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87Sr/86Sr ratios in the island-arc tholeiite series from the South Sandwich Islands cluster about a value of 0.7040. There is no apparent correlation of strontium isotope values with any major chemical component or with Rb/Sr ratios. The uniformity of the87Sr/86Sr values is consistent with the fractional crystallization relationship previously proposed for this suite. Though higher than values reported for ocean-floor tholeiites they are not significantly different from ratios reported for calc-alkaline island-arcs.  相似文献   

In the Northeast Japan arc, a number of Quaternary volcanoes form a long, narrow belt, parallel to the Japan Trench. 87Sr/86Sr ratios were determined in 52 specimens of volcanic rocks from 27 volcanoes in the Northeast Japan arc area. The results reveal that the ratios change systematically in space. Decreasing 87Sr/86Sr ratios across the arc were confirmed over a wide area of Northeast Japan. In the same direction, increases in both Rb and Sr contents were also found. The regular trends are considered to be a strong constraint for elucidation of subduction-originated magma genesis at the Eurasia plate vs. Pacific plate boundary. In the northern region of the Northeast Japan arc, 87Sr/86Sr ratios in volcanic rocks along the volcanic front were almost constant (0.7038–0.7045) and slightly higher than those from the Izu-Ogasawara arc (0.7032–0.7038). This suggests that “interactions” between the Eurasia plate and the Pacific plate, and those between the Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate are slightly different. The southern region of the Northeast Japan arc, where the direction of the volcanic front bends from southward to westward, showed anomalously high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, reaching to 0.7077. This region coincides with the triple junction of the Eurasia, Pacific and Philippine Sea plates, suggesting “anomalous interaction” at the triple junction.  相似文献   

Many individual mineral Sr isotope studies have revealed the complex evolution of highly evolved rocks in upper crustal magmatic systems, casting doubts on the meaning of whole-rock Sr isotopes in such samples. In this paper, whole-rock Sr isotope measurements were replicated (three to 13 times) on six highly evolved peralkaline rhyolites from the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) to appraise their internal heterogeneity and, thus, the significance of such data. These rocks were all fresh samples of pumice, obsidian and lava. Their maximum Sr contents and ages were 15 μg/g and 1.7 Ma, respectively. Significant small-scale heterogeneities of both Sr isotopes and Rb and Sr contents were observed in most samples, although not necessarily associated with petrological characteristics suggesting possible inheritance processes. Only two, almost crystal-free, obsidian give fairly homogeneous Sr isotope ratios. These results outline the ambiguity of a single whole-rock Sr isotope determination on highly evolved peralkaline rocks, especially when no simultaneous accurate determination of the Rb/Sr is performed. They also suggest that the limitations of Sr whole-rock analyses are not restricted to phenocryst-rich samples as phenocryst-poor obsidian and almost aphyric pumices and lava are also concerned. These data further underscore that unreplicated whole-rock Sr isotope measurements should always be used with great caution in the petrogenetic modeling of highly evolved rocks. However, multiple determinations of whole rock 87Sr/86Sr in the same samples, combined with other geochemical and isotopic data, may provide constraints on the shallow level evolution of these magmas. It is suggested that selective upper crustal contamination and/or interactions with halogen-bearing hydrous fluids, typical of evolved peralkaline magmas, were probably involved in the late magmatic evolution of these MER rhyolites. The more pervasive character of fluid interaction processes would probably better account for the small-scale association of uncontaminated and contaminated signatures in a single sample. Thus, even fresh samples may have their Rb–Sr isotopic system significantly modified by fluid interactions, not as a secondary process but at the late magmatic stage.  相似文献   

