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The geological record of early Mars displays a variety of features that indicate fundamental differences from more recent conditions. These include evidence for: (1) widespread aqueous alteration and phyllosilicate formation, (2) the existence of an active magnetic dynamo, (3) the erosion of extensive valley networks, some thousands of kilometers long, (4) a much more significant role of impact cratering, forming structures up to the scale of large basins, and (5) the construction of much of the Tharsis volcanic province. Mars also is likely to have had a much thicker atmosphere during this early period. We discuss and review the temporal relationships among these processes and conditions. Key observations from this analysis suggest the following: (1) the last large impact basins, Argyre, Isidis, and Hellas, all pre-date the end of valley network formation, potentially by several hundred million years, (2) the magnetic dynamo is likely to be ancient (pre-Hellas), since the center of Hellas and other young basins lack magnetic remanence, and (3) the period of phyllosilicate formation is not readily connected to the period of valley network formation. Concepts for the possible formation and evolution of life on Mars should address this time sequence of conditions.  相似文献   

We describe for the first time the generation and measurement of capillary waves in a water surface in a wind tunnel running with air at pressures of 15-1000 mbar. These experiments suggest a stronger dependence of wave generation on atmospheric density than the simple proportionality that might be expected from energy transfer arguments. Additionally, airflow over a nonaqueous fluid (kerosene) was found to produce waves of higher amplitude than for water under the same conditions. These preliminary results may indicate different efficiencies of wave generation on other planets, for which empirical terrestrial relations therefore do not apply, and thus may have a bearing on the lack of strong shoreline features on Mars and the possibility of specular glints from hydrocarbon lakes on Titan.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a basaltic Mars simulant that is available as whole rocks, sand and dust. The source rock for the simulant is a basalt mined from the Tertiary Tropico Group in the western Mojave Desert. The Mojave Mars Simulant (MMS) was chosen for its inert hygroscopic characteristics, its availability in a variety of forms, and its physical and chemical characteristics. The MMS dust and MMS sand are produced by mechanically crushing basaltic boulders. This is a process that more closely resembles the weathering/comminution processes on Mars where impact events and aerodynamic interactions provide comminution in the (relative) absence of water and organics. MMS is among the suite of test rocks and soils that was used in the development of the 2007/8 Phoenix Scout and is being used in the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) missions. The MMS development team is using the simulant for research that centers on sampling tool interactions in icy soils. Herein we describe the physical properties and chemical composition of this new Mars simulant.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to simulate the shallow ascent and surface release of water and brines under low atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure was treated as an independent variable and water temperature and vapor pressure were examined as a function of total pressure variation down to low pressures. The physical and thermal responses of water to reducing pressure were monitored with pressure transducers, temperature sensors and visible imaging. Data were obtained for pure water and for solutions with dissolved NaCl or CO2. The experiments showed the pressure conditions under which the water remained liquid, underwent a rapid phase change to the gas state by boiling, and then solidified because of removal of latent heat. Liquid water is removed from phase equilibrium by decompression. Solid, liquid and gaseous water are present simultaneously, and not at the 611 Pa triple point, because dynamic interactions between the phases maintain unstable temperature gradients. After phase changes stop, the system reverts to equilibrium with its surroundings. Surface and shallow subsurface pressure conditions were simulated for Mars and the icy satellites of the outer Solar System. Freezing by evaporation in the absence of wind on Mars is shown to be unlikely for pure water at pressures greater than c. 670 Pa, and for saline solutions at pressures greater than c. 610 Pa. The physical nature of ice that forms depends on the salt content. Ice formed from saline water at pressures less than c. 610 Pa could be similar to terrestrial sea ice. Ice formed from pure water at pressures less than c. 100 Pa develops a low thermal conductivity and a ‘honeycomb’ structure created by sublimation. This ice could have a density as low as c. 450 kg m−3 and a thermal conductivity as low as 1.6 W m−1 K−1, and is highly reflective, more akin to snow than the clear ice from which it grew. The physical properties of ice formed from either pure or saline water at low pressures will act to reduce the surface temperature, and hence rate of sublimation, thereby prolonging the lifespan of any liquid water beneath.  相似文献   

