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We present a methodology based on the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and the level set method for the continuous model updating of geological facies with respect to production data. Geological facies are modeled using an implicit surface representation and conditioned to production data using the ensemble Kalman filter. The methodology is based on Gaussian random fields used to deform the facies boundaries. The Gaussian random fields are used as the model parameter vector to be updated sequentially within the EnKF when new measurements are available. We show the successful application of the methodology to two synthetic reservoir models.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has become a very popular tool for history matching petroleum reservoirs. EnKF is an alternative to more traditional history matching techniques as it is computationally fast and easy to implement. Instead of seeking one best model estimate, EnKF is a Monte Carlo method that represents the solution with an ensemble of state vectors. Lately, several ensemble-based methods have been proposed to improve upon the solution produced by EnKF. In this paper, we compare EnKF with one of the most recently proposed methods, the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter (AGM), on a 2D synthetic reservoir and the Punq-S3 test case. AGM was introduced to loosen up the requirement of a Gaussian prior distribution as implicitly formulated in EnKF. By combining ideas from particle filters with EnKF, AGM extends the low-rank kernel particle Kalman filter. The simulation study shows that while both methods match the historical data well, AGM is better at preserving the geostatistics of the prior distribution. Further, AGM also produces estimated fields that have a higher empirical correlation with the reference field than the corresponding fields obtained with EnKF.  相似文献   

We present a parallel framework for history matching and uncertainty characterization based on the Kalman filter update equation for the application of reservoir simulation. The main advantages of ensemble-based data assimilation methods are that they can handle large-scale numerical models with a high degree of nonlinearity and large amount of data, making them perfectly suited for coupling with a reservoir simulator. However, the sequential implementation is computationally expensive as the methods require relatively high number of reservoir simulation runs. Therefore, the main focus of this work is to develop a parallel data assimilation framework with minimum changes into the reservoir simulator source code. In this framework, multiple concurrent realizations are computed on several partitions of a parallel machine. These realizations are further subdivided among different processors, and communication is performed at data assimilation times. Although this parallel framework is general and can be used for different ensemble techniques, we discuss the methodology and compare results of two algorithms, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and the ensemble smoother (ES). Computational results show that the absolute runtime is greatly reduced using a parallel implementation versus a serial one. In particular, a parallel efficiency of about 35 % is obtained for the EnKF, and an efficiency of more than 50 % is obtained for the ES.  相似文献   

Improving the Ensemble Estimate of the Kalman Gain by Bootstrap Sampling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Using a small ensemble size in the ensemble Kalman filter methodology is efficient for updating numerical reservoir models but can result in poor updates following spurious correlations between observations and model variables. The most common approach for reducing the effect of spurious correlations on model updates is multiplication of the estimated covariance by a tapering function that eliminates all correlations beyond a prespecified distance. Distance-dependent tapering is not always appropriate, however. In this paper, we describe efficient methods for discriminating between the real and the spurious correlations in the Kalman gain matrix by using the bootstrap method to assess the confidence level of each element from the Kalman gain matrix. The new method is tested on a small linear problem, and on a water flooding reservoir history matching problem. For the water flooding example, a small ensemble size of 30 was used to compute the Kalman gain in both the screened EnKF and standard EnKF methods. The new method resulted in significantly smaller root mean squared errors of the estimated model parameters and greater variability in the final updated ensemble.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an extension of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) specifically designed for multimodal systems. EnKF data assimilation scheme is less accurate when it is used to approximate systems with multimodal distribution such as reservoir facies models. The algorithm is based on the assumption that both prior and posterior distribution can be approximated by Gaussian mixture and it is validated by the introduction of the concept of finite ensemble representation. The effectiveness of the approach is shown with two applications. The first example is based on Lorenz model. In the second example, the proposed methodology combined with a localization technique is used to update a 2D reservoir facies models. Both applications give evidence of an improved performance of the proposed method respect to the EnKF.  相似文献   

