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We report a study of the oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules and their constituent mineral grains from the Mokoia, oxidized CV3 chondrite. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of 23 individual chondrules were determined by laser ablation fluorination, and oxygen isotope ratios of individual grains, mostly olivine, were obtained in situ on polished mounts using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Our results can be compared with data obtained previously for the oxidized CV3 chondrite, Allende. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of Mokoia chondrules form an array on an oxygen three-isotope plot that is subparallel to, and slightly displaced from, the CCAM (carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous minerals) line. The best-fit line for all CV3 chondrite chondrules has a slope of 0.99, and is displaced significantly (by δ17O ∼ −2.5‰) from the Young and Russell slope-one line for unaltered calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) minerals. Oxygen isotope ratios of many bulk CAIs also lie on the CV-chondrule line, which is the most relevant oxygen isotope array for most CV chondrite components. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of most chondrules in Mokoia have δ18O values around 0‰, and olivine grains in these chondrules have similar oxygen isotope ratios to their bulk values. In general, it appears that chondrule mesostases have higher δ18O values than olivines in the same chondrules. Our bulk chondrule data spread to lower δ18O values than any ferromagnesian chondrules that have been measured previously. Two chondrules with the lowest bulk δ18O values (−7.5‰ and −11.7‰) contain olivine grains that display an extremely wide range of oxygen isotope ratios, down to δ17O, δ18O around -50‰ in one chondrule. In these chondrules, there are no apparent relict grains, and essentially no relationships between olivine compositions, which are homogeneous, and oxygen isotopic compositions of individual grains. Heterogeneity of oxygen isotope ratios within these chondrules may be the result of incorporation of relict grains from objects such as amoeboid olivine aggregates, followed by solid-state chemical diffusion without concomitant oxygen equilibration. Alternatively, oxygen isotope exchange between an 16O-rich precursor and an 16O-poor gas may have taken place during chondrule formation, and these chondrules may represent partially equilibrated systems in which isotopic heterogeneities became frozen into the crystallizing olivine grains. If this is the case, we can infer that the earliest nebular solids from which chondrules formed had δ17O and δ18O values around -50‰, similar to those observed in refractory inclusions.  相似文献   

We report bulk chemical compositions and physical properties for a suite of 94 objects, mostly chondrules, separated from the Mokoia CV3ox carbonaceous chondrite. We also describe mineralogical and petrologic information for a selected subset of the same suite of chondrules. The data are used to examine the range of chondrule bulk compositions, and to investigate the relationships between chondrule mineralogy, texture and bulk compositions, as well as oxygen isotopic properties that we reported previously. Most of the chondrules show minimal metamorphism, corresponding to petrologic subtype <3.2. In general, elemental fractionations observed in chondrule bulk compositions are reflected in the compositions of constituent minerals. For chondrules, mean bulk compositions and compositional ranges are very similar for large (>2 mg) and small (<2 mg) size fractions. Two of the objects studied are described as matrix-rich clasts. These have similar bulk compositions to the chondrule mean, and are potential chondrule precursors. One of these clasts has a similar bulk oxygen isotopic composition to Mokoia chondrules, but the other has an anomalously high value of Δ17O (+3.60‰).Chondrules are diverse in bulk chemical composition, with factor of 10 variations in most major element abundances that cannot be attributed to secondary processes. The chondrules examined show evidence for extensive secondary oxidation, and possible sulfidization, as expected for an oxidized CV chondrite, but minimal aqueous alteration. Some of the bulk chondrule compositional variation might be the result of chemical (e.g. volatilization or condensation) or physical (e.g. metal loss) processes during chondrule formation. However, we suggest that it is mainly the result of significant variations in the assembly of particles that constituted chondrule precursors. Precursor material likely included a refractory component, possibly inherited from disaggregated CAIs, an FeO-poor ferromagnesian component such as olivine or pyroxene, an oxidized ferromagnesian component, and a metal component. Bulk oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules can be explained if refractory and ferromagnesian precursor materials initially shared similar oxygen isotopic compositions of δ17O, δ18O around −50‰, and then significant exchange occurred between the chondrule and surrounding 16O-poor gas during melting.  相似文献   

