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We analyzed Rb-Sr-Nd isotope ratios of mineral dust in total aerosol load collected with rainwater continuously from 1998 to 2006 at the summit of Mt. Sefuri, northern Kyushu, southwestern Japan. During this period, the total mass of the dust generally increased in late winter, peaked in early spring, and then decreased.87Sr/86Sr in atmospheric mineral dust varied from 0.7096 to 0.7180, and εNd(0)CHUR from −19.9 to −3.5. During heavy deposition periods, the dust had high 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios and low to middle εNd(0)CHUR values, respectively. These compositions are comparable to those of sand and loess in arid areas of Northeast China, Takla Makan and Western Beijing. Such particles were transported by westerlies from those areas to northern Kyushu in winter and spring. In summer and autumn, the isotopic compositions of the dust varied greatly; however, during light deposition periods, the Sr isotope composition was low. In these seasons, the contributions to the dust from Japanese soils and volcanic ash, transported by southern winds, were relatively larger than in winter and spring because of decreased mineral dust particle transport from the continent. Nevertheless, fine sandy desert particles and loess in general accounted for most mineral dust deposition in northern Kyushu year-round, even in summer. Local soils derived from weathered granite and volcanic ash were minor components only.The net mass of water-insoluble inorganic matter in the collected mineral dust fluctuated from year-to-year; deposition on Mt. Sefuri was relatively large before 2001, decreased from 2002 to 2005, and increased greatly in spring 2006. These year-to-year differences probably reflected changes in the strength of the westerlies and in climate conditions in the arid source areas.  相似文献   

Bone apatite acts as a natural, timed sampling device, scavenging trace elements from local pore waters over timescales of ca. 1-50 ka. The rare earth element (REE) and U/Th composition of fossil bones reflects associated pore water compositions during the period of recrystallisation. The REE composition of fossil bones is controlled by partitioning of REE between pore waters and particle surfaces, and the REE composition of fossil bones reflects the REE composition of pore waters which vary spatially and temporally. Light REE are preferentially sorped onto particle surfaces, thus the high La/Yb values seen in many bones from coastal marine and aeolian environments are best explained by release of REE from light REE-enriched particles to local pore waters and subsequent immobilisation in recrystallising bones. The REE compositions of bones recovered from pedogenically altered diatomite sediments of the Olorgesailie Formation of southern Kenya vary over spatial scales of less than 10 m. Location accounts for 48% of the observed variation in bone chemistry and bones recovered from eight discrete excavations within the same time-equivalent stratigraphic layer can be assigned to their excavation location with >70% accuracy based on a discriminant analysis of REE, U, and Th composition. Despite this within-layer variation, bones recovered from different stratigraphic horizons within the Olorgesailie Formation can also be distinguished on the basis of their trace element composition. Bones recovered from four stratigraphic horizons spanning ca. 0.5 million years were assigned to their correct stratigraphic layer with >90% accuracy. Where sedimentological conditions are favourable, the trace element composition of fossil bone may be used to test stratigraphic provenance and burial location in excavated bone with a temporal resolution of <10 ka and a spatial resolution of <10 m. The trace element composition of fossil bone may also be used to investigate the accumulation history of vertebrate assemblages and to reconstruct pore water variability across land surfaces.  相似文献   

