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We present high signal precision optical reflectance spectra of 2005 FY9 taken with the Red Channel Spectrograph and the 6.5-m MMT telescope on 2006 March 4 UT (5000-9500 Å; 6.33 Å pixel−1) and 2007 February 12 UT (6600-8500 Å; 1.93 Å pixel−1). From cross-correlation experiments between the 2006 March 4 spectrum and a pure CH4-ice Hapke model, we find the CH4-ice bands in the MMT spectrum are blueshifted by 3 ± 4 Å relative to bands in the pure CH4-ice Hapke spectrum. The higher resolution MMT spectrum of 2007 February 12 UT enabled us to measure shifts of individual CH4-ice bands. We find the 7296, 7862, and 7993 Å CH4-ice bands are blueshifted by 4 ± 2, 4 ± 4, and 6 ± 5 Å. From four measurements we report here and one of our previously published measurements, we find the CH4-ice bands are shifted by 4 ± 1 Å. This small shift is important because it suggest the presence of another ice component on the surface of 2005 FY9. Laboratory experiments show that CH4-ice bands in spectra of CH4 mixed with other ices are blueshifted relative to bands in spectra of pure CH4-ice. A likely candidate for the other component is N2-ice because its weak 2.15 μm band and blueshifted CH4 bands are seen in spectra of Triton and Pluto. Assuming the shift is due to the presence of N2, spectra taken on two consecutive nights show no difference in CH4/N2. In addition, we find no measurable difference in CH4/N2 at different depths into the surface of 2005 FY9.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope observations of Uranus- and Neptune-crossing object (65489) Ceto/Phorcys (provisionally designated 2003 FX128) reveal it to be a close binary system. The mutual orbit has a period of 9.554±0.011 days and a semimajor axis of 1840±48 km. These values enable computation of a system mass of (5.41±0.42)×1018 kg. Spitzer Space Telescope observations of thermal emission at 24 and 70 μm are combined with visible photometry to constrain the system's effective radius and geometric albedo . We estimate the average bulk density to be , consistent with ice plus rocky and/or carbonaceous materials. This density contrasts with lower densities recently measured with the same technique for three other comparably-sized outer Solar System binaries (617) Patroclus, (26308) 1998 SM165, and (47171) 1999 TC36, and is closer to the density of the saturnian irregular satellite Phoebe. The mutual orbit of Ceto and Phorcys is nearly circular, with an eccentricity ?0.015. This observation is consistent with calculations suggesting that the system should tidally evolve on a timescale shorter than the age of the Solar System.  相似文献   

We present optical photometry of the Centaur 5145 Pholus during 2003 May and 2004 April using the facility CCD camera on the 1.8-m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mt. Graham, Arizona. We derive a double-peaked lightcurve and a rotation period of 9.980±0.002 h for Pholus, consistent with periods of 9.9825±0.004 and 9.9823±0.0012 h by Buie and Bus (1992, Icarus 100, 288-294) and Farnham (2001, Icarus 152, 238-245). We find a lightcurve peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.60 mag, significantly larger than peak-to-peak amplitude determinations of 0.15 and 0.39 mag by Buie and Bus and Farnham. We use the three observed amplitudes and an amplitude-aspect model to derive four possible rotational pole positions as well as axial ratios of a/b=1.9 and c/b=0.9. If we assume an albedo of 0.04, we find Pholus has dimensions of 310×160×150 km. If we assume Pholus is a strengthless rubble-pile and its non-spherical shape is due to rotational distortion, our axial ratios and period measurements indicate Pholus has a density of 0.5 g cm−3, suggestive of an ice-rich, porous interior. By combining B-band and R-band lightcurves, we find BR=1.94±0.01 and any BR color variation over the surface of Pholus must be smaller than 0.06 mag (i.e., much smaller than the 1.0<BR<2.0 range seen among the Centaur and Kuiper belt object populations). By combining our VR measurements with values in the literature, we find no evidence for any color variegation between the northern and southern hemispheres of Pholus. Observations of the Kuiper belt object 2004 DW (90482) over a time interval of seven hours show no color variation Our observations add to the growing body of evidence that individual Centaurs and KBOs exhibit homogeneous surface colors and hence gray impact craters on radiation reddened crusts are probably not responsible for the surprising range of colors seen among the Centaur and Kuiper belt object populations.  相似文献   

