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Os equilibrium solubilities were determined at 1350 °C over a wide range of oxygen fugacities (−12 < log fO2 < −7) applying the mechanically assisted equilibration technique (MAE) at 105 Pa (= 1 bar). Os concentrations in the glass samples were analysed using ID-NTIMS. Additional LA-ICP-MS and SEM analyses were performed to detect, visualize and analyse the nature and chemistry of “nanonuggets.” Os solubilities determined range at a constant temperature of 1350 °C from 0.63 ± 0.04 to 37.4 ± 1.16 ppb depending on oxygen fugacity. At the highest oxygen fugacities, Os3+ can be confirmed as the main oxidation state of Os. At low oxygen fugacities (below log fO2 = −8), samples are contaminated by nanonuggets which, despite the MAE technique, were still not removed entirely from the melt. However, the present results indicate that applying MAE technology does reduce the amount of nanonuggets present significantly, resulting in the lowest Os solubility results reported to date under these experimental conditions, and extending the experimentally accessible range of fO2 for these studies to lower values. Calculated metal/silicate melt partition coefficients are therefore higher compared to previous studies, making Os more siderophile. Neglecting the as yet unknown temperature dependence of the Os metal/silicate melt partition coefficient, extrapolation of the obtained Os solubilities to conditions for core-mantle equilibrium, results in a , while metallic alloy/silicate melt partition coefficients range from 1.4 × 106 to 8.6 × 107, in agreement with earlier findings. Therefore remains too high by 2-4 orders of magnitude to explain the Os abundance in the Earth’s mantle as result of core-mantle equilibrium during core formation.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the solubilities of Pt and Rh in a haplobasaltic (anorthite-diopside 1-bar eutectic composition) melt has been investigated at 1 bar and 1300 to 1550°C using the mechanically assisted equilibration technique (Dingwell et al., 1994). The experiments were performed at almost constant oxygen fugacity (log fO2 = −2.5 ± 0.3) over the entire temperature range. Major element concentrations in the quenched glass samples were determined using an electron microprobe. Pt and Rh concentrations were obtained by laser ablation inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry. From our data, we obtain the following expressions for the solubilities of pure Pt and pure Rh in anorthite-diopside eutectic melt at 1 bar and log fO2 = −2.5:

Haplobasaltic melts with a 101 kPa dry eutectic composition (An42Di58) and varying water contents were equilibrated with their platinum capsule at 1523 K and 200 MPa in an internally heated pressure vessel (IHPV) equipped with a rapid quench device. Experimental products were inclusion-free glasses representative of the Pt-saturated silicate melts at the experimental conditions. Platinum concentrations were determined using an isotope dilution multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and water contents and distribution by Karl Fischer titration and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, respectively.The water content of the melt has no intrinsic effect on platinum solubility, for concentrations between 0.9 wt.% and 4.4 wt.% H2O (saturation). Platinum solubility increases with increasing water content, but this effect is an indirect effect because increasing water content at fixed fH2 (imposed by the IHPV) increases the oxygen fugacity of the experiment.The positive oxygen fugacity dependence of Pt solubility in a hydrous silicate melt at 200 MPa is identical to that in anhydrous melts of the same composition determined in previous studies at 101 kPa. This study extends the range of platinum solubilities to oxygen fugacities lower than was previously possible. Combining the data of this and previous studies, Pt solubility is related to oxygen fugacity (in bar) at 1523 K by the equation:
[Pt]total(ppb)=1389×fO2+7531×(fO2)1/2  相似文献   

