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A number of chemical and physical processes inside and outside a sedimentary basin (e.g. evaporite dissolution and topographic drive, respectively) affect groundwater flow near the basin’s margin. Contrasting formations at the margin, typically basinal sedimentary rocks and basement, are host to the interplay between these processes so that groundwater flows and compositions change within a relatively small volume. To interpret how groundwater flow and geochemistry have evolved, interactions between these processes must be understood. Such interactions were investigated near the margin of the East Irish Sea Basin in NW England, by sampling deep groundwaters (to 1500 m below sea level) from Ordovician volcanic basement rocks and Carboniferous to Triassic sedimentary cover rocks. Variable Br/Cl ratios and Cl concentrations in deep saline waters and brines indicate mixing patterns. Variations in 36Cl/Cl constrain the timing of mixing. Relatively low Br/Cl ratios (ca. 1 × 10−3 by mass) characterise brine from the western sedimentary cover and reflect halite dissolution further west. Saline water with relatively high Br/Cl ratios (ca. 2 × 10−3 by mass) of uncertain origin occupies the eastern basement. These two waters mix across the area. However, mixing alone cannot explain variable 36Cl/Cl ratios, which partly reflect differing in situ36Cl production rates in different rock formations. Most 36Cl/Cl ratios in groundwater sampled from the eastern metavolcanic basement (mean = 25 × 10−15) and western sedimentary cover (mean = 10 × 10−15) are at or close to equilibrium with in situ36Cl production. These variations in 36Cl/Cl across the site possibly took >1.5 Ma to be attained, implying that deep groundwater flow responded only slowly to the Quaternary glaciation of the site. Interplay between varied processes in basin marginal settings does not necessarily imply flow instability.  相似文献   

This work examines the longitudinal profiles of 27 rivers in the upper Cher basin, of various lengths, in order to characterize their shape and the knickzones (high gradient sections) that disrupt their longitudinal profiles. No smooth, concave-upwards long profile has been found in the study area, located at the contact between the Massif Central basement rocks and the Paris Basin sedimentary rocks, because of the heterogeneous geological structure and lithology. The analysis of the main knickzone parameters allows us to distinguish two knickzone assemblages: the 53 knickzones of the first have a lithological origin and are characterized by a gradient equal to or lower than that given by the power curve y = 63.306 × −0.4392; the 30 knickzones of the second assemblage, which have a higher gradient than that of the curve, and give clear outliers in the DS (distance-slope) plot, are due to active faulting. The locations of this second group of knickzones delimit the areas that have experienced important local vertical crustal motions, too rapid for fluvial incision to have reduced the effect of knickzones caused by active faulting. In these uplifted areas, headward erosion has been arrested by knickzones of the second type, allowing the preservation of shallow-dell valley heads without any incision.  相似文献   

The regional contribution to the geo-neutrino signal at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) was determined based on a detailed geological, geochemical and geophysical study of the region. U and Th abundances of more than 50 samples representative of the main lithotypes belonging to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary cover were analyzed. Sedimentary rocks were grouped into four main “reservoirs” based on similar depositional settings and mineralogy. The initial assumption that similar chemico-physical depositional conditions would lead to comparable U and Th contents, was then confirmed by chemical analyses. Basement rocks do not outcrop in the area. Thus U and Th in the upper and lower crust of Valsugana and Ivrea-Verbano areas were analyzed. Irrespective of magmatic or metamorphic origin lithotypes were subdivided into a mafic and an acid reservoir, with comparable U and Th abundances.Based on geological and geophysical properties, relative abundances of the various reservoirs were calculated and used to obtain the weighted U and Th abundances for each of the three geological layers (sedimentary cover, upper and lower crust). Using the available seismic profile as well as the stratigraphic records from a number of exploration wells, a 3D modeling was developed over an area of 2° × 2° down to the Moho depth, for a total volume of about 1.2 × 106 km3. This model allowed us to determine the volume of the various geological layers and eventually integrate the Th and U contents of the whole crust beneath LNGS.On this base the local contribution to the geo-neutrino flux (S) was calculated and added to the contribution given by the rest of the world, yielding a refined reference model prediction for the geo-neutrino signal in the Borexino detector at LNGS: S(U) = (28.7 ± 3.9) TNU and S(Th) = (7.5 ± 1.0) TNU. An excess over the total flux of about 4 TNU was previously obtained by Mantovani et al. (2004) who calculated, based on general worldwide assumptions, a signal of 40.5 TNU. The considerable thickness of the sedimentary rocks, almost predominantly represented by U- and Th-poor carbonatic rocks in the area near LNGS, is responsible for this difference. Thus the need for detailed integrated geological study is underlined by this work, if the usefulness of the geo-neutrino flux for characterizing the global U and Th distribution within the Earth’s crust, mantle and core is to be realized.  相似文献   

