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At martian mid-to-high latitudes, the surfaces of potentially ice-rich features, including concentric crater fill, lobate debris aprons, and lineated valley fill, typically display a complex texture known as “brain terrain,” due to its resemblance to the complex patterns on brain surfaces. In order to determine the structure and developmental history of concentric crater fill and overlying latitude-dependent mantle (LDM) material, “brain terrain” and polygonally-patterned LDM surfaces are analyzed using HiRISE images from four craters in Utopia Planitia containing concentric crater fill. “Brain terrain” and mantle surface textures are classified based on morphological characteristics: (1) closed-cell “brain terrain,” (2) open-cell “brain terrain,” (3) high-center mantle polygons, and (4) low-center mantle polygons. A combined glacial and thermal-contraction cracking model is proposed for the formation and modification of the “brain terrain” texture of concentric crater fill. A similar model, related to thermal contraction cracking and differential sublimation of underlying ice, is proposed for the formation and development of polygonally patterned mantle material. Both models require atmospheric deposition of ice, likely during periods of high obliquity, but do not require wet active layer processes. Crater dating of “brain terrain” and mantled surfaces suggests a transition at martian mid-latitudes from peak “glacial” conditions occurring within the past ∼10-100 My to a quiescent period followed by a cold-desert “periglacial” period during the past ∼1-2 My.  相似文献   

High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery and digital elevation models of the Candor Chasma region of Valles Marineris, Mars, reveal prominent and distinctive positive-relief knobs amidst light-toned layers. Three classifications of knobs, Types 1, 2, and 3, are distinguished from a combination of HiRISE and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) images based on physical expressions (geometries, spatial relationships), and spectral data from Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). Type 1 knobs are abundant, concentrated, topographically resistant features with their highest frequency in West Candor, which have consistent stratigraphic correlations of the peak altitude (height). These Type 1 knobs could be erosional remnants of a simple dissected terrain, possibly derived from a more continuous, resistant, capping layer of pre-existing material diagenetically altered through recrystallization or cementation. Types 2 and 3 knobs are not linked to a single stratigraphic layer and are generally solitary to isolated, with variable heights. Type 3 are the largest knobs at nearly an order of magnitude larger than Type 1 knobs. The variable sizes and occasional pits on the tops of Type 2 and 3 knobs suggest a different origin, possibly related to more developed erosion, preferential cementation, or textural differences from sediment/water injection or intrusion, or from a buried impact crater. Enhanced color HiRISE images show a brown coloration of the knob peak crests that is attributable to processing and photometric effects; CRISM data do not show any detectable spectral differences between the knobs and the host rock layers, other than albedo. These intriguing knobs hold important clues to deducing relative rock properties, timing of events, and weathering conditions of Mars history.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts from space exploration to sound the martian subsurface with RADAR, the structure of the martian subsurface is still unknown. Major geologic contacts or discontinuities inside the martian crust have not been revealed. Another way to analyze the subsurface is to study rocks that have been exhumed from depth by impact processes. The last martian mission, MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), put forth a great deal of effort in targeting the central peaks of impact craters with both of its high resolution instruments: CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) and HiRISE (High Resolution Science Experiment). We analyzed the composition with CRISM and the physical characteristics on HiRISE of the rocks exhumed from depth from 31 impact craters in the vicinity of Valles Marineris. Our analyses revealed the presence at depth of two kinds of material: massive light-toned rocks and intact layers. Exhumed light-toned massive rocks are enriched in low calcium pyroxenes and olivine. Hydrated phases such as smectites and putative serpentine are present and may provide evidence of hydrothermal processes. Some of the rocks may represent portions of the volatile-rich, pre-Noachian martian primitive crust. In the second class of central peaks, exhumed layers are deformed, folded, and fractured. Visible-near infrared (VNIR) spectra suggest that they are composed of a mixture of olivine and high calcium pyroxene associated with hydrated phases. These layers may represent a Noachian volcanic accumulation of up to 18 km due to Tharsis activity. The spatial distribution, as well as the in-depth distribution between the two groups of rocks exhumed, are not random and reveal a major geologic discontinuity below the Tharsis lava plateau. The contact may be vertical over several kilometers depth suggesting the pre-existence of a steep basin (early giant impact or subsidence basin) or sagduction processes.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

