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Neogene deformations have deeply disturbed the initial architecture of the pile of nappes within the Eastern Betic zone. The Arc of Aguilas, displaying a southeast-facing concavity, is a spectacular example of such a post-nappe structuration. Miocene deposits involved in the torsion of the Arc provide a chronology of the deformation. The Arc of Aguilas is one element within a system of rigid-plastic indentation including the following units, from the inner (SE) to the outer (NW) zones : — A rigid block, little deformed, located in the present day abyssal plain, play the part of the indenter.

— A structural pad corresponding to the Aguilas Arc itself. It was severely folded during Miocene times.

— A large peripheral zone mainly subjected to faulting during the Neogene (essentially strike-slip faults). These faults control the evolution of different types of sedimentary basins during the Late Neogene (Tortonian to Pliocene).

Two large shear zones: N020 sinistral (Palomares and Terreros faults), N100 dextral (Las Moreras faults) guided the deformation of the Aguilas Arc within a compressive stressfield of which major tensor axis oscillated between NW-SE and N-S.  相似文献   

Neotectonic evolution of the Central Betic Cordilleras (Southern Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleostress orientations were calculated from fault-slip data of 36 sites located along a traverse through the Central Betic Cordilleras (southern Spain). Heterogeneous fault sets, which are frequent in the area, have been divided into homogeneous subsets by cross-cutting relationships observed in the field and by a paleostress stratigraphy approach applied on each individual fault population. The state of stress was sorted according to main tectonic events and a new chronology is presented of the Miocene to Recent deformation in the central part of the Betic Cordilleras. The deviatoric stress tensors fall into four distinct groups that are regionally consistent and correlate with three Late Oligocene–Aquitanian to Recent major tectonic events in the Betic Cordilleras. The new chronology of the neotectonic evolution includes, from oldest to youngest, the following main tectonic phases:
(1) Late Oligocene–Aquitanian to Early Tortonian: σ1 subhorizontal N–S, partly E–W directed, σ3 subvertical; compressional structures (thrusting of nappes, large-scale folding) and strike-slip faulting in the Alborán Domain and the External Zone of the Betic Cordilleras;
(2) Early Tortonian to Pliocene–Pleistocene: σ1 subvertical, σ3 subhorizontal NW–SE, partly N–S directed or E–W-directed (radial extension); large-scale normal faulting in the Central Betic Cordilleras and in the oldest Neogene formations of the Granada Basin related to the gravitational collapse of the Betic Cordilleras and the exhumation of the intensely metamorphosed rock series of the Internal Zones, at the same time formation of the Alborán Basin and intramontane basins such as the Granada Basin;
(3) Pleistocene to Recent: (3a) σ1 subvertical, σ3 subhorizontal NE–SW with prominent normal faulting, but coevally; (3b) σ1 subhorizontal NW directed, σ3 NE–SW subhorizontal with strike-slip faulting. Extensional structures and strike-slip faulting are related to the ongoing convergence of the Eurasian and African Plates and coeval uplift of the Betic Cordilleras. Reactivation of pre-existing fractures and faults was frequently observed. Phase 3 is interpreted as periodic strike-slip and normal faulting events due to a permutation of the principal stress axes, mainly σ1 and σ2.
Keywords: Neotectonics; Paleostress; Fault-slip data; Deformation history; Betic Cordilleras  相似文献   

Abstract. Plagioclase porphyroblasts from silvergrey schists belonging to the Nevado Filabride Complex in the Sierra Alhamilla (Betic Zone, SE Spain) are interpreted as having been formed preand synkinematically with respect to the second phase of deformation. Different types of inclusion patterns represent 'snap-shots'(high growth-rate/strain-rate ratio features) of the formation of a diffentiated crenulation cleavage during this second phase of deformation, by the processes of kinking, crenulation and associated differentiation.
Regional considerations indicate an Alpine age for this tectono-metamorphic event, which can be explained by the'hot emplacement'of the higher Nevado Filabride units. The observed structural evolution is not consistent with a pre-Alpine polyphase deformation history.  相似文献   

