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Abstract— Infrared spectroscopy maps of some tracks made by cometary dust from 81P/Wild 2 impacting Stardust aerogel reveal an interesting distribution of organic material. Out of six examined tracks, three show presence of volatile organic components possibly injected into the aerogel during particle impacts. When particle tracks contained volatile organic material, they were found to be ‐CH2‐rich, while the aerogel is dominated by the ‐CH3‐rich contaminant. It is clear that the population of cometary particles impacting the Stardust aerogel collectors also includes grains that contained little or none of this organic component. This observation is consistent with the highly heterogeneous nature of collected grains, as seen by a multitude of other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract– We investigated three‐dimensional structures of comet Wild 2 coma particle impact tracks using synchrotron radiation (SR) X‐ray microtomography at SPring‐8 to elucidate the nature of comet Wild 2 coma dust particles captured in aerogel by understanding the capture process. All tracks have a similar entrance morphology, indicating a common track formation process near the entrance by impact shock propagation irrespective of impactor materials. Distributions of elements along the tracks were simultaneously measured using SR‐XRF. Iron is distributed throughout the tracks, but it tends to concentrate in the terminal grains and at the bottoms of bulbs. Based on these results, we propose an impact track formation process. We estimate the densities of cometary dust particles based on the hypothesis that the kinetic energy of impacting dust particles is proportional to the track volume. The density of 148 cometary dust particles we investigated ranges from 0.80 to 5.96 g cm?3 with an average of 1.01 (±0.25) g cm?3. Moreover, we suggest that less fragile crystalline particles account for approximately 5 vol% (20 wt%) of impacting particles. This value of crystalline particles corresponds to that of chondrules and CAIs, which were transported from the inner region of the solar system to the outer comet‐forming region. Our results also suggest the presence of volatile components, such as organic material and perhaps ice, in some bulbous tracks (type‐C).  相似文献   

Abstract— Metallic aluminum alloy foils exposed on the forward, comet‐facing surface of the aerogel tray on the Stardust spacecraft are likely to have been impacted by the same cometary particle population as the dedicated impact sensors and the aerogel collector. The ability of soft aluminum alloy to record hypervelocity impacts as bowl‐shaped craters offers an opportunistic substrate for recognition of impacts by particles of a potentially wide size range. In contrast to impact surveys conducted on samples from low Earth orbit, the simple encounter geometry for Stardust and Wild‐2, with a known and constant spacecraft‐particle relative velocity and effective surface‐perpendicular impact trajectories, permits closely comparable simulation in laboratory experiments. For a detailed calibration program, we have selected a suite of spherical glass projectiles of uniform density and hardness characteristics, with well‐documented particle size range from 10 μm to nearly 100 μm. Light gas gun buckshot firings of these particles at approximately 6 km s?1 onto samples of the same foil as employed on Stardust have yielded large numbers of craters. Scanning electron microscopy of both projectiles and impact features has allowed construction of a calibration plot, showing a linear relationship between impacting particle size and impact crater diameter. The close match between our experimental conditions and the Stardust mission encounter parameters should provide another opportunity to measure particle size distributions and fluxes close to the nucleus of Wild‐2, independent of the active impact detector instruments aboard the Stardust spacecraft.  相似文献   

Abstract– To constrain the effects of capture modification processes, the size distribution of nanoscale refractory Fe‐Ni‐S inclusions (“droplets”) was measured in five allocations extracted from throughout the depth of Stardust Track 35. The Fe/S ratio has been previously shown to increase significantly with penetration depth in this track, suggesting increasing capture‐related modification along the track. Astronomical image analysis tools were employed to measure the sizes of more than 8000 droplets from TEM images, and completeness simulations were used to correct the distribution for detection bias as a function of radius. The size distribution characteristics are found to be similar within independent regions of individual allocations, demonstrating uniformity within grains. The size distribution of the Fe‐Ni‐S droplets in each allocation is dominated by a mode near 11 nm, but is coarse‐skewed and leptokurtic with a mean of ~17 nm and a standard deviation of ~9 nm. The size distribution characteristics do not vary systematically with penetration depth, despite the strong trend in bulk Fe/S ratio. This suggests that the capture modification process is not primarily responsible for producing the morphology of these nanoscale droplets. The Stardust Track 35 droplet size distribution indicates slightly smaller sizes, but otherwise resembles those in carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094, and chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles that escaped nebular annealing of sulfides. The size distribution of metal‐sulfide beads in Stardust’s quenched melted‐grain emulsions appears to be inherited from the size distribution of unmelted sulfide mineral grains in comet‐dust particles of chondritic character.  相似文献   

