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The late Cretaceous A-type Karaçay?r pluton in Central Anatolia, Turkey, intrudes and entrains xenoliths of Palaeozoic limestone. Carbonatitic magmatic rocks within the syenite have been previously interpreted (Schuiling in Nature, 192:1280, 1961) to result from metasomatic alteration and syntectic melting of marble. Carbonatites and associated calcite-syenites exhibit mineralogical characteristics (Ab-rich plagioclase, Ba-rich K-feldspar, low-Mg# biotite) that are petrogenetically more evolved than the host syenitic suite. Geochemically, carbonate-rich magmatic rocks are greatly enriched in Sr, Ba, Th, and REE and have higher LREE/HREE ratios than either syenites or marbles. In terms of O-C-Sr-Pb isotope ratios, the carbonatite/calcite-syenite suite form a consistent and geochemically coherent group that is distinct from the marble country rock and xenolith population, but similar to some of the syenitic, and particularly the nepheline syenite components of the Karaçay?r pluton. Other silicate magmatic rocks are geochemically, isotopically, and geochronologically different, suggesting the pluton is composite. Overall, the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the carbonatites are incompatible with binary mixing of syenite and marble but are consistent with derivation of carbonatite from petrogenetically evolved foid syenite. Carbonate–silicate rock types have modal variations compatible with an origin by fractional crystallisation, rather than by liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

Caliche is a fairly widespread pedogenic carbonate that commonly has been used to reconstruct palaeoclimatological conditions. Stable isotopic analyses of three types of caliche nodules from Mission Bay, Texas, provide insights into the values and limitations in palaeoenvironmental interpretations. Soft incipient nodules (type I) and partially lithified chalky nodules (type II), composed of low Mg‐calcite, are in situ pedogenic products in the late Quaternary soils; they represent young to intermediate caliche nodules with no obvious diagenesis and, with constraints, can be used to investigate palaeoenvironmental conditions. The well‐lithified hard nodules (type III) dispersed on the beach and shallow bay exhibit complex shapes, fabrics, mineralogy and geochemical compositions. They are mature nodules that have undergone substantial diagenesis and, therefore, are believed to have lost their initial environmental signatures. The incipient nodules in the presently active grey soil and the older subjacent brown soil display significantly different δ13C values, ?8·4 and ?4·4‰, respectively, which indicates a change in palaeovegetation from C3/C4 mixed to C3‐dominated flora. The δ13C values probably reflect a marked climate shift from warm and dry to cool and wet conditions in the middle Holocene. However, in the same grey soil, there is a sub‐set of incipient caliche nodules with δ13C values around 0·1‰, which is probably due to the input of localized carbon sources in the soil (e.g. shell fragments). The occurrence of essentially identical nodules appearing from the same modern soil horizon with significantly different δ13C values questions the universal reliability of this type of data for palaeoenvironmental interpretation. This study demonstrates that, whereas the stable isotopic compositions of caliche nodules can be used for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, diagenesis and the influence of localized carbonate sources in the soils could lead to erroneous interpretations.  相似文献   

The composition of andesites from the Yamato central submarine rise and adjacent structures (Sea of Japan) points to the presence of a Late Cretaceous shortened and Oligocene-Miocene extended calc-alkaline series. With the general similarity of mineral assemblages of andesites, they are distinct in composition of minerals, which testifies to different formation conditions. The andesites of the extended type are the products of crystallization differentiation, whereas those of the shortened type are characterized by nonequilibrium composition of minerals, which reflects the heterogeneous primary melt, the composition of which discretely varied (probably repeatedly) during crystallization.  相似文献   