In recent years, data assimilation techniques have been applied to an increasingly wider specter of problems. Monte Carlo variants of the Kalman filter, in particular, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), have gained significant popularity. EnKF is used for a wide variety of applications, among them for updating reservoir simulation models. EnKF is a Monte Carlo method, and its reliability depends on the actual size of the sample. In applications, a moderately sized sample (40–100 members) is used for computational convenience. Problems due to the resulting Monte Carlo effects require a more thorough analysis of the EnKF. Earlier we presented a method for the assessment of the error emerging at the EnKF update step (Kovalenko et al., SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl, in press). A particular energy norm of the EnKF error after a single update step was studied. The energy norm used to assess the error is hard to interpret. In this paper, we derive the distribution of the Euclidean norm of the sampling error under the same assumptions as before, namely normality of the forecast distribution and negligibility of the observation error. The distribution depends on the ensemble size, the number and spatial arrangement of the observations, and the prior covariance. The distribution is used to study the error propagation in a single update step on several synthetic examples. The examples illustrate the changes in reliability of the EnKF, when the parameters governing the error distribution vary.  相似文献   

An iterative ensemble Kalman filter for reservoir engineering applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study has been focused on examining the usage and the applicability of ensemble Kalman filtering techniques to the history matching procedures. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is often applied nowadays to solving such a problem. Meanwhile, traditional EnKF requires assumption of the distribution’s normality. Besides, it is based on the linear update of the analysis equations. These facts may cause problems when filter is used in reservoir applications and result in sampling error. The situation becomes more problematic if the a priori information on the reservoir structure is poor and initial guess about the, e.g., permeability field is far from the actual one. The above circumstance explains a reason to perform some further research concerned with analyzing specific modification of the EnKF-based approach, namely, the iterative EnKF (IEnKF) scheme, which allows restarting the procedure with a new initial guess that is closer to the actual solution and, hence, requires less improvement by the algorithm while providing better estimation of the parameters. The paper presents some examples for which the IEnKF algorithm works better than traditional EnKF. The algorithms are compared while estimating the permeability field in relation to the two-phase, two-dimensional fluid flow model.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) appears to give good results for matching production data at existing wells. However, the predictive power of these models outside of the existing wells is much more uncertain. In this paper, for a channelized reservoir for five different cases with different levels of information the production history is matched using the EnKF. The predictive power of the resulting model is tested for the existing wells and for new wells. The results show a consistent improvement for the predictions at the existing wells after assimilation of the production data, but not for prediction of production at new well locations. The latter depended on the settings of the problem and prior information used. The results also showed that the fit during the history match was not always a good predictor for predictive capabilities of the history match model. This suggests that some form of validation outside of observed wells is essential.  相似文献   