A. Lefort  P.S. Russell  N. Thomas 《Icarus》2010,205(1):259-268
The Peneus and Amphitrites Paterae region of Mars displays large areas of smooth, geologically young terrains overlying a rougher and older topography. These terrains may be remnants of the mid-latitude mantle deposit, which is thought to be composed of ice-rich material originating from airfall deposition during a high-obliquity period less than 5 Ma ago. Within these terrains, there are several types of potentially periglacial features. In particular, there are networks of polygonal cracks and scalloped-shaped depressions, which are similar to features found in Utopia Planitia in the northern hemisphere. This area also displays knobby terrain similar to the so-called “basketball terrains” of the mid and high martian latitudes. We use recent high resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) along with data from previous Mars missions to study the small-scale morphology of the scalloped terrains, and associated polygon network and knobby terrains. We compare these with the features observed in Utopia Planitia and attempt to determine their formation process. While the two sites share many general features, scallops in Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae lack the diverse polygon network (i.e. there is little variation in the polygon sizes and shapes) and large curvilinear ridges observed in Utopia Planitia. This points to a more homogeneous ice content within the substrate in the Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae region and implies that scallop formation is independent of polygon formation. This work shows that, as in Utopia Planitia, sublimation of interstitial ice is a likely process explaining the formation of the scalloped depressions in the region of Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae. Therefore, we provide a simplified scallop formation model based on sublimation of interstitial ice as proposed for Utopia Planitia. We also show that the differences in scallop morphologies between the two regions may be explained by differences in near-surface ice content, sublimation rates and age of formation of the scalloped terrains.  相似文献   

Emplacement of the youngest flood lava on Mars: A short, turbulent story   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently acquired data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), Context (CTX) imager, and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft were used to investigate the emplacement of the youngest flood-lava flow on Mars. Careful mapping finds that the Athabasca Valles flood lava is the product of a single eruption, and it covers 250,000 km2 of western Elysium Planitia with an estimated 5000-7500 km3 of mafic or ultramafic lava. Calculations utilizing topographic data enhanced with MRO observations to refine the dimensions of the channel system show that this flood lava was emplaced turbulently over a period of only a few to several weeks. This is the first well-documented example of a turbulently emplaced flood lava anywhere in the Solar System. However, MRO data suggest that this same process may have operated in a number of martian channel systems. The magnitude and dynamics of these lava floods are similar to the aqueous floods that are generally believed to have eroded the channels, raising the intriguing possibility that mechanical erosion by lava could have played a role in their incision.  相似文献   

We have used data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to study 30-80 m thick light-toned layered deposits on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris at five locations: (1) south of Ius Chasma, (2) south of western Melas Chasma, (3) south of western Candor Chasma, (4) west of Juventae Chasma, and (5) west of Ganges Chasma. The beds within these deposits have unique variations in brightness, color, mineralogy, and erosional properties that are not typically observed in light-toned layered deposits within Valles Marineris or many other equatorial areas on Mars. Reflectance spectra indicate these deposits contain opaline silica and Fe-sulfates, consistent with low-temperature, acidic aqueous alteration of basaltic materials. We have found valley or channel systems associated with the layered deposits at all five locations, and the volcanic plains adjacent to Juventae, Ius, and Ganges exhibit inverted channels composed of light-toned beds. Valleys, channels, and light-toned layering along the walls of Juventae and Melas Chasmata are most likely coeval to the aqueous activity that affected the adjacent plateaus and indicate some hydrological activity occurred after formation of the chasmata. Although the source of water and sediment remains uncertain, the strong correlation between fluvial landforms and light-toned layered deposits argues for sustained precipitation, surface runoff, and fluvial deposition occurring during the Hesperian on the plateaus adjacent to Valles Marineris and along portions of chasmata walls.  相似文献   

