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The Zargat Na’ am ring complex crops out 90 km NW of Shalatin City in the Southeastern Desert of Egypt. The ring complex forms a prominent ridge standing high above the surrounding mafic-ultramafic hills. It is cut by two sets of joints and faults which strike predominantly NNW-SSE and E-W, and is injected by dikes, porphyritic alkaline syenites, and felsite porphyries. It consists of alkali syenites, alkali quartz syenites, and peralkaline arfvedsonite-bearing granitic and pegmatitic dikes and sills. The complex is characterized locally by extreme enrichments in REEs, wolframite and rare, high field strength metals (HFSM), such as Zr and Nb. The highest concentrations (1.5 wt% Zr, 0.25 wt% Nb, 0.6 wt% Σ REEs) occur in aegirine-albite aplites that formed around arfvedsonite pegmatites. Quartzhosted melt inclusions in arfvedsonite granite and pegmatite provide unequivocal evidence that the peralkaline compositions and rare metal enrichments are primary magmatic features. Glass inclusions in quartz crystals also have high concentrations of incompatible trace elements including Nb (750 ¢ 10−6), Zr (2500 × 10−6) and REEs (1450 × 10−6). The REEs, Nb and Zr compositions of the aegirine-albite aplites plot along the same linear enrichment trends as the melt inclusions, and Y/Ho ratios mostly display unfractionated, near-chondritic values. The chemical and textural features of the aegirine-albite aplites are apparently resultant from rapid crystallization after volatile loss from a residual peralkaline granitic melt similar in composition to the melt inclusions.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The association of massive Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides andchromite is a very unusual feature of podiformchromitites occurring in mantle tectonites of ophioliticcomplexes. It has only been described in theSoutheastern Desert, Egypt, where sulfides a…  相似文献   

Two brecciated shear zones (NNW-SSE) are found crosscutting cataclastic rocks. The cataclastic rocks (3.0 km2) occupy the core of the granitic pluton and enclose a roof pendant of mafic-ultramafic rocks. The NNW-SSE-extending lamprophyre dykes vary in thickness from 0.5 m to 1 m and up to 800 m long, cutting the cataclastic rocks and are composed mainly of plagioclases, amphiboles, relics of pyroxenes and K-feldspar phenocrysts embedded in fine-grained groundmass. They are characterized as being peraluminous, calc-alkaline in composition (chemical trap) and enriched in calcite, sulfide and P2O5. The lamprophyres were affected by hydrothermal alteration (chlorite-carbonate alteration) while the cataclastic rocks were affected by diagenetic alteration (K-feldspar-albite alteration). Uranium mineralization is the product of hydrothermal events and has been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), involving primary uranium minerals (U3O8) and secondary uranium minerals (uranophane and beta-uranophane, kasolite, torbernite, autonite and meta-autonite) in addition to U- bearing minerals (astrocyanite, betafite and fergusonite). The presence of different mineral parageneses associated with clay minerals indicates that the lamprophyres were subjected to acidic and alkaline mineralizing solutions. Moreover, the U-Zr/U, U-Ce/U values show negative correlations, confirming U-enrichment in both cataclastic rocks and shear zones while the Th-eU/eTh, Th-Zr/Th and Th-Ce/Th values show negative correlations, indicating that the U-bearing solutions are rich in Th in the cataclastic rocks only.  相似文献   

