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Kathleen McAfee 《Geoforum》2003,34(2):203-219
New agro-biotechnologies promise bounty from fine-tuned molecular manipulation of food crops. They already provide profits and export opportunities to a few transnational seed/ agrochemical/ biotechnology firms. Against growing resistance in international arenas, industry and US government spokespeople have aggressively promoted genetic engineering, arguing that it permits precise control of life processes. However, this claim is based on a deceptive form of molecular-genetic reductionism which uses outdated notions of “genes” and “genetic codes” and disregards the interactions among molecules, organisms, their environments, and their social settings. This discourse, in turn, supports economic-reductionist arguments that genetic information should be patentable and that market-based management of biotechnology will benefit everyone. This double reductionism furthers the extension of the commodity realm to the molecular level. It treats biotechnology inputs (genetic resources) and outputs (transgenic products) as ordinary, tradable factors of production under globally standardized intellectual property regimes and bolsters proposals to regulate biotechnology under the World Trade Organization. Critics of this approach find some support in the Biodiversity Convention and its Biosafety Protocol, which would allow consideration of scientific uncertainty, socioeconomic factors, and pluralism in intellectual property regimes. They stress that natural-resource values and knowledge about nature are inseparable from place-specific ecologies, cultural practices of farming and science, and power relations.  相似文献   

The trial and conviction of seven public officials in L’Aquila, central Italy, for having allegedly given out misleading and incorrect information to the public before the 6 April 2009 earthquake has proved to be one of the most momentous developments of recent times in science and disaster risk reduction—and also one of the most misunderstood. It highlights the difficulty in transforming the findings of the earth sciences, which are often characterised by uncertainty, into information that can be used to protect ordinary citizens. This paper describes those elements of the disaster at L’Aquila which are pertinent to the trial and the legal proceedings that followed them. It analyses the political, social and scientific context of the trial, and the reaction of scientists and their institutions in Italy and other countries. I conclude that the defendants were tried as responsible public officials, not as scientists. The mass media in Italy and abroad tended to insist that what was on trial was the ability to predict earthquakes, and this had an enormous influence on the opinion of scientists in many different places. However, the trial was actually about the apparently fatal consequences of misleading the public with “incomplete, imprecise and contradictory information”, as the prosecutors put it. I believe that much of the international reaction to the trial was misguided because it was based on incomplete, second-hand information about the proceedings. If scientists were to make judgements on their own work in such a superficial manner, the results would be highly unreliable and public faith in science would plummet.  相似文献   

近些年来,岩石流变已成为大陆岩石圈研究的前沿和热点之一,受到国内外越来越多的科学家的重视。由于浅、表岩石圈层中煤岩是含气、含水的多相介质有机岩,具有低杨氏模量和高泊松比的岩石力学性质,因此其流变行为与无机岩类存在很大的差异。当前,国内研究者主要通过在天然条件下的煤层流变不同尺度的观测,并进行高温高压变形实验与天然条件下煤岩流变的对比研究,用以阐明煤层流变的特征;通过观测、实验与模拟分析,获取流变参数,探讨煤层流变过程,建立流变模式,进而揭示煤层流变的机理与制约因素。在分析国内外煤层流变研究现状的基础之上,探讨了煤层流变研究存在的问题及今后的发展趋势。并认为对煤层流变的研究既可进一步丰富和发展对地球层圈构造和地球物质流动的认识,也可为煤层的合理开采、煤层气勘探开发与煤矿瓦斯突出防治提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The geochemist, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky has only recently become recognised internationally, despite being regarded as one of the greatest names in science of the 20th century in his homeland Russia. There are several reasons for his lack of renown in the west, but mainly because his most important work “The Biosphere” was only fully translated into English in 1997. This book and the ideas it contains are now becoming regarded as one of the pioneering works of the last century. It defines the biosphere as a unifying, holistic concept for the earth system at a time when reductionism was the driving motivation in scientific research. Above all, for earth scientists, Vernadsky regarded life as the driving geological force. However another, as yet unpublished work (in three volumes) entitled “The History of Natural Waters” also deserves similar attention. This book explores many concepts in hydrogeology, geochemistry, geofluid circulation and especially biology in which water is described as an integral part of the biosphere.  相似文献   

