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Here, we construct a comprehensive howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) bulk chemistry data set to compare with Dawn data. Using the bulk chemistry data set, we determine four gamma‐ray/neutron parameters in the HEDs (1) relative fast neutron counts (fast counts), (2) macroscopic thermal neutron absorption cross section (absorption), (3) a high‐energy gamma‐ray compositional parameter (Cp), and (4) Fe abundance. These correspond to the four measurements of Vesta made by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) that can be used to discern HED lithologic variability on the Vestan surface. We investigate covariance between fast counts and average atomic mass (<A>) in the meteorite data set, where a strong correlation (r2 = 0.99) is observed, and we demonstrate that systematic offsets from the fast count/<A> trend are linked to changes in Fe and Ni concentrations. To compare the meteorite and GRaND data, we investigate and report covariance among fast counts, absorption, Cp, and Fe abundance in the HED meteorite data set. We identify several GRaND measurement spaces where the Yamato type B diogenites are distinct from all other HED lithologies, including polymict mixtures. The type B's are diogenites that are enriched in Fe + pigeonite + diopside ± plagioclase, relative to typical, orthopyroxenitic diogenites. We then compare these results to GRaND data and demonstrate that regions north of ~70°N latitude on Vesta (including the north pole) are consistent with type B diogenites. We propose two models to explain type B diogenite compositions in the north (1) deposition as Rheasilvia ejecta, or (2) type B plutons that were emplaced at shallow depths in the north polar region and sampled by local impacts. Lastly, using principal component (PC) analysis, we identify unique PC spaces for all HED lithologies, indicating that the corresponding GRaND measurables may be used to produce comprehensive lithologic maps for Vesta.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the first correlation of derived mineral abundances of V-class Asteroid 1929 Kollaa, 4 Vesta, and the HED meteorites. We demonstrate that 1929 Kollaa has a basaltic composition consistent with an origin within the crustal layer of 4 Vesta, and show a plausible genetic connection between Kollaa and the cumulate eucrite meteorites. These data support the proposed delivery mechanism of HED meteorites to the Earth from Vesta, and provide the first mineralogical constraint derived from the observation of a small V-class, Vesta family asteroid on the crustal thickness of 4 Vesta.  相似文献   

Phase angle and temperature are two important parameters that affect the photometric and spectral behavior of planetary surfaces in telescopic and spacecraft data. We have derived photometric and spectral phase functions for the Asteroid 4 Vesta, the first target of the Dawn mission, using ground-based telescopes operating at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (0.4–2.5 μm). Photometric lightcurve observations of Vesta were conducted on 15 nights at a phase angle range of 3.8–25.7° using duplicates of the seven narrowband Dawn Framing Camera filters (0.4–1.0 μm). Rotationally resolved visible (0.4–0.7 μm) and near-IR spectral observations (0.7–2.5 μm) were obtained on four nights over a similar phase angle range. Our Vesta photometric observations suggest the phase slope is between 0.019 and 0.029 mag/deg. The G parameter ranges from 0.22 to 0.37 consistent with previous results (e.g., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Magnusson, P., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Argyle, R.W., Morrison, L.V. [1992]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 94, 43–71; Piironen, J., Magnusson, P., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Morrison, L.V. [1997]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 121, 489–497; Hasegawa, S. et al. [2009]. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40. ID 1503) within the uncertainty. We found that in the phase angle range of 0° < α ? 25° for every 10° increase in phase angle Vesta’s visible slope (0.5–0.7 μm) increases 20%, Band I and Band II depths increase 2.35% and 1.5% respectively, and the BAR value increase 0.30. Phase angle spectral measurements of the eucrite Moama in the lab show a decrease in Band I and Band II depths and BAR from the lowest phase angle 13° to 30°, followed by possible small increases up to 90°, and then a dramatic drop between 90° and 120° phase angle. Temperature-induced spectral effects shift the Band I and II centers of the pyroxene bands to longer wavelengths with increasing temperature. We have derived new correction equations using a temperature series (80–400 K) of HED meteorite spectra that will enable interpretation of telescopic and spacecraft spectral data using laboratory calibrations at room temperature (300 K).  相似文献   

