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Seismic scattering and shallow structure of the moon in oceanus procellarum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long, reverberating trains of seismic waves produced by impacts and moonquakes may be interpreted in terms of scattering in a surface layer overlying a non-scattering elastic medium. Model seismic experiments are used to qualitatively demonstrate the correctness of the interpretation. Three types of seismograms are found, near impact, far impact and moonquake. Only near impact and moonquake seismograms contain independent information. Details are given in the paper of the modelling of the scattering processes by the theory of diffusion.Interpretation of moonquake and artificial impact seismograms in two frequency bands from the Apollo 12 site indicates that the scattering layer is 25 km thick, with a Q of 5000. The mean distance between scatterers is approximately 5 km at 25 km depth and approximately 2 km at 14 km depth; the density of scatterers appears to be high near the surface, decreasing with depth. This may indicate that the scatterers are associated with cratering, or are cracks that anneal with depth. Most of the scattered energy is in the form of scattered surface waves.Communication presented at the Lunar Science Institute Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets, January 10–12, 1973.  相似文献   

Fundamental scientific questions concerning the internal structure and dynamics of the Moon, and their implications on the Earth-Moon System, are driving the deployment of a new broadband seismological network on the surface of the Moon. Informations about lunar seismicity and seismic subsurface models from the Apollo missions are used as a priori information in this study to optimise the geometry of future lunar seismic networks in order to best resolve the seismic interior structure of the Moon. Deep moonquake events and simulated meteoroid impacts are the assumed seismic sources. Synthetic P and S wave arrivals computed in a radial seismic model of the Moon are the assumed seismic data. The linearised estimates of resolution and covariance of radial seismic velocity perturbations can be computed for a particular seismic network geometry. The non-linear inverse problem relating the seismic station positions to the linearised estimates of covariance and resolution of radial seismic velocity perturbations is written and solved by the Neighbourhood Algorithm. This optimisation study favours near side seismic station positions at southern latitudes in order to constrain the deep mantle structure from deep moonquake data at large epicentral distances. The addition of a far side station allows to divide by two the size of the error bar on the seismic velocity model. The monitoring of lunar impact flashes from the Earth allows to improve the radial seismic model in the top of the mantle by adding much more meteor impact data at short epicentral distances due to the high accuracy of the space/time location of these seismic sources. Such meteor impact detections may be necessary to investigate the 3D structure of the lunar crust.  相似文献   

Impacts of comets and asteroids play an important role in volatile delivery on the Moon. We use a novel method for tracking vapor masses that reach escape velocity in hydrocode simulations of cometary impacts to explore the effects of volatile retention. We model impacts on the Moon to find the mass of vapor plume gravitationally trapped on the Moon as a function of impact velocity. We apply this result to the impactor velocity distribution and find that the total impactor mass retained on the Moon is approximately 6.5% of the impactor mass flux. Making reasonable assumptions about water content of comets and the comet size-frequency distribution, we derive a water flux for the Moon. After accounting for migration and stability of water ice at the poles, we estimate a total 1.3×108-4.3×109 metric tons of water is delivered to the Moon and remains stable at the poles over 1 Ga. A factor of 30 uncertainty in the estimated cometary impact flux is primarily responsible for this large range of values. The calculated mass of water is sufficient to account for the neutron fluxes poleward of 75° observed by Lunar Prospector. A similar analysis for water delivery to the Moon via asteroid impacts shows that asteroids provide six times more water mass via impacts than comets.  相似文献   

