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We present a study of the long-term evolution of the cloud of aerosols produced in the atmosphere of Jupiter by the impact of an object on 19 July 2009 (Sánchez-Lavega, A. et al. [2010]. Astrophys. J. 715, L155-L159). The work is based on images obtained during 5 months from the impact to 31 December 2009 taken in visible continuum wavelengths and from 20 July 2009 to 28 May 2010 taken in near-infrared deep hydrogen-methane absorption bands at 2.1-2.3 μm. The impact cloud expanded zonally from ∼5000 km (July 19) to 225,000 km (29 October, about 180° in longitude), remaining meridionally localized within a latitude band from 53.5°S to 61.5°S planetographic latitude. During the first two months after its formation the site showed heterogeneous structure with 500-1000 km sized embedded spots. Later the reflectivity of the debris field became more homogeneous due to clump mergers. The cloud was mainly dispersed in longitude by the dominant zonal winds and their meridional shear, during the initial stages, localized motions may have been induced by thermal perturbation caused by the impact’s energy deposition. The tracking of individual spots within the impact cloud shows that the westward jet at 56.5°S latitude increases its eastward velocity with altitude above the tropopause by 5-10 m s−1. The corresponding vertical wind shear is low, about 1 m s−1 per scale height in agreement with previous thermal wind estimations. We found evidence for discrete localized meridional motions with speeds of 1-2 m s−1. Two numerical models are used to simulate the observed cloud dispersion. One is a pure advection of the aerosols by the winds and their shears. The other uses the EPIC code, a nonlinear calculation of the evolution of the potential vorticity field generated by a heat pulse that simulates the impact. Both models reproduce the observed global structure of the cloud and the dominant zonal dispersion of the aerosols, but not the details of the cloud morphology. The reflectivity of the impact cloud decreased exponentially with a characteristic timescale of 15 days; we can explain this behavior with a radiative transfer model of the cloud optical depth coupled to an advection model of the cloud dispersion by the wind shears. The expected sedimentation time in the stratosphere (altitude levels 5-100 mbar) for the small aerosol particles forming the cloud is 45-200 days, thus aerosols were removed vertically over the long term following their zonal dispersion. No evidence of the cloud was detected 10 months after the impact.  相似文献   

We show that the peak velocity of Jupiter’s visible-cloud-level zonal winds near 24°N (planetographic) increased from 2000 to 2008. This increase was the only change in the zonal velocity from 2000 to 2008 for latitudes between ±70° that was statistically significant and not obviously associated with visible weather. We present the first automated retrieval of fast (∼130 m s−1) zonal velocities at 8°N planetographic latitude, and show that some previous retrievals incorrectly found slower zonal winds because the eastward drift of the dark projections (associated with 5-μm hot spots) “fooled” the retrieval algorithms.We determined the zonal velocity in 2000 from Cassini images from NASA’s Planetary Data System using a global method similar to previous longitude-shifting correlation methods used by others, and a new local method based on the longitudinal average of the two-dimensional velocity field. We obtained global velocities from images acquired in May 2008 with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Longer-term variability of the zonal winds is based on comparisons with published velocities based on 1979 Voyager 2 and 1995-1998 HST images. Fluctuations in the zonal wind speeds on the order of 10 m s−1 on timescales ranging from weeks to months were found in the 1979 Voyager 2 and the 1995-1998 HST velocities. In data separated by 10 h, we find that the east-west velocity uncertainty due to longitudinal fluctuations are nearly 10 m s−1, so velocity fluctuations of 10 m s−1 may occur on timescales that are even smaller than 10 h. Fluctuations across such a wide range of timescales limit the accuracy of zonal wind measurements. The concept of an average zonal velocity may be ill-posed, and defining a “temporal mean” zonal velocity as the average of several zonal velocity fields spanning months or years may not be physically meaningful.At 8°N, we use our global method to find peak zonal velocities of ∼110 m s−1 in 2000 and ∼130 m s−1 in 2008. Zonal velocities from 2000 Cassini data produced by our local and global methods agree everywhere, except in the vicinity of 8°N. There, the local algorithm shows that the east-west velocity has large variations in longitude; vast regions exceed ∼140 m s−1. Our global algorithm, and all of the velocity-extraction algorithms used in previously-published studies, found the east-west drift velocities of the visible dark projections, rather than the true zonal velocity at the visible-cloud level. Therefore, the apparent increase in zonal winds between 2000 and 2008 at 8°N is not a true change in zonal velocity.At 7.3°N, the Galileo probe found zonal velocities of 170 m s−1 at the 3-bar level. If the true zonal velocity at the visible-cloud level at this latitude is ∼140 m s−1 rather than ∼105 m s−1, then the vertical zonal wind shear is much less than the currently accepted value.  相似文献   