We present a methodology that allows conditioning the spatial distribution of geological and petrophysical properties of reservoir model realizations on available production data. The approach is fully consistent with modern concepts depicting natural reservoirs as composite media where the distribution of both lithological units (or facies) and associated attributes are modeled as stochastic processes of space. We represent the uncertain spatial distribution of the facies through a Markov mesh (MM) model, which allows describing complex and detailed facies geometries in a rigorous Bayesian framework. The latter is then embedded within a history matching workflow based on an iterative form of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). We test the proposed methodology by way of a synthetic study characterized by the presence of two distinct facies. We analyze the accuracy and computational efficiency of our algorithm and its ability with respect to the standard EnKF to properly estimate model parameters and assess future reservoir production. We show the feasibility of integrating MM in a data assimilation scheme. Our methodology is conducive to a set of updated model realizations characterized by a realistic spatial distribution of facies and their log permeabilities. Model realizations updated through our proposed algorithm correctly capture the production dynamics.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has become a popular method for history matching production and seismic data in petroleum reservoir models. However, it is known that EnKF may fail to give acceptable data matches especially for highly nonlinear problems. In this paper, we introduce a procedure to improve EnKF data matches based on assimilating the same data multiple times with the covariance matrix of the measurement errors multiplied by the number of data assimilations. We prove the equivalence between single and multiple data assimilations for the linear-Gaussian case and present computational evidence that multiple data assimilations can improve EnKF estimates for the nonlinear case. The proposed procedure was tested by assimilating time-lapse seismic data in two synthetic reservoir problems, and the results show significant improvements compared to the standard EnKF. In addition, we review the inversion schemes used in the EnKF analysis and present a rescaling procedure to avoid loss of information during the truncation of small singular values.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter has been successfully applied for data assimilation in very large models, including those in reservoir simulation and weather. Two problems become critical in a standard implementation of the ensemble Kalman filter, however, when the ensemble size is small. The first is that the ensemble approximation to cross-covariances of model and state variables to data can indicate the presence of correlations that are not real. These spurious correlations give rise to model or state variable updates in regions that should not be updated. The second problem is that the number of degrees of freedom in the ensemble is only as large as the size of the ensemble, so the assimilation of large amounts of precise, independent data is impossible. Localization of the Kalman gain is almost universal in the weather community, but applications of localization for the ensemble Kalman filter in porous media flow have been somewhat rare. It has been shown, however, that localization of updates to regions of non-zero sensitivity or regions of non-zero cross-covariance improves the performance of the EnKF when the ensemble size is small. Localization is necessary for assimilation of large amounts of independent data. The problem is to define appropriate localization functions for different types of data and different types of variables. We show that the knowledge of sensitivity alone is not sufficient for determination of the region of localization. The region depends also on the prior covariance for model variables and on the past history of data assimilation. Although the goal is to choose localization functions that are large enough to include the true region of non-zero cross-covariance, for EnKF applications, the choice of localization function needs to balance the harm done by spurious covariance resulting from small ensembles and the harm done by excluding real correlations. In this paper, we focus on the distance-based localization and provide insights for choosing suitable localization functions for data assimilation in multiphase flow problems. In practice, we conclude that it is reasonable to choose localization functions based on well patterns, that localization function should be larger than regions of non-zero sensitivity and should extend beyond a single well pattern.  相似文献   

The application of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for history matching petroleum reservoir models has been the subject of intense investigation during the past 10 years. Unfortunately, EnKF often fails to provide reasonable data matches for highly nonlinear problems. This fact motivated the development of several iterative ensemble-based methods in the last few years. However, there exists no study comparing the performance of these methods in the literature, especially in terms of their ability to quantify uncertainty correctly. In this paper, we compare the performance of nine ensemble-based methods in terms of the quality of the data matches, quantification of uncertainty, and computational cost. For this purpose, we use a small but highly nonlinear reservoir model so that we can generate the reference posterior distribution of reservoir properties using a very long chain generated by a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm. We also consider one adjoint-based implementation of the randomized maximum likelihood method in the comparisons.  相似文献   

The adaptive Gaussian mixture filter (AGM) was introduced as a robust filter technique for large-scale applications and an alternative to the well-known ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). It consists of two analysis steps, one linear update and one weighting/resampling step. The bias of AGM is determined by two parameters, one adaptive weight parameter (forcing the weights to be more uniform to avoid filter collapse) and one predetermined bandwidth parameter which decides the size of the linear update. It has been shown that if the adaptive parameter approaches one and the bandwidth parameter decreases, as an increasing function of the sample size, the filter can achieve asymptotic optimality. For large-scale applications with a limited sample size, the filter solution may be far from optimal as the adaptive parameter gets close to zero depending on how well the samples from the prior distribution match the data. The bandwidth parameter must often be selected significantly different from zero in order to make large enough linear updates to match the data, at the expense of bias in the estimates. In the iterative AGM we introduce here, we take advantage of the fact that the history matching problem is usually estimation of parameters and initial conditions. If the prior distribution of initial conditions and parameters is close to the posterior distribution, it is possible to match the historical data with a small bandwidth parameter and an adaptive weight parameter that gets close to one. Hence, the bias of the filter solution is small. In order to obtain this scenario, we iteratively run the AGM throughout the data history with a very small bandwidth to create a new prior distribution from the updated samples after each iteration. After a few iterations, nearly all samples from the previous iteration match the data, and the above scenario is achieved. A simple toy problem shows that it is possible to reconstruct the true posterior distribution using the iterative version of the AGM. Then a 2D synthetic reservoir is revisited to demonstrate the potential of the new method on large-scale problems.  相似文献   