Flat-floored depressions with scalloped-shapes and spatially associated small-sized polygons (diameter <~100 m) dot the landscape of western Utopia Planitia (centered at 45°N–95°E). The scalloped depressions are thought to be the result of ice-rich regolith undergoing degradation by sublimation or thaw. Current models suggest that the formation and development of the depressions occur in a poleward direction due to the enhanced sublimation of their equator-facing slopes. By contrast, we propose a conceptual model that shows the equatorward growth of depressions due to preferential degradation by sublimation of their pole-facing slopes. Our model is based on a geomorphological study of the depressions and small-sized polygons in western Utopia Planitia (80°–110°E, 35°–50°N), using images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and topographical data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and a HiRISE stereo Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Here we describe (i) a morphological evolution of small-sized polygons within the depressions, from low-centered to high-centered, that facilitates one's understanding of depression growth and development; and (ii) occurrence of v-shaped alcoves, failure cracks and semicircular hollows that point to a retrogressive degradation of the pole-facing slopes of depressions. We propose that the development of the depressions is due to heightened insolation of their pole-facing slopes, leading to enhanced sublimation of ground-ice. Based upon the inferred asymmetric insolation, we suggest that the equatorward expansion of depressions occurred during recent high-obliquity periods of Mars.  相似文献   

This paper presents new, detailed analyses of small-scale morphologic and topographic characteristics of martian debris aprons that support Viking-based interpretations of debris aprons as ice-rich flow features derived from local uplands. Fifty-four debris apron complexes in the eastern Hellas region of Mars were examined using Mars Global Surveyor data sets, including Mars Orbiter Camera images and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter topographic profiles. Consistent patterns in a suite of small-scale surface textures and geomorphic features observed throughout the population reflect a history of viscous flow and surface degradation through wind ablation and loss of contained ice. A wide variety of shapes seen in topographic profile reveal variations in distribution of contained ice and different stages of apron development and degradation. The results of this study provide new evidence consistent with multiple models of apron formation, including rock glacier, debris-covered glacier, and ice-rich landslide models. Typical eastern Hellas debris aprons formed from a series of large-scale events, emplacing debris that was enriched initially or later by ground ice, complemented by small-scale mass wasting of multiple styles and postemplacement flow of apron masses.  相似文献   

Western Utopia Planitia (UP) is dotted with scalloped depressions, small-sized polygons and pingo-like mounds. Within the planetary science community, there seems to be a general agreement that these relatively recent landscape features are indicative of an ice-rich permafrost. However, questions about the concentration of ice-content and the origin of the permafrost remain unanswered. The scalloped depressions (~100 m to few km in diam.) are thought to be the product of degradation of ground-ice by thawing or sublimation. Indeed, most of the scalloped depressions display bright bands on their floors. These have been described as possible exposed sedimentary layers, markers of recessional ponded water or slumped material by previous works. As the depressions could represent probes of the permafrost, therefore the study of the inner bands could help to investigate the permafrost. Here, we evaluate the disparate hypotheses of band origin using several HiRISE images and a HiRISE DEM. We show that the depressions have an inner stepped-profile. This profile is reminiscent of exhumed and tilted sedimentary layers of different cohesion. Using ArcGIS, we estimate the dip of several layers (n=52). The stratification is complex comprising layers of ~2–4 m thick having different shallow dips with generally a north or south plunge sense. This geometry of tilted layers is typical on Earth of fluviatile or eolian sedimentation. In the last few years, several evidences on Mars, among them the subkilometer-scale smoothing of the topography and climatic simulations, suggested that the northern mid-latitudes have been influenced by eolian processes. The inferred complex stratification inside scalloped depressions may support an eolian origin of the permafrost in UP. In periglacial regions on Earth where thermokarst lakes are formed by extensive thawing of ground-ice, ice-rich permafrost are composed of fluvial or eolian sediments containing ~15–80% of ice by volume. By analogy, the wide occurrence of kilometric scalloped depressions in UP could assume an ice-rich permafrost of possibly same ice-content. The presence of this ice-rich and stratified permafrost raises interesting questions about its relatively recent formation and climatic significance.  相似文献   