The field relations, mineralogy, and major and trace elements (including REE analyses of whole-rock samples and minerals) of granites and their associated molybdenite uranium mineralized aplites in Southeastern Desert, Egypt, have been studied. The granites are leucocratic and mostly peraluminous in nature with muscovite increasing at the expense of biotite. The chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the granitic rocks indicate that their melts originated from the LILE-enriched mantle wedge by partial melting and are contaminated by crustal melts, followed by thermogravitational processes. Leucogranites with higher Na2O/K2O ratios from Um Dargag and Um Maiat crystallized under H2O-saturated equilibrium conditions in which the exsolved vapor continuously migrated away. The REE patterns of the granites studied are characterized by LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomalies. In comparison, the potassic aplites and the more sodic leucogranites are depleted in LREE, enriched in HREE and show more remarkable negative Eu anomalies. Allanite and monazite are the most important REE carriers in the granites. These minerals are strongly enriched in LREE, whereas fluorite and xenotime, which are more abundant in the aplites, are enriched in HREE. The average Lu/Ce ratio represents the fractionation trend with respect to HREE. It is 0.71 for radioactive fluorite, and it increases to 1.22 for non-radioactive fluorite. The high REE contents of molybdenite represent re-deposition of the mobilized Mo and REE. Due to the strong control of accessory minerals, the REEs are of limited use in petrogenetic modelling of highly evolved granitic systems.  相似文献   

We report the first Re-Os data on gold-associated arsenopyrite from mesothermal gold-quartz veins in the ancient Egyptian Fawakhir–El Sid gold mining district in the central Eastern Desert. This mining district has an ~5000-year-old history and is displayed in the Turin Papyrus Map (about 1150 BC), which is widely acclaimed as the world’s oldest geographic map, as well as the oldest geologic and mine map. The Fawakhir–El Sid district is part of a regional NNW-trending shear corridor (15 km wide) that hosts several other historic gold mines associated with left-lateral wrench structures and related granite intrusions. Vein-style gold mineralization is hosted within and at the margin of an I-type and magnetite-series monzogranite, the Fawakhir granite intrusion, and a Pan-African (~740 Ma) ophiolite sequence. The ore mineralogy of the mineralized quartz veins includes pyrite-arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite-electrum plus a number of tellurides of Ag, Au, and Bi. The 187Re/188Os versus 187Os/188Os regression on 5 points of arsenopyrite gives an age of 601 ± 17 Ma with an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.24 ± 0.07 (2 σ; MSWD = 17). This age coincides within error with the U-Pb age on zircon from the Fawakhir monzogranite (598 ± 3 Ma). The age coincidence and the hydrothermal Te and Bi metal signature suggest a foremost role of granite-related fluids in the quartz-vein system.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins at the Um Rus area are of three types: H2O, H2O−CO2 and CO2 inclusions. H2O inclusions are the most abundant, they include two phases which exhibit low and high homogenization temperatures ranging from 150 to 200°C and 175 to 250°C, respectively. The salinity of aqueous inclusions, based on ice melting, varies between 6.1 and 8 equiv. wt% NaCl. On the other hand, H2O−CO2 fluid inclusions include three phases. Their total homogenization temperatures range from 270 to 325°C, and their salinity, based on clathrate melting, ranges between 0.8 and 3.8 equiv. wt% NaCl. CO2 fluid inclusions homogenize to a liquid phase and exhibit a low density range from 0.52 to 0.66 g/cm3. The partial mixing of H2O−CO2 and salt H2O−NaCl fluid inclusions is the main source of fluids from which the other types of inclusions were derived. The gold-bearing quartz veins are believed to be of medium temperature hydrothermal convective origin.  相似文献   