Slope streaks are a form of gravity-driven mass-movements that frequently occur on Mars today. The cause of slope streak formation remains unclear; both, dry and wet processes have been suggested. Here, we observationally constrain the time of the year during which slope streaks form. Imagery from four Mars-orbiting cameras is mined to identify locations that have been imaged repeatedly, and the overlapping images are surveyed for streak activity. A search algorithm automatically finds the locations on the surface that have been imaged most often based on a graph representation. Dark slope streaks are found to form sporadically throughout the Mars year. At one study site in the Olympus Mons Aureole, observations constrain slope streak formation to at least five distinct time intervals within a single Mars year. New slope streaks form spatially isolated or in small groups within a few kilometers of one another. The observations suggest that slope streak triggering is unrelated to season and not caused by any large regional events. Most slope streaks are caused by sporadic events of small spatial extent.  相似文献   

Eileen M. McGowan 《Icarus》2011,212(2):622-628
The largest areal concentration of pitted cones on Mars is located in the southwest section of Utopia basin. This particular area of pitted cones has been attributed to mud volcanism; several factors may have facilitated extensive mud volcanism at this location. The concentration of pitted cones is located where Utopia basin intersects Isidis basin; both features are multi-ring impact basins. On Earth, seismic investigations have shown that the outer rings of the Chicxulub multi-ring impact basin extend to the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity (Moho). If this is true on Mars as well, the fractures could act as conduits for water from Utopia Planitia, the site of a large, putative water body. It has been shown that methane can be generated at the mantle on Earth. On Mars this possible source of methane could combine with the infiltrated water to generate clathrates. While methane is not currently being released at the location of the pitted cones it could have been in the past. Three locations of methane release have been observed on Mars, two of which are located on the same outer ring of Isidis basin that intersects the pitted cone population. The area of Utopia basin that contains the large population of pitted cones is adjacent to the highland/lowland boundary where extensive deposition would have occurred. Extensive deposition combined with the potential for methane release may have contributed to the large population of pitted cones in this area of the Utopia basin.  相似文献   

Advances in dating gullies on Mars using superposition relationships and a stratigraphic marker horizon link gully chronostratigraphy to recent climate cycles. New observations of gully morphology show the close association of gully source regions, channels, and fan deposits with well-documented ice-rich latitude-dependent mantle deposits, the deposition of which is interpreted to be coincident with recent ice ages. On the basis of these close correlations, we interpret the formative processes for mid-latitude gullies to involve melting of these ice-rich mantling deposits and the generation of an aqueous phase leading to fluvial activity. Continued monitoring of gullies by spacecraft in the current “interglacial” climate period (∼0.4 Ma to the present) will permit assessment of changing rates and styles of gully activity in the now largely depleted source areas.  相似文献   

We present observations and models that together explain many hallmarks of the structure and growth of small impact craters forming in targets with aligned fractures. Endurance Crater at Meridiani Planum on Mars (diameter ≈ 150 m) formed in horizontally-layered aeolian sandstones with a prominent set of wide, orthogonal joints. A structural model of Endurance Crater is assembled and used to estimate the transient crater planform. The model is based on observations from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity: (a) bedding plane orientations and layer thicknesses measured from stereo image pairs; (b) a digital elevation model of the whole crater at 0.3 m resolution; and (c) color image panoramas of the upper crater walls. This model implies that the crater’s current shape was mostly determined by highly asymmetric excavation rather than long-term wind-mediated erosion. We show that modal azimuths of conjugate fractures in the surrounding rocks are aligned with the square component of the present-day crater planform, suggesting excavation was carried farther in the direction of fracture alignments. This was previously observed at Barringer Crater in Arizona and we show the same relationship also holds for Tswaing Crater in South Africa. We present models of crater growth in which excavation creates a “stellate” transient cavity that is concave-cuspate in planform. These models reproduce the “lenticular-crescentic” layering pattern in the walls of some polygonal impact craters such as Endurance and Barringer Craters, and suggest a common origin for tear faults and some crater rays. We also demonstrate a method for detailed error analysis of stereogrammetric measurements of bedding plane orientations.  相似文献   

S.W. Hobbs  C.F. Pain 《Icarus》2011,214(1):258-264
The study of hillslopes is a primary element of geomorphology and has successfully been used in many terrestrial arenas. In this study we take advantage of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery as well as Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) derived DEMs of the Pathfinder landing site to study regional hillslopes at resolutions many times greater than previously available and compare them with Mars Pathfinder lander images. This site was thought to be modified by massive flooding 1.8-3.5 byr ago and although evidence of flood activity was not obvious at the finer scale of this study, possible lee deposits and terracing were seen in some of the features. Evidence of post flood processes of ice related creep, aeolian and dry mass wasting were observed at the site and have likely obscured flood related morphology present in these features. Regional slopes were found to vary with aspect and suggest processes intensities operating at different orientations, possibly related to the prevailing wind direction, as well as the origin of the ancient flood event.  相似文献   

