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At Mo Hin Khao on the western flank of Khorat Plateau, Thailand, the Phra Wihan Formation reveals litharenite and sublitharenite with some subarkose and arkose. A cuesta in the eroded sedimentary sequence exhibits spectacular rock pillars of considerable geotourist potential. The rock sequence is high in silica (SiO2 67–98 wt%) and contains quartz, mica, magnetite, chert fragments and accessory minerals such as zircon and tourmaline and amphibole species. These accessory minerals suggest felsic rocks, such as granite, granodiorite and pegmatite, were sources for the sandstones. Geochemical analyses of the sedimentary sequence suggest that source rocks may lie in the passive continental margin, before sediment transport and deposition in the Khorat Basin by rivers flowing across a large flood plain. Many depositional sequences/episodes formed thick beds of cross bedded clastic rocks. A high average maturity index (>5) indicates sedimentary reworking/recycling. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values range from 47 to 98, suggesting variable chemical weathering within the source area rocks, largely representing moderate to high degrees of weathering. The average CIA value of these sediments (78) suggests that relatively extreme alteration factors were involved.  相似文献   

The Phu Kradung Formation of the Mesozoic Khorat Group is deposited by meandering river system. Floodplain deposits in the Nong Bua Lamphu section, northeastern Thailand contain paleosols with abundant calcretes. Calcretes occur within about 60 horizons in the studied section. Occurrences of calcretes are related with traces of life, such as roots and burrows. Microstructures of calcretes are mixture of biogenic and non-biogenic origin. It is suggested that the calcrete formation in the Phu Kradung Formation was affected by abundant biological activity.  相似文献   

The Phuket-Slate Belt terrane can be traced for 1700 km from Phuket to Mandalay, and has a distinct stratigraphy and tectonic history. It is characterized by a very thick Carboniferous-Lower Permian succession which includes diamictites interpreted as glacio-marine rift-infill deposited when the Sibumasu block separated from Gondwana. It was emplaced in the Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene by dextral strike-slip movement on a fault system which includes the Khlong Marui and Panlaung Faults. Southwards the Khlong Marui bounding-fault and its close associate, the Ranong Fault, are postulated to extend to Sumatra where they align with the restored proto-Indian Ocean location of the India–Australia transform at the time that both were undergoing dextral displacement and Greater India was moving toward its collision with Eurasia. It is suggested that emplacement of the Phuket-Slate Belt terrane was the result of its coupling with the north-going India plate, resulting in up to about 450 km of dextral shift on the terrane's bounding fault system. Post-emplacement sinistral movement on the cross-cutting Mae Ping and Three Pagodas Faults offset the terrane boundary resulting in its present outline.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):67-82
The giant potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau is one of the most promising targets for exploitation of potassium salts. So far, many researches and geologic survey have been conducted on the giant potash deposits. Hence, it is necessary to make an overall review on the potash deposits. The potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau was formed during the Middle to Late Cretaceous, during which seawater was enriched in Ca2+ and depleted in SO42- compared with those of modem seawater. In addition to seawater, continental water and hydrothermal fluids could have affected the evaporite basins. The seawater was probably derived from Tethys ocean, and the brine should have evaporated to some extent before entering into the basin systems based on the evidence of absence of carbonates and unproportionate sulphate compared with chloride salts. The paleo-climate during Middle to Late Cretaceous was characterized as high temperature and extremely arid environment, which is favourable for deposition of potassium-magnesium saline minerals. The major saline minerals are of anhydrite, halite, camallite, sylvite and, tachyhydrite, with trace amounts of borates. The resources of the potash deposit on the Khorat Plateau could be approximately as much as 400×109 t of camallite and 7×109 t of sylvite. The evaporite sequences have been deformed and altered by postdepositinal processes, including tectonic movements and chemical alteration. Salt domes were formed in the postdepositional processes. Based on the analyses of geophysical surveys and drilling projects, high-quality sylvinite ores are commonly found at the flanks of those salt domes due to incongruent dissolution of camallite. The future potential prospecting areas for the high-quality sylvinite ores would be on the edges of the Khorat Plateau.  相似文献   

