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根据2006年8月和2007年1月两个航次的调查,在15条断面91个调查站点共获取浮游植物样品182个,基于形态分类的方法对浮游植物样品进行了鉴定分析,发现东海蓝藻赤潮藻类束毛藻由薛氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii)、汉氏束毛藻(T.erythraeum)和红海束毛藻(T.hildebrandii)组成,其中薛氏束毛藻占优势,其次是汉氏束毛藻和红海束毛藻。夏冬季节,束毛藻分布趋势一致,呈现近海和黑潮流经海域高、其它海域低的特点,温度和营养物质是束毛藻分布的主要控制因子。  相似文献   

近年来,东海原甲藻赤潮在我国东海近岸海域频繁发生。本研究利用生物-物理耦合模型对发生于2005年的东海原甲藻赤潮进行后报模拟,并对控制其起始与发展的因素展开研究。该模型由东海原甲藻种群动力学模型与多层嵌套的水动力模型组合。通过对比模拟结果与室内实验结果,证实种群动力学模型能够很好地重现东海原甲藻在不同光照与磷营养限制条件下的生长过程,同时能够再现藻细胞内部磷含量及藻类对外部营养盐浓度的影响。耦合模型能够较好地再现模拟海域水动力(见Sun et al.,2016)与东海原甲藻赤潮的时空分布。模拟的赤潮发展过程与此前研究中的观测结果一致,且模拟结果表明模型能够捕捉到赤潮初期种群的次表层孕育现象。随后模拟结果被用于诊断决定赤潮垂直分布的决定性因素,结果表明磷酸盐是控制这一现象的关键因素。同时,表层风场在决定赤潮的分布中扮演着重要角色。模拟结果强调了营养盐限制在东海原甲藻次表层孕育及消散过程中的作用,本文所建立的耦合模型需要进一步优化并应用于其它条件下东海原甲藻赤潮的研究中。  相似文献   

本文报道和描述了中国东海双栉虫科颈栉虫属一新记录种,沃氏颈栉虫。本文标本与沃氏颈栉虫的原始描述非常吻合,包括具有两对鳃,胸齿片刚节具有两对加长的腹疣足和具有12个腹部齿片刚节。本文的标本具有长的须状的鳃,可延伸到胸部第9刚节,这在原始描述中没有提及。本文首次在中国海域记录本种。  相似文献   

庞金秀  董焕嫦  李扬 《海洋学报》2018,40(12):120-128
拟菱形藻属(Pseudo-nitzschia)物种是一类备受关注的海洋有毒有害硅藻,我国相关研究仍然不足,已报道的物种多样性偏低,产毒物种也较少。为了解我国海域拟菱形藻属的物种多样性,阐述产毒物种信息,在我国东南海域建立了8个拟菱形藻单克隆培养株系,结合形态学和分子系统学数据,鉴定到2个物种:环孔拟菱形藻(Ps.circumpora C.H.Lim,C.P.Leaw&P.T.Lim)和多列拟菱形藻[Ps.multiseries(Hasle) Hasle],其中环孔拟菱形藻是我国的新记录种。利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法检测了藻株的多莫酸(domoic acid,DA)特征,在5个多列拟菱形藻株系中检测到DA,单细胞产毒水平为1.01~96.11 fg。此外,利用卤虫(Artemia salina L.)和强额拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus crassirostris Dahl)对多列拟菱形藻的产毒株系(MC4177)进行诱导,发现能够提高其单细胞产毒水平,提高幅度在26~55倍。  相似文献   

张树乾  张素萍 《海洋学报》2018,40(2):127-130
在整理近年来东海采集的蛾螺科标本时,鉴定出属于角亮螺属Antillophos的3个中国新记录种,并发现了一错误订名,现予以报道和修正。新记录种分别为:环带角亮螺Antillophos armillatus Fraussen&Poppe,2005;德氏角亮螺Antillophos deprinsi Fraussen&Poppe,2005和平濑角亮螺Antillophos hirasei(Sowerby,1913)。棕线角亮螺Antillophos nigrolineata(Habe,1961)于2013年曾在台湾报道过,但被误定为Phos elegantissimum Hayashi&Habe,1965,本文对其种名进行了修正。  相似文献   