Recent basaltic-andesite lavas from Merapi volcano contain abundant and varied igneous inclusions suggesting a complex sub-volcanic magmatic system for Merapi volcano. In order to better understand the processes occurring beneath Merapi, we have studied this suite of inclusions by petrography, geochemistry and geobarometric calculations. The inclusions may be classified into four main suites: (1) highly crystalline basaltic-andesite inclusions, (2) co-magmatic enclaves, (3) plutonic crystalline inclusions and (4) amphibole megacrysts. Highly crystalline basaltic-andesite inclusions and co-magmatic enclaves typically display liquid–liquid relationships with their host rocks, indicating mixing and mingling of distinct magmas. Co-magmatic enclaves are basaltic in composition and occasionally display chilled margins, whereas highly crystalline basaltic-andesite inclusions usually lack chilling. Plutonic inclusions have variable grain sizes and occasionally possess crystal layering with a spectrum of compositions spanning from gabbro to diorite. Plagioclase, pyroxene and amphibole are the dominant phases present in both the inclusions and the host lavas. Mineral compositions of the inclusions largely overlap with compositions of minerals in recent and historic basaltic-andesites and the enclaves they contain, indicating a cognate or ‘antelithic’ nature for most of the plutonic inclusions. Many of the plutonic inclusions plot together with the host basaltic-andesites along fractional crystallisation trends from parental basalt to andesite compositions. Results for mineral geobarometry on the inclusions suggest a crystallisation history for the plutonic inclusions and the recent and historic Merapi magmas that spans the full depth of the crust, indicating a multi-chamber magma system with high amounts of semi-molten crystalline mush. There, crystallisation, crystal accumulation, magma mixing and mafic recharge take place. Comparison of the barometric results with whole rock Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope data for the inclusions suggests input of crustal material as magma ascends from depth, with a significant late addition of sedimentary material from the uppermost crust. The type of multi-chamber plumbing system envisaged contains large portions of crystal mush and provides ample opportunity to recycle the magmatic crystalline roots as well as interact with the surrounding host lithologies.  相似文献   

Alpine‐type orogenic garnet‐bearing peridotites, associated with quartzo‐feldspathic gneisses of a 140–115 Ma high‐pressure/ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic (HP‐UHPM) terrane, occur in two regions of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Both exposures are located within NW–SE‐trending strike–slip fault zones. Garnet lherzolite occurs as <10 m wide fault slices juxtaposed against Miocene granite in the left‐lateral Palu‐Koro (P‐K) fault valley, and as 10–30 m wide, fault‐bounded outcrops juxtaposed against gabbros and peridotites of the East Sulawesi ophiolite within the right‐lateral Ampana fault in the Bongka river (BR) valley. Six evolutionary stages of recrystallization can be recognized in the peridotites from both localities. Stage I, the precursor spinel lherzolite assemblage, is characterized by Ol+Cpx+Opx±Prg‐Amp ± Spl±Rt±Phl, as inclusions within garnet cores. Stage II, the main garnet lherzolite assemblage, consists of coarse‐grained Ol+Opx+Cpx+Grt; whereas finer‐grained, neoblastic Ol+Opx+Grt+Cpx±Spl±Prg‐Amp±Phl constitutes stage III. Stages IV and V are manifest as kelyphites of fibrous Opx+Cpx+Spl in inner coronas, and Opx+Spl+Prg‐Amp±Ep in outer coronas around garnet, respectively. The final (greenschist facies) retrogressive stage VI is accompanied by recrystallization of Serp+Chl±Mag±Tr±Ni sulphides±Tlc±Cal. P–T conditions of the hydrated precursor spinel lherzolite stage I were probably about 750 °C at 15–20 kbar. P–T determinations of the peak stage IIc (from core compositions) display considerable variation for samples derived from different outcrops, with clustering at 26–38 kbar, 1025–1210 °C (P‐K & BR); 19–21 kbar, 1070–1090 °C (P‐K), and 40–48 kbar, 1205–1290 °C (BR). Stage IIr (derived from rim compositions) generally records decompression of around 4–12 kbar accompanied by cooling of 50–240 °C from the IIc peak stage. Stage III, which post‐dates a phase of ductile deformation, yielded 22±2 kbar at 750±25 °C (P‐K) and 16±2 kbar at 730±40 °C (BR). The granulite–amphibolite–greenschist decompression sequence reflects uplift to upper crustal levels from conditions of 647–862 °C at P=15 kbar (stage IV), through 580–635 °C at P=10–12 kbar (stage V) to 350–400 °C at P=4–7 kbar (stage VI), respectively, and is identical to the sequence recorded in associated granulite, gneiss and eclogite. Sulawesi garnet peridotites are interpreted to represent minor components of the extensive HP‐UHP (peak P >28 kbar, peak T of c. 760 °C) metamorphic basement terrane, which was recrystallized and uplifted in a N‐dipping continental collision zone at the southern Sundaland margin in the mid‐Cretaceous. The low‐T , low‐P and metasomatized spinel lherzolite precursor to the garnet lherzolite probably represents mantle wedge rocks that were dragged down parallel to the slab–wedge interface in a subduction/collision zone by induced corner flow. Ductile tectonic incorporation into the underthrust continental crust from various depths along the interface probably occurred during the exhumation stage, and the garnet peridotites were subsequently uplifted within the HP‐UHPM nappe, suffering a similar decompression history to that experienced by the regional schists and gneisses. Final exhumation from upper crustal levels was clearly facilitated by entrainment in Neogene granitic plutons, and/or Oligocene trans‐tension in deep‐seated strike–slip fault zones.  相似文献   