We present results regarding the dynamical meteorology of Jupiter’s White Ovals at different points in their evolution. Starting from the era with three White Ovals FA, BC, and DE (Galileo), continuing to the post-merger epoch with only one Oval BA (Cassini), and finally to Oval BA’s current reddened state (New Horizons), we demonstrate that the dynamics of their flow have similarly evolved along with their appearance. In the Galileo epoch, Oval DE had an elliptical shape with peak zonal wind speeds of ∼90 m s−1 in both its northern and southern peripheries. During the post-merger epoch, Oval BA’s shape was more triangular and less elliptical than Oval DE; in addition to widening in the north-south direction, its northern periphery was 20 m s−1 slower, and its southern periphery was 20 m s−1 faster than Oval DE’s flow during the Galileo era. Finally, in the New Horizons era, the reddened Oval BA had evolved back to a classical elliptical form. The northern periphery of Oval BA increased in speed by 20 m s−1 from Cassini to New Horizons, ending up at a speed nearly identical to that of the northern periphery of Oval DE during Galileo. However, the peak speeds along the southern rim of the newly formed Oval BA were consistently faster than the corresponding speeds in Oval DE, and they increased still further between Cassini and New Horizons, ending up at ∼140-150 m s−1. Relative vorticity maps of Oval BA reveal a cyclonic ring surrounding its outer periphery, similar to the ring present around the Great Red Spot. The cyclonic ring around Oval BA in 2007 appears to be moderately stronger than observed in 1997 and 2001, suggesting that this may be associated with the coloration of the vortex. The modest strengthening of the winds in Oval BA, the appearance of red aerosols, and the appearance of a turbulent, cyclonic feature to Oval BA’s northwest create a strong resemblance with the Great Red Spot from both a dynamical and morphological perspective.In addition to the White Ovals, we also measure the winds within two compact cyclonic regions, one in the Galileo data set and one in the Cassini data set. In the images, these cyclonic features appear turbulent and filamentary, but our wind field reveals that the flow manifests as a coherent high-speed collar surrounding relatively quiescent interiors. Our relative vorticity maps show that the vorticity likewise concentrates in a collar near the outermost periphery, unlike the White Ovals which have peak relative vorticity magnitudes near the center of the vortex. The cyclones contain several localized bright regions consistent with the characteristics of thunderstorms identified in other studies. Although less studied than their anticyclonic cousins, these cyclones may offer crucial insights into the planet’s cloud-level energetics and dynamical meteorology.  相似文献   