The pegmatite province of the Southeastern Desert (SED) is part of a pegmatite district that extends from Egypt (extends to 1200 km2). Rare metal pegmatites are divided into (1) unzoned, Sn-mineralized; (2) zoned Li, Nb, Ta and Be-bearing; and (3) pegmatites and pegmatites containing colored, gem-quality tourmaline. The Rb/Sr data reflect a crustal origin for the rare metal pegmatites and indicate that the original SED magma was generated during the peak of regional metamorphism and predates the intrusion of post-tectonic leucogranites. These bodies developed an early border zone consisting of coarse to very coarse muscovite quartz alkali feldspar, followed by an intermediate zone of dominant quartz feldspar muscovite rock. Garnet, tourmaline, beryl, galena, pyrite, amblygonite, apatite and monazite are rare accessories in both zones. Cassiterite tends to concentrate in replacement zones and along fractures in albite quartz muscovite-rich portions. The highest concentrations of cassiterite occur in irregular greisenized zones which consist dominantly of micaceous aggregates of green Li-rich muscovite, quartz, albite and coarse-grained cassiterite. The different metasomatic post-solidification alterations include sodic and potassic metasomatism, greisenization and tourmalinization. Geochemically, the pegmatite-generating granites have a metaluminous composition, showing a differentiation trend from coarse-grained, unfractionated plagioclase-rich granite towards highly fractionated fine- to medium-grained, local albite-rich rock. Economically important ore minerals introduced by volatile-rich, rare metal-bearing fluids, either primarily or during the breakdown of the primary mineral assemblages, are niobium-tantalum oxides, Sn-oxides (cassiterite), Li-silicates (petalite, spodumene, euctyptite, and pollucite), Li-phosphates (amblygonite, montebrasite and lithopilite) and minor REE-minerals (Hf-zircon, monazite, xenotime, thorian, loparite and yttrio-fluorite). The pollucite is typically associated with spodumene, petalite, amblygonite, quartz and feldspar. The primary pollucite has Si/Al (at) ratios of 2.53-2.65 and CRK of 79.5- 82.2. Thorian loparite is essentially a member of the loparite (NaLREETi2O6)-lueshite (NaNbO3)-ThTi2O6-ThNb4O12 quaternary system with low or negligible contents of other end-member compositions. The mineral compositionally evolved from niobian loparite to niobian thorian and thorian loparite gave rise to ceriobetafite and belyankinite with high ThO2 contents. Thorian loparite is metamict or partly metamict and upon heating regains a structure close to that of synthetic loparite NaLaTi2O6.  相似文献   

Although, the Eastern Desert of Egypt forms about 22% of the surface area of the country, the area is undeveloped due to the limited availability of water. The morphologic units of the Eastern Desert consist of a number of drainage basins covering about 147,820 km2 (66.5% of the total surface area of the Eastern Desert). The basins drain the occasional rainwater, either towards the Nile Valley or to the Red Sea, causing flood hazards. The availability of water from the hydrologic systems of these basins could be improved by constructing runoff controlling systems in these areas (e.g. dykes and partially effective dams), which could save and make use of a considerable amount of water. The groundwater resources in the Eastern Desert can be divided into four main water-bearing units: the fractured crystalline Pre-Cambrian aquifer, the Nubian sandstone aquifer, the fractured limestone and sandstone aquifer and the Quaternary aquifer. The most productive aquifer is the Nubian sandstone while the fractured limestone and sandstone (Miocene) are only productive along the eastern part of the desert. The Quaternary aquifer occurs along the major dry washes (wadis) and is considered of limited potential as it is recharged mainly from the occasional rainfall. Detailed assessment of these aquifers should be carried out locally for further development of the area.
Resumen Aunque el Desierto Oriental de Egipto constituye alrededor del 22% de la superficie del país, esta área no se encuentra desarrollada por causa de la escasez de agua. Las unidades morfológicas del Desierto Oriental consisten de un número de cuencas de drenaje que cubren alrededor de 147,820 km2 (66.5% del área superficial total del Desierto Oriental). Estas cuencas drenan las aguas lluvias ocasionales, bien hacia el Valle del Nilo o hacia el Mar Rojo, causando amenazas de inundación. La disponibilidad de agua a partir de los sistemas hidrológicos de estas cuencas, puede ser mejorada al construir sistemas de control de escorrentía allí (Ej. Diques y presas de efectividad parcial), las cuales podrían almacenar y permitir el uso de una cantidad considerable de agua. Los recursos de agua subterránea en el Desierto Oriental, pueden dividirse en cuatro unidades principales portadoras de agua: El acuífero fracturado cristalino Pre – Cámbrico, el acuífero de la Arenisca de Nubia, el acuífero de arenisca y caliza fracturadas y el acuífero Cuaternario. El acuífero más productivo es la arenisca de Nubia, mientras que la arenisca y caliza fracturadas (Mioceno), son productivas únicamente a lo largo de la parte oriental del desierto. El acuífero Cuaternario se encuentra a lo largo de las corrientes intermitentes mayores (Wadis) y se le considera de potencial limitado por ser recargado principalmente a partir de lluvia ocasional. Una evaluación detallada de estos acuíferos debe llevarse a cabo localmente, para el desarrollo adicional de esta área.

