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Abstract— Detailed isotopic and mineralogical studies of silicate inclusions separated from a troilite nodule of the Toluca IAB iron meteorite reveal the presence of radiogenic 129Xe in chlorapatite, plagioclase, perryite, and pyroxene grains. Subsequent I‐Xe studies of 32 neutron‐irradiated pyroxene grains indicate that high‐Mg and low‐Mg pyroxenes have distinctive I‐Xe signatures. The I‐Xe system in high‐Mg pyroxenes closed at 4560.5 ± 2.4 Ma, probably reflecting exsolution of silicates from the melt, while the low‐Mg pyroxenes closed at 4552.0 ± 3.7 Ma, 8.5 Ma later, providing a means for determining the cooling rate at the time of exsolution. If the host Toluca graphite‐troilite‐rich inclusion formed after the breakup and reassembly of the IAB parent body as has been suggested, the I‐Xe ages of the high‐Mg pyroxenes separated from this inclusions indicate that this catastrophic impact occurred not later than 4560.5 Ma, 6.7 Ma after formation of CAIs. The cooling rate at the time of silicates exsolution in Toluca is 14.5 ± 10.0 °C/Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— The iodine‐xenon system has been analyzed in samples of 7 chondrules from the CB chondrites Gujba and Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 237. One sample from Gujba defined a high temperature iodine‐xenon isochron corresponding to closure 1.87 ± 0.4 Ma before closure of Shallowater enstatite. Motivated by this result, we employ outlier rejection to re‐evaluate the Shallowater age, leading to a modified value of 4562.3 ± 0.4 Ma (1s?). In this process, the datum obtained by combining our I‐Xe age for Gujba with the literature Pb‐Pb age is rejected as an outlier, indicating that in this sample the I‐Xe system closed earlier than the accepted Pb‐Pb age of chondrules from CB chondrites. The need for a formation environment distinct from that of chondrules from other meteorites is thus reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract— Acapulcoites and lodranites are believed to originate on a common parent body and to represent some of the earliest events in the differentiation of the chondritic asteroids. We have conducted isotopic studies of the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, and determinations of the concentrations of the major elements and of the radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl in an attempt to constrain the cosmic‐ray exposure history of two members of the acapulcoite‐lodranite clan recovered in Antarctica: Frontier Mountain (FRO) 95029 and Graves Nunataks (GRA) 95209. From cosmic‐ray‐produced 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar and appropriate production rates, we derive parent‐body breakup times of 4.59 ± 0.60 and 6.82 ± 0.60 Ma for FOR 95029 and GRA 95209, respectively. These times are consistent with those obtained from the pairs 10Be‐21Ne and 26Al‐21Ne; whereas the times inferred from the pair 36Cl‐36Ar are slightly longer, perhaps because the 36Cl activities decreased as a result of decay on Earth. Terrestrial ages up to ~50 ka for the two meteorites are consistent with the measured 36Cl activities of the metal phases. All acapulcoites and lodranites dated until now show cosmic‐ray exposure ages in the range of 4–10 Ma. This is the same range as that found for the major exposure age cluster of the H chondrites. As a common parent body is improbable on the basis of the O‐isotopic systematics, a common set of impactors might have affected the asteroid belt 4–10 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have determined initial 129I/127I ratios for mineral concentrates of four enstatite meteorites and a eucrite. In the case of the enstatite meteorites the inferred ages are associated with the pyroxene‐rich separates giving pyroxene closure ages relative to the Shallowater standard of Indarch (EH4, 0.04 ± 0.67 Ma), Khairpur (EL6, ?4.22 ± 0.67 Ma), Khor Temiki (aubrite, ?0.06 Ma), and Itqiy (enstatite achondrite, ?2.6 ± 2.6 Ma), negative ages indicate closure after Shallowater. No separate from the cumulate eucrite Asuka (A?) 881394 yielded a consistent ratio, though excess 129Xe was observed in a feldspar separate, suggesting disturbance by thermal metamorphism within 25 Ma of closure in Shallowater. Iodine‐129 ages are mapped to the absolute Pb‐Pb time scale using the calibration proposed by Gilmour et al. (2006) who place the closure age of Shallowater at 4563.3 ± 0.4 Ma. Comparison of the combined 129I‐Pb data with associated 53Mn ages, for objects that have been dated by both systems, indicates that all three chronometers evolved concordantly in the early solar system. The enstatite chondrites are offset from the linear array described by asteroid‐belt objects when 53Mn ages are plotted against combined 129I‐Pb data, supporting the suggestion that 53Mn was radially heterogeneous in the early solar system.