Moonquakes and lunar tectonism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the succesful installation of a geophysical station at Hadley Rille, on July 31, 1971, on the Apollo 15 mission, and the continued operation of stations 12 and 14 approximately 1100 km SW, the Apollo program for the first time achieved a network of seismic stations on the lunar surface. A network of at least three stations is essential for the location of natural events on the Moon. Thus, the establishment of this network was one of the most important milestones in the geophysical exploration of the Moon. The major discoveries that have resulted to date from the analysis of seismic data from this network can be summarized as follows:
  1. Lunar seismic signals differ greatly from typical terrestrial seismic signals. It now appears that this can be explained almost entirely by the presence of a thin dry, heterogeneous layer which blankets the Moon to a probable depth of few km with a maximum possible depth of about 20 km. Seismic waves are highly scattered in this zone. Seismic wave propagation within the lunar interior, below the scattering zone, is highly efficient. As a result, it is probable that meteoroid impact signals are being received from the entire lunar surface.
  2. The Moon possesses a crust and a mantle, at least in the region of the Apollo 12 and 14 stations. The thickness of the crust is between 55 and 70 km and may consist of two layers. The contrast in elastic properties of the rocks which comprise these major structural units is at least as great as that which exists between the crust and mantle of the earth. (See Toks?zet al., p. 490, for further discussion of seismic evidence of a lunar crust.)
  3. Natural lunar events detected by the Apollo seismic network are moonquakes and meteoroid impacts. The average rate of release of seismic energy from moonquakes is far below that of the Earth. Although present data do not permit a completely unambiguous interpretation, the best solution obtainable places the most active moonquake focus at a depth of 800 km; slightly deeper than any known earthquake. These moonquakes occur in monthly cycles; triggered by lunar tides. There are at least 10 zones within which the repeating moonquakes originate.
  4. In addition to the repeating moonquakes, moonquake ‘swarms’ have been discovered. During periods of swarm activity, events may occur as frequently as one event every two hours over intervals lasting several days. The source of these swarms is unknown at present. The occurrence of moonquake swarms also appears to be related to lunar tides; although, it is too soon to be certain of this point.
These findings have been discussed in eight previous papers (Lathamet al., 1969, 1970, 1971) The instrument has been described by Lathamet al. (1969) and Sutton and Latham (1964). The locations of the seismic stations are shown in Figure 1.  相似文献   

The Moon is represented as an inhomogeneous spherical body in a steady thermal state. Radioactive heat sources are supposed distributed in a manner which is consistent both with the total measured heat flux near the surface and with the broad seismic evidence. Surface concentrations of uranium and thorium are those suggested by the study of Apollo 11 samples. The resultant internal temperature profile allows the details of Sonett's electrical conductivity profile to be understood if it is accepted that the Moon was not cold 4.5 × 109 yr ago. It would appear further that at least one of the maria was formed by the impact of planetesimals.  相似文献   

Data relevant to the shallow structure of the Moon obtained at the Apollo seismic stations are compared with previously published results of the active seismic experiments. It is concluded that the lunar surface is covered by a layer of low seismic velocity (V p ? 100 m s?1), which appears to be equivalent to the lunar regolith defined previously by geological observations. This layer is underlain by a zone of distinctly higher seismic velocity at all of the Apollo landing sites. The regolith thicknesses at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 sites are estimated from the shear-wave resonance to be 4.4, 3.7, and 4.4 m, respectively. These thicknesses and those determined at the other Apollo sites by the active seismic experiments appear to be correlated with the age determinations and the abundances of extralunar components at the sites.  相似文献   