Résumé Bien que le Désert Est occupe 22% de la surface de lEgypte, la région est sousdeveloppée à cause de la ressource en eau limitée. Les unités morphologiques consistent en des bassins drainant qui couvrent une surface de 147,820 km2 ,représentant 66.6% de la surface du Désert Est. Les bassins drainent les plues intermittentes vers la vallée du Nil ou vers la Mer Rouge en provocant des inondations. On peut augmenter la ressource en eau dans cette région en réalisant des systèmes de contrôle de ruissellements (des digues...) qui peuvent sauver et utiliser un volume considérable deau. La ressource en eau souterraine du Désert Est est cantonnée dans quatre grandes structures: l› aquifère fracturé cristallin Précambrien, l› aquifère gréseux Nubien, l› aquifère calcaire et gréseux et l› aquifère quaternaire. Le plus productif est l› aquifère gréseux Nubien tendis que les calcaire et les grèses dage miocène sont productives seulement dans la partie est du désert. L› aquifère quaternaire se trouve au long des oueds sèches et on considéré quil a un potentiel limité, étant rechargé seulement par les plues intermittentes. Pour le futur développement de la région il est nécessaire une évaluation détaillée, à léchelle locale de ces aquifères.

The present paper investigates the stream sediment geochemistry, behavior of gold and associated elements, delineates Au-anomalous sites and defines related sources in the Wadi Umm Rilan area. Fifty three major and trace elements were analyzed using ICP-MS and treated applying various statistical and mapping techniques. The results showed a significant difference of mean and median Au and most chemical elements in the three portions of the area, and higher values were recorded in the western portion. Furthermore, Au-anomalous sites appeared in upper and lower parts of the Wadi Umm Rilan, along the tributaries of metavolcanic unit and near granitoid contacts. This indicates the main source of Au mineralization is related to emplacement of granitoid plutons and accompanying hydrothermal solutions. There are significant indications for the presence of more than one mineralization event forming a probable single major episode of mineralization in the area, involving Au, Pb and U mineralizations. Geology, geomorphologic aspects and weathering processes could control stream sediment geochemistry, anomalies of Au and associated elements, elemental association and their dispersion patterns. Therefore, the area is fruitful and regarded as a promising target for Au exploration, using Ag, As, Sb, Cd, Cs, and Tl as pathfinder elements.  相似文献   