Hydraulic tests and geophysical logging performed in the Palisades sill and the underlying sedimentary rocks in the NE part of the Newark Rift Basin, New York, USA, confirm that the particular transmissive zones are localized within the dolerite-sedimentary rock contact zone and within a narrow interval below this contact zone that is characterized by the occurrence of small layers of chilled dolerite. Transmissivity values determined from fluid injection, aquifer testing, and flowmeter measurements generally fall in the range of 8.1E-08 to 9.95E-06 m2/s and correspond to various scales of investigation. The analysis of acoustic and optical BHTV images reveals two primary fracture sets within the dolerite and the sedimentary rocks—subhorizontal fractures, intersected by subvertical ones. Despite being highly fractured either with subhorizontal, subvertical or both fracture populations, the dolerite above and the sedimentary rocks below the contact zone and the zone with the layers of chilled dolerite are significantly less conductive. The distribution of the particular conductive intervals is not a function of the two dominant fracture populations or their density but rather of the intrusion path of the sill. The intrusion caused thermal fracturing and cracking of both formations, resulting in higher permeability along the contact zone.  相似文献   

Pore water profiles of water, stable isotope, and dissolved noble gas content have been determined across the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations at the rock laboratory at Mont Terri. We have found enhanced helium contents (up to [4He] = 1 × 10−4 cubic centimeters at standard pressure and temperature per gram of pore water) and argon isotope ratios (40Ar/36Ar ratios up to 334) due to accumulation of 4He and 40Ar produced in situ. The helium profile was found to be in steady state with respect to in situ production and diffusive loss into the adjacent limestones where groundwater circulates. From this profile a representative mean value of the apparent diffusion coefficient for helium in the pore water of the whole formation was derived for the first time to be Da = 3.5 × 10−11 m2 · s−1, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower than the diffusion coefficient D0 in free water. The stable isotope profile, however, indicates a component of fossil marine pore water, which has not yet been replaced by molecular diffusion of meteoric water from the adjacent limestone and shale formations over the past 10 million years.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of phosphate from tooth enamel of rodents (δ18Op) constitutes a valuable proxy to reconstruct past air temperatures in continental environments. This method has been applied to rodent dental remains from three genera, Arvicola sp., Microtus sp. and Dicrostonyx sp., coming from Taillis-des-Coteaux, Vienne, France. This archaeological site contains an exceptionally preserved sedimentary sequence spanning almost the whole Upper Palaeolithic, including seven stratigraphic layers dated from 35 to 17 cal ka BP. The abundant presence of rodent remains offers the opportunity to quantify the climatic fluctuations coeval of the various stages of human occupation of the site. Differences between δ18Op values of Arvicola sp. and Microtus sp. teeth are interpreted as the result of heterochrony in tooth formation as well as differences in ecology. Mean δ18Op values of Microtus sp. are preferentially used to reconstruct summer air temperatures, which range from 16.0 ± 3.7 to 19.1 ± 3.1°C throughout the sedimentary sequence; however, the highest variability is observed during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