Heavily shocked meteorites contain various types of high‐pressure polymorphs of major minerals (olivine, pyroxene, feldspar, and quartz) and accessory minerals (chromite and Ca phosphate). These high‐pressure minerals are micron to submicron sized and occur within and in the vicinity of shock‐induced melt veins and melt pockets in chondrites and lunar, howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED), and Martian meteorites. Their occurrence suggests two types of formation mechanisms (1) solid‐state high‐pressure transformation of the host‐rock minerals into monomineralic polycrystalline aggregates, and (2) crystallization of chondritic or monomineralic melts under high pressure. Based on experimentally determined phase relations, their formation pressures are limited to the pressure range up to ~25 GPa. Textural, crystallographic, and chemical characteristics of high‐pressure minerals provide clues about the impact events of meteorite parent bodies, including their size and mutual collision velocities and about the mineralogy of deep planetary interiors. The aim of this article is to review and summarize the findings on natural high‐pressure minerals in shocked meteorites that have been reported over the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Abstract— Asteroid 4 Vesta, believed to be the parent body of the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites, will be investigated by the Dawn orbiting spacecraft. Dawn carries a gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) that will measure and map some major‐ and trace‐element abundances. Drawing on HED geochemistry, we propose a mixing model that uses element ratios appropriate for the interpretation of GRaND data. Because the spatial resolution of GRaND is relatively coarse, the analyzed chemical compositions on the surface of Vesta will likely reflect mixing of three endmember components: diogenite, cumulate eucrite, and basaltic eucrite. Reliability of the mixing model is statistically investigated based on published whole‐rock data for HED meteorites. We demonstrate that the mixing model can accurately estimate the abundances of all the GRaND‐analyzed major elements, as well as of minor elements (Na, Cr, and Mn) not analyzed by this instrument. We also show how a similar mixing model can determine the modal abundance of olivine, and we compare estimated and normative olivine data for olivine‐bearing diogenites. By linking the compositions of well‐analyzed HED meteorites with elemental mapping data from GRaND, this study may help constrain the geological context for HED meteorites and provide new insight into the magmatic evolution of Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— The grain-size distribution of the regolith of asteroid 4 Vesta has been estimated by comparing its reflectance spectra (0.3–2.6 μm) with those of HED meteorites. The finest grain-size separate (<25 μm) of a particular howardite has a reflectance spectrum most similar to Vesta's. In order to better simulate Vesta's surface mineralogy, reflectance spectra of those finest HED meteorite powders were linearly combined, and Vesta's spectrum was scaled for the best fit between them. Both the albedo and the shape of reflectance spectrum of Vesta were well reproduced by regional mixtures of the finest (<25 μm) powders of HED meteorites. The result suggests the heterogeneity of Vesta's surface and provides an estimate of the visible reflectance of Vesta that is close to its IRAS albedo. Thus, this suggests that fine grains can be generated and retained by relatively small bodies (Vesta is approximately 500 km in diameter).  相似文献   

The Sutter's Mill meteorite fell in northern California on April 22, 2012. Several fragments of the meteorite were recovered, some of them shortly after the fall, others several days later after a heavy rainstorm. In this work, we analyzed several samples of four fragments―SM2, SM12, SM20, and SM30―from the Sutter's Mill meteorite with two infrared (IR) microscopes operating in the 4000–650 cm?1 (2.5–15.4 μm) range. Spectra show absorption features associated with minerals such as olivines, phyllosilicates, carbonates, and possibly pyroxenes, as well as organics. Spectra of specific minerals vary from one particle to another within a given stone, and even within a single particle, indicating a nonuniform mineral composition. Infrared features associated with aliphatic CH2 and CH3 groups associated with organics are also seen in several spectra. However, the presence of organics in the samples studied is not clear because these features overlap with carbonate overtone bands. Finally, other samples collected within days after the rainstorm show evidence for bacterial terrestrial contamination, which indicates how quickly meteorites can be contaminated on such small scales.  相似文献   