The extensive light-toned deposits in canyons and troughs in Valles Marineris provide evidence of formation through water-related processes. As such, these deposits offer a window to past conditions on Mars. We study a small outcrop of light-toned deposits in a closed trough in Coprates Catena, a chain of collapse pits to the south-east of the main Valles Marineris system. A well-exposed sequence of deposits on the base of the north wall of the trough offers a 220 m section for geochemical and morphologic analysis. Using CRISM data we identify the presence of both phyllosilicates and sulfates and/or opaline silica in the light toned deposits, which vary in relative strength with elevation. We observe a trend in the dominant mineralogical signal, with Al phyllosilicates occurring near the base of the deposits, both below and above a band of Fe/Mg phyllosilicates, before a transition to more sulfate- or opaline silica-rich material near the top of the section. This trend likely reflects a change in the chemistry of the water in which the deposits formed. Using a HiRISE Digital Elevation Model, we find that the layers in the light-toned deposits on both sides of the trough dip gently towards the center of the trough, with a dip direction that aligns with the strike of the trough, suggesting that the light-toned deposits formed after the trough. Our general morphologic and mineralogical observations fit well with significant amounts of water in the trough. The deposits are too small to be dated using crater counting techniques, however, our crater analysis suggests that the plains in which the trough formed are probably Late Hesperian in age. If the chemistry of the light-toned deposits reflects the primary depositional mineralogy, then this and other small troughs in Coprates Catena might provide evidence of limited phyllosilicate formation in this region towards the end of the Hesperian era on Mars.  相似文献   

We provide an overview of features indicative of the interaction between water and lava and/or magma on Mars as seen by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera during the Primary Science Phase of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) mission. The ability to confidently resolve meter-scale features from orbit has been extremely useful in the study of the most pristine examples. In particular, HiRISE has allowed the documentation of previously undescribed features associated with phreatovolcanic cones (formed by the interaction of lava and groundwater) on rapidly emplaced flood lavas. These include “moats” and “wakes” that indicate that the lava crust was thin and mobile, respectively [Jaeger, W.L., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Dundas, C.M., Russel, P.S., 2007. Science 317, 1709-1711]. HiRISE has also discovered entablature-style jointing in lavas that is indicative of water-cooling [Milazzo, M.P., Keszthelyi, L.P., Jaeger, W.L., Rosiek, M., Mattson, S., Verba, C., Beyer, R.A., Geissler, P.E., McEwen, A.S., and the HiRISE Team, 2009. Geology 37, 171-174]. Other observations strongly support the idea of extensive volcanic mudflows (lahars). Evidence for other forms of hydrovolcanism, including glaciovolcanic interactions, is more equivocal. This is largely because most older and high-latitude terrains have been extensively modified, masking any earlier 1-10 m scale features. Much like terrestrial fieldwork, the prerequisite for making full use of HiRISE’s capabilities is finding good outcrops.  相似文献   

