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Weathering rind thicknesses were measured on ∼ 200 basaltic clasts collected from three regionally extensive alluvial fill terraces (Qt 1, Qt 2, and Qt 3) preserved along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Mass balance calculations suggest that conversion of unweathered basaltic core minerals (plagioclase and augite) to authigenic minerals in the porous rind (kaolinite, allophane, gibbsite, Fe oxyhydroxides) is iso-volumetric and Ti and Zr are relatively immobile. The hierarchy of cation mobility (Ca ≈ Na > K ≈ Mg > Si > Al > Fe ≈ P) is similar to other tropical weathering profiles and is indicative of differential rates of mineral weathering (anorthite > albite ≈ hypersthene > orthoclase ? apatite). Alteration profiles across the cm-thick rinds document dissolution of plagioclase and augite and the growth of kaolinite, with subsequent dissolution of kaolinite and precipitation of gibbsite as weathering rinds age. The rate of weathering rind advance is evaluated using a diffusion-limited model which predicts a parabolic rate law for weathering rind thickness, rr, as a function of time, t(rr =), and an interface-limited model which predicts a linear rate law for weathering rind thickness as a function of time (rr = kappt). In these rate laws, κ is a diffusion parameter and kapp is an apparent rate constant. The rate of advance is best fit by the interface model.Terrace exposures are confined to the lower reaches of streams draining the Pacific slope near the coast where the stream gradient is less than ∼3 m/km, and terrace deposition is influenced by eustatic sea level fluctuations. Geomorphological evidence is consistent with terrace deposition coincident with sea level maxima when the stream gradient would be lowest. Assigning the most weathered regionally extensive terrace Qt 1 (mean rind thickness 6.9 ± 0. 6cm) to oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 7 (ca. 240 ka), and assuming that at time = 0 rind thickness = 0, it is inferred that terrace Qt 2 (rr = 2.9 ± 0.1 cm) is coincident with stage 5e (ca. 125 ka) and that Qt 3 (rr = 0.9 ± 0.1 cm) is consistent with OIS 3 (ca. 37 ka). These assignments yield a value of kapp of 8.6 × 10−13 cm s−1 (R2 = 0.99). Only this value satisfies both the existing age controls and yields ages coincident with sea level maxima. Using this value, elemental weathering release fluxes across a weathering rind from Qt 2 range from 6.0 × 10−9 mol Si m−2 s−1 to 2.5 × 10−11 mol K m−2 s−1. The rate of rind advance for the Costa Rican terraces is 2.8 × 10−7 m yr−1. Basalt rind formation rates in lower temperature settings described in the literature are also consistent with interface-controlled weathering with an apparent activation energy of about 50 kJ mol−1. Rates of rind formation in Costa Rica are an order of magnitude slower than reported for global averages of soil formation rates.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed to explain the geometrical patterns of spheroidal weathering. The model is then analyzed, and results of computer simulations for the weathering of spherical and ellipsoidal surfaces are presented. Ellipsoids weather initially into ellipsoids of greater or lesser eccentricity, depending on boundary conditions, and finally into spheres. This is in qualitative agreement with the geometry of observed weathering patterns. Some of these features would be difficult to explain by a diffusion model. The weathering of rectangles also is simulated, and they weather into ellipses or circles. These are also in qualitative agreement with observed weathering patterns.  相似文献   

徐则民  黄润秋 《中国地质》2013,40(6):1942-1948
提要:岩石化学风化程度评价指标应该同时满足以下三个基本条件,即与风化程度之间的关系简单明确、对风化程度变化具有足够的敏感性和易于确定和不易受到人为因素影响。作为铁镁质岩石的主要代表,(峨眉山)玄武岩风化程度评价除考虑可引起组分淋失与富集的水解反应外,还应充分考虑二价铁的氧化反应。新鲜峨眉山玄武岩中并存的二价铁和三价铁的含量总体稳定,910个样品的FeO、Fe2O3平均含量分别为8.45%和5.15%,以均匀、随机的方式赋存于辉石、橄榄石、杏仁体中的绿泥石、磁铁矿及火山玻璃中。风化玄武岩、玄武岩斜坡地下水及新鲜玄武岩浸泡液的地球化学研究结果表明,FeO及Fe2O3含量对峨眉山玄武岩风化程度的敏感性明显高于其他组分,同时铁又是玄武岩风化过程中活动性最差的元素之一。三价铁和二价铁的摩尔数比值(FF)适合于峨眉山玄武岩整个风化过程的风化程度判别,比既有风化指数具有更高的分辨率,尤其是对风化初期玄武岩。  相似文献   