Alberto G. Fairén 《Icarus》2010,208(1):165-48
Water on Mars has been explained by invoking controversial and mutually exclusive solutions based on warming the atmosphere with greenhouse gases (the “warm and wet” Mars) or on local thermal energy sources acting in a global freezing climate (the “cold and dry” Mars). Both have critical limitations and none has been definitively accepted as a compelling explanation for the presence of liquid water on Mars. Here is considered the hypothesis that cold, saline and acidic liquid solutions have been stable on the sub-zero surface of Mars for relatively extended periods of time, completing a hydrogeological cycle in a water-enriched but cold planet. Computer simulations have been developed to analyze the evaporation processes of a hypothetical martian fluid with a composition resulting from the acid weathering of basalt. This model is based on orbiter- and lander-observed surface mineralogy of Mars, and is consistent with the sequence and time of deposition of the different mineralogical units. The hydrological cycle would have been active only in periods of dense atmosphere, as having a minimum atmospheric pressure is essential for water to flow, and relatively high temperatures (over ∼245 K) are required to trigger evaporation and snowfall; minor episodes of limited liquid water on the surface could have occurred at lower temperatures (over ∼225 K). During times with a thin atmosphere and even lesser temperatures (under ∼225 K), only transient liquid water can potentially exist on most of the martian surface. Assuming that surface temperatures have always been maintained below 273 K, Mars can be considered a “cold and wet” planet for a substantial part of its geological history.  相似文献   

Uzboi Vallis (centered at ∼28°S, 323°E) is ∼400 km long and comprises the southernmost segment of the northward-draining Uzboi-Ladon-Morava (ULM) meso-scale outflow system that emerges from Argyre basin. Bond and Holden craters blocked the valley to the south and north, respectively, forming a Late Noachian-to-Hesperian paleolake basin that exceeded 4000 km3. Limited CRISM data suggest lake deposits in Uzboi and underlying basin floor incorporate relatively more Mg-clays and more Fe-clays, respectively. The short-lived lake overflowed and breached Holden crater’s rim at an elevation of −350 m and rapidly drained into the crater. Fan deltas in Holden extend 25 km from the breach and incorporate meter-sized blocks, and longitudinal grooves along the Uzboi basin floor are hundreds of meters long and average 60 m wide, suggesting high-discharge drainage of the lake. Precipitation-derived runoff rather than regional groundwater or overflow from Argyre dominated contributions to the Uzboi lake, although the failure of most tributaries to respond to a lowering of base level indicates their incision largely ended when the lake drained. The Uzboi lake may have coincided with alluvial and/or lacustrine activity in Holden, Eberswalde, and other craters in southern Margaritifer Terra, where fluvial/lacustrine activity may have required widespread, synoptic precipitation (rain or snow), perhaps associated with an ephemeral, global hydrologic system during the Late Noachian into the Hesperian on Mars.  相似文献   

The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) is an extensive deposit (2.2 × 106 km2, Bradley, B.A., Sakimoto, S.E.H., Frey, H., Zimbelman, J.R. [2002]. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 5058) of wind-eroded material of widely debated origin, which unconformably overlies a considerable area of the crustal dichotomy boundary on Mars. The MFF shows a variety of layering patterns, erosional styles and channel-like forms and has been mapped into five main outcrops and three geological members according to exposure and stratigraphy (Scott, D.H., Tanaka, K.L., 1986. USGS Map I-1802-A; Greeley, R., Guest, J.E., 1987. Map I-1802-B; Zimbelman, J.R., Crown, D., Jenson, D., 1996. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII. Abstract #1748.). Away from the three main lobes are numerous outliers of MFF materials. These have mainly been reported in the northern lowlands regions (Keszthelyi, L., Jaeger, W.L., and HiRISE team, 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX. Abstract #2420.) but few studies have examined the possibility of MFF outliers on high ground south of the dichotomy boundary. We have searched Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle (MOC NA) images for outliers in this region. Our observations show that there are many MFF outliers on the southern highlands. The characteristics of the outliers indicate materials which overlie the underlying terrain for they appear widely in dips, craters and topographic lows. The surfaces are typified by yardang fields and have a similar patchy and discontinuous nature to materials of the upper member of the MFF. Most have consistent lineation orientations across the wider area which match the dominant orientation of yardangs in the main MFF outcrops. Furthermore, elevation data shows that the maximum, minimum and mean elevations of these newly discovered outliers are closest to those of the upper member of the MFF. We therefore conclude that these deposits are MFF outliers and that they probably represent remnant upper member material. We suggest that there might be two possible explanations for these outliers: (1) the MFF had a much greater pre-erosional extent than previously estimated, or (2) materials from the main outcrops were eroded and then blown south to accrue in the highland areas, where they were subsequently reworked. We suggest that the topography of the region favors the first option. We outline an “overflowing” layer-cake deposition model, in which layers of sediment stacked up against the dichotomy boundary until they reached the topographic level of the highlands. Further materials (that went onto become upper-member MFF material and outliers) were then deposited across a wider area, including south of the dichotomy boundary. Severe erosion subsequently removed much of this material.  相似文献   

