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Laser-ablation microanalysis of a large suite of silicate and sulfide melt inclusions from the deeply eroded, Cu-Au-mineralizing Farallón Negro Volcanic Complex (NW Argentina) shows that most phenocrysts in a given rock sample were not formed in equilibrium with each other. Phenocrysts in the andesitic volcano were brought together in dominantly andesitic—dacitic extrusive and intrusive rocks by intense magma mixing. This hybridization process is not apparent from macroscopic mingling textures, but is clearly recorded by systematically contrasting melt inclusions in different minerals from a given sample. Amphibole (and rare pyroxene) phenocrysts consistently contain inclusions of a mafic melt from which they crystallized before and during magma mixing. Most plagioclase and quartz phenocrysts contain melt inclusions of more felsic composition than the host rock. The endmember components of this mixing process are a rhyodacite magma with a likely crustal component, and a very mafic mantle-derived magma similar in composition to lamprophyre dykes emplaced early in the evolution of the complex. The resulting magmas are dominantly andesitic, in sharp contrast to the prominently bimodal distribution of mafic and felsic melts recorded by the inclusions. These results severely limit the use of mineral assemblages to derive information on the conditions of magma formation. Observed mineral associations are primarily the result of the mixing of partially crystallized magmas. The most mafic melt is trapped only in amphibole, suggesting pressures exceeding 350 MPa, temperatures of around 1,000 °C and water contents in excess on 6 wt%. Upon mixing, amphibole crystallized with plagioclase from andesitic magma in the source region of porphyry intrusions at 250 MPa, 950 °C and water contents of 5.5 wt%. During ascent of the extrusive magmas, pyroxene and plagioclase crystallized together, as a result of magma degassing at low pressures (150 MPa). Protracted extrusive activity built a large stratovolcano over the total lifetime of the magmatic complex (>3 m.y.). The mixing process probably triggered eruptions as a result of volatile exsolution.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material (eTable 1and eFigure 1) is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   


毕机沟层状岩体是扬子地块北缘汉南杂岩中最重要的镁铁-超镁铁质侵入体之一, 主要由下部带超镁铁质岩、中部带辉长岩和上部带闪长岩组成。本文对该岩体下部带橄长岩、橄榄辉长岩和橄榄辉长苏长岩以及中部带粗粒辉长岩、磁铁辉长岩和角闪辉长岩进行全岩主微量元素及亲铜元素分析, 全岩(La/Sm)N(0.43~2.89)和(Tb/Yb)N (1.08~1.52)比值以及La/Yb-Sm/Yb图解均表明毕机沟层状岩体源区属于尖晶石二辉橄榄岩。Ni/Cu-Pd/Ir图解显示毕机沟层状岩体母岩浆主要为高镁玄武岩, 模拟计算及高的S/Se比值显示其母岩浆经历了~5%的地壳混染并引进了外界硫, 导致毕机沟母岩浆在深部发生早期硫化物熔离, 造成其极高的Cu/Pd比值(5.21×103~1.67×106)和低的PGE含量。毕机沟母岩浆侵位到浅部岩浆房后, 下部带极少量的硫化物熔离进一步导致残余岩浆亏损PGE, 但S和Cu含量相对升高; 中部带从下部带残余岩浆中结晶分异, 具有更低的PGE含量和相对较高的S以及Cu含量。根据毕机沟层状岩体岩浆演化及硫化物熔离过程, 推测岩体深部及附近具有寻找Cu-Ni-PGE矿床的潜力, 查明其岩浆通道系统及岩浆运移方向对找矿勘查具有重要意义。