西天山阿吾拉勒埃达克质岩石成因:Nd和Sr同位素组成的限制   总被引:28,自引:11,他引:28  
西天山阿吾拉勒二叠纪钠质英安岩和钠长斑岩具有与埃达克岩一致的高Sr,低Y、Yb和Eu正异常等独特岩石地球化学特征。系统的Nd和Sr同位素组成研究表明,其(^143Nd/^144Nd)i为0.512384-0.512470,εNd(t)为正值(+1.57-+3.26);(^87Sr/^86Sr)i为0.0751-0.7054,与本区同时代幔源玄武岩的Nd和Sr同位素组成特征相似,但与俯冲洋壳部分熔融成因埃达克岩的Nd和Sr同位素组成有显著区别。结合这些埃达克质岩石形成二叠纪后碰撞阶段构造背景,认为本区埃达克质岩浆最有可能由新底侵的玄武质下地壳在角闪岩相向榴辉岩相过渡或榴辉岩相的条件下部分熔融形成,是西天山晚古生代后碰撞阶段地幔玄武岩浆底侵作用和地壳垂向增生的重要岩石标志。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(2):210-224
The analysis of available Nd isotope data from the Tanzania Craton places important constraints on the crust-mantle separation ages, and events marking juvenile crustal addition and crustal recycling. Nd model ages date the oldest crust extraction to 3.16 Ga in the Tanzania Craton, although a rock record of such antiquity is yet to be found there. The most significant period of juvenile crustal addition as well as crustal recycling is 2.7–2.6 Ga. The Nd isotopes of mafic samples show that chemical heterogeneity existed in the mantle beneath the Tanzania Craton, with some samples originating from significantly depleted mantle, and most samples originating from the mixture of primitive mantle and depleted mantle. The Nd isotope section reveals significant differences in Nd isotopes between the north craton and central craton; compared to the north craton, the central craton yields a Nd model age that is approximately 100 Ma older, and its εNd(t) values are more negative, indicating that the two parts of the craton have different mantle source regions. Different types of granitoids are distributed in the Tanzania Craton, such as high-K and low-Al granite, calc-alkaline granite, peraluminous granite and transitional types of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs). Most of the granitoids formed later than the mafic rocks in syn-collision and post-collision events.  相似文献   

The widespread Mesozoic granitoids in South China (∼135,300 km2) were emplaced in three main periods: Triassic (16% of the total surface area of Mesozoic granitoids), Jurassic (47%), and Cretaceous (37%). Though much study has been conducted on the most abundant Jurassic Nanling Mountains (NLM) granites, their rock affinities relative to the Triassic Darongshan (DRS) and Cretaceous Fuzhou–Zhangzhou Complex (FZC) granites which are typical S- and I-type, respectively, and the issue of their petrogenetic evolution is still the subject of much debate. In this study, we discuss the petrogenesis of NLM granites using apatite geochemistry combined with whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope compositions. Sixteen apatite samples from six granite batholiths, one gabbro, and three syenite bodies in the NLM area were analyzed for their major and trace element abundances and compared with those collected from DRS (n = 7) and FZC (n = 6) granites. The apatite geochemistry reveals that Na, Si, S, Mn, Sr, U, Th concentrations and REE distribution patterns for apatites from DRS and FZC granites basically are similar to the S and I granite types of the Lachlan Fold Belt (Australia), whereas those from NLM granites have intermediate properties and cannot be correlated directly with these granite types. According to some indications set by the apatite geochemistry (e.g., lower U and higher Eu abundances), NLM apatites appear to have formed under oxidizing conditions. In addition, we further found that their REE distribution patterns are closely related to aluminum saturation index (ASI) and Nd isotope composition, rather than SiO2 content or degree of differentiation, of the host rock. The majority of apatites from NLM granites (ASI = 0.97–1.08 and εNd(T) = −8.8 to −11.6) display slightly right-inclined apatite REE patterns distinguishable from the typical S- and I-type. However, those from few granites with ASI > 1.1 and εNd(T) < −11.6 have REE distribution patterns (near-flat) similar to DRS apatites whereas those from granites with ASI < 1.0 and εNd(T) > −6.6 and gabbro and syenite are similar to FZC apatites (strongly right-inclined). In light of Sr and Nd isotope compositions, magmas of NLM intrusives, except gabbro and syenite, and few granites with εNd(T) > −8, generally do not involve a mantle component. Instead, they fit with a melt derived largely from in situ melting or anatexis of the pre-Mesozoic (mainly Caledonian) granitic crust with subordinate pre-Yanshanian (mainly Indosinian) granitic crust. We suggest that an application, using combined whole-rock ASI and εNd(T) values, is as useful as the apatite geochemistry for recognizing possible sources for the NLM granites.  相似文献   


New results of Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope analyses have been obtained on samples of deformed peridotite xenoliths collected from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia). The data obtained imply two main stages of metasomatic alteration of the lithospheric mantle base matter in the central part of the Siberian Craton. Elevated ratios of Sr isotopes may be considered as evidence of an ancient stage of metasomatic enrichment by a carbonatite melt. The acquired Nd isotope composition together with the geochemistry of the deformed peridotite xenoliths suggests that the second stage of metasomatic alteration took place shortly before formation of the kimberlite melt. The metasomatic agent of this stage had a silicate character and arrived from an asthenosphere source, common for the normal OIB type (PREMA) and the Group-I kimberlite.