通过对四川省雅安龙苍沟峨眉山玄武岩小流域的水化学组成研究,分析了不同物质来源对小流域溪水溶解质的贡献,并对该小流域岩石风化速率和CO2消耗速率进行了估算。结果表明,龙苍沟流域溪水呈中性,PH平均值为6.82。溪水中阳离子以Ca^2+为主,约占阳离子总量的56%;阴离子以HCO3^-为主,约占阴离子总量的45%。碳酸盐岩风化、硅酸盐岩风化、大气降水和人为活动对溪水阳离子平均贡献率分别为50.2%、38.2%、10.5%和1.1%。流域硅酸盐岩风化速率为37.54±24.94 t/km^2/yr,硅酸盐岩风化对大气C02消耗速率为5.4±3.6 mol C/km^2/yr。本文首次对我国峨眉山玄武岩省化学风化大气CO2消耗量进行估算,得到其年消耗通量为1.35±0.89×10^11 mol C/yr,约为全球玄武岩CO2年消耗通量的3.31±2.18%。  相似文献   

Major, trace and organic elements of a South China were reported to investigate elements laterite profile developed on Neogene basalt on Hainan Island, mobilization and redistribution in tropical regions. The results indicate that strong acid environment and organic matter (OM) can remarkably improve the transfer of insoluble elements. Among all the elements, Th is the least mobile. As for the general conservative elements during incipient chemical weathering, such as Ti, Zr, Hf and Nb, the removals are up to 30%-40% in the upper profile. And for Fe, A1, Cu and Ni, that tend to be combined with secondary minerals and to be retained in temperate zone, they are re- moved from the upper profile, transferred downwards, and then precipitated in the lower profile. In addition, atmos- pheric inputs, including sea salt aerosols and dust, have a profound effect on the budgets of elements that are susceptible to leaching losses (e.g. K, Na and Sr). Excluding the possibilities of groundwater and erosion, the remarkable increase of K, Na and Sr concentrations in the upper profile, together with dramatically upward increasing trends of the percentage changes of Sr/Th, K/Th and Na/Th ratios, show that atmospheric inputs, especially sea salt aerosols, contribute much extraneous seawater derived elements, such as K, Na and Sr to the soils. The overall elemental be- haviors in this profile suggest that organic matter and atmospheric inputs play a very important role in the mobiliza- tion and redistribution of elements during extreme weathering in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Silicon stable isotopes can be used to trace the biogeochemical pathways of Si as it moves from its continental sources to its sink in ocean sediments. Along the way, Si is incorporated into clay minerals, taken up by plants where it forms plant opal, and leached into rivers, the major land-to-ocean conduit. Compared to igneous rocks, the waters that drain continents are enriched in heavy Si isotopes, but the mechanisms that control fractionation have not been elucidated. We studied Si isotope fractionation along a 4 million yr basaltic soil chronosequence on the Hawaiian Islands. Using the natural context of these samples in combination with laboratory experiments, we demonstrate that the isotopic composition of dissolved Si in weathering systems is determined by the combined effects of rock disintegration, clay mineral neosynthesis, and Si biocycling. Weathering preferentially releases 28Si into solution, whereas secondary mineral formation preferentially removes 28Si from solution. In humid environments, leached soils have lost large amounts of this soluble Si, thus creating a net loss of 30Si from the entire soil system. As soils develop and greater fractions of Si reside in neoformed clay minerals, δ30Sibulk soil values change progressively toward more negative values; basalt δ30Si values are about −0.5‰, but older soils have δ30Si values up to −2.5‰. The difference between the solid and solution δ30Si values remains more or less constant with progressive weathering, and therefore, soil water from older soils has a more negative δ30Si composition. In the upper horizons of the Hawaiian soils, this weathering-driven δ30Si shift is modified by the addition of unweathered primary minerals via dust, carrying δ30Si values of about −0.5‰, and by biocycling of Si via plants, producing negative δ30Si values in phytoliths and positive δ30Si values in soil solutions derived from upper horizons. Due to the high concentrations of dissolved Si in these near-surface layers, rivers have more positive δ30Si values than predicted based on the weathering status of the lower horizons. When combined with published δ30Si values from large rivers worldwide, we find that the results from Hawaii point to weathering control of Si isotopes delivered to the oceans, and thus, to an important continent-ocean linkage that warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