Apollo 12 Lunar Module exhaust plume impingement on Lunar Surveyor III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding plume impingement by retrorockets on the surface of the Moon is paramount for safe lunar outpost design in NASA’s planned return to the Moon for the Constellation Program. Visual inspection, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and surface scanned topology have been used to investigate the damage to the Lunar Surveyor III spacecraft that was caused by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module’s close proximity landing. Two parts of the Surveyor III craft returned by the Apollo 12 astronauts, Coupons 2050 and 2051, which faced the Apollo 12 landing site, show that a fine layer of lunar regolith coated the materials and was subsequently removed by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module landing rocket. The coupons were also pitted by the impact of larger soil particles with an average of 103 pits/cm2. The average entry size of the pits was 83.7 μm (major diameter) × 74.5 μm (minor diameter) and the average estimated penetration depth was 88.4 μm. Pitting in the surface of the coupons correlates to removal of lunar fines and is likely a signature of lunar material imparting localized momentum/energy sufficient to cause cracking of the paint. Comparison with the lunar soil particle size distribution and the optical density of blowing soil during lunar landings indicates that the Surveyor III spacecraft was not exposed to the direct spray of the landing Lunar Module, but instead experienced only the fringes of the spray of soil. Had Surveyor III been exposed to the direct spray, the damage would have been orders of magnitude higher.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of research findings on the various forms of water on the Moon. First, this is the water of the Moon’s interior, which has been detected by sensitive mass spectrometric analysis of basaltic glasses delivered by the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions. The previous concepts that lunar magmas are completely dehydrated have been disproved. Second, this is H2O and/or OH in a thin layer (a few upper millimeters) of the lunar regolith, which is likely a result of bombardment of the oxygen contained in the lunar regolith with solar wind protons. This form of water is highly unstable and quite easily escapes from the surface, possibly being one of the sources of the water ice reservoirs at the Moon’s poles. Third, this is water ice associated with other frozen gases in cold traps at the lunar poles. Its possible sources are impacts of comets and meteorites, the release of gas from the Moon’s interior, and solar wind protons. The ice trapped at the lunar polars could be of practical interest for further exploration of the Moon.  相似文献   

Impact-induced seismic vibrations have long been suspected of being an important surface modification process on small satellites and asteroids. In this study, we use a series of linked seismic and geomorphic models to investigate the process in detail. We begin by developing a basic theory for the propagation of seismic energy in a highly fractured asteroid, and we use this theory to model the global vibrations experienced on the surface of an asteroid following an impact. These synthetic seismograms are then applied to a model of regolith resting on a slope, and the resulting downslope motion is computed for a full range of impactor sizes. Next, this computed downslope regolith flow is used in a morphological model of impact crater degradation and erasure, showing how topographic erosion accumulates as a function of time and the number of impacts. Finally, these results are applied in a stochastic cratering model for the surface of an Eros-like body (same volume and surface area as the asteroid), with craters formed by impacts and then erased by the effects of superposing craters, ejecta coverage, and seismic shakedown. This simulation shows good agreement with the observed 433 Eros cratering record at a Main Belt exposure age of 400±200 Myr, including the observed paucity of small craters. The lowered equilibrium numbers (loss rate = production rate) for craters less than ∼100 m in diameter is a direct result of seismic erasure, which requires less than a meter of mobilized regolith to reproduce the NEAR observations. This study also points to an upper limit on asteroid size for experiencing global, surface-modifying, seismic effects from individual impacts of about 70-100 km (depending upon asteroid seismic properties). Larger asteroids will experience only localized (regional) seismic effects from individual impacts.  相似文献   

Grooved and hilly terrains occur at the antipode of major basins on the Moon (Imbrium, Orientale) and Mercury (Caloris). Such terrains may represent extensive landslides and surface disruption produced by impact-generatedP-waves and antipodal convergence of surface waves. Order-of-magnitude calculations for an Imbrium-size impact (1034 erg) on the Moon indicateP-wave-induced surface displacements of 10 m at the basin antipode that would arrive prior to secondary ejecta. Comparable surface waves would arrive subsequent to secondary ejecta impacts beyond 103 km and would increase in magnitude as they converge at the antipode. Other seismically induced surface features include: subdued, furrowed crater walls produced by landslides and concomitant secondary impacts; emplacement and leveling of light plains units owing to seismically induced ‘fluidization’ of slide material; knobby, pitted terrain around old basins from enhancement of seismic waves in ancient ejecta blankets; and perhaps the production and enhancement of deep-seated fractures that led to the concentration of farside lunar maria in the Apollo-Ingenii region.  相似文献   