The Betic-Rif Cordilleras, formed by the interaction of NW–SE convergence between the Eurasian and African plates and the westward motion of their Internal Zones, provide a good example of an active tectonic arc. The Campo de Dalías and Campo de Níjar constitute outcropping sectors of Neogene and Quaternary rocks located in the southeastern border of the Betic Cordilleras and allow us to study the recent deformations developed in the internal border of this tectonic arc.The main active faults with related seismicity, representing a moderate seismic hazard, associated to the southeastern Betic Cordilleras boundary, include high-angle NW–SE-oriented normal faults that affect, at least, the upper part of the crust, a main detachment located at 10 km depth, and probably another detachment at 20 km as well. Seismite structures, recent fault scarps with associated colluvial wedges that deform the drainage network and the alignment of the coastline, indicate that the high-angle faults have been active at least since the Quaternary.Paleostresses determined from microfault analysis in Quaternary deposits generally show an ENE–WSW trend of extension. Present-day earthquake focal mechanisms include normal, strike-slip and reverse faulting. Normal and strike-slip focal mechanisms generally indicate ENE–WSW extension, and strike-slip and reverse focal mechanisms are related to NNW–SSE compression.The maximum horizontal compression has a consistently NNW–SSE trend. The deep activity of detachments and reverse faults determines the NNW–SSE crustal shortening related to the Eurasian–African plate convergence. At surface, however, the predominance of normal faults is probably produced by the increase in the relative weight of the vertical stress axis, which in turn may be related to relief uplift and subsequent horizontal spreading. The internal mountain front boundary of the Betic Cordilleras developed through the activity of a set of structures that is more complex than a typical external mountain front, probably as a consequence of a vertical variable stress field that acted on previously deformed rocks belonging to the Internal Zone of the cordilleras.  相似文献   