黔西北玄武岩风化壳中的稀土矿是一个分布广泛、稀土含量较高的新类型稀土矿。本文主要通过岩相学、矿物学和地球化学的方法,系统研究了该稀土矿层的岩石组构、矿物组合及地球化学特征,探讨了该地区稀土迁移富集机理。结果显示该风化壳稀土矿层厚度大(单层厚度0.1~0.5 m,总厚度约5~15 m)。矿石中主要矿物为高岭石(60%~80%),次要矿物为蒙脱石(2%~8%)、赤铁矿(5%~20%)。稀土总量较高(144~2288×10-6),具轻稀土富集特征,并且稀土含量高的样品均为高岭石粘土岩。稀土配分模式图中显示明显负铕异常(0.22~0.85),铈异常变化较大(0.86~1.63)。综合分析认为玄武岩风化壳中的稀土元素的富集和高岭石的含量密切相关,稀土元素可能在偏还原的环境中被高岭石颗粒吸附。  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic analysis including thermo-magnetic studies and clay mineralogy on bed load and floodplain sediments from the Godavari river indicate distinct mineral assemblages. The floodplain sediments up to the delta region are characterised by unimodal ferrimagnetic mineralogy marked by the presence of maghemite and single domain magnetites derived from Deccan basalts. On the other hand the bed loads show varied magnetic mineral assemblages depicting greater local mixing from the non-basaltic bedrock province. The temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility and clay mineralogy of the floodplain samples show titanomagnetites (Fe3O4-Fe2TiO4), maghemite (χ LF-Fe2O3) and smectite that are characteristic of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). Presence of this ferrimagnetically dominant unimodal assemblage up to the delta region and probably into the Bay of Bengal off the Godavari river is attributed to extensive chemical weathering of the basalt. The quantitative approach of mineral magnetism, therefore, can be used to study the paleomonsoon variability and its relation to Deccan basalt weathering from the Godavari-Bengal fan system.  相似文献   

周思耘  吴晨 《地质论评》2021,67(5):67060019-67060019
玄武岩柱状节理往往呈现完美的六边形石柱,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注和好奇,但是对于其形成机理尚无合理的解释。本文通过对冷却过程中的玄武岩进行受力分析,提出当岩石(浆)冷凝收缩的凝聚力达到其抗张强度时,岩石(浆)内部发生潜在破裂和微形变;当潜在破裂面形成后,因岩石的泊松效应,微小潜在破裂面处的应力状态发生重整,形成新的潜在破裂面;当新的潜在破裂面处的剪应力等于岩石抗张强度时,岩石(浆)发生剪切破裂,形成如今所见的柱状节理。根据前人相关岩石实验数据,推算得到玄武岩相应温度下的内摩擦角、黏聚力、抗张强度和泊松比,采用应力莫尔圆方法进行数值计算,获得玄武岩在冷却到800 ℃左右时发生破裂,六棱柱形柱状节理开始形成,内角约119.1°。进一步分析认为,岩石的黏聚力、石英含量等因素可能控制着柱状节理的发育和形状。  相似文献   

选取贵州西部威宁地区峨眉山玄武岩风化壳中稀土作为研究对象,进行稀土的浸出实验,讨论稀土元素的赋存状态。实验结果显示,哲觉、海外剖面的样品稀土含量∑REY(∑REE+Y)平均为1086.66×10-6,是潜在的风化壳型稀土资源,但其浸出率平均值为7.14%,且在粘土岩中的浸出率较高,粉砂岩和凝灰质粘土岩次之,表明离子吸附型稀土占的比例很低,稀土在玄武岩风化壳中的赋存状态主要不是以离子吸附型存在。基于目前技术,离子吸附相稀土才是稀土利用的基础,威宁地区峨眉山玄武岩风化壳中稀土难以作为离子吸附型稀土资源来进行综合利用。  相似文献   

