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Acoustic turbidity caused by the presence of gas bubbles in seafloor sediments is a common occurrence worldwide,but is as yet poorly understood. The Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer experiment in the Baltic off northern Germany was planned to better characterize the acoustic response of a bubbly sediment horizon. In this context, in situ measurements of compressional wave speed and attenuation were made over the frequency range of 5–400 kHz in gassy sediments of Eckernförde Bay. Dispersion of compressional speed data was used to determine the upper limit of the frequency of methane bubble resonance at between 20 and 25 kHz. These data, combined with bubble size distributions determined from CT scans of sediments in cores retained at ambient pressure, yield estimates of effective bubble sizes of 0.3–5.0 mm equivalent radius. The highly variable spatial distribution of bubble volume and bubble size distribution is used to reconcile the otherwise contradictory frequency-dependent speed and attenuation data with theory. At acoustic frequencies above resonance (>25 kHz) compressional speed is unaffected by bubbles and scattering from bubbles dominates attenuation. At frequencies below resonance (<1 kHz) ‘compressibility effects’ dominate, speed is much lower (250 m s-1) than bubble-free sediments, and attenuation is dominated by scattering from impedance contrasts. Between 1.5 and 25 kHz bubble resonance greatly affects speed and attenuation. Compressional speed in gassy sediments (1100–1200 m s-1) determined at 5–15 kHz is variable and higher than predicted by theory (<250 m s-1). These higher measured speeds result from two factors: speeds are an average of lower speeds in gassy sediments and higher speeds in bubble-free sediments; and the volume of smaller-sized bubbles which contribute to the lower observed speeds is much lower than total gas volume. The frequency-dependent acoustic propagation is further complicated as the mixture of bubble sizes selectively strips energy near bubble resonance frequencies (very high attenuation) allowing lower and higher frequency energy to propagate. It was also demonstrated that acoustic characterization of gassy sediments can be used to define bubble size distribution and fractional volume.  相似文献   

Guajará Bay, located at the right margin of the Pará River estuary (Amazon) is formed in the confluence of Guamá and Acará–Moju rivers. It has low-depth zones (∼5 m) and deep channels (∼25 m). The ebb channel is located in the west section, where there is intense erosion of the margin. The flood channels and intertidal mudflats, which stretch out from north to south along the shore of the city of Belém do Pará, are in the east section. There are sandy (northwest) and muddy sedimentary deposits (east–southeast). Some 70% of Guajará Bay's bottom is covered by mud. The depositation of such muddy sediments and the formation of a point bar in the south section (Guamá River mouth) happen due to a decrease in the intensity of tidal currents to the south and of fluvial currents to the north. However, the hydrodynamic regime is high, which is proved by the low clay amounts. The sand deposits in the northwest section indicate strong tidal currents. The vast area of the bottom that is covered by mud (∼90 km2) and the intertidal mudflats (∼150 m wide) in Guajará Bay hint the extent of the contribution and sediments flow from Guamá and Acará–Moju rivers (drainage basin total area of ∼87,400 km2) to the Pará River estuary. The regular rainfall regime, typical of the Amazon region, keeps the considerable discharges of such rivers and their high turbidity (Secchi depth ?0.5 m) in the investigation area. Generally speaking, the low topography, the great fluvial subsidy and the action of tidal currents are the main controlling elements of the depositation and dispersion of sediments in Guajará Bay.  相似文献   

To understand the origin of the methane distributions in sediments of Eckernförde Bay, three sites were sampled in May 1994 for determination of methane, sulfate and chloride concentrations in the sediment porewaters. In much of the Bay, bubbles of biogenic methane gas within the sediments lead to widespread ‘acoustic turbidity’ seen in acoustic surveys, masking the sedimentary structure below the gassy horizon. Acoustic windows, where the gas does not appear to be present, occur in several locations in the Bay, often surrounded by acoustically turbid sediments. Pockmarks, shallow depressions in the sediment, are also found in Bay sediments and may show acoustic turbidity at even shallower depths below the interface than surrounding sediments. One site of each type was sampled