In this study, we model the geothermal potential of deep geological formations located in the Berlin region in Germany. Berlin is situated in a sedimentary geological setting (northeastern German basin), comprising low-enthalpic aquifers at horizons down to 4–5 km depth. In the Berlin region, the temperature increases almost linearly with depth by about 30 K per kilometer, thus allowing for direct heating from deep aquifer reservoirs in principle. Our model incorporates eight major sedimentary units (Jurassic, Keuper, Muschelkalk, Upper/Middle/Lower Buntsandstein, Zechstein Salt and Sedimentary Rotliegend). Owing to lack of available petro-physical rock data for the Berlin region, we have evaluated literature data for the larger northeastern German basin to develop a thermodynamic field model which regards depth-corrected equations of state within statistical intervals of confidence. Integration over the thicknesses of the respective structural units yields their “heat in place”—energy densities associated with the pore fluid and the rock matrix under local conditions in Joule per unit area at the surface. The model predicts that aquifers in the Middle Buntsandstein and in the Sedimentary Rotliegend may well exhibit energy densities about 10 GJ m?2 for the pore fluids and 20 GJ m?2 to 40 GJ m?2 for the rock matrices on average. Referring these figures to the city area of Berlin (about 892 km2), a significant hydrothermal potential results, which however remained undeveloped until today for the reason of present development risks. The model accounts for these risks through statistical intervals of confidence which are in the order of ±60 to ±80 % of the trend figures. To minimize these uncertainties, scientific field explorations were required in order to assess the petro-physical aquifer properties locally.  相似文献   

Uranium and As in deep groundwater of the volcano-sedimentary Villa de Reyes Graben around the city of San Luis Potosí in semi-arid North-Central Mexico (mean U: 7.6 μg L−1, max. 138 μg L−1; mean As: 11.4 μg L−1, max. 25.8 μg L−1) partly exhibit concentrations in excess of the WHO guideline values and thus endanger the quality of the most important drinking water source. To unravel the mechanisms for their enrichment in groundwater, the potential trace element sources, volcanic rocks and basin fill sediments, were characterized. A total of 131 solid and liquid samples were analyzed for major and trace element composition. The As/U hydrogeochemical signatures, their behavior during rock alteration and evidence from other major and trace element distributions, especially rare earth elements, strongly argue for dissolution of acid volcanic glass to be the dominating process of U and As release into groundwater. This natural baseline quality representing water–acid volcanic rock interaction is modified by additional trace element (preferentially As) mobilization from the sedimentary basin fill, representing a secondary source, in the course of decarbonatization of playa lake sediments and desorption from Fe-(hydr)oxide coated clastic material. The common behavior of both elements during magmatic differentiation and growing drift apart in sedimentary environments are important findings of this work. Comparison with recent findings in a similar environment suggests a common primary trace element source identification but significant differences in the evolution of As and U distribution. Geological and climatic similarity to numerous volcano-sedimentary basins makes the findings useful for water management purposes and transferable to other semi-arid regions facing challenges of geogenically impacted drinking water quality.  相似文献   

Dissolved iron profiles along a north-south transect along 158°W in the tropical Pacific show evidence of two deepwater anomalies. The first extends from Station ALOHA (22.78°N) to the equator at ∼1000-1500 m and lies below the maximum apparent oxygen utilization and nutrient (N, P) concentrations. The feature is not supported by vertical export processes, but instead corresponds with the lateral dilution field of δ3He derived from the Loihi seamount, Hawaii, though a sediment source associated with the Hawaiian Island Chain cannot be entirely ruled out. The second, deeper (2000-3000 m) anomaly occurs in tropical South Pacific waters (7°S) and also does not correlate with the depths of maximum nutrient concentrations or apparent oxygen utilization, but it does coincide closely with δ3He emanating from the East Pacific Rise, more than 5000 km to the east. We hypothesize that these anomalies represent the long-range (>2000 km) transport of hydrothermal iron residuals, stabilized against scavenging by complexation with excess organic ligands in the plume source regions. Such trace leakage of hydrothermal iron to distal plume regions would have been difficult to identify in most hydrothermal vent mapping studies because low analytical detection limits were not needed for the proximal plume regions. These findings suggest that hydrothermal activity may represent a major source of dissolved iron throughout the South Pacific deep basin today, as well as other regions having high mid-ocean spreading rates in the geologic past. In particular, we hypothesize that high spreading rates along the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean mid-oceanic ridges, combined with the upwelling ventilation of these distal hydrothermal plumes, may have increased ocean productivity and carbon export in the Southern Ocean. Assessing the magnitude and persistence of dissolved hydrothermal iron in basin scale deep waters will be important for understanding the marine biogeochemistry of iron and, potentially, on ocean productivity and climate change during the geologic past.  相似文献   