光合作用的起源是一个非常古老的事件,对这个事件的证据,包括基本生物学过程的开启和发展之类的问题,如地球早期光合作用生物的属性以及光合作用生物如何获取光合作用装置等,可能已经消失在时间的长河之中;因此,光合作用起源就成为一个引人入胜的重大科学命题。尽管如此,地质学、生物地球化学、比较生物化学和分子进化分析,为光合作用起源及其复杂的进化历史,提供一些新认识和新线索,主要涉及到以下3个方面:(1)光合作用生命的起源;(2)光合作用装置的起源;(3)光合作用催化剂的起源。追索科学家们对这一重大科学命题的持续研究与艰苦努力,以及所取得的一些重要而且富有智慧的认识,将为今后的深入研究提供一些重要的思考途径和研究线索。同时,追逐光合作用起源的研究进展,对于深入了解早期地球复杂的圈层耦合过程也具有重要意义。这些作用过程主要包括:(1)从不生氧光合作用到生氧光合作用的转变;(2)大气圈与生物圈之间复杂的相互作用和协同进化;(3)生氧光合作用起源与进化所造成的、从一个缺氧的大气圈到今天含氧大气圈的复杂演变过程;(4)大气圈和水圈的渐进氧化作用对地球表面环境以及生命的起源和发育所造成的一个长时间影响;(5)早期地球表层古地理面貌的成型等。更为重要的是,对光合作用起源的地质学尤其是沉积学思考所得出的一些重要认识,尽管不是结论,但是拓宽了沉积学的研究范畴,开阔了沉积学家的研究视眼,同时也成为一个多学科协同作战的范例。  相似文献   

Due to the fear of the consequences of climate change, many scientists today advocate the research into—but not deployment of—geoengineering, large-scale technological control of the global climate, to reduce the uncertainty around its efficacy and harms. Scientists propose in particular initiating field trials of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI). This paper examines how the meanings of geoengineering experimentation, specifically SAI field trials, are reconfigured in the deliberation of the lay public. To this end, we conducted focus groups with Japanese citizens in June 2015 on the geoengineering concept and SAI field trials. Our main findings are as follows: the ‘climate emergency’ framing compelled the lay public to accept, either willingly or reluctantly, the need for ‘geoengineering research’; however, public discourse on SAI field trials was ambiguous and ambivalent, involving both tensions and dilemmas in understanding what the SAI field trial is for and about. Our results exhibit how the lay public wrestles with understanding the social, political, and ethical implications of SAI field trials in multiple dimensions, namely, accountability, controllability, predictability, and desirability. The paper argues that more clarity in the term ‘geoengineering research’ is needed to facilitate inclusive and pluralistic debates on geoengineering experimentation and not to preemptively arrive at a consensus that ‘we need more research.’ We conclude that ambivalence about both the pros and cons of geoengineering experimentation seems to be enduring; thus, instead of ignoring or repressing it, embracing ambivalence is required to keep the geoengineering debate democratic and inclusive.  相似文献   

The realization of an international cyberinfrastructure of shared resources to overcome time and space limitations is challenging scientists to rethink how to document their processes. Many known scientific process requirements that would normally be considered impossible to implement a few years ago are close to becoming a reality for scientists, such as large scale integration and data reuse, data sharing across distinct scientific domains, comprehensive support for explaining process results, and full search capability for scientific products across domains. This article introduces the CI-Miner approach that can be used to aggregate knowledge about scientific processes and their products through the use of semantic annotations. The article shows how this aggregated knowledge is used to benefit scientists during the development of their research activities. The discussion is grounded on lessons learned through the use of CI-Miner to semantically annotate scientific processes in the areas of geo-sciences, environmental sciences and solar physics: A use case in the field of geo-science illustrates the CI-Miner approach in action.  相似文献   

张旗  周永章 《地质科学》2017,(3):637-648
本文针对目前国内大数据研究的现状,着重分析了在地球科学领域大数据研究落后的原因,指出大数据正在引发地球科学领域一场深刻的革命,大数据的关键不在于数据的大,而且在于思维的新;从数据出发,让数据说话,依靠人工智能方法,让机器学习、深度学习、可视分析等大数据技术逐步成为必需。利用大数据方法研究玄武岩构造环境判别图以及中新世岩浆事件的意义所取得的成果即是极佳的研究范例。文中指出,面向未来,大数据对于地球科学界来说,决不是可有可无的,它将创造奇迹。大数据作为第四科学范式的研究领域十分宽广,它将改变地球科学家的思维方式,从逻辑思维方式转变为由数据驱动的关联思维方式,文中呼吁科学界对大数据给予更多的关注和支持。  相似文献   

H.Faure  N-A.Morner  刘东生 《第四纪研究》1992,12(2):136-137,192
过去五年间,INQUA成员对参加全球变化研究的呼吁做出了积极的响应。全球变化研究旨在理解地球岩石圈与生物圈相互作用的动力学过程。通过运用不同学科对全球不同地区进行研究,INQUA目前正成为IGBP计划的主要参与者,因为不同学科间的交叉有助于我们完整地理解第四纪时期全球水分平衡、气候波动、大气成分、大洋环流和生物过程间的相互关系。  相似文献   