The rauhwackes near Serón in the northern Sierra de los Filabres (S Spain), previously considered as true tectonic breccias, are reinterpreted on the basis of sedimentological, geomorphological and geometrical evidence as subaerial or nearly subaerial sedimentary deposits. Channel fills, parallel lamination, cross-lamination, graded bedding, sedimentary clastic dykes and other sedimentary structures and features occur in the rauhwacke body. These sedimentary rocks correspond to continental deposits of alluvial and karstic origin deposited over a karstified erosional surface of Nevado–Filabride marbles. Although no fossils have been found in the rauhwackes, a Tortonian age for these rocks is suggested on the basis of structural arguments and lithostratigraphic data from the nearby Almanzora basin. The rauhwackes were buried by slabs of Alpujarride rocks that gravitationally slid over them during the uplifting of the Sierra de los Filabres.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of the Ronda peridotites (southern Spain) has been carried out on 301 samples from 20 sites, spread along the three main outcrops of the ultrabasic complex: Ronda, Ojén and Carratraca massifs. Different lithologies and outcrops with different degrees of serpentinization have been sampled and analysed. Rock magnetic experiments have been carried out on a representative set of samples. These measurements include: Curie curves, hysteresis cycles, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves, thermal demagnetization of IRM imparted along three orthogonal axes and magnetic bulk susceptibility. Results indicate that magnetite is the main magnetic mineral present in the samples. Stepwise thermal and alternating field (AF) demagnetization of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) reveals the presence of a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) carried by magnetite, and in some sepentinized samples, a northward component with variable unblocking temperatures up to 250–575 °C. The appearance and the relative intensity of this northward component are strongly related to serpentinization degree. Taking into account the geological history of the peridotites, the ChRM has been considered as a thermo-chemical remanent magnetization acquired during the first serpentinization phase associated to the post-metamorphic cooling of this unit. On the basis of radiometric and fission track analysis, the ChRM is proposed to have been acquired between 20 and 17–18 Ma. The inclination of the mean direction of the ChRM statistically coincides with the expected inclination for stable Iberia during the Oligocene–Miocene. The declination of the ChRM differs from the expected declination, indicating clockwise block rotations of 41±12° about vertical axes since the cooling of the peridotites. When applying a compositional layering correction, the ChRM directions fail to pass this kind of fold test, thus, the compositional layering was not a palaeohorizontal during ChRM acquisition time. Normal and reversed polarities of the ChRM are reported, showing that at least one reversal of the Earth's magnetic field took place during ChRM acquisition process. A tentative polarity zonation within the peridotitic outcrops is also suggested. No evidence is found from these data for the previously proposed simultaneity between post-metamorphic cooling and rotation of the peridotites.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a detailed structural analysis of the northern Nijar and southern Vera basins with special emphasis on the evolution of the regional stress field and the associated timing of movement of the Serrata, Gafarillos and Palomares strike-slip fault zones. These major fault zones control the Neogene deformation of the SE Internal Betic Cordilleras in Spain. Detailed stress analysis on Neogene sediments of the Vera and Nijar basins shows a strike-slip regime with NW–SE-oriented subhorizontal maximum principal stress (σ1) during Tortonian and earliest Messinian times. Under the influence of this stress field, dextral displacement along the N090E-trending Gafarillos fault zone resulted in deformation of the sediments of the southern Sorbas and northeastern Nijar basins. During the early Messinian a clock-wise rotation of the stress field occurred. Stress analysis in rocks with late–early Messinian up to Quaternary ages in the Nijar and Vera basins indicates a strike-slip regime with N–S-oriented subhorizontal maximum principal stress (σ1). Under the influence of this stress field the main activity along the N010E-striking Palomares strike-slip fault zone took place, resulting in deformation of the Neogene sediments of the southeastern Vera basin and culminating in a maximum sinistral displacement of more than 20 km. At the same time the stress field was not suitably oriented to exert a large shear component on the Gafarillos fault zone, which activity ended after the earliest Messinian. Fault and outcrop patterns of syntectonic Neogene sediments in the Vera basin show that displacement along the Palomares fault zone decreased at the end of the Middle Miocene although minor displacement phases may still have occurred during the Late Miocene and possibly even Pliocene. From the Middle Miocene onward, deformation in the Nijar basin was controlled by sinistral displacement along the N040E-trending Serrata strike-slip fault zone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Internal Zone of the Betic Cordilleras consists of several superimposed major thrust sheets with different P-T-t evolutions. On the basis of an integrated field, microscopic and laboratory study, the tectono-metamorphic history of the Mulhacen Complex and Almanzora Unit has been reconstructed in detail. The Mulhacen Complex has been affected by at least five phases of penetrative deformation, which have been labelled Dx-1, Dx, Dx+1, Dx+2 and Dx+3. Dx-1, and Dx are related to continent-continent collision, which is indicated by high pressure-low temperature (HP/LT) and subsequent intermediate P/T metamorphic conditions. Dx+1 is related to crustal thinning and heterogeneous extension. During this event the Almanzora Unit was juxtaposed against the Mulhacen Complex. This phase was succeeded by the establishment of low pressure-high temperature (LP/HT) conditions and at least two phases of folding and overthrusting. The Almanzora Unit shows a comparable tectono-metamorphic evolution post Dx+1. However, the P/T conditions prior to Dx+1 indicate a higher crustal position with respect to the Mulhacen Complex during the collisional event.  相似文献   

Eight ferromanganese crusts (Fe-Mn crusts) with igneous and sedimentary substrates collected at different water depths from the Afanasiy-Nikitin Seamount are studied for their bulk major, minor and rare earth element composition. The Mn/Fe ratios < 1.5 indicate the hydrogenetic accretion of the Fe-Mn hydroxides. These Fe-Mn crusts are enriched in Co (up to 0.9%, average ∼ 0.5%) and Ce. The Ce-content is the highest reported so far (up to 3763 ppm, average ∼ 2250 ppm) for global ocean seamount Fe-Mn crusts. In spite of general similarity in the range of major, minor, and strictly trivalent rare earth element composition, the dissimilarity between the present Fe-Mn crusts and the Pacific seamount Fe-Mn crusts in Co and Ce associations with major mineral phases indicates inter-oceanic heterogeneity and region-specific conditions responsible for their enrichment. The decrease in Ce-anomaly (from ∼ 8 to ∼ 1.5) with increasing water depth (from ∼ 1.7 km to ∼ 3.2 km) might suggest that the modern intermediate depth low oxygen layer was shifted and sustained at a deeper depth for a long period in the past.  相似文献   