Abstract— Terminal particles and mineral fragments from comet 81P/Wild 2 were studied in 16 aerogel tracks by transmission and secondary electron microscopy. In eight tracks clinopyroxenes with correlated Na2O and Cr2O3 contents as high as 6.0 wt% and 13.0 wt%, respectively, were found. Kosmochloric (Ko) clinopyroxenes were also observed in 4 chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). The Ko‐clinopyroxenes were often associated with FeO‐rich olivine ± Cr‐rich spinel ± aluminosilicate glass or albitic feldspar, assemblages referred to as Kool grains (Ko = kosmochloric Ca‐rich pyroxene, ol = olivine). Fine‐grained (submicron) Kool fragments have textures suggestive of crystallization from melts while coarse‐grained (>1 μm) Kool fragments are often glass‐free and may have formed by thermal metamorphism in the nebula. Average major and minor element distributions between clinopyroxenes and coexisting FeO‐rich olivines are consistent with these phases forming at or near equilibrium. In glass‐bearing fine‐grained Kool fragments, high concentrations of Na in the clinopyroxenes are inconsistent with existing experimentally determined partition coefficients at equilibrium. We speculate that the availability of Cr in the melt increased the clinopyroxene Na partition coefficient via a coupled substitution thereby enhancing this phase with the kosmochlor component. The high temperature minerals, fine‐grain sizes, bulk compositions and common occurrence in the SD tracks and IDPs support the idea that Kool grains could have been precursors to type II chondrules in ordinary chondrites. These grains, however, have not been observed in these meteorites suggesting that they were destroyed during chondrule formation and recycling or were not present in the nebula at the time and location where meteoritic chondrules formed.  相似文献   

Comet 81P/Wild 2 dust, the first comet sample of known provenance, was widely expected to resemble anhydrous chondritic porous (CP) interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). GEMS, distinctly characteristic of CP IDPs, have yet to be unambiguously identified in the Stardust mission samples despite claims of likely candidates. One such candidate is Stardust impact track 57 “Febo” in aerogel, which contains fine‐grained objects texturally and compositionally similar to GEMS. Their position adjacent the terminal particle suggests that they may be indigenous, fine‐grained, cometary material, like that in CP IDPs, shielded by the terminal particle from damage during deceleration from hypervelocity. Dark‐field imaging and multidetector energy‐dispersive X‐ray mapping were used to compare GEMS‐like‐objects in the Febo terminal particle with GEMS in an anhydrous, chondritic IDP. GEMS in the IDP are within 3× CI (solar) abundances for major and minor elements. In the Febo GEMS‐like objects, Mg and Ca are systematically and strongly depleted relative to CI; S and Fe are somewhat enriched; and Au, a known aerogel contaminant, is present, consistent with ablation, melting, abrasion, and mixing of the SiOx aerogel with crystalline Fe‐sulfide and minor enstatite, high‐Ni sulfide, and augite identified by elemental mapping in the terminal particle. Thus, GEMS‐like objects in “caches” of fine‐grained debris abutting terminal particles are most likely deceleration debris packed in place during particle transit through the aerogel.  相似文献   

Abstract– Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are the most primitive extraterrestrial material available for laboratory studies and may, being likely of cometary origin, sample or represent the unaltered starting material of the solar system. Here we compare IDPs from a “targeted” collection, acquired when the Earth passed through the dust stream of comet 26P/Grigg‐Skjellerup (GSC), with IDPs from nontargeted collections (i.e., of nonspecific origin). We examine both sets to further our understanding of abundances and character of their isotopically anomalous phases to constrain the nature of their parent bodies. We identified ten presolar silicates, two oxides, one SiC, and three isotopically anomalous C‐rich grains. One of seven non‐GSC IDPs contains a wealth of unaltered nebula material, including two presolar silicates, one oxide, and one SiC, as well as numerous δD and δ15N hotspots, demonstrating its very pristine character and suggesting a cometary origin. One of these presolar silicates is the most 17O‐rich discovered in an IDP and has been identified as a possible GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides). Organic matter in an anhydrous GSC IDP is extremely disordered and, based on Raman spectral analyses, appears to be the most primitive IDP analyzed in this study, albeit only one presolar silicate was identified. No defining difference was seen between the GSC and non‐GSC IDPs studied here. However, the GSC collectors are expected to contain IDPs of nonspecific origin. One measure alone, such as presolar grain abundances, isotopic anomalies, or Raman spectroscopy cannot distinguish targeted cometary from unspecified IDPs, and therefore combined studies are required. Whilst targeted IDP populations as a whole may not show distinguishable parameters from unspecified populations (due to statistics, heterogeneity, sampling bias, mixing from other cometary sources), particular IDPs in a targeted collection may well indicate special properties and a fresh origin from a known source.  相似文献   