in this study. The site probably representative of much of the bay below 20 m water depth, revealed methane saturated conditions by about 75 cm depth below the interface, confirming inferences from acoustic scattering data that free gas was present in the sediment. Above this, the methane concentration profile was concave-upward, indicative of methane oxidation in the overlying, sulfate-reducing sediments. These porewaters showed a slightly decreasing chlorinity with depth. At an acoustic window site, methane concentrations rose to a maximum at about 125 cm depth, but did not reach saturation. Below this depth they decreased in a concave-down pattern. Chloride concentrations decreased markedly with depth, indicative of vertical freshwater flow from below. The third site was a pockmark exhibiting very shallow acoustic turbidity at about 25 cm depth. Here methane concentrations rose to exceed saturation within 25 cm depth below the interface and the porewaters became almost fresh by 1.5 m depth, indicative of a stronger flow of freshwater from below. These groundwater flows have competing effects on the methane inventory. They help exclude sulfate from the sediment, allowing the earlier/shallower onset of methanogenesis, but they also aid loss of methane through advection. A diagenetic model that couples the biogeochemistry of sulfate and methane is used to explain the presence or absence of methane gas in these sediments in relation to the flow rate of fresh groundwater from below. Model results indicate that acoustic windows within otherwise acoustically turbid sediments of the bay are likely due to relatively higher rates of vertical advection of fresh groundwater. The gassy pockmark, however, with an even higher vertical advection rate, seems to require the input of additional reactive organic carbon to explain its vertical methane distribution.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen isotopes were used to assess the effects of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) upgrades on the utilisation of sewage-N by estuarine biota in Moreton Bay, Australia. We measured δ15N of filamentous algae, mangrove leaves and shore crabs at the Brisbane and Logan Rivers before and after scheduled WWTP upgrades, and at two reference rivers where WWTPs had been upgraded >4 years previously. The total N discharged into Brisbane River decreased by >80% after the upgrades had occurred, but N loads remained similar at Logan River despite the upgrade. In Brisbane River, δ15N values of algae and crabs decreased and were comparable to the reference rivers within 1-2 years but no changes occurred at Logan River. The δ15N of mangrove leaves remained elevated in all rivers, indicating that sewage-N remained a major source to mangroves either from residual WWTP discharges or from N accumulated in the sediments over many years.  相似文献   

Anomalies in data taken with acoustic profiling systems often have been interpreted as indications of the widespread occurrence of free gas (gaseous state compounds) in the continental margins of the world’s oceans. Direct demonstration of the correlation between seafloor free gas and such acoustic anomalies has been rare. Interpretations have relied on occasional measurements of gas concentration in recovered seafloor samples, indirect indicators of in situ seafloor free gas and presumed analogous dynamic response of bubbles in sediments to the response of gas bubbles in water. Here, examples are provided of the measurement of free gas bubbles under in situ conditions for samples from the floor of Eckernförde Bay on the Baltic coast of Germany. The occurrence of this population of sediment gas bubbles has been related to the measured acoustic response of the region’s seafloor via model calculations. Indications of volume scattering of the acoustic energy by bubbles in a buried gassy layer are contrasted with evidence of possible gas bubble returns from a thin surficial gassy zone.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and their δ(13)C and δ(15)N values were determined for 42 surface sediments from coastal Bohai Bay in order to determine the concentration and identify the source of organic matter. The sampling sites covered both the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay and the major rivers it connects with. More abundant TOC and TN in sediments from rivers than from the marine region reflect the situation that most of the terrestrial organic matter is deposited before it meets the sea. The spatial variation in δ(13)C and δ(15)N signatures implies that the input of organic matter from anthropogenic activities has a more significant influence on its distribution than that from natural processes. Taking the area as a whole, surface sediments in the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay are dominated by marine derived organic carbon, which on average accounts for 62±11% of TOC.  相似文献   