The Betic Ophiolitic Association, cropping out within the Mulhacén Complex (Betic Cordilleras), is made up of numerous metre- to kilometre-sized lenses of mafic and/or ultramafic and meta-sedimentary rocks. Pre-Alpine oceanic metasomatism and metamorphism caused the first stage of serpentinization in the ultramafic sequence of this association, which is characterized by local clinopyroxene (Cpx) breakdown and Ca-depletion, and complementary rodingitization of the basic dykes intruded in them. Subsequent eo-Alpine orogenic metamorphism developed eclogite facies assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes, which were partly retrograded in Ab-Ep-amphibolite facies conditions during a meso-Alpine event. The heterogeneous development of the oceanic metasomatism in the ultramafic rock-types led to the patchy development of highly serpentinized Ca-depleted domains, without gradual transition to the host, and less serpentinized, Cpx-bearing ultramafites, mainly lherzolitic in composition. The high-pressure eo-Alpine recrystallization of these ultramafites in subduction conditions originated secondary harzburgites in the Ca-depleted domains, consisting of a spinifex-like textured olivine+orthopyroxene paragenesis, and a diopside+Ti-clinohumite paragenesis in the enclosing lherzolitic rocks. During the meso-Alpine event, secondary harzburgites were partly transformed into talc+antigorite serpentinites, whereas the diopside and clinohumite-bearing residual meta-lherzolites were mainly transformed into Cpx-bearing serpentinites. Relics of mantle-derived colourless olivine may be present in the more or less serpentinized secondary harzburgites. These relics are overgrown by the eo-Alpine brown pseudo-spinifex olivine, which contains submicroscopic inclusions of chromite, ilmenite and occasional halite and sylvite, inherited from its parental oceanic serpentine. The same type of mantle-derived olivine relics is also preserved within the Cpx-bearing serpentinites, although it has been partly replaced by the eo-Alpine Ti-clinohumite. The dolerite dykes included in the ultramafites were partly rodingitized in an oceanic environment. They were then transformed during the eo-Alpine event into meta-rodingites in their border zones and into eclogites towards the innermost, less-rodingitized portions. Estimated PT conditions for the high-pressure assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes range from 650 to 750°C and 16–25 kb.  相似文献   

The Bajo Segura Basin is located in the eastern Betic Cordillera, at present connected with the Mediterranean Sea to the east. It has a complete stratigraphic record from the Tortonian to the Quaternary, which has been separated into six units bounded by unconformities. This paper is concerned with the northern edge of the basin, controlled by a major strike–slip fault (the Crevillente Fault Zone, CFZ), where the most complete stratigraphic successions are found. The results obtained (summarised below) are based on an integrated analysis of the sedimentary evolution and the subsidence-uplift movements. Unit I (Early Tortonian) is transgressive on the basin basement and is represented by ramp-type platform facies, organised in a shallowing-upward sequence related to tectonic uplift during the first stages of movement along the CFZ. Unit II (lower Late Tortonian) consists of shallow platform facies at bottom and pelagic basin facies at top, forming a deepening-upward sequence associated with tectonic subsidence due to sinistral motion along the CFZ. Unit III (middle Late Tortonian) is made up of exotic turbiditic facies related to a stage of uplift and erosion of the southern edge of the basin. Unit IV (upper Late Tortonian) consists of pelagic basin facies at bottom and shallow platform facies at top, defining a shallowing-upward sequence related to tectonic uplift during continued sinistral movement on the basin-bounding fault. Units V (latest Tortonian–Messinian) and VI (Pliocene–Pleistocene p.p.) consist of shallowing-upward sequences deposited during folding and uplift of the northern margin of the basin. No definitive evidence of any major eustatic sea-level fall, associated with the ‘Messinian salinity crisis’, has been recorded in the stratigraphic sections studied.  相似文献   


