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台湾海峡西部海域第四纪晚期沉积速率的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许志峰 《台湾海峡》1996,15(3):223-228
本文利用台湾海峡西部海域第四纪晚期沉积物的沉积速率,研究了沉积速率随环境和年代不同而变化的规律,指出第四纪晚近时期沉积物沉积速率上升的趋势和原因,说明人类的活动,尤其是不合理的开发是引起学积物沉积速率与日俱增的重要原因,应当引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic profiles across the shelf margin and trough region of the Korea Strait reveal five shallow, near-surface facies units. These are relict coastal deposits, relict delta deposits, slumps and slides, and trough lag deposits. Most deposits represent a lowstand systems tract, formed during the last lowstand of sea level. Relict coastal deposits represent a linear sediment body along the present shelf margin at water depths of 120–150 m, whereas relict delta deposits occur on the gentle, southwestern slope of the trough at water depths of about 150–200 m. Slumps and slides are dominant at the base of slope in the central trough region. Sediments on the central trough floor were partly eroded and redistributed by strong currents, resulting in lag deposits.  相似文献   

Glauconite grains are an important component of the surficial sediments on the Korean continental shelf. Relatively high glauconite contents (>20%) occur near Huksan Island in the Yellow Sea and on the outer shelf of the southern East Sea where they are associated with relict, sandy sediments. By contrast, glauconite grains are rare (<1%) in clay-dominated sediments. The grains can be classified into four major categories: (1) very abundant, green to dark green, spheroidal and lobate grains displaying bulbous and honeycomb exteriors with well-developed surface cracks; (2) dark green, discoidal grains with poorly defined cracks; (3) scarce, moderately dark green, accordion-shaped grains characterized by series of closely spaced, parallel surface ridges; (4) scarce, green to dark green, foraminifer-shaped grains. Microprobe analyses as well as optical microscopy and SEM observations show that most grains are composed of mineral mixtures (e.g., quartz, mica, feldspar) rather than a single mineral species. The mineralogy, morphology, and textural properties suggest that the grains may have formed mainly by replacement of fecal pellets, and the alteration of mica and clays which have filled foraminifera tests. The high potassium contents, rosette-shaped clay structures, and bulbous shapes reflect an “evolved” (mature) stage of glauconitization. Glauconite grains in Korean shelf sediments are presumably relict, and have been produced by the reworking of older glauconitic sediments during the Holocene sea-level transgression. Received: 4 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 18 May 2000  相似文献   

High-resolution shallow seismic-reflection profiles obtained from the western Mersin Bay have revealed the existence of the two distinct depositional sequences (C and B) lying on a narrow and relatively steeply-sloping continental shelf which mainly receives its sediments from the ephemeral rivers. The upper Holocene sedimentary sequence (C) is characterized by stratified (simple to complex) to chaotic reflection configurations produced by the development of a prograding wedge of terrigenous sediment. Particular occurrences of slope- and front-fill facies and the lack of a sharp boundary, which has, however, been observed on the western shelf of this bay, between the Early Holocene and latest Pleistocene deposits are related to possible movement of underlying deposits due to local gravity mass movements or synsedimentary tectonics due to adjustment of the underlying evaporites in adjacent basin. The maximum thickness of the topmost sequence C is associated with the Tarsus–Seyhan delta, which lies to the northeast of the area and is prograding along the shelf. Other variations in thickness (5–40 m) of this topmost sequence are related to the variable sediment discharge along the coast, and the distance from the coast. It is at a maximum (40 m) in the nearshore area just west of the Lamas river mouth and at a minimum (5–15 m) in the offshore area.

The lower depositional pre-Holocene sequence (B) is characterized by continuous to wavy reflection configurations and how some cyclicity, suggesting coarse, heterogeneous sediments deposited under high energy conditions (fan-deltas) of Plio-Pleistocene age.