Diffuse CO2 efflux near the Ukinrek Maars, two small volcanic craters that formed in 1977 in a remote part of the Alaska Peninsula, was investigated using accumulation chamber measurements. High CO2 efflux, in many places exceeding 1000 g m−2 d−1, was found in conspicuous zones of plant damage or kill that cover 30,000–50,000 m2 in area. Total diffuse CO2 emission was estimated at 21–44 t d−1. Gas vents 3-km away at The Gas Rocks produce 0.5 t d−1 of CO2 that probably derives from the Ukinrek Maars basalt based on similar δ13C values (∼−6‰), 3He/4He ratios (5.9–7.2 RA), and CO2/3He ratios (1–2 × 109) in the two areas. A lower 3He/4He ratio (2.7 RA) and much higher CO2/3He ratio (9 × 1010) in gas from the nearest arc-front volcanic center (Mount Peulik/Ugashik) provide a useful comparison. The large diffuse CO2 emission at Ukinrek has important implications for magmatic degassing, subsurface gas transport, and local toxicity hazards. Gas–water–rock interactions play a major role in the location, magnitude and chemistry of the emissions.  相似文献   

The Song Hien Rift basin is considered as one of the important regions for gold deposits in North East Vietnam. Host rocks of a number gold deposits in the Song Hien Rift basin are mainly in Lower Triassic sedimentary formations. However, there is the Hat Han gold deposit hosted in fined-grained mafic magmatic rocks with similar characteristics as gold deposit hosted in the Triassic sediments. Sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphide are similar to those in carbonaceous shale, suggesting that the sulphur was ‘borrowed’ from sedimentary rocks in filling the rift basin. Gold-bearing sulphides (pyrite and arsenopyrite) are the main form of Au presence in the ore. Gold in pyrite is present as Au+ 1, and a minor amount of as nanoparticles of native Au (Au0); whereas in arsenopyrite, gold is chemically bound as the octahedral complex AuAs2. Analysis of geology, as well as geochemical and isotopic studies show that the genesis of the Hat Han gold deposit is not related to the Cao Bang mafic magmatism; instead the latter only serves as (ore) host rock. The geochemical results presented above suggest that the gabbro host rock only supplies iron needed for sulphide formation. With regard to ore genesis, the Hat Han gold deposit in the Song Hien rift basin was generated in the similar way as sediment-hosted gold deposit. There are many similar typomorphic features between the Hat Han deposit and Carlin-like deposits in the Nanpanjang sedimentary basin in China.  相似文献   

