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沿科洛—五大连池—二克山NNW向分布的五大连池火山带上分布了约40座第四纪单成因火山。通过野外地质特征结合火山岩年代学数据分析表明,研究区火山活动分为2期:上新世—早更新世期火山活动主要分布在北部的科洛火山区,以熔岩溢流式喷发为主;中更新世—全新世期火山活动分布在整个火山带,爆破式喷发形成大量火山碎屑锥,溢流式喷发产生结壳熔岩、渣状熔岩与块状熔岩,形成广泛分布的熔岩流。野外调查发现了夏威夷型、斯通博利型与强斯通博利型等岩浆爆破式火山喷发的典型堆积剖面,首次发现并报道研究区射汽岩浆型火山喷发堆积剖面。结合火山活动历史与火山地质特征,分析认为五大连池火山带的火山系统仍有再次活动的潜力。基于火山时空分布与喷发特征,文中对五大连池火山带未来可能喷发的方式和危险区进行评估。如若发生强斯通博利型喷发,将形成高度10km的喷发柱,产生的火山灰一般不会对航空运输产生影响;斯通博利型喷发产生的火山碎屑最远可抛射约1km;夏威夷型喷发及溢流式喷发产生的熔岩流是主要的灾害源,计算得出结壳熔岩运移的距离为3. 0~13. 5km,渣状熔岩运移的距离为2. 9~14. 9km;射汽岩浆型喷发产生的基浪速度可达200~400m/s,运移距离≤10km,是潜在的重要灾害类型,应该引起更多重视,并积极进行防范。  相似文献   

五大连池火山与冷泉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对火山活动与温泉关系的分析基础上,讨论了五大连池区的冷泉现象,结果表明火山区的泉水温度并不是描述火山活动性的惟一指标,五大连池区的火山气体,微震活动和地热梯度等特点清楚显示了该区火山群的活动性。  相似文献   

本文选择五大连池火山区微震活动的模拟、数字地震记录,研究地震波特征,对火 山构造地震进行地震波型分类,分析地震波动力学、运动学特性,以期对我省五大连池火山 区构造地震波有一个初步认识.  相似文献   

介绍腾冲全新世火山喷发灾害损失静态预测的方法、喷发灾害等级、预测范围划分、各类地面财富、火山喷发、经济损失及人员伤亡预测。地面财富包括房屋建筑、工矿企业、水库、电站、公路、桥梁、森林等 ,给出了预测结果  相似文献   

五大连池火山喷发史料研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“五大连池近代火山喷发史料发掘考察与研究”课题是中国地震局地震科学联合基金资助的课题(编号:100155,成果登记号:中震科登字2002010J)。该项研究取得了突破性的成果。首次在280多年前的清代黑龙江将军衙门满文档案中发现珍藏有五  相似文献   

天下称奇的五大连池天然火山博物馆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是世界上多火山国家之一,但现代火山(有历史记载的火山)仅有10余座。五大连池火山群是最著名的现代火山景观之一,其火山景观素有天下称奇的天然火山博物馆之美称。这里以山奇、石美、水秀、泉甜、泥怪著称于世,火山喷发遗迹方圆70km^2,珠链般的五大连池湖,环绕着火山熔岩分布,湖光山色把这座北国小城打扮得分外妖娆。每年迎来数以万计的中外游客来此疗养旅游,已成我国著名的火山景观旅游疗养城市。  相似文献   

论新托尔巴奇克火山对五大连池近代火山研究的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新托尔巴奇克火山是世界上著名的大裂隙喷发火山,前苏联火山学家对这次喷发有准确预报,而且从喷发的第一天起就做了详细观测记录,取得了丰富的观测研究成果,本文从火山锥体的形成,喷发区特征和监测预报三个方面论述这些成果对研究我国五大连池近代火山的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