基于长江中下游一、二维耦合水动力学模型,以1954和1998年洪水为典型,模拟了三峡水库调蓄前后洞庭湖区的洪水过程,定量分析了三峡水库对洞庭湖区防洪的贡献.结果表明:在长江发生1954和1998年全流域大洪水期间,三峡水库实施兼顾对城陵矶河段的防洪补偿调度,可有效缓解荆南三口河系及湖区的防洪压力,减少荆南三口 1.58...  相似文献   

全新世以来洞庭湖的演变   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
本文根据全新世沉积物的岩性、岩相特征和文化遗址的时空分布,结合孢粉资料与历史文献记载,揭示了全新世以来洞庭湖演变的六个阶段:(1)晚更新世末至全新世初为河湖切割平原;(2)中全新世早、中期(8000—5000a B.P.)是湖泊扩展时期;(3)中全新世晚期(5000—3000 a B.P.)四水复合三角洲发育,湖沼洼地零星分布;(4)商周至秦汉(3000—1700 a B.P.)四水分流间洼地湖泊和沼泽广布,汛期河湖水体相连;(5)魏晋至19世纪中叶,洞庭湖逐渐发展至鼎盛阶段;(6)19世纪中叶至今,三角洲迅速推进,湖泊逐渐萎缩。研究认为这种发育演化过程与区域性气候变化、人类活动直接相关。  相似文献   

The macro-tidal Gulf of Kachchh, covering nearly 7000 km(2), is located about 150 km south of the Indus River mouth. In spite of semi-arid climate and lack of major rivers flowing into it, the Gulf is highly turbid with suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) during October-November 2002 ranging between 0.5 and 674 mgl(-1). Highly turbid waters are observed towards the northern portion of the mouth of the Gulf, at the head of the Gulf and adjacent to the numerous shoals present within the Gulf. Perennial high SSC in the Gulf is due to resuspension of sediments by strong tidal currents, shallow bathymetry and presence of fine-grained sediments on the sea floor. Numerical model studies show that there is a dynamic barrier in the central Gulf, which prevents the exchange of water and suspended sediments between the outer and inner Gulf. This dynamic barrier associated with strong east-west tidal currents restricts the turbid waters mainly to the northern Gulf, resulting in relatively clear waters (SSC<10 mgl(-1)) in the southern and central portions of the Gulf. Laser particle size distribution, clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the suspended matter show that the main source of sediments to the Gulf of Kachchh is the Indus River. Although the Indus discharge has been severely curtailed in the recent decades due to construction of numerous dams and barrages, the Gulf of Kachchh continues to receive resuspended sediments from the numerous meso and macro-tidal creeks of the Indus delta. The sediments at the head of the Gulf appear to be a mixture of sediments derived from the Indus as well as the numerous seasonal rivers draining the Rann of Kachchh.  相似文献   

Detailed acoustic mapping have been carried out in the Århus Bay in order to establish the general Late Weichselian and Holocene stratigraphy, and to map the gas related acoustic blanking.The mapping results show that the oldest seismic unit is glacial till, probably related to the latest glacial advance in the region. The glacial till is covered by late-glacial ice-lake clay and silt reaching a thickness of up to 10 m. In the deeper part of the bay, early Holocene organic material and peat has been recorded in a few cores. A thin seismic unit is observed, which probably represents an early Holocene lowstand period, when most of the Århus Bay was dry land. The three upper seismic units are related to the Holocene transgression of the region representing different hydrographical conditions. The lowermost unit (Marine unit 1) partly drapes the basin area with clay sediments and partly shows prograding sandy coastal deposits around glacial ridges. Marine shells from this unit date back to 8700 cal. years BP which are the oldest marine shells found south of the threshold in the northern Great Belt. The next unit (Marine unit 2) consists in general of mud to sandy mud, which cover most of the western central part of the Århus Bay and in some places reach the present seabed in areas of erosion or non-deposition. The distribution of the youngest seismic unit (mud, Marine unit 3) is confined to the sub-recent to recent sedimentation basins in the eastern central part of the area. Acoustical blanking shows that the methane production takes place in the Holocene marine sediments. A map of the distribution and depth to free methane in the muddy sediments has been produced. Combined information from the different seismic equipment used allowed a mapping of the distribution and depth to free gas in the intervals 0.5–2, 2–4 and >4 m. The map shows that acoustic blanking is found in the central part of Århus Bay about 4 m below the seabed. In areas with high sedimentation rate, the acoustic blanking is found closer to the sediment surface and in selected key stations, pore-water chemistry have documented that depth to acoustical blanking is comparable to the methane saturation depth.Barotropic induced inflow dominates the present current system in the semi-enclosed Århus Bay. The inflow events create turbulence in the outer eastern parts of the bay, followed by high sedimentation rates. The recent situation is reflected in the seabed sediments in the eastern part of the bay, which are characterised as soft sandy mud deposits, with gas bubbles close to the seabed.Seismic investigations have not previously been used to identify recent sedimentation areas and the most vulnerable areas in respect to possible escape of methane and toxic hydrogen-sulphide. The results of the present survey show that future monitoring must be focused in shallow gas areas in the eastern-most part of Århus Bay.  相似文献   