An intense environmental dispute surrounds the maize-fields of Mexico. Mexican maize traditional varieties (or ‘landraces’) constitute a global genetic resource that may well be critical to future agricultural development and corn breeding. Many environmentalists, farmers, and consumers in Mexico are therefore concerned that their maize landraces may have been ‘contaminated’ by imported transgenic maize, grown in the USA. The criticisms of this transgenic technology are complex and call into question the nature of the boundary between political and ecological (i.e. scientific) disputes. Our paper surveys these criticisms, and this political-scientific boundary, in a three-part analysis. First, we turn to Gramsci’s notes on science from his eleventh prison notebook to rethink the political ecology of transgenic maize, i.e., the way the ecological analysis of transgenic introgression is treated as politics. Second, we present the multiple criticisms of transgenic maize as scalar phenomena. Third, we review the recent scientific literature on transgene introgression to evaluate recent calls for the ‘decontamination’ of Mexican maize. Our reading illustrates two dilemmas facing the group that occupies the hegemonic subject-position in this dispute, ecological scientists. First, the popular desire to ‘decontaminate’ Mexican maize exceeds their capacities (due to complications involved with sampling). Second, although the political debate surrounding ‘contaminated’ Mexican maize exceeds science, the boundary between the dispute’s scientific and parascientific elements cannot be adjudicated scientifically. In other words, the boundary between science and politics is porous. Thus in two respects the dispute is ecological, yet beyond the capacity of this science to resolve. Yet, following Gramsci, these findings should not lead us to see science as mere ideology, or apolitical, or encourage a retreat into metaphysics. Rather it points to the need for a social transformation that sees science as “humanity forging its methods of research … in other words, culture, the conception of the world.” By exploring the dilemmas of decontamination, the dispute over transgene introgression in Mexican maize-fields provides an opportunity to elaborate upon Gramsci’s neglected insights into the politics of science.  相似文献   

我国的地球系统科学研究向何处去   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
近15年来,全球变化与地球系统科学研究在中国广泛开展,我国科学家越来越积极地参加各项国际计划。当前,一些重大的国际计划正在进入其新阶段(如IGBP-II,IODP),恰好我国也正在制定科技发展中长期规划,迫切需要回顾我国地球系统科学的现状并探讨其今后方向。尽管中国作者的国际论文数量在增长,我国地球系统科学落后于国际的差距仍有拉大的趋势:国际前沿的许多热点问题,在中国尚未提上日程;中国学者在国际计划中早期多有贡献,但在项目总结中却很少有份。为此,提出 3点建议:(1)中国地球科学家应当扩大视野、立足本国、面向全球;(2)应当注意国际前沿动向,促进地学与生命科学在分子水平上的结合;(3)中国的地球科学,应当从以描述为主向探索理的方向发展。我们不应当满足于向国际学术界输出"原料",而要积极参加地球系统科学中关键问题的理论探讨。  相似文献   

The biogenic carbonate hard parts of fossil bivalves, cephalopods and brachiopods are among the most widely exploited marine archives of Phanerozoic environmental and climate dynamics research. The advent of novel analytical tools has led many workers to explore non‐traditional geochemical and petrographic proxies, and work performed in neighbouring disciplines sheds light on the complex biomineralization strategies applied by these organisms. These considerations form a strong motivation to review the potential and problems related to the compilation and interpretation of proxy data from bivalve, cephalopod and brachiopod hard parts from the viewpoint of the sedimentologist and palaeoceanographer. Specific focus is on the complex biomineralization pathways of a given dissolved ion or food particle from its aquatic environment via the digestion and biomineralization apparatus in molluscs and brachiopods and its incorporation into a biomineral. Given that molluscs and brachiopods do not secrete their hard parts from seawater but rather from their mantle and periostracum, this paper evaluates differences and similarities of seawater versus that of body fluids. Cephalopods, bivalves and brachiopods exert a strong biological control on biomineralization that, to some degree, may buffer their shell geochemistry against secular changes in seawater chemistry. Disordered (amorphous) calcium carbonate precursor phases, later transformed to crystalline biominerals, may be significant in carbonate archive research due to expected geochemical offset relative to the direct precipitation of stable phases. A reasonable level of understanding of the related mechanisms is thus crucial for those who use these skeletal hard parts as archives of the palaeo‐environment. The impact of what is commonly referred to as ‘biological factors’ on the geochemistry of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts is explored for conventional isotope systems such as carbon, oxygen, strontium and traditionally used element to calcium ratios. In particular, the often used δ13Ccarb or the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca elemental proxies are fraught with problems. An interesting new research field represents the analysis, calibration and application of non‐traditional proxies to mollusc and brachiopod hard parts. Examples include the carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) approach and the analysis of the isotopes of Ca, Mg, N, Li, S or element to Ca ratios such as Li/Ca or B/Ca and rare earth elements. Based on considerations discussed here, a series of “do's and don'ts” in mollusc and brachiopod archive research are proposed and suggestions for future work are presented. In essence, the suggestions proposed here include experimental work (also field experiments) making use of recent archive organisms or, where possible, a reasonable recent analogue in the case of extinct groups. Moreover, the detailed understanding of the architecture of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts and their ultra‐structures must guide sampling strategies for geochemical analyses. Where feasible, a detailed understanding of the diagenetic pathways and the application of multi‐proxy and multi‐archive approaches should form the foundation of fossil carbonate archive research. The uncritical compilation of large data sets from various carbonate‐shelled organisms collected at different locations is not encouraged.  相似文献   