In the Kokkinovrakhos Formation of central Greece, poorly sorted, grain supported, lithoclastic carbonate rudites, megabreccias and olistoliths are associated with accumulations of fine-grained laminated carbonates. The laminae frequently exhibit grading and are interpreted as turbidity current deposits. The coarser grained rudites and megabreccias were also redeposited but were probably transported downslope by sliding and rolling, i.e. they are rock-fall deposits. Olistoliths were emplaced into deeper water by sliding. The fine-grained sediments of the laminated facies appear to have accumulated in pockets on an uneven sea floor during episodes of minimal rock fall activity. The sedimentary association is similar to that described from some modern fore-reef environments and is possibly characteristic of accumulations of sediment on, or near to, steep slopes adjacent to carbonate platforms, when episodes of tectonic activity lead to the shearing off and transport downslope of masses of well-cemented shallow marine carbonates.  相似文献   

Glauconite from eight stratigraphic horizons (Cambrian to Pennsylvanian) in the Llano Uplift, central Texas and two Cretaceous glauconites were analyzed by the Rb-Sr method. Only two untreated samples provide ages in agreement with those anticipated from current best estimates of the geologic time scale. With one exception all the other apparent ages fall short of the estimated age of deposition by as much as 22%. Low ages, the pattern customarily observed, are attributed to postdepositional loss of radiogenic 87Sr from expandable layers by weathering or during diagenesis.Detailed leaching experiments using a variety of reagents were performed to characterize the behavior of glauconite. The most promising treatment, which we recommend as standard procedure in all future studies, is with ammonium acetate which is able to purge the mineral of loosely-bound Rb and Sr while leaving tightly-bound components intact. After appropriate leach, three other Rb-Sr ages were brought into coincidence with their estimated ages of deposition.In contrast an Upper Cambrian glauconite was found to be extremely resistant to further alteration by chemical attack′, providing an age of 429 ± 17 M yr. Although 17% short of the age of deposition, this age is interpreted as the time of a real event: diagenetic recrystallization induced by burial. Comparison of data from four samples indicates that for Paleozoic glauconite, conditions exist in which the Rb-Sr system is less susceptible to mild disturbance than is the K-Ar system.  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1207-1220
羌塘中部榴辉岩位于龙木错-双湖缝合带中段,改则县古姆乡片石山地区。榴辉岩的主要矿物成分为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、金红石、角闪石等,围岩为石榴白云母片岩和蓝片岩,石榴白云母片岩主要由石榴子石、多硅白云母和石英构成,蓝片岩由石榴子石、角闪石(含蓝闪石)、多硅白云母等构成。岩石学和矿物学研究显示,榴辉岩主要经历了3期变质作用:①峰期榴辉岩相变质作用阶段,以石榴子石、绿辉石和多硅白云母为特征,变质温度和压力分别为500℃和2.3GPa;②绿帘角闪岩相变质作用阶段,以后期形成的冻蓝闪石、镁红闪石、绿帘石、钠长石等交代早期矿物为特征;③绿片岩相变质作用阶段,以毛发状阳起石等为特征。榴辉岩的变质演化过程代表了青藏高原北部古特提斯洋俯冲消减和冈瓦纳与劳亚大陆碰撞造山的过程。  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1207-1220