We determined the solubility limit of Pt in molten haplo-basalt (1 atm anorthite-diopside eutectic composition) in piston-cylinder and multi-anvil experiments at pressures between 0.5 and 14 GPa and temperatures from 1698 to 2223 K. Experiments were internally buffered at ∼IW + 1. Pt concentrations in quenched-glass samples were measured by laser-ablation inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). This technique allows detection of small-scale heterogeneities in the run products while supplying three-dimensional information about the distribution of Pt in the glass samples. Analytical variations in 195Pt indicate that all experiments contain Pt nanonuggets after quenching. Averages of multiple, time-integrated spot analyses (corresponding to bulk analyses) typically have large standard deviations, and calculated Pt solubilities in silicate melt exhibit no statistically significant covariance with temperature or pressure. In contrast, averages of minimum 195Pt signal levels show less inter-spot variation, and solubility shows significant covariance with pressure and temperature. We interpret these results to mean that nanonuggets are not quench particles, that is, they were not dissolved in the silicate melt, but were part of the equilibrium metal assemblage at run conditions. We assume that the average of minimum measured Pt abundances in multiple probe spots is representative of the actual solubility. The metal/silicate partition coefficients (Dmet/sil) is the inverse of solubility, and we parameterize Dmet/sil in the data set by multivariate regression. The statistically robust regression shows that increasing both pressure and temperature causes Dmet/silto decrease, that is, Pt becomes more soluble in silicate melt. Dmet/sil decreases by less than an order of magnitude at constant temperature from 1 to 14 GPa, whereas isobaric increase in temperature produces a more dramatic effect, with Dmet/sil decreasing by more than one order of magnitude between 1623 and 2223 K. The Pt abundance in the Earth’s mantle requires that Dmet/sil is ∼1000 assuming core-mantle equilibration. Geochemical models for core formation in Earth based on moderately and slightly siderophile elements are generally consistent with equilibrium metal segregation at conditions generally in the range of 20-60 GPa and 2000-4000 K. Model extrapolations to these conditions show that the Pt abundance of the mantle can only be matched if oxygen fugacity is high (∼IW) and if Pt mixes ideally in molten iron, both very unlikely conditions. For more realistic values of oxygen fugacity (∼IW − 2) and experimentally-based constraints on non-ideal mixing, models show that Dmet/sil would be several orders of magnitude too high even at the most favorable conditions of pressure and temperature. These results suggest that the mantle Pt budget, and by implication other highly siderophile elements, was added by late addition of a ‘late veneer’ phase to the accreting proto-Earth.  相似文献   

The solubility behavior of phosphorus in glasses and melts in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-P2O5 has been examined as a function of temperature and Al2O3 content with microRaman spectroscopy. The Al2O3 was added (2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 mol% Al2O3) to melts with 80 mol% SiO2 and ∼2 mol% P2O5. The compositions range from peralkaline, via meta-aluminous to peraluminous. Raman spectra were obtained of both the phosphorus-free and phosphorous-bearing glasses and melts between 25 and 1218 °C. The Raman spectrum of Al-free, P-bearing glass exhibits a characteristic strong band near 940 cm−1 assigned to P=O stretching in orthophosphate complexes together with a weaker band near 1000 cm−1 assigned P2O7 complexes. With increasing Al content, the proportion of P2O7 initially increases relative to PO4 and is joined by AlPO4 complexes which exhibit a characteristic P-O stretch mode slightly above 1100 cm−1. The latter complex appears to dominate in meta-aluminosilicate glass and is the only phosphate complex in peraluminous glasses. When P-bearing peralkaline silicate and aluminosilicate glasses are transformed to supercooled melts, there is a rapid decrease in PO4/P2O7 so that in the molten state, PO4 units are barely discernible. The P2O7/AlPO4 abundance ratio in peralkaline compositions increases with increasing temperature. This decrease in PO4/P2O7 with increasing temperature results in depolymerization of the silicate melts. Dissolved P2O5 in peraluminous glass and melts forms AlPO4 complexes only. This solution mechanism has no discernible influence on the aluminosilicate melt structure. There is no effect of temperature on this solution mechanism. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

A series of crystallization experiments have been performed on synthetic glasses matching the composition of a melt pocket found in Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 in order to evaluate the heterogeneous nucleation potential of the melt and the effect of oxygen fugacity on crystallization. The starting temperature of the experiments varied from superliquidus, liquidus and subliquidus temperatures. Each run was then cooled at rates of 10, 500 and 1000 °C/h at FMQ. The results of this study constrain the heating and cooling regime for a microporphyritic melt pocket. Within the melt pocket, strong thermal gradients existed at the onset of crystallization, giving rise to a heterogeneous distribution of nucleation sites resulting in gradational textures of olivine and chromite. Skeletal olivine in the melt pocket center crystallized from a melt containing few nuclei cooled at a fast rate. Nearer to the melt pocket margin elongate skeletal shapes progress to hopper and equant euhedral, reflecting an increase in nuclei in the melt at the initiation of crystallization and growth at low degrees of supercooling. Cooling from post-shock temperatures took place on the order of minutes.An additional series of experiments were conducted for a melt temperature of 1510 °C and a cooling rate of 500 °C/h at the FMQ buffer, as well as 1 and 2 log units above and below FMQ. Variation in chromite stability in these experiments is reflected in crystal shapes and composition, and place constraints on the oxygen fugacity of crystallization of the melt pocket. We conclude that the oxygen fugacity of the melt pocket was set by the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio imparted by melting of the host rock, rather than external factors such as incorporation of CO2-rich Martian atmosphere, or melting and injection of oxidized surface (e.g., regolith) material.Comparison with previous crystallization experiments on melt pockets in Martian basalts indicate that the predominance of dendritic crystal shapes reflects the likelihood that those melt pockets with lower liquidus temperatures will be more completely melted, destroying most or all nuclei in the melt. In this case, crystal growth takes place at high degrees of supercooling, yielding dendritic shapes. It appears as though the melting process is just as important as cooling rate in determining the final texture of the melt pocket, as this process controls elimination or preservation of nuclei at the onset of cooling and crystallization.  相似文献   