A bone fragment (CGDQ-3) of Falcariusutahensis, a therizinosaur from the Early Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, contained within a carbonate nodule, was analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in order to investigate REE variability within a thin-walled phalanx. Previous studies have found depth-related REE pattern variations; however, in CGDQ-3 variation occurs along the circumference of the bone. NASC-normalized REE patterns and concentrations vary between two apparent end members. A light-REE enriched (LREE) pattern, similar to solution ICP-MS analysis of this bone, characterizes approximately two-thirds of the bone fragment. Total REE concentrations are high and do not vary significantly from the periosteal surface to the medullar surface. Conversely, the remaining one-third of the bone has REE patterns that are MREE-depleted and low in total REE concentrations. REE concentrations in this part of the bone do not vary significantly from the periosteal to the medullar surface. A positive Ce anomaly is found throughout the entire bone, and is greatest within the LREE-enriched portion of the bone. This, in combination with the LREE-enrichment, suggests that the bone fossilized under reducing conditions. The distance between the LREE-enriched and MREE-depleted regions is less than 1 mm. Isotopic and petrographic analyses of the bone and surrounding carbonate matrix suggest the REE patterns in the bone were the result of partial fossilization/incomplete filling of micro-pore spaces around bone crystallites in an environment with changing redox conditions. The lower, MREE-depleted part of the bone fossilized contemporaneously with a pendant cement that formed on the underside of the bone in the vadose zone. Formation of the pendant cement restricted water flow through the bone, isolating the lower portion, which incorporated a MREE-depleted pattern. The upper part of the bone (LREE-enriched side) fossilized under more reducing conditions than the lower part. This resulted in reductive dissolution of minerals (such as hydrous ferric oxides and manganese-oxides) which were LREE-enriched with positive Ce anomalies. These REE were then incorporated into the upper part of the bone. This likely occurred after the bone entered the saturated zone (below the water table). The thinness of the bone and presence of a pendant cement helped facilitate partial fossilization of the bone, preserving the REE signature of an earlier fluid. As demonstrated by this case study, differences in REE patterns within a fossil may record changes in geochemical conditions during fossilization, particularly, when bones are encased in a material that reduces fluid permeability, such as micritic vadose calcite. Analysis of such bones may offer the opportunity to decipher complex fluid histories that occur during fossilization. LA-ICP-MS should be utilized to confirm solution ICP-MS analysis if it yields high REE variability, prior to an interpretation of reworking or time-averaging.  相似文献   

The origin and age of the hydrothermal fluids related to the precipitation of fluorite, barite and calcite in the Villabona, La Collada and Berbes localities (Asturias fluorspar district, N Spain) have been evaluated from Sr and Nd radiogenic isotopes. Sr isotope data (87Sr / 86Sr = 0.7081 to 0.7096) are compatible with mixing between seawater and a more evolved groundwater that interacted with the basement. From Nd isotopes in fluorite, an isochron age of 185 ± 29 Ma (Lower Jurassic) was obtained, consistent with other hydrothermal events in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. These constraints are essential to proceed with a quantitative model for the genesis of the mineralization that includes fluid and heat flow together with reactive transport of solutes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed samples from the Adirondack Marcy massif for Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes in an attempt to determine directly the primary crystallization age of a Proterozoic massif-type anorthosite rock suite. The oldest age obtained (1288 ± 36Ma) is from a 4 point Sm-Nd isochron defined by igneous-textured whole-rock and mineral separate data from a local layered sequence gradational from oxiderich pyroxenite to leuconorite. This age is older than Silver's (1969) 1113 Ma zircon age of associated charnockites, but is within the window of permissible anorthosite ages based on previous geochronology and field relationships. As such, 1288 Ma may represent the time of crystallization of the massif. For the most part, however, both Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systems did not survive granulite facies metamorphism. Internal isochrons based on whole rocks and minerals yield ages between 995 and 919 Ma. These isotopic data suggest that the granulite fades metamorphism experienced by the massif was a prograde event that occurred a minimum of 100 Ma and as much as 350 Ma after crystallization of the massif. The relatively large range in Rb abundance, and in calculated initial 87Sr86Sr (0.7039–0.7050) and 143Nd144Nd ratios among anorthosite suite rocks, particularly those at or near the contacts of the Marcy massif is explicable by variable contamination with “crustal” materials and/or fluids, derived from surrounding acidic metaplutonic rocks, paragneisses, and marbles. Despite uncertainies caused by crustal contamination and metamorphic resetting of primary ages, Marcy samples have epsilon Nd values between +0.44 and +5.08, implying a source for the massif with long-term depletion in light rare earth elements. A probable source material would be depleted mantle.  相似文献   