The evolution of a carbonated nephelinitic magma can be followed by the study of a statistically significant number of melt inclusions, entrapped in co-precipitated perovskite, nepheline and magnetite in a clinopyroxene- and nepheline-rich rock (afrikandite) from Kerimasi volcano (Tanzania). Temperatures are estimated to be 1,100°C for the early stage of the melt evolution of the magma, which formed the rock. During evolution, the magma became enriched in CaO, depleted in SiO2 and Al2O3, resulting in immiscibility at ~1,050°C and crustal pressures (0.5–1 GPa) with the formation of three fluid-saturated melts: an alkali- and MgO-bearing, CaO- and FeO-rich silicate melt; an alkali- and F-bearing, CaO- and P2O5-rich carbonate melt; and a Cu–Fe sulfide melt. The sulfide and the carbonate melt could be physically separated from their silicate parent and form a Cu–Fe–S ore and a carbonatite rock. The separated carbonate melt could initially crystallize calciocarbonatite and ultimately become alkali rich in composition and similar to natrocarbonatite, demonstrating an evolution from nephelinite to natrocarbonatite through Ca-rich carbonatite magma. The distribution of major elements between perovskite-hosted coexisting immiscible silicate and carbonate melts shows strong partitioning of Ca, P and F relative to FeT, Si, Al, Mn, Ti and Mg in the carbonate melt, suggesting that immiscibility occurred at crustal pressures and plays a significant role in explaining the dominance of calciocarbonatites (sövites) relative to dolomitic or sideritic carbonatites. Our data suggest that Cu–Fe–S compositions are characteristic of immiscible sulfide melts originating from the parental silicate melts of alkaline silicate–carbonatite complexes.  相似文献   

我们对采自于加勒比海地区小安德列斯岛弧(Lesser Antilles Arc)Kick’em Jenny(KEJ)海底火山玄武岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了矿物形态和成分分析。利用电子探针(EMPA)和LA-ICP-MS测定了具有环带结构的斜长石斑晶中主量元素的空间分布,同时也利用LA-ICP-MS分析了斜长石中Sr的分布。结果表明,在不同的矿物斑晶中,元素含量均表现出和环带结构相联系的空间分布变化。斜长石斑晶中最主要的结构为韵律环带以及熔蚀结构,所测定的矿物边缘都存在An值从由内向外迅速降低的致密韵律环带,可能反映了快速结晶时的不平衡;而晶体内部的稀疏韵律环带结构是由岩浆填充或对流活动导致的。部分斜长石的熔蚀层An值由内向外升高,反映了高Ca岩浆填充的过程。这说明斜长石斑晶的矿物形态和元素环带可以用来制约俯冲带海底火山岩浆从源区上升到岩浆房再到喷发的复杂过程,包括岩浆演化、熔体多次填充、熔体与结晶矿物之间的反应、以及矿物再熔融等。这对于理解海底火山的喷发以及岛弧岩浆岩的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

岩浆通道系统与岩浆硫化物成矿研究新进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
大型-超大型岩浆硫化物矿床的形成需要满足3个基本条件:(1)大量幔源岩浆参与成矿;(2)岩浆演化导致硫化物熔离;(3)硫化物在有限空间聚集。然而,除Sudbury矿床外,全球与镁铁质岩浆有关的超大型铜镍硫化物矿床都发现于小的镁铁-超镁铁岩体中。近10年来的研究表明这些含矿岩体实际上都是岩浆通道系统的一部分,中国金川、杨柳坪、喀拉通克、红旗岭等大型和超大型Ni-Cu-(PGE)硫化物矿床都形成于岩浆通道系统中,正是岩浆通道这样特殊的开放系统为大规模岩浆硫化物矿床提供了成矿条件。总结国内外最新研究结果,可以发现与成矿有关的岩浆通道系统都分布在深大断裂附近,大规模的幔源岩浆补充与地幔柱、大陆裂谷、碰撞造山后伸展等地质事件有密切的关系。尽管研究证明硫化物熔离都与地壳物质的混染有关,但矿石各种元素的品位却受母岩浆性质、硫化物熔离强度、与新注入镁铁质岩浆反应、以及硫化物本身结晶分异等多重因素的影响;含矿岩体和硫化物矿体的形态和大小都强烈地受围岩地质特征的控制。进一步明确这类矿床的地质特征、形成机制、成矿背景和成矿标志,对未来的研究和找矿工作都是非常必要的。  相似文献   