The effect of sulfur on phosphorus solubility in rhyolitic melt and the sulfur distribution between apatite, ±anhydrite, melt and fluid have been determined at 200 MPa and 800–1,100 °C via apatite crystallization and dissolution experiments. The presence of a small amount of sulfur in the system (0.5 wt.% S) under oxidizing conditions increases the solubility of phosphorus in the melt, probably due to changing calcium activity in the melt as a result of the formation of Ca-S complexing cations. Apatite solubility geothermometers tend to overestimate temperature in Ca-poor, S-bearing system at oxidizing conditions. In crystallization experiments, the sulfur content in apatite decreases with decreasing temperature and also with decreasing sulfur content of the melt. The sulfur partition coefficient between apatite and rhyolitic melt increases with decreasing temperature (KdSapatite/melt=4.5–14.2 at T=1,100–900 °C) under sulfur-undersaturated conditions (no anhydrite). The sulfur partition coefficient is lower in anhydrite-saturated melt (~8 at 800 °C) than in anhydrite-undersaturated melt, suggesting that KdSapatite/melt depends not only on the temperature but also on the sulfur content of the melt. These first results indicate that the sulfur content in apatite can be used to track the evolution of sulfur content in a magmatic system at oxidizing conditions.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

Volatile element, major and trace element compositions were measured in glass inclusions in olivine from samples across the Kamchatka arc. Glasses were analyzed in reheated melt inclusions by electron microprobe for major elements, S and Cl, trace elements and F were determined by SIMS. Volatile element–trace element ratios correlated with fluid-mobile elements (B, Li) suggesting successive changes and three distinct fluid compositions with increasing slab depth. The Eastern Volcanic arc Front (EVF) was dominated by fluid highly enriched in B, Cl and chalcophile elements and also LILE (U, Th, Ba, Pb), F, S and LREE (La, Ce). This arc-front fluid contributed less to magmas from the central volcanic zone and was not involved in back arc magmatism. The Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD) was dominated by a second fluid enriched in S and U, showing the highest S/K2O and U/Th ratios. Additionally this fluid was unusually enriched in 87Sr and 18O. In the back arc Sredinny Ridge (SR) a third fluid was observed, highly enriched in F, Li, and Be as well as LILE and LREE. We argue from the decoupling of B and Li that dehydration of different water-rich minerals at different depths explains the presence of different fluids across the Kamchatka arc. In the arc front, fluids were derived from amphibole and serpentine dehydration and probably were water-rich, low in silica and high in B, LILE, sulfur and chlorine. Large amounts of water produced high degrees of melting below the EVF and CKD. Fluids below the CKD were released at a depth between 100 and 200 km due to dehydration of lawsonite and phengite and probably were poorer in water and richer in silica. Fluids released at high pressure conditions below the back arc (SR) probably were much denser and dissolved significant amounts of silicate minerals, and potentially carried high amounts of LILE and HFSE. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two sets of measurements of the solubility of Pt and Pd in bisulfide solutions have been carried out at low temperatures. The first involved the equilibration of Pt metal with bisulfide solutions at 25 °C and pH = 6–12 for periods up to five years. These experiments yielded Pt concentrations on the order of tens of g/L at sulfide concentrations as low as 0.001 molal under conditions too reducing to permit significant contributions from hydroxide complexes. The second set of experiments consisted of reacting PtS, PdS and Au with H2S-saturated solutions having pH values of 3–4 at 25°, 50° and 90 °C. These experiments showed that the solubilities of all three metals increased with temperature. The observed order of solubility was Au > Pt Pd. Solubilities ranged from 10 to 75 g/L Au, 4 to 20 g/L Pt and 0.5 to 10 g/L Pd. The data do not permit definitive identification of the Pt and Pd species present in either set of experiments, but do strongly suggest that the species present under acidic and basic conditions are different. The measured solubility of gold at 25° and 50 °C is consistent with that measured in previous studies.Although the measured Pt and Pd solubilities are not as high as those estimated by theoretical methods, it is nevertheless evident that bisulfide complexation can lead to the remobilization of Pt and Pd over a wide range of pH under reducing conditions at geologically reasonable sulfide concentrations, at low as well as high temperatures. Such conditions are characteristic of a wide variety of geological environments where Pt and Pd have been inferred to have been affected by hydrothermal transport. In these cases, bisulfide complexation is far more effective than chloride or hydroxide complexes in transporting the PGE. On leave from: Shenyang Laboratory of Rock and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, People's Republic of China  相似文献   