The present contact caused by the superposition of the Alpujarride complex over that of the Nevado-Filabride in the western area of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Filábres corresponds to a detachment. The deformation in the footwall associated with this contact, produced mylonitic fabrics with a significant stretching-lineation, over which brittle structures are superimposed. The deformation in the hanging wall associated with this contact is, on the other hand, essentially brittle. These deformations are subsequent to a series of syn-to post-metamorphic structures related to thrust phases.

The micro- and meso-structures indicate that the hanging wall has moved towards the west-south-west.

Other brittle structures, which began during the same extensional regime, are superimposed on the detachment and have continued to develop up to the present time. These structures were produced in an extensional regime with a non-coaxial deformation component and suggest the possibility of a tectonic evolution similar to that described for core complexes in the USA.  相似文献   


The Cenozoic westward motion of the Betic-Rif internal zone (“Alboran block”) between Iberia and Africa is constrained by paleogeographic considerations and by wrench faulting which affects both sides of the external zones. However, in the Alboran domain itself there was so far no evidence of significant internal deformation related to this westward displacement which was consequently consider as an en bloc” motion. Our work, in Eastern Andalucia, demonstrates that the main tectonic units building up the Betic zone should be regarded as large-scale tectonic sheets with a typical duplex style. The direction of the tectonic transport is to the West. At meso-scale, the major structures exhibit a combination of hindward and foreward dipping imbricates on the respective east and west sides of antiformal stacks or “rigid cores”. On a broader scale, the same geometric framework appears on both east and west sides of the Sierra Nevada window which we interpret as a tectonic culmination on the hangingwall of a Subbetic décollement zone. The development of this tectonics, in retrogressive metamorphic conditions, postdates the ductile deformation of the internal complexes. The morpho-tectonic relationships between the culmination of the metamorphic cores and the Neogene basins give a way to date the westward motion of the “Alboran System of Nappes” of the middle and upper Miocene.  相似文献   

The Campo de Dal??as, located between the central and eastern Betic Cordilleras, shows an evolution determined by the overprinting of two main stress fields since Pliocene times. The first of these develops hybrid and tensional joint sets up to Pleistocene (100 000 yr) and is characterized by NNW–SSE horizontal trend of compression and an ENE–WSW horizontal extension. The second stress field has prolate to triaxial extensional ellipsoids, also with ENE–WSW horizontal extension, and continues to be active today. The most recent stresses produce the reactivation of previous joints as faults whose trends are comprised mainly from N120°E to N170°E and have a normal and transtensional regime, with dextral or sinistral components. The palaeostress evolution of this region is similar to that undergone by other basins of the Eastern Betic Cordilleras, although the Pliocene–Pleistocene transcurrent deformations in the Campo de Dal??as only develop joints and not strike-slip faults.  相似文献   

The BT3 multichannel seismic profile was acquired by the C.G.G. (Compagnie General de Géophysique) in 1977 for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Betic Cordillera. REXIMseis Ltd scanned and vectorized a paper copy and then performed post-stack processing, including coherence filtering and deconvolution. The receiver functions of a broad-band seismic station located near the village of Vélez Rubio, at the SE end of the profile, were analysed by Julia et al. [Julia, J., Mancilla, F., Morales, J., 2005. Seismic signature of intracrustal magmatic intrusions in the Eastern Betics (Internal Zone), SE Iberia, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L16304, doi:10.1029/2005GL023274.] to determine the structure of the underlying crust. We have used these Vp data to convert the profile to depth. The profile has a mean SE–NW trend, with a SE-Section 44 km in length followed by a NW-Section 20 km in length. The record includes the first 4 s (twtt), which corresponds to 11 km.Two main areas can be seen in the profile. At the SE-end, a band of high-amplitude discontinuous reflectors dips towards the north. The band is 100 to 200 ms thick, increasing even more northwards. This band reaches the surface at the top of the Maláguide Complex (the upper complex of the Internal Zones). Above these reflectors, an area with chaotic seismic facies and no reflectors corresponds to the outcrops of the olistostromes and turbidites of the Solana Formation, and it is in turn overlain by discontinuous reflectors of the Subbetic rocks.At the NW-end of the profile, a set of high-amplitude continuous reflectors with SE dips point to the location of the Prebetic. Below this section, oblique reflectors of intermediate amplitude indicate the Variscan basement. Over the Prebetic, we have marked the basal thrusts of the Intermediate Units and the Subbetic. Using this seismic data, as well as field observations, we propose a geological cross-section of the upper crust of the eastern Betic Cordillera and a model of the most recent evolution of the orogen. In this model, the Internal Zones and the Subbetic have been welded together from the Middle Burdigalian to the present day and acted as an orogenic wedge that deformed the Intermediate Units and the Prebetic.  相似文献   