羌塘中部榴辉岩位于龙木错-双湖缝合带中段,改则县古姆乡片石山地区。榴辉岩的主要矿物成分为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、金红石、角闪石等,围岩为石榴白云母片岩和蓝片岩,石榴白云母片岩主要由石榴子石、多硅白云母和石英构成,蓝片岩由石榴子石、角闪石(含蓝闪石)、多硅白云母等构成。岩石学和矿物学研究显示,榴辉岩主要经历了3期变质作用:①峰期榴辉岩相变质作用阶段,以石榴子石、绿辉石和多硅白云母为特征,变质温度和压力分别为500℃和2.3GPa;②绿帘角闪岩相变质作用阶段,以后期形成的冻蓝闪石、镁红闪石、绿帘石、钠长石等交代早期矿物为特征;③绿片岩相变质作用阶段,以毛发状阳起石等为特征。榴辉岩的变质演化过程代表了青藏高原北部古特提斯洋俯冲消减和冈瓦纳与劳亚大陆碰撞造山的过程。  相似文献   

On the basis of a comprehensive study on the petrology,trace elements and isotopic geochemistry of the Xiangshan amphibolites,we suggest that the protoliths of the amphibolites were basalts formed in an island-arc tectonic setting.The basaltic magma was derived from a slightly depleted mantle source with a small amount of crustal contamination.Assemblage of the rock-froming minerals indicates that these amphibolites underwent a low-grade metamorphism of amphibolite facies.According to the formation age(1113Ma) and subsequent metamophic age(726.6Ma) of the basalts aw well as the geological and gochemical features of these amphibolites,a tectonic model of Proterozoic oceanic island-arc setting is proposed for central Jiangxi.  相似文献   

Upper Proterozoic carbonate successions from central East Greenland (the Limestone-Dolomite ‘Series’ of the Eleonore Bay Group) and Svalbard (the Backlundtoppen Formation of the Akademikerbreen Group, Spitsbergen, and the Upper Russö Formation of the Raoldtoppen Group, Nordaustlandet) contain thick sequences dominated by pisolites. These rocks were generated in shallow marine enviroments, and the pisoids are essentially oversized ooids. A marine environment is supported by the thickness and lateral extent of the carbonates; by a sedimentary association of pisolites with stromatolites, flake-conglomerates, calcarenites, calcilutites, microphytolites, and ooids similar to that found in numerous other Proterozoic carbonate successions; by sedimentary structures, including cross-beds and megaripples that characterize the pisolitic beds; and by microfossils of endolithic cyanobacteria that are specifically comparable to microorganisms that inhabit modern marine ooids of the Bahama Banks. Petrographic features and strontium abundances suggest that the pisoids were originally aragonitic, but neomorphism, silicification, calcitization, and dolomitization have extensively modified original mineralogies and fabrics. The East Greenland and Svalbard pisolitic carbonates reflect similar depositional environments and diagenetic histories, reinforcing previous bio-, litho-, and chemostratigraphic interpretations that the two sequences accumulated contiguously in a coastal zone of pisoid genesis which extended for at least 600, and probably 1000 or more, kilometres.  相似文献   

