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Because of the combination of optimization algorithms and full wave equations, full-waveform inversion(FWI) has become the frontier of the study of seismic exploration and is gradually becoming one of the essential tools for obtaining the Earth interior information. However, the application of conventional FWI to pure reflection data in the absence of a highly accurate starting velocity model is difficult. Compared to other types of seismic waves, reflections carry the information of the deep part of the subsurface. Reflection FWI, therefore, is able to improve the accuracy of imaging the Earth interior further. Here, we demonstrate a means of achieving this successfully by interleaving least-squares RTM with a version of reflection FWI in which the tomographic gradient that is required to update the background macro-model is separated from the reflectivity gradient using the Born approximation during forward modeling. This provides a good update to the macro-model. This approach is then followed by conventional FWI to obtain a final high-fidelity high-resolution result from a poor starting model using only reflection data.Further analysis reveals the high-resolution result is achieved due to a deconvolution imaging condition implicitly used by FWI. 相似文献
全波形反演是地震资料处理中速度建模的有力工具,相比层析成像等速度建模方法它能够得到速度场的更高频成分.本文给出了基于声波方程格子法正演的时间域全波形反演方法,该方法用非规则、非结构化的三角网格来离散计算区域及模型参数,能实现网格粒度与反演分辨率在空间上的自动匹配,内存需求少,计算效率高;采用L-BFGS优化方法,以分频段变网格的方式实施多尺度反演.以二维Overthrust模型进行了速度反演数值测试,显示了该方法的高效性和潜力. 相似文献
多参数全波形反演中各参数之间的相互耦合增加了反演的非线性程度.通过分析各参数之间的相互影响,提出合理的多参数反演策略是解决该问题的有效途径.本文从变密度声波方程出发,首先研究了密度在速度反演中的重要作用,然后分析了速度对密度反演的影响程度,进而提出了一种有利于速度、密度分步联合反演的策略.第一步,利用给定的初始模型对速度、密度进行同时反演,得到比较可靠的速度反演结果;第二步,利用第一步反演得到的速度和给定的初始密度作为初始模型,继续进行双参数同时反演,这样可以同时得到比较可靠的速度、密度反演结果.为了进一步提高反演精度,将第二步反演得到的速度、密度作为初始模型,再进行下一轮双参数联合反演.二维理论模型实验结果充分说明了本文提出的这种反演策略的有效性. 相似文献
使用最速下降法进行二维频率空间域声波波动方程全波形速度反演,讨论了如何快速实现高精度的二维频率空间域声波波动方程全波形速度反演.多尺度的思想耦合在反演框架中.把非线性问题化为逐步线性问题是我们关注的焦点,目的是把整个非线性反演的黑匣子转化成为每一步可控的过程,尽可能得到想要的反演解.仅仅使用3个离散的频率,每个频率迭代... 相似文献
岩性油气藏在我国天然气勘探开发中占有非常重要的位置,其分布区域的成像是合理布设井位,提高钻井成功率的关键之一.本文首先基于地下介质的声学近似和波场回传理论,利用频率域单程声波方程延拓计算地震波场,进行全波形反演,获得地层密度和体积模量的定量成像,并依据油气藏物性特征和流体饱和多孔介质岩石物理模型,简要讨论了孔隙度和饱和度与密度及体积模量的关系,明确了地震油气藏成像新概念.在此基础上,定义了基于流体体积模量和孔隙度的成像函数,进行油气藏成像.理论模型计算表明该方法是可行的.通过对西部地区某气田二维地震数据处理,实现了致密砂岩气藏成像,钻井结果证实了气藏区域成像位置的准确性和方法的有效性. 相似文献
不同类别参数间的相互耦合使多参数地震全波形反演的非线性程度显著增加, 地震波速度与各向异性参数取值数量级的巨大差异也会使反演问题的性态变差.合理使用Hessian逆算子可以减弱这两类问题对反演的影响, 提高多参数反演的精度, 而截断牛顿法是一种可以比较准确地估计 Hessian 逆算子的优化方法.本文采用截断牛顿法在时间域进行了VTI介质的声波双参数同时反演的研究.不同模型的反演试验表明, 在VTI介质声波双参数同时反演中, 截断牛顿法比有限内存 BFGS (Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, L-BFGS)法能更准确地估计 Hessian 逆算子, 进而较好地平衡两类不同参数的同时更新, 得到了比较精确的反演结果. 相似文献
We discuss recent progress in the full-waveform-based imaging of probed soils, with geotechnical site characterization applications in mind. The primary goal is the reconstruction of the material profile of near-surface, arbitrarily heterogeneous formations, in terms of the formation's spatially distributed elastic properties, using elastic waves as the probing agent.We describe first the formulation and numerical resolution of the underlying time-dependent inverse medium problem; we report briefly on numerical experiments using synthetic data and artificial target soil profiles. These demonstrate robust reconstruction. We then report extensively on the details of a field experiment, whose records we subsequently used to drive the inversion algorithms in order to characterize the site where the field experiment took place. Lastly, we compare the inverted site profile with profiles obtained using the Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves (SASW) method, in an attempt to compare our methodology against a widely used concurrent inversion approach. We also compare the inverted profile at select locations with the results of independently performed CPT tests.Overall, whether exercised by synthetic or by physical data, the full waveform inversion method we discuss herein appears quite promising for the robust subsurface imaging of near-surface deposits in support of geotechnical site characterization investigations. 相似文献