玄武岩斑晶中熔体包裹体成分特征可以推断玄武岩源区物质组成,反映岩浆形成演化过程。利用LA—ICPMS对四合屯义县组玄武岩橄榄石、单斜辉石斑晶中单个熔体包裹体的元素组成进行了分析测试。研究结果表明,橄榄石、单斜辉石斑晶中的熔体包裹体在主、微量元素含量上表现出了比全岩更大的变化范围,但微量元素分配特征总体和全岩一致。单斜辉石斑晶中包裹体的CaO含量、CaO/Al2O3比值和Cr2O3含量随着单斜辉石Mg#值的降低而降低,反映了单斜辉石结晶分离的影响,Al2O3与Sr之间的显著相关关系则记录了斜长石结晶分离作用的影响,MgO—Ni和MgO—CaO/Al2O3的变化则反映了橄榄石的分离结晶作用。包裹体元素组成变化总体受橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石的结晶分离作用控制。结合前人研究成果,认为四合屯玄武岩在微量元素和同位素组成上的壳源组分特征可能部分地继承自原岩(即橄榄岩+榴辉岩部分熔融体反应形成的(橄榄)辉石岩),而不是岩浆上升过程中受地壳岩石混染的结果。高Mg#值单斜辉石斑晶中少量高Mg馆、高Si含量,低CaO、TiO2、Al2O3和微量元素含量的熔体包裹体反映玄武岩浆上升过程中受到了S1质岩石的混染,这与义县组玄武岩下伏地层为长城系大红裕组石英岩、石英砂岩的地质特征一致。因此,高Fo橄榄石斑晶中的熔体包裹体比采用向全岩中简单添加橄榄石方式计算出的原始熔体可能更能真实反映原始熔体组成。  相似文献   

Partition coefficients for a range of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), Y, Sc, Al and Zr were determined between forsteritic olivine (nearly end-member Mg2SiO4) and ten melt compositions in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) at 1 bar and 1400 °C, with concentrations of the trace elements in the olivine and the melt measured by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The REEs and Sc were added at levels sufficient to ensure that concentrations in the olivine were well above the detection limits. The REE partition coefficients decrease with increasing silica in the melt, indicating strong bonding between REEO1.5 and SiO2 in the melt. The variation of as a function of ionic radius is well described by the Brice equation for each composition, although a small proportion of this variation is due to the increase in the strength of the REEO1.5-SiO2 interactions in the melt with ionic radius. Scandium behaves very similarly to the REEs, but a global fit of the data from all ten melt compositions suggests that deviates somewhat from the parabolas established by the REE and Y, implying that Sc may substitute into olivine differently to that of the REEs. In contrast to the behaviour of the large trivalent cations, the concentration of Al in olivine is proportional to the square root of its concentration in the melt, indicating a coupled substitution in olivine with a high degree of short-range order. The lack of any correlation of REE partition coefficients with Al in olivine or melt suggests that the REE substitution in olivine is charge-balanced by cation vacancies. The partition coefficient of the tetravalent trace element Zr, which is highly incompatible in olivine, depends on the CaO content of the melt.  相似文献   