隋芯  汪金涛  陈新军 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):136-146
东海马鲛鱼(Scomberomorus Niphonius)的种群动态易受海洋环境条件的影响,在其资源评估和管理中需要考虑海洋环境条件的作用。假设马鲛鱼产卵场最适海表温度10~19℃(Suitable SST,Tsui)范围会影响种群环境容纳量(K),因此分别使用产卵季3月最适表温范围比值(Tsui-Mar)、4月最适表温范围比值(Tsui-Apr)和3、4月份最适表温范围比值的平均值(Tsui-Ave)作为剩余产量模型的环境因子,构建三种基于环境因子的剩余产量模型(environmentally dependent surplus production,EDSP),分别为Tsui-MarEDSP、Tsui-Apr-EDSP和Tsui-Ave-EDSP,利用贝叶斯估计模型参数,结果显示Tsui-Mar、Tsui-Apr、Tsui-Ave三个基于环境因子的EDSP模型偏差信息标准(deviance information criterion,DIC)值小于传统的剩余产量模型的DIC值,其中Tsui-Ave-EDSP模型DIC值最小,精度最高,估计的最大可持续产量(maximum sustainable yield,MSY)的范围为8.125×106~8.371×106 t,资源量(biomass)范围是1.429×106~1.455×106 t,从1994年到2015年,马鲛鱼的捕捞死亡率远低于目标死亡率(Ftar)和MSY水平捕捞死亡率(FMSY),种群资源量高于MSY水平资源量(BMSY)。东海马鲛鱼没有被过度捕捞或未发生过度捕捞,基于EDSP模型中的管理参考点更为保守,建议日后东海马鲛鱼的种群评估和管理应考虑产卵场环境条件。  相似文献   

Fish biomass is a critical component of fishery stock assessment and management and it is often estimated from ocean primary production(OPP). However, the relationship between the biomass of a fish stock and OPP is always complicated due to a variety of trophic controls in the ecosystem. In this paper, we examine the quantitative relationship between the biomass of chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus) and net primary production(NPP) in the southern East China Sea(SECS), using catch and effort data from the Chinese mainland large light-purse seine fishery logbook and NPP derived from remote sensing. We further discuss the mechanisms of trophic control in regulating this relationship. The results show a significant non-linear relationship exists between standardized CPUE(Catch-Per-Unit-Effort) and NPP(P〈0.05). This relationship can be described by a convex parabolic curve, where the biomass of chub mackerel increases with NPP to a maximum and then decreases when the NPP exceeds this point. The results imply that the ecosystem in the SECS is subject to complex trophic controls. We speculate that the change in abundance of key species at intermediate trophic levels and/or interspecific competition might contribute to this complex relationship.  相似文献   

东海区短鳄齿鱼摄食生态的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2008年5月~ 2009年2月“东海区主要渔场重要渔业资源的调查与评估(26°00′~ 35°00′N,120°00′~126°30′E)”课题调查的渔获样品,对东海区短鳄齿鱼(Champsodon snyderi)的摄食生态进行了初步研究.结果表明:东海区短鳄齿鱼属于浮游动物食性,兼食游泳动物;其主要饵料生物为太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica)、细螯虾(Leptochela gracilis)、七星底灯鱼(Benthosema pterotum)和麦氏犀鳕(Bregmaceros macclellandi);主要食物种类的优势度随体长段不同而变化,食物种类分化明显,符合“最佳摄食理论”;短鳄齿鱼食物种类的季节替代明显,更替率尤以春季为高,达100%,其余三季相对接近;不同区域出现的饵料生物的种类自北而南递增,区域间食物种类的相似性系数均低于50%,表明短鳄齿鱼食物种类的区域差异明显,其中又以北部与其他两区的差异最大;短鳄齿鱼的年空胃率为16.34%,不同季节、区域和体长组的空胃率变动幅度也较小;短鳄齿鱼的年平均胃饱满指数为27.13‰,四季呈高低相间分布,并以冬季最高春季最低;平面分布与空胃率态势相同,自北而南递增,不同体长组的胃饱满指数差距甚小.  相似文献   