The combined interpretation of seismic reflection profiles with the available bore-hole data reveals the existence of a widespread Miocene acoustic basement (A) off the Susanoğlu–Tırtar coasts and Karapınar–Gilindirez rivers mouths. Unusual features in some profiles suggest the escape of coastal freshwater into the accumulating sediment.  相似文献   

基于北冰洋中部阿尔法脊ARC3-B84A岩芯(水深2280 m)中的介形虫化石群记录,重建了MIS 13期以来该海域的古海洋环境变迁。从该岩芯获取的介形虫壳瓣逾7000枚,包含8属11种。由介形虫丰度所代表的底栖生物古生产力在MIS 13–10期很低,进入MIS 9期之后显著升高。海冰指示种Acetabulastoma arcticum显示常年海冰很可能是在MIS 9期之后出现的。在所有属种中,北冰洋中层水(AIW)指示种Polycope spp.和北冰洋深层水(AODW)指示种Cytheropteron sedovi的个体数量最多,二者在岩芯中的百分含量呈负相关,它们与其他属种(Microcythere medistriatum, Pseudocythere caudata, Pedicythere spp., Cytheropteron scoresbyi, Cytheropteron higashikawai, Henryhowella asperrima)一起,揭示该岩芯站位经历了如下的水团变迁历史:最初处于AODW上部(MIS 13–12),之后被上涌的AODW下部所取代(MIS 11–10);尔后,上方的AIW大幅下潜,取代了AODW(MIS 9期–MIS 5早期);在MIS 5中–晚期,AODW下部快速上涌,取代了AIW;最终在MIS 4之后,水团定格在AODW上部。  相似文献   

Analyses of high-resolution seismic-reflection data and geological samples revealed the characteristics of Quaternary sedimentation in the Kadeok region at the opening of the Nakdong River. The sediments comprise two layers, i.e., a 20- to 45-m-thick Holocene mud layer, and a coarser late-Pleistocene layer deposited in a fluvial environment. Sedimentological variations in the late-Pleistocene layer to the west and east of Kadeok Island are due to differences in channel maturity prior to the Holocene transgression. Holocene mud in the sea to the west of Kadeok Island was transported through a passway north of the island. Received: 26 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 7 February 2000  相似文献   

15 ka以来罗斯海陆架岩心沉积学记录及古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对取自罗斯海陆架的JB04岩心沉积物进行AMS14C测年、粒度、有机碳等测试,结合沉积物粒度组分因子分析,研究该岩心的沉积学记录,探讨其古海洋学意义。结果显示:JB04岩心沉积物的底部年龄为15 ka;沉积物粒度组分因子分析提取出3个环境敏感粒级,分别代表正常冰海沉积、低能海洋沉积和高能海洋沉积;综合沉积物岩相及沉积物组成特征,可以将岩心分为4段,从底部到顶部依次为主要受冰盖刮蚀影响的冰盖下沉积、属低能海洋环境的冰架下沉积、属高能海洋环境的冰架前缘沉积和主要受冰山影响的季节性海冰区沉积。该岩心的沉积地质记录及其古海洋学研究对全面认识罗斯海的海洋环境演变具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Two piston cores, collected from the western Ulleung Basin of the East/Japan Sea, were used to investigate the Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, lithology, and mineralogy of the sediments, as well as the elemental composition of both sediments and interstitial water, and their paleo-environmental implications. The cores show two lapilli tephra layers and one rhyolitic ash layer at the boundaries between sedimentary lithofacies units I, II, and III. These layers can be correlated with the well-known Ulleung-Oki (ca. 9.3 ka; boundary of units I/II), Ulleung-Yamato (ca. 25–33 ka), and Aira-Tanzawa (ca. 25.1 ka; boundary of units II/III) layers, respectively. These data suggest that the cores cover the period from the middle stage of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 to the Holocene. In each core, a so-called dark laminated mud (DLM) layer in unit II commonly has high contents of Si and Al, suggesting that the DLM layer generally contains significant amounts of fine-grained silicates and/or aluminosilicates. In addition, these DLM layers are enriched in Fe relative to Mn, iron being predominantly bound in framboidal pyrite. The size distribution of pyrite in the DLM layers suggests that these have formed under anoxic (euxinic) conditions at times of reduced water circulation in the basin during sea-level lowstand (euxinic environment). The C/N ratios [5–12] suggest that sedimentary organic matter in the cores is predominantly of marine origin. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents increased shortly before Termination I. This could have been caused by an increased flux of marine organic matter in association with sea-level rise. The C and S values of units II and III (Late Pleistocene sediments; C: <2.0%; S: 0.5–2.1%) suggest a more euxinic environment than that of unit I (Holocene sediments; C: 1.0–3.5%; S: <1.0%). Concentrations of SO42– in the interstitial water decrease with increasing burial depth, whereas CH4 concentrations show the reverse trend. Therefore, it seems that sulfate reduction, probably related to microbial activity, predominates in the upper core sections (<5 m), shifting to methanogenesis in the lower core sections.  相似文献   