低频成分缺失和地下速度强烈变化会导致严重的周期跳现象,是地震数据全波形反演的难题.通过对地震数据加时间阻尼和时间积分降主频处理,提出了一种可有效去除周期跳现象的多主频波场时间阻尼全波形反演方法.由浅到深的速度不准确会造成波形走时失配和走时失配的累积.浅部速度的准确反演可有效地减小深部波形走时失配与周期跳现象.对地震数据施加时间阻尼得到时间阻尼数据,利用不同阻尼值的时间阻尼地震数据实现由浅到深的全波形反演.低主频波场的周期跳现象相对高主频波场的要弱.对地震波场进行不同阶的时间积分以得到不同主频的波场,把低主频波场的全波形反演结果作为高主频波场全波形反演的初始模型.应用缺失4 Hz以下频谱成分的二维盐丘模型合成数据验证所提出的全波形反演方法的正确性和有效性,数值试验结果显示多主频波场的时间阻尼全波形反演方法对缺失低频成分地震数据和地下速度强烈变化具有很好的适应性. 相似文献
全波形反演是一种利用地震波传播的动力学特征来获取地下介质物性参数的反演方法,可为揭示地下精细结构提供重要依据。本文以弹性波方程作为数学模型来模拟地震波传播规律并进行相应的反演方法研究。为提高计算效率与反演结果的准确性,可将近似解析离散化(NAD)算子用于频率域弹性波方程的正演模拟。本文在频率域NAD离散的基础上推导阻抗矩阵的稀疏分块结构与反演目标函数对模型参数的梯度计算公式,由此建立基于NAD算子的频率域弹性波全波形反演方法。为验证该方法的有效性,文中通过数值实验对多种典型介质模型进行反演计算,均得到了理想的反演结果。 相似文献
全波形反演方法利用叠前地震波场的运动学和动力学信息重建地下速度结构,具有揭示复杂地质背景下构造与岩性细节信息的潜力.根据研究需要,全波形反演既可在时间域也可在频率域实现.频率域相对于时间域反演具有计算高效、数据选择灵活等优势.近十几年来频率域全波形反演理论在波场模拟方法、反演频率选择策略、目标函数设置方式、震源子波处理方式、梯度预处理方法等方面取得了进展.目标函数存在大量局部极值的特性是影响反射地震全波形反演效果的重要内在因素之一.如果将Laplace域波形反演、频率域阻尼波场反演、频率域波形反演三种方法有机结合,可以降低反演的非线性程度. 相似文献
Full waveform inversion aims to use all information provided by seismic data to deliver high-resolution models of subsurface parameters. However, multiparameter full waveform inversion suffers from an inherent trade-off between parameters and from ill-posedness due to the highly non-linear nature of full waveform inversion. Also, the models recovered using elastic full waveform inversion are subject to local minima if the initial models are far from the optimal solution. In addition, an objective function purely based on the misfit between recorded and modelled data may honour the seismic data, but disregard the geological context. Hence, the inverted models may be geologically inconsistent, and not represent feasible lithological units. We propose that all the aforementioned difficulties can be alleviated by explicitly incorporating petrophysical information into the inversion through a penalty function based on multiple probability density functions, where each probability density function represents a different lithology with distinct properties. We treat lithological units as clusters and use unsupervised K-means clustering to separate the petrophysical information into different units of distinct lithologies that are not easily distinguishable. Through several synthetic examples, we demonstrate that the proposed framework leads full waveform inversion to elastic models that are superior to models obtained either without incorporating petrophysical information, or with a probabilistic penalty function based on a single probability density function. 相似文献
Laplace-Fourier域全波形反演可以利用简单的初始模型,从缺失低频信息的地震数据中得到长波长速度模型.Laplace-Fourier域全波形反演等价于本文的复频率全波形反演,但二者的实现方式不同,因此研究复频率全波形反演,可以为二者的对比研究并发展更有效的方法奠定重要基础.本文首先比较用线性增加模型作为初始模型时几个包含不同高低频成分的频率组的反演效果,再比较结合复频率之后各个频率组的反演效果,从简单模型和复杂模型的测试中都可以看出这种复频率+频率反演的方式对反演效果有明显改善. 相似文献
全波形反演是一种建立高精度速度模型的有力工具,是偏移模式和层析模式的联合.然而,当初始模型较差、数据缺失低频成分和大偏移距数据缺失时,常规波形反演的层析成分更新较弱.因此,反演过程以偏移模式为主,容易导致反演快速陷入局部极小值.本文发展了基于波数域梯度场分解的多尺度波形反演方法(WGDFWI),从梯度场中分离出层析成分,在反演的初期主要依赖层析分量更新背景速度场,为常规全波形反演建立良好的初始模型.首先,基于一种高效的隐式波场分离方法,将梯度场分解为层析成分和偏移成分.然后在层析梯度上应用二维波数域滤波器,以缓解偏移成分泄露的问题,并利用多尺度反演策略,增强反演的稳定性.利用双层模型和Marmousi模型进行试算的结果表明,该方法可以有效重构背景速度模型,为常规波形反演提供良好的初始模型,有效提高反演精度. 相似文献