董荣 《矿产与地质》2016,(5):842-845
花岗岩球状风化现象在自然界比较常见,其成因国内一般认为受三维裂隙控制,出露地表接受风化时,由于棱角突出,角部受三个方向的风化,棱边受两个方向的风化,而面上只受一个方向的风化,故棱角逐渐缩减,最终趋向球形。国外也有其他成因认识,如liesegang现象、卸荷载、微裂隙、体积膨胀、后期风化作用等莫衷一是。本文通过认真观察,对比分析,总结出球状风化形成机理即亲水矿物吸水及失水造成的膨胀收缩的结果。  相似文献   

周思耘  吴晨 《地质论评》2021,67(6):1629-1635
玄武岩柱状节理往往呈现完美的六边形石柱,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注和好奇,但是对于其形成机理尚无合理的解释。本文通过对冷却过程中的玄武岩进行受力分析,提出当岩石(浆)冷凝收缩的凝聚力达到其抗张强度时,岩石(浆)内部发生潜在破裂和微形变;当潜在破裂面形成后,因岩石的泊松效应,微小潜在破裂面处的应力状态发生重整,形成新的潜在破裂面;当新的潜在破裂面处的剪应力等于岩石抗张强度时,岩石(浆)发生剪切破裂,形成如今所见的柱状节理。根据前人相关岩石实验数据,推算得到玄武岩相应温度下的内摩擦角、黏聚力、抗张强度和泊松比,采用应力莫尔圆方法进行数值计算,获得玄武岩在冷却到800 ℃左右时发生破裂,六棱柱形柱状节理开始形成,内角约119.1°。进一步分析认为,岩石的黏聚力、石英含量等因素可能控制着柱状节理的发育和形状。  相似文献   

Rates of chemical and silicate weathering of the Deccan Trap basalts, India, have been determined through major ion measurements in the headwaters of the Krishna and the Bhima rivers, their tributaries, and the west flowing streams of the Western Ghats, all of which flow almost entirely through the Deccan basalts.Samples (n = 63) for this study were collected from 23 rivers during two consecutive monsoon seasons of 2001 and 2002. The Total dissolved solid (TDS) in the samples range from 27 to 640 mg l−1. The rivers draining the Western Ghats that flow through patches of cation deficient lateritic soils have lower TDS (average: 74 mg l−1), whereas the Bhima (except at origin) and its tributaries that seem to receive Na, Cl, and SO4 from saline soils and anthropogenic inputs have values in excess of 170 mg l−1. Many of the rivers sampled are supersaturated with respect to calcite. The chemical weathering rates (CWR) of “selected” basins, which exclude rivers supersaturated in calcite and which have high Cl and SO4, are in range of ∼3 to ∼60 t km−2 y−1. This yields an area-weighted average CWR of ∼16 t km−2 y−1 for the Deccan Traps. This is a factor of ∼2 lower than that reported for the Narmada-Tapti-Wainganga (NTW) systems draining the more northern regions of the Deccan. The difference can be because of (i) natural variations in CWR among the different basins of the Deccan, (ii) “selection” of river basin for CWR calculation in this study, and (iii) possible contribution of major ions from sources, in addition to basalts, to rivers of the northern Deccan Traps.Silicate weathering rates (SWR) in the selected basins calculated using dissolved Mg as an index varies between ∼3 to ∼60 t km−2 y−1, nearly identical to their CWR. The Ca/Mg and Na/Mg in these rivers, after correcting for rain input, are quite similar to those in average basalts of the region, suggesting near congruent release of Ca, Mg, and Na from basalts to rivers. Comparison of calculated and measured silicate-Ca in these rivers indicates that at most ∼30% of Ca can be of nonsilicate origin, a likely source being carbonates in basalts and sediments.The chemical and silicate weathering rates of the west flowing rivers of the Deccan are ∼4 times higher than the east flowing rivers. This difference is due to the correspondingly higher rainfall and runoff in the western region and thus reemphasises the dominant role of runoff in regulating weathering rates. The silicon weathering rate (SWR) in the Krishna Basin is ∼15 t km−2 y−1, within a factor of ∼2 to those in the Yamuna, Bhagirathi, and Alaknanda basins of the Himalaya, suggesting that under favourable conditions (intense physical weathering, high runoff) granites and the other silicates in the Himalaya weather at rates similar to those of Deccan basalts. The CO2 consumption rate for the Deccan is deduced to be ∼3.6 × 105 moles km−2 y−1 based on the SWR. The rate, though, is two to three times lower than reported for the NTW rivers system; it still reinforces the earlier findings that, in general, basalts weather more rapidly than other silicates and that they significantly influence the atmospheric CO2 budget on long-term scales.  相似文献   