Integrated sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microfossil and macrofossil biostratigraphies of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene Dakhla Formation of the Western Desert, Egypt, provide improved age resolution, information on the cyclic nature of sediment deposition, and the reconstruction of depositional environments. Age control based on integrated biostratigraphies of planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils and macrofossils yields the following ages for stratigraphic and lithologic sequences. The contact between the Duwi and Dakhla formations marks the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary (zone CF8a/b boundary) and is dated at about 71 Ma. The age of the Dakhla Formation is estimated to span from 71 Ma at the base to about 63 Ma at the top (zones CF8a–Plc). The Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary is within the upper unit of the Kharga Shale Member and marked by a hiatus that spans from 64.5 Ma in the lower Paleocene (base Plc) to at least 65.5 Ma (base CF2, base M. prinsii zones) in the upper Maastrichtian at Gebel Gifata, the type locality of the Dakhla Formation. As a result, the Bir Abu Minqar horizon, deposited between about 64.2 and 64.5 Ma (Plc(l) zone), directly overlies the K/T boundary hiatus. Major hiatuses also span the late Maastrichtian–early Paleocene in sections to the northwest (c. 61.2–65.5 Ma at North El Qasr, c. 61.2–69 Ma at Bir Abu Minqar and c. 61.2–65.5 Ma at Farafra), and reflect increased tectonic activity.During the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene a shallow sea covered the Western Desert of Egypt and the clastic sediment source was derived primarily from tectonic activity of the Gilf El Kebir spur to the southwest of Dakhla and the Bahariya arch. Uplift in the region resulted in major hiatuses in the late Maastrichtian–early Paleocene with increased erosion to the southwest. The area was located near the palaeoequator and experienced warm, wet, tropical to subtropical conditions characterized by low seasonality contrasts and predominantly chemical weathering (high kaolinite and smectite). A change towards perennially more humid conditions with enhanced runoff (increased kaolinite) occurred towards the end of the Maastrichtian and in the early Paleocene with shallow seas fringed by Nypa palm mangroves. Sediment deposition was predominantly cyclic, consisting of alternating sandstone/shale cycles with unfossiliferous shales deposited during sea-level highstands in inner neritic to lagoonal environments characterized by euryhaline, dysaerobic or low oxygen conditions. Fossiliferous calcareous sandstone layers were deposited in well-oxygenated shallow waters during sea-level lowstand periods.  相似文献   

Strongly deformed and locally migmatized gneisses occur at several places in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt and in Sinai and have variously been interpreted as a basement to Pan-african (900 to 600 Ma) supracrustal and intrusive assemblages. A suite of grabbroic to granitic gneisses was investigated in the Hafafit area, which constitutes an I-type calc-alkaline intrusive assemblage whose chemistry suggests emplacement along an active continental margin and whose granitoid members can be correlated with the so-called Older Granites of Egypt.207Pb/206Pb single zircon evaporation from three samples of the Hafafit gneisses yielded protolith emplacement ages between 677 ± 9 and 700 ± 12 Ma and document granitoid activity over a period of about 23 Ma. A migmatitic granitic gneiss from Wadi Bitan, south-west of Ras Banas, has a zircon age of 704 ± 8 Ma, and its protolith was apparently generated during the same intrusive event as the granitoids at Hafafit. Single zircons from a dioritic gneiss from Wadi Feiran in south-west Sinai suggest emplacement of the protolith at 796 ± 6 Ma and this is comparable with ages for granitoids in north-east Sinai and southern Israel. None of the above gneisses is derived from remelting of older continental crust, but they are interpreted as reflecting subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatism during early Pan-african magmatic arc formation.  相似文献   

The garnet muscovite granitic pegmatite of Um Solimate, in southern Egypt, represents a promising asset for strategic and economic metals, especially Bi–Ni–Ag–Nb–Ta as well as U and Th. The ore bodies occur as large masses, pockets and/or veins of very coarse-grained pegmatites, which consist mainly of K-feldspar, quartz and albite with subordinate muscovite, garnet, and biotite. Radiometric data revealed that eU- and eTh-contents of the pegmatites reach up to 39 ppm and 82 ppm, respectively. The studied pegmatites are enriched in primary U and Th minerals (uraninite, coffinite, thorianite and uranothorite) as well as Hf-rich zircon and monazite, which give rise to anomalous radioactive zones. Niobium-tantalium-bearing minerals (i.e. ferrocolumbite, microlite and uranopyrochlore), xenotime, barite, galena, fluorite, and apatite are ubiquitous, and, consequently, the studied pegmatites belong tothe Niobium–Yttrium–Fluorine-type (NYF) family. The noble metal mineralization includes argentite (Ag2S), native Ni and Bi as well as bismite and bismoclite. In addition, beryl and tourmaline are observed in pegmatites near the contact with metasediments and ultramafic bodies. The observed compositional variations of Ta/(Ta+Nb) and Mn/(Mn+Fe) ratios in columbite (0.08–0.45 and 0.11–0.57, respectively) and Hf contents in zircon (3.54–6.46 wt%) may reflectan extreme degree of magmatic fractionation leading to formation of the pegmatite orebody.  相似文献   