We report on a study of Al3509, a large Na- and Cl-rich, radially-zoned object from the oxidized CV carbonaceous chondrite Allende. Al3509 consists of fine-grained ferroan olivine, ferroan Al-diopside, nepheline, sodalite, and andradite, and is crosscut by numerous veins of nepheline, sodalite, and ferroan Al-diopside. Some poorly-characterized phases of fine-grained material are also present; these phases contain no significant H2O. The minerals listed above are commonly found in Allende CAIs and chondrules and are attributed to late-stage iron-alkali-halogen metasomatic alteration of primary high-temperature minerals. Textural observations indicate that Al3509 is an igneous object. However, no residual crystals that might be relicts of pre-existing CAI or chondrule minerals were identified. To establish the levels of 26Al and 36Cl originally present, 26Al-26Mg and 36Cl-36S isotopic systematics in sodalite were investigated. Al3509 shows no evidence of radiogenic 26Mg, establishing an upper limit of the initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 3 × 10−6. All sodalite grains measured show large but variable excesses of 36S, which, however, do not correlate with 35Cl/34S ratio. If these excesses are due to decay of 36Cl, local redistribution of radiogenic 36S after 36Cl had decayed is required. The oxygen-isotope pattern in Al3509 is the same as found in secondary minerals resulting from iron-alkali-halogen metasomatic alteration of Allende CAIs and chondrules and in melilite and anorthite of most CAIs in Allende. The oxygen-isotope data suggest that the secondary minerals precipitated from or equilibrated with a fluid of similar oxygen-isotope composition. These observations suggest that the formation of Al3509 and alteration products in CAIs and chondrules in Allende requires a very similar fluid phase, greatly enriched in volatiles (e.g., Na and Cl) and with Δ17O ∼ −3‰. We infer that internal heating of planetesimals by 26Al would efficiently transfer volatiles to their outer portions and enhance the formation of volatile-enriched minerals there. We conclude that the site for the production of Na- and Cl-rich fluids responsible for the formation of Al3509 and the alteration of the Allende CAIs and chondrules must have been on a protoplanetary body prior to incorporation into the Allende meteorite. Galactic cosmic rays cannot be the source of the inferred initial 36Cl in Allende. The problem of 36Cl production by solar energetic particle (SEP) bombardment and the possibility that 36Cl and 41Ca might be the product of neutron capture resulting from SEP bombardment of protoplanetary surfaces are discussed. This hypothesis can be tested comparing inferred “initial” 36Cl with neutron fluencies measured on the same samples and on phases showing 36S by Sm and Gd isotopic measurements.  相似文献   

All objects >100 μm in apparent diameter in five polished thin sections of the Mokoia CV3 chondrite were studied and classified. Number and volume percentages and mean apparent size of each type of chondrule and inclusion were determined. Three major types of olivine chondrules were observed: igneous chondrules, recrystallized chondrules, and chondrules that appear to be accretional aggregates. Coarse-grained CAI's have igneous textures and mineral parageneses, while fine-grained CAI's are aggregates containing varying proportions of Al-rich concentric objects, Ca-rich chaotic material, and inclusion matrix. Chondrules and refractory inclusions in Mokoia and Allende are broadly similar in texture and mineral chemistry, but Mokoia refractory inclusions contain phyllosilicates rather than feldspathoids, and melilite-rich CAI's are more abundant in Allende.We think that most CAI's formed during the metamorphism, partial melting, and incomplete distillation of primitive dust aggregates when they were heated in the solar nebula. In the process, Ca-rich melt appears to have been physically separated from Al-rich residues, producing the observed fractionation of Ca from Al into distinct constituents of CAI's. Some CAI's may be aggregates of devitrified, amorphous metastable condensates. Inclusion matrix may have condensed from silicate-rich vapors produced during distillation. Mokoia inclusion matrix contains phyllosilicates that are probably primitive nebular material.  相似文献   