Reservoir simulation models are used both in the development of new fields and in developed fields where production forecasts are needed for investment decisions. When simulating a reservoir, one must account for the physical and chemical processes taking place in the subsurface. Rock and fluid properties are crucial when describing the flow in porous media. In this paper, the authors are concerned with estimating the permeability field of a reservoir. The problem of estimating model parameters such as permeability is often referred to as a history-matching problem in reservoir engineering. Currently, one of the most widely used methodologies which address the history-matching problem is the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). EnKF is a Monte Carlo implementation of the Bayesian update problem. Nevertheless, the EnKF methodology has certain limitations that encourage the search for an alternative method.For this reason, a new approach based on graphical models is proposed and studied. In particular, the graphical model chosen for this purpose is a dynamic non-parametric Bayesian network (NPBN). This is the first attempt to approach a history-matching problem in reservoir simulation using a NPBN-based method. A two-phase, two-dimensional flow model was implemented for a synthetic reservoir simulation exercise, and initial results are shown. The methods’ performances are evaluated and compared. This paper features a completely novel approach to history matching and constitutes only the first part (part I) of a more detailed investigation. For these reasons (novelty and incompleteness), many questions are left open and a number of recommendations are formulated, to be investigated in part II of the same paper.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we developed a theoretical basis for parameterization of reservoir model parameters based on truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of the dimensionless sensitivity matrix. Two gradient-based algorithms based on truncated SVD were developed for history matching. In general, the best of these “SVD” algorithms requires on the order of 1/2 the number of equivalent reservoir simulation runs that are required by the limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (LBFGS) algorithm. In this work, we show that when combining SVD parameterization with the randomized maximum likelihood method, we can achieve significant additional computational savings by history matching all models simultaneously using a SVD parameterization based on a particular sensitivity matrix at each iteration. We present two new algorithms based on this idea, one which relies only on updating the SVD parameterization at each iteration and one which combines an inner iteration based on an adjoint gradient where during the inner iteration the truncated SVD parameterization does not vary. Results generated with our algorithms are compared with results obtained from the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). Finally, we show that by combining EnKF with the SVD-algorithm, we can improve the reliability of EnKF estimates.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an augmented Lagrangian method for production optimization in which the cost function to be maximized is defined as an augmented Lagrangian function consisting of the net present value (NPV) and all the equality and inequality constraints except the bound constraints. The bound constraints are dealt with using a trust-region gradient projection method. The paper also presents a way to eliminate the need to convert the inequality constraints to equality constraints with slack variables in the augmented Lagrangian function, which greatly reduces the size of the optimization problem when the number of inequality constraints is large. The proposed method is tested in the context of closed-loop reservoir management benchmark problem based on the Brugge reservoir setup by TNO. In the test, we used the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) with covariance localization for data assimilation. Production optimization is done on the updated ensemble mean model from EnKF. The production optimization resulted in a substantial increase in the NPV for the expected reservoir life compared to the base case with reactive control.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been shown repeatedly to be an effective method for data assimilation in large-scale problems, including those in petroleum engineering. Data assimilation for multiphase flow in porous media is particularly difficult, however, because the relationships between model variables (e.g., permeability and porosity) and observations (e.g., water cut and gas–oil ratio) are highly nonlinear. Because of the linear approximation in the update step and the use of a limited number of realizations in an ensemble, the EnKF has a tendency to systematically underestimate the variance of the model variables. Various approaches have been suggested to reduce the magnitude of this problem, including the application of ensemble filter methods that do not require perturbations to the observed data. On the other hand, iterative least-squares data assimilation methods with perturbations of the observations have been shown to be fairly robust to nonlinearity in the data relationship. In this paper, we present EnKF with perturbed observations as a square root filter in an enlarged state space. By imposing second-order-exact sampling of the observation errors and independence constraints to eliminate the cross-covariance with predicted observation perturbations, we show that it is possible in linear problems to obtain results from EnKF with observation perturbations that are equivalent to ensemble square-root filter results. Results from a standard EnKF, EnKF with second-order-exact sampling of measurement errors that satisfy independence constraints (EnKF (SIC)), and an ensemble square-root filter (ETKF) are compared on various test problems with varying degrees of nonlinearity and dimensions. The first test problem is a simple one-variable quadratic model in which the nonlinearity of the observation operator is varied over a wide range by adjusting the magnitude of the coefficient of the quadratic term. The second problem has increased observation and model dimensions to test the EnKF (SIC) algorithm. The third test problem is a two-dimensional, two-phase reservoir flow problem in which permeability and porosity of every grid cell (5,000 model parameters) are unknown. The EnKF (SIC) and the mean-preserving ETKF (SRF) give similar results when applied to linear problems, and both are better than the standard EnKF. Although the ensemble methods are expected to handle the forecast step well in nonlinear problems, the estimates of the mean and the variance from the analysis step for all variants of ensemble filters are also surprisingly good, with little difference between ensemble methods when applied to nonlinear problems.  相似文献   

