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吴林  杨列坤  师文贝  王非 《地质科学》2010,45(3):905-916
Ar同位素体系定年矿物的封闭温度范围广,并且可以获得650℃~150℃温度段的非线性冷却历史,因此~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学成为研究地质体热演化历史过程中最有效的工具之一。但是由于矿物中Ar同位素扩散机制还有一些问题没有清楚地被认识,因此在一定程度上制约了~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学的发展。本文介绍了目前应用最广泛的两种~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar热年代学模式:多重扩散域模式和多路径扩散模式,讨论了它们的发展现状、存在的问题、可能解决的方法以及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

Variations in Alpine white mica 40Ar/39Ar dates from the cover units of the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe relate to regional variations in the thermal history of the nappe. We focus on three regions within the nappe: the central Siviez-Mischabel (CSM), the southern Siviez-Mischabel (SSM), and the eastern Siviez-Mischabel (ESM). Our approach weaves together observations of quartz and mica textures in thin section, the variation of 40Ar/39Ar date with grain size, considerations of the effective diffusion dimension (EDD) of argon in white mica, and a comparison of dates with diffusion model results. In the CSM, pressure solution of quartz and dislocation glide in mica accommodated Alpine deformation. Dates record mica growth during nappe emplacement from 40 to 36 Ma and do not vary with grain size. In the SSM and ESM, both mica and quartz show textures associated with dynamic recrystallization, and dates decrease with grain size. In the SSM, dates also agree with the timing of nappe emplacement, but in the ESM, dates significantly post-date the timing of nappe emplacement. A comparison of dates with diffusion model results supports inferences from rock fabrics that the SSM experienced higher peak temperatures than the CSM, even though dates from both units approximate the timing of mica growth. Dates obtained from the ESM, however, do not compare well with simple models, and the thermal evolution of this region of the nappe, in the neighborhood of the Simplon Fault Zone, is not well understood.  相似文献   

分别出露于东、西秦岭的曹坪和沙河湾岩体、老君山和秦岭梁岩体 ,是秦岭全面碰撞后于三叠纪末 (T3 )侵入的花岗岩体 ,其冷却历史记录了秦岭陆内造山阶段的初期隆升过程。通过对角闪石、黑云母和钾长石的40 Ar/ 3 9Ar年龄测定 ,以及对钾长石40 Ar/ 3 9Ar年龄谱进行的多重扩散域模拟计算 ,发现东、西秦岭经历了完全不同的冷却历史 :从晚三叠世末至早侏罗世 ,东、西秦岭同时由 5 0 0℃开始快速冷却 ,之后东秦岭经过一个短暂的稳定期 (约 2 0Ma)后又持续快速冷却 ,至中侏罗世末即已通过 15 0℃等温线 (约地表下 3~ 5km) ;而西秦岭在早侏罗世至晚白垩世初的近 10 0Ma中一直处于稳定平缓的状态 ,至晚白垩世中期才快速冷却至 15 0℃。这种不同的冷却历史可能反映了东、西秦岭的差异隆升过程。  相似文献   

Studies of meteorites are based mostly on samples that fell to Earth in the recent past (i.e., a few million years at most). The Morokweng LL-chondrite meteorite is a particularly interesting specimen as its fall is much older (ca. 145 Ma) than most other meteorites and because it is the only macro-meteorite clast (width intersected in drill core: 25 cm) found in a melt sheet of a large impact structure. When applied to the Morokweng meteorite, 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology provides an opportunity to study (1) effects associated with pre-impact and post-impact processes and (2) collision events within a potentially distinct and as yet unsampled asteroid population.A single multi-grain aliquot yielded an inverse isochron age of 625 ± 163 Ma. This suggests a major in-space collisional event at this time. We have modeled the diffusion of 40Ar within the meteorite and plagioclase during and after the ∼145 Ma impact on Earth to tentatively explain why pre-terrestrial impact 40Ar has been preserved within the plagioclase grains. The ∼145 Ma terrestrial impact age is recorded in the low-retentivity sites of the meteorite plagioclase grains that yielded a composite inverse isochron age at 141 ± 15 Ma and thus, confirms that age information about major (terrestrial or extraterrestrial) impacts can be recorded in the K-rich mineral phases of a meteorite and measured by the 40Ar/39Ar technique. More studies on fossil meteorites need to be carried out to understand if the rough 0.6 Ga age proposed here corresponds to major LL-chondrite asteroid population destructions or, rather, to an isolated collision event.  相似文献   