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studies of several samples of the large Caddo County IAB iron meteorite reveal andesitic material enriched in Si, Na, Al, and Ca, which is essentially unique among meteorites. This material is believed to have formed from a chondritic source by partial melting and to have further segregated by grain coarsening. Such an origin implies extended metamorphism of the IAB parent body. New 39Ar‐40Ar ages for silicate from three different Caddo samples are consistent with a common age of 4.50‐4.51 Gyr. Less well‐defined Ar‐Ar degassing ages for inclusions from two other IABs, EET (Elephant Moraine) 83333 and Udei Station, are ?4.32 Gyr, whereas the age for Campo del Cielo varies considerably over about 3.23‐4.56 Gyr. New 129I‐129Xe ages for Caddo County and EET 83333 are 4557.9 ± 0.1 Myr and 4557–4560 Myr, respectively, relative to an age of 4562.3 Myr for Shallowater. Considering all reported Ar‐Ar degassing ages for IABs and related winonaites, the range is ?4.32‐4.53 Gyr, but several IABs give similar Ar ages of 4.50‐4.52 Gyr. We interpret these older Ar ages to represent cooling after the time of last significant metamorphism on the parent body and the younger ages to represent later 40Ar diffusion loss. The older Ar‐Ar ages for IABs are similar to Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochron ages reported in the literature for Caddo County. Considering the possibility that IAB parent body formation was followed by impact disruption, reassembly, and metamorphism (e.g., Benedix et al. 2000), the Ar‐Ar ages and IAB cooling rates deduced from Ni concentration profiles in IAB metal (Herpfer et al. 1994) are consistent if the time of the postassembly metamorphism was as late as about 4.53 Gyr ago. However, I‐Xe ages reported for some IABs define much older ages of about 4558–4566 Myr, which cannot easily be reconciled with the much younger Ar‐Ar and Sm‐Nd ages. An explanation for the difference in radiometric ages of IABs may reside in combinations of the following: a) I‐Xe ages have very high closure temperatures and were not reset during metamorphism about 4.53 Gyr ago; b) a bias exists in the 40K decay constants which makes these Ar‐Ar ages approximately 30 Myr too young; c) the reported Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr ages for Caddo are in error by amounts equal to or exceeding their reported 2‐sigma uncertainties; and d) about 30 Myr after the initial heating that produced differentiation of Caddo silicate and mixing of silicate and metal, a mild metamorphism of the IAB parent body reset the Ar‐Ar ages.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review the development of the I‐Xe technique and how its data are interpreted, and specify the best current practices. Individual mineral phases or components can yield interpretable trends in initial 129I/127I ratio, whereas whole‐rock I‐Xe ages are often hard to interpret because of the diversity of host phases, many of which are secondary. Varying standardizations in early work require caution; only samples calibrated against Shallowater enstatite or Bjurböle can contribute reliably to the emerging I‐Xe chronology of the early solar system. Although sparse, data for which I‐Xe and Mn‐Cr can be compared suggest that the two systems are concordant among ordinary chondrite samples. We derive a new age for the closure of the Shallowater enstatite standard of 4563.3 ± 0.4 Myr from the relationship between the I‐Xe and Pb‐Pb systems. This yields absolute I‐Xe ages and allows data from this and other systems to be tested by attempting to construct a common chronology of events in the early solar system. Absolute I‐Xe dates for aqueous and igneous processes are consistent with other systems. Consideration of the I‐Xe host phases in CAIs and dark inclusions demonstrates that here the chronometer records aqueous alteration of pre‐existing material. The ranges of chondrule ages deduced from the Al‐Mg and I‐Xe systems in Semarkona (LL3.0) and Chainpur (LL3.4) are consistent. Chainpur I‐Xe data exhibit a greater range of ages than Semarkona, possibly reflecting a greater degree of parent body processing. However individual chondrules show little or no evidence of such processing. Determining the host phase(s) responsible for high temperature correlations may resolve the issue.  相似文献   