Gale Crater contains a 5.2 km-high central mound of layered material that is largely sedimentary in origin and has been considered as a potential landing site for both the MER (Mars Exploration Rover) and MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) missions. We have analyzed recent data from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to help unravel the complex geologic history evidenced by these layered deposits and other landforms in the crater. Results from imaging data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) confirm geomorphic evidence for fluvial activity and may indicate an early lacustrine phase. Analysis of spectral data from the CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) instrument shows clay-bearing units interstratified with sulfate-bearing strata in the lower member of the layered mound, again indicative of aqueous activity. The formation age of the layered mound, derived from crater counts and superposition relationships, is ∼3.6-3.8 Ga and straddles the Noachian-Hesperian time-stratigraphic boundary. Thus Gale provides a unique opportunity to investigate global environmental change on Mars during a period of transition from an environment that favored phyllosilicate deposition to a later one that was dominated by sulfate formation.  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic field, located in northeast China, consists of 14 Quaternary volcanoes with each volcano as a steep-sided scoria cone surrounded by gently sloping lava flows. Each cone is topped with a bowl-shaped or funnel-shaped crater. The volcanic cones are constructed by the accumulation of tephra and other ejecta. In this paper, their geologic features have been investigated and compared with some Martian volcanic features at Ascraeus Mons volcanoes observed on images obtained from High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiments (HiRISE), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Context Imager (CTX) and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS). The results show that both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons volcanoes are basaltic, share similar eruptive and geomorphologic features and eruptive styles, and have experienced multiple eruptive phases, in spite of the significant differences in their dimension and size. Both also show a variety of eruptive styles, such as fissure and central venting, tube-fed and channel-fed lava flows, and probably pyroclastic deposits. Three volcanic events are recognized at Ascraeus Mons, including an early phase of shield construction, a middle eruptive phase forming a low lava shield, and the last stage with aprons mantling both NE and SW flanks. We suggest that magma generation at both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons might have been facilitated by an upwelling mantle plume or upwelling of asthenospheric mantle, and a deep-seated fault zone might have controlled magma emplacement and subsequent eruptions in Ascraeus Mons as observed in the Wudalianchi field, where the volcanoes are constructed along the northeast-striking faults. Fumarolic cones produced by water/magma interaction at the Wudalianchi volcanic field may also serve as an analogue for the pseudocraters identified at Isidis and Cerberus Planitia on Mars, suggesting existence of frozen water in the ground on Mars during Martian volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

R. Antoine  T. Lopez  M. Rabinowicz 《Icarus》2011,214(2):433-446
This study investigates the cause of high nighttime temperatures within Cerberus Fossae, a system of fractures affecting the Central Elysium Planitia. The inner parts (walls and floor) of the fractures are up to 40 K warmer than the surrounding plains. However, several temperature profiles exhibit a local temperature minima occurring in the central part of the fractures. We examined first the influence of cooling efficiency at night in the case of a strong reduction of the sky proportion induced by the fracture’s geometry. However, the lack of correlation between temperature and sky proportion, calculated from extracted Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) profiles argues against this hypothesis. Albedo variations were considered but appear to be limited within the fractures, and are generally not correlated with the temperatures. Variations of the thermal properties of bedrocks exposures, debris aprons and sand dunes inferred from high-resolution images do not either correlate with temperature variations within the fractures. As none of these factors taken alone, or combined, can satisfactorily explain the temperature variations within and near the fracture, we suggest that geothermal heat transported by air convection within the porous debris aprons may contribute to explain high temperatures at night and the local minima on the fracture floor. The conditions for the occurrence of the suggested phenomenon and the consequences on the surface temperature are numerically explored. A conservative geothermal gradient of 20 mW/m2 was used in the simulations, this value being consistent with either inferred lithosphere elastic thicknesses below the shield volcanoes of the Tharsis dome or values predicted from numerical simulations of the thermal evolution of Mars. The model results indicate that temperature differences of 10-20 K between the central and upper parts of the fracture are explained in the case of high Darcy velocities which require high permeability values (5 × 10−6 m2). The presence of coarse material composing the debris aprons may explain why this key criteria was met in the context of Cerberus Fossae.  相似文献   

