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Thirty-three species of marine algae belonging to Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta from the Fujian coast were examined for agglutinins with different animal and human erythrocytes. Protein extracts from 26 species were active against at least one type of the erythrocytes tested. There were 3 species (Grateloupia imbricata, lshigefoliacea and Entermorpha prolifera) whose extracts could agglutinate all the erythrocytes used. The lowest protein concentration required to produce erythrocyte agglutination varied remarkably, from 3.1μg/ml to 500μg/ml . The strongest activity was found in the agglutina-tion of rabbit erythrocytes by Gloiopeltis furcata extract. Inhibition assays performed with nine mono- and bisaccharides indicated that agglutinations of rabbit erythrocytes by extracts of 7 species were inhibited by one or more types of the sugars assayed. The agglutinating activity shown by extracts of most species wasnot affected when the test solution was heated to 90℃, but was lost at 95℃ - 100℃. A few extracts losttheir activity at 60 RS, 65 RS and 75 RS, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on the 18-year(1993–2010) National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimum interpolation sea surface temperature(SST) and simple ocean data assimilation datasets,this study investigated the patterns of the SST anomalies(SSTAs) that occurred in the South China Sea(SCS) during the mature phase of the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation.The most dominant characteristic was that of the outof-phase variation between southwestern and northeastern parts of the SCS,which was influenced primarily by the net surface heat flux and by horizontal thermal advection.The negative SSTA in the northeastern SCS was caused mainly by the loss of heat to the atmosphere and because of the cold-water advection from the western Pacific through the Luzon Strait during El Ni?o episodes.Conversely,it was found that the anomalous large-scale atmospheric circulation and weakened western boundary current during El Ni?o episodes led to the development of the positive SSTA in the southwestern SCS.  相似文献   

Three different solvents viz ethanol, acetone and methanol-toluene (3:1) were used to extract antibiotics from 23 species of marine algae belonging to the Chlomphyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. Their crude extracts were tested for antibacterial and antifungal activities. Among them, the ethanol extract showed the strongest activity against the bacteria and fungi tested. Four species of the Rhodophyta (Laurenc/a okamurai, Dasya scoparia, Grateloupia filicina and plocamium telfairiae ) showed a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. Every solvent extract from the four species was active against all the bacteria tested. The test bacterium Pseudomonas solancearum and the fungus Penicilium citrinum were most sensitive to the extracts of marine algae. In general, the extracts of seaweeds inhibited bacteria more strongly than fungi and species of the Rhodophyta showed the greatest activity against the bacteria and fungi tested.  相似文献   

MODUrnONTheS0uthChinaSea(SCS)isabophalrnarginalbasinwhereEastAsiamonsoonsprevail.0bviousadjustInentSoftheupperocanoccurduetOthealtematingsurnxneandwintermonsoons.ThemostboohantaspchoflargeanlecurmtSintheSesaretheupperoonnicresponsetothemonsoons(Dale,l956).MostpreviousmrehesfocusedondiagnostiesandmodelingofsuffocecurmtS.Wwti(l96l)plotalsurfacentsbasedonshipdriflsintheNAGAReportNo.2anddescritaltheperiodicallysdri-annualreversingofwindsandrtinthisarea.Xuetal.(l982)calculatalthedy-naAn…  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.89±0.63 in the upper 50 m and 0.16±0.06 below 50 m depth. With increasing depth, APP decreased and photo-synthetically active radiation was attenuated. There was an obvious succession in the phytoplankton community from inshore to the open sea. Diatoms were dominant in the inshore region, while pelagophytes, Prochlorococcus, cyanobacteria and prymnesiophytes were dominant in the open sea. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton also differed greatly from inshore to the open sea. In the coastal and shelf region, diatoms were important components in the whole water column. Cyanobacteria also had a high abundance at the Subsurface Chlorophyll a Maxima (SCM) in the shelf region. In the slope and open sea, Prochlorococcus and cyanobacteria were important groups above the SCM, while pelagophytes dominated below the SCM.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.8...  相似文献   

THENOMENCLATUREOFTHESOUTHCHINASEAISLANDSINANCIENTCHINA¥LiuNanwei(刘南威)(DepartmentofGeography,SouthChinaNormalUniversity,Guangz...  相似文献   

Nearshore sea levels in the East China Sea(ECS) and the South China Sea(SCS) during tropical cyclones-Typhoon 8007(Joe, 1980) and Typhoon 7209(Betty 1972) were simulated. The tide-surge interactions in the two regions are remarkable and locally produced. The corresponding nonlinear effects were derived from the different nonlinear terms. The contribution of the quadratic friction term is the most important, the shallow term comes second the convective term is the least; the phases of the interactions generated by the various nonlinear terms are asynchronous. Both the quadratic friction and the convective term can stimulate and aggravate the surge structure with more peaks. The bottom friction features have crucial influences on tides and surges, and the interaction is sensitive to the changes of tide and surge.  相似文献   