火山空降碎屑灾害预测软件包的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵谊  马宝君  施行觉 《地震地质》2003,25(3):480-490
简述了火山空降碎屑灾害的危害性 ,指出研制火山空降碎屑灾害预测软件包的实际意义。介绍了软件的主要结构框图、软件设计的基本思路和结构设计时的几点考虑。介绍了在VisualBasic6 .0平台下 ,碎屑粒径参数、岩浆黏度、结晶压力、喷出压力、给定时间段和特定区域的各高度层风参数、岩浆动力学参数、喷出物总量、抛射体分布、坍塌阶段碎屑分布和扩散阶段碎屑分布计算等各程序的主要结构及主要功能。介绍了在Mapinfor 6 .0平台下软件的主要功能。给出了实现该软件包各项功能的理论基础和科学依据 ,并展示了 1980年 5月 18日美国圣海伦斯火山喷发的空降碎屑分布计算的实例 ,同时把计算结果与实际观测数据进行了对比 ,从而使模型的改进工作和软件的正确性得到了验证。最后 ,对软件存在的缺陷和需要进一步改进之处进行了细致的分析  相似文献   

这是在国际科技交流中,坚持“洋为中用”,取得明显实效的一项科技成果。首次提出五大连池火山1720 ̄1721年的喷发具有裂隙喷发特征。简要阐述这一成果的研究背景。总体思路和主要技术特点。  相似文献   

以当代火山物理的观点和思路对黑龙江省五大连池老黑山烧山进行了研究,在旧锥锥体上部发现滞后角砾岩,在其下部坡脚发现有涌浪堆积物的存在,对形成过程和机制做了一些解释。  相似文献   

数据库的建立是信息系统形成的基础,而对灾害的深入分析和研究有赖于信息系统的支持。本文简述了火山灾害研究的一般方法,提出了长白山火山灾害数据库建立的基本设想,并讨论了其未来的应用方向。  相似文献   

One of largest eruptions in the Tianchi volcano during the Holocene occurred in about 1000 years ago[1―3]. The volcanic ash erupted had been found in Japan, which is more than 1000 km from the Tianchi volcanic vent[4,5]. Moreover, this eruption has been recognized in the study of Greenland ice core (GISP2)[6,7]. There have been many studies about eruption products of the Tianchi volcano, which dominantly focused on petrological, geochemical and volcanic eruptive dynamic aspects[8―10]. On…  相似文献   

The Nevado de Toluca is a quiescent volcano located 20 km southwest of the City of Toluca and 70 km west of Mexico City. It has been quiescent since its last eruptive activity, dated at ∼ 3.3 ka BP. During the Pleistocene and Holocene, it experienced several eruptive phases, including five dome collapses with the emplacement of block-and-ash flows and four Plinian eruptions, including the 10.5 ka BP Plinian eruption that deposited more than 10 cm of sand-sized pumice in the area occupied today by Mexico City. A detailed geological map coupled with computer simulations (FLOW3D, TITAN2D, LAHARZ and HAZMAP softwares) were used to produce the volcanic hazard assessment. Based on the final hazard zonation the northern and eastern sectors of Nevado de Toluca would be affected by a greater number of phenomena in case of reappraisal activity. Block-and-ash flows will affect deep ravines up to a distance of 15 km and associated ash clouds could blanket the Toluca basin, whereas ash falls from Plinian events will have catastrophic effects for populated areas within a radius of 70 km, including the Mexico City Metropolitan area, inhabited by more than 20 million people. Independently of the activity of the volcano, lahars occur every year, affecting small villages settled down flow from main ravines.  相似文献   