Triassic pisolites from the Calcare Rosso, Lombardy, Italy, were formed in a hypersaline vadose environment and now show alternating dolomite and calcite laminae. The calcite consists either of microsparite laminae with a brick-like fabric, or of a mass of mosaic crystals with the external form of square-ended rays.These features suggest that the original laminae and rays were aragonitic, like those of the Holocene supratidal pisolites of the Persian Gulf, which consist of alternating laminae of unoriented nannomicrite with Mg-rich mucilaginous material, and aragonitic fibers with radial orientation separated by mucilaginous films. It is suggested that the transformation to brick-like and ray textures passed through the following diagenetic path: (1) original formation of fibrous aragonite laminae; (2) local aggrading recrystallization of aragonite fibers to large square-ended rays during hypersaline phases; (3) dolomitization of Mg-rich mucilaginous nannomicrite laminae during hyposaline phases; (4) inversion of the aragonite fibers and rays to calcite on a piece-by piece basis that preserved the original textural details, when the pH or Mg/Ca ratio dropped.The brick-like and ray fabrics have not been found in laminae of continental freshwater pisolites because these were deposited as equant and stable crystals of low-Mg calcite. These textures consequently make it possible to establish the chemistry of the depositional and early diagenetic milieu for some ancient pisolitic rocks.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带是目前最年轻的仍处于碰撞阶段的陆陆碰撞造山带。高喜马拉雅结晶岩系内产出的(退变)榴辉岩记录了印度板块俯冲和折返的重要信息。本文对中喜马拉雅日玛那地区的(退变)榴辉岩进行了岩石学、全岩地球化学及锆石年代学研究,确定了其变质演化、原岩性质及构造背景。日玛那榴辉岩呈透镜状或岩墙状与花岗片麻岩接触,基于矿物组合识别出3个变质阶段:(1)峰期榴辉岩相:石榴子石+绿辉石+多硅白云母+金红石+石英;(2)高压麻粒岩相:以单斜辉石+斜长石后成合晶、黑云母+斜长石的后成合晶为代表;(3)角闪岩相:以基质中角闪石的大量出现为特征。锆石U-Pb定年给出两期年龄,峰期榴辉岩相锆石年龄为约15.5~14 Ma,具平坦的HREE分配模式,缺失Eu负异常,麻粒岩相的年龄约为12 Ma,锆石显著富集HREE,并呈现出Eu负异常的特征,指示石榴子石分解和斜长石生长。矿物温压计限定日玛那榴辉岩峰期变质条件为约730℃、1.9~2.1 GPa。榴辉岩记录了顺时针的变质p-T轨迹,从峰期榴辉岩相经近等温快速降压至麻粒岩相,最后降温降压至角闪岩相。另外,日玛那榴辉岩的原岩为亚碱性玄武岩并沿着拉斑玄武岩趋势演化,地...  相似文献   

The Precambrian basement rocks of the Eastern Granite-Rhyolite Province(EGRP)in central Illinois(midcontinent region of North America)exhibit a complex history of early volcanism,granite emplacement,and intrusion of mafic rocks.A comprehensive suite of dedicated petrographic analyses,geophysical logs,and drill core from four basement-penetrating wells,two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic reflection data,and U-Pb age data from the Illinois Basin–Decatur Project(IBDP)and Illinois Carbon Capture Storage(ICCS)Project site provide new constraints for interpreting the Precambrian basement of the Illinois Basin.These new data reveal the basement to be compositionally and structurally complex,having typical EGRP felsic volcanic rocks intruded by the first reported gabbro in the Precambrian basement in Illinois.Zircons(n?29)from rhyolite give a U-Pb weighted mean average age of 14679 Ma.Zircons(n?3)from a gabbro dike that intrudes the rhyolite yield a concordia age of 107312 Ma,which corresponds to Grenville-age extension and represents the first Grenville-age rock in Illinois and in the EGRP.A high-resolution three-dimensional seismic reflection volume,coincident with the four wells,provides a context for interpreting the petrological data and implies a high degree of heterogeneity for basement rocks at the IBDP–ICCS site,as also shown by the drill cores.The occurrence of Grenville-age gabbro is related to a prominent bowl-like structure observed on local two-dimensional seismic reflection profiles and the three-dimensional volume that is interpreted as a deep-seated mafic sill complex.Furthermore,heterogeneities such as the brecciated EGRP rhyolite and later gabbro intrusion observed in the basement lithology at the IBDP–ICCS may reflect previously unknown distal elements of the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift in the EGRP and more likely Grenville-age extension.  相似文献   