地质灾害防治研究的认识论与方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于多年的研究与实践,作者从科学哲学角度提出了地质灾害防治研究的认识论与方法论。认识论方面确立地质灾害是可认识的,可防治的。地质灾害发生的根源是地质体重力作用的失衡,其共性和个性反映了地质体边界条件、初始条件和激发条件的组合变化。对于确定的时间阶段、空间区域和作用条件,地质灾害问题简化为线性和确定性问题处理是可以接受的。方法论方面确立地质灾害防治可以采用整体论和分割论相结合的方法求得问题的有用解,用以指导防灾减灾管理技术支持系统的研发与应用。整体论方法突出综合集成、归纳类比和逻辑演绎,用于宏观把握和长时程研判,指导工作的顶层设计或概念设计,如区域性风险区划、区域预警和防治规划。分割论方法采取观察、描述、分析、建模、评价、预测和工程控制等,用于具体地域、案例及其暂态阶段的分析,指导地质灾害的信息获取、识别评估、成因研判、预测预警、工程设计和风险评价等。  相似文献   

Scientific data are strategic resources, and the aggregation of scientific data is an important method to seize the upstream and competitive highlands of scientific data. Notably, it is challenging to grasp the international situation and the scientific laws concerning the mode of scientific data aggregation; exploring the modes and methods of scientific data aggregation that are suitable for China's national conditions is also difficult. This paper investigated and analyzed the modes of scientific data aggregation both at home and abroad from the viewpoints of international organizations, international scientific programs, government agencies, and professional data centers. Five modes of scientific data aggregation were summarized, including scientific research projects converging to designated data centers/repositories, scientific research projects dispersing to data centers/repositories, individual scientists submitting datasets to data centers/repositories with published papers, scientific research projects/individual scientists sharing directories/networks, big data computing/processing platform, and citizen science models of open and public convergence. This paper analyzed each mode and the corresponding cases. On this basis, the paper put forward six suggestions for the reasonable aggregation of scientific data in China, including the implementation of the “Measurement of Scientific Data Management”, certification of data aggregation centers, scientific data collection and publishing in journals, construction of data aggregation networks, aggregation of international resources, and construction of the whole data aggregation chain.  相似文献   

Comparative planetology is an interdisciplinary science between Earth sciences and astronomy. It studies physical, chemical and dynamical properties of planets and satellites and their surface characteristics, interior structures and chemistry, magnetic field, climate and possible existence of life. Although the study of comparative planetary science is at its infancy stage in China, it is very encouraging to see that 25 papers were received by the session, which is much more than what we expected. It indicates that more and more scientists are interested in this research field. These papers can be classified into three categories: solar planets, extra-solar planets, and moon explorations. Scientists from both China and oversea reported their recent results.  相似文献   

It has been a year since the devastating Wenchuan earthquake struck Sichuan Province, China on May 12, 2008, which caused tremendous casualties, geological disasters and economic losses. With a deep feeling of grief at the sight of the shattered world in quake-stricken areas, geologists and geophysicists once again profoundly felt their heavy responsibilities for geo-hazard prevention and reduction, and resolved to make their due contributions--what we, as scientists, could do for the quake relief efforts and post-quake reconstruction and what scientific explanations we could offer to the public for the occurrence of the devastating natural disaster.  相似文献   