金川铜镍硫化物岩浆矿床前锋岩浆与岩浆通道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
金川铜镍矿床是世界第三大镍、铜硫化物岩浆矿床,长期以来备受国内外矿床地质学家的关注.金川铜镍矿床Ⅳ矿区是金川矿床的有机组成部分,由于品位低(Ni 0.71%、Cu 0.48%)并且隐伏于地下140 m以下,生产与研究工作相对滞后.由于F23断裂构造的影响,金川矿床勘查以来,研究者均将其作为Ⅱ矿区2#岩体的东延部分.最近的详查钻探工程获得了较系统的样品测试,结果显示Ⅳ矿区含矿岩体是一个具有单独演化过程的独立含矿岩体,其Ni/Cu比值远高于其他矿区各个岩体,PGE强烈亏损,并且“R”因子数值低(30),微量、稀土元素配分也显示出独立的、复杂的演化过程,岩石结构与岩相变化显著,具有典型的岩浆通道前锋岩浆的特点.文章通过对比金川矿床几个主要含矿岩体的成矿元素与PGE特征,初步确定了金川铜镍硫化物成矿岩浆通道的空间位置,指出了金川深部资源勘查的关键问题与勘查方向.  相似文献   

颜丽丽  贺振宇 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1697-1710
硅质火山喷发作为大陆地壳岩浆活动的重要表现,在研究大陆地壳形成与演化、探讨岩浆过程与动力学机制等方面具有重要的价值,其通常所表现的强烈爆炸式喷发,甚至可以导致全球性的环境和气候变迁。硅质岩浆系统在开放体系中不同来源岩浆的贡献和相互作用是目前研究的热点问题。持续的岩浆补给可以延长岩浆存储的时间,促进岩浆房的对流、岩浆的分异演化以及晶体 熔体的分离和晶粥的再活化,同时也是触发火山喷发的重要机制之一。此外,岩浆补给以及硅质岩浆的晶体 熔体演化过程也是火山喷发产物多样性的原因,导致同一火山在其活动过程中喷发产物规律性的变化,如富晶体火山岩、贫晶体火山岩、火山岩成分分层、以及复活岩穹和中央侵入体等。因此,岩浆补给作用是制约硅质火山岩浆系统演化和火山岩成分多样性的重要因素,也是活动火山监测和灾害评估的重要依据。岩石学、岩石地球化学、矿物(长石、石英、石榴子石、锆石等)同位素及成分变化,以及模拟实验、地震层析成像等研究为揭示硅质岩浆系统中的岩浆补给作用和复杂岩浆过程提供了多种视角。  相似文献   

Quantifying crustal deformation is important for evaluating mass balance, material transfer, and the interplay between tectonism and magmatism in continental arcs. We present a dataset of >650 finite strain analyses compiled from published works and our own studies with associated structural, geochronologic, and geobarometric information in central and southern Sierra Nevada, California, to quantify the arc crust deformation. Our results show that Mesozoic tectonism results in 65% arc-perpendicular bulk crust shortening under a more or less plane strain condition. Mesozoic arc magmatism replaced ∼80% of this actively deforming arc crust with plutons requiring significantly greater crustal thickening. We suggest that by ∼85 Ma, the arc crust thickness was ∼80 km with a 30-km-thick arc root, resulting in a ∼5 km elevation. Most tectonic shortening and magma emplacement must be accommodated by downward displacements of crustal materials into growing crustal roots at the estimated downward transfer rate of 2–13 km/Myr. The downward transfer of crustal materials must occur in active magma channels, or in “escape channels” in between solidified plutons that decrease in size with time and depth resulting in an increase in the intensity of constrictional strain with depth. We argue that both tectonism and magmatism control the thickness of the crust and surface elevation with slight modification by surface erosion. The downward transported crustal materials initially fertilize the MASH zone thus enhancing to the generation of additional magmas. As the crustal root grows it may potentially pinch out and cool the mantle wedge and thus cause reduction of arc magmatism.  相似文献   