P.C. Thomas  P.B. James  R. Haberle 《Icarus》2009,203(2):352-798
The residual south polar cap (RSPC) of Mars includes a group of different depositional units of CO2 ice undergoing a variety of erosional processes. Complete summer coverage of the RSPC by ∼6-m/pixel data of the Context Imager (CTX) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has allowed mapping and inventory of the units in the RSPC. Unit maps and estimated thicknesses indicate the total volume of the RSPC is currently <380 km3, and represents less than 3% of the total mass of the current Mars atmosphere. Scarp retreat rates in the CO2 ice derived from comparison of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) data with earlier images are comparable to those obtained for periods up to 3 Mars years earlier. These rates, combined with sizes of depressions suggest that the oldest materials were deposited more than 125 Mars years ago. Most current erosion is by backwasting of scarps 1-12 m in height. This backwasting is initiated by a series of scarp-parallel fractures. In the older, thicker unit these fractures form about every Mars year; in thinner, younger materials they form less frequently. Some areas of the older, thicker unit are lost by downwasting rather than by the scarp retreat. A surprising finding from the HiRISE data is the scarcity of visible layering of RSPC materials, a result quite distinct from previous interpretations of layers in lower resolution images. Layers ∼0.1 m thick are exposed on the upper surfaces of some areas, but their timescale of deposition is not known. Late summer albedo changes mapped by the CTX images indicate local recycling of ice, although the amounts may be morphologically insignificant. Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) data show that the primary material of all the different forms of the RSPC is CO2 ice with only small admixtures of water ice and dust.  相似文献   

Mid-latitude pedestal craters on Mars offer crucial insights into the timing and extent of widespread ice-rich deposits during the Amazonian period. Our previous comprehensive analysis of pedestal craters strongly supports a climate-related formation mechanism, whereby pedestals result from impacts into ice-rich material at mid latitudes during periods of higher obliquity. The ice from this target deposit later sublimates due to obliquity changes, but is preserved beneath the protective cover of the armored pedestal. As such, the heights of pedestals act as a proxy for the thicknesses of the paleodeposits. In this analysis, our measurement of 2300 pedestal heights shows that although pedestals can reach up to ∼260 m in height, ∼82% are shorter than 60 m and only ∼2% are taller than 100 m. Mean pedestal heights are 48.0 m in the northern mid latitudes and 40.4 m in the southern mid latitudes, with the tallest pedestals located in Utopia Planitia, Acidalia Planitia and Malea Planum. We use these data in conjunction with prior climate model results to identify both regional and global trends regarding ice accumulation during obliquity excursions. Our data provide evidence for multiple episodes of emplacement and removal of the mid-latitude ice-rich deposit based on stratigraphic relationships between pedestal craters and the close proximity of pedestals with significantly different heights.  相似文献   

Widespread deposits surrounding mesas, in craters and in valley systems are observed in the transition zone between the Elysium Rise and the Utopia Planitia Basin. They are characterized by their relatively high albedo, the presence of ring-mold crater (RMC) morphologies and their pitted surfaces, with textures ranging from lineations and fish-scale-patterns to widely distributed knobs. These deposits are interpreted to be modified ice-rich material in the form of degraded deposits of concentric crater fill (CCF), lineated valley fill (LVF) and lobate debris aprons (LDA). The degraded CCF deposits are observed from 31.2–40°N, 138–150°E over an elevation range of almost 9 km. This wide-ranging distribution demonstrates that degraded ice-rich deposits exist at every altitude and latitude in the study area, indicating that icy mantle materials were initially deposited over extensive areas and were stable over a long time period, allowing the deposits to coexist and interact with different processes under very different conditions. The degraded LDA deposits represent the largest unit of modified ice-rich material, with an area of ~15,700 km2, and are populated with a range of ring-mold crater morphologies that is interpreted to be related to a degradational sequence between previously described RMC and newly observed RMCs that appear to be more degraded. A distinctive frequency difference in the distribution of normal and degraded RMCs permits an evaluation of different degradation stages of the LDA deposits; we show how an RMC distribution can be used as a key tool for evaluation of altered LDA, LVF and CCF deposits. Taken together, these observations suggest that ice-rich material has played a major role in shaping the present-day landscape in the transition zone between the Elysium Rise and the Utopia Planitia Basin, and they provide a link for understanding Amazonian-aged degradation processes of ice-rich deposits in an area with no significant topographic relief.  相似文献   