Tectonic models are commonly underpinned by metamorphic cooling rates derived from diffusive‐loss thermochronology data. Such cooling ages are usually linked to temperature via Dodson's closure temperature (TC) formulation, which specifies a 1/time‐shaped cooling path (Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 1973, 40, 259). Geologists, however, commonly discuss cooling rates as a linear temperature/time shape. We present the results of a series of simple finite‐difference diffusion models for Ar diffusion in muscovite and biotite that show that the difference in recorded age between 1/t and linear cooling paths increases significantly with hotter starting temperatures, slower cooling rates and smaller grain sizes. Our results show that it is essential to constrain the cooling path shape in order to make meaningful interpretations of the measured data.  相似文献   

An 40Ar/39Ar thermochronological investigation of upper greenschist to granulite facies gneiss, amphibolite and marble was conducted in the Central Metasedimentary Belt (CMB), Ontario, to constrain its cooling history. Incremental 40Ar/39Ar release spectra indicate that substantial differential unroofing occurred in the CMB between 1000 and 600 Ma. A consistent pattern of significantly older hornblende and phlogopite 40Ar/3Ar cooling ages on the southeast sides of major northeast striking shear zones is interpreted to reflect late displacement due to extensional deformation. Variations in hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age plateaus exceeding 200 Ma occur over distances less than 50 km with major age discontinuities occurring across the Robertson Lake shear zone and the Sharbot Lake mylonite zone which separate the Sharbot Lake terrane from the Elzevir and Frontenac terranes. Extensional displacements of up to 14 km are inferred between the Frontenac and Elzevir terranes of the CMB. No evidence for significant post argon-closure vertical displacement is indicated in the vicinity of the Perth Road mylonite within the Frontenac terrane. Variations of nearly 100 Ma in phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages occur in undeformed marble on either side of the Bancroft Shear Zone. Phlogopites from sheared and mylonitized marble within the shear zone yield 40Ar/39Ar diffusional loss profiles, but have older geologically meaningless ages thought to reflect incorporation of excess argon. By 900 Ma, southeast directed extension was occurring throughout the CMB, possibly initiated along previous zones of compressional shearing. An easterly migration of active zones of extension is inferred, possibly related to an earlier, overall easterly migration of active zones of regional thrusting and easterly migration of an ancient subduction zone. The duration of extensional shearing is not well constrained, but must have ceased before 600 Ma as required by the deposition of overlying undeformed Cambrian and/or Ordovician sedimentary rocks.Contribution No. 481 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan  相似文献   

Structural and thermochronological studies of the Kampa Dome provide constraints on timing and mechanisms of gneiss dome formation in southern Tibet. The core of Kampa Dome contains the Kampa Granite, a Cambrian orthogneiss that was deformed under high temperature (sub-solidus) conditions during Himalayan orogenesis. The Kampa Granite is intruded by syn-tectonic leucogranite dikes and sills of probable Oligocene to Miocene age. Overlying Paleozoic to Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks decrease in peak metamorphic grade from kyanite + staurolite grade at the base of the sequence to unmetamorphosed at the top. The Kampa Shear Zone traverses the Kampa Granite — metasediment contact and contains evidence for high-temperature to low-temperature ductile deformation and brittle faulting. The shear zone is interpreted to represent an exhumed portion of the South Tibetan Detachment System. Biotite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology from the metasedimentary sequence yields disturbed spectra with 14.22 ± 0.18 to 15.54 ± 0.39 Ma cooling ages and concordant spectra with 14.64 ± 0.15 to 14.68 ± 0.07 Ma cooling ages. Petrographic investigations suggest disturbed samples are associated with excess argon, intracrystalline deformation, mineral and fluid inclusions and/or chloritization that led to variations in argon systematics. We conclude that the entire metasedimentary sequence cooled rapidly through mica closure temperatures at  14.6 Ma. The Kampa Granite yields the youngest biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of  13.7 Ma immediately below the granite–metasediment contact. We suggest that this age variation reflects either varying mica closure temperatures, re-heating of the Kampa Granite biotites above closure temperatures between 14.6 Ma and 13.7 Ma, or juxtaposition of rocks with different thermal histories. Our data do not corroborate the “inverse” mica cooling gradient observed in adjacent North Himalayan gneiss domes. Instead, we infer that mica cooling occurred in response to exhumation and conduction related to top-to-north normal faulting in the overlying sequence, top-to-south thrusting at depth, and coeval surface denudation.  相似文献   