The D/H and18O/16O ratios of fumarole condensates from White Island, an andesite volcano in the Bay of Plenty, have been measured during the period 1965 to 1969 to determine the origin of the water and the changes which occur as the volcanic activity changes. The D/H and18O/16O ratios of all of the samples were correlated with a slope of ?2. The δ18O values were proportional to the logarithm of the chloride concentration but with distinctly different relationships between the period from 1965 to 1967, and the period of tephra eruptions in 1968. In the latter period the chloride contents were close to that of sea water while in the former quieter period the contents were lower. The δD values follow a similar pattern but with a poorer correlation, indicating that a more variable process is controlling the deuterium results. Possible hydrothermal models are: mixing of near surface water and magmatic water; progressive leaching of chloride from underground rocks and exchange of isotopes (Craig, 1966); and lastly, equilibrium evaporation at about 255°C of either sea water or local surface water. The first of these models is considered most unlikely because of the incompatible logarithmic relationship between the chloride content and the oxygen isotope results. The second model has some merit, but the available evidence favours the last of the three models in which the 1965–67 samples derive from surface water or vapour from a boiling chloride water aquifer of sea water origin and the 1968 samples derive from the boiling chloride water, because of disturbance of the system during the tephra eruptions.  相似文献   

Helium isotope geochemistry of some volcanic rocks from Saint Helena   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
3He/4He ratios have been measured for olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in 7–15 m.y. old basaltic lavas from the island of St. Helena. Magmatic helium was effectively resolved from post-eruptive radiogenic helium by employing various extraction techniques, includingin vacuo crushing, and stepwise heating or fusion of the powders following crushing. The inherited3He/4He ratio at St. Helena is 4.3–5.9 RA. Helium isotope disequilibrium is present within the phenocrysts, with lower3He/4He upon heating and fusion of the powders following crushing, due to radiogenic ingrowth or to -particle implantation from the surrounding(U + Th)-rich lavas.

A single crushing analysis for clinopyroxene in a basalt from Tubuaii gave3He/4He= 7.1 RA.3He/4He ratios at St. Helena and Tubuaii (HIMU hotspots characterized by radiogenic Pb isotope signatures) are similar to3He/4He ratios previously measured at Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island (EM hotspots characterized by low206Pb/204Pb). Overall, the HeSrPb isotope systematics at these islands are consistent with a mantle origin as contiguous, heterogeneous materials, such as recycled crust and/or lithosphere.3He/4He ratios at HIMU hotspots are similar to mantle xenoliths which display nearly the entire range of Pb isotope compositions found at ocean islands, and are only slightly less than values found in mid-ocean ridge basalts (7–9 RA). This suggests that the recycled materials were injected into the mantle within the last 109 yrs.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic study of volcanic rocks from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two older granitic rocks and some selected Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands were analyzed in a reconnaissance study for the purpose of examining the relationships between Nd and Sr isotopic abundances and the megatectonic structure around the Japanese Islands. Model ages of ~0.9 AE were determined by the Nd and Sr methods on a Paleozoic gneiss which confirms that a relatively ancient acidic basement exists in the Japanese Islands. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show that the Cretaceous granodiorite is the result of partial melting of older crust.The Nd of tholeiitic rocks from the Izu arc gives εNd ranging from 8.3 to 9.3 and with the corresponding εSr from ?14.5 to ?18.5. These results are identical to those found for the Mariana arc. These values are distinctly lower than typical MORB by around 1~2 εu. This difference in εNd between arcs and MORB is attributed to the contribution of oceanic sediments to the partial melts produced during subduction of oceanic crust. The Hakone volcano is clearly confirmed as belonging to an oceanic source by Nd isotopic results.εSrNd values of the volcanics from a section along the Fossa Magna show a clear indication that they are a blend of oceanic mantle material and continental crustal material. The crustal component clearly increases in going from south to north. Volcanics across the Northeast Japan arc also show a distinct correlation of εSrNd related to the position relative to the active subduction zone but with the opposite trend. These relationships of the present isotopic pattern and the zonal arrangement relative to the subduction zone suggest the former existence of a local spreading center in the Japan Sea.In general there appear to be regular isotopic relationships between the Izu-Mariana oceanic island arc and the continental island arc of Japan which indicates that partially melted or assimilated older continental basement is admixed with young rising oceanic arc magmas.  相似文献   