Using in situ laser analyses of a polished thin section from the IAB iron meteorite Campo del Cielo, we identified two silicate grains rich in radiogenic 129*Xe, Cr‐diopside, and oligoclase, excavated them from the metal, and irradiated them with thermal neutrons for I‐Xe dating. The release profiles of 129*Xe and 128*Xe are consistent with these silicates being diopside and oligoclase, with activation energies, estimated using Arrhenius plots, of ~201 and ~171 kcal mole?1, respectively. The 4556.4 ± 0.4 Ma absolute I‐Xe age of the more refractory diopside is younger than the 4558.0 ± 0.7 Ma I‐Xe age of the less refractory oligoclase. We suggest that separate impact events at different locations and depths on a porous initial chondritic IAB parent body led to the removal of the melt and recrystallization of diopside and oligoclase at the times reflected by their respective I‐Xe ages. The diopside and oligoclase grains were later brought into the studied inclusion by a larger scale catastrophic collision that caused breakup and reassembly of the debris, but did not reset the I‐Xe ages dating the first events. The metal melt most probably was <1250 °C when it surrounded studied silicate grains. This reassembly could not have occurred earlier than the I‐Xe closure in diopside at 4556.4 ± 0.4 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— I‐Xe analyses were carried out for chondrules and refractory inclusions from the two CV3 carbonaceous chondrites Mokoia and Vigarano (representing the oxidized and reduced subgroups, respectively). Although some degree of disturbance to the I‐Xe system is evident in all of the samples, evidence is preserved of aqueous alteration of CAIs in Mokoia 1 Myr later than the I‐Xe age of the Shallowater standard and of the alteration of a chondrule (V3) from Vigarano ~0.7 Myr later than Shallowater. Other chondrules in Mokoia and Vigarano experienced disturbance of the I‐Xe system millions of years later and, in the case of one Vigarano chondrule (VS1), complete resetting of the I‐Xe system after decay of essentially all 129I, corresponding to an age more than 80 Myr after Shallowater. Our interpretation is that accretion and processing to form the Mokoia and Vigarano parent bodies must have continued for at least 4 Myr and 80 Myr, respectively. The late age of a chondrule that shows no evidence for any aqueous alteration or significant thermal processing after its formation leads us to postulate the existence of an energetic chondrule‐forming mechanism at a time when nebular processes are not expected to be important.  相似文献   

The Antarctic achondrite Graves Nunataks 06128 (GRA 06128) and Graves Nunataks 06129 (GRA 06129) represent a unique high-temperature, nonbasaltic magmatism in the early solar system. These objects have been interpreted as products of low-degree partial melting of volatile-rich chondritic material, which may have been the asteroid parent bodies of brachinite. Previous studies have investigated their crystallization and metamorphic history with various isotope systematics. Here, we report the U-Pb intercept age of 4466 ± 29 Ma and the weighted-average 207Pb-206Pb age of 4460 ± 30 Ma for the Cl-apatite grains from GRA 06129. Our apatite ages are obviously younger than that of the 26Al-26Mg model age (4565.9 ± 0.3 Ma; Shearer et al. 2010a ), but are the same as the 40Ar-39Ar age obtained via step-heating of the bulk rock (4460 ± 28 Ma; Fernandes and Shearer 2010 ; Shearer et al. 2010a ). Based on petrographic observations, merrillites are usually rimmed by apatite and exist as inclusions in apatite. Therefore, the apatite U-Pb age from GRA 06129 probably records a metamorphic event of replacing merrillite with apatite, caused by Cl-rich melts or fluids on their parent body. A collisional event has provided the impact heating for this metamorphic event. Increasing amounts of geochronologic evidence show that the giant impact of the Moon-forming event has affected the asteroid belt at 4450–4470 Ma (Bogard and Garrison 2009 ; Popova et al. 2013 ; Yin et al. 2014 ; Zhang et al. 2016 ). Considering the contemporary metamorphic events for GRA 06129 (4460 ± 30 Ma), it is likely that the asteroid parent body of GRA 06129 was also affected by the same giant impact as the Moon-forming event.