Field evidence and fluid inclusion studies on South Indian incipient charnockites suggest that charnockite formation occurred during a decompressional brittle regime following the ‘peak’ of metamorphism and regional deformation. The most abundant type of inclusions in quartz and garnet grains in these charnockites contain high-density carbonic fluids, although lower-density fluids occur in younger arrays of inclusions. Discrete fluid inclusion generations optically are observed to decrepitate over well-defined temperature intervals, and quantitative measurements of CO2 abundance released from these inclusions by stepped thermal decrepitation show up to a four-fold increase (by volume) in the incipient charnockites relative to the adjacent gneisses from which they are derived. Studies based on optical thermometry, visual decrepitation and stepped-heating inclusion release together indicate that entrapment of carbonic fluids coincided with charnockite formation. We confirm that an influx of carbon dioxide-rich fluids is associated with the amphibolite-granulite transition, as recorded by the incipient charnockites, the remnants of which are commonly preserved as the earliest generation of high-density fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Olivine/melt partitioning of ΣFe, Fe2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ has been determined in the systems CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 (FD) and CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (FDA3) as a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2) at 0.1 MPa pressure. Total iron oxide content of the starting materials was ∼20 wt%. The fO2 was to used to control the Fe3+/ΣFe (ΣFe: total iron) of the melts. The Fe3+/ΣFe and structural roles of Fe2+ and Fe3+ were determined with 57Fe resonant absorption Mössbauer spectroscopy. Changes in melt polymerization, NBO/T, as a function of fO2 was estimated from the Mössbauer data and existing melt structure information. It varies by ∼100% in melts coexisting with olivine in the FDA3 system and by about 300% in the FD system in the Fe3+/ΣFe range of the experiments (0.805-0.092). The partition coefficients ( in olivine/wt% in melt) are systematic functions of fO2 and, therefore, NBO/T of the melt. There is a -minimum in the FDA3 system at NBO/T-values corresponding to intermediate Fe3+/ΣFe (0.34-0.44). In the Al-free system, FD, where the NBO/T values of melts range between ∼1 and ∼2.9, the partition coefficients are positively correlated with NBO/T (decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe). These relationships are explained by consideration of solution behavior in the melts governed by Qn-unit distribution and structural changes of the divalent cations in the melts (coordination number, complexing with Fe3+, and distortion of the polyhedra).  相似文献   

Analyses of co-existing silicate melt and fluid inclusions, entrapped in quartz crystals in volatile saturated magmatic systems, allowed direct quantitative determination of fluid/melt partition coefficients. Investigations of various granitic systems (peralkaline to peraluminous in composition, log fO2 = NNO−1.7 to NNO+4.5) exsolving fluids with various chlorinities (1-14 mol/kg) allowed us to assess the effect of these variables on the fluid/melt partition coefficients (D). Partition coefficients for Pb, Zn, Ag and Fe show a nearly linear increase with the chlorinity of these fluid (DPb ∼ 6 ∗ mCl, DZn ∼ 8 ∗ mCl, DAg ∼ 4 ∗ mCl, DFe ∼ 1.4 ∗ mCl, where mCl is the molinity of Cl). This suggests that these metals are dissolved primarily as Cl-complexes and neither oxygen fugacity nor the composition of the melt affects significantly their fluid/melt partitioning. By contrast, partition coefficients for Mo, B, As, Sb and Bi are highest in low salinity (1-2 mol/kg Cl) fluids with maximum values of DMo ∼ 20, DB ∼ 15, DAs ∼ 13, DSb ∼ 8, DBi ∼ 15 indicating dissolution as non-chloride (e.g., hydroxy) complexes. Fluid/melt partition coefficients of copper are highly variable, but highest between vapor like fluids and silicate melt (DCu ? 2700), indicating an important role for ligands other than Cl. Partition coefficients for W generally increase with increasing chlorinity, but are exceptionally low in some of the studied brines which may indicate an effect of other parameters. Fluid/melt partition coefficients of Sn show a high variability but likely increase with the chlorinity of the fluid (DSn = 0.3-42, DW = 0.8-60), and decrease with decreasing oxygen fugacity or melt peraluminosity.  相似文献   