We present a study of the equatorial region of Jupiter, between latitudes ∼15°S and ∼15°N, based on Cassini ISS images obtained during the Jupiter flyby at the end of 2000, and HST images acquired in May and July 2008. We examine the structure of the zonal wind profile and report the detection of significant longitudinal variations in the intensity of the 6°N eastward jet, up to 60 m s−1 in Cassini and HST observations. These longitudinal variations are, in the HST case, associated with different cloud morphology. Photometric and radiative transfer analysis of the cloud features used as tracers in HST images show that at most there is only a small height difference, no larger than ∼0.5-1 scale heights, between the slow (∼100 m s−1) and fast (∼150 m s−1) moving features. This suggests that speed variability at 6°N is not dominated by vertical wind shears but instead we propose that Rossby wave activity is the responsible for the zonal variability. Removing this variability, we find that Jupiter’s equatorial jet is actually symmetric relative to equator with two peaks of ∼140-150 m s−1 located at latitudes 6°N and 6°S and at a similar pressure level. We also study the local dynamics of particular equatorial features such as several dark projections associated with 5 μm hot spots and a large, long-lived feature called the White Spot (WS) located at 6°S. Convergent flow at the dark projections appears to be a characteristic which depends on the particular morphology and has only been detected in some cases. The internal flow field in the White Spot indicates that it is a weakly rotating quasi-equatorial anticyclone relative to the ambient meridionally sheared flow.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 imaging data of Jupiter were combined with wind profiles from Voyager and Cassini data to study long-term variability in Jupiter’s winds and cloud brightness. Searches for evidence of wind velocity periodicity yielded a few latitudes with potential variability; the most significant periods were found nearly symmetrically about the equator at 0°, 10-12°N, and 14-18°S planetographic latitude. The low to mid-latitude signals have components consistent with the measured stratospheric temperature Quasi-Quadrennial Oscillation (QQO) period of 4-5 years, while the equatorial signal is approximately seasonal and could be tied to mesoscale wave formation. Robustness tests indicate that a constant or continuously varying periodic signal near 4.5 years would appear with high significance in the data periodograms as long as uncertainties or noise in the data are not of greater magnitude. However, the lack of a consistent signal over many latitudes makes it difficult to interpret as a QQO-related change. In addition, further analyses of calibrated 410-nm and 953-nm brightness scans found few corresponding changes in troposphere haze and cloud structure on QQO timescales. However, stratospheric haze reflectance at 255-nm did appear to vary on seasonal timescales, though the data do not have enough temporal coverage or photometric accuracy to be conclusive. Sufficient temporal coverage and spacing, as well as data quality, are critical to this type of search.  相似文献   

We present suggestive evidence for an inverse energy cascade within Jupiter’s atmosphere through a calculation of the power spectrum of its kinetic energy and its cloud patterns. Using Cassini observations, we composed full-longitudinal mosaics of Jupiter’s atmosphere at several wavelengths. We also utilized image pairs derived from these observations to generate full-longitudinal maps of wind vectors and atmospheric kinetic energy within Jupiter’s troposphere. We computed power spectra of the image mosaics and kinetic energy maps using spherical harmonic analysis. Power spectra of Jupiter’s cloud patterns imaged at certain wavelengths resemble theoretical spectra of two-dimensional turbulence, with power-law slopes near −5/3 and −3 at low and high wavenumbers, respectively. The slopes of the kinetic energy power spectrum are also near −5/3 at low wavenumbers. At high wavenumbers, however, the spectral slopes are relatively flatter than the theoretical prediction of −3. In addition, the image mosaic and kinetic energy power spectra differ with respect to the location of the transition in slopes. The transition in slope is near planetary wavenumber 70 for the kinetic energy spectra, but is typically above 200 for the image mosaic spectra. Our results also show the importance of calculating spectral slopes from full 2D velocity maps rather than 1D zonal mean velocity profiles, since at large wavenumbers the spectra differ significantly, though at low wavenumbers, the 1D zonal and full 2D kinetic energy spectra are practically indistinguishable. Furthermore, the difference between the image and kinetic energy spectra suggests some caution in the interpretation of power spectrum results solely from image mosaics and its significance for the underlying dynamics. Finally, we also report prominent variations in kinetic energy within the equatorial jet stream that appear to be associated with the 5 μm hotspots. Other eddies are present within the flow collar of the Great Red Spot, suggesting caution when interpreting snapshots of the flow inside these features as representative of a time-averaged state.  相似文献   

We present a novel method of constructing streamlines to derive wind speeds within jovian vortices and demonstrate its application to Oval BA for 2001 pre-reddened Cassini flyby data, 2007 post-reddened New Horizons flyby data, and 1998 Galileo data of precursor Oval DE. Our method, while automated, attempts to combine the advantages of both automated and manual cloud tracking methods. The southern maximum wind speed of Oval BA does not show significant changes between these data sets to within our measurement uncertainty. The northern maximum does appear to have increased in strength during this time interval, which likely correlates with the oval’s return to a symmetric shape. We demonstrate how the use of closed streamlines can provide measurements of vorticity averaged over the encircled area with no a priori assumptions concerning oval shape. We find increased averaged interior vorticity between pre- and post-reddened Oval BA, with the precursor Oval DE occupying a middle value of vorticity between these two.  相似文献   