We present the data acquisition strategy and characterization procedures for the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS), a sub-component of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey. The survey began in early 2003 and as of summer 2005 has covered 430 square degrees of sky within a few degrees of the ecliptic. Moving objects beyond the orbit of Uranus are detected to a magnitude limit of mR=23-24 (depending on the image quality). To track as large a sample as possible and avoid introducing followup bias, we have developed a multi-epoch observing strategy that is spread over several years. We present the evolution of the uncertainties in ephemeris position and orbital elements of a small 10-object sample of objects tracked through these epochs as part of a preliminary presurvey starting a year before the main CFEPS project. We describe the CFEPS survey simulator, to be released in 2006, which allows theoretical models of the Kuiper belt to be compared with the survey discoveries. The simulator utilizes the well-documented pointing history of CFEPS, with characterized detection efficiencies as a function of magnitude and rate of motion on the sky. Using the presurvey objects we illustrate the usage of the simulator in modeling the classical Kuiper belt. The primary purpose of this paper is to allow a user to immediately exploit the CFEPS data set and releases as they become available in the coming months.  相似文献   

Several different trans-neptunian objects have been studied in order to investigate their physical and chemical properties. New observations in the 1.1-1.4 μm range, obtained with the ISAAC instrument, are presented in order to complete previous observations carried out with FORS1 in the visible and SINFONI in the near infrared. All of the observations have been performed at the ESO/Very Large Telescope. We analyze the spectra of six different objects (2003 AZ83, Echeclus, Ixion, 2002 AW197, 1999 DE9 and 2003 FY128) in the 0.45-2.3 μm range with the model of Hapke (Hapke, B. [1981]. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 4571-4586) and the method of Shkuratov et al. (Shkuratov, Y., Starukhina, L., Hoffmann, H., Arnold, G. [1999]. Icarus 137, 235-246). Water ice is found on two objects, and in particular it is confirmed in its amorphous and crystalline states on 2003 AZ84 surface. Upper limits on the water ice content are given for the other four TNOs investigated, confirming previous results (Barkume, K.M., Brown, M.E., Schaller, E.L. [2008]. Astron. J. 135, 55-67; Guilbert, A., Alvarez-Candal, A., Merlin, F., Barucci, M.A., Dumas, C., de Bergh, C., Delsanti, A. [2009]. Icarus 201, 272-283). Whatever the absorption features in the near infrared, all objects but one exhibit a moderate red slope in the visible, as most TNOs and Centaurs. We discuss the implications of the presence of water ice and the probable sources of the red slope.  相似文献   

W. Romanishin  S.C. Tegler 《Icarus》2005,179(2):523-526
Accurate absolute optical magnitude values (HV and HR) for Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs are becoming increasingly important as observations in other wavelengths, particularly SIRTF thermal infrared measurements, become available for large samples of objects. We present accurate HV and HR values for 90 KBOs and Centaurs, based on our published optical photometry. We find that our HV values are in good agreement with those available from the European photometric survey of minor bodies in the outer Solar System. Comparison with HV values from the JPL Horizons database and the Minor Planet Center database shows that these sources are systematically brighter than ours by about 0.3 mag.  相似文献   

We describe optical spectroscopic observations of the icy dwarf planet Eris with the 6.5-m MMT telescope and the Red Channel Spectrograph. We report a correlation, that is at the edge of statistical significance, between blue shift and albedo at maximum absorption for five methane ice bands. We interpret the correlation as an increasing dilution of methane ice with another ice component, probably nitrogen, with increasing depth into the surface. We suggest a mechanism to explain the apparent increase in nitrogen with depth. Specifically, if we are seeing Eris 50 degrees from pole-on [Brown, M.E., Schaller, L., 2008. Science 316, 1585], the pole we are seeing now at aphelion was in winter darkness at perihelion. Near perihelion, sublimation could have built up atmospheric pressure on the sunlit (summer) hemisphere sufficient to drive winds toward the dark (winter) hemisphere, where the winds would condense. Because nitrogen is more volatile and scarcer than methane, it sublimated from the sunlit hemisphere relatively early in the season, so the early summer atmosphere was nitrogen rich, and so was the ice deposited on the winter pole. Later in the season, much of the nitrogen was exhausted from the summer pole, but there was plenty of methane, which continued to sublimate. At this point, the atmosphere was more depleted in nitrogen, as was the ice freezing out on top of the earlier deposited nitrogen rich ice. Our increasing nitrogen abundance with depth apparently contradicts the Licandro et al. [Licandro, J., Grundy, W.M., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Leisy, P., 2006. Astron. Astrophys. 458, L5-L8] result of a decreasing nitrogen abundance with depth. A comparison of observational, data reduction, and analysis techniques between the two works, suggests the difference between the two works is real. If so, we may be witnessing the signature of weather on Eris. The work reported here is intended to trigger further observational effort by the community.  相似文献   