Two depositional processes controlled the muddy sediments in the South China Sea Basin. Bathyal sediments depositional rate was 7.66 cm/la in the northern continental slope of the Basin where turbidity current was almost nonexistent. In the northern margin of the Basin, abyssal sediment depositional rate was 5.05cm/ka and turbidity current occurrence averaged 0.22 per 1000 years. Turbidite was found in the middle of the Basin. Over half of the muddy sediments in the deep sea basin were deposited by turbidity currents, and had typically graded bedding, and contents of organic matter, calcareous material and micropaleontologic species inconsistent with the environment.  相似文献   

Based on a Lagrangian integral technique and Lagrangian particle-tracking technique,a numerical model was developed to simulate the underwater transport of oil from a deepwater spill. This model comprises two submodels: a plume dynamics model and an advection-diffusion model. The former is used to simulate the stages dominated by the initial jet momentum and plume buoyancy of the spilled oil,while the latter is used to simulate the stage dominated by the ambient current and turbulence. The model validity was verified through comparisons of the model predictions with experimental data from several laboratory flume experiments and a field experiment. To demonstrate the capability of the model further,it was applied to the simulation of a hypothetical oil spill occurring at the seabed of a deepwater oil/gas field in the South China Sea. The results of the simulation would be useful for contingency planning with regard to the emergency response to an underwater oil spill.  相似文献   

The characteristics of circulation corresponding to two kinds of indices of summer monsoon onset over the South China Sea (SCS) have been discussed using the reanalysis data of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research. It is found that there are two patterns of deep convection that occur at different locations and influence the summer monsoon onset over the SCS. One is over the Asia continent and the western Pacific corresponding to the southwesterly of summer monsoon prevailing over the northern and central part of the SCS, while the other is near the Philippines that affects the westerly summer monsoon as prevailing over the central and southern southern part of the SCS. Since these two kinds of convection affecting the summer monsoon onset do not always occur together, thus the summer monsoon onset time is different when determined by various indices.  相似文献   

The age, grain size compositions and major elemental compositions for sediments in core YQ1 from the Yingqiong continental slope in the South China Sea was determined in this paper. It is noted that the periodically cyclic change of sedimentation rates occurred in the Yingqiong continental slope in the South China Sea. During the interglacial periods, the sedimentation rates were high, while the sedimentation rates exhibited low values during the glacial periods. During Marine Isotope Stage 1(MIS1), the sedimentary rate could reach about 800 cm kyr~(-1) and during the MIS6 this area is characterized by the lowest sedimentary rate, which is lower than 3 cm kyr~(-1). According to the R-mode factor analysis of the major element data, three factors F1(Al_2O_3, Fe_2O_3, TiO_2 and K_2O), F_2(MgO and MnO) and F3(Na_2O and P_2O_5) were obtained, which shows that vertical change of the major elemental concentrations in the core was mainly controlled by the nearby terrestrial inputs and the early diagenesis, while the effect of volcanic and biogenous inputs was less. The obvious glacial-interglacial cyclic features are presented in the changes of the typical terrestrial element ratios contained in factor F1, which reflects the impact of glacial-interglacial climatic cycle on the evolution of the East Asian monsoon. This indicates that the major element ratios in terrestrial sediments are significant indicators of regional climate changes.  相似文献   

【目的】研究1993-2017年南海中尺度涡的空间分布、季节变化、移动速度等特征。【方法】根据AVISO提供的地转流数据,应用Nencioli等人提出的涡旋识别算法。【结果】南海中尺度涡主要分布在南海东北部和越南东部海域,冬(夏)季有利于(反)气旋涡产生,中尺度涡以2.0~9.0cm/s的速度向西传播。【结论】南海气旋涡与反气旋逐年生成个数与ENSO事件相关,在1993-2007年期间,强(温和)厄尔尼诺年气旋涡生成数大于反气旋,弱(温和)拉尼娜年反气旋生成数大于气旋涡。2008-2017年,强厄尔尼诺年气旋涡生成数大于反气旋,温和拉尼娜年反气旋生成数小于气旋涡。在涡旋的生命周期内,涡旋半径与移动速度变化趋势相反。复杂海底地形会阻碍涡旋的传播。  相似文献   

南海北部渔场表层沉积物中的硫化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给南海北部渔场的资源和环境保护提供基础数据,用碘量法测定了南海北部陆架区表层沉积物中硫化物含量.结果表明,全部28份样品中硫化物含量为3.3~42.2mg/kg(干重,下同),平均为12.1mg/kg,符合外海含量低的一般规律,明显低于沿岸海湾的含量,远低于日本渔业环境质量标准(200mg/kg)和安全下限值(400mg/kg).硫化物含量在测站间和不同区域间存在一定差异,南北方向呈近岸(13.1mg/kg)略高于离岸(12.1mg/kg)、离岸略高于远岸(11.1mg/kg)的梯度分布,但梯度差异不显著(p>0.10);东西方向的分布特点是粤西海域(23.7mg/kg)>海南岛以东(15.3mg/kg)>台湾浅滩(9.4mg/kg)≈粤东海域(8.7mg/kg)≈珠江口外海域(8.6mg/kg).空间分布不太均匀主要是受沉积物类型的影响,与陆源硫化物输入的关系不大.  相似文献   

