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W.M. Grundy 《Icarus》2009,199(2):560-563
The extremely red colors of some transneptunian objects and Centaurs are not seen among the Jupiter family comets which supposedly derive from them. Could this mismatch result from sublimation loss of colorless ice? Radiative transfer models show that mixtures of volatile ice and non-volatile organics could be extremely red, but become progressively darker and less red as the ice sublimates away.  相似文献   

We analyze the Centaur population as a group of objects with perihelion distances (q) of less than 30 AU and heliocentric distances outside the orbit of Jupiter, formed by objects entering this region from the Scattered Disk (SD). We perform a numerical integration of 95 real Scattered Disk Objects (SDOs) extracted from the Minor Planet Center database and of 905 synthetic SDOs compensating for observational biases. SDOs have in the Centaur zone a mean lifetime of 72 Myr, though this number falls with a decrease of q. After this incursion, 30% of them enter the zone interior to Jupiter's orbit. We find that the contribution to the Centaur population from the SD gives a total of ∼2.8×108 Centaurs with a radius R>1 km. We also propose a model for the intrinsic distribution of orbital elements of Centaurs and their distance and apparent magnitude distribution.  相似文献   

Results of the first polarimetric observations of Centaurs (5145) Pholus and (10199) Chariklo, and new observations of (2060) Chiron are presented together with the estimates of their absolute magnitudes. Observations were carried out at the 8 m ESO Very Large Telescope in 2007-2008. They revealed noticeable negative polarization in the phase-angle range 0.5-4.4° with a minimum varying from −1% to −2.1% in the R band. All three objects show diverse polarization phase-angle behaviour, each distinctly different from that of transneptunian objects. We found evidence of surface heterogeneity for Chariklo while Chiron and Pholus appear to have rather homogeneous surfaces. Polarization phase behaviours of Chiron and Pholus are significantly different from any other Solar System bodies studied so far. A shift of negative polarization minima toward small phase angles seems to be a characteristic feature of polarization properties of Centaurs. Presence of a small amount of water frost on a dark surface is considered as one of the possible ways to explain these properties.  相似文献   

We present optical photometry of the Centaur 5145 Pholus during 2003 May and 2004 April using the facility CCD camera on the 1.8-m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mt. Graham, Arizona. We derive a double-peaked lightcurve and a rotation period of 9.980±0.002 h for Pholus, consistent with periods of 9.9825±0.004 and 9.9823±0.0012 h by Buie and Bus (1992, Icarus 100, 288-294) and Farnham (2001, Icarus 152, 238-245). We find a lightcurve peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.60 mag, significantly larger than peak-to-peak amplitude determinations of 0.15 and 0.39 mag by Buie and Bus and Farnham. We use the three observed amplitudes and an amplitude-aspect model to derive four possible rotational pole positions as well as axial ratios of a/b=1.9 and c/b=0.9. If we assume an albedo of 0.04, we find Pholus has dimensions of 310×160×150 km. If we assume Pholus is a strengthless rubble-pile and its non-spherical shape is due to rotational distortion, our axial ratios and period measurements indicate Pholus has a density of 0.5 g cm−3, suggestive of an ice-rich, porous interior. By combining B-band and R-band lightcurves, we find BR=1.94±0.01 and any BR color variation over the surface of Pholus must be smaller than 0.06 mag (i.e., much smaller than the 1.0<BR<2.0 range seen among the Centaur and Kuiper belt object populations). By combining our VR measurements with values in the literature, we find no evidence for any color variegation between the northern and southern hemispheres of Pholus. Observations of the Kuiper belt object 2004 DW (90482) over a time interval of seven hours show no color variation Our observations add to the growing body of evidence that individual Centaurs and KBOs exhibit homogeneous surface colors and hence gray impact craters on radiation reddened crusts are probably not responsible for the surprising range of colors seen among the Centaur and Kuiper belt object populations.  相似文献   

The origin of Jupiter-family comets is linked to the intermediate stage of evolution through the Centaur region. Thus the structure of the Centaur population provides important constraints on sources of short-period comets. We show that our model of the Oort cloud evolution gives results which are consistent with the orbital distribution of observed Centaurs. In particular, it explains the existence of the large population of Centaurs with semimajor axes greater than 60 AU. The main source for these objects is the inner Oort cloud. Both Jupiter-family and Halley-type comets are produced by Centaurs originating from the Oort cloud. The injection rate for Jupiter-family comets coming from the inner Oort cloud is, at least, not less than that for a model based on the observed sample of high-eccentricity trans-Neptunian objects.  相似文献   