Previous studies using commercial airborne electromagnetic equipment that is not optimized for marine surveying have demonstrated the use of airborne electromagnetic methods for measuring water depth and estimating sediment thickness. A new prototype helicopter time-domain airborne electromagnetic system, SeaTEM(0), is now under development for bathymetric surveying. The first sea trial of the SeaTEM(0) system took place over Broken Bay, New South Wales, Australia, in shallow water up to ∼30 m in depth. Broken Bay was chosen because the separate paleodrainage systems for the Hawkesbury River, Brisbane Water and Pittwater, which join in Broken Bay give rise to paleovalleys infilled with unconsolidated sediments, ranging in thickness between 0 m (bedrock outcrop) and ∼200 m. The survey area also included a tombolo with a beach either side, which provided the opportunity to measure water depth through a surf zone. Sediment thickness and water depth is predicted from stitched layered-earth inversion of data based on a simplified two-layer model that represents seawater and sediment overlying a resistive half-space basement (bedrock). The resulting bathymetric profiles show agreement typically to within ∼±1 m and ∼±0.5 m with known water depths in areas less than 20 and 6 m deep respectively. The inverted depth profile of the second (sediment) layer is noisy; however, the profiles reveal coarse topographic features of paleovalleys to depth limits of ∼60 to 80 m below sea level in 20 to 30 m water depth, as well as resolving bedrock ridges and exposed reefs in shallow waters.  相似文献   

Coastal plain of Hangzhou Bay, to the south of the present Yangtze Estuary, is closely linked to the evolution of the Yangtze River delta. However, absolute age of Pre-Holocene sediments is limited, which hinders the understanding of this area's environmental evolution. In this study, using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), single aliquots and single grains of quartz and K-feldspar were used to date the late Quaternary sediments in coastal plain on the southern Hangzhou Bay. The vertical difference in particle size composition render either silt- or sand-sized quartz for dating. Cross-checking of multiple OSL dating methods indicated that the upper ∼65 m recorded the Holocene part of the succession; sediment from a depth of 136.6 m was dated to ∼180 ka. It was found that the single-grain method was more reliable in comparison to single-aliquot age, the former minimized the effect of signal components. Single-grain quartz and K-feldspar luminescence yielded consistent ages at sample depth of 136.6 m (∼160–180 ka), while the latter gave robust age at depth of 115.5 m (∼150 ka). This chronology is in general in accordance with neighbouring cores and can constrain paleomagnetic dating results in those cores. Taking together, the study site has thickest Holocene deposits in comparison to the highland centered around Taihu Lake on the southern Yangtze delta. Moreover, the luminescence characteristics of quartz from different sample depths, behaved differently with respect to luminescence sensitivity, signal components and saturation level, perhaps reflecting varied provenance and weathering characteristics caused by climate change.  相似文献   

Attenuation of seismic waves, quantified by the seismic quality factor Q, holds important information for seismic interpretation, due to its sensitivity to rock and fluid properties. A recently published study of Q, based on surface seismic reflection data, used a modified spectral ratio approach (QVO), but both source and receiver responses were treated as isotropic, based on simple raypath arguments. Here, this assumption has been tested by computing apparent attenuation generated by frequency-dependent directivity of typical marine source and receiver arrays and acquisition geometries. Synthetic wavelet spectra were computed for reflected rays, summed over the first Fresnel zone, from the base of a single interval, 50–3000 m thick and velocity 2000 m/s, overlying a 2200 m/s half-space, and for