The Yanshan Orogenic Belt is located in the northern part of the North China Craton (NCC), which lost ∼120 km of lithospheric mantle during Phanerozoic tectonic reactivation. Mesozoic magmatism in the Yanshan fold-and-thrust belt began at 195–185 Ma (Early Jurassic), with most of the granitic plutons being Cretaceous in age (138–113 Ma). Along with this magmatism, multi-phase deformational structures, including multiple generations of folds, thrust and reverse faults, extensional faults, and strike-slip faults are present in this belt. Previous investigations have mostly focused on geochemical and isotopic studies of these magmatic rocks, but not on the thermal history of the Mesozoic plutons. We have applied 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology to biotites and K-feldspars from several Lower Cretaceous granitic plutons to decipher the cooling and uplift history of the Yanshan region. The biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of these plutons range from 107 to 123 Ma, indicating that they cooled through about 350 °C at that time. All the K-feldspar step-heating results modeled using multiple diffusion domain theory yield similarly rapid cooling trends, although beginning at different times. Two rapid cooling phases have been identified at ca. 120–105 and 100–90 Ma. The first phase of rapid cooling occurred synchronously with widespread extensional deformation characterized by the formation of metamorphic core complexes, A-type magmatism, large-scale normal faults, and the development of half-graben basins. This suggests rapid exhumation took place in an extensional regime and was a shallow-crustal-level response to lithospheric thinning of the NCC. The second phase of rapid cooling was probably related to the regional uplift and unroofing of the Yanshan Belt, which is consistent with the lack of Upper Cretaceous sediments in most of the Yanshan region.  相似文献   

K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages have been measured on nine mafic volcanic rocks younger than 1 myr from the Snake River Plain (Idaho), Mount Adams (Washington), and Crater Lake (Oregon). The K–Ar ages were calculated from Ar measurements made by isotope dilution and K2O measurements by flame photometry. The 40Ar/39Ar ages are incremental-heating experiments using a low-blank resistance-heated furnace. The results indicate that high-quality ages can be measured on young, mafic volcanic rocks using either the K–Ar or the 40Ar/39Ar technique. The precision of an 40Ar/39Ar plateau age generally is better than the precision of a K–Ar age because the plateau age is calculated by pooling the ages of several gas increments. The precision of a plateau age generally is better than the precision of an isotope correlation (isochron) age for the same sample. For one sample the intercept of the isochron yielded an 40Ar/36Ar value significantly different from the atmospheric value of 295.5. Recalculation of increment ages using the isochron intercept for the composition of nonradiogenic Ar in the sample resulted in much better agreement of ages for this sample. The results of this study also indicate that, given suitable material and modern equipment, precise K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages can be measured on volcanic rocks as young as the latest Pleistocene, and perhaps even the Holocene.  相似文献   

Between the Qiangtang Block and Yalung-Zangpo Suture Zone in the south-central Tibetan Plateau, the following geological units and suture zones have been identified from south to north: the Gangdese Granitic Belt, the Lhasa Block, the Nyainqentanghla Shear Zone, the Dangxiong–Sangxiong Tectono-granitic Belt and the Bangong–Nujiang Suture Zone. To better constrain the tectonic evolution and cooling histories of these units, 40Ar/39Ar muscovite, biotite and K-feldspar, as well as apatite fission track dating and thermochronological analysis have been carried out. The analytical results indicate that the south-central Tibetan Plateau, with the exception of the Nyainqentanghla Shear Zone, provides a record of three cooling stages at 165–150, 130–110 and ∼45–35 Ma. Fission-track data modelling also indicates that the stages of cooling were different in the different tectonic belts or blocks. Very different cooling phases occurred in the south-central Tibetan Plateau, compared with southern Tibet, as well as along the Yalung–Zangpo Suture Zone. There is no thermochronological evidence to indicate that the south-central part of Tibetan Plateau was influenced by the underthrusting of Indian Plate.The three-stage cooling history and the stages of tectonic exhumation were controlled completely by the closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Suture Zone along its eastern segment during Middle–Late Jurassic (165–150 Ma) and its western segment in the Early–Late Cretaceous (130–110 Ma), as well as by the collision between the Indian and Asian plates in the Paleogene (45–35 Ma).  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑断裂带是青藏高原西部的一条大型右旋走滑断裂带,它是喜马拉雅山脉西段北侧重要的地质边界.本文在岩石学、变形构造的研究基础上,对喀喇昆仑断裂带东南段阿伊拉日居山-噶尔盆地地区的喀喇昆仑韧性剪切带中变质岩石的同构造矿物进行了40Ar/39Ar热年代学研究.显微构造研究表明,剪切带中的矿物记录了从高温(>600℃)到低温(<250℃)条件下的连续变形,表现为近水平的右旋剪切运动转变成斜向的右旋正滑,使绿片岩相的变形作用叠加在中-高温变形之上.暗示出走滑过程中存在隆升作用,热年代学结果显示其连续剪切变形作用从早中新世以来至少持续到4Ma,并且出现三个快速冷却阶段:第一个快速冷却阶段为从25~22Ma到21~18Ma期间,可能代表的是浅部高温剪切过程中变形局部停止或减慢的过程;第二个快速冷却时期为从15Ma到12~10Ma,是喀喇昆仑断裂带走滑过程中,阿伊拉日居山的快速隆升、噶尔盆地开始形成以及主要河流深切过程阶段;9Ma以来是第三个快速冷却过程,使阿伊拉日居山脉进一步快速隆升、噶尔盆地定形过程.根据不同年代地表地貌特征的右旋错位距离以及不同层次变形特征,估算出喀喇昆仑断裂带长期滑移速率为8~10mm/a,伴随的隆升速率为1mm/a.从显微构造和热年代学证据表明,晚第四纪以来该断裂经历了强烈的右旋走滑运动的同时伴随强烈的隆升作用.  相似文献   

