltic and andesitic rocks as high-level, basal, and parabasal groundwater under unconfined conditions. The total storage of groundwater is estimated at about 44 billion m3. The average transmissivity and specific yield of the aquifer are at about 0.34 m2 s–1(29300 m2 day–1) and 0.12, respectively. The average annual precipitation is about 3.39 billion m3, of which 1.49 billion m3– equivalent to 44.0% of the total annual precipitation – is recharged into aquifers, with 0.638 billion m3 year–1 of runoff and 1.26 billion m3 year–1 of evapotranspiration. Based on a groundwater budget analysis, the sustainable yield is estimated at about 0.62 billion m3 year–1, equivalent to 41.6% of annual recharge. A low-permeability marine sedimentary formation (Sehwari formation), composed of loosely cemented sandy silt, was recently found to be situated at 120±68 m below mean sea level. If the said marine sediment is distributed as a basal formation of the freshwater zone of the island, most of its groundwater will be of parabasal type. So the marine sediment is one of the most important hydrogeological boundaries and groundwater occurrences in the area. Received: 16 January 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

 Due to rapid economic growth in the Pingtung Plain of Taiwan, the use of groundwater resources has changed dramatically. Over-pumping of the groundwater reservoir, which lowers hydraulic heads in the aquifers, is not only affecting the coastal area negatively but has serious consequences for agriculture throughout the plain. In order to determine the safe yield of the aquifer underlying the plain, a reliable estimate of groundwater recharge is desirable. In the present study, for the first time, the chloride mass-balance method is adopted to estimate groundwater recharge in the plain. Four sites in the central part were chosen to facilitate the estimations using the ion-chromatograph and Thiessen polygon-weighting methods. Based on the measured and calculated results, in all sites, including the mountain and river boundaries, recharge to the groundwater is probably 15% of the annual rainfall, excluding recharge from additional irrigation water. This information can improve the accuracy of future groundwater-simulation and management models in the plain. Received, April 1996 Revised, March 1997, November 1997 Accepted, March 1998  相似文献   

 The aquifer system of the Upper Triassic Keuper Sandstone, an important source of drinking water in northern Bavaria, is affected by elevated arsenic concentrations. Within the study area of 8000 km2, no evidence exists for any artificial source of arsenic. Data from about 500 deep water wells show that in approximately 160 wells arsenic concentrations are 10–150 μg/L. The regional distribution of arsenic in the groundwater shows that elevated arsenic concentrations are probably related to specific lithofacies of the aquifers that contain more sediments of terrestrial origin. Geochemical measurements on samples from four selected well cores show that arsenic has accumulated in the rocks. This indigenous arsenic is the source of arsenic in the groundwater of certain facies of the middle unit of the Keuper Sandstone. Received, June 1998 / Revised, January 1999, May 1999 / Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

 The sustainability of community water supplies drawn from shallow aquifers in the arid southwest of the Northern Territory has been evaluated using the radioactive isotope chlorine-36 (36Cl). These aquifers include fractured sandstones of the Ngalia Basin, fractured metamorphic rocks and Cainozoic sands and gravels. 36Cl/Cl ratios for these shallow, regional groundwaters exhibit a bimodal distribution with peaks at 205 (±7) and 170 (±7)×10–15. The higher ratio probably represents modern (Holocene) recharge, diluted with windblown salts from local playa lakes, and occurs mostly around the margin of the basin. The lower ratio corresponds to a 36Cl "age", or mean residence time, of 80–100 ka, implying that the last major recharge occurred during the last interglacial interval (Oxygen Isotope Stage 5). These values are mainly observed in the interior of the Ngalia Basin. Lower values of the 36Cl/Cl ratio measured near playa lakes are affected by addition of chloride from remobilised salts. Finite carbon-14 (14C) data for the groundwaters are at variance with the 36Cl results, but a depth profile suggests low recharge, allowing diffusion of recent atmospheric carbon to the water table. The 36Cl results have important implications for groundwater management in this region, with substantial recharge only occurring during favourable, wet, interglacial climatic regimes; most community water supplies are dependent on these "old" waters. Received, September 1997 · Revised, August 1998, March 1999 · Accepted, March 1999  相似文献   

 The natural environment of an environmental conflict site in Incheon, Korea was assessed with a focus on the hydrogeological environment. Residents had made claims against a company because of health problems, including skin tumors. More specifically, the residents suspected that their drinking groundwater had been contaminated by glass fibers which had caused the health problems. Air, soil, and groundwater samples were analyzed to estimate whether environmental pollution could have caused the problems claimed by the residents. No specific evidence was found from this study to support the groundwater contamination by glass fibers, but groundwater contamination by leaked fuel oils was confirmed in the course of evaluating the glass fiber problem. Received: 16 May 1997 · Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。  相似文献   