The Kuiper-Belt Object (29981) 1999 TD10, classified as a Scattered-Disk Object, has been observed at three different phase angles with the ESO 8.2-m VLT and FORS 1 instrument in polarimetric mode in November and December 2003. These observations have been used to compute the Stokes parameter q, which represents the linear polarization degree. We have also used the previously published photometric observations to improve the R-band phase function. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) a negative linear polarization degree decreasing with phase angle α up to, at least, α=3°, (ii) for α=3°, (iii) a possible color effect between the R and V band, the polarization degree being more negative in R. The R-band polarimetric observations can be explained by the coherent-backscattering mechanism and fitted by a two-component Rayleigh-scatterer model for a spherical small body. The rotation period of 15.382±0.001 h published by Mueller et al. (2004, Icarus 171, 506–515) and Choi et al. (2003, Icarus 165, 101–111) is confirmed. The R-band phase curve provides H=8.35±0.02 and G=−0.25±0.022 parameters with the IAU HG formalism.Based on observations obtained at the Cerro Paranal observatory of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile.  相似文献   

S.C. Tegler  W. Romanishin 《Icarus》2003,161(1):181-191
Four years ago, we reported that the surface colors of ancient, icy bodies at and beyond the orbit of Neptune—Kuiper belt objects— divide into two distinct color populations. Our report has proven quite controversial. Specifically, every other research group looking with large telescopes at Kuiper belt objects finds a continuous range of colors rather than two distinct populations. Here we report new color measurements of 18 objects, primarily from the Keck I 10-m telescope, that confirm the existence of two populations. We have combined the color measurements of the other groups to create a data set comparable in size to our data set. We have carried out a Monte Carlo statistical analysis and found that both data sets are consistent with two color populations and our data set, which has smaller uncertainties, rules out a continuum of colors. In addition, our new observations and those in the literature confirm our earlier report that classical KBOs with perihelion distances beyond 40 AU exhibit extremely red surface colors. Our results rule out a continuous color distribution for both our complete sample and subsamples with perihelion distances greater than or less than 40 AU. We suspect the color patterns will result in a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the outer Solar System.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope observations of Uranus- and Neptune-crossing object (65489) Ceto/Phorcys (provisionally designated 2003 FX128) reveal it to be a close binary system. The mutual orbit has a period of 9.554±0.011 days and a semimajor axis of 1840±48 km. These values enable computation of a system mass of (5.41±0.42)×1018 kg. Spitzer Space Telescope observations of thermal emission at 24 and 70 μm are combined with visible photometry to constrain the system's effective radius and geometric albedo . We estimate the average bulk density to be , consistent with ice plus rocky and/or carbonaceous materials. This density contrasts with lower densities recently measured with the same technique for three other comparably-sized outer Solar System binaries (617) Patroclus, (26308) 1998 SM165, and (47171) 1999 TC36, and is closer to the density of the saturnian irregular satellite Phoebe. The mutual orbit of Ceto and Phorcys is nearly circular, with an eccentricity ?0.015. This observation is consistent with calculations suggesting that the system should tidally evolve on a timescale shorter than the age of the Solar System.  相似文献   

Transneptunian objects and Centaurs are supposed to be among the most pristine bodies of the Solar System. To investigate their physical properties and their surface composition, an ESO large program at the Very Large Telescope was carried out. In this paper we present photometric and spectroscopic near-infrared data of two Centaurs (1998 SG35 and 2000 QC243) and one transneptunian object (47171 1999 TC36). For 47171 1999 TC36 and 1998 SG35 visible photometry is also presented. Models of the surface composition of these objects are presented and discussed. By including a small percentage of water ice in our geographical mixtures, we obtain a better agreement with the observations in the H and K bands.  相似文献   