In measured sequences of limestone- and greywacke-turbidites the bed-thickness is found to vary proportionally with the fall velocity of the maximum grain size, found at the base of the bed. A simple theoretical model, based on the decay of isotropic turbulence, suggests that bed-thickness should be a function not only of this fall velocity, but also of bottom slope, flow depth and the concentration and grain-size distribution of the sediment in the turbidity current. The field data do show some influence of these additional factors. Nevertheless, for many natural sequences of turbidites the flows must have carried very poorly sorted sediments and the inferred flow volumes and densities must cluster tightly about modal values. Thus, grain size remains the primary variable and the modal regression curve of bed-thickness on maximum grain size is well defined and resembles a fall-velocity curve. Relatively steep basin floors near to source can, theoretically, cause these modal regressions for distal and very proximal parts of a turbidite to diverge, introducing a crudely parabolic appearance in the form of the total regression curve. The form of this parabolic curve predicts the deposition of thin but relatively coarse proximal beds. Such beds do occur. They are different from the thin, but relatively fine, proximal beds that have been interpreted as the result of a fractionation of a turbidity current during levee-forming processes.  相似文献   

K-feldspar from the late Miocene Capoas Granite on Palawan in The Philippines appears to contain highly retentive diffusion domains that are closed to argon diffusion at near-solidus temperatures during cooling of this ~7 km-diameter pluton. This is an important result, for K-feldspar is commonly considered not retentive in terms of its ability to retain argon. Closure temperatures for argon diffusion in K-feldspars are routinely claimed to be in the range ~150–400°C but the release of 39Ar from irradiated K-feldspar during furnace step-heating experiments in vacuo yields Arrhenius data that imply the existence of highly retentive core domains, with inferred closure temperatures that can exceed ~500–700°C. These high closure temperatures from the Capoas Granite K-feldspar are consistent with the coincidence of 40Ar/39Ar ages with U–Pb zircon ages at ca 13.5 ± 0.2 Ma. The cooling rate then accelerated, but the rate of change had considerably slowed by ca 12 Ma. Low-temperature (U–Th)/He thermochronology shows that the cooling rate once again accelerated at ca 11 Ma, perhaps owing to renewed tectonic activity.  相似文献   

The recent theoretical results of Twiss (1976) and Goetze (1978) suggest that at high temperatures and sufficiently high stresses the creep behavior of dry olivine should be dominated by either nonlinear diffusion accommodated grain-boundary sliding or nonlinear Coble creep mechanisms. This would result following the production of a fine grain-size by dynamic recrystallization. For the high-temperature experimental work performed by Karato et al. (1982) dry single crystals of olivine were almost totally recrystallized during creep, and temperature changing experiments were performed on the resulting dynamically recrystallizing polycrystalline aggregates. However, the activation energy for creep determined by Karato et al. (1982) was far higher than that predicted by the models of Twiss (1976) or Goetze (1978), although the conditions required for operation of at least the model of Twiss (1976) apparently were satisfied. The data for the highly recrystallized specimens from the higher stress, lower temperature experiments of Zeuch and Green (1979) and Zeuch (1980) are in good agreement with the results of Karato et al. (1982). These latter experiments were conducted under conditions where either the model of Twiss (1976) or Goetze (1978) should have been applicable. I tentatively conclude that although fine grain sizes were produced in the experiments of Karato et al. (1982), Zeuch and Green (1979) and Zeuch (1980) by dynamic recrystallization, there is no evidence for a transition to grain-boundary diffusional creep mechanisms at high or low stresses despite the predictions of Twiss (1976) or Goetze (1978). Instead, deformation is dominated by dislocation movement with recovery by dynamic recrystallization.  相似文献   