We present here the latest BV, VR, and RI color measurements obtained with the CFH12K mosaic camera of the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). This work is the latest extension of the Meudon Multicolor Survey (2MS) and extends the total number of Centaurs and trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the dataset to 71. With this large and homogeneous dataset, we performed relevant statistical analyses to search for correlations with physical and orbital parameters and interrelations with related populations (cometary nuclei and irregular satellites). With a larger dataset, we confirm the correlations found for the Classical TNOs in our previous survey: some colors are significantly correlated with perihelion distance and inclination. The only exception is with the eccentricity. However, results strongly depend on which objects are considered Classicals, and with a dynamically more restricted definition these correlations are no longer present. We also find that strongly significant trends with orbital parameters are not detected for Centaurs, Plutinos or scattered disk objects (SDOs). We also make for the first time reliable statistical comparison between TNOs and related populations (e.g., Centaurs, irregular satellites, short period comets—i.e., SPCs). We find that (1) the colors of SPCs do not match either their TNO or Centaur precursors, and this suggests that some process modifies the surface of SPCs at entry into the inner Solar System. The only exception concerns colors of SDOs from which we could statistically assess that SPCs and SDOs could be drawn from a same single parent distribution. (2) Not surprisingly, Centaurs are compatible with each of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt dynamical groups at a highly significant level except with the SDOs. (3) Centaurs' colors still present a strong dichotomy between a neutral/slightly red group (e.g., Chiron) and a very red group (e.g., Pholus). (4) The irregular satellite population is not compatible with any of the Centaur, Plutino or Classical populations; however, the similarity of their color properties with SDOs suggests that both groups can be extracted from the same parent distribution. However, due to the small number of Centaurs and SDOs these conclusions cannot be taken as definitive.  相似文献   

J.-M. Petit  O. Mousis 《Icarus》2004,168(2):409-419
Given the large orbital separation and high satellite-to-primary mass ratio of all known Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) binaries, it is important to reassess their stability as bound pairs with respect to several disruptive mechanisms. Beside the classical shattering and dispersing of the secondary due to a high-velocity impact, we consider the possibility that the secondary is kicked off its orbit by a direct collision of a small impactor, or that it is gravitationally perturbed due to the close approach of a somewhat larger TNO. Depending on the values for the size/mass/separation of the binaries that we used, 2 or 3 of the 9 pairs can be dispersed in a timescale shorter than the age of the Solar System in the current rarefied environment. A contemporary formation scenario could explain why we still observe these binaries, but no convincing mechanism has been proposed to date. The primordial formation scenarios, which seem to be the only viable ones, must be revised to increase the formation efficiency in order to account for this high dispersal rate. For the reference current KBO population, objects like the large-separation KBO binaries 1998 WW31 or 2001 QW322 must have been initially an order of magnitude more numerous. If the KBO binaries are indeed primordial, then we show that the mass depletion of the Kuiper belt cannot result from collisional grinding, but must rather be due to dynamical ejection.  相似文献   