We have conducted systematic investigations of formation age, chemical compositions, and mineralogical characteristics of ferromagnesian chondrules in Yamato-81020 (CO3.05), one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites, to get better understanding of the origin of chemical groups of chondrites. The 26Al-26Mg isotopic system were measured in fourteen FeO-poor (Type I), six FeO-rich (Type II) and two aluminum-rich (Al-rich) chondrules using a secondary ion mass spectrometer. Excesses of 26Mg in plagioclase (1.0-13.5‰) are resolved with sufficient precision (mostly 0.4-6.6‰ at 2σ level) in all the chondrules studied except one. Chemical zoning of Mg and Na in plagioclase were investigated in detail in order to evaluate the applicability of 26Al-26Mg chronometer. We conclude that the Al-Mg isotope system of the chondrules in Y-81020 have not been disturbed by parent-body metamorphism and can be used as chronometer assuming homogeneous distribution of 26Al. Assuming an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 × 10−5 in the early solar system, 26Al-26Mg ages were found to be 1.7-2.5 Ma after CAI formation for Type I, 2.0-3.0 Ma for Type II and 1.9 and 2.6 Ma for Al-rich chondrules.The formation ages of ferromagnesian chondrules in Y-81020 are in good agreement with those of L and LL (type 3.0-3.1) chondrites in the literature, which indicates that common chondrules in the CO chondrite were formed contemporaneously with those in L and LL chondrites. The concurrent formation of chondrules of CO and L/LL chondrites suggests that the chemical differences between CO and L/LL chondrites might be caused by spatial separation of chondrule formation environments in the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

A petrographic and electron microscopic study of the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite shows that all of the chondrules and inclusions (>400 μm in diameter) and most of their fine-grained rims studied (referred to as chondrules/rims) contain various amounts of hydrous phyllosilicates (mostly saponite) formed by aqueous alteration of anhydrous silicates. The rims mainly consist of fine-grained olivine and saponite in varying proportions and contain crosscutting veins of Fe-rich olivine. The boundaries between the chondrules and their rims are irregular and show abundant evidence of aqueous alteration interactions between them. In contrast, the host matrix contains very minor amounts of saponite and shows no evidence of such extensive aqueous alteration. The boundaries between the chondrules/rims and the matrix are sharp and show no traces of the matrix having been involved in the alteration of the chondrules/rims. These observations indicate that the aqueous alteration in the chondrules/rims did not occur in the present setting.We suggest that the chondrules/rims are actually clasts transported from a location on the meteorite parent body different from where the Mokoia meteorite was from. The aqueous alteration of the chondrules/rims probably occurred there. The veins in the rims were originally fractures produced in an interchondrule matrix by impacts; these were later filled by Fe-rich olivine during aqueous activity. This location was then involved in impact brecciation, and individual chondrules were ejected as clasts with remnants of the matrix surrounding them. During the continuing brecciation, those chondrule/rim clasts were transported, mixed with anhydrous matrix grains, and finally lithified to the present meteorite. Therefore, the rims are fragmented remnants of a former matrix.Textures characterized by fine-grained rims surrounding chondrules in chondrites have been widely thought to have formed in the solar nebula before they accreted into their parent bodies. However, our results suggest that some textures may not be explained by such an accretionary model; instead, the multi-stage parent-body process modeled for the Mokoia rim formation may be a more plausible explanation.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of PANURGE, a modified CAMECA IMS3F ion microprobe, have been studied at a mass resolving power of 5000 for the purpose of determining isotopic ratios at a precision level approaching that of counting statistics using beam switching. The techniques used for this type of measurement are described. Using this approach, the isotopic composition of Mg and Si and the atomic ratio of AlMg in minerals from the Allende inclusion WA and the Allende FUN inclusion Cl have been measured with the ion microprobe at high mass resolving power. Enrichments in 26Mg of up to 260%. have been found. Mg and AlMg measurements on cogenetic spinel inclusions and host plagioclase crystals yield Mg-Al isochrons in excellent agreement with precise mineral isochrons determined by thermal emission mass spectrometry. The measurements confirm the presence of substantial excess 26Mg in WA (26Mg127Al = 5 × 10?5) and its near absence in Cl (26Mg127Al < 4 × 10?6). In WA plagioclase, data for which 27Al24Mg = 300 to 1000 define a linear array with 26Mg127Al = 3 × 105 and with initial 26Mg24Mg composition 30%. greater than in high Mg phases. This suggests a metamorphic reequilibration of Mg in Allende plagioclase at least 0.6 my after WA formation. There were no variations in detected 26Mg127Al in WA plagioclase associated with concentration of 26Mg1 into isolated clusters. We have confirmed by ion probe measurements that the Mg composition in Allende Cl is highly fractionated and is uniform among pyroxene, melilite, plagioclase, spinel crystals and spinel included in melilite and plagioclase crystals. Likewise, the Si composition is mass fractionated and is the same in pyroxene, melilite and plagioclase.