Striated and pitted pebbles provide scarce structures that preserve information on the stresses that their host rocks have undergone. This information can be obtained by the measurement of a large number of microfaults with striae and solution marks within a small rock volume. For non-rotational deformation, the statistical procedures for microfault analysis provide a valid tool for determining the overprinting of successive stress ellipsoids, including their axial ratios and the orientations of the main axes. The trends of compressions obtained from striae can be compared with the determinations from the pole of pebble solution pits. However, in complex tectonics settings, the solution pits of several deformation phases are mixed and only striae analysis allows overprinted paleostresses to be accurately distinguished. The analysis of several pebbles from the same outcrop, including five from moderately complex settings, allows determination of the homogeneity of the paleostresses at outcrop scale, the detection of redeposited pebbles, and supports the results of microtectonic analysis for large areas. Solution mark distributions on pebbles depend on the burial and tectonic stresses. Conglomerates from shallow levels, such as those from Quaternary fluvial terraces, only record horizontal compressional solution marks because the minimum vertical stress needed to develop these structures are not reached by burial.In the central Betic Cordillera, striated and pitted pebbles are composed of carbonate surrounded by a matrix containing siliciclastic elements. The study of several outcrops located across a transect of the Cordillera shows a change in the recent stress field. While conglomerates near the Internal–External zone boundary show extensional stresses that may be related to the uplift of the Cordillera since Tortonian times, the outcrops located in the External Zone and up to the mountain front indicate the existence of horizontal NW–SE and NE–SW compressions related to prolate ellipsoids. These two compression directions, which affect conglomerates up to the Quaternary in the same outcrop, may be produced by a local permutation of stress axes, which in general indicates NW–SE compression related to the Eurasia–Africa plate boundary convergence, but which locally may switch to an orthogonal compression.  相似文献   

The Alhamilla unit forms the (par)autochthonous tectonic unit with respect to the final emplacement of the Alpujarride and higher nappes. In the Alhamilla unit several progressive overprinting, ductile deformation phases were induced during the movements of the nappes.The first interaction between the tectonic units is reflected by a folding phase (D 3) and is followed by D 4, a phase resulting in the formation of a shear-band cleavage, which in turn grades into (ultra)mylonite formation. Below the primary thrust plane, secondary ductile movements zones were generated.Late stage nappe movements, combined with a change of flow plane led to the development of a new crenulation phase (D 5).
Zusammenfassung Die Alhamilla Einheit bildet die (par)autochthone Einheit der Alpujarride und höherer Decken. Die Überschiebung der Decken hat in der Alhamilla Einheit zu mehreren fortschreitenden, sich überlagernden, duktilen Phasen geführt.Die erste Wechselwirkung der tektonischen Einheiten zeigt sich durch eine Faltungsphase (D 3), gefolgt durch D 4, einer Phase, die zu shear-band cleavage führt und ihrerseits in (ultra)Mylonit übergeht. Sekundäre duktile Bewegungszonen haben sich unter der primären Überschiebungsfläche gebildet.Späte Deckenbewegungen und eine Änderung der Gleitfläche führte zur Entwicklung einer weiteren Faltungsphase (D 5).