The Saga Plain is near Beppu–Shimabara graben, a region of potential active volcanism. In the graben, mantle He, which has a high 3He/4He ratio of 1.1 × 10−5, escapes easily from the underlying subduction zone. In groundwater of the Saga Plain, except in the Shiroishi district, this ratio gradually increased as the dissolved He content increased, to a maximum of 5 × 10−6. In central Shiroishi, however, the ratio reached a minimum of 8.7 × 10−7 with increasing dissolved He content, suggesting that groundwater in central Shiroishi has selectively accumulated radiogenic He, which has a very low ratio of 1 × 10−8, rather than reflecting the regional He, which is rich in mantle He. This can be explained if groundwater in Shiroishi has become mixed with fossil pore water drawn from impermeable marine clay aquitard layers. The withdrawal of pore water has also caused severe land subsidence in central Shiroishi.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed discrimination between the natural and anthropogenic sources of dissolved major elements in the Têt River, a typical small coastal river in the south of France. The main objectives were to quantify the materials that were released by human activities in the basin, and to determine the specific element inputs for the major land use forms. The dissolved material fluxes were estimated by weekly monitoring over a hydrological year (2000–2001) along the major water gauging stations, and the flux relationships were examined in the context of anthropogenic and natural basin characteristics as determined by a Geographical Information System (GIS). Intensive agricultural land use in the form of fruit tree cultures and vineyards has a strong control on the dissolved element fluxes in the river. Area specific element releases for these cultures are greatest for SO4, with an estimated average of about 430 ± 18 keq km−2 a−1. This is ?11 times the natural SO4 release by rock weathering. Also for K, NO3, PO4 and Mg, the specific releases were ?6 times the natural weathering rates (respectively about 44, 60, 4 and 265 keq km−2 a−1). Waste-waters are the other major source of anthropogenic elements in the river. They have an important role for the fluxes of inorganic P and N, but they are also a considerable source of Cl and Na to the river. For example, the average annual release of Cl is around 150 moles/inhabitant in the rural basin parts. Further downstream, however, where population density strongly increases, industrial effluents can enhance this value (>300 moles/inhabitant). The waste-waters contribute more than 70% of the dissolved inorganic N export to the sea, although their contribution to the average DOC export is almost negligible (3%).  相似文献   

Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-precision Mg isotopic data are reported for ∼100 well-characterized samples (granites, loess, shales and upper crustal composites) that were previously used to estimate the upper continental crust composition. Magnesium isotopic compositions display limited variation in eight I-type granites from southeastern Australia (δ26Mg = −0.25 to −0.15) and in 15 granitoid composites from eastern China (δ26Mg = −0.35 to −0.16) and do not correlate with SiO2 contents, indicating the absence of significant Mg isotope fractionation during differentiation of granitic magma. Similarly, the two S-type granites, which represent the two end-members of the S-type granite spectrum from southeastern Australia, have Mg isotopic composition (δ26Mg = −0.23 and −0.14) within the range of their potential source rocks (δ26Mg = −0.20 and +0.15) and I-type granites, suggesting that Mg isotope fractionation during crustal anatexis is also insignificant. By contrast, δ26Mg varies significantly in 19 A-type granites from northeastern China (−0.28 to +0.34) and may reflect source heterogeneity.Compared to I-type and S-type granites, sedimentary rocks have highly heterogeneous and, in most cases, heavier Mg isotopic compositions, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.32 to +0.05 in nine loess from New Zealand and the USA, from −0.27 to +0.49 in 20 post-Archean Australian shales (PAAS), and from −0.52 to +0.92 in 20 sedimentary composites from eastern China. With increasing chemical weathering, as measured by the chemical index of alternation (CIA), δ26Mg values show a larger dispersion in shales than loess. Furthermore, δ26Mg correlates negatively with δ7Li in loess. These characteristics suggest that chemical weathering significantly fractionates Mg isotopes and plays an important role in producing the highly variable Mg isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks.Based on the estimated proportions of major rock units within the upper continental crust and their average MgO contents, a weighted average δ26Mg value of −0.22 is derived for the average upper continental crust. Our studies indicate that Mg isotopic composition of the upper crust is, on average, mantle-like but highly heterogeneous, with δ26Mg ranging from −0.52 to +0.92. Such large isotopic variation mainly results from chemical weathering, during which light Mg isotopes are lost to the hydrosphere, leaving weathered products (e.g., sedimentary rocks) with heavy Mg isotopes.  相似文献   