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new locality of in situ massive impact‐melt rock was discovered on the south‐southwestern rim of the Roter Kamm impact structure. While the sub‐samples from this new locality are relatively homogeneous at the hand specimen scale, and despite being from a nearby location, they do not have the same composition of the only previously analyzed impact‐melt rock sample from Roter Kamm. Both Roter Kamm impact‐melt rock samples analyzed to date, as well as several suevite samples, exhibit a granitic‐granodioritic precursor composition. Micro‐chemical analyses of glassy matrix and Al‐rich orthopyroxene microphenocrysts demonstrate rapid cooling and chemical disequilibrium at small scales. Platinum‐group element abundances and ratios indicate an ordinary chondritic composition for the Roter Kamm impactor. Laser argon dating of two sub‐samples did not reproduce the previously obtained age of 3.7 ± 0.3 (1s?) for this impact event, based on 40Ar/39Ar dating of a single vesicular impact‐melt rock. Instead, we obtained ages between 3.9 and 6.3 Ma, with an inverse isochron age of 4.7 ± 0.3 Ma for one analyzed sub‐sample and 5.1 ± 0.4 Ma for the other. Clearly a post‐5 Ma impact at Roter Kamm remains indicated, but further analytical work is required to better constrain the currently best estimate of 4–5 Ma. Both impactor and age constraints are clearly obstructed by the inherent microscopic heterogeneity and disequilibrium melting and cooling processes demonstrated in the present study.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied the I‐Xe system in chondrules and clasts from ordinary chondrites. Cristobalite‐bearing clasts from Parnallee (LL3.6) closed to Xe loss 1–4 Ma after Bjurböle. Feline (a feldspar‐ and nepheline‐rich clast also from Parnallee) closed at 7.04 ± 0.15 Ma. Two out of three chondrules from Parnallee that yielded well‐defined initial I ratios gave ages identical to Bjurböle's within error. A clast from Barwell (L6) has a well‐defined initial I ratio corresponding to closure 3.62 ± 0.60 Ma before Bjurböle. Partial disturbance and complete obliteration of the I‐Xe system by shock are revealed in clasts from Julesburg (L3.6) and Quenggouk (H4), respectively. Partial disturbance by shock is capable of generating anomalously high initial I ratios. In some cases, these could be misinterpreted, yielding erroneous ages. A macrochondrule from Isoulane‐n‐Amahar contains concentrations of I similar to “ordinary” chondrules but, unlike most ordinary chondrules, contains no radiogenic 129Xe. This requires resetting 50 Ma or more later than most chondrules. The earliest chondrule ages in the I‐Xe, Mn‐Cr, and Al‐Mg systems are in reasonable agreement. This, and the frequent lack of evidence for metamorphism capable of resetting the I‐Xe chronometer, leads us to conclude that (at least) the earliest chondrule I‐Xe ages represent formation. If so, chondrule formation took place at a time when sizeable parent bodies were present in the solar system.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study presents the first determinations of 39Ar‐40Ar ages of R chondrites for the purpose of understanding the thermal history of the R chondrite parent body. The 39Ar‐40Ar ages were determined on whole‐rock samples of four R chondrites: Carlisle Lakes, Rumuruti, Acfer 217, and Pecora Escarpment #91002 (PCA 91002). All samples are breccias except for Carlisle Lakes. The age spectra are complicated by recoil and diffusive loss to various extents. The peak 39Ar‐40Ar ages of the four chondrites are 4.35, ?4.47 ± 0.02, 4.30 ± 0.07 Ga, and 4.37 Ga, respectively. These ages are similar to Ar‐Ar ages of relatively unshocked ordinary chondrites (4.52–4.38 Ga) and are older than Ar‐Ar ages of most shocked ordinary chondrites («4.2 Ga). Because the meteorites with the oldest (Rumuruti, ?4.47 Ga) and the youngest (Acfer 217, ?4.30 Ga) ages are both breccias, these ages probably do not record slow cooling within an undisrupted asteroidal parent body. Instead, the process of breccia formation may have differentially reset the ages of the constituent material, or the differences in their age