Whitespotted conger Conger myriaster is a commercially important species in the seas around China, Korea and Japan. The coastal waters of China serve as an important feeding ground for congers, but the spatio-temporal variations in the fishery and biological characteristics of the population have been rarely evaluated and less well understood in this area. We studied the growth, spawning and feeding characteristics of C. myriaster on the basis of samples collected from October 2016 to April 2017 in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. A total of 529 specimens were collected, with ages ranging from 1 to 6 years and total length ranging from 132 mm to 834 mm.The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth equation L_∞ and k were 1 026 mm and 0.226 a~(–1), respectively; the sex ratio was 88:0(female: male) in the East China Sea and 2.67:1 in the South Yellow Sea; the development stage of ovary ranged from peri-nucleolus stage to secondary yolk globule stage, and the testis of two males was at midmeiotic stage; Crustacean was the major prey for conger of small length, and food source shift to fish with somatic growth. The results showed substantial differences from previous studies in Japan and Korean waters, as well as from China seas in the 1980 s, suggesting potential spatiotemporal changes in the biological characteristics of C.myriaster. This study may improve current understanding of the fishery biology of C. myriaster in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

The pelagic species is closely related to the marine environmental factors, and establishment of forecasting model of fishing ground with high accuracy is an important content for pelagic fishery. The chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus) in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea is an important fishing target for Chinese lighting purse seine fishery. Based on the fishery data from China's mainland large-type lighting purse seine fishery for chub mackerel during the period of 2003 to 2010 and the environmental data including sea surface temperature(SST), gradient of the sea surface temperature(GSST), sea surface height(SSH) and geostrophic velocity(GV), we attempt to establish one new forecasting model of fishing ground based on boosted regression trees. In this study, the fishing areas with fishing effort is considered as one fishing ground, and the areas with no fishing ground are randomly selected from a background field, in which the fishing areas have no records in the logbooks. The performance of the forecasting model of fishing ground is evaluated with the testing data from the actual fishing data in 2011. The results show that the forecasting model of fishing ground has a high prediction performance, and the area under receiver operating curve(AUC) attains 0.897. The predicted fishing grounds are coincided with the actual fishing locations in 2011, and the movement route is also the same as the shift of fishing vessels, which indicates that this forecasting model based on the boosted regression trees can be used to effectively forecast the fishing ground of chub mackerel in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

根据mtDNA D-loop 序列分析东海银鲳群体遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据线粒体D-loop序列对舟山群岛附近海域的银鲳(Pampus argenteus)群体(n=24)的遗传多样性进行了研究。通过PCR技术对线粒体D-loop序列进行扩增,获得大小约为500bp的扩增产物。PCR产物经纯化并进行序列测定后,得到了357bp的核苷酸片段。在24个个体中,共检测到14个变异位点,其中8个转换位点,5个颠换位点,1个转换与颠换同时存在的位点。运用MEGA软件计算出不同个体间的遗传距离,并根据其遗传距离构建了UPGMA和NJ系统树。DNASP软件计算出的单倍型多样性(h)、核苷酸多样性(π)及平均核苷酸差异数(k)分别为0.89、0.007与2.57。此外,岐点分布及中性检验显示,东海银鲳群体在历史上可能经历过种群扩张。研究结果表明,线粒体D-loop基因可用于银鲳群体内及群体间遗传多样性的分析。  相似文献   