We analyze velocity fields of the Great Red Spot (GRS) and Oval BA that were previously extracted from Cassini, Galileo, and Hubble Space Telescope images (Asay-Davis, X.S., Marcus, P.S., Wong, M., de Pater, I. [2009]. Icarus 203, 164-188). Our analyses use reduced-parameter models in which the GRS, Oval BA, and surrounding zonal (east-west) flows are assumed to have piece-wise-constant potential vorticity (PV), but with finite-sized transition regions between the pieces of constant PV rather than sharp steps. The shapes of the regions of constant PV are computed such that the flow is a steady, equilibrium solution of the 2D quasigeostrophic equations when viewed in a frame translating uniformly in the east-west direction. All parameter values of the models, including the magnitudes of the PV, areas of the regions with constant PV, locations of the transition regions, widths of the transition regions, and the value of the Rossby deformation radius, are found with a genetic algorithm such that the velocity produced by the equilibrium solution is a “best-fit” to the observed velocity fields. A Monte Carlo method is used to estimate the uncertainties in the best-fit parameter values.The best-fit results show that there were significant changes (greater than the uncertainties) in the PV of the GRS between Galileo in 1996 and Hubble in 2006. In particular, the shape of the PV anomaly of the GRS became rounder, and the area of the PV anomaly of the GRS decreased by 18%, although the magnitudes of PV in the anomaly remained constant. In contrast, neither the area nor the magnitude of the PV anomaly of the Oval BA changed from 2000, when its cloud cover was white, to 2006, when its cloud cover was red. The best-fit results also show that the areas of the PV anomalies of the GRS and of the Oval BA are smaller than the areas of their corresponding cloud covers at all times. Using the best-fit values of the Rossby deformation radius, we show that the Brunt-Väisälä frequency is 15% larger at 33°S than at 23°S. As expected (Marcus, 1993), the best-fit results show that the PV of the zonal flow has “jumps” at the latitudes of the maxima of the eastward-going jet streams. However, a surprising result is that a large “jump” in the PV of the zonal flow occurs at the location of a maximum of the westward going jet stream neighboring the GRS. Another surprise is that the jumps in the PV of the zonal flow do not all have the same sign, which implies that there is not a monotonic “staircase” of zonal PV from north to south as was anticipated ( [Marcus, 1993] and [McIntyre, 2008]).  相似文献   

Inspection of near-infrared images from Cassini’s Imaging Science Subsystem and Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer have revealed a new feature in Titan’s haze structure: a narrow band of increased scattering by haze south of the equator. The band seems to indicate a region of very limited mixing in the lower stratosphere, which causes haze particles to be trapped there. This could explain the sharp separation between the two hemispheres, known as the north-south asymmetry, seen in images. The separation of the two hemispheres can also be seen in the stratosphere above 150 km using infrared spectra measured by Cassini’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer. Titan’s behaviour in the lower tropical stratosphere is remarkably similar to that of the Earth’s tropical stratosphere, which hints at possible common dynamical processes.  相似文献   

We present observations at near-infrared wavelengths (1-5 μm) of Jupiter’s north polar region and Northern Red Oval (NN-LRS-1). The observations were taken with the near-infrared camera NIRC2 coupled to the adaptive optics system on the 10-m W.M. Keck Telescope on UT 21 August 2010. At 5-μm Jupiter’s disk reveals considerable structure, including small bright rings which appear to surround all small vortices. It is striking, though, that no such ring is seen around the Northern Red Oval. In de Pater et al. [2010a. Icarus 210, 742-762], we showed that such rings also exist around all small vortices in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere, and are absent around the Great Red Spot and Red Oval BA. We show here that the vertical structure and extent of the Northern Red Oval is very similar to that of Jupiter’s Red Oval BA. These new observations of the Northern Red Oval, therefore, support the idea of a dichotomy between small and large anticyclones, in which ovals larger than about two Rossby deformation radii do not have 5-μm bright rings. In de Pater et al. [2010a. Icarus 210, 742-762], we explained this difference in terms of the secondary circulations within the vortices. We further compare the brightness distribution of our new 5-μm images with previously published radio observations of Jupiter, highlighting the depletion of NH3 gas over areas that are bright at 5 μm.  相似文献   