Kosuke  Maehara  Jinichiro  Maeda 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):452-465
Abstract   High-Ca boninitic inclusions are found in primitive low-K tholeiite from Mukoojima (Mukoo-Jima), an islet in the Hahajima Island group, Bonin (Ogasawara) forearc, Japan. While Chichijima Island group, 50 km north of Hahajima Island group, is well known as a type locality of boninite, there has been no report of boninitic rocks from the Hahajima Island group. The high-Ca boninitic inclusions are aphanitic and contain olivine, Ca-rich clinopyroxene, plagioclase, chromian spinel, opaque minerals and dark brown glass. The mode of occurrence of the inclusions and host tholeiite under the microscope indicates mingling of these two magmas, suggesting intimate association in space and time of the boninite and primitive tholeiite magmas around the Hahajima Island group in Paleogene time. Primitive compositions and slightly different Sr and Nd isotopic ratios suggest that these two magmas are derived from two distinct mantle sources. These two mantle sources were present at the same time around the Hahajima Island group, southern Bonin forearc. The source of the high-Ca boninite was higher in water content and/or shallower in depth compared to that of the primitive tholeiite.  相似文献   

Quaternary lavas from the Northern Mariana Islands have respective O- and S-isotope ranges ofδ18O = +5.7 to +6.6 (‰ SMOW) andδ34S = +2.0to+20.7 (‰ CDT). Chemically evolved andesites and dacites with meanδ18O = +6.3 ± 0.2 are slightly enriched in18O with respect to unfractionated basalts of<53%SiO2 with meanδ18O = +6.0 ± 0.1. This18O enrichment can be explained in terms of differentiation of parental mafic magmas havingδ18O values between +5.7 to +6.2‰ through closed-system crystal fractionation because the lavas from all nine islands of the arc define a coherentδ18OSiO2 trend. The S-isotope composition of oxidized magmas is not modified extensively through the degassing of SO2; therefore, the meanδ34S value of ca. +11‰ for the Mariana lavas is considered to be representative of their source region.The enrichment of18O and34S in Mariana Arc parental magmas relative to ocean floor basalts withδ18O ca. + 5.7‰ andδ34S = ca.0.3‰ is attributed to the recycling of18O- and34S-rich crustal components (sediment withδ18O = ca. + 25‰ and seawater sulfate withδ34S = ca. +20‰ into the upper mantle source region for these arc magmas. This interpretation is consistent with enrichments of radiogenic Sr and Pb in the same lavas relative to ocean-floor basalts erupted either side of the arc, which are presumed to share a common upper mantle source. This enrichment is considered to reflect the mixing of two components, one having a typical upper mantle composition and the other having a more radiogenic character similar to that of western Pacific pelagic sediments.  相似文献   

The ratio of 87Sr/86Sr was measured from different water samples of thermal/mineral (hot spring as well as crater lake) and meteoric origins, in order to specify the location and to verify the detailed model of a volcano-hydrothermal system beneath Zao volcano. The ratio showed a trimodal distribution for the case of thermal/mineral water: 0.7052–0.7053 (Type A, Zao hot spring), 0.7039–0.7043 (Type B, Okama crater lake and Shin-funkiko hot spring), and 0.7070–0.7073 (Type C, Gaga, Aone, and Togatta hot springs), respectively. However, in comparison, the ratio was found to be higher for meteoric waters (0.7077–0.7079). The water from the central volcanic edifice (Type B) was found to be similar to that of nearby volcanic rocks in their Sr isotopic ratio. This indicates that the Sr in water was derived from shallow volcanic rocks. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio for water from the Zao hot spring (Type A) was intermediate between those of the pre-Tertiary granitic and the Quaternary volcanic rocks, thus suggesting that the water had reacted with both volcanic and granitic rocks. The location of the vapor–liquid separation was determined as the boundary of the pre-Tertiary granitic and the Quaternary volcanic rocks by comparing the results of this strontium isotopic study with those of Kiyosu and Kurahashi [Kiyosu, Y., Kurahashi, M., 1984. Isotopic geochemistry of acid thermal waters and volcanic gases from Zao volcano in Japan. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 21, 313–331.].  相似文献   