时伟  蒋汉朝 《古地理学报》1999,24(3):599-610
为探讨构造稳定地区(如黄土高原)和构造活跃地区(如青藏高原东缘)粉尘沉积物中磁化率(SUS)与粒度的相关性及其对环境事件的指示意义,本次研究分析了黄土高原蓝田剖面黄土—古土壤样品和青藏高原东缘湖相沉积样品的粒度和磁化率记录。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强正相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强负相关,反映2~10 μm粒度组分为黄土高原和青藏高原乃至亚洲干旱—半干旱地区连续稳定敏感的背景沉积组分。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强负相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强正相关,反映32~63 μm粒度组分不仅是黄土高原尘暴事件沉积的敏感指标,也是青藏高原东缘湖相沉积记录的地震事件敏感指标。SUS与粒度组分的相关性在青藏高原东缘地区地震事件层开始部分高于结束部分,也较好地反映地震事件为研究区添加新鲜沉积物后随地形地貌恢复逐步减少的过程。SUS与粒度组分相关性也受当地物源的影响。  相似文献   

时伟  蒋汉朝 《古地理学报》2022,24(3):599-610
为探讨构造稳定地区(如黄土高原)和构造活跃地区(如青藏高原东缘)粉尘沉积物中磁化率(SUS)与粒度的相关性及其对环境事件的指示意义,本次研究分析了黄土高原蓝田剖面黄土—古土壤样品和青藏高原东缘湖相沉积样品的粒度和磁化率记录。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强正相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强负相关,反映2~10 μm粒度组分为黄土高原和青藏高原乃至亚洲干旱—半干旱地区连续稳定敏感的背景沉积组分。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强负相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强正相关,反映32~63 μm粒度组分不仅是黄土高原尘暴事件沉积的敏感指标,也是青藏高原东缘湖相沉积记录的地震事件敏感指标。SUS与粒度组分的相关性在青藏高原东缘地区地震事件层开始部分高于结束部分,也较好地反映地震事件为研究区添加新鲜沉积物后随地形地貌恢复逐步减少的过程。SUS与粒度组分相关性也受当地物源的影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical relationship between the pyrite particle size distribution and the potential amount of pyritic sulfur reduction achieved by specific-gravity-based separation. This relationship is obtained from data on 26 Ohio coal samples crushed to 14 × 28 mesh. In this paper a prediction equation is developed that considers the complete statistical distribution of all the pyrite particle sizes in the coal sample.Assuming that pyrite particles occurring in coal have a lognormal distribution, the information about the particle size distribution can be encapsulated in terms of two parameters only, the mean and the standard deviation of the logarithms of the grain diameters. When the pyritic sulfur reductions of the 26 coal samples are related to these two parameters, a very satisfactory regression equation (R2 = 0.91) results. This equation shows that information on both these parameters is needed for an accurate prediction of potential sulfur reduction, and that the mean and the standard deviation interact negatively insofar as their influence on pyritic sulfur reduction is concerned.  相似文献   

The mineral separate GA1550 biotite has become an international standard for K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating studies, although it was prepared as an intralaboratory standard at ANU to monitor tracer depletion from a gas pipette. It is one of a small number of samples that has been calibrated against 38Ar tracers, some of which had been mixed with known amounts of atmospheric argon, so that a so-called primary calibration has been performed. By measuring GA1550 biotite against additional tracers from the same batch we have determined the radiogenic argon content of this sample as 1.342 (± 0.007) × 10? 9 mol/g, and together with the measured K content of 7.645 (± 0.050) weight percent, we derive a best estimate for the K/Ar age as 98.5 ± 0.5 Ma, where the error is derived from averaging the ages determined relative to the 38Ar tracer.  相似文献   

U-Th/He年代学方法已经被广泛地应用于地质学研究。特别是由于磷灰石中氦的低封闭温度,该方法对于晚新生代构造、河流和冰川等地表过程非常敏感,具有其他同位素年代学方法无法比拟的优越性。本文回顾了U-Th/He法的发展历史,介绍了U-Th/He法的基本原理、测试方法、α-校正以及U-Th/He法面临的问题,总结了U-Th/He法在新生代构造变形、河流地貌演化、气候变迁和源区示踪4个方面的应用,最后探讨了U-Th/He法未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

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