We have done petrologic and compositional studies on a suite of polymict eucrites and howardites to better understand regolith processes on their parent asteroid, which we accept is (4) Vesta. Taking into account noble gas results from companion studies, we interpret five howardites to represent breccias assembled from the true regolith: Elephant Moraine (EET) 87513, Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95535, GRO 95602, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85313, and Meteorite Hills (MET) 00423. We suggest that EET 87503 is paired with EET 87513, and thus is also regolithic. Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 02066 is dominated by melt‐matrix clasts, which may have been formed from true regolith by impact melting. These meteorites display a range in eucrite:diogenite mixing ratio from 55:45 to 76:24. There is no correlation between degree of regolith character and Ni content. The Ni contents of howardite, eucrite, and diogenites (HEDs) are mostly controlled by the distribution of coarse chondritic clasts and metal grains, which in some cases resulted from individual, low‐velocity accretion events, rather than extensive regolith gardening. Trace element compositions indicate that the mafic component of HED polymict breccias is mostly basalt similar to main‐group eucrites; Stannern‐trend basaltic debris is less common. Pyroxene compositions show that some trace element‐rich howardites contain abundant debris from evolved basalts, and that cumulate gabbro debris is present in some breccias. The scale of heterogeneity varies considerably; regolithic howardite EET 87513 is more homogeneous than fragmental howardite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 97001. Individual samples of a given howardite can have different compositions even at roughly 5 g masses, indicating that obtaining representative meteorite compositions requires multiple or large samples.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Dawn spacecraft carries a gamma‐ray and neutron detector (GRaND), which will measure and map the abundances of selected elements on the surface of asteroid 4 Vesta. We compare the variability of moderately volatile/refractory incompatible element ratios (K/Th and K/Ti) in howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites with those in other achondrite suites that represent asteroidal crusts, because these ratios may be accurately measured by GRaND and likely reflect initial chemical compositions of the HED parent body. The K/Th and K/Ti variations can differentiate HED meteorites from angrites and some unique eucrite‐like lithologies. The results suggest that K, Th, and Ti abundances determined from GRaND data could not only confirm that Vesta is the parent body of HED meteorites but might also allow recognition of as‐yet unsampled compositional terranes on Vesta. Besides the K‐Th‐Ti systematics study, we propose a new three‐component mixing model for interpretation of GRaND spectra, required because the spatial resolution of GRaND is coarser than the spectral (compositional) heterogeneity of Vesta’s surface. The mixing model uses abundances of K, Ti, Fe, and Mg that will be analyzed more accurately than other prospective GRaND‐analyzed elements. We examine propagated errors due to GRaND analytical uncertainties and intrinsic errors that stem from an assumption introduced into the mixing model. The error investigation suggests that the mixing model can adequately estimate not only the diogenite/eucrite mixing ratio but also the abundances of most major and minor elements within the GRaND propagated errors.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large impact crater formation is an important geologic process that is not fully understood. The current paradigm for impact crater formation is based on models and observations of impacts in homogeneous targets. Real targets are rarely uniform; for example, the majority of Earth's surface is covered by sedimentary rocks and/or a water layer. The ubiquity of layering across solar system bodies makes it important to understand the effect target properties have on the cratering process. To advance understanding of the mechanics of crater collapse, and the effect of variations in target properties on crater formation, the first “Bridging the Gap” workshop recommended that geological observation and numerical modeling focussed on mid‐sized (15–30 km diameter) craters on Earth. These are large enough to be complex; small enough to be mapped, surveyed and modelled at high resolution; and numerous enough for the effects of target properties to be potentially disentangled from the effects of other variables. In this paper, we compare observations and numerical models of three 18–26 km diameter craters formed in different target lithology: Ries, Germany; Haughton, Canada; and El'gygytgyn, Russia. Based on the first‐order assumption that the impact energy was the same in all three impacts we performed numerical simulations of each crater to construct a simple quantitative model for mid‐sized complex crater formation in a subaerial, mixed crystalline‐sedimentary target. We compared our results with interpreted geological profiles of Ries and Haughton, based on detailed new and published geological mapping and published geophysical surveys. Our combined observational and numerical modeling work suggests that the major structural differences between each crater can be explained by the difference in thickness of the pre‐impact sedimentary cover in each case. We conclude that the presence of an inner ring at Ries, and not at Haughton, is because basement rocks that are stronger than the overlying sediments are sufficiently close to the surface that they are uplifted and overturned during excavation and remain as an uplifted ring after modification and post‐impact erosion. For constant impact energy, transient and final crater diameters increase with increasing sediment thickness.  相似文献   