Measurement of single-fish target strength in the South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We measured the target strength (TS) of three commercial fish species: whitespotted spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus), black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegelii), and creek red bream (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), in the South China Sea. The TS of caged or tethered fish (n=76 total) was measured using a Simrad EY60 portable scientific echosounder at 120 kHz. We evaluated the relationship between TS and total length (TL, cm) for the three species. This is the first attempt to use split-beam acoustics to measure single-fish TS in the South China Sea by Chinese researchers. Our results will improve the accuracy and precision of acoustic abundance estimates of commercially important species and further the development of underwater acoustic survey techniques in fisheries in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

An increasing number of marine structures have been built for coastal protection and marine development in recent years,and wind,which is crucial to marine structures,should be analyzed.Therefore,typhoon frequency,wind climate,wind energy assess-ment,and extreme wind speed in the South China Sea(SCS)are investigated in detail in this study.The data are obtained from the China Meteorological Administration,the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts,and the National Centers for Envi-ronmental Prediction.The offshore wind energy potential is analyzed at five sites near the coast.The spatial and monthly frequencies of tropical cyclones for different intensity categories are analyzed.The extreme wind speed is fitted by five distribution models,and the generalized extreme value(GEV)distribution is selected as the most suitable function according to the goodness of fit.The spa-tial distributions of extreme wind speeds in the SCS are plotted on the basis of the GEV distribution and ERA5 data sets.The influ-ences of the distribution models and data sets on the calculated results are discussed.Moreover,the monthly extreme wind speed and comparison with the results of previous studies are analyzed.This study provides a reference for the design of wind turbines.  相似文献   

This study examines the modulation of tropical cyclogenesis over the South China Sea(SCS) by the El Nio-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) Modoki during the boreal summer. Results reveal that there were more tropical cyclones(TCs) formed over the SCS during central Pacific warming years and less TC frequency during central Pacific cooling years. How different environmental factors(including low-level relative vorticity, mid-level relative humidity, vertical wind shear, and potential intensity) contribute to this influence is investigated, using a genesis potential(GP) index developed by Emanuel and Nolan. Composite anomalies of the GP index are produced for central Pacific warming and cooling years separately, which could account for the changes of TC frequency over the SCS in different ENSO Modoki phases. The degree of contribution by each factor is determined quantitatively by producing composites of modified indices in which only one of the contributing factors varies, with the others set to climatology. The results suggest that the vertical wind shear and low-level relative vorticity, which are associated with the ENSO Modoki-induced anomalous circulations in Matsuno-Gill patterns, make the largest contributions to the ENSO Modoki modulation of tropical cyclogenesis over the SCS as implied by the GP index. These results highlight the important roles of dynamic factors in the modulation of TC frequency over the SCS by the ENSO Modoki during the boreal summer.  相似文献   

Liu  Yuxin  Lin  Mingsen  Jiang  Xingwei  Sun  Xiujun  Song  Xiangzhou 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2181-2194
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Sea surface wind (SSW) observations from a newly developed “Black Pearl” wave glider, the Chinese-French Oceanography Satellite (CFOSAT), the HY-2A...  相似文献   

CTD data on standard levels coolected during July and December in 1998 and the cubic spline interpolating method were used to study the characteristics of the transition layer temperature and salinity.The thermocline undergoes remarkable seasonal variation in the South China Sea (SCS),and especially in the region of the north shelf where the thermocline disappears in december.The thermocline is stronger and thicker in July than in December,There is no obvious seasonal variation in the halocline.Due to the upper Ekman transport caused by monsoon over the SCS,the thermocline slopes upward in July and downward in december from east to west in the northern SCS.The characteristics of the thermocline and halocline are influenced by local eddies in the SCS.The Zhujiang diluted flow influences significantly the SCS shelf‘s halocline.  相似文献   

【目的】记述中国南海海域棘鲬属的一新纪录种,以厘定中国南海海域棘鲬属的分类。【方法】2019年4月于中国南海北部海域海南岛东南渔场采集棘鲬属样品,采用形态学鉴定方法研究其形态特征,描述其生态习性,编制中国棘鲬属分种检索表。【结果与结论】样品中有6尾为中国新纪录种——丝鳍棘鲬Hoplichthys filamentosus Matsubara&Ochiai,1950。主要特征:体延长,平扁,向后渐狭小,背缘低平,腹缘平直;背鳍VI,14~15;臀鳍17;胸鳍13+ⅲ;腹鳍Ⅰ-5;尾鳍17;侧线骨板27;鳃耙2+11~12;体具几条不明显深色横带;胸鳍具黑色斑点;第1背鳍分布黄色斑点,具黑色小点和黑边;第2背鳍中部分布黄色圆斑,每1鳍条根部具黄色圆斑;腹鳍白色,无斑纹;臀鳍无明显斑纹;尾鳍后缘具黑边,中部较随机分布黄色圆斑,下叶颜色较深。该种雌雄异形:1)雄性下颌骨腹外侧具棘,雌性则隐没皮下;2)雄性第2背鳍鳍条均显著延长呈丝状,雌性则无显著延长。  相似文献   

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