A system of left-lateral faults that separates the South American and Scotia plates, known as the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, defines the modern tectonic setting of the southernmost Andes and is superimposed on the Late Cretaceous – Paleogene Patagonian fold-thrust belt. Fault kinematic data and crosscutting relationships from populations of thrust, strike-slip and normal faults from Peninsula Brunswick adjacent to the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, presented herein, show kinematic and temporal relationships between thrust faults and sets of younger strike-slip and normal faults. Thrust fault kinematics are homogeneous in the study area and record subhorizontal northeast-directed shortening. Strike-slip faults record east—northeast-directed horizontal shortening, west—northwest-directed horizontal extension and form Riedel and P-shear geometries compatible with left-lateral slip on the main splay of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system. Normal faults record north-south trending extension that is compatible with the strike-slip faults. The study area occurs in a releasing step-over between overlapping segments of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault system, which localized on antecedent sutures between basement terranes with differing geological origin. Results are consistent with regional tectonic models that suggest sinistral shearing and transtension in the southernmost Andes was contemporaneous with the onset of seafloor spreading in the Western Scotia Sea during the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘侏罗纪沉积相演化与盆地格局   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
通过对准噶尔盆地南缘侏罗系5条剖面的沉积特征对比,结合钻井资料和地震资料,确定了准噶尔盆地南缘侏罗纪盆地边界、沉积相演化及盆地格局。头屯河剖面和后峡剖面的沉积相对比及古流向测量表明二者在早、中侏罗世形成于同一沉积体系。在早、中侏罗世,沉积相逐渐从以辫状河-三角洲-湖泊相为主过渡到以河流相-湖泊相为主,沉积水体逐渐变浅;其中三工河组沉积时期盆地沉积范围达到最大,西山窑组沼泽相发育,车排子-莫索湾凸起自西山窑组沉积时期开始形成;早、中侏罗世的盆地边界至少位于后峡以南附近,此时不存在地理分割明显的天山山脉。晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期,沉积相从辫状河-滨浅湖相为主迅速演变为以辫状河-冲积扇相为主。在此期间盆地边界明显向北迁移,天山山脉明显隆升并造就天山南北沉积环境的巨大差异,博格达山构成盆地南缘的又一重要物源体系。  相似文献   

位于冈底斯南缘的叶巴岩群内发育着复杂的构造变形,是典型的构造转换带,已有证据表明这些复杂的构造变形与发育在叶巴岩群中的驱龙、甲玛等大型矿床的形成密切相关,其中大量发育的膝折构造是脆-韧性转换构造带中的代表。此次研究工作的主要对象为叶巴岩群内部的膝折构造,研究其分布特征、变形及扩容方式,分析其运动学特征及温度环境,结合构造变形时代探究其形成的大地构造背景。绿泥石温度计及方解石e双晶特征实验结果显示研究区膝折构造形成温度环境在170~299℃之间,表明研究区膝折构造形成的过程伴随着构造抬升。根据宏观露头及显微视域对于膝折构造的运动学特征分析,判断主压应力方向为自上而下(铅直向下),这一以垂向挤压的重力为主的主应力方向与该时期的冈底斯南缘大规模南北向滑覆构造的主压应力一致,研究结果认为发育于叶巴岩群内部的浅部膝折构造为25 Ma以来南拉萨地体伸展滑覆构造背景之下的变形作用的产物。  相似文献   

在进行1:25万岔路口幅康西瓦南部甜水湖一带地质填图和实测地层剖面的过程中,在原划奥陶系冬瓜山组中采到了大量腕足、珊瑚类化石,经鉴定其形成时代为中泥盆世早期,并发现该地层与下伏下志留统温泉沟群呈微角度不整合接触。该不整合界面的发现充分证实甜水海微陆块经历过早古生代运动,说明该微陆块与扬子陆块具有相似的演化历史,二者具有明显的亲缘关系,为进一步探讨南、北古大陆边界提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘构造带是青藏高原东北缘的主要构造边界之一,北缘断层及其所控制的新生代沉积盆地是青藏高原东北缘新生代盆—山格局演化、高原扩展隆升与变形的地质记录。因此,西秦岭北缘构造带的断裂构造和断裂控制的沉积盆地研究对于理解青藏高原构造系统形成和高原隆升过程都具有重要的科学意义。本文通过对西秦岭北缘新生代盆地的南部边界断层F1断层结构分带、断层岩类型、几何学—运动学特征分析,获得如下认识:1)F1断层总体走向为290°~300°,倾向北北东,倾角60°~80°,发育近百米宽的由韧性、韧脆性和脆性断层岩等组成的结构复杂的断层带;2)构造分析揭示了F1断层至少经历了 3期构造变形事件,第一期为韧性—韧脆性伸展正断层作用,第二期为脆性高角度挤压逆冲断层作用,第三期为近直立的脆性斜向左旋走滑作用;3)该断层近百米宽的断层带内形成于不同构造层次的韧性、韧脆性、脆性等变形现象叠加交织出现在现今地壳浅表层次,说明该断层带经历了从早期较深层次韧性变形域逐渐抬升而进入晚期较浅层次的脆韧性变形域到现今的脆性变形域的韧—脆性变形机制转换;4)根据F1断层对西秦岭北缘渐新统—中新统漳县含盐红层盆地的空间构造配置、控制和改造以及新生代区域构造变形演化历史分析,认为第一期韧性—韧脆性伸展正断层作用与渐新世—中新世断陷盆地形成相匹配,活动时代为晚渐新世—晚中新世;第二期脆性高角度挤压逆冲作用与渐新世—中新世地层翘起、褶皱和底部抬升剥蚀及上新世磨拉石盆地充填相对应,活动时代应该始于中新世末期或上新世早期,持续至第四纪早期;第三期斜向左旋走滑则与西秦岭北缘断层带第四纪以来广泛发育的左旋走滑作用相对应。综上所述,西秦岭北缘新生代漳县盆地南部边界断层F1,虽然仅是北缘构造带中一条断层,但作为构造敏感带,其多期变形历史应该代表了青藏高原东北缘新生代以来的构造变形演化及构造体制转换过程。如果这一新生代沉积盆地边界断层F1在渐新世—中新世一直处于伸展正断作用,那么西秦岭北缘在这个阶段应该处于地壳伸展拉张状态,渐新世—中新世漳县盆地只能是伸展断陷盆地而不可能是挤压挠曲前陆盆地或压陷盆地。因此,我们认为印度—欧亚板块碰撞汇聚产生的构造挤压缩短和地壳隆升效应在中新世尚未波及到西秦岭北缘区域。F1断层在中新世末—上新世初的构造反转挤压冲断和上新世具有再生前陆磨拉石堆积出现才标志着西秦岭北缘卷入青藏高原挤压构造动力学系统。  相似文献   