The distribution of shock melts in four shergottites, having both vein and pocket geometry, has been defined and the conductive cooling time over the range 2500 °C to 900 °C calculated. Isolated 1 mm2 pockets cool in 1.17 s and cooling times increase with pocket area. An isolated vein 1 × 7 mm in Northwest Africa (NWA) 4797 cools to 900 °C in 4.5 s. Interference between thermal haloes of closely spaced shock melts decreases the thermal gradient, extending cooling times by a factor of 1.4 to 100. This is long enough to allow differential diffusion of Ar and Xe from the melt. Small pockets (1 mm2) lose 2.2% Ar and 5.2% Xe during cooling, resulting in a small change in the Ar/Xe ratio of the dissolved gas over that originally trapped. With longer cooling times there is significant fractionation of Xe from Ar and the Ar/Xe ratio increases rapidly. The largest pockets show less variation of Ar/Xe and likely preserve the original trapped gas composition. Considering all of the model calculations, even the smallest isolated pockets have cooling times greater than the duration of the pressure pulse, i.e., >0.01 s. The crystallization products of these shock melts will be unrelated to the peak shock pressure experienced by the meteorite.  相似文献   

We report on the petrography and mineralogy of three types of silicate veinlets in the brecciated eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1109. These include Fe‐rich olivine, Mg‐rich olivine, and pyroxene veinlets. The Fe‐rich olivine veinlets mainly infill fractures in pyroxene and also occur along grain boundaries between pyroxene and plagioclase crystals, in both nonequilibrated and equilibrated lithic clasts. The host pyroxene of Fe‐rich olivine veinlets shows large chemical variations between and within grains. The Fe‐rich olivine veinlets also contain fine‐grained Fe3+‐bearing chromite, highly calcic plagioclase, merrillite, apatite, and troilite. Based on texture and mineral chemistry, we argue that the formation of Fe‐rich olivine was related to fluid deposition at relatively high temperatures. However, the source of Fe‐rich olivine in the veinlets remains unclear. Magnesium‐rich olivine veinlets were found in three diogenitic lithic clasts. In one of these, the Mg‐rich olivine veinlets only occur in one of the fine‐grained interstitial regions and extend into fractures within surrounding coarse‐grained orthopyroxene. Based on the texture of the interstitial materials, we suggest that the Mg‐rich olivine veinlets formed by shock‐induced localized melting and recrystallization. Pyroxene veinlets were only observed in one clast where they infill fractures within large plagioclase grains and are associated with fine‐grained pyroxene surrounding coarse‐grained pyroxene. The large chemical variations in pyroxene and the fracture‐filling texture indicate that the pyroxene veinlets might also have formed by shock‐induced localized melting and rapid crystallization. Our study demonstrates that silicate veinlets formed by a range of different surface processes on the surface of Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present laboratory mid‐infrared absorption spectra (2.5 urn to 16.0 μm) of powdered calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and matrix separated from the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3.2), Vigarano (CV3.3), and Ornans (C03.3). Two groups of spectra with different features were found for the CAI: in the first group spectra are dominated by spinel, pyroxene, and sodalite ± nepheline, where main features occur at 9.3 μm, 10.3 μm, and 11.3 μm. In the second group, characteristic minerals are spinel and melilite with typical band maxima at 11.0 μm and 12.3 μm, and a broad feature between 14.0 μn and 15.0 μn. The position of the broad spinel feature probably depends on its iron content. Comparison of band positions in spectra from the CAI components to observed circumstellar emission spectra indicates the potential occurrence of CAI‐like material. Pyroxene‐ and spinel‐rich features could occur in spectra of dust around the Herbig Ae star HD104237, the T Tauri star Hen3‐600 and the post‐AGB star R Sge. Melilite‐ and spinel‐rich components possibly appear in the spectrum of HD 104237, Hen3‐600, 04187_1927, R Sge, and the planetary nebula Hb 12. There is also indication for a spinel component in dust from the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 179218. The spectra of the AGB stars R Cas and θ Aps show no features of CAl‐type spinel.  相似文献   