The paleoceanography in the Nordic seas was characterized by apparently repeated switching on and off of Atlantic water advection. In contrast, a continous influx of Atlantic waters probably occurred along the northern Barents Sea margin during the last 150?ka. Temporary ice-free conditions enhanced by subsurface Atlantic water advection and coastal polynyas accelerated the final ice sheet build-up during glacial times. The virtually complete dissolution of biogenic calcite during interglacial intervals was controlled mainly by CO2-rich bottom waters and oxidation of higher levels of marine organic carbon and indicates intensive Atlantic water inflow and a stable ice margin.  相似文献   

 The paleoceanography in the Nordic seas was characterized by apparently repeated switching on and off of Atlantic water advection. In contrast, a continous influx of Atlantic waters probably occurred along the northern Barents Sea margin during the last 150 ka. Temporary ice-free conditions enhanced by subsurface Atlantic water advection and coastal polynyas accelerated the final ice sheet build-up during glacial times. The virtually complete dissolution of biogenic calcite during interglacial intervals was controlled mainly by CO2-rich bottom waters and oxidation of higher levels of marine organic carbon and indicates intensive Atlantic water inflow and a stable ice margin. Received: 25 February 1997 / Revision received: 4 March 1998  相似文献   

The wide area of the Korea Strait shelf is covered by a thin veneer of gravelly sands, sands, or muddy sands. Most gravels are sub- to well-rounded and their content reaches up to 25%. These sediments were derived from the Korean Peninsula through the paleochannel of the Nakdong River, which extended onto the mid-shelf during late Pleistocene low sea level. The gravel distribution pattern suggests reworking and transport of the sediments by strong currents during times of low sea level.  相似文献   

J.A. Ewing 《Marine Geology》1973,15(2):M31-M35
Estimates of the wave-induced oscillatory bottom currents available to move sediment on the continental shelf have been made using the Pierson—Moskowitz wave spectrum; the oscillations are substantially stronger than had previously been thought. Near a shelf edge with canyons the wave-induced currents will be locally enhanced by wave refraction by about four times under certain conditions for idealized topography. Local sediment-transport rates will be greater and will occur more frequently than had previously been supposed.  相似文献   

东海陆架晚第四纪沉积硅藻及其古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李超  蓝东兆  方琦 《台湾海峡》2002,21(3):351-359
本文对东海陆架DG9617岩芯沉积硅藻进行了研究,共分析鉴定出97种和变种,有近10种硅藻在岩芯中连续分布,且有较高的含量,而其余种类含量极低,仅零星检出。根据该岩芯中产出硅藻种类、含量及硅藻丰度变化特征自下而上共划分出3个硅藻组合带及5个亚带。结合孢粉资料,对产出3个不同硅藻带岩芯的地层年代进行了对比研究,表明该岩芯所代表的地层年代为中-晚全新世,硅藻I组合带大致为大西洋期的沉积,硅藻Ⅱ组合带应为亚北方期的产物,而硅藻Ⅲ组合带与亚大西洋期对应。文中并对不同硅藻组合带产出时的古海洋环境进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The Adriatic Sea is a modern epicontinental basin where the late Quaternary transgressive systems tract shows substantial variations within two contrasting shelf domains, separated by a 250-m-deep remnant basin: a lowgradient shelf in the north, and a steeper margin in the south. Four differentiated sedimentary responses reflect contrasting physiographic domains and differences in the ratio between oceanographic regime and sediment input during relative sea-level rise. The progressive widening of the Adriatic epicontinental shelf, up to seven times its low-stand extent, also determines variations in the style of transgressive deposition by controlling major changes in oceanographic circulation.  相似文献   