Abstract— Measurements of He isotopes in cluster interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) from stratospheric dust collector L2009 reveal anomalous 3He/4He ratios comparable to those seen earlier, up to ~40x the solar wind ratio, in particles from the companion collector L2011. These overabundances of 3He in the L2009 samples are masked by much higher 4He contents compared to the L2011 particles, and are visible only in minor gas fractions evolved by stepwise heating at high temperatures. Cosmic‐ray induced spallogenic reactions are efficient producers of 3He. The majority of this paper is devoted to a detailed assessment of the possible role of spallation in generating the 3He excesses in these and other cluster IDPs. A model of collisional erosion and fragmentation during inward transit through the interplanetary dust environment is used to estimate space lifetimes of particles from asteroidal and Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt sources. Results of the modeling indicate that Poynting–Robertson orbital evolution timescales of IDPs small enough to elude destruction on their way to Earth from either location are far shorter than the cosmic‐ray exposure ages required to account for observed 3He overabundances. Grains large enough to have sufficiently long space residence times are fragmented close to their sources. An alternative to long in‐space exposure could be prolonged irradiation of particles buried in parent body regoliths prior to their ejection as IDPs. A qualitative calculation suggests, however, that collisional erosion of asteroidal upper‐regolith materials is likely to occur on timescales shorter than the > 1 Ga burial times needed for accumulation of spallogenic 3He to the levels seen in several cluster particles. In contrast, regoliths on Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt objects may be stable enough to account for the 3He excesses, and delivery of heavily pre‐irradiated IDPs to the inner solar system by short‐period Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt comets remains a possibility. A potential problem is that the expected associated abundances of spallation‐produced 21Ne appear to be absent, although here the present IDP data base is too sparse and for the most part too imprecise to rule out a spallogenic origin. Relatively short periods of pre‐ejection residence in asteroidal regoliths may be responsible for the curiously broad exposure age distributions reported for micrometeorites extracted from Greenland and sea‐floor sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract– An IDP nicknamed Andric, from a stratospheric dust collector targeted to collect dust from comet 55P/Tempel‐Tuttle, contains five distinct presolar silicate and/or oxide grains in 14 ultramicrotome slices analyzed, for an estimated abundance of approximately 700 ppm in this IDP. Three of the grains are 17O‐enriched and probably formed in low‐mass red giant or asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars; the other two grains exhibit 18O enrichments and may have a supernova origin. Carbon and N isotopic analyses show that Andric also exhibits significant variations in its N isotopic composition, with numerous discrete 15N‐rich hotspots and more diffuse regions that are also isotopically anomalous. Three 15N‐rich hotspots also have statistically significant 13C enrichments. Auger elemental analysis shows that these isotopically anomalous areas consist largely of carbonaceous matter and that the anomalies may be hosted by a variety of components. In addition, there is evidence for dilution of the isotopically heavy components with an isotopically normal endmember; this may have occurred either as a result of extraterrestrial alteration or during atmospheric entry. Isotopically primitive IDPs such as Andric share many characteristics with primitive meteorites such as the CR chondrites, which also contain isotopically anomalous carbonaceous matter and abundant presolar silicate and oxide grains. Although comets are one likely source for the origin of primitive IDPs, the presence of similar characteristics in meteorites thought to come from the asteroid belt suggests that other origins are also possible. Indeed the distinction between cometary and asteroidal sources is somewhat blurred by recent observations of icy comet‐like planetesimals in the outer asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five amorphous (extensively melted) grains from Stardust aerogel capture Track 35 were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two from the bulb, two from near the bulb‐stylus transition, and one from near the terminal particle. Melted grains consist largely of a texturally and compositionally heterogeneous emulsion of immiscible metal/sulfide beads nanometers to tens of nanometers in diameter in a silica‐rich vesicular glass. Most metal/sulfide beads are spherical, but textures of non‐spherical beads indicate that some solidified as large drops during stretching and breaking while in translational and rotational motion, and others solidified from lenses of immiscible liquid at the silicate‐melt/vesicle (vapor) interface. Melted grains appear to become richer in Fe relative to Mg, and depleted in S relative to Fe and Ni with increasing penetration distance along the aerogel capture track. Fe/S ratios are near unity in grains from the bulb of Track 35, consistent with the dominance of Fe‐monosulfide minerals inferred by previous research on Stardust materials. Near‐stoichiometric Fe/S in melted grains from the bulb suggests that Fe‐sulfides in the bulb were dispersed and melted during formation of the bulb but did not lose S. Along‐track increases in Fe/S in melted grains from the bulb through the bulb‐stylus transition and continuing into the stylus indicate that S initially present as iron monosulfide may have been progressively partially volatilized and lost from the melted grains with greater penetration of the grains deeper into the aerogel during capture‐melting of comet dust. Extensively melted grains from the bulbs of aerogel capture tracks may preserve better primary compositional information with less capture‐related modification than grains from farther along the same capture tracks.  相似文献   