V-type asteroids in the inner Main Belt (a < 2.5 AU) and the HED meteorites are thought to be genetically related to one another as collisional fragments from the surface of the large basaltic Asteroid 4 Vesta. We investigate this relationship by comparing the near-infrared (0.7-2.5 μm) spectra of 39 V-type asteroids to laboratory spectra of HED meteorites. The central wavelengths and areas spanned by the 1 and 2 μm pyroxene-olivine absorption bands that are characteristic of planetary basalts are measured for both the asteroidal and meteoritic data. The band centers are shown to be well correlated, however the ratio of areas spanned by the 1 and 2 μm absorption bands are much larger for the asteroids than for the meteorites. We argue that this offset in band area ratio is consistent with our currently limited understanding of the effects of space weathering, however we cannot rule out the possibility that this offset is due to compositional differences. Several other possible causes of this offset are discussed.Amongst these inner Main Belt asteroids we do not find evidence for non-Vestoid mineralogies. Instead, these asteroids seem to represent a continuum of compositions, consistent with an origin from a single differentiated parent body. In addition, our analysis shows that V-type asteroids with low inclinations (i < 6°) tend to have band centers slightly shifted towards long wavelengths. This may imply that more than one collision on Vesta’s surface was responsible for producing the observed population of inner belt V-type asteroids. Finally, we offer several predictions that can be tested when the Dawn spacecraft enters into orbit around Vesta in the summer of 2011.  相似文献   

The solar wind provides a source of solar abundance data that only recently is being fully exploited. The Ion Composition Instrument (ICI) aboard the ISEE-3/ICE spacecraft was in the solar wind continuously from August 1978 to December 1982. The results have allowed us to establish long-term average solar wind abundance values for helium, oxygen, neon, silicon, and iron. The Charge-Energy-Mass (CHEM) instrument aboard the CCE spacecraft of the AMPTE mission has measured the abundance of these elements in the magnetosheath and has also added carbon, nitrogen, magnesium, and sulfur to the list. There is strong evidence that these magnetosheath abundances are representative of the solar wind. Other sources of solar wind abundances are Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) experiments and Apollo lunar foils. When comparing the abundances from all of these sources with photospheric abundances, it is clear that helium is depleted in the solar wind while silicon and iron are enhanced. Solar wind abundances for carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon correlate well with the photospheric values. The incorporation of minor ions into the solar wind appears to depend upon both the ionization times for the elements and the Coulomb drag exerted by the outflowing proton flux.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studies of several samples of the large Caddo County IAB iron meteorite reveal andesitic material enriched in Si, Na, Al, and Ca, which is essentially unique among meteorites. This material is believed to have formed from a chondritic source by partial melting and to have further segregated by grain coarsening. Such an origin implies extended metamorphism of the IAB parent body. New 39Ar‐40Ar ages for silicate from three different Caddo samples are consistent with a common age of 4.50‐4.51 Gyr. Less well‐defined Ar‐Ar degassing ages for inclusions from two other IABs, EET (Elephant Moraine) 83333 and Udei Station, are ?4.32 Gyr, whereas the age for Campo del Cielo varies considerably over about 3.23‐4.56 Gyr. New 129I‐129Xe ages for Caddo County and EET 83333 are 4557.9 ± 0.1 Myr and 4557–4560 Myr, respectively, relative to an age of 4562.3 Myr for Shallowater. Considering all reported Ar‐Ar degassing ages for IABs and related winonaites, the range is ?4.32‐4.53 Gyr, but several IABs give similar Ar ages of 4.50‐4.52 Gyr. We interpret these older Ar ages to represent cooling after the time of last significant metamorphism on the parent body and the younger ages to represent later 40Ar diffusion loss. The older Ar‐Ar ages for IABs are similar to Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochron ages reported in the literature for Caddo County. Considering the possibility that IAB parent body formation was followed by impact disruption, reassembly, and metamorphism (e.g., Benedix et al. 2000), the Ar‐Ar ages and IAB cooling rates deduced from Ni concentration profiles in IAB metal (Herpfer et al. 1994) are consistent if the time of the postassembly metamorphism was as late as about 4.53 Gyr ago. However, I‐Xe ages reported for some IABs define much older ages of about 4558–4566 Myr, which cannot easily be reconciled with the much younger Ar‐Ar and Sm‐Nd ages. An explanation for the difference in radiometric ages of IABs may reside in combinations of the following: a) I‐Xe ages have very high closure temperatures and were not reset during metamorphism about 4.53 Gyr ago; b) a bias exists in the 40K decay constants which makes these Ar‐Ar ages approximately 30 Myr too young; c) the reported Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr ages for Caddo are in error by amounts equal to or exceeding their reported 2‐sigma uncertainties; and d) about 30 Myr after the initial heating that produced differentiation of Caddo silicate and mixing of silicate and metal, a mild metamorphism of the IAB parent body reset the Ar‐Ar ages.  相似文献   