 The Dawu well field, one of the largest in China, supplies most of the water for the Zibo City urban area in Shandong Province. The field yields 522,400–535,400 m3/d from an aquifer in fractured karstic Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks. Much of the recharge to the aquifer is leakage of surface water from Zihe Stream, the major drainage in the area. Installation of the Taihe Reservoir in 1972 severely reduced the downstream flow in Zihe Stream, resulting in a marked reduction in the water table in the Dawu field. Since 1994, following the installation of a recharge station on Zihe Stream upstream from the well field that injects water from the Taihe Reservoir into the stream, the groundwater resources of the field have recovered. An average of 61.2×103 m3/d of groundwater, mostly from the Ordovician aquifer, is pumped from the Heiwang iron mine, an open pit in the bed of Zihe Stream below the Taihe Reservoir. A stepwise regression equation, used to evaluate the role of discharge from the reservoir into the stream, confirms that reservoir water is one of the major sources of groundwater in the mine. Received, May 1998 / Revised, May 1999 / Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

 Shallow, anaerobic groundwater near a former manufactured-gas plant (MGP) in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, contains mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs and PAHs, respectively). Between 1994 and 1997, a combination of field, laboratory, and numerical-flow and transport-model investigations were made to assess natural attenuation processes affecting MAH and PAH distributions. This assessment included determination of adsorption coefficients (K ad ) and first-order biodegradation rate constants (K bio ) using aquifer material from the MGP site and adjacent properties. Naphthalene adsorption (K ad =1.35×10–7 m3/mg) to aquifer sediments was higher than toluene adsorption (K ad =9.34×10–10 m3/mg), suggesting preferential toluene transport relative to naphthalene. However, toluene and benzene distributions measured in January 1994 were smaller than the naphthalene distribution. This scenario can be explained, in part, by the differences between biodegradation rates of the compounds. Aerobic first-order rate constants of 14C-toluene, 14C-benzene, and 14C-naphthalene degradation were similar (–0.84, –0.03, and 0.88 day–1, respectively), but anaerobic rate constants were higher for toluene and benzene (–0.002 and –0.00014 day–1, respectively) than for naphthalene (–0.000046 day–1). Both areal and cross-sectional numerical simulations were used to test the hypothesis suggested by these rate differences that MAH compounds will be contained relative to PAHs. Predictive simulations indicated that the distributions of toluene and benzene reach steady-state conditions before groundwater flow lines discharge to an adjacent surface-water body, but do discharge low concentrations of naphthalene. Numerical predictions were "audited" by measuring concentrations of naphthalene, toluene, and benzene at the site in early 1997. Measured naphthalene and toluene concentrations were substantially reduced and the areal extent of contamination smaller than was both observed in January 1994 and predicted for 1997. Measured 1997 benzene concentrations and distribution were shown to be relatively unchanged from those measured in 1994, and similar to predictions for 1997. Received: 26 June 1997 · Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

The mineralized district of SW England was one of the world's greatest mining areas, with mining commencing in the Bronze age, peaking in the 1850s to 1890s, but still continuing to the present day. Consequently, it is not surprising that mining has had a major impact on the environmental geochemistry of SW England. In this study, the mineralogical and geochemical signature of mine waste contamination within the Fal Estuary at Tresillian, Cornwall, has been examined. A pulse of mine waste contamination is recognized at approximately 50?cm below present day sediment surface. Sn, As, Cu, Pb, and Zn are all enriched within this contaminated interval with up to 1800 mg?kg–1 Sn, 290 mg?kg–1 As, 508 mg?kg–1 Pb, 2210 mg?kg–1 Zn, and 1380 mg?kg–1 Cu. Within this interval, the dominant minerals present include chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, cassiterite, Fe–Ti oxides (ilmenite and ?rutile), wolframite, sphalerite, baryte, zircon, monazite, tourmaline and xenotime. In addition, man-made slag products commonly occur. The exact timing of the release of mine waste into the estuary is poorly constrained, but probably occurred during or immediately following the peak in mining activity in the nearby Camborne-Redruth district, which was between 1853 and 1893. The mine waste may have entered the estuary either via the Tresillian River and its tributaries or via Calenick Creek and the Truro River and/or the Carnon River which flows into Rostronguet Creek.  相似文献   

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