We report 43 new visible colors of Centaurs and TNOs, obtained at NTT and VLT telescopes under the “ESO large program on physical properties of Centaurs and TNOs.” Merging these new measurements with those obtained during the first part of the program (Boehnhardt et al., 2002, Astron. Astrophys. 395, 297-303) and the “Meudon Multicolor Survey” (Doressoundiram et al., 2002, Astron. J. 124, 2279-2296) we have a unique dataset of 109 objects. We checked for correlations and trends between colors, physical and orbital parameters, carrying out an analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation to account for observational error bars. Centaurs show no evidence for correlation between VR vs. RI colors which raises the hypothesis that more than one single coloring process might be acting on their surfaces. Classical objects seem to be composed of two different color populations: objects with i<4.5° display only red colors while those with i>4.5° display the whole range of colors from blue to very red. The possibility that the low inclined population is misguiding global conclusions is analyzed. Classical objects also show a stronger color-perihelion correlation for intrinsically brighter objects, corresponding to critical estimated sizes of different formation/evolutionary histories. Scattered disk objects show color resemblances with the classical objects at i>12°, hence surface reflectivities resemblances, pointing to a common origin. No color-aphelion trend is found for SDOs, as expected from the intense irradiation by galactic cosmic-rays beyond the solar wind termination shock. Plutinos show a color-absolute magnitude trend, in which all the intrinsically faintest objects are blue. We see many red Plutinos in highly inclined and highly eccentric orbits, that should have originated in a primordial inner disk under Gomes (2003, Icarus 161, 404-418) migration scenario. This seems to invalidate the assumption that objects originated in this inner disk are mainly blue. Finally, we also find six candidates for light-curve studies: four objects (1998 WU31, 1999 OE4, 1999 OX3, and 2001 KP77) present significant short term R-magnitude variability, and two objects (1999 XX143 and 2000 GP183) evidence possible color variations with rotation.  相似文献   

Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,202(2):681-693
We show that for low temperatures (T∼30 K) and small, but non-negligible, gravitational fields the hydrodynamic escape of gas can be treated by Parker's theory of coronal expansion [Parker, E.N., 1963. Interplanetary Dynamical Processes. Interscience Publishers, New York]. We apply this theory to gas escape from Kuiper belt objects. We derive limits on the density and radius of the bodies for which this theory is applicable, and show how the flow depends on the mean molecular weight and internal degrees of freedom of the gas molecules. We use these results to explain the CH4 dichotomy seen on KBOs [Schaller, E.L., Brown, M.E., 2007. Astrophys. J., 659, L61-L64].  相似文献   

W.M. Grundy  K.S. Noll 《Icarus》2005,176(1):184-191
Discovery of trans-neptunian object (TNO) satellites and determination of their orbits has recently enabled estimation of the size and albedo of several small TNOs, extending the size range of objects having known size and albedo down into the sub-100 km range. In this paper we compute albedo and size estimates or limits for 20 TNOs, using a consistent method for all binary objects and a consistent method for all objects having reported thermal fluxes. As is true for larger TNOs, the small objects show a remarkable diversity of albedos. Although the sample is limited, there do not yet appear to be any trends relating albedo to other observable properties or to dynamical class, with the possible exception of inclination. The observed albedo diversity of TNOs has important implications for computing the size-frequency distribution, the mass, and other global properties of the Kuiper belt derived from observations of objects' apparent magnitudes and may also point the way toward an improved compositional taxonomy based on albedo in addition to color.  相似文献   

P. Lamy  I. Toth 《Icarus》2009,201(2):674-713
We present new color results of cometary nuclei obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) whose superior resolution enables us to accurately isolate the nucleus signals from the surrounding comae. By combining with scrutinized available data obtained with ground-based telescopes, we accumulated a sample of 51 cometary nuclei, 44 ecliptic comets (ECs) and 7 nearly-isotropic comets (NICs) using the nomenclature of Levison [Levison, H.F., 1996. In: Rettig, T.W., Hahn, J.M. (Eds.), Completing the Inventory of the Solar System. In: ASP Conf. Ser., vol. 107, pp. 173-192]. We analyze color distributions and color-color correlations as well as correlations with other physical parameters. We present our compilation of colors of 232 outer Solar System objects—separately considering the different dynamical populations, classical KBOs in low and high-inclination orbits (respectively CKBO-LI and CKBO-HI), resonant KBOs (practically Plutinos), scattered-disk objects (SDOs) and Centaurs—of 12 candidate dead comets, and of 85 Trojans. We perform a systematic analysis of all color distributions, and conclude by synthesizing the implications of the dynamical evolution and of the colors for the origin of the minor bodies of the Solar System. We find that the color distributions are remarkably consistent with the scenarios of the formation of TNOs by Gomes [Gomes, R.S., 2003. Icarus 161, 404-418] generalized by the “Nice” model [Levison, H.F., Morbidelli, A., VanLaerhoven, Ch., Gomes, R., Tsiganis, L., 2008. Icarus 196, 258-273], and of the Trojans by Morbidelli et al. [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465]. The color distributions of the Centaurs are globally similar to those of the CKBO-HI, the Plutinos and the SDOs. However the potential bimodality of their distributions allows to possibly distinguish two groups based on their (BR) index: Centaur I with (BR)>1.7 and Centaurs II with (BR)<1.4. Centaurs I could be composed of TNOs (prominently CKBO-LI) and ultra red objects from a yet unstudied family. Centaurs II could consist in a population of evolved objects which have already visited the inner Solar System, and which has been scattered back beyond Jupiter. The diversity of colors of the ECs, in particular the existence of very red objects, is consistent with an origin in the Kuiper belt. Candidate dead comets represent an ultimate state of evolution as they appear more evolved than the Trojans and Centaurs II.  相似文献   