Several different trans-neptunian objects have been studied in order to investigate their physical and chemical properties. New observations in the 1.1-1.4 μm range, obtained with the ISAAC instrument, are presented in order to complete previous observations carried out with FORS1 in the visible and SINFONI in the near infrared. All of the observations have been performed at the ESO/Very Large Telescope. We analyze the spectra of six different objects (2003 AZ83, Echeclus, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 1999 DE9 and 2003 FY128) in the 0.45-2.3 μm range with the model of Hapke (Hapke, B. [1981]. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 4571-4586) and the method of Shkuratov et al. (Shkuratov, Y., Starukhina, L., Hoffmann, H., Arnold, G. [1999]. Icarus 137, 235-246). Water ice is found on two objects, and in particular it is confirmed in its amorphous and crystalline states on 2003 AZ84 surface. Upper limits on the water ice content are given for the other four TNOs investigated, confirming previous results (Barkume, K.M., Brown, M.E., Schaller, E.L. [2008]. Astron. J. 135, 55-67; Guilbert, A., Alvarez-Candal, A., Merlin, F., Barucci, M.A., Dumas, C., de Bergh, C., Delsanti, A. [2009]. Icarus 201, 272-283). Whatever the absorption features in the near infrared, all objects but one exhibit a moderate red slope in the visible, as most TNOs and Centaurs. We discuss the implications of the presence of water ice and the probable sources of the red slope.  相似文献   

We present three improved and five new mutual orbits of transneptunian binary systems (58534) Logos-Zoe, (66652) Borasisi-Pabu, (88611) Teharonhiawako-Sawiskera, (123509) 2000 WK183, (149780) Altjira, 2001 QY297, 2003 QW111, and 2003 QY90 based on Hubble Space Telescope and Keck II laser guide star adaptive optics observations. Combining the five new orbit solutions with 17 previously known orbits yields a sample of 22 mutual orbits for which the period P, semimajor axis a, and eccentricity e have been determined. These orbits have mutual periods ranging from 5 to over 800 days, semimajor axes ranging from 1600 to 37,000 km, eccentricities ranging from 0 to 0.8, and system masses ranging from 2 × 1017 to 2 × 1022 kg. Based on the relative brightnesses of primaries and secondaries, most of these systems consist of near equal-sized pairs, although a few of the most massive systems are more lopsided. The observed distribution of orbital properties suggests that the most loosely-bound transneptunian binary systems are only found on dynamically cold heliocentric orbits. Of the 22 known binary mutual orbits, orientation ambiguities are now resolved for 9, of which 7 are prograde and 2 are retrograde, consistent with a random distribution of orbital orientations, but not with models predicting a strong preference for retrograde orbits. To the extent that other perturbations are not dominant, the binary systems undergo Kozai oscillations of their eccentricities and inclinations with periods of the order of tens of thousands to millions of years, some with strikingly high amplitudes.  相似文献   

We report 43 new visible colors of Centaurs and TNOs, obtained at NTT and VLT telescopes under the “ESO large program on physical properties of Centaurs and TNOs.” Merging these new measurements with those obtained during the first part of the program (Boehnhardt et al., 2002, Astron. Astrophys. 395, 297-303) and the “Meudon Multicolor Survey” (Doressoundiram et al., 2002, Astron. J. 124, 2279-2296) we have a unique dataset of 109 objects. We checked for correlations and trends between colors, physical and orbital parameters, carrying out an analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation to account for observational error bars. Centaurs show no evidence for correlation between VR vs. RI colors which raises the hypothesis that more than one single coloring process might be acting on their surfaces. Classical objects seem to be composed of two different color populations: objects with i<4.5° display only red colors while those with i>4.5° display the whole range of colors from blue to very red. The possibility that the low inclined population is misguiding global conclusions is analyzed. Classical objects also show a stronger color-perihelion correlation for intrinsically brighter objects, corresponding to critical estimated sizes of different formation/evolutionary histories. Scattered disk objects show color resemblances with the classical objects at i>12°, hence surface reflectivities resemblances, pointing to a common origin. No color-aphelion trend is found for SDOs, as expected from the intense irradiation by galactic cosmic-rays beyond the solar wind termination shock. Plutinos show a color-absolute magnitude trend, in which all the intrinsically faintest objects are blue. We see many red Plutinos in highly inclined and highly eccentric orbits, that should have originated in a primordial inner disk under Gomes (2003, Icarus 161, 404-418) migration scenario. This seems to invalidate the assumption that objects originated in this inner disk are mainly blue. Finally, we also find six candidates for light-curve studies: four objects (1998 WU31, 1999 OE4, 1999 OX3, and 2001 KP77) present significant short term R-magnitude variability, and two objects (1999 XX143 and 2000 GP183) evidence possible color variations with rotation.  相似文献   