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotopic compositions were determined by ion microprobe for 36 spots on anhydrite crystals in trachyandesitic pumices erupted from El Chichón Volcano in 1982. Individual anhydrite crystals are homogeneous in δ34S, within the ±1‰ (2σ) uncertainty of the method, but crystal-to-crystal variations are large (+2.5 to +10.9‰). The mean δ34S for anhydrite (+6.4 ± 2.1‰, 1σ) is significantly lower than earlier results for bulk anhydrite separates (+9.0 to +9.2‰). The difference between the mean δ34S values in these two populations may reflect a grain-size effect, with heavier sulfur concentrated in smaller anhydrite crystals, few of which were analyzed by ion microprobe. Variations in δ34S show no correlation with complex textures in anhydrite revealed by cathodoluminescence color. Ion-microprobe analyses of δ34S were also obtained on six ovoid-shaped inclusions of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and/or intermediate sulfide solid solution hosted by silicate or oxide crystals, interpreted to be magmatic (δ34S = −0.1 to +2.7‰; mean +0.7‰), and on four irregularly shaped multiphase sulfide fragments in the matrix, interpreted as xenocrystic, which range widely in δ34S (−3.7 to +5.5‰). We evaluate four different mixing scenarios involving (1) magmatic anhydrite and sedimentary sulfate, (2) magmatic anhydrite and hydrothermal anhydrite, and anhydrite and coexisting sulfide crystals precipitated in different domains of a common magma reservoir that were affected by (3) different degrees of degassing or (4) different degrees of crustal sulfur contamination. The model involving physical contamination of sedimentary sulfate is considered untenable. The other three models are considered to be viable, but none of them can explain all observations. The results of this study and other recent investigations prompt a re-evaluation of the sulfur budget for the 1982 El Chichón eruption. We estimate that 2.2 × 1013 g of S was emitted, and that 58 wt.% of the sulfur was present as anhydrite prior to eruption, with the remainder in a vapor phase, with H2S/SO2 ≈ 9. The bulk magmatic δ34S value for the 1982 El Chichón trachyandesite is estimated as +4.1 to +5.8‰, typical of the relatively heavy sulfur isotopic compositions that characterize subduction-related magmas.  相似文献   

The forsterite-bearing Type B (FoB) CAI SJ101 consists of three major structural units: (1) light patches of sector-zoned, poikilitic Al-rich clinopyroxene (Cpx) with numerous inclusions of small spinel grains and aggregates and subordinate amounts of Mg-rich melilite (Mel) and anorthite (An) (Sp-Cpx lithology), (2) dark sinuous bands of Al-rich clinopyroxene with large (up to ∼300 × 60 μm) poikilitically enclosed euhedral forsterite (Fo) crystals (Fo-Cpx lithology), and (3) the external Cpx-Sp-An rim overlying the entire inclusion. The two major lithologies are always separated by a transition zone of clinopyroxene poikilitically enclosing both forsterite and spinel. The patches of the Sp-Cpx lithology exhibit significant textural and mineralogical variability that is size-dependent. Small patches typically consist of Cpx and spinel with minor remnants of melilite and/or its alteration products. Large patches contain Mel-An-rich cores with either equigranular-ophitic-subophitic or ‘lacy’ textures reminiscent of those in Types B or C CAIs, respectively. All silicates poikilitically enclose numerous spinel grains of identical habit. Both melilite and anorthite gradually disappear toward the boundary with the Fo-Cpx lithology. Neither the evaporation mantle of Al-rich melilite typical of other FoBs nor the Wark-Lovering rim is present. Secondary minerals include grossular, monticellite, magnetite, and a few grains of wollastonite, andradite, and nepheline.Being a rather typical FoB mineralogically and chemically, texturally SJ101 differs from other FoBs in displaying the nearly complete segregation of forsterite from spinel which occur only in the Fo-Cpx and Sp-Cpx lithologies, respectively. The complex, convoluted internal structure of SJ101 suggests that the coarse-grained Sp-An-Mel-Cpx cores and Fo-Cpx lithology represent the precursor materials of FoBs, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich accretionary rims. While the inferred chemistry and mineralogy of the Fo-rich rims are fairly typical, the high Åk content in SJ101 melilite (78.7-82.3 mol.%) implies that the SJ101 proto-CAIs represent a new type of CAIs that has not been sampled before. This type of CAIs might have formed by remelting of spinel-rich condensates.The Group II REE pattern, slightly negative δ29Si and δ25Mg values, and nearly solar ratios of the major elements in the bulk SJ101 suggest that its precursors, proto-CAIs and Fo-rich rims, could have formed by a non-equilibrium condensation in a closed system of solar composition somewhat depleted in a super-refractory evaporation residue. The proposed formation scenario of SJ101 invokes a non-steady cooling and condensation of the nebular gas interrupted by at least two distinct melting episodes required to account for the igneous textures of the Mel-An-Cpx-rich cores (proto-CAIs) and the Fo-Cpx lithology.  相似文献   