spectra may arise from mixtures of material that had different ages. Two end‐member type situations may be envisioned to explain the age range observed in the R chondrites. The first is if the impact(s) that reset the ages of Acfer 217 and Rumuruti was very early. In this case, the ?170 Ma maximum age difference between these meteorites may have been produced by much deeper burial of Acfer 217 than Rumuruti within an impact‐induced thick regolith layer, or within a rubble pile type parent body following parent body re‐assembly. The second, preferred scenario is if the impact that reset the age of Acfer 217 was much later than that which reset Rumuruti, then Acfer 217 may have cooled more rapidly within a much thinner regolith layer. In either scenario, the oldest age obtained here, from Rumuruti, provides evidence for relatively early (?4.47 Ga) impact events and breccia formation on the R chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Eucrites represent one of the major lithologies of the Vestan upper crust, which had experienced pervasive and intense thermal metamorphism. To better constrain the timing and mechanism of thermal metamorphism, we carried out in situ Pb‐isotope analysis of an unbrecciated basaltic eucrite NWA 6594 on the basis of detailed mineralogical and petrographic investigations. Zircon Pb‐Pb dating reveals that NWA 6594 emplaced before or at 4547 ± 11 Ma (95% confidence, MSWD = 1.3). Studies of silica minerals indicate that NWA 6594 had experienced intense thermal metamorphism after emplacement, followed by a late impact reheating and rapid cooling. Apatite grains yield a weighted mean Pb‐Pb age of 4523 ± 2 Ma (95% confidence, MSWD = 0.76). This age could not be attributed to slow cooling after the initial crystallization, but most likely related to an independent thermal event that induced thermal metamorphism. The protracted time lag (~24 ± 13 Myr) between zircon and apatite closure ages indicates that this thermal event is most probably induced by an intense impact event that was synchronous with the metal–silicate mixing event recorded by mesosiderites. HEDs may have experienced multiple stages of thermal metamorphism after emplacement. The late impact reheating occurred after thermal metamorphism, which caused crystallization of tridymite.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 11042 is a heavily shocked achondrite with medium‐grained cumulate textures. Its olivine and pyroxene compositions, oxygen isotopic composition, and chromium isotopic composition are consistent with L chondrites. Sm‐Nd dating of its primary phases shows a crystallization age of 4100 ± 160 Ma. Ar‐Ar dating of its shocked mineral maskelynite reveals an age of 484.0 ± 1.5 Ma. This age coincides roughly with the breakup event of the L chondrite parent body evident in the shock ages of many L chondrites and the terrestrial record of fossil L chondritic chromite. NWA 11042 shows large depletions in siderophile elements (<0.01×CI) suggestive of a complex igneous history involving extraction of a Fe‐Ni‐S liquid on the L chondrite parent body. Due to its relatively young crystallization age, the heat source for such an igneous process is most likely impact. Because its mineralogy, petrology, and O isotopes are similar to the ungrouped achondrite NWA 4284 (this work), the two meteorites are likely paired and derived from the same parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract– Miller Range (MIL) 05029 is a slowly cooled melt rock with metal/sulfide depletion and an Ar‐Ar age of 4517 ± 11 Ma. Oxygen isotopes and mineral composition indicate that it is an L chondrite impact melt, and a well‐equilibrated igneous rock texture with a lack of clasts favors a melt pool over a melt dike as its probable depositional setting. A metallographic cooling rate of approximately 14 °C Ma?1 indicates that the impact occurred at least approximately 20 Ma before the Ar‐Ar closure age of 4517 Ma, possibly even shortly after accretion of its parent body. A metal grain with a Widmanstätten‐like pattern further substantiates slow cooling. The formation age of MIL 05029 is at least as old as the Ar‐Ar age of unshocked L and H chondrites, indicating that endogenous metamorphism on the parent asteroid was still ongoing at the time of impact. Its metallographic cooling rate of approximately 14 °C Ma?1 is similar to that typical for L6 chondrites, suggesting a collisional event on the