In the past years, many applications of history-matching methods in general and ensemble Kalman filter in particular have been proposed, especially in order to estimate fields that provide uncertainty in the stochastic process defined by the dynamical system of hydrocarbon recovery. Such fields can be permeability fields or porosity fields, but can also fields defined by the rock type (facies fields). The estimation of the boundaries of the geologic facies with ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) was made, in different papers, with the aid of Gaussian random fields, which were truncated using various schemes and introduced in a history-matching process. In this paper, we estimate, in the frame of the EnKF process, the locations of three facies types that occur into a reservoir domain, with the property that each two could have a contact. The geological simulation model is a form of the general truncated plurigaussian method. The difference with other approaches consists in how the truncation scheme is introduced and in the observation operator of the facies types at the well locations. The projection from the continuous space of the Gaussian fields into the discrete space of the facies fields is realized through in an intermediary space (space with probabilities). This space connects the observation operator of the facies types at the well locations with the geological simulation model. We will test the model using a 2D reservoir which is connected with the EnKF method as a data assimilation technique. We will use different geostatistical properties for the Gaussian fields and different levels of the uncertainty introduced in the model parameters and also in the construction of the Gaussian fields.  相似文献   

The performance of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for continuous updating of facies location and boundaries in a reservoir model based on production and facies data for a 3D synthetic problem is presented. The occurrence of the different facies types is treated as a random process and the initial distribution was obtained by truncating a bi-Gaussian random field. Because facies data are highly non-Gaussian, re-parameterization was necessary in order to use the EnKF algorithm for data assimilation; two Gaussian random fields are updated in lieu of the static facies parameters. The problem of history matching applied to facies is difficult due to (1) constraints to facies observations at wells are occasionally violated when productions data are assimilated; (2) excessive reduction of variance seems to be a bigger problem with facies than with Gaussian random permeability and porosity fields; and (3) the relationship between facies variables and data is so highly non-linear that the final facies field does not always honor early production data well. Consequently three issues are investigated in this work. Is it possible to iteratively enforce facies constraints when updates due to production data have caused them to be violated? Can localization of adjustments be used for facies to prevent collapse of the variance during the data-assimilation period? Is a forecast from the final state better than a forecast from time zero using the final parameter fields?To investigate these issues, a 3D reservoir simulation model is coupled with the EnKF technique for data assimilation. One approach to enforcing the facies constraint is continuous iteration on all available data, which may lead to inconsistent model states, incorrect weighting of the production data and incorrect adjustment of the state vector. A sequential EnKF where the dynamic and static data are assimilated sequentially is presented and this approach seems to have solved the highlighted problems above. When the ensemble size is small compared to the number of independent data, the localized adjustment of the state vector is a very important technique that may be used to mitigate loss of rank in the ensemble. Implementing a distance-based localization of the facies adjustment appears to mitigate the problem of variance deficiency in the ensembles by ensuring that sufficient variability in the ensemble is maintained throughout the data assimilation period. Finally, when data are assimilated without localization, the prediction results appear to be independent of the starting point. When localization is applied, it is better to predict from the start using the final parameter field rather than continue from the final state.  相似文献   

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