We performed a series of experiments at high pressures and temperatures to determine the partitioning of a wide range of trace elements between ilmenite (Ilm), armalcolite (Arm) and anhydrous lunar silicate melt, to constrain geochemical models of the formation of titanium-rich melts in the Moon. Experiments were performed in graphite-lined platinum capsules at pressures and temperatures ranging from 1.1 to 2.3 GPa and 1300-1400 °C using a synthetic Ti-enriched Apollo ‘black glass’ composition in the CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 system. Ilmenite-melt and armalcolite-melt partition coefficients (D) show highly incompatible values for the rare earth elements (REE) with the light REE more incompatible compared to the heavy REE ( 0.0020 ± 0.0010 to 0.069 ± 0.010 for ilmenite; 0.0048 ± 0.0023 to 0.041 ± 0.008 for armalcolite). D values for the high field strength elements vary from highly incompatible for Th, U and to a lesser extent W (for ilmenite: 0.0013 ± 0.0008, 0.0035 ± 0.0015 and 0.039 ± 0.005, and for armalcolite 0.008 ± 0.003, 0.0048 ± 0.0022 and 0.062 ± 0.03), to mildly incompatible for Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf (e.g. 0.28 ± 0.05 and : 0.76 ± 0.07). Both minerals fractionate the high field strength elements with DTa/DNb and DHf/DZr between 1.3 and 1.6 for ilmenite and 1.3 and 1.4 for armalcolite. Armalcolite is slightly more efficient at fractionating Hf from W during lunar magma ocean crystallisation, with DHf/DW = 12-13 compared to 6.7-7.5 for ilmenite. The transition metals vary from mildly incompatible to compatible, with the highest compatibilities for Cr in ilmenite (D ∼ 7.5) and V in armalcolite (D ∼ 8.1). D values show no clear variation with pressure in the small range covered.Crystal lattice strain modelling of D values for di-, tri- and tetravalent trace elements shows that in ilmenite, divalent elements prefer to substitute for Fe while armalcolite data suggest REE replacing Mg. Tetravalent cations appear to preferentially substitute for Ti in both minerals, with the exception of Th and U that likely substitute for the larger Fe or Mg cations. Crystal lattice strain modelling is also used to identify and correct for very small (∼0.3 wt.%) melt contamination of trace element concentration determinations in crystals.Our results are used to model the Lu-Hf-Ti concentrations of lunar high-Ti mare basalts. The combination of their subchondritic Lu/Hf ratios and high TiO2 contents requires preferential dissolution of ilmenite or armalcolite from late-stage, lunar magma ocean cumulates into low-Ti partial melts of deeper pyroxene-rich cumulates.  相似文献   

. Cl solubility in evolved alkaline melts was investigated at 860-930 °C and pressures of 25 to 250 MPa using natural trachytes and a synthetic phonolite equilibrated with subcritical fluids in the H2O-(Na,K)Cl system (i.e. silicate melt coexisted with water-rich aqueous fluid and a saline brine). Fluid phase characteristics were identified by examination of fluid inclusions present in the run product glasses and the fluid bulk composition was calculated by mass balance. The Cl contents of trachytic glasses coexisting with subcritical fluids increase linearly with decreasing pressure from 250 to 25 MPa and range from 0.37 to 0.90 wt%; Cl in the phonolitic glass ranges from 0.35 to 0.59 wt%. These values are approximately twice those found in metaluminous rhyolitic melts under similar conditions. Variations from peralkaline to peraluminous composition has little effect on Cl solubility in trachytes, whereas it is a more important factor in phonolites. More generally, melt structure, in particular non-bringing oxygen, appears to strongly influence Cl solubility in silicate melts. The negative correlation between pressure and melt Cl content is governed by the large negative partial volume of NaCl in the vapour phase. No change in Cl solubility is observed between 200 and 250 MPa. Comparison of our experimental results with Cl abundance in glass inclusion and matrix glass from Italian volcanoes can be used to identify those eruptive products preserved in the geologic record which may have been associated with large Cl emissions.  相似文献   