The Pampean Ranges of northwest Argentina are a basin-and-range tectonic province with a late Precambrian to Paleozoic basement and extensive Miocene-Recent calc-alkaline volcanism. The volcanoes include the large resurgent Cerro Galan caldera, and Recent scoria cones and lava flows. Miocene-Recent volcanic rocks of basalt to dacite composition from the Cerro Galan area exhibit a range of Rb/Sr ratios of 0.043–1.092 and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7057–0.7115 with a clear positive correlation between87Sr/86Sr and87Rb/86Sr, indicating an apparent age of ca. 130 Ma. This relationship is interpreted to indicate that the Sr isotope variation in the Cerro Galan volcanic rocks results from mixing of a mantle-derived component with low87Sr/86Sr (<0.7057) and high Sr (>700 ppm) with a crustal component characterized by higher87Sr/86Sr (>0.7115) and lower Sr (<240 ppm). It is concluded that the mixing is best explained as a result of a small degree of selective crustal Sr contamination (ca. 10%) of a range of subsequently erupted magmas produced largely by fractional crystallization within the continental crust. We propose that the mantle-derived end-member is derived by partial melting of sub-Andean mantle with an87Sr/86Sr ratio of ca. 0.704, and that such an Sr isotope ratio characterizes the source region for calc-alkaline volcanic rocks throughout the Andes.  相似文献   

Carriacou is small volcanic island located near the southern end of the Lesser Antillean chain. Field relationships, petrography and geochemistry of the Tertiary lavas, outcropping in the southern half of the island, are used to identify the rocks present and to determine their petrogenesis and assess their significance within the island arc.Six main volcanic units are present. From oldest to youngest, these are the clinopyroxene-phyric basalt (CPB) sequence, the amphibole-phyric andesite (APA) sequence, the clinopyroxene-megaphyric basalt (CMB) sequence, the olivine-microphyric basalt (OMB) sequence, the clinopyroxene phyric andesite (CPA) sequence, and the amphibole-megaphyric andesite (AMA) sequence. Volcaniclastic deposits are associated with the APA, CMB, and AMA sequences. The APA sequence is calcalkaline, whereas the other five sequences are tholeiitic.Sr isotope and rare earth element (REE) data suggest that these volcanic rocks were derived from partial melts of garnet-peridotite generated deep within the mantle. The OMB lavas have the highest temperature assemblages of intratelluric minerals and the least evolved chemical characteristics, and are considered to be closest in composition to a parental melt. Phenocryst assemblages and chemical variation suggest that the andesite sequences have been derived from the mafic melts by low pressure fractional crystallization of approximately 20% clinopyroxene and 20% olivine, plus smaller amounts of plagioclase and amphibole. The high concentrations of incompatible and compatible elements and the high87Sr/86Sr ratios may indicate that subduction is slower in the southern part of the arc, and fluids released during slab dehydration rich in Incompatible trace elements, in Radiogenic strontium, and in Silica (IRS), have modified the parental melts.  相似文献   

江西盛源盆地橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩中的长石矿物特征为:斜长石斑晶具有反环带结构和交代净边结构,基质中存在大量的斜长石微晶,且在电子探针下研究发现基质中斜长石微晶具有钾长石环边的矿物学特点,为此类火山岩归属于橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩提供了矿物学证据。通过对长石矿物组合特征进行研究,探讨该地区橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩的成因以及成岩时的物理化学条件等方面的信息。  相似文献   

Anjouan is an extinct and substantially denuded volcanic island, belonging to the Comores Archipelago, a chain of volcanic islands in the northern Mozambique Channel. Volcanism was probably controlled by a complex regional stress pattern, closely implicated with the recent geotectonic evolution of East Africa and the western Indian Ocean. On Anjouan a lengthy period of shield construction was succeeded by fissure-controlled eruptions forming three extended peninsulas to the north, south and west. A ‘rejuvenescent’ phase of activity erupted lavas on to an erosional surface formed during a period of quiescence following build-up of the main volcanic edifice. Lavas of the shield-building stage comprise ankaramites, oceanites and olivine basalts, with minor development of hawaiites and trachytes. The fissure controlled eruptions are also mainly basaltic although generally more alkaline, while rejuvenescent lavas comprise basanites and a significant proportion of derivatives following a trend towards phonolite. Coarse-grained xenoliths are found in lavas of the latter two phases, while a gabbroic intrusion (the ‘Tatinga Intrusion’) is exposed in the centrally-situated Cirque de Bambao in the vicinity of N’Tingui (1595 m). The main chemical trends and petrographic characteristics of the Anjouan lavas are related to the eruptive sequence.  相似文献   