The two textural varieties of olivine-rich Allende inclusions (rimmed and unrimmed olivine aggregates) consist primarily of a porous, fine-grained mafic constituent (inclusion matrix) that differs from the opaque meteorite matrix of CV3 chondrites by being relatively depleted in sulfides, metal grains, and (perhaps) carbonaceous material. Olivine is the most abundant mineral in Allende inclusion matrix; clinopyroxene, nepheline, sodalite, and Ti-Al-pyroxene occur in lesser amounts. Olivine in unrimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1A inclusions) is ferrous and has a narrow compositional range (Fo50–65). Olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1B inclusions) is, on average, more magnesian, with a wider compositional range (Fo53–96). Olivine grains in the granular rims of Type 1B inclusions are zoned, with magnesian cores (Fo>80) and ferrous rinds (Fo<70). Ferrous olivines (Fo<65) in both varieties of inclusions commonly contain significant amounts of Al2O3 (as much as ~0.7 wt%), CaO (as much as ~0.4 wt%), and TiO2 (as much as ~0.2 wt%), refractory elements that probably occur in submicroscopic inclusions of Ca,Al,Ti-rich glass (rather than in the olivine crystal structure). Defocussed beam analyses of Allende matrix materials demonstrate that: (1) inclusion matrix in Type 1A inclusions is more enriched in olivine and FeO than inclusion matrix in the cores of Type 1B inclusions; (2) opaque matrix materials are depleted in feldspathoids and enriched in sulfides and metal grains relative to inclusion matrix; (3) the bulk compositions of Type 1A and Type 1B inclusions overlap; and (4) excluding sulfides and metal, the bulk compositions of Allende matrix materials cluster in a complementary pattern around the bulk composition of C1 chondrites.Inclusion matrix and meteorite matrix in Allende and other CV3 chondrites are probably relatively primitive nebular material, but a careful evaluation of the equilibrium condensation model suggests that these matrix materials do not consist of crystalline phases that formed under equilibrium conditions in a relatively cool gas of solar composition. Allende inclusion matrix is interpreted as an aggregate of condensates that formed under relatively oxidizing, non-equilibrium conditions from supercooled, supersaturated vapors produced during the vaporization of interstellar dust by aerodynamic drag heating in the solar nebula; CV3 meteorite matrix contains, in addition, a proportion of interstellar material that was heated (but not vaporized) in the nebula. Granular olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates may have formed during the recrystallization and incipient melting of aggregates of inclusion matrix in the nebula. The mineral chemistry of matrix olivine in Allende seems to have been established by three different processes: non-equilibrium vapor → solid condensation; recrystallization and partial melting in the nebula; and FeMg equilibration (without textural homogenization) in the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

A detailed oxygen isotope study of detrital quartz and authigenic quartz overgrowths from shallowly buried (<1 km) quartz arenites of the St. Peter Sandstone (in SW Wisconsin) constrains temperature and fluid sources during diagenesis. Quartz overgrowths are syntaxial (optically continuous) and show complex luminescent zonation by cathodoluminescence. Detrital quartz grains were separated from 53 rocks and analyzed for oxygen isotope ratio by laser fluorination, resulting in an average δ18O of 10.0 ± 0.2‰ (1SD, n = 109). Twelve thin sections were analyzed by CAMECA-1280 ion microprobe (6-10 μm spot size, analytical precision better than ±0.2‰, 1SD). Detrital quartz grains have an average δ18O of 10.0 ± 1.4‰ (1SD, n = 91) identical to the data obtained by laser fluorination. The ion microprobe data reveal true variability that is otherwise lost by homogenization of powdered samples necessary for laser fluorination. Laser fluorination uses samples that are one million times larger than the ion microprobe. Whole rock (WR) samples from the 53 rocks were analyzed by laser fluorination, giving δ18O between 9.8‰ and 16.7‰ (n = 110). Quartz overgrowths in thin sections from 10 rocks were analyzed by ion microprobe and average δ18O = 29.3 ± 1.0‰ (1SD, n = 161).Given the similarity, on average, of δ18O for all detrital quartz grains and for all quartz overgrowths, samples with higher δ18O(WR) values can be shown to have more cement. The quartz cement in the 53 rocks, calculated by mass balance, varies from <1 to 21 vol.