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Two felt moderate-sized earthquakes with local magnitudes of 4.9 on October 11, 1999 and 4.3 on November 08, 2006 occurred southeast of Beni Suef and Cairo cities. Being well recorded by the digital Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN) and some regional broadband stations, they provided us with a unique opportunity to study the tectonic process and present-day stress field acting on the northern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we analyze the main shocks of these earthquakes and present 15 well recorded aftershocks (0.9 ≤ ML ≤ 3.3) which have small errors on both horizontal and vertical axes. The relocation analysis using the double difference algorithm clearly reveals a NW trending fault for the 1999 earthquake. The spatial distribution of its aftershocks indicates a propagation of rupture from the SW towards the NW along a fault length ~5 km dipping nearly ~40°SW. We also determined the focal mechanisms of the two main shocks by two methods (polarities and amplitudes ratios of P, SV and SH and regional waveform inversion). Our results indicate a normal faulting mechanism with a slight shear component for the first event, while pure normal faulting for the second one. The spatial distribution of the 1999 aftershocks sequence along with the retrieved focal mechanism confirmed the NW plane as the true fault plane. While for the 2006 event, the few aftershocks do not reveal any fault geometry; its focal mechanism indicated a pure normal fault nearly trending WNW-ESE that corresponds more likely to the extension of the 1999 earthquake fault. The seismicity distribution between the two earthquake sequences reveals a noticeable gap that may be a site of a future event. The NNE-SSW extensional stress indicated by the mechanisms of these events is in agreement with the regional stress field and the rifting of the northern Red Sea in its northern branches (Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba). The source parameters (seismic moment, moment magnitude, fault radius, stress drop and displacement across the fault) were also estimated and compared based on both the regional waveform inversion and the displacement spectra and interpreted in the context of the tectonic setting. The obtained results imply a reactivation of the pre-exiting NW-SE faults as a result of extensional deformation from the northern Red Sea-Gulf of Suez rifts.  相似文献   

Body-wave Attenuation in the Region of Garda, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed the spectral amplitude decay with hypocentral distance of P and S waves generated by 76 small magnitude earthquakes (ML 0.9–3.8) located in the Garda region, Central-Eastern Alps, Italy. These events were recorded by 18 stations with velocity sensors, in a distance range between 8 and 120 km. We calculated nonparametric attenuation functions (NAF) and estimated the quality factor Q of both body waves at 17 different frequencies between 2 and 25 Hz. Assuming a homogeneous model we found that the Q frequency dependence of P and S can be approximated with the functions Q P = 65 f 0.9 and Q S = 160 f 0.6 , respectively. At 2 Hz the Q S /Q P ratio reaches the highest value of 2.8. At higher frequencies Q S /Q P varies between 0.7 and 1.7, suggesting that for this frequency band scattering may be an important attenuation mechanism in the region of Garda. To explore the variation of Q in depth, we estimated Q at short (r ≤ 30 km) and intermediate (35–90 km) distance paths. We found that in the shallow crust P waves attenuate more than S (1.3 < Q S /Q P < 2.5). Moreover, P waves traveling along paths in the lower crust (depths approximately greater than 30 km) attenuate more than S waves. To quantify the observed variability of Q in depth we considered a three-layer model and inverted the NAF to estimate Q in each layer. We found that in the crust Q increases with depth. However, in the upper mantle (~40–50 km depth) Q decreases and in particular the high frequency Q S (f > 9 Hz) has values similar to those estimated for the shallow layer of the crust.  相似文献   

The seismic microzonation of the Bengal Basin, Haldia region, India is carried out using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) on the Geographic Information System (GIS). Three themes are used for the seismic microzonation, namely Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), predominant frequency and elevation map. An analysis of the maximum magnitude (m max) and the b value is carried out after preparing the earthquake catalogue from various sources. On the basis of the tectonic set up and seismicity of the region, five seismic zones are delineated which can be a threat to Haldia. They are broadly classified as Zone 1: Arakan-Yoma Zone (AYZ), Zone 2: Himalayan Zone (HZ), Zone 3: Shillong Plateau Zone (SPZ), Zone 4: Bay of Bengal Zone (BBZ) and Zone 5: Shield Zone (SZ). The m max for Zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are 8.30 ± 0.51, 9.09 ± 0.58, 9.20 ± 0.51, 6.62 ± 0.43 and 6.61 ± 0.43, respectively. The PGA value is computed for Haldia following the attenuation relationship taking the m max of each source zone. The expected PGA at Haldia varies from 0.09–0.19 g. The predominant frequency of Haldia is also calculated using the H/V ratio with a frequency ranging from 0.1–3.0 Hz. The elevation map of Haldia is also generated using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (STRM) data. A first-order seismic microzonation map of Haldia is prepared in which four zones of hazard have been broadly classified for Haldia as very high seismic hazard zone, high seismic hazard zone, moderate seismic hazard zone and less seismic hazard zone. The very high seismic hazard zone is observed along the southern part of Haldia where there are major industrial and port facilities. The PGA for the four hazard zones are: 0.09–0.13 g for low hazard zone, > 0.13–0.15 g for moderate hazard zone, > 0.15–0.16 g for high hazard zone and > 0.16–0.19 g for very high hazard zone.  相似文献   