L chondrite asteroid that produced impact melt at a minimum depth of 5–12 km. The inferred minimum crater diameter of 25–60 km may have shattered the 100–200 km diameter L chondrite asteroid. Therefore, MIL 05029 could record the timing and petrogenetic setting for the observed lack of correlation of cooling rates with metamorphic grades in many L chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Most 40Ar‐39Ar ages of L chondrites record an event at approximately 500 Ma, indicating a large collisional impact at that time. However, there is a spread in ages from 400 to 600 Ma in these meteorites that is greater than the analytical uncertainty. Identification of, and correction for, trapped Ar in a few L chondrites has given an age of 470 ± 6 Ma. This age coincides with Ordivician fossil meteorites that fell to Earth at 467 ± 2 Ma. As these fossil meteorites were originally L chondrites, the apparent conclusion is that a large impact sent a flood of L chondrite material to Earth, while material that remained on the L chondrite parent body was strongly heated and reset. We have reduced 40Ar‐39Ar data for Northwest Africa 091 using various techniques that appear in the literature, including identification and subtraction of trapped Ar. These techniques give a range of ages from 455 to 520 Ma, and show the importance of making accurate corrections. By using the most straightforward technique to identify and remove a trapped Ar component (which is neither terrestrial nor primordial), an 40Ar‐39Ar age of 475 ± 6 Ma is found for Northwest Africa 091, showing a temporal link to fossil meteorites. In addition, high temperature releases of Northwest Africa 091 contain evidence for a second trapped component, and subtraction of this component indicates a possible second collisional impact at approximately 800 Ma. This earlier age coincides with 40Ar‐39Ar ages of some H and L chondrites, and lunar samples.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed noble gases from 18 samples of weathering products (“iddingsite”) from the Lafayette meteorite. Potassium‐argon ages of 12 samples range from near zero to 670 ± 91 Ma. These ages confirm the martian origin of the iddingsite, but it is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation as opposed to later alteration or incorporation of martian atmospheric 40Ar. In any case, because iddingsite formation requires liquid water, this data requires the presence of liquid water near the surface of Mars at least as recently as 1300 Ma ago, and probably as recently as 650 Ma ago. Krypton and Xe analysis of a single 34 μg sample indicates the presence of fractionated martian atmosphere within the iddingsite. This also confirms the martian origin of the iddingsite. The mechanism of incorporation could either be through interaction with liquid water during iddingsite formation or a result of shock implantation of adsorbed atmospheric gas. Our strongest conclusion is that the iddingsite in Lafayette formed on Mars, in agreement with the microstratigraphic arguments of Gooding et al. (1991) and Treiman et al. (1993). A preterrestrial origin of the iddingsite is required both by the many non‐zero K‐Ar ages and by the presence of Xe that is isotopically distinct from any terrestrial Xe. The Xe is accompanied by Kr, but the Kr and Xe have been fractionated if they are derived from the present martian atmosphere. This is presumably the result of either incorporation via interaction with liquid water (Drake et al., 1994; Bogard and Garrison, 1998) or by adsorption from the martian atmosphere, perhaps accompanied by shock (see also Gilmour et al., 1998, 1999). Although the iddingsite is enriched in Kr and Xe compared to whole‐rock analyses, it is not clear whether iddingsite is the dominant carrier of the atmospheric‐derived gas (Drake et al., 1994) or merely a minor carrier (Gilmour et al., 1999). Our 40Ar‐39Ar experiment was disappointing, in that it mostly served to confirm that the iddingsite, which contains fine‐grained clays, is susceptible to recoil loss of 39Ar during irradiation. Only one sample of five gave a clear signal of radiogenic or extraterrestrial 40Ar, and that was only by 3°. Potassium‐argon ages of the second set of samples were more successful, ranging from near 0 to 670 ± 91 Ma. It is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation, as opposed to later alteration. The fact that a Rb‐Sr experiment (Shih et al., 1998) gave an apparent age for iddingsite of 679 ± 66 Ma (2a) suggests that perhaps formation of iddingsite occurred (or began) ~650 Ma ago and that some samples either formed, or were thermally altered, later. The ages could be even younger than 650 Ma, if the samples have incorporated martian atmospheric 40Ar. This means that liquid water was certainly present on Mars in the last 1300 Ma (the formation age of Lafayette), and probably within the last 650 Ma.  相似文献   