A basalt and its weathered profile have been analysed for major elements. Graphical examination shows Al. Fe and Ti to have been essentially immobile. Determining mobility sequences for this deposit is complicated by the long pedogenetic history of the area. Three different sequences are presented, two for different stages of weathering integrated over time, and one that reflects the weathering regime of the present day.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that high field strength (HFS) elements commonly used to index chemical weathering are variably mobile. This mobility may be linked to redistribution of suspended solids. A mass-balance model is presented that can quantify such redistribution without assuming immobility for any single element. Two tropical weathering profiles on quartz diorite and basalt are examined and redistribution of the HFS elements Zr and Ti is documented, along with potential corrections for the resulting changes in measured concentrations.  相似文献   

We present here the first available estimations of chemical weathering and associated atmospheric CO2 consumption rates as well as mechanical erosion rate for the Lesser Antilles. The chemical weathering (100–120 t/km2/year) and CO2 consumption (1.1–1.4 × 106 mol/km2/year) rates are calculated after subtraction of the atmospheric and hydrothermal inputs in the chemical composition of the river dissolved loads. These rates thus reflect only the low-temperature basalt weathering. Mechanical erosion rates (approx. 800–4000 t/km2/year) are estimated by a geochemical mass balance between the dissolved and solid loads and mean unaltered rock. The calculated chemical weathering rates and associated atmospheric CO2 consumption rates are among the highest values worldwide but are still lower than those of other tropical volcanic islands and do not fit with the HCO3 concentration vs. 1/T correlation proposed by Dessert et al. (2001). The thick soils and explosive volcanism context of the Lesser Antilles are the two possible keys to this different weathering behaviour; the development of thick soils limits the chemical weathering and the presence of very porous pyroclastic flows allows an important water infiltration and thus subsurface weathering mechanisms, which are less effective for atmospheric CO2 consumption.  相似文献   




Weathering rinds formed in Mesozoic sandstone and basalt cobbles buried in terrace deposits for up to 300 ka have been investigated. The aim was to determine the formation process and elemental mass balances during rind development. The ages of terraces distributed in the western part of Fukui prefecture, central Japan have been determined as 50 ka, 120 ka and 300 ka based on a tephro-stratigraphic method. Detailed investigations across the weathering rinds, consisting of microscopic observations, porosity measurements, and mineralogical and geochemical analyses using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), secondary X-ray analytical microscopy (SXAM), scanning electron microanalyser (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) have been carried out. The results revealed that the Fe concentrations in the weathering rind of a basalt cobble slightly decreased from the cobble’s surface (rim) towards the unweathered core. In contrast, in a sandstone cobble formed under the same environmental conditions over the same period of time there is an Fe-rich layer at some distance below the cobble’s surface. Elemental mass balances across the rinds were determined by using open system mass balance (τi,j) calculations and show that the Fe was precipitated as Fe-oxyhydroxides in the basalt cobbles, although Fe was slightly removed from the rims. In sandstone cobbles, on the other hand, Fe migrated along a Fe concentration gradient by diffusion and precipitated as Fe-oxyhydroxide minerals to form the weathering rinds. Presumably, precipitation was due to the relatively higher pH conditions caused by mineral dissolution within the pores, principally involving calcite, but probably also silicates including feldspar. The detailed characterization of the weathering rinds revealed the influence of lithology on the accumulation and dissolution of Fe-oxyhydroxides, causing weathering rinds with different characteristics to develop in different kinds of buried cobbles under the same conditions. Relatively large climatic changes in the study area did not cause discernable variations in the mean formation rates of the studied rinds, which were in the order of 10?8 m/a for both basalt and sandstone cobbles. These rates are 1–2 orders of magnitude slower than those reported for tropical areas elsewhere, most probably due to the lower rainfall in the studied area.  相似文献   

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