Crystalline impact‐melt samples were created in high‐temperature environments by relatively large craters and, as such, give additional constraints on the nature of the impacts that created them. This article provides new 40Ar‐39Ar ages of impact‐melt clasts in howardites and shows that these clasts formed on the HED parent body, 4 Vesta, within the time period 3.3–3.8 Ga. Rather than resulting from an increased number of impacts, however, impact‐melted material in howardites may result from unusually high‐velocity impacts occurring in the asteroid belt during this period. This scenario is similar to the late heavy bombardment of the Moon, pointing to an unusual dynamical event at this time across the inner solar system. Therefore, impact‐melt rocks in howardites uniquely record a Vestan cataclysm.  相似文献   

Abstract— Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was successfully applied to bulk samples of Allende, Jilin, Modoc, Saint-Séverin and Atlanta for the determination of rare earth elements (REE) (Y and 14 lanthanoids), Th and U. The results of ICP-MS showed good agreement with recommended values, and their reproducibilities were high enough to discuss the detailed abundances of lanthanoids and actinoids in chondritic meteorites. For the Allende reference sample issued by the Smithsonian Institution, a positive anomaly of Tm, a fractionation between light REE and heavy REE and a high Th/U ratio were observed in the CI-normalized abundances of REE, Th and U. These features are common for group II inclusions in Allende, suggesting that the abundances of refractory lithophiles in Allende are somewhat influenced by those in a specific constituent. For the other chondritic meteorites, a zigzag alteration was commonly observed in the heavy-REE region of their CI-normalized abundance patterns. It is suggested that such a zigzag pattern is attributable to erratically high abundances of monoisotopic REE (Tb, Ho and Tm) in the CI values. Abundances of REE, Th and U in the bulk samples are also discussed separately in detail.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have examined the relationship between natural thermoluminescence (TL) and 26Al in 120 Antarctic meteorites in order to explore the orbital history and terrestrial ages of these meteorites. Our results confirm the observations of Hasan et al. (1987) which were based on 23 meteorites. For most meteorites there was a positive correlation between natural TL and 26Al, reflecting their similarity in decay rate under Antarctic conditions and thus in terrestrial age. For a small group with low TL and high 26Al a small perihelion was proposed. Within this group, natural TL decreases with terrestrial age as determined by 36Cl measurements, although the rate of TL decay is faster (half‐life approximately 10 ka) and the ages that can be determined are smaller (<200 ka) than for most meteorites. The faster decay rate and lower natural TL levels are a reflection of recent exposure to higher radiation doses and higher temperatures, since this history would populate less stable TL traps with smaller electron densities. We sort the 120 meteorites by perihelion and terrestrial age. The normal perihelion group range up to approximately 1000 ka and the small perihelion group range up to approximately 200 ka. An intermediate perihelion group tends to have short terrestrial ages (20–60 ka). There is acceptable agreement between most (34 out of 43) of our present terrestrial age estimates and those determined by isotopic means, the exceptions reflecting complex irradiation histories, long burial times in the Antarctic, or other issues.  相似文献   

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