本文概略介绍了中国大陆4个火山(岩)为主题的世界地质公园和16个国家地质公园,以及中国香港和中国台湾的两个地质公园。文章还介绍了这些地质公园火山岩喷发时代、火山类型、大地构造环境和火山(岩)景观特征与分类。它们的喷发时代主要为更新世-全新世、中新世、始新世和白垩纪。四个时期的火山地质公园,在不同年代火山中均具代表性与典型性,为中国火山/火山岩研究提供了真实的材料。作者还针对火山地质公园建设现状提出加强科学研究与实施解说系统工程两条建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents an automatic system for the elaboration of volcanic hazard maps and scenarios. The methodology used for the generation of both maps is based on the use of numerical simulation of eruptive processes. The system has been developed in a Geographical Information System (GIS) framework, where models for the numerical simulation of different volcanic hazards have been integrated. The user can select in a toolbar one hazard and then decide whether to generate a scenario map (usually with a unique vent) or a hazard map (generally with a broader source area). Once the input parameters are selected, the system automatically generates the corresponding map. The system also incorporates a module to determine the spatial probability of vent opening, as this could be an important parameter for the computation of hazard maps. The tool has been designed in such a way that the inclusion of new numerical models and functionalities is rather easy. Each numerical model is programmed and implemented as an independent program that is launched from the system and, when it finishes the computation, returns the control to the GIS, where the results are shown. This structure allows that further analyses (specifically, risk analyses, that use as an input a hazard or a scenario map), could be also automated inside the system. Additional information, including tutorial and downloadable files can be found in www.gvb-csic.es.  相似文献   

Improved prediction and tracking of volcanic ash clouds   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
During the past 30 years, more than 100 airplanes have inadvertently flown through clouds of volcanic ash from erupting volcanoes. Such encounters have caused millions of dollars in damage to the aircraft and have endangered the lives of tens of thousands of passengers. In a few severe cases, total engine failure resulted when ash was ingested into turbines and coating turbine blades. These incidents have prompted the establishment of cooperative efforts by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the volcanological community to provide rapid notification of eruptive activity, and to monitor and forecast the trajectories of ash clouds so that they can be avoided by air traffic. Ash-cloud properties such as plume height, ash concentration, and three-dimensional ash distribution have been monitored through non-conventional remote sensing techniques that are under active development. Forecasting the trajectories of ash clouds has required the development of volcanic ash transport and dispersion models that can calculate the path of an ash cloud over the scale of a continent or a hemisphere. Volcanological inputs to these models, such as plume height, mass eruption rate, eruption duration, ash distribution with altitude, and grain-size distribution, must be assigned in real time during an event, often with limited observations. Databases and protocols are currently being developed that allow for rapid assignment of such source parameters. In this paper, we summarize how an interdisciplinary working group on eruption source parameters has been instigating research to improve upon the current understanding of volcanic ash cloud characterization and predictions. Improved predictions of ash cloud movement and air fall will aid in making better hazard assessments for aviation and for public health and air quality.  相似文献   

An eddy covariance (EC) station was deployed at Solfatara crater, Italy, June 8–25, 2001 to assess if EC could reliably monitor CO2 fluxes continuously at this site. Deployment at six different locations within the crater allowed areas of focused gas venting to be variably included in the measured flux. Turbulent (EC) fluxes calculated in 30-min averages varied between 950 and 4460 g CO2 m−2 d−1; the highest measurements were made downwind of degassing pools. Comparing turbulent fluxes with chamber measurements of surface fluxes using footprint models in diffuse degassing regions yielded an average difference of 0% (±4%), indicating that EC measurements are representative of surface fluxes at this volcanic site. Similar comparisons made downwind of degassing pools yielded emission rates from 12 to 27 t CO2 d−1 for these features. Reliable EC measurements (i.e. measurements with sufficient and stationary turbulence) were obtained primarily during daytime hours (08:00 and 20:00 local time) when the wind speed exceeded 2 m s−1. Daily average EC fluxes varied by ±50% and variations were likely correlated to changes in atmospheric pressure. Variations in CO2 emissions due to volcanic processes at depth would have to be on the same order of magnitude as the measured diurnal variability in order to be useful in predicting volcanic hazard. First-order models of magma emplacement suggest that emissions could exceed this rate for reasonable assumptions of magma movement. EC therefore provides a useful method of monitoring volcanic hazard at Solfatara. Further, EC can monitor significantly larger areas than can be monitored by previous methods.  相似文献   

在全球火山中,晚更新世以来有过活动的约有1500余座,其中环太平洋火山带的火山分布数量最多且集中(约80%的火山喷发发生在该带).我国是晚更新世火山发育的国家之一,分布着数座活火山或具备喷发能力的休眠火山( Hickey,1982;Davies,1992;刘若新,2000).长白山天池火山是我国境内规模最大、保存最完整...  相似文献   

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