New He and C relative abundance, isotope and concentration results from nine geothermal locations situated along an 800-km transect of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), Turkey, that were monitored during the period November 2001–November 2004, are reported. The geothermal waters were collected every 3–6 months to study possible links between temporal geochemical variations and seismic activity along the NAFZ. At the nine sample locations, the He isotope ratios range from 0.24 to 2.3RA, δ13C values range from −4.5 to +5.8‰, and CO2/3He ratios range from 5 × 109 to 5 × 1014. The following geochemical observations are noted: (1) the highest 3He/4He ratios are found near the Galatean volcanic region, in the central section of the NAFZ, (2) at each of the nine sample locations, the 3He/4He ratios are generally constant; however, CO2/3He ratios and He contents both show one order of magnitude variability, and δ13C values show up to ∼4‰ variability, and (3) at all locations (except Re?adiye), δ13C values show positive correlations with CO2 contents. The results indicate that at least three processes are necessary to account for the geochemical variations: (1) binary mixing between crustal and mantle-derived volatiles can explain the general characteristics of 3He/4He ratios, δ13C values, and CO2/3He ratios at the nine sample locations; (2) preferential degassing of He from the geothermal waters is responsible for variations in CO2/3He values and He contents at each sample location; and (3) CO2 dissolution followed by calcite precipitation is responsible for variations in CO2 contents and δ13C values at most locations. For each of the geochemical parameters, anomalies are defined in the temporal record by values that fall outside two standard deviations of average values at each specific location. Geochemical anomalies that may be related to seismic activity are recorded on June 28, 2004 at Yalova, where a M = 4.2 earthquake occurred 43 days earlier at 15 km distance from the sample location, and on April 7, 2003 at Efteni, where a M = 4.0 earthquake occurred 44 days later at a distance of 12 km. At both locations, the sampling periods containing geochemical anomalies were preceded by an increase in M ? 3 earthquakes occurring within 60 days and less than 40 km distance.  相似文献   

Groundwater and sediment samples (∼ 1 m depth) at sites representative of different groundwater pathways were collected to determine the aqueous speciation of sulfur and the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in aqueous and solid phases. In addition, selected sediment samples at 5 depths (from oxic to anoxic layers) were collected to investigate the processes controlling sulfur biogeochemistry in sedimentary layers. Pyrite was the dominant sulfur-bearing phase in the capillary fringe and groundwater zones where anoxic conditions are found. Low concentrations of pyrite (< 5.9 g kg− 1) coupled with high concentrations of dissolved sulfide (4.81 to 134.7 mg L− 1) and low concentrations of dissolved Fe (generally < 1 mg L− 1) and reducible solid-phase Fe indicate that availability of reactive Fe limits pyrite formation. The relative uniformity of down-core isotopic trends for sulfur-bearing mineral phases in the sedimentary layers suggests that sulfate reduction does not result in significant sulfate depletion in the sediment. Sulfate availability in the deeper sediments may be enhanced by convective vertical mixing between upper and lower sedimentary layers due to evaporative concentration. The large isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and sedimentary sulfides at Owens Lake provides evidence for initial fractionation from bacterial sulfate reduction and additional fractionation generated by sulfide oxidation followed by disproportionation of intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds. The high salinity in the Owens Lake brines may be a factor controlling sulfate reduction and disproportionation in hypersaline conditions and results in relatively constant values for isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and total reduced sulfur.  相似文献   

We carried out a detailed study of sulphide minerals, a ubiquitous mineral group in lower crustal mafic to peraluminous granulite xenoliths from the Diavik kimberlites, to assess their use in constraining the origin and tectonothermal evolution of the deep crust, and to obtain additional data on the composition of lower crust beneath ancient continents. Sulphides are overwhelmingly pyrrhotite with minor Ni (0.7-3.9 at.%), Co (0.1-0.7 at.%), and Cu contents (0.4-3.9 at.%). Sulphide modes in mafic granulites range from 0.14 to 0.55 vol%, translating into bulk rock S contents from ∼600 to 2000 ppm, similar to S contents in other mafic igneous rocks and indicating preservation of primary igneous S contents. In mafic granulites, Re and Os abundances in sulphides range from 42.5 to 726 ppb and 3.2 to 180 ppb, respectively, whereas those in peraluminous granulites are distinctly lower (36.1-282 ppb and 1.8-7.2 ppb, respectively), suggestive of Re and Os loss to fractionating sulphides in the more evolved precursors of these rocks.The significant within-sample variability of 187Os/188Os and correlation with 187Re/188Os indicates the preservation of primary Re-Os isotope systematics and time-integrated decay of the measured 187Re. Within the large uncertainties inherent in the nature of the samples and technique, sulphides in some granulites may record major tectonothermal events in the central Slave craton spanning several billion years of evolution. Multiple generations of sulphide can occur in a single sample. These data attest to the heterogeneous composition and complex history of the Slave craton lower crust.  相似文献   