offsets of 71–2071 m. The source and receiver geometry were those of an actual survey. The modelled spectra are clearly affected by directivity, most strongly because of surface ghosts. In general, the strong high-frequency component, produced by the array design, leads to apparently negative attenuation in individual reflection events, though this is dependent on offset and target depth. For shallow targets (less than 400–500 ms two-way traveltime (TWT) depth), apparent Q-values as extreme as ?50 to ?100 were obtained. For deeper target depths, the directivity effect is far smaller. The implications of the model study were tested on real data. QVO was applied to 20 true-spectrum-processed CMPs, in a shallow (405–730 ms TWT) and a deeper (1000–1300 ms TWT) interval, firstly using a measured far-field source signature (effectively isotropic), and secondly using computed directivity effects instead. Mean interval Q?1-values for the deeper interval, 0.029 ± 0.011 and 0.027 ± 0.018 for conventional and directional processing, respectively, suggested no directivity influence on attenuation estimation. For the shallow interval (despite poor spectral signal-to-noise ratios and hence scattered attenuation estimates), directional processing removed directivity-generated irregularities from the spectral ratios, resulting in an improvement from Q?1int = ?0.036 ± 0.130 to a realistic Q?1int = 0.012 ± 0.030: different at 94% confidence level. Equivalent Q-values are: for the deeper interval, 35 and 37 for conventional and directional processing, respectively, and ?28 and 86 for the shallow interval. These results support the conclusions of the model studies, i.e. that source/receiver directivity has a negligible effect except for shallow targets (e.g. TWT depth ≤ 500 ms) imaged with conventional acquisition geometry. In such cases directivity corrections to spectra are strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dissolved rare earth elements (REEs) were obtained in the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. The REE concentrations at various depths in the Bay of Bengal are the highest in the Indian Ocean. This is attributable ultimately to the large outflow of the Ganges–Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy rivers, but the dissolved REE flux to surface waters alone cannot explain the large and near-constant REE enrichment throughout the entire water column. The underlying fan sediments serve as not a source but a sink for dissolved REE(III)s. Absence of excess 228Ra in the deep waters suggests that lateral input of dissolved REEs from slope sediments is also small in these regions. Partial (<0.3%) dissolution of detrital particles, which are carried by the rivers and lateral surface currents and subsequently settle through the water column, appears to be a predominant source for the dissolved REEs. Vertical profiles showing an almost linear increase with depth are common features for the light and middle REEs everywhere, but their concentration levels are variable from basin to basin and from element to element. This suggests that their oceanic distributions respond quickly to the variation of particle flux and its REE composition through reversible exchange equilibrium with suspended and sinking particles much like the case for Th. The relative importance of the vertical geochemical processes of reversible scavenging over the horizontal basin-scale ocean circulation with passive regeneration like nutrients decreases systematically from the light to the heavy REEs. Using a model, the mean oceanic residence times of REEs in the Bay of Bengal are estimated to range from 37 years for Ce to 140–1510 years for the strictly trivalent REEs. In the deep water of the Andaman Sea, isolated from the Bay of Bengal by the Andaman–Nicobar Ridge (maximum sill depth of ∼1800 m), the REE concentrations are almost uniform presumably due to rapid vertical mixing. The REE(III) concentrations are similar to that of ∼1250 m depth water in the Bay of Bengal, consistent with other oceanographic properties. However, the REE composition of the deep water appears to be altered slightly by preferential scavenging of the light REE(III) at the bottom boundary of the basin.