We use five and one-half years of limb- and nadir-viewing temperature mapping observations by the Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) on the Cassini Saturn orbiter, taken between July 2004 and December 2009 (LS from 293° to 4°; northern mid-winter to just after northern spring equinox), to monitor temperature changes in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere of Titan. The largest changes are in the northern (winter) polar stratopause, which has declined in temperature by over 20 K between 2005 and 2009. Throughout the rest of the mid to upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, temperature changes are less than 5 K. In the southern hemisphere, temperatures in the middle stratosphere near 1 mbar increased by 1-2 K from 2004 through early 2007, then declined by 2-4 K throughout 2008 and 2009, with the changes being larger at more polar latitudes. Middle stratospheric temperatures at mid-northern latitudes show a small 1-2 K increase from 2005 through 2009. At north polar latitudes within the polar vortex, temperatures in the middle stratosphere show a ∼4 K increase during 2007, followed by a comparable decrease in temperatures in 2008 and into early 2009. The observed temperature changes in the north polar region are consistent with a weakening of the subsidence within the descending branch of the middle atmosphere meridional circulation.  相似文献   

We obtained longitudinally resolved thermal infrared spectra (8-13 μm and 17-25 μm) of Jupiter’s impact debris at the Gemini South Telescope on July 24, 2009; five days after the July 19th collision. These were used to study the mechanisms responsible for the redistribution of thermal energy and material (ammonia and stratospheric particulates) following the impact. Upwelling of (8.5 ± 4.1) × 1014 g of tropospheric air was sufficient to deposit (6.7 ± 4.1) × 1012 g of NH3 over a 6° longitude range above the impact core. The NH3 was distributed over the 20-80 mbar region with a peak abundance of 1.0 ± 0.6 ppm at 45 mbar. Only a 10th of this abundance was observed over the western ejecta, and it is unlikely that these observations were sensitive to NH3 entrained in the ballistic plume itself. The pattern of excess thermal energy was markedly different from that of Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9), with a localized tropospheric perturbation of 2.0 ± 1.0 K at 200-300 mbar and a broader stratospheric warming of up to 3.5 ± 2.0 K at 10-30 mbar. We find no evidence of residual warmth at p < 1 mbar five days after the impact. The excess thermal energy places lower limits on the total energy of the impact (1.8-15.7 × 1026 ergs), which limits the impactor diameter to 70-510 m (depending on the bulk density chosen for the material).The models of the Gemini spectra required three distinct aerosol features, indicative of the mineralogy of the dark particulate debris, centred at 9.1, 10.0 and 18.5 μm. The retrieved opacities for each of these features were distributed over a larger area (9-10° longitude) and at higher altitudes (above the 10-mbar level) than the stratospheric NH3, and they are more spatially inhomogeneous. This implies the particulates were either entrained with the rising hot plume or created upon plume re-entry and are subsequently redistributed by stratospheric winds. The three particulate features were consistent with a mixture of amorphous iron and magnesium-rich silicates and silicas in the debris field. A broad 10-μm signature was coincident with peaks expected from material rich in amorphous olivines (but poor in pyroxenes), and similar to silicate features observed during SL9. A narrow 9.1-μm signature was interpreted as a combination of amorphous and crystalline silica. Finally, a broad 18.5-μm emitter was not adequately reproduced by a mixture of simple olivines and pyroxenes and remains to be identified.  相似文献   