Reinhardt  L.  Kudrass  H.-R.  Lückge  A.  Wiedicke  M.  Wunderlich  J.  Wendt  G. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2002,23(4):335-351
About 6000 km of both bathymetric and high-resolution acoustic profiles were acquired on the shelf and upper slope offshore Peru between 9° S and 14° S. Two new sediment echosounder systems – SEL-96 and SES-2000DS – provided details of the sedimentary structures of the Quaternary sequences within the Sechura-Salaverry, Huacho and Pisco Basins. To a great extent, the poleward undercurrent determines the distribution of sediments. The undercurrent has generated numerous erosional unconformities, it has winnowed hardgrounds and has created mudwaves common between 250 m and 400 m water depth. Distinct subbottom reflectors within sedimentary units represent hiatuses due to periods of intensified winnowing or non-deposition. Erosional unconformities usually marked by pronounced reflectors suggest shifts of the undercurrent system related to climatic changes and eustatic variations of sea level. On a larger scale, the stacked prograding depositional sequences reflect the sea-level cycles of the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. Based on the stratigraphy of our piston cores and that of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 680, the depositional sequences limited by extended unconformities were assigned to oxygen isotope stages 1 to 7. Other sedimentary structures are small straight channels that were conduits for downslope sediment transport. Deformed sediments associated with synsedimentary normal faults result from creep movements indicating beginning slope failure.  相似文献   

对位于江苏中部海岸的07SR01钻孔沉积物进行了粒度和磁化率测量,分析了粒度与磁化率的变化特征及其两者间的相关关系,并结合北半球晚更新世气候与相对海面变化以及该孔年代框架和沉积相的研究认识,进一步揭示了研究区的古环境变化。研究表明,MIS 5晚期至MIS 3时期,江苏中部海岸先后经历了3个阶段的环境演化:① MIS 5晚期为较高海面、较强水动力的潮汐河口(边滩、河床)阶段(36.10~26.65 m),该阶段沉积物主要受古长江物源影响,粒度粗,分选性波动大(0.55~2.35),粒度频率分布曲线呈极正偏的窄峰(主峰位于3 Φ附近)且“拖细尾”,磁化率较高且波动小[(5.81~42.16)×10−8 m3·kg−1],与砂组分(<4 Φ)呈强正相关;② MIS 4-3时期为冷干转为暖湿、海面先下降后上升和较弱水动力的淡水与滨岸湖沼阶段(26.65~15.77 m),该阶段沉积物细,分选性稳定(1.51~3.03),粒度频率分布曲线呈正偏的宽峰(主峰位于4.75 Φ附近),磁化率低且稳定[(6.46~20.04)×10−8 m3·kg−1],主要与粗粉砂组分(4~5 Φ)呈弱正相关;③ MIS 3时期为较高海面、较强水动力的潮汐河口(分流河道)阶段(15.77~0 m),该阶段沉积物受MIS 3苏北古黄河的影响增强,粒度较粗,分选性波动大(0.94~2.82),粒度频率分布曲线呈极正偏的窄峰(主峰位于3.75 Φ附近)且“拖细尾”,磁化率较高且波动大[(10.21~57.25)×10−8 m3·kg−1],与砂和粗粉砂组分(<5 Φ)呈弱正相关。揭示海岸沉积物粒度和磁化率组合指标的古环境指示意义,将为进一步深入研究这一指示意义的形成机理提供必要的基础。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,216(4):275-296
Recent chirp seismic reflection data combined with multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and analysis of grab samples and short cores provide evidence of significant recent erosion on the outer New Jersey shelf. The timing of erosion is constrained by two factors: (1) truncation at the seafloor of what is interpreted to be the transgressive ravinement surface at the base of the surficial sand sheet, and (2) truncation of apparently moribund sand ridges along erosional swales oriented parallel to the primary direction of modern bottom flow and oblique to the strike of the sand ridges. These observations place the erosion in a marine setting, post-dating the passage of the shoreface ravinement and the evolution of sand ridges that form initially in the near shore environment. Also truncated by marine erosion are shallowly buried, fluvial channel systems, formed during the Last Glacial Maximum and filled during the transgression, and a regional reflector “R” that is > ∼ 40 kyr. Depths of erosion range from a few meters to > 10 m. The seafloor within eroded areas is often marked by “ribbon” morphology, seen primarily in the backscatter data as areas of alternating high and low backscatter elongated in the direction of primary bottom flow. Ribbons are more occasionally observed in the bathymetry; where observed, crests exhibit low backscatter and troughs exhibit high backscatter. Sampling reveals that the high backscatter areas of the ribbons consist of a trimodal admixture of mud, sand and shell hash, with a bimodal distribution of abraded and unabraded sand grains and microfauna. The shell hash is interpreted to be an erosional lag, while the muds and unabraded grains are, in this non-depositional environment, evidence of recent erosion at the seafloor of previously undisturbed strata. The lower-backscatter areas of the ribbon morphology were found to be a well-sorted medium sand unit only a few 10's of cm thick overlying the shelly/muddy/sandy material. Concentrations of well-rounded gravels and cobbles were also found in eroded areas with very high backscatter, and at least one of these appears to be derived from the base of an eroded fluvial channel. Seafloor reworking over the transgressive evolution of the shelf appears to have switched from sand ridge evolution, which is documented to ∼ 40 m water depth, to more strictly erosional modification at greater water depths. We suggest that this change may be related to the reduction with water depth in the effectiveness of sediment resuspension by waves. Resuspension is a critical factor in the grain size sorting during transport by bottom currents over large bedforms like sand ridges. Otherwise, we speculate, displacement of sand by unidirectional currents will erode the seafloor.  相似文献   