The solubility of molybdenum trioxide in liquid-undersaturated water vapour has been investigated experimentally at 300, 320, and 360 °C and 39-154 bars. Results of these experiments show that the solubility of MoO3 in water vapour is between 1 and 29 ppm, which is 19-20 orders of magnitude higher than the vapour pressure of MoO3(g). Molybdenum solubility increases exponentially with fH2O, suggesting the formation of a gaseous hydrated complex of the type MoO3·nH2O by the reaction:
(A.1)  相似文献   

获得CO2在地下咸水中的溶解度是CO2地质储存研究中亟待解决的问题,然而不同离子对CO2溶解度的影响却鲜有文献提及。为了填补实验数据的空缺,本研究设计了一套高压条件下CO2溶解度测量装置,克服了传统高压釜取样不便和实验重现性差的缺点;通过测定纯水中CO2的溶解度验证了实验装置和方法的精准性;测定了地质埋存条件下0.1 mol/L、0.2 mol/L和0.5 mol/L Ca Cl2、Mg Cl2溶液中CO2的溶解度。与文献结果不同,实验发现Ca2+对超临界CO2溶解度的影响小于Mg2+,并且CO2在两种溶液中的溶解度差异会受到温度和压力的影响。在本实验范围内,不同离子溶液中溶解度的最大差别高达18.53%,而几乎所有CO2溶解度模型文献都没有提及此变化。最后对溶解度随温度、压力以及离子种类变化的现象进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

CO2 solubility was measured in a synthetic iron-free phonolite (haplo-phonolite) by equilibrating melt with excess CO2 fluid in a piston cylinder apparatus for a range of pressures (1.0- 2.5 GPa) and temperatures (1300 to 1550°C). The quenched glasses were then analysed using a bulk carbon analytical method (LECO). The measured solubilities are between 0.65 and 2.77 wt.% for the range of conditions studied and show a negative correlation with temperature as reported for most other silicate melt compositions.A range of carbonate species are present within the glass, as well as minor amounts of molecular CO2. FTIR and NMR analyses suggest that carbonate is present as both ‘network’ and ‘depolymerised’ units as shown for relatively highly polymerised compositions in the model of Brooker et al. (2001b). The bulk CO2 analyses were used to calibrate the IR extinction coefficient for the carbonate groups. However, the results show that the values obtained for the glasses vary with the melt equilibration conditions, presumably because the ratio of the different carbonate species changes as a complex function of run pressure, temperature and quench rate. Thus the use of IR may not be a reliable method for the quantification of dissolved CO2 concentrations in natural glasses of ‘intermediate’ composition.  相似文献   

氯化物对方解石和白云石矿物溶解度的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
借助PHREEQC软件,文章对方解石、白云石分别在无CO2和大气PCO2条件下NaCl、KCl、CaCl2和MgCl2溶液中的溶解度进行了模拟计算,结果显示:方解石在NaCl、KCl、和MgCl2溶液中以及白云石在NaCl、KCl溶液中的溶解度比纯水中大得多,其原因主要是盐效应。由于同离子效应,在CaCl2溶液中可降低方解石溶解度,而白云石在较高浓度CaCl2或MgCl2溶液中,虽发生同离子效应,其溶解度仍较纯水中有不同程度提高。模拟还显示,方解石在MgCl2溶液中以及白云石在CaCl2溶液中溶解时将分别发生白云石化和去白云石化反应,从而促使不全等溶解继续发生。在常规离子中,按方解石、白云石溶解度提高发挥作用的重要性排序为:阴离子中都是SO24->Cl-;对于方解石溶解,阳离子中Mg2+>Na+>K+>Ca2+;对于白云石溶解,当PCO2=0或PCO2=10-3.5bar且CaCl2浓度大约在1.5mol/L以下时,Na+>K+>Ca2+>Mg2+;当PCO2=10-3.5bar且CaCl2浓度大约在1.5mol/L以上时,Ca2+>Na+>K+>Mg2+。  相似文献   

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