The occurrence and visibility of meteoroid impacts on the moon as seen from the earth were little more than speculation prior to November 1999. The best evidence of present-day impact activity came from the seismic experiments left on the Moon during the Apollo era. Past systematic attempts at earth-based observations to document lunar impacts revealed nothing conclusive. However, during the Leonid storms of 1999 and 2001, lunar impact events were for the first time confirmed by multiple independent observers. A total of 15 meteoritic impact flash events have been verified during these storms, with an additional 12 unconfirmed but likely events awaiting confirmation. Estimates of the mass of these meteoroids range from less than one gram for the faintest flashes to more than 10 kg for the brightest observed flash. The fraction of visible light to total energy produced by these events, a quantity known as luminous efficiency, averages about 0.001 for the established events. The confirmation of lunar meteoritic events on the Moon opens a new avenue in lunar and planetary research, one which could help bridge the gap between atmospheric sampling of the smallest components of meteoroid streams and interplanetary debris to the larger scale objects accessible to ground-based telescopes.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of seismic wave velocities and electrical properties of Apollo lunar samples and similar material of terrestrial origin are discussed in this paper. Measurements of the electrical properties show that in the frequency range above a few hundred Hz the outer region of the Moon may be considered as a low loss dielectric. This observation supports a longstanding speculation that dry, powdered rocks in which the dielectric loss tangent is frequency-independent over a wide range of frequency are present in the uppermost lunar surface layers. The surface layers of the Moon are likely to have an extremely low electrical conductivity. Thus future electromagnetic probing of the Moon to a few hundred kilometer depth is possible in the few kHz frequency range. Based on ultrasonic experiments with pressure as a variable, we next present the elastic constants and equations of state of lunar materials and characteristic dispersion of seismic wave velocities of the Moon. We find thatP andS wave velocities increase sharply within the first 30 km depth and then level off gradually. Combining this observation with lunar seismic and geophone data, we believe that the first 30 km of the Moon may be interpreted as a scattering region. If H2O exists on the Moon, H2O may occur at some shallow depth beneath the outermost surface layer in solid ice interlocking cracks and pores and mineral grains. The rocks in this permafrost state have relatively low seismic velocity and highQ. If permafrost does exist, we would expect a wide range of electrical conductivity and dielectric constant. Future electromagnetic probing of the Moon should yield very usefull information on the physical state of the lunar interior; when this electrical information is combined with the seismic information, we should learn much more about the internal constitution and the state of the Moon than is known today.  相似文献   

We developed a seismometer system for a hard landing “penetrator” probe in the course of the former Japanese LUNAR-A project to deploy new seismic stations on the Moon. The penetrator seismometer system (PSS) consists of two short-period sensor components, a two-axis gimbal mechanism for orientation, and measurement electronics. To carry out seismic observations on the Moon using the penetrator, the seismometer system has to function properly in a lunar environment after a hard landing (impact acceleration of about 8000 G), and requires a signal-to-noise ratio to detect lunar seismic events. We evaluated whether the PSS could satisfactorily observe seismic events on the Moon by investigating the frequency response, noise level, and response to ground motion of our instrument in a simulated lunar environment after a simulated impact test. Our results indicate that the newly developed seismometer system can function properly after impact and is sensitive enough to detect seismic events on the Moon. Using this PSS, new seismic data from the Moon can be obtained during future lunar missions.  相似文献   