Résumé L'unité d'Alhamilla forme l'unité tectonique (para) autochtone par rapport à la mise en place définitive de l'Alpujarride et des nappes supérieures. Dans l'unité d'Alhamilla, plusieurs phases de déformation progressive, ductile et surimposées furent induites pendant les mouvements de nappes.La première interaction entre les unités tectoniques se refléte en une phase de plissement (D3), laquelle est suivie par D4, une phase avec pour résultat la formation d'un «shear-band cleavage», passant à son tour à une (ultra) mylonite. Des zones secondaires de mouvement ductile sont apparues en-dessous du plan de charriage primaire.Les mouvements de nappe terminaux, combinés avec un changement du plan de glissement ont entraîné une nouvelle phase de crénulation (D5).

. - , , . (D3), D 4, shear-band cleavage ( ) . . . (D 5).

The Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain) consists of three main metapelitic enclave suites (from SW to NE: El Hoyazo, Mazarrón and Mar Menor). Since the NVP represents a singular place in the world where crustal enclaves were immediately quenched after melting, their microstructures provide a “photograph” of the conditions at depth just after the moment of the melting.

The thermobarometric information provided by the different microstructural assemblages has been integrated with the geophysical and geodynamical published data into a model of the petrologic evolution of the Mar Menor enclaves. They were equilibrated at 2–3 kbar, 850–900 °C, and followed a sequence of heating melt producing reactions. A local cooling event evidenced by minor melt crystallization preceded the eruption.

The lower crustal studies presented in this work contribute to the knowledge of: (i) the partial melting event beneath the Mar Menor volcanic suite through a petrologic detailed study of the enclaves; (ii) how the microstructures of fast cooled anatectic rocks play an important role in tracing the magma evolution in a chamber up to the eruption, and how they can be used as pseudothermobarometers; (iii) the past and current evolution of the Alborán Domain (Betic Cordillera) and Mediterranean Sea, and how the base of a metapelitic crust has melted within an active geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