A detailed Sm/Nd, epsilon Nd and Rb/Sr profile through a 30-cm thick section of Silurian (Llandovery) interbedded turbiditic and hemipelagic mudrocks from the central Wales Basin shows well-marked chemical and isotopic trends. The variations reflect an interplay of depositional mode and diagenetic fractionation. Sm and Nd values are substantially higher and Sm/Nd ratios tend to be lower in the organic-rich hemipelagite layers due to diagenetic concentration in the hemipelagites. There is a corresponding depletion in the turbidite mudstones. Epsilon Nd values range from −0·8 to −7·1 and this is attributed to diagenetic modification of Sm/Nd ratios causing scatter in back-calculated epsilon values. Rubidium–strontium ratios in this succession fall within a narrow range, due to homogenization during diagenesis. By contrast, data from a hemipelagite-dominated (condensed) succession near the northern margin of the Welsh Basin show a lower range of epsilon Nd values and a higher scatter of Rb/Sr values, consistent with less fluid throughput during burial compaction and hence less diagenetic redistribution in these rocks. These patterns demonstrate the sensitivity of mudrock trace element and isotope compositions to both small-scale sedimentary structure and large-scale basin architecture.  相似文献   

由于缺乏系统的同位素分析研究工作,过去对东蒙地区燕山期岩浆岩的成因探讨,主要集中在大量岩石地球化学方面的分析研究,因此,其成因观点和岩浆起源的认识也各持己见,主要有3种认识:1)本区中生代壳源和幔源共生的“双模式”观点,认为锡多金属成矿与这种“双模式”的岩浆岩有成因联系;2)中生代花岗岩属于引张环境下,地幔上隆所引发的亚碱性一碱性非造山岩浆作用的产物;3)中生代岩浆岩是中生代大陆内部伸展造山环境下底侵作用形成的一套壳幔混熔岩浆的产物。总之,研究者多认为燕山期岩浆岩具有壳幔混合起源的特征。笔者对燕山期花岗质岩石的钕、锶、铅同位素进行了分析研究。其εNd(t)全为正值,变化范围为 0.75~ 8.12,平均值为 3.07,说明该区燕山期花岗岩的物质来源与亏损地幔有成因联系。其初始锶比值比较集中,变化于0.7028~0.7096,平均为0.7063,介于现代大洋玄武岩(0.702~0.706)和大陆地壳(0.706~0.718)之间,更接近大洋玄武岩。该区燕山期花岗岩的初始铅同位素的3个比值^206Pb/^204Pb、^207Pb/^204Pb、^308b/^204Pb都较高,平均值分别为18.3742,15.5500,38.1810。由钾长石的铅同位素比值计算出来的μ值介于9.51~8.91之间,低于μ=9.74的陆壳演化线。结合邻区兴蒙—北疆一带的岩浆岩同位素研究成果,笔者认为东蒙地区的燕山期花岗岩岩浆起源于亏损地幔的部分熔融作用和亏损地幔起源的晚华力西期古蒙古洋壳的部分熔融作用,即燕山期花岗岩浆最终起源于亏损地幔。并且提出了亏损地幔—古蒙古洋壳—边缘陆块活化的演化模式。  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of Nd and Sr on individual microtektites and a bulk microtektite sample from Barbados show them to have a very well defined isotopic composition. These data plot on an εSrεNd diagram precisely within the narrow field determined by North American tektites (εSr ≈ 111; εNd ≈ ?6.2). They yield an Nd model age of 0.6 AE. These results show that the microtektites from the Oceanic beds of late Eocene age are derived from the same target as the North American tektites and should be associated with the same event. Samples of the deep sea sediments in which the Barbados microtektites occur are found to have isotopic signatures which appear to reflect ambient sea water and detrital sediments. They cannot be the source of Sr or Nd in the tektites. Following the arguments of Shaw and Wasserburg (1982) we conclude that the target area which produced the North American tektite field was composed of sediments (Eocambrian or younger) derived from very late Precambrian crust. Glass beads from Lake Wanapitei Crater are isotopically different from all other tektites (εSr ≈ 960; εNd ≈ ?31.4) and cannot be related to the North American tektites.  相似文献   