W. Romanishin  S.C. Tegler 《Icarus》2005,179(2):523-526
Accurate absolute optical magnitude values (HV and HR) for Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs are becoming increasingly important as observations in other wavelengths, particularly SIRTF thermal infrared measurements, become available for large samples of objects. We present accurate HV and HR values for 90 KBOs and Centaurs, based on our published optical photometry. We find that our HV values are in good agreement with those available from the European photometric survey of minor bodies in the outer Solar System. Comparison with HV values from the JPL Horizons database and the Minor Planet Center database shows that these sources are systematically brighter than ours by about 0.3 mag.  相似文献   

We present here the latest BV, VR, and RI color measurements obtained with the CFH12K mosaic camera of the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). This work is the latest extension of the Meudon Multicolor Survey (2MS) and extends the total number of Centaurs and trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the dataset to 71. With this large and homogeneous dataset, we performed relevant statistical analyses to search for correlations with physical and orbital parameters and interrelations with related populations (cometary nuclei and irregular satellites). With a larger dataset, we confirm the correlations found for the Classical TNOs in our previous survey: some colors are significantly correlated with perihelion distance and inclination. The only exception is with the eccentricity. However, results strongly depend on which objects are considered Classicals, and with a dynamically more restricted definition these correlations are no longer present. We also find that strongly significant trends with orbital parameters are not detected for Centaurs, Plutinos or scattered disk objects (SDOs). We also make for the first time reliable statistical comparison between TNOs and related populations (e.g., Centaurs, irregular satellites, short period comets—i.e., SPCs). We find that (1) the colors of SPCs do not match either their TNO or Centaur precursors, and this suggests that some process modifies the surface of SPCs at entry into the inner Solar System. The only exception concerns colors of SDOs from which we could statistically assess that SPCs and SDOs could be drawn from a same single parent distribution. (2) Not surprisingly, Centaurs are compatible with each of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt dynamical groups at a highly significant level except with the SDOs. (3) Centaurs' colors still present a strong dichotomy between a neutral/slightly red group (e.g., Chiron) and a very red group (e.g., Pholus). (4) The irregular satellite population is not compatible with any of the Centaur, Plutino or Classical populations; however, the similarity of their color properties with SDOs suggests that both groups can be extracted from the same parent distribution. However, due to the small number of Centaurs and SDOs these conclusions cannot be taken as definitive.  相似文献   

We present observations of the Centaur (32532) 2001 PT13 taken between September 2000 and December 2000. A multi-wavelength lightcurve was assembled from V-, R- and J-band photometry measurements. Analysis of the lightcurve indicates that there are two peaks of slightly different brightness, a rotation period of 0.34741±0.00005 day, and a maximum photometric range of 0.18 mag. We obtained VRJHK colors (V-R=0.50±0.01, V-J=1.69±0.02, V-H=2.19±0.04, and V-K=2.30±0.04) that are consistent with the grey KBO/Centaur population. The V-R color shows no variation as a function of rotational phase; however, we cannot exclude the possibility that rotational variations are present in the R-J color. Assuming a 4% albedo, we estimate that 2001 PT13 has an effective diameter of 90 km and a minimum axial ratio a/b of 1.18. We find no evidence of a coma and place an upper limit of 15 g s−1 on the dust production rate.  相似文献   

E. Dotto  M.A. Barucci  J. Romon  J. Licandro 《Icarus》2003,164(1):122-126
10199 Chariklo (1997 CU26) is the largest Centaur so far known. We carried out near-infrared observations of this object during two different runs separated by a year. Although no evidence for spectral variations has been found over short time scales, slight differences have been detected between the two observational runs. We interpret these findings as likely due to a heterogeneous composition of the surface of Chariklo. We suggest two different models comprising geographical mixtures of tholins, amorphous carbon, and water ice in slightly different percentages. Our observations confirm the presence of water ice on the surface of this Centaur, as already detected by Brown et al. (1998, Science 280, 1430-1432) and Brown and Koresko (1998, Astrophys. J. 505, L65-67).  相似文献   

We present near-IR (2.2-2.4 μm) reflectance and transmittance spectra of frozen (16 and 77 K) methanol (CH3OH) and water-methanol (1:1) mixtures before and after irradiation with 30 keV He+ and 200 keV H+ ions. Spectra of other simple hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6) and CO have also been obtained both to help in the identification of the new molecules formed after ion irradiation of methanol-rich ices, and to get insight into the question of the presence of simple frozen hydrocarbons on the surface of some objects in the outer Solar System. The results confirm what obtained by studies performed in different spectral ranges, namely the ion-induced formation of CO and CH4, and, for the first time, evidence a strong decrease of the intensity of the methanol band at about 2.34 μm in comparison with that at 2.27 μm. The results are discussed in view of their relevance for icy objects in the Solar System (namely comets, Centaurs, and Kuiper belt objects) where CH3OH has been observed or suggested to be present.  相似文献   