时域全波形反演由于采用了全频段信息,因此在迭代过程中不同波长的信息不能由低到高的逐步重建,极易陷入局部极小值.本文通过分频段的方式,对地震数据做正反傅里叶变换,利用频域指数衰减的方法逐级分离出地震数据中的高频成分,在时域上实现由低频向高频的波形反演,从而降低了反演的非线性,使不同波长的信息得到稳步恢复.同时,在高频成分衰减的过程中,后至波的能量也被削弱,由此也降低了深层反射在初始反演过程中的干扰.整个反演仅增加对数据做正反傅里叶变换过程,相较于混合域反演,无需提取全部波场的相应频率成分.在计算效率方面,利用GPU进行加速,并采用CUDA自带函数库中cufft来提高计算效率.通过对Marmousi模型测试,验证了所述方法的有效性. 相似文献
地震全波形反演理论与技术虽已得到了广泛研究,但周波跳跃等问题的存在严重制约了常规全波形反演方法的实用化进程.基于遗传算法的全波形反演方法能够在一定程度上较好地缓解常规全波形反演面临的初始模型依赖性问题,但是当前方法仍存在收敛性和巨大的计算量问题.本文提出一种混合自适应遗传算法(HAGA),并提出基于HAGA的稳健全波形... 相似文献
In full waveform inversion (FWI), Hessian information of the misfit function is of vital importance for accelerating the convergence of the inversion; however, it usually is not feasible to directly calculate the Hessian matrix and its inverse. Although the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) or Hessian-free inexact Newton (HFN) methods are able to use approximate Hessian information, the information they collect is limited. The two methods can be interlaced because they are able to provide Hessian information for each other; however, the performance of the hybrid iterative method is dependent on the effective switch between the two methods. We have designed a new scheme to realize the dynamic switch between the two methods based on the decrease ratio (DR) of the misfit function (objective function), and we propose a modified hybrid iterative optimization method. In the new scheme, we compare the DR of the two methods for a given computational cost, and choose the method with a faster DR. Using these steps, the modified method always implements the most efficient method. The results of Marmousi and over thrust model testings indicate that the convergence with our modified method is significantly faster than that in the L-BFGS method with no loss of inversion quality. Moreover, our modified outperforms the enriched method by a little speedup of the convergence. It also exhibits better efficiency than the HFN method. 相似文献
The seismic inversion problem is a highly non‐linear problem that can be reduced to the minimization of the least‐squares criterion between the observed and the modelled data. It has been solved using different classical optimization strategies that require a monotone descent of the objective function. We propose solving the full‐waveform inversion problem using the non‐monotone spectral projected gradient method: a low‐cost and low‐storage optimization technique that maintains the velocity values in a feasible convex region by frequently projecting them on this convex set. The new methodology uses the gradient direction with a particular spectral step length that allows the objective function to increase at some iterations, guarantees convergence to a stationary point starting from any initial iterate, and greatly speeds up the convergence of gradient methods. We combine the new optimization scheme as a solver of the full‐waveform inversion with a multiscale approach and apply it to a modified version of the Marmousi data set. The results of this application show that the proposed method performs better than the classical gradient method by reducing the number of function evaluations and the residual values. 相似文献
频率域全波形反演虽然克服了时间方向上的局部极小值问题,但是地下介质的复杂性使其在空间域仍然存在局部极小值缺陷。在优化梯度法基础上,本文采用预条件双共轭梯度稳定算法和多重网格方法计算反演中的波场传播和目标函数的梯度,在保证计算速度的同时,减小计算机内存的消耗。频率域波形反演和多重网格的多尺度性质有效改善问题极小值缺陷,加快反演的收敛速度。以局部非均匀的三孔模型和Marmousi模型的数值模拟结果验证了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
全波形反演是一种高精度的地震成像方法,可以对地下介质物性参数模型进行准确的重构。然而在实际应用中,尤其是在三维复杂介质反演中,计算成本太大是该方法的一个重要缺陷。将混叠震源技术引入到频率域全波形反演中可以大幅度地降低计算成本,提高反演效率。但是使用震源编码技术也带来了两个问题:一方面,参与编码的各个震源之间会产生"串扰噪声",导致反演结果中出现假象;另一方面,基于震源编码的频率域全波形反演方法周围噪声较为敏感,使该方法对含噪数据反演质量较差。本文引入一种频率组编码方法来压制"串扰噪声",并基于震源编码技术提出一种频率域自适应全波形反演方法,通过一个与频率相关的自适应选择机制,将常规频率域全波形反演方法和基于震源编码的全波形反演方法联合起来,在保证反演质量的同时也最大程度地提高了反演效率。 相似文献