This study represents the first paleoseismic approach in Spain in which archaeological remains are considered. The ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia (1st–4th centuries AD), located at the axial zone of the Gibraltar Strait (Cadiz, south Spain), contains abundant disrupted architectural relics and ground collapses (i.e. landsliding, liquefacion) probably related to historic earthquake damage of intensity IX–X MSK. The archaeological stratigraphy of the city evidence two major episodes of abrupt city destruction bracketed in AD 40–60 and AD 350–395 separated by an intervening horizon of demolition for city rebuilding, otherwise characteristic for many earthquake-damaged archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. The second episode led the eventual city abandonment, and it is evidenced by good examples of column collapse, distortion, failure and breakdown of house and city walls, and pavement warping and disruptions documented during different archaeological excavations, which can be catalogued as secondary coseismic effects. Main damaged relicts observable today are the set of pop-up like arrays and warping developed in the ancient Roman pavement. Their analysis indicate an anomalous westwards ground displacement oblique to the main gentle southward slope of the topography, as also evidence failures, collapses and breakdown of walls and columns, suggesting that stress acted in a broad SW–NE/WSW–ENE orientation consistent whit the expectable motion along the largest NE–SW strike-slip faults of the zone, which in turn can be catalogued as seismic sources of moderate events (ca. 5 mb). Major disruptions and city abandonment were hesitantly related to relatively far strong earthquakes occurred during the late 4th century AD in the Mediterranean or western coast of Iberia by Menanteau et al. [Menanteau, L., Vanney, J.R., Zazo, C., 1983. Belo II : Belo et son environment (Detroit de Gibraltar), Etude physique d'un site antique. Pub. Casa de Velazquez, Serie Archeologie 4., Ed. Broccard, París.]. However, this study indicates that the occurrence of close moderate earthquakes jointly with the unstable character of the ground at the zone (site effect) is a more reliable hypothesis to explain the observed deformations.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic rocks of the Veleta nappe (Nevado-Filábride complex, Betic Cordilleras, Southern Spain) consist of graphite-mica schists with oxychlorite — chloritoid — albite — garnet porphyroblasts. Crystal chemistry of the minerals, their phase relations and microfabrics are consistent with a normal prograde metamorphic evolution and a slight retrograde overprint. The basis of the overlying Mulhacén nappe consists also of Palaeozoic graphite-mica schists, but with clear signs of polymetamorphic development. An early low-pressure metamorphism with andalusite and chloritoid is overprinted by high-pressure metamorphism with kyanite and Mg-rich chloritoid. This later development is of Alpine age, which is demonstrated by the metamorphic conditions of Permo-Triassic rocks in the upper part of the Mulhacén nappe, included formation of eclogites, followed by an amphibolite facies overprint. The metamorphism of the Veleta nappe is regarded as pre-Alpine: a possible Alpine overprint did not cause an increase in temperatures. No inverse metamorphic gradient exists between Veleta and Mulhacén nappes, because of the different ages of metamorphism.
Zusammenfassung Die paläozoischen Gesteinsserien der Veletadecke im Nevado-Filábride Komplex (Betische Kordillere, Südspanien) bestehen aus Graphitglimmerschiefern mit Oxichlorit — Chloritoid — Albit — Granat — Porphyroblasten. Die Kristallchemie der Minerale, ihre Phasenbeziehungen und Mikrogefüge sind konsistent mit einer normalen prograden Metamorphoseentwicklung und leichter retrograder Überprägung. Die Basis der darüberliegenden Mulhacendecke besteht ebenfalls aus paläozoischen Graphitglimmerschiefern, die jedoch deutliche Anzeichen für polymetamorphe Entwicklung zeigen: Eine frühe Niedrigdruckmetamorphose mit Andalusit und Chloritoid wird überprägt von einer Hochdruckmetamorphose mit Disthen und Mg-reichem Chloritoid. Diese spätere Entwicklung ist, wie die Metamorphosebedingungen der im Hangenden folgenden permotriadischen Gesteine der Mulhacendecke zeigen, frühalpin und schließt Eklogitbildung mit ein, gefolgt von einer amphibolitfaziellen Überprägung. Die Metamorphose der Veletadecke wird als präalpine Metamorphose angesehen: Eine mögliche alpine Überprägung hat keinen Temperaturanstieg verursacht. Zwischen Mulhacendecke und Veletadecke besteht kein inverser Metamorphosegradient, sondern ein Sprung in den Metamorphosealtern.

Résumén El Paleozoico del Manto del Veleta (complejo Nevado-Filábride, Cordilleras Béticas, suroeste de España) está formado por micasquistos grafitosos con porfiroblastos de oxicloritas — chloritoide — albita — granate. La cristalquímica de los minerales, sus relaciones de fase y microfábrica son coherentes con una evolución metamórfica progresiva normal y con un ligero retrometamorfismo. La base del suprayacente Manto del Mulhacén está también formado por micasquistos grafitosos paleozoicos, pero muestran signos evidentes de un desarrollo polimetamórfico. El metamorfismo más antiguo tiene unas caracteristicas de baja presión con la formación de andalucita y cloritoide. Estas rocas sufren los efectos de un nuevo proceso metamorfico de edad alpina, lo que puede ser demostrado por comparación con las rocas Permo-Triásicas de la parte superior del Manto del Mulhacén, en las cuales las eclogitas formadas en la primera fase son afectadas por otra en la facies de las anfibolitas. El metamorfismo del Manto del Veleta puede ser probablemente considerado como pre-Alpino: si está afectado por el metamorfismo alpino, éste no ha causado un incremento de temperatura. No existe, por tanto, inversión del gradiente metamórfico entre los Mantos del Veleta y del Mulhacén puesto que la edad del metamorfismo en ambos es diferente.

-/ , / . . , , , . , . Mulhacen - , : , , , . , - Mulhacen, , . , - : . , Mulhacen Veleta ; .

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