 The stratal architecture of the Gulf of Cádiz continental margin (SW Spain) has been analyzed by using single-channel, very high-resolution seismic reflection profiles. An evolutionary scheme of asymmetrical depositional sequences is proposed that was governed by the Late Pleistocene–Holocene sea-level fluctuations. Stratigraphic analysis defined 14 seismic units, that are configured into two major type-1 depositional sequences related to 4th-order eustatic sea level changes (100–110 ka). Within these sequences, minor asymmetrical depositional sequences have been recognized related to 5th-order eustatic cycles (22–23 ka) superimposed and modulated by the regressive trends of 4th-order cycles. In 5th-order depositional sequences, the forced regressive and lowstand deposits are volumetrically dominant. They cause the main progradation of the margin in such a way that they form the margin structure almost entirely. Received: 6 April 1995 / Revision received: 8 March 1996  相似文献   

对南海西南部现代上升流区沉积物柱样BIS-187-61孔有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸盐等各沉积组分进行了详细的分析,试图探讨末次间冰期(MIS 5)以来南海西南部夏季上升流影响区沉积过程及其所反映的海洋环境变化过程。研究结果发现,140kaBP以来该孔沉积记录期总体表现为:碳酸盐百分含量冰期低间冰期高,主要受周边陆源物质输入稀释的控制,为典型的"大西洋型碳酸盐旋回",有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸钙以及陆源沉积物的堆积速率均在MIS 2期、MIS 4期和MIS 5e期出现高值。其中,MIS 2期和MIS 4期生源和陆源沉积堆积速率增加可能与冰期时冬季风增强及海平面下降导致陆源营养物质输入增加对初级生产力的刺激有关,也可能与陆源物质输入增加对海洋生源颗粒物输出的压载作用增强有关。而MIS 5e期南海海平面高度与现代相仿,间冰期较强的夏季风引起的越南沿岸上升流增强是导致该时段本研究区域表层初级生产力增强,沉积物总堆积速率及各组分堆积速率都相应增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

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