Abundances of major and trace elements were determined for the Tertiary volcanic rocks from SW Hokkaido. The Late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks of this region show geochemical features similar to those of the Quaternary rocks, that is, K/Si, Th/Si and LREE/HREE ratios increasing across the arc, east to west, from the Pacific to the Japan Sea side. In contrast, the Early Miocene volcanic rocks, which are geographically restricted to the Japan Sea coast, are distinct from all later volcanics and show “within-plate” characteristics — in particular, high concentrations of HFS elements. The Quaternary basalts have low Hf/Yb ratios and Hf contents, whereas the Early Miocene basalts are high in Hf/Yb and Hf, similar to Hawaiian alkali basalts. The compositional variation with time may result from the progressive depletion of incompatible HFS elements in the mantle source. Th/Yb ratios increase from Early Miocene to Quaternary, possibly reflecting increase in the LIL element contribution to the mantle source during that time.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope data are reported for 27 igneous rocks of Mesozoic to Quaternary age from the Central Andes. 26–29°S. The plutonic rocks, and most of the volcanics, have δ18O values between 6.2 and 8.3‰.The whole-rock δ18O values show a weak correlation with initial87Sr/86Sr data. This O-Sr array differs from documented trends for calc-alkaline plutonic suites from California, Scotland and northern Italy, but overlaps with data for volcanic and plutonic rocks from Ecuador, northern Chile and southern Perú.The oxygen isotope results indicate that the magmas evolved without significant contamination from supracrustal rocks (e.g., rocks that experienced18O enrichment during surficial weathering). The available O, Sr and Pb isotopic data for these rocks are best explained by magma generation in the upper mantle or lower crust. From the Late Mesozoic on, the87Sr/86Sr values were modified at depth by isotopic exchange between the magma and a continually thickening crust of plutonic rocks of Late Precambrian to early Mesozoic age.  相似文献   

The subduction of “hot” Shikoku Basin and the mantle upwelling related to the Japan Sea opening have induced extensive magmatism during the middle Miocene on both the back-arc and island-arc sides of southwest Japan. The Goto Islands are located on the back-arc side of northwestern Kyushu, and middle Miocene granitic rocks and associated volcanic, hypabyssal, and gabbroic rocks are exposed. The igneous rocks at Tannayama on Nakadori-jima in the Goto Islands consist of gabbronorite, granite, granite porphyry, diorite porphyry, andesite, and rhyolite. We performed detailed geological mapping at a 1:10 000 scale, as well as petrographical and geochemical analyses. We also determined the zircon U–Pb age dating of the igneous rocks from Tannayama together with a granitic rock in Yagatamesaki. The zircon U–Pb ages of the Tannayama igneous rocks show the crystallization ages of 14.7 Ma ± 0.3 Ma (gabbronorite), 15.9 Ma ± 0.5 Ma (granite), 15.4 Ma ± 0.9 Ma (granite porphyry), and 15.1 Ma ± 2.1 Ma (rhyolite). Zircons from the Yagatamesaki granitic rock yield 14.5 Ma ± 0.7 Ma. Considering field relationships, new zircon data indicate that the Tannayama granite formed at ~16–15 Ma, and the gabbronorite, granite porphyry, diorite porphyry, andesite, and subsequently rhyolite formed at 15–14 Ma, which overlaps a plutonic activity of the Yagatamesaki. The geochemical characteristics of the Tannayama igneous rocks are similar to those of the tholeiitic basalts and dacites of Hirado, and the granitic rocks of Tsushima in northwestern Kyushu. This suggests that the Tannayama igneous rocks can be correlated petrogenetically with the igneous rocks in those areas, with all of them generated by the upwelling of hot mantle diapirs during crustal thinning in an extensional environment during the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