Mikbi intrusion(MI) is a part of the Neoproterozoic Nubian Shield located along the NE-SW trending major fracture zones prevailing southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we present for the first time detailed mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data to infer some constraints on the parental magma genesis and to understand the tectonic processes contributed to MI formation. Lithologically, it is composed of fresh peridotite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, anorthosite, gabbronorite, pyroxene amphibole gabbro, amphibole gabbro and diorite. All rocks have low Th/La ratios(mostly <0.2) and lack positive Zr and Th anomalies excluding significant crustal contamination. They show very low concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf together with sub-chondritic ratios of Nb/Ta(2-15) and Zr/Hf(19-35),suggesting that their mantle source was depleted by earlier melting extraction event. The oxygen fugacity(logfO_2) estimated from diorite biotite is around the nickel-nickel oxide buffer(NNO) indicating crystallization from a relatively oxidized magma. Amphiboles in the studied mafic-ultramafic rocks indicate relative oxygen fugacity(i.e. ΔNNO; nickel-nickel oxide) of 0.28-3 and were in equilibrium mostly with 3.77-8.24 wt.% H_2 Omelt(i.e. water content in the melt), consistent with the typical values of subduction-related magmas. Moreover, pressure estimates(0.53-6.79 kbar) indicate polybaric crystallization and suggest that the magma chamber(s) was located at relatively shallow crustal levels. The enrichment in LILE(e.g., Cs, Ba, K and Sr) and the depletion in HFSE(e.g., Th and Nb) relative to primitive mantle are consistent with island arc signature. The olivine, pyroxene and amphibole compositions also reflect arc affinity. These inferences suggest that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of a mantle source that formerly metasomatized in a subduction zone setting. Clinopyroxene and bulkrock data are consistent with orogenic tholeiitic affinity. Consequently, the mineral and bulk-rock chemistry strongly indicate crystallization from hydrous tholeiitic magma. Moreover, their trace element patterns are subparallel indicating that the various rock types possibly result from differentiation of the same primary magma. These petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics show that the MI is a typical Alaskan-type complex.  相似文献   

Cliff S.J. Shaw   《Lithos》1997,40(2-4):243-259
The Coldwell alkaline complex is a large (> 350 km2) gabbro and syenite intrusion on the north shore of Lake Superior. It was emplaced at 1108 Ma during early magmatic activity associated with the formation of the Mid-Continent Rift of North America. The eastern gabbro forms a partial ring dyke on the outer margin of the complex and consists of at least three discrete intrusions. The largest of these is the layered gabbro that comprises a 300 m thick fine- to medium-grained basal unit overlain by up to 1100 m of variably massive to layered gabbroic cumulates which vary from olivine gabbro to anorthosite. Several xenoliths of Archaean metamorphic rocks that range in size from 10's to 100's of meters are present in the central part of the intrusion. Within discrete horizons in the layered gabbro are many centimeter- to meter-scale, gabbroic xenoliths. The main cumulus minerals, in order of crystallization, are plagioclase, olivine and clinopyroxene ± Fe-Ti oxides. Biotite and Fe-Ti-oxide are the dominant intercumulus phases. Orthopyroxene occurs not as a cumulus phase but as peritectic overgrowths on cumulus olivine. A detailed petrographic and mineral chemical study of samples from two stratigraphically controlled traverses through the layered gabbro indicates that the stratigraphy cannot be correlated along the 33 km strike of the ring dyke. Mineral compositions show both normal and reversed fractionation trends. These patterns are interpreted to record at least three separate intrusions of magma into restricted dilatant zones within the ring dyke possibly associated with ongoing caldera collapse. Calculations of parental melt composition using mineral — melt equilibria show that even the most primitive gabbros crystallized from an evolved magma with mg# of 0.42-0.49. The presence of orthopyroxene overgrowths on cumulus olivine suggests rising silica activity in the melt during crystallization and implies a subalkaline parentage for the layered gabbro.  相似文献   