The reduction of sorbed As(V) to the potentially more mobile As(III) by As-respiring anaerobic bacteria has been implicated in the mobilisation of the toxic metalloid in aquifer sediments in SE Asia. However, there is currently only a limited amount of information on the identity of the organisms that can respire As(V) in these sediment systems. Here experiments are described that have targeted As(V)-respiring bacteria using cultivation-independent molecular techniques, and also more traditional microbiological approaches that have used growth media highly selective for organisms that can grow using arsenate as the sole electron acceptor supplied for anaerobic growth. The molecular techniques used have initially targeted DNA from microcosms displaying maximal rates of arsenate reduction, both with and without added electron donor. More recent studies from the authors’ laboratory have used stable isotope probing techniques, targeting DNA from the active microbial fraction in microcosms labelled with [13C]acetate supplied as an electron donor for arsenate reduction. Phylogenetic analyses using a highly conserved genetic marker (the 16S rRNA gene) have suggested the involvement of Sulfurospirillum and Geobacter species in arsenate-respiration, and this has been supported further by complimentary experiments using more traditional microbiological techniques. Additional research required to clarify the role of these organisms in the mobilisation of As in situ are discussed.  相似文献   

Mathematical models applied to urban and regional planning have been widely developed during the sixties. Since that time the scientific and technologic developments have deeply transformed the field of spatial modelling. There has been a reaction against the idea that reality could be reduced to deterministic models. The paradigms of complexity, chaos, self-organisation, fractal geometry have made obvious the unpredictability of complex socio-economic systems. At the same time the progress of computation has led to the substitution of simulation methods to analytic solutions of mathematical models. In such a context, models are loosing in generality and reproducibility what they earn in adaptation to empirical situations. An important challenge is also to confirm the pertinence and specificity of the geographical approach. In that respect the spatial analysis programs must prove the evidence of a common methodology dealing either with physical or human and economic domain. We are working, for instance, on cellular automata programs applied to the historical evolution of an urban space and also to the run-off process in an elementary basin. The spatial structure of the models may be slightly different: rectangular or hexagonal tessellations in the “Human Geography” program, TIN structure, closer to the physical reality, in the other. The relations between the cells may also differ: they are often defined by a distance matrix for the socio-economic models, but a contiguity matrix is of course needed for the streaming process. But, beyond these technical differences, it appears that the geographical programs are developed on a macro-level, that is on aggregate statistical units. The elementary particle is always (or should be for a geographer...) a material, spatial unit, unlike the drop of water of the hydrologists, or the individual “agents” of the sociologists' multi-agents systems. The difference between the micro and macro level is not a question of scale, but a difference of logic. The simulation approach has a requisite, which is a need of systematic validation by a permanent comparison with the actual situation, but the objective is not prediction. The scientific concern is, before all, a precise understanding of the past and recent evolutions, more than a forecasting, which escapes to the specific field of scientific research. What is scientific is what can be measured. The possible prediction may rely on the scientific research, but belongs strictly to the domain of intellectual and personal thinking. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Martian exploration is the focus and hot topic of deep space exploration, and China implemented the first Martian exploration Program in 2020. Aeolian process is the most extensive and active landform process on the surface of Mars, and has been an important part of Martian research. Sustainable development of Martian aeolian geomorphology research requires the support of theoretical system and research methodology, and research methodology is a key issue when field observations are impossible. We analyzed the research methods of Martian aeolian geomorphology from three aspects: methodology, approach, and application of modern technology. Methodology must focus on the dialectical unity of induction and deduction, reductionism and holism. Research approach includes exploration and numerical simulation, and Mars-like aeolian geomorphology study on Earth is also a common approach. Taking full advantage of remote sensing observations and detection technologies is an important basis for the development of Martian aeolian research. Simulation experiments have been an important part of aeolian geomorphology research. Since the 1980s, the United States, Europe, and Japan have successively built Martian wind tunnels to study various aircrafts in Martian atmosphere. In the absence of field observation, wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation play an important role in studying the evolution and formation process of aeolian landform and the Martian environment.  相似文献   

How natural gas hydrates nucleate and grow is a crucial scientific question. The research on it will help solve practical problems encountered in hydrate accumulation, development, and utilization of hydrate related technology. Due to its limitations on both spatial and temporal dimensions, experiment cannot fully explain this issue on a micro-scale. With the development of computer technology, molecular simulation has been widely used in the study of hydrate formation because it can observe the nucleation and growth process of hydrates at the molecular level. This review will assess the recent progresses in molecular dynamics simulation of hydrate nucleation and growth, as well as the enlightening significance of these developments in hydrate applications. At the same time, combined with the problems encountered in recent hydrate trial mining and applications, some potential directions for molecular simulation in the research of hydrate nucleation and growth are proposed, and the future of molecular simulation research on hydrate nucleation and growth is prospected.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

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