To better understand the composition, characteristics of helium diffusion, and size distribution of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) responsible for the long-term retention of extraterrestrial 3He, we carried out leaching, stepped heating, and sieving experiments on pelagic clays that varied in age from 0.5 Ma to ∼90 Myr. The leaching experiments suggest that the host phase(s) of 3He in geologically old sediments are neither organic matter nor refractory phases, such as diamond, graphite, Al2O3, and SiC, but are consistent with extraterrestrial silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, and possibly magnetite. Stepped heating experiments demonstrate that the 3He release profiles from the magnetic and non-magnetic components of the pelagic clays are remarkably similar. Because helium diffusion is likely to be controlled by mineral chemistry and structure, the stepped heating results suggest a single carrier that may be magnetite, or more probably a phase associated with magnetite. Furthermore, the stepped outgassing experiments indicate that about 20% of the 3He will be lost through diffusion at seafloor temperatures after 50 Myrs, while sedimentary rocks exposed on the Earth’s surface for the same amount of time would lose up to 60%. The absolute magnitude of the 3He loss is, however, likely to depend upon the 3He concentration profile within the IDPs, which is not well known. Contrary to previous suggestions that micrometeorites in the size range of 50-100 μm in diameter are responsible for the extraterrestrial 3He in geologically old sediments [Stuart, F.M., Harrop, P.J., Knott, S., Turner, G., 1999. Laser extraction of helium isotopes from Antarctic micrometeorites: source of He and implications for the flux of extraterrestrial 3He flux to earth. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta63, 2653-2665], our sieving experiment demonstrates that at most 20% of the 3He is carried by particles greater than 50 μm in diameter. The size-distribution of the 3He-bearing particles implies that extraterrestrial 3He in sediments record the IDP flux rather than the micrometeorite flux.  相似文献   

Alpha thermochronology of carbonates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Step-heating experiments on 17 calcites from 11 different samples and 6 dolomites from 5 samples suggest a closure temperature of He in carbonates ∼70 ± 10 °C for a cooling rate of 10 °C/m.y. The bulk closure temperature in some samples may tend slightly higher due to the presence of diffusion domains larger (and therefore more retentive) than the sites in which the majority of He resides. The diffusivity of He in calcite is independent of the genesis of the mineral (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) or the source of the He (radiogenic, common, or laboratory induced) and in all samples analyzed the effective diffusion dimension for He is smaller than the size of the crystals investigated. Although calcite is a low-U mineral, this shortcoming can be overcome by analyzing large samples (>2 mm diameter) provided samples have a minimum of ∼0.3 ppm U; samples with smaller concentrations of alpha-producers are unlikely to produce enough radiogenic 4He sufficient to overwhelm He present in the crystals at the time they passed through their closure temperature.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地含火山岩地层复杂岩性剖面构建技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海拉尔盆地是中新生代断陷盆地,盆地内断裂发育、物源多且近、地层相带变化快、纵向多层位。这些地质特征导致海拉尔盆地岩性剖面结构复杂,不仅存在着火山熔岩和一般陆源沉积岩,且广泛发育火山过渡岩性。在岩石岩性多样纷杂、录井取心标定资料有限的前提下,如何构建合理的复杂岩性剖面已成为该盆地储层评价的关键。尽管常规测井资料在一定程度上可反映出岩层岩石颗粒成分及分布状况,同时又可提供岩层纵向上的连续变化趋势,但若给出高精度的纵向岩层岩性剖面,仍存在两项关键问题: 1)各测井项目对复杂岩性的反映能力问题, 2)沉积厚度薄、成分复杂的过渡岩性的识别问题。本文将岩层地质沉积信息作为测井资料识别岩性的约束条件,系统建立岩性剖面的有约束连续模式识别技术,实现了海拉尔盆地复杂岩性剖面的高精度构建。经过取心井的验证,综合岩性判别符合率达到80%以上。  相似文献   

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