本文对新疆中天山南缘乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩进行了岩石矿物学和地球化学研究,对其成因和形成环境进行限定。乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩为蛇纹石化二辉橄榄岩,由橄榄石(Fo=89.1~90.6)、斜方辉石(Wo0.4-2.4En87.2~90.7Fs8.9-10.9;Mg#=89.0~91.0)、单斜辉石(Wo49.1-51.3En16.0~48.4Fs0.9-4.3;Mg#=90.2~92.1)和尖晶石(Mg#=71.8~77.5;Cr#=9.3~13.4)组成。主量元素组成上,以低Mg O(37.74%~41.34%)、高Al2O3(2.58%~3.39%)、高Ca O(2.23%~3.68%)和高Ti O2(0.05%~0.11%)为特征。微量元素上,亏损稀土元素(REE总量为1.73×10-6~4.63×10-6),亏损不相容元素(如,Rb=0.4×10-6~1.39×10-6,Zr=0.73×10-6~3.28×10-6,Hf=0.04×10-6~0.11×10-6),富集相容元素(如,Cr=2516×10-6~2793×10-6,Co=84.6×10-6~119×10-6,Ni=1641×10-6~2261×10-6)。矿物学和地球化学特征一致指示,乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩为经历过低程度(5%~10%)部分熔融作用的残余地幔橄榄岩,形成于洋中脊环境,是MOR型蛇绿岩中的地幔橄榄岩。  相似文献   

阿尔金群为阿尔金构造带的古老变质基底,由于缺乏精确的同位素测年数据,对其形成时代尚存争议。运用LA-ICP-MS 锆石U-Pb 定年分析方法,对阿尔金山南缘清水泉地区阿尔金群中的斜长角闪岩进行了年代学测定,并初步探讨其地质意义。锆石CL图像具有多晶面面状结构,无岩浆锆石具有的震荡环带和核边结构,Th/U比值大多都较低(<0.1),显示变质锆石的特点。18个锆石颗粒的19个测点给出的207Pb/206Pb年龄介于(1786±16)~(1877±12)Ma之间,加权平均值为(1827±13)Ma(MSWD=4.4,1σ)。区域地质与同位素年代学新资料表明,阿尔金山南缘清水泉地区在古元古代晚期存在一期构造-热事件,本期事件与吕梁运动的时限相吻合,在全球尺度上可能是古元古代哥伦比亚超大陆汇聚-裂解事件在该地区的响应,也证明阿尔金山存在新太古代—古元古代的变质基底,并且为探讨阿尔金构造带前寒武纪构造-热事件和演化历史提供了新证据。  相似文献   

西秦岭南缘白水江群主要由碎屑岩基质和不同性质的岩块组成,碎屑岩为一套深水浊流沉积。碎屑岩的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线以轻稀土元素富集、Eu负异常和重稀土元素平坦为特征;主量元素和微量元素的特征指示白水江群碎屑岩的物质来源具有多源性,但主要以岛弧环境为主。这表明白水江群的构造环境为活动大陆边缘,而非被动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