N.L. Lanza  G.A. Meyer  H.E. Newsom 《Icarus》2010,205(1):103-112
The morphologies of some martian gullies appear similar to terrestrial features associated with debris flow initiation, erosion, and deposition. On Earth, debris flows are often triggered by shallow subsurface throughflow of liquid water in slope-mantling colluvium. This flow causes increased levels of pore pressure and thus decreased shear strength, which can lead to slide failure of slope materials and subsequent debris flow. The threshold for pore pressure-induced failure creates a distinct relationship between the contributing area supplying the subsurface flow and the slope gradient. To provide initial tests of a similar debris flow initiation hypothesis for martian gullies, measurements of the contributing areas and slope gradients were made at the channel heads of martian gullies seen in three HiRISE stereo pairs. These gullies exhibit morphologies suggestive of debris flows such as leveed channels and lobate debris fans, and have well-defined channel heads and limited evidence for multiple flows. Our results show an area-slope relationship for these martian gullies that is consistent with that observed for terrestrial gullies formed by debris flow, supporting the hypothesis that these gullies formed as the result of saturation of near-surface regolith by a liquid. This model favors a source of liquid that is broadly distributed within the source area and shallow; we suggest that such liquid could be generated by melting of broadly distributed icy materials such as snow or permafrost. This interpretation is strengthened by observations of polygonal and mantled terrain in the study areas, which are both suggestive of near-surface ice.  相似文献   

Evidence of recent gully activity on Mars has been reported based on the formation of new light toned deposits within the past decade, the origin of which remains controversial. Analogous recent light toned gully features have formed by liquid water activity in the Atacama Desert on Earth. These terrestrial deposits leave no mineralogical trace of water activity but rather show an albedo difference due to particle size sorting within a fine-grained mudflow. Therefore, spectral differences indicating varying mineralogy between a recent gully deposit and the surrounding terrain may not be the most relevant criteria for detecting water flow in arid environments. Instead, variation in particle size between the deposit and surrounding terrain is a possible discriminator to identify a water-based flow. We show that the Atacama deposit is similar to the observed Mars gully deposits, and both are consistent with liquid water activity. The light-toned Mars gully deposits could have formed from dry debris flows, but a liquid water origin cannot be ruled out because not all liquid water flows leave hydrated minerals behind on the surface. Therefore, the Mars deposits could be remnant mudflows that formed on Mars within the last decade.  相似文献   

Candidate examples of impact melt flows and debris flows have been identified at Tooting crater, an extremely young (<2 Myr), 29 km diameter impact crater in Amazonis Planitia, Mars. Using HiRISE and CTX images, and stereo-derived digital elevation models derived from these images, we have studied the rim and interior wall of Tooting crater to document the morphology and topography of several flow features in order to constrain the potential flow formation mechanisms. Four flow types have been identified; including possible impact melt sheets and three types of debris flows. The flow features are all located within 2 km of the rim crest on the southern rim or lie on the southern interior wall of the crater ∼1500 m below the rim crest. Extensive structural failure has modified the northern half of the crater inner wall and we interpret this to have resulted in the destruction of any impact melt emplaced, as well as volatile-rich wall rock. The impact melt flows are fractured on the meter to decameter scale, have ridged, leveed lobes and flow fronts, and cover an area >6 km × 5 km on the southern rim. The debris flows are found on both the inner wall and rim of the crater, are ∼1-2 km in length, and vary from a few tens of meters to >300 m in width. These flows exhibit varying morphologies, from a channelized, leveed flow with arcuate ridges in the channel, to a rubbly flow with a central channel but no obvious levees. The flows indicate that water existed within the target rocks at the time of crater formation, and that both melt and fluidized sediment was generated during this event.  相似文献   

