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基于环境振动的斜拉桥拉索基频识别   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
斜拉索是现代斜拉桥最重要的结构构件,索力在斜拉桥的施工控制和长期监测中起着重要作用。振动测试法是斜拉桥索力测定、监测和状态评估中应用最广泛的一种方法。振动法测索力的关键在于准确地识别出索的基频。本文使用自功率谱和倒频谱方法,基于MATLAB平台,开发出了斜拉桥拉索环境振动模态分析图形用户交互(GUI)工具箱,实现了斜拉索基频的快速自动识别。应用本文的方法,对福州青洲闽江主跨605m斜拉桥拉索的环境振动实测加速度数据进行了分析处理,斜拉索基频识别方便直观,结果可靠。  相似文献   

应县木塔环境振动试验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对于复杂的塔状古建筑物,建立一个合适的简化的数学模型是不易实现的。与强迫振动试验相比,环境振动试验比较简单、方便,所确定出的小振幅水平下的木塔结构动力特性具有足够的精度。本文首先结合应县木塔结构环境振动测试实例对环境振动测试方法作了简要介绍,并采用随机信号数据频域分析方法对测试数据进行了分析,确定木塔结构的自振频率。同时,依据不同测点在固有频率处响应的比及零迟时互相关函数确定木塔结构的振型。最后,本文依据自功率谱和互功率谱采用半功率点法计算各振型的阻尼比。本文分析结果表明,在两水平方向上木塔的振动特性存在些微差异,第一振型阻尼比较第二振型阻尼比大。  相似文献   

This study focuses on understanding and evaluating the effect of vehicle bridge interaction (VBI) on the response and fragility of bridges subjected to earthquakes. A comprehensive study on the effect of VBI on bridge seismic performance is conducted, providing metamodels for seismic response and fragility estimates for bridges in the presence of various types of vehicles. For this purpose, the performance of multispan simply supported concrete girder bridges with varying design and geometric parameters is assessed with 3 different types of stationary trucks placed atop them. To delineate the effects of VBI and additional truck mass, the trucks are modeled in 2 different ways—with additional masses and suspension springs (ie, with VBI) and using additional masses only (without VBI). The results provide insight on VBI effects, such as the fact that when bridge and vehicle mode shapes are in‐phase, the component responses increase and vice versa; additionally, the presence of a heavy axle near a bent increases component responses. Sensitivity analyses are also performed to determine the bridge parameters that significantly alter the component responses in the presence of vehicles. Furthermore, differences in component responses and fragilities highlight that modeling vehicles with additional masses alone is not sufficient to model the effect of truck presence on the seismic response of bridges. Finally, this study concludes that depending on the characteristics of the bridge and the vehicle, presence of a vehicle atop the bridge during an earthquake may be either beneficial or detrimental to bridge performance.  相似文献   

During the service life of civil engineering structures such as long-span bridges, local damage at key positions may continually accumulate, and may finally result in their sudden failure. One core issue of global vibration-based health monitoring methods is to seek some damage indices that are sensitive to structural damage. This paper proposes an online structural health monitoring method for long-span suspension bridges using wavelet packet transform (WPT). The WPT- based method is based on the energy variations of structural ambient vibration responses decomposed using wavelet packet analysis. The main feature of this method is that the proposed wavelet packet energy spectrum (WPES) has the ability to detect structural damage from ambient vibration tests of a long-span suspension bridge. As an example application, the WPES-based health monitoring system is used on the Runyang Suspension Bridge under daily environmental conditions. The analysis reveals that changes in environmental temperature have a long-term influence on the WPES, while the effect of traffic loadings on the measured WPES of the bridge presents instantaneous changes because of the nonstationary properties of the loadings. The condition indication indices VD reflect the influences of environmental temperature on the dynamic properties of the Runyang Suspension Bridge. The field tests demonstrate that the proposed WPES-based condition indication index VD is a good candidate index for health monitoring of long-span suspension bridges under ambient excitations.  相似文献   

钢结构房屋动力特性脉动法测试研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对上海地区的10幢钢结构建筑进行脉动法测试并采集数据,得到广义钢结构房屋的动力特性。选取其中1栋典型建筑通过多次测试和数值模拟分别验证测试的稳定性和准确性。通过分析处理测试数据建立钢结构建筑一阶周期与结构层数或高度的线性关系式,并归纳总结了等效阻尼比的测试结果,为验证结构动力特性理论计算结果、钢结构建筑减震隔震设计以及鉴定、加固改造、损伤识别提供依据。  相似文献   

基于连续体系模型与传递矩阵法的结合,提出了一种简化方法来计算多肢剪力墙的动力特性。整个结构体系等效模拟为一个夹层结构梁;建立了相应的基本微分方程;通过求解微分方程得到了楼层间变形函数;利用边界条件及层间变形函数导出了层间传递矩阵;据此计算出了体系的振型与自振频率。算例分析表明本文方法计算结果与文献给出的解是比较吻合的。  相似文献   

自锚式悬索桥主桥动力特性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以某自锚式悬索桥主桥为研究对象,采用M IDAS有限元程序,建立了该桥的空间力学计算模型,利用子空间迭代法计算了该桥梁结构的自振频率和振型,结合计算结果对桥梁的动力特性和刚度特点进行了讨论。计算结果可为该类型桥梁的设计、施工以及使用阶段的健康检测和维护提供技术参数和依据。  相似文献   