库车坳陷是塔里木盆地北部一个次级构造单元,受晚新生代陆内造山作用控制,发育典型的挤压冲断构造; 同时,由于古近系和新近系盐层的存在,发育丰富的盐相关构造; 另外,冲断构造各段之间的调节作用还形成了一系列的走滑构造。本文利用最新的2D、3D 地震资料及钻井资料,分析总结了库车坳陷中部的变形样式及分布特征。研究结果表明: 1)根据变形的成因机制,将库车坳陷的构造变形划分为收缩构造、盐构造及走滑构造。2)收缩构造以逆冲断层及褶皱样式为主,盐上构造层可划分为断层相关褶皱和褶皱相关断层,其中断层多在盐层内滑脱。盐下构造层根据断层组合方式可划分为叠瓦状冲断构造、楔形冲断构造及滑脱冲断构造。盐构造可以划分为盐席、盐墙、盐楔入、盐刺穿及盐拱构造。走滑构造在剖面上可见花状构造及不协调变形,平面上则可见雁列褶皱、马尾断层及海豚效应。3)收缩构造及盐构造主要分布于克拉苏构造带及秋里塔格构造带内,自南天山至盆地中心,盐下构造层由叠瓦状冲断构造过渡至滑脱冲断构造,过渡带内则发育楔形冲断构造; 走滑构造集中于坳陷西部的阿瓦特-却勒构造段以及东部的克拉3-东秋8构造段。  相似文献   

The Hukawng Basin is bounded on its east by splays of the still-active Sagaing Fault. Palinspastically restoring Myanmar's blocks to their positions before the widely-accepted c.400?km dextral strike-slip fault displacement, places the Hukawng Block alongside the Tengchong Block, suggesting they were formerly connected. Additionally the Cretaceous–Paleogene Medial-Myanmar Shear Zone then aligns with the NW-SE Jade Mines Belt. Jadeitite formed there under HP/LT conditions in a Mesozoic subduction zone. It was exhumed at the intersection of the dextral Medial-Myanmar Shear Zone with the subduction-zone at the continental margin of Sundaland. The later Sagaing Fault played no part in that exhumation.  相似文献   

新疆布尔根含金剪切带的40Ar/39Ar年龄及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对产于布尔根大型剪切带中的科克萨依和阿拉塔斯2个金矿含金绢英质糜棱岩中的云母类矿物进行了连续激光阶段升温Ar-Ar法同位素测年,获得坪年龄分别为(274.5±2.2)Ma和(282.6±2.2)Ma,对应的等时线年龄分别为(275.8±5.2)Ma和(283.1±5.2)Ma,表明含金剪切带韧-脆性剪切活动的时代以及金成矿时代为早二叠世初。结合区域地质资料说明,布尔根含金剪切带的成生演化主要受早二叠世(290~270Ma)西伯利亚板块南缘巨型额尔齐斯剪切带区域性左行韧性剪切相伴的构造-岩浆热事件控制,其地球动力学背景为造山带构造演化的后碰撞伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

董永胜  李才  陈辉  陈文  张彦 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1198-1208
青藏高原冈底斯地块东南部的德玛拉岩群为一套角闪岩相变质岩系,一直被认为是前寒武纪变质基底,但并没有可靠的年代学证据。论文对采自其中的黑云角闪片岩和黑云母石英片岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和黑云母39Ar-40Ar定年,测试表明,黑云角闪片岩原岩锆石U-Pb年龄为217.1Ma,由黑云母39Ar-40Ar获得的变质年龄为22.3Ma,黑云母石英片岩中碎屑锆石主要为岩浆成因,年龄范围主要集中在520~600Ma和900~1100Ma,黑云母39Ar-40Ar变质年龄为16.3Ma和22.3Ma。上述结果虽不能完全否定西藏东南部察隅地区前寒武纪基底变质岩系的存在,但至少说明现今的德玛拉岩群中还包含有遭受中生代岩浆侵入的古生代沉积岩,它们在新生代经历了变质和岩浆作用的再造,是一套变质杂岩。  相似文献   