东海西南近岸海域污损生物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2013年12月~2014年11月在东海西南近岸海域进行污损生物周年挂板试验,全年共记录污损生物10门49科69属84种,群落组成以近岸暖水种为主,为典型的亚热带内湾型群落,附着盛期为4–9月,夏季污损生物的附着强度最高。固定生活类型的悬浮物食者是该近岸海域污损生物群落的附着主体,网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulatus)是最主要的优势种和代表种,其它优势种还有长鳃麦杆虫(Caprella equilibra)、中胚花筒螅(Ectopleura crocea)、太平洋侧花海葵(Anthopleura nigrescens)、今岛柄涡虫(Stylochus ijimai)、克氏无襟毛虫(Spirobranchus kraussii)、近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、廉形叶钩虾(Jassa falcata)、强壮板钩虾(Stenothoe valida)、光辉圆扇蟹(Sphaerozius nitidus)和大室别藻苔虫(Biflustra grandicella)等。污损生物群落个体间因附着空间和食物竞争而存在着相互依存或互相制约的关系,又依照对环境因子的适应性而存在着一定的时空分布规律。温度是决定污损生物地理分布的最主要环境因素,物种的温度属性是不同气候带污损生物群落组成差异的本质体现,污损生物的种类数、附着期和附着量与水温有着密切的关系;另外,盐度、水流、光、水产养殖等自然环境或人为因素也是影响污损生物附着的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

本文对分离自我国东海藻华高发区的亚历山大藻进行了详细的形态特征描述和分子系统进化分析,通过运用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、扫描电镜和分子生物学方法,确定该藻株为塔玛亚历山大藻Alexarium tamarense(Lebour)Balech,并对其ITS序列进行了系统进化分析。该藻体长21—35μm,体宽20—33μm,ITS序列长度为592bp,系统发育树中与中国东海、南海两株A.tamarense以及一株代表"亚洲温带"基因型的A.catenella聚合在一起,支持率为100%,形态特征与A.tamarense基本一致,核糖体基因型则为塔玛复合种"亚洲温带"基因型。通过现场观测,研究浙南至闽北东海藻华高发区的塔玛亚历山大藻分布变化特点,在东海原甲藻藻华消散期,塔玛亚历山大藻逆势而上,其细胞密度达到1.7×104cell/L,并逐渐向沿岸靠近,这与季风转向,台湾暖流入侵及水体层化密切相关。  相似文献   

报道了首次分离于东海海域的三叶原甲藻(Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller)藻株号(LAMB100721),通过利用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、扫描电镜及分子生物学方法,对其形态特征、显微结构和分子系统进化进行了详尽描述和鉴定。细胞长卵形或披针形,后端细长且尖,前端圆,最宽部位于细胞中央。顶刺长而显,三角状。壳面光滑,无刺或突起物。刺丝胞孔稀疏而不规则地分布于壳面边缘。叶绿体无具体形状,分布于整个细胞中,细胞核球形,位于中下部。老化的细胞可见细胞边缘的间接带,且间接带表面光滑。细胞长为19~25 μm,平均值为(22.6±0.9)μm;宽为11~16 μm,平均值为(13.2±1.1) μm。所测目标藻株的rDNA ITS序列长度为569 bp,其中GC含量为47.6%。三叶原甲藻系赤潮种,为东海原甲藻春季大规模赤潮的伴随种。加强有害赤潮的预防和监测工作是减少危害的有效途径,而对赤潮原因种的准确识别和鉴定则是基础和关键。  相似文献   

报道了首次分离于东海海域的三叶原甲藻(Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller)藻株号(LAMB100721),通过利用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、扫描电镜及分子生物学方法,对其形态特征、显微结构和分子系统进化进行了详尽描述和鉴定。细胞长卵形或披针形,后端细长且尖,前端圆,最宽部位于细胞中央。顶刺长而显,三角状。壳面光滑,无刺或突起物。刺丝胞孔稀疏而不规则地分布于壳面边缘。叶绿体无具体形状,分布于整个细胞中,细胞核球形,位于中下部。老化的细胞可见细胞边缘的间接带,且间接带表面光滑。细胞长为19~25 μm,平均值为(22.6±0.9)μm;宽为11~16 μm,平均值为(13.2±1.1) μm。所测目标藻株的rDNA ITS序列长度为569 bp,其中GC含量为47.6%。三叶原甲藻系赤潮种,为东海原甲藻春季大规模赤潮的伴随种。加强有害赤潮的预防和监测工作是减少危害的有效途径,而对赤潮原因种的准确识别和鉴定则是基础和关键。  相似文献   