K–Ar ages have been determined for 14 late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks in the north of the Kanto Mountains, Japan, for tracking the location of the volcanic front through the time. These samples were collected from volcanoes located behind the trench–trench–trench (TTT) triple junction of the Pacific, Philippine Sea, and North American plates. This junction is the site of subduction of slabs of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea plates, both of which are thought to have influenced magmatism in this region. The stratigraphy and K–Ar ages of volcanic rocks in the study area indicate that volcanism occurred between the late Miocene and the Pliocene, and ceased before the Pleistocene. Volcanism in adjacent areas of the southern NE Japan and northern Izu–Bonin arcs also occurred during the Pliocene and ceased at around 3 Ma with the westward migration of the volcanic front, as reported previously. Combining our new age data with the existing data shows that before 3 Ma the volcanic front around the TTT junction was located about 50 km east of the preset‐day volcanic front. We suggest that northward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate slab ended at ~3 Ma as a result of collision between the northern margin of the plate with the surface of the Pacific Plate slab. This collision may have caused a change in the subduction vector of the Philippine Sea Plate from the original north‐directed subduction to the present‐day northwest‐directed subduction. This indicates that the post ~3 Ma westward migration of the volcanic front was a result of this change in plate motion.  相似文献   

The geology of Lesotho is relatively simple: the overall structure being that of a large shallow basin of Karroo sediments and volcanics. The rocks analysed in this study were collected in December 1966. The principal objectives of the study were (a) to date the inception of Karroo volcanism and (b) to arrive at an estimate of the time-span represented by the lava section along the Bushman’s Pass road east of Maseru. The date at which volcanism began in Lesotho is important because of recent discoveries of early mammalian fossils in underlying beds; in relation to the Phanerozoic Time-Scale and to the K-Ar age pattern found in the Karroo dolerites of South Africa byMcDougall (1963). Cox andHornung (1966) have suggested that the fractionation stage reached by Karroo magmas may depend upon either the height of the magma column or the time that elapsed since the beginning of the volcanic episode. An estimate of the time-span of volcanism along the Bushman’s Pass section is of interest because of the extensive palaeomagnetic work done on these rocks at the Bernard Price Institute of Geophysical Research in Johannesburg. The paper contains the results of triplicate conventional total degassing whole rock K-Ar age determinations on 8 Drakensberg lavas and on 8 Karroo dolerite sills and dykes. The analysed rocks are described petrographically and the age pattern obtained from them is discussed in relation to the age and petrological information available from other Karroo igneous rocks. It is concluded that Karroo volcanism began in Lesotho around 187 m.y. and that « Karroo » intrusive activity continued intermittently until at least 155 m.y. ago. Some possible geological and petrological implications of these conclusions are outlined.  相似文献   

This palaeomagnetic study is centered on agglomerates and volcanic rocks from the western margin of the Appalachian belt in the Drummondville-Actonvale-Granby area, Quebec (long.: 72°30′W, lat.: 46°00′N). It involves a total of 36 oriented samples (111 speciments) distributed over eleven sites. Both thermal and AF cleaning techniques were used to isolate residual remanent components. The dispersion of the directions is slightly reduced after AF cleaning and thermal treatment.The palaeopole position obtained is 191°E, 6°N (dm = 14°, dp = 7°) after thermal treatment and 164°E, 19°N (dm = 11°, dp = 6°) after AF cleaning. The polarity of most of the sites (two exceptions) are reversed. The thermal-treated data appear to be relatively stable and an approximate value of the primary magnetization is extracted from them. The palaeopole obtained does not lie close to the tentatively defined position of the Cambrian and Ordovician poles from rocks of the North American plate; it is located near the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician poles from eastern Newfoundland and the Lower Ordovician pole from the Caledonides in Europe.  相似文献   

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