Abstract— New experimental results show that Stardust crater morphology is consistent with interpretation of many larger Wild 2 dust grains being aggregates, albeit most of low porosity and therefore relatively high density. The majority of large Stardust grains (i.e. those carrying most of the cometary dust mass) probably had density of 2.4 g cm?3 (similar to soda‐lime glass used in earlier calibration experiments) or greater, and porosity of 25% or less, akin to consolidated carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, and much lower than the 80% suggested for fractal dust aggregates. Although better size calibration is required for interpretation of the very smallest impacting grains, we suggest that aggregates could have dense components dominated by μm‐scale and smaller sub‐grains. If porosity of the Wild 2 nucleus is high, with similar bulk density to other comets, much of the pore space may be at a scale of tens of micrometers, between coarser, denser grains. Successful demonstration of aggregate projectile impacts in the laboratory now opens the possibility of experiments to further constrain the conditions for creation of bulbous (Type C) tracks in aerogel, which we have observed in recent shots. We are also using mixed mineral aggregates to document differential survival of pristine composition and crystalline structure in diverse finegrained components of aggregate cometary dust analogues, impacted onto both foil and aerogel under Stardust encounter conditions.  相似文献   

The calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) found in chondritic meteorites are probably the oldest solar system solids, dating back to 4567.30 ± 0.16 million years ago. They are thought to have formed in the protosolar nebula within a few astronomical units of the Sun, and at a temperature of around 1300 K. The Stardust mission found evidence of CAI‐like material in samples recovered from comet Wild 2. The appearance of CAIs in comets, which are thought to be formed at lower temperatures and larger distances from the Sun, is only explicable if some mechanism allows the efficient transfer of such objects from the inner solar nebula to the outer solar nebula. Such mechanisms have been proposed such as an X‐wind or turbulence. In this work, particles collected from within the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko are examined for compositional evidence of the presence of CAIs. COSIMA (the Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyzer) uses secondary ion mass spectrometry to analyze the composition of cometary dust captured on metal targets. While CAIs can have a radius of centimeters, they are more typically a few hundred microns in size, and can be smaller than 1 μm, so it is conceivable that particles visible on COSIMA targets (ranging in size from about 10 μm to hundreds of microns) could contain CAIs. Using a peak fitting technique, the composition of a set of 13 particles was studied, looking for material rich in both calcium and aluminum. One such particle was found.  相似文献   