We measured concentrations and isotopic ratios of noble gases in the Rumuruti (R) chondrite Mount Prestrud (PRE) 95410, a regolith breccia exhibiting dark/light structures. The meteorite contains solar and cosmogenic noble gases. Based on the solar and cosmogenic noble gas compositions, we calculated a heliocentric distance of its parent body, a cosmic‐ray exposure age on the parent body regolith (parent body exposure age), and a cosmic‐ray exposure age in interplanetary space (space exposure age) of the meteorite. Assuming a constant solar wind flux, the estimated heliocentric distance was smaller than 1.4 ± 0.3 au, suggesting inward migration from the asteroid belt regions where the parent body formed. The largest known Mars Trojan 5261 Eureka is a potential parent body of PRE 95410. Alternatively, it is possible that the solar wind flux at the time of the parent body exposure was higher by a factor of 2–3 compared to the lunar regolith exposure. In this case, the estimated heliocentric distance is within the asteroid belt region. The parent body exposure age is longer than 19.1 Ma. This result indicates frequent impact events on the parent body like that recorded for other solar‐gas‐rich meteorites. Assuming single‐stage exposure after an ejection event from the parent body, the space exposure age is 11.0 ± 1.1 Ma, which is close to the peak of ~10 Ma in the exposure age distribution for the solar‐gas‐free R chondrites.  相似文献   

Novato, a newly observed fall in the San Francisco Bay area, is a shocked and brecciated L6 ordinary chondrite containing dark and light lithologies. We have investigated the U‐Pb isotope systematics of coarse Cl‐apatite grains of metamorphic origin in Novato with a large geometry ion microprobe. The U‐Pb systematics of Novato apatite reveals an upper intercept age of 4472 ± 31 Ma and lower intercept age of 473 ± 38 Ma. The upper intercept age is within error identical to the U‐Pb apatite age of 4452 ± 21 Ma measured in the Chelyabinsk LL5 chondrite. This age is interpreted to reflect a massive collisional resetting event due to a large impact associated with the peak arrival time at the primordial asteroid belt of ejecta debris from the Moon‐forming giant impact on Earth. The lower intercept age is consistent with the most precisely dated Ar‐Ar ages of 470 ± 6 Ma of shocked L chondrites, and the fossil meteorites and extraterrestrial chromite relicts found in Ordovician limestones with an age of 467.3 ± 1.6 Ma in Sweden and China. The lower intercept age reflects a major disturbance related to the catastrophic disruption of the L chondrite parent body most likely associated with the Gefion asteroid family, which produced an initially intense meteorite bombardment of the Earth in Ordovician period and reset and degassed at least approximately 35% of the L chondrite falls today. We predict that the 470 Ma impact event is likely to be found on the Moon and Mars, if not Mercury.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four samples from Libyan Desert glass, one sample from Muong-Nong-type tektite, labelled Guang-Dong, and one sample from Czech Moldavite were analysed using the fission-track dating method. The Moldavite was unaffected by partial thermal track annealing, whereas the ages of Libyan Desert glass and Guang-Dong tektite appear to have been thermally lowered. Fission-track ages of the latter impact glasses were corrected using the plateau method. Apparent ages of Libyan Desert glass (between 26.0 ± 1.8 Ma and 29.0 ± 1.8 Ma) and Guang-Dong tektite (0.61 ± 0.05 Ma), as well as plateau ages (weighted mean: 28.5 ± 0.8 Ma for Libyan Desert glass and 0.77 ± 0.08 Ma for Guang-Dong) resulted in close agreement with previous determinations published in the late 1970s by Storzer and Wagner (1977). The age of the Moldavite (15.2 ± 0.08 Ma) also resulted in agreement with previous fission track and K-Ar determinations.  相似文献   

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