稳定Sr、Nd同位素是全新的体系,其重点关注自然过程中稳定Sr和Nd同位素分馏特征与控制机制。这方面的知识可以修正传统Rb Sr和Sm-Nd同位素体系中恒定的稳定Sr、Nd同位素组成的前提假设所带来的认知偏差,补充和完善其知识体系。介绍了稳定Sr、Nd同位素体系的基本概念,综述并点评了最新的分析技术进展,并对稳定Sr、Nd同位素分馏对传统的放射成因Sr、Nd同位素组成的影响进行评估,同时对这两个新的稳定同位素体系的潜在研究应用进行展望。  相似文献   

Cretaceous-Paleogene granitoid rocks and contemporaneous volcanic rocks are widely distributed in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan. This intense intermediate to felsic magmatism is considered to have taken place on the eastern margin of the Eurasian Continent, before the Southwest Japan Arc drifted away from the continent in the middle Miocene, resulting in the opening of the Japan Sea. The granitoid rocks show regional variations in terms of their radiometric age, petrography, Sr, Nd and O isotope ratios. Based on Sr and Nd isotope ratios, granitoid rocks can be divided into three zones (South, Transitional and North) between the Median Tectonic Line and the Japan Sea. Granitoid rocks and associated gabbros of the North Zone have low initial Sr isotope ratios (0.7048 to 0.7068) and high initial Nd values (+3 to-2.2), whereas granitoid rocks and gabbros from the South Zone have high initial Sr isotope ratios (0.7070 to 0.7088) and low initial Nd values (-3.0to-8.0). Most granitoid rocks from the Transitional Zone have Sr and Nd isotope ratios that lie between those of the North and South Zones, although there is some overlap. Contamination of magmas by upper crust cannot explain this geographical variation in Sr and Nd isotopes. Instead, the regional variation is attributed to compositionally different, magma sources (probably upper mantle and lower crust), beneath the North and South Zones. This is supported by the Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of upper mantle and lower crustal xenoliths included in Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the North and South Zones. These ratios are similar to those of the granitoid rocks in the respective zones. It is suggested that a micro-continent or island arc consisting of continental crust was underthrust beneath the South Zone before or during the Cretaceous, resulting in compositionally distinct sources for granitoid rocks of the North and South Zones. The large variation observed in Sr and Nd isotope ratios for Transitional Zone granitoid rocks is explained by variable proportions of the two different crustal and upper mantle components.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic compositions as well as trace element concentrations have been determined on a suite of alkali basalts from the Massif Central, in France. Samples show a typical enrichment in incompatible elements. In particular, the REE patterns exhibit a strong fractionation characterized by a (LaYb)N ratio of about 20. The YbN content is about 10 times chondrite. The 143Nd144Nd ratios exhibit a range from 0.512775 to 0.512989, values quite comparable to those from oceanic island basalts. The 87Sr86Sr ratios vary between 0.70338 and 0.70458 and are anti-correlated with the Nd isotopic ratio.The isotopic and the trace element (in particular REE) data have been used in order to quantitatively model the genesis of the alkali basalts. Among the several types of models tested here, the most likely one appears to be the model of mantle metasomatism. A semi-quantitative approach shows that the source of alkali basalts from the Massif Central was metasomatized prior to melting. In such a model, the basalts could be produced by rather high degrees of partial melting (such as 10 or 15%) of the metasomatically enriched mantle.  相似文献   

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