We present observations of thermal emission from fifteen transneptunian objects (TNOs) made using the Spitzer Space Telescope. Thirteen of the targets are members of the Classical population: six dynamically hot Classicals, five dynamically cold Classicals, and two dynamically cold inner Classical Kuiper belt objects (KBOs). We fit our observations using thermal models to determine the sizes and albedos of our targets finding that the cold Classical KBOs have distinctly higher visual albedos than the hot Classicals and other TNO dynamical classes. The cold Classicals are known to be distinct from other TNOs in terms of their color distribution, size distribution, and binarity fraction. The Classical objects in our sample all have red colors yet they show a diversity of albedos which suggests that there is not a simple relationship between albedo and color. As a consequence of high albedos, the mass estimate of the cold Classical Kuiper belt is reduced from approximately 0.01 M to approximately 0.001 M. Our results also increase significantly the sample of small Classical KBOs with known albedos and sizes from 21 to 32 such objects.  相似文献   

Margaret Pan  Re'em Sari 《Icarus》2005,173(2):342-348
The observed size distribution of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs)—small icy and rocky Solar System bodies orbiting beyond Neptune—is well described by a power law at large KBO sizes. However, recent work by Bernstein et al. (2004, Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390) indicates that the size distribution breaks and becomes shallower for KBOs smaller than about 70 km in size. Here we show that we expect such a break at KBO radius ∼40 km since destructive collisions are frequent for smaller KBOs. Specifically, we assume that KBOs are gravity-dominated bodies with negligible material strength. This gives a power-law slope q?3 where the number N>r of KBOs larger than a size r is given by N>rr1−q; the break location follows from this slope through a self-consistent calculation. The existence of this break, the break's location, and the power-law slope we expect below the break are consistent with the findings of Bernstein et al. (2004, Astron. J. 128, 1364-1390). The agreement with observations indicates that KBOs as small as ∼40 km are effectively strengthless.  相似文献   

W.M. Grundy 《Icarus》2009,199(2):560-563
The extremely red colors of some transneptunian objects and Centaurs are not seen among the Jupiter family comets which supposedly derive from them. Could this mismatch result from sublimation loss of colorless ice? Radiative transfer models show that mixtures of volatile ice and non-volatile organics could be extremely red, but become progressively darker and less red as the ice sublimates away.  相似文献   

A. Brunini  M.D. Melita 《Icarus》2002,160(1):32-43
We study the effects of a Mars-like planetoid with a semimajor axis at about ∼60 AU orbiting embedded in the primordial Edgeworth-Kuiper belt (EKB). The origin of such an object can be explained in the framework of our current understanding of the origin of the outer Solar System, and a scenario for the orbital transport mechanism to its present location is given. The existence of such an object would produce a gap in the EKB distribution with an edge at about 50 AU, which seems to be in agreement with the most recent observations. No object at low eccentricity with semimajor axis beyond 50 AU has been detected so far, even though the present observing capabilities would allow an eventual detection (B. Gladman et al. 1998, Astron. J.116, 2042-2054; D. Jewitt et al. 1998, Astron. J.115, 2125-2135; E. I. Chiang and M. E. Brown 1999, Astron. J.118, 1411-1422; R. L. Allen et al. 2000, Astrophys. J.549, 241-244; C. A. Trujillo et al. 2001, Astron. J.122, 457-473; B. Gladman et al. 2001, Astron. J.122, 1051-1066; C. A. Trujillo and M. E. Brown 2001, Astrophys. J.554, 95-98). Finally, ranges for the magnitude and proper motion of the proposed object are given.  相似文献   