The silica glass extracted from the bulbous parts of Stardust tracks is riddled by electron‐opaque nanograins with compositions that are mostly between pyrrhotite and metallic iron with many fewer nanograins having a Fe‐Ni‐S composition. Pure taenite nanograins are extremely rare, but exist among the terminal particles. Assuming that these Fe‐Ni‐S compositions are due to mixing of pyrrhotite and taenite melt droplets, it is remarkable that the taenite melt grains had discrete Fe/Ni ratios. This paper presents the data from an igneous pyrrhotite/taenite fragment of cluster IDP L2011#21, wherein the taenite compositions have the same discrete Fe/Ni clusters as those inferred for the Stardust nanograins. These Fe/Ni clusters are a subsolidus feature with compositions that are constrained by the Fe‐Ni phase diagram. They formed during cooling of the parent body of this cluster IDP fragment. These specific Fe/Ni ratios, 12.5, 24, 40, and 53 atom% Ni, were preserved in asteroidal taenite that survived radially outward transport to the Kuiper Belt where it accreted into the (future) comet Wild 2 nucleus.  相似文献   

Abstract– The deceleration tracks in the Stardust aerogel display a wide range of morphologies, which reveal a large diversity of incoming particles from comet 81P/Wild 2. If the large and dense mineral grains survived the extreme conditions of hypervelocity capture, this was not the case for the fine‐grained material that is found strongly damaged within the aerogel. Due to their low mechanical strength, these assemblages were disaggregated, dispersed, and flash melted in the aerogel in walls of bulbous deceleration tracks. Their petrologic and mineralogical properties are found significantly modified by the flash heating of the capture. Originating from a quenched melt mixture of comet material and aerogel, the representative microstructure consists of silica‐rich glassy clumps containing Fe‐Ni‐S inclusions, vesicles and “dust‐rich” patches, the latter being remnants of individual silicate components of the impacting aggregate. The average composition of these melted particle fragments is close to the chondritic CI composition. They might originate from ultrafine‐grained primitive components comparable to those found in chondritic porous IDPs. Capture effects in aerogel and associated sample biases are discussed in terms of size, chemical and mineralogical properties of the grains. These properties are essential for the grain survival in the extremely hot environment of hypervelocity impact capture in aerogel, and thus for inferring the correct properties of Wild 2 material.  相似文献   

We present results of FIB–TEM studies of 12 Stardust analog Al foil craters which were created by firing refractory Si and Ti carbide and nitride grains into Al foils at 6.05 km s?1 with a light‐gas gun to simulate capture of cometary grains by the Stardust mission. These foils were prepared primarily to understand the low presolar grain abundances (both SiC and silicates) measured by SIMS in Stardust Al foil samples. Our results demonstrate the intact survival of submicron SiC, TiC, TiN, and less‐refractory Si3N4 grains. In small (<2 μm) craters that are formed by single grain impacts, the entire impacting crystalline grain is often preserved intact with minimal modification. While they also survive in crystalline form, grains at the bottom of larger craters (>5 μm) are typically fragmented and are somewhat flattened in the direction of impact due to partial melting and/or plastic deformation. The low presolar grain abundance estimates derived from SIMS measurements of large craters (mostly >50 μm) likely result from greater modification of these impactors (i.e., melting and isotopic dilution), due to higher peak temperatures/pressures in these crater impacts. The better survivability of grains in smaller craters suggests that more accurate presolar grain estimates may be achievable through measurement of such craters. It also suggests small craters can provide a complementary method of study of the Wild 2 fine fraction, especially for refractory CAI‐like minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract– We present NanoSIMS four‐isotope S analyses of 24 comet Wild 2 dust impact residues in craters on aluminum foil C2037N returned by NASA’s Stardust mission. Except for one sample, all impact residues have normal S isotopic compositions within 2σ uncertainties of at least two S isotope ratios. This implies that most S‐rich Wild 2 dust impactors formed in the solar system. Instrumental isotope fractionation due to sample topography is the main contribution to our analytical uncertainty. One impact crater residue shows small anomalies of δ33S = ?57 ± 17‰, and δ34S = ?41 ± 17‰ (1σ uncertainties). Although this could be simply a statistical outlier or the fingerprint of a chemical isotope fractionation it is also possible that the observed anomaly results from the mixture of a cometary FeS particle with a small (150 nm diam.) presolar FeS supernova grain. This would translate into a presolar sulfide abundance of approximately 200 ppm.  相似文献   