% cement, with one outlier at 33 vol.% cement. Eolian samples have an average of 11% cement compared to marine samples, which average 4% cement.Two models for quartz cementation have been investigated: high temperature (50-110 °C) formation from ore-forming brines related to Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) mineralization and formation as silcretes at low temperature (10-30 °C). The homogeneity of δ18O for quartz overgrowths determined by ion microprobe rules out a systematic regional variation of temperature as predicted for MVT brines and there are no other known heating events in these sediments that were never buried to depths >1 km. The data in this study suggest that quartz overgrowths formed as silcretes in the St. Peter Sandstone from meteoric water with δ18O values of −10‰ to −5‰ at 10-30 °C. This interpretation runs counter to conventional wisdom based on fibrous or opaline silica cements suggesting that the formation of syntaxial quartz overgrowths requires higher temperatures. While metastable silica cements commonly form at high degrees of silica oversaturation following rapid break-down reactions of materials such as of feldspars or glass, the weathering of a clean quartz arenite is slower facilitating chemical equilibrium and precipitation of crystallographically oriented overgrowths of α-quartz.  相似文献   

We report in situ ion microprobe analyses of oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, high-Ca pyroxene, anorthitic plagioclase, glassy mesostasis, and spinel in five aluminum-rich chondrules and nine ferromagnesian chondrules from the CR carbonaceous chondrites EET92042, GRA95229, and MAC87320. Ferromagnesian chondrules are isotopically homogeneous within ±2‰ in Δ17O; the interchondrule variations in Δ17O range from 0 to −5‰. Small oxygen isotopic heterogeneities found in two ferromagnesian chondrules are due to the presence of relict olivine grains. In contrast, two out of five aluminum-rich chondrules are isotopically heterogeneous with Δ17O values ranging from −6 to −15‰ and from −2 to −11‰, respectively. This isotopic heterogeneity is due to the presence of 16O-enriched spinel and anorthite (Δ17O = −10 to −15‰), which are relict phases of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) incorporated into chondrule precursors and incompletely melted during chondrule formation. These observations and the high abundance of relict CAIs in the aluminum-rich chondrules suggest a close genetic relationship between these objects: aluminum-rich chondrules formed by melting of spinel-anorthite-pyroxene CAIs mixed with ferromagnesian precursors compositionally similar to magnesium-rich (Type I) chondrules. The aluminum-rich chondrules without relict CAIs have oxygen isotopic compositions (Δ17O = −2 to −8‰) similar to those of ferromagnesian chondrules. In contrast to the aluminum-rich chondrules from ordinary chondrites, those from CRs plot on a three-oxygen isotope diagram along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line and form a continuum with amoeboid olivine aggregates and CAIs from CRs. We conclude that oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules resulted from two processes: homogenization of isotopically heterogeneous materials during chondrule melting and oxygen isotopic exchange between chondrule melt and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   

We report high precision SIMS oxygen three isotope analyses of 36 chondrules from some of the least equilibrated LL3 chondrites, and find systematic variations in oxygen isotope ratios with chondrule types. FeO-poor (type I) chondrules generally plot along a mass dependent fractionation line (Δ17O ∼ 0.7‰), with δ18O values lower in olivine-rich (IA) than pyroxene-rich (IB) chondrules. Data from FeO-rich (type II) chondrules show a limited range of δ18O and δ17O values at δ18O = 4.5‰, δ17O = 2.9‰, and Δ17O = 0.5‰, which is slightly 16O-enriched relative to bulk LL chondrites (Δ17O ∼ 1.3‰). Data from four chondrules show 16O-rich oxygen isotope ratios that plot near the CCAM (Carbonaceous Chondrite Anhydrous Mineral) line. Glass analyses in selected chondrules are systematically higher than co-existing minerals in both δ18O and Δ17O values, whereas high-Ca pyroxene data in the same chondrule are similar to those in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts.Our results suggest that the LL chondrite chondrule-forming region contained two kinds of solid precursors, (1) 16O-poor precursors with Δ17O > 1.6‰ and (2) 16O-rich solid precursors derived from the same oxygen isotope reservoir as carbonaceous chondrites. Oxygen isotopes exhibited open system behavior during chondrule formation, and the interaction between the solid and ambient gas might