环境温度对桥梁结构动力特性影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以两跨钢-混凝土连续组合梁模型和刚架拱桥的环境振动测试为基础,分析了环境温度变化对桥梁动力特性的影响。结果表明:环境温度变化会引起桥梁动力特性的显著变化,同时温度变化对结构动力特性的影响受到桥梁边界约束条件的很大影响,此类测试和分析对桥梁健康监测与损伤识别具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the dynamic responses of a high-rise building subjected to dynamic loads such as earthquake and wind excitations requires the information of its structural dynamic properties such as modal parameters including natural frequencies and damping ratios. This paper presents the identification results of the modal parameters based on field vibration tests on a 600-m high skyscraper. A set of tests, including ambient vibration test (AVT) and free vibration test (FVT), were conducted on the skyscraper to identify its modal parameters. Firstly, this paper presents and discusses the modal parameters of the skyscraper assessed by several identification methods applied to the AVT measurements. These methods include the wavelet transform (WT) method, the stochastic subspace identification (SSI) method, and the random decrement technique (RDT). Secondly, an active mass damper (AMD) system with total mass 1000 tons equipped into the skyscraper was used to excite the building for estimation of the modal parameters by FVT. Thirdly, this paper presents observations on the structural dynamic behavior of the skyscraper with the operation of the AMD system during a typhoon event. The field measurement results show that the AMD system functioned efficiently for suppression of the wind-induced vibrations of the skyscraper during the typhoon. This paper aims to further understand the structural dynamic properties of super-tall buildings and provide useful information for structural design and vibration control of future skyscrapers.  相似文献   

预应力混凝土连续梁桥振动特性变异及舒适度评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于预应力损失、混凝土收缩徐变、超载等原因,预应力混凝土桥梁出现了较强的振动。本文通过对福建省福州市闽江三桥全桥环境振动试验和正常运营条件下24小时的监测,研究预应力混凝土连续梁桥的动力特性及其变异和振动舒适度,结果表明:在较为稳定的风和温湿度环境下,固有频率在一天内的最大变化为3.06%,模态阻尼比的最大变化为37.93%,舒适度的狄克曼指标降到“能忍受短时间振动”的区域。  相似文献   

基于随机振动理论确定桥梁地震碰撞的临界间隙   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
确定梁桥邻跨间避免地震碰撞的最小间隙,对于梁桥地震碰撞危险性预测及防地震碰撞措施的设计有着显著意义。本文基于随机振动理论建立梁桥地震碰撞邻跨临界间隙的计算方法,分析模型采用跨径不等的两跨简支梁桥,且考虑隔震支座非线性恢复力的影响。文中首先建立了系统的非线性运动方程;随后运用随机等效线性化理论将其线性化;最后在复模态空间推导了临界碰撞间隙的均值与方差的计算方法。人工地震动的非线性时程分析结果验证了本文算法的正确性。参数分析表明,临界间隙随邻跨长度比增大而增大,随支座屈服力与上部结构重量比值减小而增大,随隔震支座屈服位移增大而增大,随桥墩振动周期增大而增大。隔震支座屈服前后刚度比值对临界间隙大小影响很小。  相似文献   

利用大型振动台模型试验,测得了猴子岩高面板堆石坝缩尺模型坝的动力特性参数,包括大坝结构的自振频率、阻尼比和振型系数等;分析了多种因素对坝体动力特性的影响规律;根据模型试验相似率推算得到原型坝的相应动力特性参数。研究表明:大坝结构有相对稳定的振型;坝体的动力特性参数值受激振白噪声强度和振动历史等因素影响;水库蓄水使得模型坝结构自振频率小幅提升。这些试验结果和研究结论,可以为该坝的动力分析提供基本资料和定性参考。  相似文献   

预应力组合网架结构的自振特性分析及现场测试   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文采用子空间迭代法计算了预应力组合网架的自振频率与振型,分析总结了结构的自振特性及其影响因素,诸如索预应力、跨高比、边界条件、板和梁肋偏心、附加质量以及节点刚度的影响,并回归得出预应力组合网架基本周期简化计算公式。同时使用“脉动法”对天津一中新建活动中心楼层预应力组合网架进行了现场动力测试,结果表明预应力组合网架动力计算所采用的计算模型合理、计算分析结果可信,最后使用自由振动法及半功率点法得出了预应力组合网架结构的阻尼比,此值可作为钢与混凝土预应力组合网架结构的参考阻尼比。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the lessons learned and actions that have been taken related to the seismic design of bridge structures after the Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. Much variable near-fault ground motion data was collected from the rupture of Chelungpu fault during the Chi-Chi earthquake, allowing the seismic response of bridge structures subjected to these near-fault ground motions to be carefully examined. To study the near-fault ground motion effect on bridge seismic design codes, a two-level seismic design of bridge structures was developed and implemented. This design code reflects the near-fault factors in the seismic design forces. Finally, a risk assessment methodology, based on bridge vulnerability, is also developed to assist in decisions for reducing seismic risk due to failure of bridges. Director of Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering. Supported by: the Science Council, Chinese Taipei, under grant no. SC 90-2211-E-002-028.  相似文献   

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