Ophiolitic peridotites exposed in the Eastern Desert(ED) of Egypt record multiple stages of evolution, including different degrees of partial melting and melt extraction, serpentinization, carbonatization and metamorphism. The present study deals with metaperidotites at two selected localities in the central and southern ED, namely Wadi El-Nabá and Wadi Ghadir, respectively. They represent residual mantle sections of a Neoproterozoic dismembered ophiolite that tectonically emplaced over a volcano-sedimentary succession that represents island–arc assemblages. The studied metaperidotites are serpentinized, with the development of talc-carbonate and quartz-carbonate rocks, especially along shear and fault planes. Fresh relics of primary minerals(olivine, orthopyroxene and Cr-spinel) are preserved in a few samples of partiallyserpentinized peridotite. Most of the Cr-spinel crystals have fresh cores followed by outer zones of ferritchromite and Crmagnetite, which indicates that melt extraction from the mantle protolith took place under oxidizing conditions. The protoliths of the studied metaperidotites were dominated by harzburgites, which is supported by the abundance of mesh and bastite textures in addition to some evidence from mineral and whole-rock chemical compositions. The high Cr#(0.62–0.69; Av. 0.66) and low TiO2(0.3 wt%) contents of the fresh Cr-spinels, the higher Fo(89–92; Av. 91) and NiO(0.24–0.54 wt%, Av. 0.40) contents of the primary olivine relics, together with the high Mg#(0.91–0.93; Av. 91) and low CaO, Al2 O3 and TiO2 of the orthopyroxene relics, are all comparable with depleted to highly depleted forearc harzburgite from a suprasubduction zone setting. The investigated peridotites have suffered subsequent phases of metasomatism, from oceanfloor hydrothermal alteration(serpentinization) to magmatic hydrothermal alteration. The enrichment of the studied samples in light rare earth elements(LREEs) relative to the heavy ones(HREEs) is attributed to most probably be due to the contamination of their mantle source with granitic source hydrothermal fluids after the obduction of the ophiolite assemblage onto the continental crust. The examined rocks represent mantle residue that experienced different degrees of partial melting(~10% to 25% for W. El-Nabá rocks and ~5% to 23% for W. Ghadir rocks). Variable degrees of partial melting among the two investigated areas suggest mantle heterogeneity beneath the Arabian-Nubian Shield(ANS).  相似文献   