For showing the epicentral distribution in and near China as well as all over the world,two epicentral maps for the earthquakes occurred last year are published annually in the 6-th issue  相似文献   

Unusually rapid closure of stressed fractures, observed in the initial stages of loading and at low temperatures, is examined using models for subcritical crack growth and pressure solution. The model for stress corrosion examines tensile stress concentrations induced at the Hertzian contact of propping fracture asperities, and mediates fracture growth according to a kinetic rate law. Conversely, pressure solution is described by the rate-limiting process of dissolution, resulting from the elevated stresses realized at the propping asperity contact. Both models are capable of following the observed compaction of fractures in novaculite. However, closure rates predicted for stress corrosion cracking are orders of magnitudes faster than those predicted for pressure dissolution. For consistent kinetic parameters, predictions from stress corrosion better replicate experimental observations, especially in the short-term and at low temperature when mechanical effects are anticipated to dominate. Rates and magnitudes of both stress corrosion and pressure solution are dependent on stresses exerted over propping asperities. Rates of closure due to stress corrosion cracking are shown to be always higher than for pressure solution, except where stress corrosion ceases as contact areas grow, and local stresses drop below an activation threshold. A simple rate law is apparent for the progress of fracture closure, defined in terms of a constant and an exponent applied to the test duration. For current experimental observations, this rate law is shown to replicate early progress data, and shows promise to define the evolution of transport properties of fractures over extended durations.  相似文献   

We have extended the H-k stacking method of receiver functions applicable to a three-layer model, which is useful in studying detailed crustal structures. We have demonstrated its application with two sample sites in Taiwan, making use of travel times of converted phases from the direct P waves of teleseismic events as the P reflects and refracts at different discontinuities in the crust. This three-layer extension allows a closer examination on the crust, as well as the relationship between crustal layers and the associated Vp/Vs ratios. Data were processed using the multiple-taper correlation technique to obtain the radial receiver functions (RRFs). The relative time delays of the converted phases measured from the RRFs were used to estimate the depths of the crustal discontinuities. Results not only yield the depths to principal crustal layers, including the Moho, but also give the corresponding ranges of Vp/Vs ratio which are comparable with findings from other tomographic studies.  相似文献   

Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the "Preliminary Seismological Report of Chinese Seismic Stations" (Its abbreviation is "Monthly Report").The catalog includes the events of  相似文献   

Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the ″Preliminary Seismological Report of Chi-nese Seismic Stations″ (Its abbreviation is ″Monthly Report″). The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 in and near China and M≥6 all over the world. The ″Monthly Report″ is monthly compiled  相似文献   

Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the ″Preliminary Seismological Report of Chi-nese Seismic Stations″ (Its abbreviation is ″Monthly Report″). The catalog includes the events of  相似文献   

Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the "Preliminary Seismological Report of Chinese Seismic Stations" (Its abbreviation is "Monthly Report").The catalog includes the events of  相似文献   

Illustration All the data in this catalog are chosen from the ″Preliminary Seismological Report of Chi-nese Seismic Stations″ (Its abbreviation is ″Monthly Report″). The catalog includes the events of M≥4.7 in and near China and M≥6 all over the world. The ″Monthly Report″ is monthly compiled  相似文献   

基于1999—2007年山西断陷带GPS站点位移速率,采用格林函数法计算了山西断陷带地壳10 km深处的最大主应力和最大剪应力变化,并与区域地质构造、中强地震活动及其震源机制解等对比分析,结果表明:山西断陷带中强地震活动受区域构造应力场的控制,现今应力场变化强烈的区域,地震活动水平相对较高,地震震源机制与构造应力场变化...  相似文献   

Inversion of multimode surface-wave data is of increasing interest in the near-surface geophysics community. For a given near-surface geophysical problem, it is essential to understand how well the data, calculated according to a layered-earth model, might match the observed data. A data-resolution matrix is a function of the data kernel (determined by a geophysical model and a priori information applied to the problem), not the data. A data-resolution matrix of high-frequency (≥2 Hz) Rayleigh-wave phase velocities, therefore, offers a quantitative tool for designing field surveys and predicting the match between calculated and observed data. We employed a data-resolution matrix to select data that would be well predicted and we find that there are advantages of incorporating higher modes in inversion. The resulting discussion using the data-resolution matrix provides insight into the process of inverting Rayleigh-wave phase velocities with higher-mode data to estimate S-wave velocity structure. Discussion also suggested that each near-surface geophysical target can only be resolved using Rayleigh-wave phase velocities within specific frequency ranges, and higher-mode data are normally more accurately predicted than fundamental-mode data because of restrictions on the data kernel for the inversion system. We used synthetic and real-world examples to demonstrate that selected data with the data-resolution matrix can provide better inversion results and to explain with the data-resolution matrix why incorporating higher-mode data in inversion can provide better results. We also calculated model-resolution matrices in these examples to show the potential of increasing model resolution with selected surface-wave data.  相似文献   

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