occur as described in the following model. Significant evaporation and recondensation of solid precursors caused a large mass-dependent fractionation due to either kinetic or equilibrium isotope exchange between gas and solid to form type IA chondrules with higher bulk Mg/Si ratios. Type II chondrules formed under elevated dust/gas ratios and with water ice in the precursors, in which the ambient H2O gas homogenized chondrule melts by isotope exchange. Low temperature oxygen isotope exchange may have occurred between chondrule glasses and aqueous fluids with high Δ17O (∼5‰) in LL the parent body. According to our model, oxygen isotope ratios of chondrules were strongly influenced by the local solid precursors in the proto-planetary disk and the ambient gas during chondrule melting events.  相似文献   

We found thirty compound chondrules in two CV3 carbonaceous chondrites. The abundance in each meteorite relative to single chondrules is 29/1846 (1.6%) in Allende and 1/230 (0.4%) in Axtell. We examined petrologic features, major element concentrations and oxygen isotopic compositions. Textural, compositional and isotopic evidence suggests that multiple, different mechanisms are responsible for the formation of compound chondrules.Seven compound chondrules are composed of two conjoined porphyritic chondrules with a blurred boundary. At the boundary region of this type of compounds, a poikilitic texture is commonly observed. This suggests that the two chondrules were melted when they came to be in contact. On the other hand, seventeen compound chondrules consist of two conjoined chondrules with a discrete boundary. The preservation of spherical boundary planes of an earlier-formed chondrule of this type implies that it already solidified before fusing with a later-formed chondrule that was still melted. Six samples out of 17 compound chondrules of this type are composed of two BO chondrules. The BO-BO compound chondrules have a unique textural feature in common: the directions of the barred olivines are mostly parallel between two chondrules. This cannot be explained by a simple collision process and forces another mechanism to be taken into consideration.The remaining six compound chondrules differ from the others; they consist of an earlier-formed chondrule enclosed by a later-formed chondrule. A large FeO enrichment was observed in the later-formed chondrules and the enrichment was much greater than that in the later-formed chondrules of other types of compounds. This is consistent with the relict chondrule model, which envisages that the later-formed chondrule was made by a flash melting of a porous FeO-rich dust clump on an earlier-formed chondrule. The textural evidence of this type of compound shows that the earlier-formed chondrule has melted again to varying degrees at the second heating event. This implies that FeO concentrations in bulk chondrules increases during the second heating event if an earlier-formed chondrule was totally melted together with the FeO-rich dust aggregates.Silicate minerals such as olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in compound chondrules have oxygen isotope compositions similar to those in single chondrules from CV3 chondrites. The oxygen isotope composition of each part of the compound chondrule is basically similar to their chondrule pair, but silicates in some chondrules show varying degrees of 16O-enrichment down to −15‰ in δ18O, while those in their partners have 16O-poor invariable compositions near 0 ‰ in δ18O. This implies that the two chondrules in individual compounds formed in the same environments before they became conjoined and the heterogeneous oxygen isotope compositions in some chondrules resulted from incomplete exchange of oxygen atoms between 16O-rich chondrule melts and 16O-poor nebular gas.  相似文献   

In aquatic environment, iron redox reaction may occur through a) microbial activity and b) photo-chemistry. Iron chemistry plays a significant role in the health of aquatic ecosystems. For example, Fe^2+ is more mobile than Fe^3+. Iron can be bound to dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and when Fe^2+ is oxidized to Fe^3+ (biotically or abiotically), Fe is precipitated and induce co-precipitation of the DOC. Furthermore, iron is a major nutrient to aquatic organisms. Because Fe^2+ is more bioavailable than Fe^3+, iron redox chemistry can be a controlling factor in biological production, such as algae bloom which can be a public health concern. Experiments have shown that Fe redox reactions, biotically or abiotically, can generate significant Fe isotope fraction among different Fe species. Accordingly, analysis of Fe isotope composition of phytoplanktons can be a valuable tool in studying Fe dynamics in ecosystems. Precise measurement of Fe isotope, however, presents some challenges. Recent advances in mass spectrometry, specifically high resolution MC-ICP-MS, allow measurement of Fe isotopes free of interferences.  相似文献   