Understanding the geochemical behavior of chalcophile elements in magmatic processes is hindered by the limited partition coefficients between sulfide phases and silicate melt, in particular at conditions relevant to partial melting of the hydrated, metasomatized upper mantle. In this study, the partitioning of elements Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, and Pb between sulfide liquid, monosulfide solid solution (MSS), and hydrous mantle melt has been investigated at 1200 °C/1.5 GPa and oxygen fugacity ranging from FMQ−2 to FMQ+1 in a piston-cylinder apparatus. The determined partition coefficients between sulfide liquid and hydrous mantle melt are: 750–1500 for Cu; 600–1200 for Ni; 35–42 for Co; 35–53 for Pb; and 1–2 for Zn, As, and Mo. The partition coefficients between MSS and hydrous mantle melt are: 380–500 for Cu; 520–750 for Ni; ∼50 for Co; <0.5 for Zn; 0.3–6 for Pb; 0.1–2 for As; 1–2 for Mo; and >34 for Ag. The variation of the data is primarily due to differences in oxygen fugacity. These partitioning data in conjunction with previous data are applied to partial melting of the upper mantle and the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal Cu–Au deposits and magmatic sulfide deposits.I show that the metasomatized arc mantle may no longer contain sulfide after >10–14% melt extraction but is still capable of producing the Cu concentrations in the primitive arc basalts, and that the comparable Cu concentrations in primitive arc basalts and in MORB do not necessarily imply similar oxidation states in their source regions.Previous models proposed for producing Cu- and/or Au-rich magmas have been reassessed, with the conclusions summarized as follows. (1) Partial melting of the oxidized (fO2 > FMQ), metasomatized arc mantle with sulfide exhaustion at degrees >10–14% may not generate Cu-rich, primitive arc basalts. (2) Partial melting of sulfide-bearing cumulates in the root of thickened lower continental crust or lithospheric mantle does not typically generate Cu- and/or Au-rich magmas, but they do have equivalent potential as normal arc magmas in forming magmatic-hydrothermal Cu–Au deposits in terms of their Cu–Au contents. (3) It is not clear whether partial melting of subducting metabasalts generates Cu-rich adakitic magmas, however adakitic magmas may extract Cu and Au via interaction with mantle peridotite. Furthermore, partial melting of sulfide-bearing cumulates in the deep oceanic crust may be able to generate Cu- and Au-rich magmas. (4) The stabilization of MSS during partial melting may explain the genetic link between Au-Cu mineralization and the metasomatized lithospheric mantle.The chalcophile element tonnage, ratio, and distribution in magmatic sulfide deposits depend on a series of factors. This study reveals that oxygen fugacity also plays an important role in controlling Cu and Ni tonnage and Cu/Ni ratio in magmatic sulfide deposits. Cobalt, Zn, As, Sn, Sb, Mo, Ag, Pb, and Bi concentrations and their ratios in sulfide, due to their different partitioning behavior between sulfide liquid and MSS, can be useful indices for the distribution of platinum-group elements and Au in magmatic sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphism caused by the Glenmore plug in Ardnamurchan, a magma conduit active for 1 month, resulted in partial melting, with melt now preserved as glass. The pristine nature of much of the aureole provides a natural laboratory in which to investigate the distribution of melt. A simple thermal model, based on the first appearance of melt on quartz–feldspar grain boundaries, the first appearance of quartz paramorphs after tridymite and a plausible magma intrusion temperature, provides a time‐scale for melting. The onset of melting on quartz–feldspar grain boundaries was initially rapid, with an almost constant further increase in melt rim thickness at an average rate of 0.5–1.0 × 10?9 cm s?1. This rate was most probably controlled by the distribution of limited amounts of H2O on the grain boundaries and in the melt rims. The melt in the inner parts of the aureole formed an interconnected grain‐boundary scale network, and there is evidence for only limited melt movement and segregation. Layer‐parallel segregations and cross‐cutting veins occur within 0.6 m of the contact, where the melt volume exceeded 40%. The coincidence of the first appearance of these signs of the segregation of melt in parts of the aureole that attained the temperature at which melting in the Qtz–Ab–Or system could occur, suggests that internally generated overpressure consequent to fluid‐absent melting was instrumental in the onset of melt movement.  相似文献   

Partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ between olivine and mafic melts has been determined experimentally for eight different synthetic compositions in the temperature range between 1335 and 1425°C at 0.1 MPa pressure and at fo2 ∼1 log unit below the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer. The partition coefficient [KD = (Fe2+/Mg)ol/(Fe2+/Mg)melt] increases from 0.25 to 0.34 with increasing depolymerization of melt (NBO/T of melt from 0.25-1.2), and then decreases with further depolymerization of melt (NBO/T from 1.2-2.8). These variations are similar to those observed in natural basalt-peridotite systems. In particular, the variation in NBO/T ranges for basaltic-picritic melts (0.4-1.5) is nearly identical to that obtained in the present experiments. Because the present experiments were carried out at constant pressure (0.1 MPa) and in a relatively small temperature range (90°C), the observed variations of Mg and Fe2+ partitioning between olivine and melt must depend primarily on the composition or structure of melt. Such variations of KD may depend on the relative proportions of four-, five-, and six-coordinated Mg2+ and Fe2+ in melt as a function of degree of NBO/T.  相似文献   

Sphene is prominent in Miocene plutonic rocks ranging from diorite to granite in southern Nevada, USA, but it is restricted to rhyolites in coeval volcanic sequences. In the Highland Range volcanic sequence, sphene appears as a phenocryst only in the most evolved rocks (72?C77 mass% SiO2; matrix glass 77?C78 mass% SiO2). Zr-in-sphene temperatures of crystallization are mostly restricted to 715 and 755°C, in contrast to zircon (710?C920°C, Ti-in-zircon thermometry). Sphene rim/glass Kds for rare earth elements are extremely high (La 120, Sm 1200, Gd 1300, Lu 240). Rare earth elements, especially the middle REE (MREE), decrease from centers to rims of sphene phenocrysts along with Zr, demonstrating the effect of progressive sphene fractionation. Whole rocks and glasses have MREE-depleted, U-shaped REE patterns as a consequence of sphene fractionation. Within the co-genetic, sphene-rich Searchlight pluton, only evolved leucogranites show comparable MREE depletion. These results indicate that sphene saturation in intruded and extruded magmas occurred only in highly evolved melts: abundant sphene in less silicic plutonic rocks represents a late-stage ??bloom?? in fractionated interstitial melt.  相似文献   

The crystal/liquid partitioning of Ga and Ge has been measured experimentally between forsterite, diopside, anorthite and spinel and melts in the pseudoternary system forsterite-anorthite-diopside at one atmosphere pressure and 1300°C. Gallium is incompatible with forsterite and diopside [D (Ga) = 0.024 and 0.19, respectively], is only slightly incompatible in anorthite [D (Ga) = 0.86] and is highly compatible in spinel [D (Ga) = 4.6]. The partition coefficient for Ge is within a factor of two of unity for forsterite, diopside and anorthite [D (Ge) = 0.62, 1.4 and 0.51, respectively], but Ge is incompatible in spinel [D (Ge) = 0.1]. The coefficients for the exchange of Ga and Al and the exchange of Ge and Si between minerals and melts generally are within a factor of two of unity, as is expected from the geochemical coherence of these element pairs in natural samples. The application of our results to the interpretation of natural basaltic and mantle samples from the Earth and basalts from the Moon and the Shergottite Parent Body demonstrates that it is possible to discriminate between different mantle source compositions using Ga/Al and Ge/Si ratios. The Ge variation among lunar mare basalts may be indicative of a heterogeneous lunar mantle. The substantial depletion of Ge in Chassigny relative to the other SNC meteorites may be evidence of either a heterogeneous Shergottite Parent Body (SPB) mantle, or of different geochemical behavior for Ge in the SPB.  相似文献   