Previous orbital mapping of crystalline gray haematite, ferric oxides, and sulfates has shown an association of this mineralogy with light-toned, layered deposits on the floor of Valles Marineris, in chaos terrains in the canyon’s outflow channels, and in Meridiani Planum. The exact nature of the relationship between ferric oxides and sulfates within Valles Marineris is uncertain. The Observatoire pour la Mineralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activite (OMEGA) spectrometer initially identified sulfate and ferric oxides in the layered deposits of Valles Marineris. The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) has also mapped coarse (gray) haematite in or at the base of these deposits. We use Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) spectra and Context Camera (CTX) and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to explore the mineralogy and morphology of the large layered deposit in central Capri Chasma, part of the Valles Marineris canyon system that has large, clear exposures of sulfate and haematite. We find kieserite (MgSO4·H2O) and ferric oxide (often crystalline red haematite) in the lower bedrock exposures and a polyhydrated sulfate without ferric oxides in the upper bedrock. This stratigraphy is duplicated in many other basinal chasmata, suggesting a common genesis. We propose the haematite and monohydrated sulfate formed by diagenetic alteration of a sulfate-rich sedimentary deposit, where the upper polyhydrated sulfate-rich, haematite-poor layers either were not buried sufficiently to convert to a monohydrated sulfate or were part of a later depositional phase. Based on the similarities between the Valles Marineris assemblages and the sulfate and haematite-rich deposits of Meridiani Planum, we hypothesize a common evaporite and diagenetic formation process for the Meridiani Planum sediments and the sulfate-bearing basinal Interior Layered Deposits.  相似文献   

A survey of craters in the vicinity of Newton Basin, using high-resolution images from Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey, was conducted to find and analyze examples of gullies and arcuate ridges and assess their implications for impact crater degradation processes. In the Phaethontis Quadrangle (MC-24), we identified 225 craters that contain these features. Of these, 188 had gullies on some portion of their walls, 118 had arcuate ridges at the bases of the crater walls, and 104 contained both features, typically on the same crater wall. A major result is that the pole-facing or equator-facing orientation of these features is latitude dependent. At latitudes >44° S, equator-facing orientations for both ridges and gullies are prevalent, but at latitudes <44° S, pole-facing orientations are prevalent. The gullies and arcuate ridges typically occupy craters between ∼2 and 30 km in diameter, at elevations between −1 and 3 km. Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) elevation profiles indicate that most craters with pole-facing arcuate ridges have floors sloping downward from the pole-facing wall, and some of these craters show asymmetry in crater rim heights, with lower pole-facing rims. These patterns suggest viscous flow of ice-rich materials preferentially away from gullied crater walls. Clear associations exist between gullies and arcuate ridges, including (a) geometric congruence between alcoves and sinuous arcs of arcuate ridges and (b) backfilling of arcuate ridges by debris aprons associated with gully systems. Chronologic studies suggest that gullied walls and patterned crater floor deposits have ages corresponding to the last few high obliquity cycles. Our data appear consistent with the hypothesis that these features are associated with periods of ice deposition and subsequent erosion associated with obliquity excursions within the last few tens of millions of years. Arcuate ridges may form from cycles of activity that also involve gully formation, and the ridges may be in part due to mass-wasted, ice-rich material transported downslope from the alcoves, which then interacts with previously emplaced floor deposits. Most observed gullies may be late-stage features in a degradational cycle that may have occurred many times on a given crater wall.  相似文献   

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