Seismic data from the Apollo Passive Seismic Network stations are analyzed to determine the velocity structure and to infer the composition and physical properties of the lunar interior. Data from artificial impacts (S-IVB booster and LM ascent stage) cover a distance range of 70–1100 km. Travel times and amplitudes, as well as theoretical seismograms, are used to derive a velocity model for the outer 150 km of the Moon. TheP wave velocity model confirms our earlier report of a lunar crust in the eastern part of Oceanus Procellarum.The crust is about 60 km thick and may consist of two layers in the mare regions. Possible values for theP-wave velocity in the uppermost mantle are between 7.7 km s–1 and 9.0 km s–1. The 9 km s–1 velocity cannot extend below a depth of about 100 km and must decrease below this depth. The elastic properties of the deep interior as inferred from the seismograms of natural events (meteoroid impacts and moonquakes) occurring at great distance indicate that there is an increase in attenuation and a possible decrease of velocity at depths below about 1000 km. This verifies the high temperatures calculated for the deep lunar interior by thermal history models.Paper presented at the Lunar Science Institute Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets, January 10–12, 1973.  相似文献   

Optical observations were made from the orbiting spacecraft to craters on the lunar surface during Apollo missions 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. Very accurate selenographic locations for 31 craters have been obtained from these data. The estimated radius values, with respect to the center of mass of the Moon, for the near side maria were smaller than the nominally accepted value of 1738 km. Gross figure of the Moon estimates were obtained for both a sphere and a constrained ellipsoid. These data appear to provide some proof that there is a displacement between the center of figure and the center of mass of the Moon.  相似文献   

Apollo video photogrammetry estimation of plume impingement effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Future missions to the Moon may require numerous landings at the same site. Since the top few centimeters are loosely packed regolith, plume impingement from the Lander ejects the granular material at high velocities. Much work is needed to understand the physics of plume impingement during landing to protect hardware surrounding the landing sites. While mostly qualitative in nature, the Apollo Lunar Module landing videos can provide a wealth of quantitative information using modern photogrammetry techniques. The authors have used the digitized videos to quantify plume impingement effects of the landing exhaust on the lunar surface. The dust ejection angle from the plume is estimated at 1°-3°. The lofted particle density is estimated at 108-1013 particles/m3. Additionally, evidence for ejection of large 10-15 cm sized objects and a dependence of ejection angle on thrust are presented. Further work is ongoing to continue quantitative analysis of the landing videos.  相似文献   

Each year the Moon is bombarded by about 106 kg of interplanetary micrometeoroids of cometary and asteroidal origin. Most of these projectiles range from 10 nm to about 1 mm in size and impact the Moon at 10–72 km/s speed. They excavate lunar soil about 1000 times their own mass. These impacts leave a crater record on the surface from which the micrometeoroid size distribution has been deciphered. Much of the excavated mass returns to the lunar surface and blankets the lunar crust with a highly pulverized and “impact gardened” regolith of about 10 m thickness. Micron and sub-micron sized secondary particles that are ejected at speeds up to the escape speed of 2300 m/s form a perpetual dust cloud around the Moon and, upon re-impact, leave a record in the microcrater distribution. Such tenuous clouds have been observed by the Galileo spacecraft around all lunar-sized Galilean satellites at Jupiter. The highly sensitive Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX) onboard the LADEE mission will shed new light on the lunar dust environment. LADEE is expected to be launched in early 2013.Another dust related phenomenon is the possible electrostatic mobilization of lunar dust. Images taken by the television cameras on Surveyors 5, 6, and 7 showed a distinct glow just above the lunar horizon referred to as horizon glow (HG). This light was interpreted to be forward-scattered sunlight from a cloud of dust particles above the surface near the terminator. A photometer onboard the Lunokhod-2 rover also reported excess brightness, most likely due to HG. From the lunar orbit during sunrise the Apollo astronauts reported bright streamers high above the lunar surface, which were interpreted as dust phenomena. The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites (LEAM) Experiment was deployed on the lunar surface by the Apollo 17 astronauts in order to characterize the lunar dust environment. Instead of the expected low impact rate from interplanetary and interstellar dust, LEAM registered hundreds of signals associated with the passage of the terminator, which swamped any signature of primary impactors of interplanetary origin. It was suggested that the LEAM events are consistent with the sunrise/sunset-triggered levitation and transport of charged lunar dust particles. Currently no theoretical model explains the formation of a dust cloud above the lunar surface but recent laboratory experiments indicate that the interaction of dust on the lunar surface with solar UV and plasma is more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