Isobaric and isothermal experiments were performed to investigate the effect of melt composition on the partitioning of trace elements between titanite (CaTiSiO5) and a range of different silicate melts. Titanite-melt partition coefficients for 18 trace elements were determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of experimental run products. The partition coefficients for the rare earth elements and for Th, Nb, and Ta reveal a strong influence of melt composition on partition coefficients, whereas partition coefficients for other studied monovalent, divalent and most quadrivalent (i.e., Zr, Hf) cations are not significantly affected by melt composition. The present data show that the influence of melt composition may not be neglected when modelling trace element partitioning.It is argued that it is mainly the change of coordination number and the regularity of the coordination space of trace elements in the melt structure that controls partition coefficients in our experiments. Furthermore, our data also show that the substitution mechanism by which trace elements are incorporated into titanite crystals may be of additional importance in this context.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to determine the composition of silicate melt inclusions (SMI) using LA-ICPMS. In this study, we take advantage of the occurrence of SMI in co-precipitated mineral phases to quantify their composition without depending on additional sources of information. Quantitative SMI analyses are obtained by assuming that the ratio of selected elements in SMI trapped in different phases are identical. In addition Fe/Mg exchange equilibrium between olivine and melt was successfully used to quantify LA-ICPMS analyses of SMI in olivine. Results show that compositions of SMI from the different host minerals are identical within their uncertainty. Thus (1) the quantification approach is valid; (2) analyses are not affected by the composition of the host phase; (3) the derived melt compositions are representative of the original melt, excluding significant syn- or postentrapment modification such as boundary layer effects or diffusive reequilibration with the host mineral. With this data we established a large dataset of mineral/melt partition coefficients for the investigated mineral phases in hydrous calc-alkaline basaltic-andesitic melts. The clinopyroxene/melt and plagioclase/melt partition coefficients are consistent with the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J., Wood B., 1994. Prediction of crystal-melt partition-coefficients from elastic-moduli. Nature372, 452-454].  相似文献   

The magmatic evolution of two eruptive episodes at Campi Flegrei (Italy) has been investigated using phase equilibria modeling (MELTS) and data from melt inclusions (MIs) in phenocrysts from the Fondo Riccio and Minopoli 1 eruptions. Assuming that isobaric fractional crystallization of a mantle-derived parental magma is the dominant petrogenetic process, major element evolution and corresponding changes in the physical and thermodynamic properties of the magma bodies from which Fondo Riccio and Minopoli1 magmas were erupted can be tracked. Fondo Riccio parental magma was trachyandesitic, approximated by the composition of FR-C1-O2-M1, which evolved mainly through fractional crystallization at low pressure (P?≈?0.15?GPa, ≈ 7?km depth), along the QFM, QFM?+?1 oxygen buffer with an initial dissolved H2O content of ~3?wt%. Minopoli1 parental magma was trachyandesitic, approximated by the chemistry of Mi1-C1-O5-M1, evolved through fractional crystallization at P?≈?0.3?GPa (≈ 12?km depth), with oxygen fugacity along QFM?+?1buffer and initial H2O content of?~?2 wt%. The relationship between melt fraction and T reveals for Fondo Riccio the presence of a pseudo-invariant temperature at which the physical properties of melt change abruptly. The net effect of these changes is to drive the system towards dynamic instability, which it is suggested to be the trigger mechanism for the eruptions.  相似文献   