The iron-rich olivine end-member, fayalite, occurs in the matrix, chondrules, Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), silicate aggregates, and dark inclusions in the Kaba and Mokoia oxidized CV3 chondrites. In most occurrences, fayalite is associated with magnetite and troilite. To help constrain the origin of the fayalite (Fa98-100), we measured oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions and Mn-Cr systematics in fayalite from two petrographic settings of the Kaba meteorite. One setting consists of big fayalite laths embedded in the matrix and radiating from a core of fine-grained magnetite and sulfide, while the other setting consists of small fayalite-magnetite-sulfide assemblages within or at the surface of Type I barred or porphyritic olivine chondrules. Oxygen in the big fayalite laths and small chondrule fayalites falls on the terrestrial fractionation line, and is distinct from that in chondrule forsterites, which are enriched in 16O (Δ17O = ∼−4‰). Oxygen in the big fayalite laths may be isotopically heavier than that in chondrule fayalites. Silicon isotopes suggest that forsterite is ∼1‰/amu heavier than adjacent fayalite within Kaba chondrules. However, we were unable to confirm large silicon isotopic differences among fayalites reported previously. The Mn-Cr data for big Kaba fayalites give an initial 53Mn/55Mn ratio of (2.07 ± 0.17) × 10−6, consistent with literature results on Mokoia chondrule fayalites. The combined data suggest that fayalites in both petrographic settings formed at about the same time, ∼9.7 Ma after the formation of CAIs. Our data indicate that those fayalite-magnetite-troilite assemblages replacing metal inside and around chondrules formed by aqueous alteration on the meteorite parent body. The formation site and mechanism for the big fayalite laths is less clear, but the petrographic setting indicates that they did not form in situ. None of the models that have been suggested for formation of these fayalites is entirely satisfactory.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a highly hydrated clast in the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite that contains eight chondrules and one amoeboid olivine inclusion (AOI), embedded in a matrix dominated by hydrous phyllosilicates. Anhydrous silicates in the chondrules and AOI were extensively replaced by phyllosilicates. The matrix has a composition intermediate between saponite and serpentine and contains abundant framboidal magnetite, being similar to the matrices of the CI chondrites. The mineralogy and texture indicate that the clast resulted from intensive aqueous alteration of a precursor equivalent to the host Mokoia meteorite, and it can be regarded as the CV2-type lithology. The results indicate that there was in fact an extremely wet region within the Mokoia parent body and that this clast escaped subsequent thermal metamorphism.This clast reveals abundant evidence of progressive and dynamic aqueous alteration processes. The chondrules were replaced inward from their margins, and the alteration products were disaggregated and mixed into the matrix; as a result, the chondrules increasingly became smaller in size and irregular in shape. Some of the chondrules were separated into pieces. The results indicate that a major proportion of the matrix materials were produced by the alteration of chondrules and inclusions and that there was a stage in which the alteration products and the original matrix material were extensively and uniformly mixed together.The presence of the clast supports a previously proposed model, which suggests that hydrated chondrules, inclusions, and the rims surrounding them in the host Mokoia chondrite are clasts produced by brecciation within a wet region of the parent body and that they were subsequently transported and incorporated into the dry matrix.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopic composition of emerald from 62 occurrences and deposits in the world reveals a wide range in δ18O (SMOW) between +6.2 and +24.7‰. The δ18O-values for each deposit are restricted and can be used to determine the origin of emerald from the world's most important producers. The δ18O-value of emerald appears to be a fingerprint of its origin, especially for gems of exceptional quality from Colombia (eastern emerald zone, δ18O = +16.8 ± 0.1‰; western emerald zone, δ18O = +21.2 ± 0.5‰), Afghanistan (δ18O = +13.5 ± 0.1‰), Pakistan (Swat-Mingora districts, δ18O = +15.7 ± 0.1‰), Brazil (Santa Terezinha de Goiás, δ18O = +12.2 ± 0.1‰; Quadrilatero Ferrifero, δ18O = +6.9 ± 0.4‰) and Zimbabwe (Sandawana, δ18O = +7.5 ± 0.5‰). Furthermore, the 18O-composition of emerald appears to be a good marker of its geological environment because the data suggest that host-rock-buffering of fluid δ18O is considerable during fluid-rock interaction. Received: 29 January 1998 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

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