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from the lower channel of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured. In addition, some historical REEs data were collected from published literatures. Based on the δ EuN-ΣREEs plot, a clear boundary was found between the sediments from the two rivers. The boundary can be described as an orthogonal polynomial equation by ordinary linear regression with sediments from the Yangtze River located above the curve and sediments from the Yellow River located below the curve. To validate this method, the REEs contents of sediments collected from the estuaries of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were measured. In addition, the REEs data of sediment Core 255 from the Yangtze River and Core YA01 from the Yellow River were collected. Results show that the samples from the Yangtze River estuary and Core 255 almost are above the curve and most samples from the Yellow River estuary and Core YA01 are below the curve in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot. The plot and the regression equation can be used to distinguish sediments from the Yangtze River and the Yellow River intuitively and quantitatively, and to trace the sediment provenance of the eastern seas of China. The difference between the sediments from two rivers in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot is caused by different mineral compositions and regional climate patterns of the source areas. The relationship between δEuN and ΣREEs is changed little during the transport from the source area to the river, and from river to the sea. Thus the original information on mineral compositions and climate of the source area was preserved. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40506016, 40576032, and 90411014)  相似文献   

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) were measured in surface sediments in the Pearl River Delta, southern China. The concentrations ranged from 0.06 to 304 ng/g dry weight for TBBPA and from 0.03 to 31.6 ng/g for total HBCD. The correlations between the TBBPA and HBCD concentrations were significant in rivers (Dongjiang, Zhujiang, Beijiang, and Dayanhe Rivers) with local input sources but not significant in the Xijiang River and Pearl River Estuary without local sources. HBCD was dominated by γ-HBCD (averaged 52.5-75.0%), whereas α-HBCD contributions were relatively high in sediments from the urban areas. The enantiomeric fractions of γ-HBCD in the sediments (averaged from 0.431 ± 0.035 to 0.479 ± 0.010) differed significantly from that in HBCD technical product except for samples from the e-waste area (Dayanhe River, 0.488 ± 0.091). This suggests that enantioselective biotransformation of HBCD occurs in the aquatic environment in this region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a field investigation on river channel storage of fine sediments in an unglaciated braided river, the Bès River, located in a mountainous region in the southern French Prealps. Braided rivers transport a very large quantity of bedload and suspended sediment load because they are generally located in the vicinity of highly erosive hillslopes. Consequently, these rivers play an important role because they supply and control the sediment load of the entire downstream fluvial network. Field measurements and aerial photograph analyses were considered together to evaluate the variability of fine sediment quantity stored in a 2·5‐km‐long river reach. This study found very large quantities of fine sediment stored in this reach: 1100 t per unit depth (1 dm). Given that this reach accounts for 17% of the braided channel surface area of the river basin, the quantities of fine sediment stored in the river network were found to be approximately 80% of the mean annual suspended sediment yields (SSYs) (66 200 t year?1), comparable to the SSYs at the flood event scale: from 1000 t to 12 000 t depending on the flood event magnitude. These results could explain the clockwise hysteretic relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharges for 80% of floods. This pattern is associated with the rapid availability of the fine sediments stored in the river channel. This study shows the need to focus on not only the mechanisms of fine sediment production from hillslope erosion but also the spatiotemporal dynamics of fine sediment transfer in braided rivers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands are permanently or seasonally flooded areas which support countless species of plants and animals. The Pantanal, in central-west Brazil is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in the world covering an area of ~150 000 km2. The relationships between geomorphology, hydrology, sedimentation, and vegetation cover are critical for understanding how the landscape constrains the dynamics of wetlands. We provide a detailed study of the geomorphology and surface hydrology of the Negro River Interfan System (NRIS), in the southern Pantanal, by applying multiple approaches (i.e. remote sensing analysis, geomorphological zonation and hydrosedimentological surveys). A multitemporal analysis of Landsat imagery produced an inundation frequency map (2000–2011 period) that revealed