The G. Abu Garadi area is covered mainly by metasediments, alkali feldspar granites and stream sediments. The alkali feldspar granite is traversed by a major strike-slip fault trending in an N-S direction as well as two subordinate sets of faults trending NW to WNW for the first one and NE for the second one. These faults represent the shear zones affected by magmatic (syngenetic) as well as hydrothermal (epigenetic) activities causing alteration of the granitic rocks. The most common alteration features are albitization, greisenization and koalinitization. The mass balance calculations of the studied altered samples show enrichments in Zr, Y, Ni, U, Th and Ga and depletions in Zn, Sr, Nb, Ba, Pb, Cu and V. Only the greisenized samples exhibit a significant enrichment in Nb, ∑REE budget and pronounced lanthanide tetrad effect (M-type), especially TE1,4, while weakly expressed tetrad effects are for the other albitized and koalinitized samples. Mineralogically, the common accessory minerals in the altered samples include samarskite-(Y), betafite, uranothorite, zircon, fluorite and cassiterite. The greisenized granites contain high eU and eTh than the other altered types, where they are characterized by an assemblage of the radioactive minerals; samarskite-(Y), betafite, uranothorite in addition to zircon. The inter-element relationships between U and Th and also their ratios illustrate that the radioelement distribution in these granites is mainly governed by magmatic processes, in addition to post-magmatic ones. The distribution of chemical elements and the fractionation of some isovalents within the shear zone are largely controlled by the newly formed mineral phases. With respect to uranium mobilization, uranium migrated from the host alkali feldspar granites of G. Abu Garadi, while the shear zones acted as traps for the migrated uranium. Moreover, U migrated in the shear zone during greisenization and albitization, and migrated out during koalinitization.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence for the involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic zircons in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, a Neoproterozoic crustal tract that is generally regarded to be juvenile. The source and significance of these xenocrystic zircons are not clear. In an effort to better understand this problem, older and younger granitoids from the Egyptian basement complex were analyzed for chemical composition, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions. Geochemically, the older granitoids are metaluminous and exhibit characteristics of I-type granites and most likely formed in a convergent margin (arc) tectonic environment. On the other hand, the younger granites are peraluminous and exhibit the characteristics of A-type granites; these are post-collisional granites. The U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons revealed the ages of magmatic crystallization as well as the presence of slightly older, presumably inherited zircon grains. The age determined for the older granodiorite is 652.5 ± 2.6 Ma, whereas the younger granitoids are 595–605 Ma. Xenocrystic zircons are found in most of the younger granitoid samples; the xenocrystic grains are all Neoproterozoic, but fall into three age ranges that correspond to the ages of other Eastern Desert igneous rocks, viz. 710–690, 675–650 and 635–610 Ma. The analyzed granitoids have (+3.8 to +6.5) and crystallization ages, which confirm previous indications that the Arabian–Nubian Shield is juvenile Neoproterozoic crust. These results nevertheless indicate that older Neoproterozoic crust contributed to the formation of especially the younger granite magmas.  相似文献   

The Wadi Ibib area is situated in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Hamisana Shear Zone (HSZ), which is a high strain zone evolved during the late stages of the Pan-African orogeny, likely as a tectonic escape structure. Amphibolite facies pelitic metasedimentary windows crop out in the axial parts of the HSZ and are noticeably associated with numerous N-trending pegmatite dikes. Whole-rock geochemistry of the pegmatites reveals a peraluminous (S-type) affinity, with low K/Rb ratios and elevated concentrations of U, Th, REE, Rb, Li, Cs, Y, Nb and Ta. Structurally, the pegmatite sets intrude along the shear plane of the HSZ, corresponding to the regional N-trending tectonic fabrics, such as axial planar foliation and dextral-shearing in the metasedimentary host rock. Field relationships, including structural context, coupled with geochemical characteristics of the Wadi Ibib pegmatites, do not support their formation as a complementary part of evolved granitic magmas. Space-localized decompression-induced partial melting of peraluminous garnet-bearing metapelites was alternatively the underlying process for formation of these pegmatites. Such decompression was associated with regional escape tectonics and stress axes permutations during the late deformation stage (D3) in the evolution of the south Eastern Desert terrane, due to end-orogeny system pressure-release.  相似文献   

鄂西崆岭杂岩的组成,时代及地质演化   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
崆岭杂岩包括下部基底片麻岩和上部表壳岩两部分。作者采自下部的13个斜长角闪岩样品获得SmNd等时线年龄3290±170Ma(2σ),加入4个伴生灰色片麻岩样品后等时线年龄变为3150±79Ma(2σ)。采自上部的变粒岩和斜长角闪岩分别获得锆石U_Pb一致曲线年龄为2427±42Ma(2σ)和2031±4Ma(2σ)。基于这些新的数据和前人的工作成果,探讨了崆岭杂岩的形成和地质演化。  相似文献   

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