董昕  张泽明  王金丽  赵国春  刘峰  王伟  于飞 《岩石学报》2009,25(7):1678-1694
本文对位于青藏高原拉萨地体东南部林芝岩群中的变质岩进行了岩石学和年代学研究。研究表明,林芝岩群由角闪岩相的变质沉积岩和正片麻岩组成。变质沉积岩主要为含石榴石白云斜长角闪片岩、含石榴石云母石英片岩、含石榴石黑云钾长片麻岩、大理岩和石英岩等,代表性矿物组合包括石榴石+斜长石+角闪石+石英+黑云母+白云母,或石榴石+斜长石+钾长石+石英+夕线石+黑云母+白云母。花岗质片麻岩(含二云母片麻岩)的矿物组合是石英+斜长石+钾长石+黑云母+白云母。锆石U-Pb年代学分析表明,变质沉积岩中的碎屑锆石主要为岩浆成因,获得了2708~63Ma的206Pb/238U年龄范围,在~1100Ma和~550Ma出现两个年代峰值。碎屑锆石的变质增生边给出了35Ma的变质年龄。正片麻岩获得了496Ma的锆石结晶年龄和1158Ma的继承年龄。基于上述研究结果、区域对比和相邻变质岩石中获得的多期变质年龄,我们认为林芝岩群的原岩很可能形成在早古生代,其沉积物质主要来源于印度陆块,与特提斯喜马拉雅早古生代的岩石一起同为印度大陆北缘的沉积盖层,在环冈瓦纳大陆周缘造山过程中被寒武纪花岗岩侵入。在新特提斯洋向北的俯冲过程中,林芝岩群经历了晚中生代的安第斯型造山作用,在印度与欧亚大陆的俯冲-碰撞过程中,林芝岩群部分地经历了新生代的变质和岩浆作用再造。本研究证明,林芝岩群并不是传统上认为的拉萨地体的前寒武纪变质基底,其角闪岩相至麻粒岩相变质作用发生在中、新生代。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘处于不均衡状态,自西而东可分为青藏高原弱负均衡重力异常区、龙门山正均衡重力异常区和四川盆地负均衡重力异常区,表明该区的不均衡状态并未导致Airy均衡运动的产生,即龙门山没有均衡下降,而处于不断的隆升状态,显示该地区反均衡运动的构造抬升是导致龙门山隆升的主因。本次采用似三度体重力异常计算方法对该区的正均衡重力异常进行模拟和反],研究了大尺度地貌分异与均衡重力异常分区之间的相互关系,结果表明,龙门山的下地壳顶面抬升了11.2~12.6km,造成了龙门山的正均衡异常,揭示了构造抬升和剥蚀作用在相似的时间尺度上和空间尺度上控制着龙门山地貌的形成,龙门山的表面隆升是构造隆升和剥蚀作用相叠加的产物。  相似文献   

分布于东昆仑南缘的早三叠世洪水川组系一套由砾岩、砂岩、页岩和鲕粒灰岩等浅海相和河流相沉积物构成的弧前盆地沉积组合.砂岩碎屑组成、重矿物组合、岩石地球化学和古水流综合研究结果表明,洪水川组砂岩物源主要来自于北侧的岛弧带,同时南侧的阿尼玛卿蛇绿混杂带也为其形成提供了部分物源;源区主要出露长英质岩石、变质岩和硅质岩.  相似文献   

Integration of 11 types of data sets enabled us to determine the location, character and fault history of the southern extension of the Clarendon–Linden Fault System (CLF) in southwestern New York State. The data sets utilized include detailed stratigraphic and fracture measurements at more than 1000 sites, soil gas anomalies, seismic reflection profiles, well logs and lineaments on air photos, topographic maps, Landsat and SLAR images. The seismically active CLF consists of as many as 10 parallel, segmented faults across the fault system. The fault segments are truncated by NW-striking cross-strike discontinuities (CSDs). The faults of the CLF and intersecting CSDs form fault blocks that have semi-independent subsidence and uplift histories. East-dipping reflectors in the Precambrian basement indicate the southward continuation of thrusts of the intra-Grenvillian Elzevir–Frontenac Boundary Zone. These thrusts were reactivated during Iapetan rifting as normal (listric) growth faults. In Ordovician Black River to Trenton time, the southern CLF segments experienced a second phase of growth fault activity, with faults displaying a cumulative stratigraphic throw of as much as 170 m. Thrusting on the same east-dipping Precambrian reflectors typified the CLF in Taconic (post-Trenton) times. Detailed comparisons among the fault segments show that the fault activity in Silurian and Devonian times generally alternated between the western and central main faults. In Late Devonian time, the fault motion reversed from down-on-the-east to down-on-the-west about the time the Appalachian Basin axis passed across the CLF in its westward migration. The deep Precambrian faults of the CLF were thus reactivated as the Appalachian Basin developed in Acadian times. Finally, the CLF thrust fault imaged on seismic line CLF-1 offsets all bedrock (Devonian) units; thus, significant motion occurred along this fault during Late Acadian, or more likely, Alleghanian time.  相似文献   

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