郭聪  赵正  刘战庆  吴小辉  刘洋 《矿床地质》2024,43(1):102-127
瑶岗仙钨矿是南岭地区唯一一个石英脉型黑钨矿和矽卡岩型白钨矿均达大型规模的超大型矿床。两类钨矿体均产出于瑶岗仙复式花岗岩体的内外接触带,复式花岗岩体主要由中粒黑云母花岗岩和细粒二云母花岗岩组成,但多阶段岩浆演化与两类钨矿化关系问题一直存在较大争议。文章以瑶岗仙矿区中粒黑云母二长花岗岩与细粒二云母二长花岗岩中的黑云母和石榴子石为切入点,对比研究两阶段花岗质岩浆氧逸度、挥发分、结晶分异程度,探讨了岩浆演化对钨矿化成因的制约。结果显示,细粒二云母二长花岗岩相较于中粒黑云母二长花岗岩中黑云母拥有更低的XMg值、更靠近Fe2+端员、更低的Ⅳ(F)和更高的log(fHF/fHCl)fluid值,指示其形成于还原性岩浆环境,且F含量更高,而后者更偏向氧化性,F含量偏低。两类花岗岩中的石榴子石均为岩浆成因的锰铝榴石,从中粒黑云母花岗岩至细粒二云母花岗岩,随着石榴子石中MnO含量的递增,CaO、FeO、MgO含量逐渐降低,Mn/(Mn+Fe)比值、Sc、Zn、Y、HREE含量随MgO降低而逐渐升高,表明细粒二云母二长花岗岩较中粒黑云母二长花岗岩演化程度更高,更有利于W的富集。石英脉型黑钨矿和矽卡岩型白钨矿成矿岩浆均具有低氧逸度和高F含量的特征,与细粒二云母二长花岗岩成岩环境一致。基于上述研究,结合矿区地球物理、地球化学、钻探信息,笔者建立了瑶岗仙矿床深部勘查模型,圈定了大根垄深部石英脉型黑钨矿找矿靶区、杨梅岭深部云英岩型找矿靶区、和尚滩南东侧矽卡岩型白钨矿找矿靶区。  相似文献   

To Hawaiian magma genesis, dynamic melt segregation offers a potential resolution of conflict arising between trace-element evidence and phase-equilibria evidence, for deep garnet-present melting versus shallow garnet-absent melting. In this study comprehensive dynamic melting models, which incorporate phase-equilibria constraints and variable partition coefficients, have been applied in efforts to simulate decompression melting of a mantle plume. These models specifically endeavour to reproduce Hawaiian REE (rare-earth-element) patterns from a peridotitic upper mantle source with chondritic relative abundances of middle and HREE (heavy REE). If the flow of both melt and solid mantle is vertical through the partially molten source region, and melting proceeds beyond the stability limit of garnet in peridotite, dynamic melting processes are unable to produce the fractionated REE patterns of Hawaiian tholeiites. Instead, three-dimensional dynamic melting modles need to be invoked, in which lateral migration of the melt relative to the residual matrix also takes place. This enables the derivation of small garnet-equilibrated melt fractions from a larger source volume than that supplying more extensive melt fractions from shallower garnet-absent levels of melting (i.e melting shapes with a mean degree of melting smaller than the maximum extent of melting). This can be achieved by either drawing small-degree melt fractions, formed in the presence of garnet at the plume peripheries, toward the plume centre, or by advecting the mantle residue away from the plume centre as it ascends. Fluid dynamic theory supports a plume model incorporating the latter, with melt flow occurring vertically through a matrix flow which is deflected by the lithosphere and diverges away from the plume centre. In this framework, the generation of melting shapes dominated by small-degree garnetpresent melt fractions, requires a decrease in the rate of melting with progressive melting and height along melt-flow paths within the plume. This is consistent with a decrease in vertical velocity of the matrix (and thus decompression melting rate) upwards through the plume and, with diminishing melting rates upon exhaustion of garnet and clinopyroxene as melting progresses. Providing melt segregation occurs by percolation, equilibrium between the segregating melt and residual peridotite matrix may be maintained throughout the plume. In this way, primary melts extracted from the Hawaiian plume have their bulk compositions determined by phase equilibrium with the extensively melted matrix residue (harzburgite) at the plume top and shallowest level of melting (2.0 GPa), and their incompatible-trace-element characteristics determined by smaller-degree melt fractions derived from deeper, garnet-present levels of melting (3.0 GPa). Simple unidimensional models for melt segregation by percolation or via channels are shown to produce incompatible-trace-element abundances and ratios which are similar to those generated by equivalent degrees of batch melting. Moreover, contrary to a common belief held for dynamic melting, the enrichment of more-incompatible elements over less-incompatible elements is not always greater than that produced by an equivalent amount of batch melting.  相似文献   

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