Abstract– We used a combination of different analytical techniques to study particle W7190‐D12 using microinfrared spectroscopy, micro‐Raman spectroscopy, and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS). The particle consists mainly of hematite (α‐Fe2O3) with considerable variations in structural disorder. It further contains amorphous (Na,K)‐bearing Ca,Al‐silicate and organic carbon. Iron‐bearing spherules (<150 nm in diameter) cover the surface of this particle. At local sites of structural disorder at the hematite surface, the hematite spheres were reduced to FeO in the presence of organic carbons forming FeO‐spheres. However, metallic Fe spheres cannot be excluded based on the available data. To the best of our knowledge, this particle is the first detection of such spherules at the surface of a stratospheric dust particle. Although there is no definitive evidence for an extraterrestrial origin of particle W7190‐D12, we suggest that it could be an IDP that had moved away from the asteroid‐forming region of the early solar system into the outer solar system of the accreting Kuiper Belt objects. After it was released from a Jupiter family comet, this particle became part of the zodiacal cloud. Atmospheric entry flash‐heating caused (1) the formation of microenvironments of reduced iron oxide when indigenous carbon materials reacted with hematite covering its surface resulting in the formation of FeO‐spheres and (2) Na‐loss from Na,Al‐plagioclase. The particle of this study, and other similar particles on this collector, may represent a potentially new type of nonchondritic IDPs associated with Jupiter family comets, although an origin in the asteroid belt cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluence of dust particles <10 μm in diameter was recorded by impacts on aluminum foil of the NASA Stardust spacecraft during a close flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. Initial interpretation of craters for impactor particle dimensions and mass was based upon laboratory experimental simulations using projectiles less than >10 μm in diameter and the resulting linear relationship of projectile to crater diameter was extrapolated to smaller sizes. We now describe a new experimental calibration program firing very small monodisperse silica projectiles (470 nm–10 μm) at approximately 6 km s?1. The results show an unexpected departure from linear relationship between 1 and 10 μm. We collated crater measurement data and, where applicable, impactor residue data for 596 craters gathered during the postmission preliminary examination phase. Using the new calibration, we recalculate the size of the particle responsible for each crater and hence reinterpret the cometary dust size distribution. We find a greater flux of small particles than previously reported. From crater morphology and residue composition of a subset of craters, the internal structure and dimensions of the fine dust particles are inferred and a “maximum‐size” distribution for the subgrains composing aggregate particles is obtained. The size distribution of the small particles derived directly from the measured craters peaks at approximately 175 nm, but if this is corrected to allow for aggregate grains, the peak in subgrain sizes is at <100 nm.  相似文献   

So far there is no conclusive evidence for water in the nucleus of 81P/comet Wild 2. Recently magnetite in collected Wild 2 samples was cited as proxy evidence for parent body aqueous alteration in this comet (Hicks et al. 2017 ). A potentional source for water of hydration would be layer silicates but unfortunately there is no record, neither texturally nor chemically, for hydrated layer silicates that survived hypervelocity impact in the Wild 2 samples. This paper reports large vesicles in the matrix of allocation C2044,2,41,2,5 from a volatile‐rich type B/C Stardust track. These vesicles were probably caused by boiling water that were generated when hydrated Wild 2 silicates impacted the near‐surface silica aerogel layer. Potential water sources were partially and fully hydrated GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides) and CI carbonaceous chondrite materials among the earliest dusts that experienced hydration and icy‐body formation and long‐range transport and mixing with materials from across the solar system.  相似文献   

A scanning and transmission electron microscope study of aluminosilicate glasses within melt inclusions from the Martian meteorite Nakhla shows that they have been replaced by berthierine, an aluminum‐iron serpentine mineral. This alteration reaction was mediated by liquid water that gained access to the glasses along fractures within enclosing augite and olivine grains. Water/rock ratios were low, and the aqueous solutions were circumneutral and reducing. They introduced magnesium and iron that were sourced from the dissolution of olivine, and exported alkalis. Berthierine was identified using X‐ray microanalysis and electron diffraction. It is restricted in its occurrence to parts of the melt inclusions that were formerly glass, thus showing that under the ambient physico‐chemical conditions, the mobility of aluminum and silicon were low. This discovery of serpentine adds to the suite of postmagmatic hydrous silicates in Nakhla that include saponite and opal‐A. Such a variety of secondary silicates indicates that during aqueous alteration compositionally distinct microenvironments developed on sub‐millimeter length scales. The scarcity of berthierine in Nakhla is consistent with results from orbital remote sensing of the Martian crust showing very low abundances of aluminum‐rich phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

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