Two major episodes are evident in the metamorphic and igneous Precambrian basement of the Llano Uplift, central Texas. Dynamothermal metamorphism was accompanied by minor basaltic and tonalitic syntectonic plutonism. This was followed by a second period of thermal overprinting accompanying emplacement of high-K2O, high-level major granite plutons. Extensive isotopic age work by Zartman, published in the mid-1960s, suggests that development of the basement complex, spanning an interval of 150 m.y. or more, began with deposition of Valley Spring Gneiss (the lowest unit) and terminated about 1,050 m.y. ago with final postmetamorphic cooling (indicated by retention ages of Ar and Sr in biotite). We have supplemented these data with more than 50 new K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses.Two foliated plutons in the southeast are 1,167±12m.y. (2) old, with distinctly different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Field relationships and isotopic data indicate that these plutons are the earliest yet known in the Uplift. Metamorphosed basalt dikes and gabbro bodies were emplaced immediately preceding and following the syntectonic plutons. Eleven of these rocks had extremely uniform initial 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.7029±0.0005. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of the unfoliated Enchanted Rock pluton indicates an age of 1,048±34 m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7048±0.0007. One of the northern unfoliated granites, the Lone Grove pluton, gives a whole-rock isochron age of 1,056±12 m.y., with initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7061±0.0003. All of the intrusive rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios consistent with a source in the mantle or lower crust, but not in ancient remobilized continental crust. Six K-Ar hornblende ages from metabasalts are 1,078±19 m.y. (1), in general agreement with K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages elsewhere in the eastern Llano Uplift. A metasedimentary Valley Spring Gneiss sample from the western Uplift has a whole rock-muscovite Rb-Sr age of 1,129±9 m.y. Field and isotopic data are now sufficiently numerous to permit a moderately detailed reconstruction of the Precambrian history of the area.  相似文献   

Lichenometry curves were derived for the glacier forelands of Breidamerkurjokull and Skalafellsjökull using measurements of the collective species, Rhizocarpon geographicum , from independently dated surfaces deglaciated during the period since the late-19th century ice maximum episode in the area. The form of the curves appears to be linear. Several methods of predicting the ages of undated surfaces were compared for specific test examples, including single lichenometry curves, families of curves and multiple curves based on randomly selected largest lichens. The last method provided a useful means of assessing the reproducibility of predicted ages. Where substrate conditions were highly variable, a lichenometry curve based on single largest lichens provided a preferred result.  相似文献   

Chemical kinetics, speleothem growth and climate   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The morphology and stratigraphy of speleothems are controlled by parameters that depend on climate. These are the water supply rates feeding the speleothem, e.g. a stalagmite, the growth rates dependent on the chemical kinetics of calcite precipitation and the supersaturation of the solution from which calcite is precipitated. To elucidate the basic principles of speleothem growth, a physical-chemical model of calcite precipitation is used to estimate growth rates under various geologically relevant conditions. Furthermore, we present a model that allows the computation of the growth history of stalagmites, i.e. their morphology and stratigraphy under varying climatic conditions. This enables us to see how climatic signals are inscribed into stalagmites. Owing to the counter-balancing effects of some parameters, it is not possible to read climatic conditions backwards from the morphology and stratigraphy of a speleothem in a simple way, but a basic understanding of the growth of speleothems can be a helpful supporting tool in the interpretation of palaeoclimatic records.  相似文献   

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