P. Lamy  I. Toth 《Icarus》2009,201(2):674-713
We present new color results of cometary nuclei obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) whose superior resolution enables us to accurately isolate the nucleus signals from the surrounding comae. By combining with scrutinized available data obtained with ground-based telescopes, we accumulated a sample of 51 cometary nuclei, 44 ecliptic comets (ECs) and 7 nearly-isotropic comets (NICs) using the nomenclature of Levison [Levison, H.F., 1996. In: Rettig, T.W., Hahn, J.M. (Eds.), Completing the Inventory of the Solar System. In: ASP Conf. Ser., vol. 107, pp. 173-192]. We analyze color distributions and color-color correlations as well as correlations with other physical parameters. We present our compilation of colors of 232 outer Solar System objects—separately considering the different dynamical populations, classical KBOs in low and high-inclination orbits (respectively CKBO-LI and CKBO-HI), resonant KBOs (practically Plutinos), scattered-disk objects (SDOs) and Centaurs—of 12 candidate dead comets, and of 85 Trojans. We perform a systematic analysis of all color distributions, and conclude by synthesizing the implications of the dynamical evolution and of the colors for the origin of the minor bodies of the Solar System. We find that the color distributions are remarkably consistent with the scenarios of the formation of TNOs by Gomes [Gomes, R.S., 2003. Icarus 161, 404-418] generalized by the “Nice” model [Levison, H.F., Morbidelli, A., VanLaerhoven, Ch., Gomes, R., Tsiganis, L., 2008. Icarus 196, 258-273], and of the Trojans by Morbidelli et al. [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465]. The color distributions of the Centaurs are globally similar to those of the CKBO-HI, the Plutinos and the SDOs. However the potential bimodality of their distributions allows to possibly distinguish two groups based on their (BR) index: Centaur I with (BR)>1.7 and Centaurs II with (BR)<1.4. Centaurs I could be composed of TNOs (prominently CKBO-LI) and ultra red objects from a yet unstudied family. Centaurs II could consist in a population of evolved objects which have already visited the inner Solar System, and which has been scattered back beyond Jupiter. The diversity of colors of the ECs, in particular the existence of very red objects, is consistent with an origin in the Kuiper belt. Candidate dead comets represent an ultimate state of evolution as they appear more evolved than the Trojans and Centaurs II.  相似文献   

R.L. Hudson  M.H. Moore 《Icarus》2009,203(2):677-17884
We report recent experiments on ethane ices made at temperatures applicable to the outer Solar System. New near- and mid-infrared data for crystalline and amorphous ethane, including new spectra for a seldom-studied solid phase that exists at 35-55 K, are presented along with radiation-chemical experiments showing the formation of more-complex hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

We have performed an ecliptic survey of the Kuiper belt, with an areal coverage of 8.9 square degrees to a 50% limiting magnitude of , and have detected 88 Kuiper belt objects, roughly half of which received follow-up 1–2 months after detection. Using this survey data alone, we have measured the luminosity function of the Kuiper belt, thus avoiding any biases that might come from the inclusion of other observations. We have found that the Cold population defined as having inclinations less than 5° has a luminosity function slope αCold = 0.82 ± 0.23, and is different from the Hot population, which has inclinations greater than 5° and a luminosity function slope αHot = 0.35 ± 0.21. As well, we have found that those objects closer than 38 AU have virtually the same luminosity function slope as the Hot population. This result, along with similar findings of past surveys demonstrates that the dynamically Cold Kuiper belt objects likely have a steep size distribution, and are unique from all of the excited populations which have much shallower distributions. This suggests that the dynamically excited population underwent a different accretion history and achieved a more evolved state of accretion than the Cold population. As well, we discuss the similarities of the Cold and Hot populations with the size distributions of other planetesimal populations. We find that while the Jupiter family comets and the scattered disk exhibit similar size distributions, a power-law extrapolation to small sizes for the scattered disk cannot account for the observed influx of comets. As well, we have found that the Jupiter Trojan and Hot populations cannot have originated from the same parent population, a result that is difficult to reconcile with scattering models similar to the NICE model. We conclude that the similarity between the size distributions of the Cold population and the Jupiter Trojan population is a striking coincidence.  相似文献   

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