a permanently flooded area in the central portion of the NRIS. A hidden fluvial lake was previously undetected due to the accumulation of floating mats and floating meadows of macrophytes. The Negro and Aquidauana feeder rivers exhibit remarkable differences in channel planform, water discharge, and sediment load. The Negro River presents a distributary pattern with marginal levees with decreasing elevation as it progrades into the lake and remains as a subaqueous landform conditioning the water flow downstream. The lake outflow to the Paraguay River occurs mainly by sheet flow during flood seasons and through small tributary channels during dry months. The lake's geometry is outlined by east–northeast and west–northwest straight borders, suggesting that the area is tectonically controlled. A cloud-based worldwide water surface database (1984–2015) revealed frequent channel changes within the NRIS. Recent channel avulsions in the lower course of the Negro River are noteworthy mainly because the former river channel at the confluence with the Paraguay River is no longer connected with the Negro River channel. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coarse‐gravel beaches are common features along the eastern margin of Tasman Bay, at the north end of South Island, New Zealand. Although these features have traditionally been interpreted as spits, contemporary incident wave energy appears too small to transport boulders and cobbles persistently along the beaches and platforms by longshore drift. An alternative explanation suggests that boulder beaches are essentially derived in situ from resistant bedrock, which lies seaward and was buried by gravel during the Holocene sea level rise. Wind, wave and clast size data from Cable Bay and the Nelson Boulder Bank were used to resolve this problem. Wave and wind data indicate that waves reaching these areas are derived locally in Tasman Bay, and are limited in size and energy. Hindcasting predicts a 4·7 m wave could propagate from Tasman Bay. However, during Cyclone Yalli, the most intense storm in nearly 40 years of wind records, the largest wave measured in the nearby area of Cable Bay was only 2·7 m high. Maximum orbital velocity on the seabed beneath a 4·7 m is calculated to be 2·9 m s?1, which cannot initiate transport of clasts greater than 0·15 m in diameter. Clasts on the gravel platforms have average diameters greater than this, but some clasts may be as large as 1·0 m in diameter. By comparison, a swash run‐up method predicts that a wave 4·7 m high can transport clasts no larger than 0·3 m in diameter. These data and approximate calculations strongly suggest that the present wave environment in eastern Tasman Bay is not capable of consistently transporting clasts on the boulder platforms by longshore drift. Reduced sea levels in the pre‐Holocene period would further reduce wave energies available in Tasman Bay. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A typical area, Gaomi City in China, was chosen to discuss the enrichment process of groundwater fluorine in sea water intrusion area. The groundwater had fluorine levels of 0.09–10.99 mg/L, with an average concentration of 1.38 mg/L. The high-fluorine groundwater was mainly distributed in the unconsolidated Quaternary sediments, where concentrations in 83.6% of the samples exceeded the national limit of 1.0 mg/L. The groundwater in the Quaternary sediments also had higher levels of Cl, TDS, Mg2+, and pH and lower levels of Ca2+, Co, Ni, and Cu than that in the bedrock. The groundwater fluorine levels in the Quaternary sediments are positively correlated with Cl, TDS, Mg2+, pH, and negatively correlated with Ca2+, γCa2+/γMg2+, Co, Ni, Cu. Geochemical indices of Cl and TDS indicate sea water intrusion in the Quaternary high-fluorine groundwater area (F > 1.0 mg/L), while they do not indicate any intrusion in the bedrock area. The chemical weathering of minerals was intensified with the intrusion of sea water. Cation exchange was confirmed to occur in the Quaternary sediments and was promoted by sea water intrusion. Cation exchange consumes part of groundwater Ca2+ and permits more F dissolving. Consequently, in the Quaternary sediments, the groundwater was supersaturated with CaF2 minerals and undersaturated with MgF2 minerals when F > 1.0 mg/L, while CaF2 and MgF2 minerals both are undersaturated when F < 1.0 mg/L. Thus, the chemical weathering of minerals and cation exchange caused by sea water intrusion are the crucial processes controlling the groundwater fluorine levels, which should be considered when the groundwater fluorine enrichment mechanism is discussed along coastal zones.  相似文献   

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