Macrourus berglax from the East Greenland Sea was studied for the presence of ascaridoid nematodes in 2001, 2002 and 2003. The fishes were collected between 278 and 413 m water depth using a benthopelagic net. Based on the amplification of the internal transcribed spacer ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-2 and flanking sequences (=ITS+), three ascaridoid nematode species were identified. The prevalence of infestation during the 3 years ranged from 42.9% to 62.9% and 22.9% to 40.0% for the anisakids Anisakis simplex (s.s.) and Pseudoterranova decipiens (s.s.), respectively, and from 28.6% to 60.0% for the raphidascarid Hysterothylacium aduncum. A total of 18 specimens, two of each species and examination year, revealed no sibling species, suggesting a limited distribution of other ascaridoid siblings into the deep sea. The ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 sequences of A. simplex (s.s.) from the East Greenland Sea did not differ from previously published sequence data (GenBank) from other regions in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The sequences of P. decipiens (s.s.) corresponded most closely to those of specimens from Richardson Bay, western Pacific, and differed in four positions (0.5%). They corresponded least to those of specimens from Japan (1.5%). The sequence data for H. aduncum differed in two positions in the ITS-1 (0.2%) and three positions in the ITS-2 (0.3%) from sequences from Japan. A high genetic similarity between the regions can be explained by (a) extensive final host migration in the case of A. simplex (s.s.), (b) an overlapping distribution of final host populations along the continental shelves for P. decipiens (s.s.) and (c) a low host specificity and large population size in the intermediate and final hosts for H. aduncum. The occurrence of the identified species in the macrourid fish underlines the potential of cosmopolitan ascaridoid nematodes to distribute not only horizontally but also vertically in the deep sea.  相似文献   

2016年11月至2020年7月在南海海域采集管眼鱼6尾,经形态特征鉴定为月鱼目、鞭尾鱼科、鞭尾鱼属(Stylephorus)、鞭尾鱼(Stylephorus chordates)。鞭尾鱼主要鉴别特征为:体长,侧扁。眼大,呈望远镜状,朝前或朝上。吻小,管状,口有特别大的伸缩能力。背鳍从颈背部延伸至尾鳍基部。尾鳍分明显的上叶和下叶,下叶2鳍条极度延长。鞭尾鱼在南海海域的发现是该科、该属、该种鱼类在中国海域的首次纪录。  相似文献   

An extensive study collected in situ data along the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS) to assess the radiometric properties and the concentration of the water constituents derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS). Thirteen high quality match-ups were obtained for evaluating the MODIS estimates of Rrs(λ), chlorophyll a(Chl a) and concentrations of suspended particulate sediment matter(SPM). For MODIS Rrs(λ), the mean absolute percentage difference(APD) was in the range of 20%–36%, and the highest uncertainty appeared at 412 nm, whereas the band ratio of Rrs(λ) at 488 nm compared with that at 547 nm was highly consistent, with an APD of 7%. A combination of near-infrared bands and shortwave infrared wavelengths atmosphere correction algorithm(NIR-SWIR algorithm) was applied to the MODIS data, and the estimation accuracy of Rrs were improved at most of the visible spectral bands except 645 nm, 667 nm and 678 nm. Two ocean-colour empirical algorithms for Chl a estimation were applied to the processed data, the results indicated that the accuracy of the derived Chl a values was obviously improved, the four-band algorithms outperformed the other algorithm for measured and simulated datasets, and the minimum APD was 35%. The SPM was also quantified. Two regional and two coastal SPM algorithms were modified according to the in situ data. By comparison, the modified Tassan model had a higher accuracy for the application along the YS and ECS with an APD of 21%. However, given the limited match-up dataset and the potential influence of the aerosol properties on atmosphere correction, further research is required to develop additional algorithms especially for the low Chl a coastal water.  相似文献   

共生藻属( Symbiodinium)主要指一类与无脊椎动物或原生生物共生的甲藻,是热带和亚热带海洋生态系统常见物种.本研究从中国沿海和一艘停靠在厦门港的货轮压舱水中分离出了4株贪食共生藻(Symbiodinium voratum).贪食共生藻运动细胞较小(长9.7±1.3 μm,宽8.7±0.9 μm) ,能够产生不...  相似文献   

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