Our study investigates possible formation mechanisms of the very recent bright gully deposits (BGDs) observed on Mars in order to assess if liquid water was required. We use two models in our assessment: a one-dimensional (1D) kinematic model to model dry granular flows and a two-dimensional (2D) fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D (O’Brien et al., 1993, FLO Engineering), to model water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. Our modeling utilizes a high-resolution topographic model generated from a pair of images acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. For the 1D kinematic modeling of dry granular flows, we examine a range of particle sizes, flow thicknesses, initial velocities, flow densities, and upslope initiation points to examine how these parameters affect the flow run-out distances of the center of mass of a flow. Our 1D modeling results show that multiple combinations of realistic parameters could produce dry granular flows that travel to within the observed deposits’ boundaries. We run the 2D fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D, to model both water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. We vary the inflow volume, inflow location, discharge rate, water-loss rate (water-rich models only), and simulation time and examine the resulting maximum flow depths and velocities. Our 2D modeling results suggest that both wet sediment-rich and water-rich flows could produce the observed bright deposits. Our modeling shows that the BGDs are not definitive evidence of recent liquid water on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

High albedo features are identified in association with barchan dunes in an equatorial inter-crater dune field on Mars using images from the MRO mission. This paper describes the morphometric properties of these features and their association with the present barchan dune field. We propose that these features are cemented aeolian deposits that form at the foot of the dune avalanche face. A possible terrestrial analog exists at White Sands National Monument, in south-central New Mexico, USA. The presence of these features suggests past episodes of dune migration in inter-crater dunefields and liquid water in the near sub-surface in sufficient quantity to cause the cementation of aeolian dune sediment.  相似文献   

There is now widespread agreement that the surface of Mars underwent some degree of fluvial modification, but there is not yet full understanding of its surface hydrological cycle and the nature of standing bodies of water, rivers, and precipitation that affected its surface. In this paper we explore Erythraea Fossa (31.5 W, 27.3 S), a graben adjacent to Holden crater, which exhibits strong evidence that it once housed a chain of three lakes, had overland water flow, and was subject to precipitation. The inlet valley, outlet valley, and fan morphologies in the paleolakes are used to qualitatively discern the hydrologic history of the paleolakes; based on topography constraints, the three basins combined once held 56 km3 of water. Depositional features within the basins that change with drainage area and nearby valleys that start near drainage divides indicate that the paleolakes may have been fed by precipitation driven runoff. This suggests the presence of an atmosphere, at least locally, that was capable of supporting a hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

A. Lefort  P.S. Russell  N. Thomas 《Icarus》2010,205(1):259-268
The Peneus and Amphitrites Paterae region of Mars displays large areas of smooth, geologically young terrains overlying a rougher and older topography. These terrains may be remnants of the mid-latitude mantle deposit, which is thought to be composed of ice-rich material originating from airfall deposition during a high-obliquity period less than 5 Ma ago. Within these terrains, there are several types of potentially periglacial features. In particular, there are networks of polygonal cracks and scalloped-shaped depressions, which are similar to features found in Utopia Planitia in the northern hemisphere. This area also displays knobby terrain similar to the so-called “basketball terrains” of the mid and high martian latitudes. We use recent high resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) along with data from previous Mars missions to study the small-scale morphology of the scalloped terrains, and associated polygon network and knobby terrains. We compare these with the features observed in Utopia Planitia and attempt to determine their formation process. While the two sites share many general features, scallops in Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae lack the diverse polygon network (i.e. there is little variation in the polygon sizes and shapes) and large curvilinear ridges observed in Utopia Planitia. This points to a more homogeneous ice content within the substrate in the Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae region and implies that scallop formation is independent of polygon formation. This work shows that, as in Utopia Planitia, sublimation of interstitial ice is a likely process explaining the formation of the scalloped depressions in the region of Peneus/Amphitrites Paterae. Therefore, we provide a simplified scallop formation model based on sublimation of interstitial ice as proposed for Utopia Planitia. We also show that the differences in scallop morphologies between the two regions may be explained by differences in near-surface ice content, sublimation rates and age of formation of the scalloped terrains.  相似文献   

D. Reiss  J. Raack  H. Hiesinger 《Icarus》2011,211(1):917-920
We report on the first observations of bright dust devil tracks (BDDTs) on Earth, observed in the Turpan depression desert in northwestern China, where raindrop impacts on sand surfaces form aggregates of sand, silt and clay resulting in rough surface textures, which are destroyed by passages of dust devils leading to smooth surface textures within the tracks. The differences in photometric properties between the track and outside the tracks cause the albedo differences leading to the formation of BDDTs and similar processes might lead to BDDTs on Mars in areas with thick dust covers.  相似文献   

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