Disrupted terrains that form as a consequence of giant impacts may help constrain the internal structures of planets, asteroids, comets and satellites. As shock waves and powerful seismic stress waves propagate through a body, they interact with the internal structure in ways that may leave a characteristic impression upon the surface. Variations in peak surface velocity and tensile stress, related to landform degradation and surface rupture, may be controlled by variations in core size, shape and density. Caloris Basin on Mercury and Imbrium Basin on the Moon have disturbed terrain at their antipodes, where focusing is most intense for an approximately symmetric spheroid. Although, the icy saturnian satellites Tethys, Mimas, and Rhea possess giant impact structures, it is not clear whether these structures have correlated disrupted terrains, antipodal or elsewhere. In anticipation of high-resolution imagery from Cassini, we investigate antipodal focusing during giant impacts using a 3D SPH impact model. We first investigate giant impacts into a fiducial 1000 km diameter icy satellite with a variety of core radii and compositions. We find that antipodal disruption depends more on core radius than on core density, suggesting that core geometry may express a surface signature in global impacts on partially differentiated targets. We model Tethys, Mimas, and Rhea according to their image-derived shapes (triaxial for Tethys and Mimas and spherical for Rhea), varying core radii and densities to give the proper bulk densities. Tethys shows greater antipodal values of peak surface velocity and peak surface tensile stress, indicating more surface damage, than either Mimas or Rhea. Results for antipodal and global fragmentation and terrain rupture are inconclusive, with the hydrocode itself producing global disruption at the limits of model resolution but with peak fracture stresses never exceeding the strength of laboratory ice.  相似文献   

Analysis of seismic signals from man-made impacts, moonquakes, and meteoroid impacts has established the presence of a lunar crust, approximately 60 km thick in the region of the Apollo seismic network; an underlying zone of nearly constant seismic velocity extending to a depth of about 1000 km, referred to as the mantle; and a lunar core, beginning at a depth of about 1000 km, in which shear waves are highly attenuated suggesting the presence of appreciable melting. Seismic velocitites in the crust reach 7 km s–1 beneath the lower-velocity surface zone. This velocity corresponds to that expected for the gabbroic anorthosites found to predominate in the highlands, suggesting that rock of this composition is the major constituent of the lunar crust. The upper mantle velocity of about 8 km s–1 for compressional waves corresponds to those of terrestrial olivines, pyroxenites and peridotites. The deep zone of melting may simply represent the depth at which solidus temperatures are exceeded in the lower mantle. If a silicate interior is assumed, as seems most plausible, minimum temperatures of between 1450°C and 1600°C at a depth of 1000 km are implied. The generation of deep moonquakes, which appear to be concentrated in a zone between 600 km and 1000 km deep, may now be explained as a consequence of the presence of fluids which facilitate dislocation. The preliminary estimate of meteoroid flux, based upon the statistics of seismic signals recorded from lunar impacts, is between one and three orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates from Earth-based measurements.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Abstract Radicati di Brozolo et al. (1994) found the fullerenes C60 and C70 in and around a micrometeorite impact pit on the skin of the LDEF (Long Duration Exposure Facility) spacecraft and concluded that the fullerenes had formed from C of the micrometeorite. Becker et al. (1994) concluded that C60 and C70 in C-bearing rocks from the large Sudbury impact structure had come mostly from C of the impacting bolide. These observations suggested that fullerenes had formed by analogous impacts on the Moon. One sample from the Apollo 11 site and one from the Apollo 17 site were treated with toluene for the extraction of C60 and C70. The extracts were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the presence of C60 and C70 fullerenes. No fullerenes were detected. Either the formation of fullerenes from extra lunar C on the Moon had very low yields, or fullerenes were formed with detectable yields but were quantitatively removed from the surface of the Moon in a short time.  相似文献   

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