We have found that 0.8 MeV proton irradiation of crystalline H2O-ice results in temperature dependent amorphization. The H2O-ice's phase was determined using the near infrared spectrum from 1.0 μm (10,000 cm−1) to 2.5 μm (4000 cm−1). In crystalline H2O-ice, the 1.65-μm (6061 cm−1) band is strong while it is nearly absent in the amorphous spectrum [Schmitt, B., Quirico, E., Trotta, F., Grundy, W.M., 1998. In: Schmitt, B., de Bergh, C., Festou, M. (Eds.), Solar System Ices. Kluwer Academic, Norwell, MA, 1998, pp. 199-240]. In this experiment, at low temperatures (9, 25, and 40 K), irradiation of crystalline H2O-ice produced the amorphous H2O-ice's spectrum. However, at 50 K, some crystalline absorptions persisted after irradiation and at 70 and 100 K the crystalline spectrum showed only slight changes after irradiation. Our results agree with previous H2O-ice irradiation studies examining the crystalline peaks near 44 and 62 μm by Moore and Hudson [Moore, M.H., Hudson, R.L., 1992. Astrophys. J. 401, 353-360] and near 3.07 μm by Strazzulla et al. [Strazzulla, G., Baratta, G.A., Leto, G., Foti, G., 1992. Europhys. Lett. 18, 517-522] and by Leto and Baratta [Leto, G., Baratta, G.A., 2003. Astron. Astrophys. 397, 7-13]. We present a method of measuring band areas to quantify the phase and radiation dose of icy Solar System surfaces.  相似文献   

Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) are generally very faint and cannot in practice be monitored with a well-sampled long-term light curve; so our discovery of the bright KBO 2000 EB173 offers an excellent opportunity for synoptic studies. We present a well-sampled photometric time series (77 R and 29 V magnitudes on 78 nights) over a 225-day time span centered on the 2001 opposition. The light curve (corrected to the year 2001 opposition distance) varies from 19.11 to 19.39 mag with a single peak that is smooth, time symmetric, and coincident with opposition. All variations in the light curve are consistent with a linear opposition surge (ROPP=19.083+0.125∗α, where α is the solar phase angle), while any rotational modulation must have a peak-to-peak amplitude of less than 0.097 mag. This is the first measured opposition surge for any KBO (other than Pluto). The VR color is 0.63±0.02, with no apparent variation with phase at the few percent level. With R=19.11 at opposition, 2000 EB173 remains the brightest known KBO and a prime target for future photometric and spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

We explore the origin and orbital evolution of the Kuiper belt in the framework of a recent model of the dynamical evolution of the giant planets, sometimes known as the Nice model. This model is characterized by a short, but violent, instability phase, during which the planets were on large eccentricity orbits. It successfully explains, for the first time, the current orbital architecture of the giant planets [Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461], the existence of the Trojans populations of Jupiter and Neptune [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465], and the origin of the late heavy bombardment of the terrestrial planets [Gomes, R., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Morbidelli, A., 2005. Nature 435, 466-469]. One characteristic of this model is that the proto-planetary disk must have been truncated at roughly 30 to 35 AU so that Neptune would stop migrating at its currently observed location. As a result, the Kuiper belt would have initially been empty. In this paper we present a new dynamical mechanism which can deliver objects from the region interior to ∼35 AU to the Kuiper belt without excessive inclination excitation. In particular, we show that during the phase when Neptune's eccentricity is large, the region interior to its 1:2 mean motion resonance becomes unstable and disk particles can diffuse into this area. In addition, we perform numerical simulations where the planets are forced to evolve using fictitious analytic forces, in a way consistent with the direct N-body simulations of the Nice model. Assuming that the last encounter with Uranus delivered Neptune onto a low-inclination orbit with a semi-major axis of ∼27 AU and an eccentricity of ∼0.3, and that subsequently Neptune's eccentricity damped in ∼1 My, our simulations reproduce the main observed properties of the Kuiper belt at an unprecedented level. In particular, our results explain, at least qualitatively: (1) the co-existence of resonant and non-resonant populations, (2) the eccentricity-inclination distribution of the Plutinos, (3) the peculiar semi-major axis—eccentricity distribution in the classical belt, (4) the outer edge at the 1:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune, (5) the bi-modal inclination distribution of the classical population, (6) the correlations between inclination and physical properties in the classical Kuiper belt, and (7) the existence of the so-called extended scattered disk. Nevertheless, we observe in the simulations a deficit of nearly-circular objects in the classical Kuiper belt.  相似文献   

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