We present observations and theoretical calculations to derive the vertical structure of and secondary circulation in jovian vortices, a necessary piece of information to ultimately explain the red color in the annular ring inside Jupiter’s Oval BA. The observations were taken with the near-infrared detector NIRC2 coupled to the adaptive optics system on the 10-m W.M. Keck telescope (UT 21 July 2006; UT 11 May 2008) and with the Hubble Space Telescope at visible wavelengths (UT 24 and 25 April 2006 using ACS; UT 9 and 10 May 2008 using WFPC2). The spatial resolution in the near-IR (∼0.1–0.15″ at 1–5 μm) is comparable to that obtained at UV–visible wavelengths (∼0.05–0.1″ at 250–890 nm). At 5 μm we are sensitive to Jupiter’s thermal emission, whereas at shorter wavelengths we view the planet in reflected sunlight. These datasets are complementary, as images at 0.25–1.8 μm provide information on the clouds/hazes in the troposphere–stratosphere, while the 5-μm emission maps yield information on deeper layers in the atmosphere, in regions without clouds. At the latter wavelength numerous tiny ovals can be discerned at latitudes between ∼45°S and 60°S, which show up as rings with diameters ?1000 km surrounding small ovals visible in HST data. Several white ovals at 41°S, as well as a new red oval that was discovered to the west of the GRS, also reveal 5-μm bright rings around their peripheries, which coincide with dark/blue rings at visible wavelengths. Typical brightness temperatures in these 5-μm bright rings are 225–250 K, indicative of regions that are cloud-free down to at least the ∼4 bar level, and perhaps down to 5–7 bar, i.e., well within the water cloud.Radiative transfer modeling of the 1–2 μm observations indicates that all ovals, i.e., including the Great Red Spot (GRS), Red Oval BA, and the white ovals at 41°S, are overall very similar in vertical structure. The main distinction between the ovals is caused by variations in the particle densities in the tropospheric–stratospheric hazes (2–650 mbar). These are 5–8 times higher above the red ovals than above the white ones at 41°S. The combination of the 5-μm rings and the vertical structure derived from near-IR data suggests anticyclones to extend vertically from (at least) the water cloud (∼5 bar) up to the tropopause (∼100–200 mbar), and in some cases into the stratosphere.Based upon our observations, we propose that air is rising along the center of a vortex, and descending around the outer periphery, producing the 5-μm bright rings. Observationally, we constrain the maximum radius of these rings to be less than twice the local Rossby deformation radius, LR. If the radius of the visible oval (i.e., the clouds that make the oval visible) is >3000 km, our observations suggest that the descending part of the secondary circulation must be within these ovals. For the Red Oval BA, we postulate that the return flow is at the location of its red annulus, which has a radius of ∼3000 km.We develop a theory for the secondary circulation, where air is (baroclinically) rising along the center of a vortex in a subadiabatic atmosphere, and descending at a distance not exceeding ∼2× the local Rossby deformation radius. Using this model, we find a timescale for mixing throughout the vortex of order several months, which suggests that the chromophores that are responsible for the red color of Oval BA’s red annulus must be produced locally, at the location of the annulus. This production most likely results from the adiabatic heating in the descending part of the secondary circulation. Such higher-than-ambient temperature causes NH3–ice to sublime, which will expose the condensation nuclei, such as the red chromophores.  相似文献   

The region in Jupiter’s atmosphere with the highest density of anticyclonic spot-like vortices is the region known as the South South Temperate Zone (SSTZ), which is located between the eastward jet at ≈−42.9° latitude and the westward jet at ≈−39.2° latitude. We present a characterization of the spots found in this region based on ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope observations from the years 1993 to 2007. Mergers have been reported between spots in this region, similar to those observed for the White Ovals in the latitudinal domain immediately equatorward (northward). We use a multilayer model to perform numerical simulations that capture the details of a well-observed merger event involving multiple interacting vortices. We find that the vertical stratification has an important effect in the outcome of the interaction between spots. In particular it can play a determining role on whether or not a cyclone embedded between two approaching anticyclones can inhibit their merging. From our simulations we conclude that the background static stability of the atmosphere in the SSTZ is better characterized by an average value of .  相似文献   

Thermal-IR imaging from space-borne and ground-based observatories was used to investigate the temperature, composition and aerosol structure of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (GRS) and its temporal variability between 1995 and 2008. An elliptical warm core, extending over 8° of longitude and 3° of latitude, was observed within the cold anticyclonic vortex at 21°S. The warm airmass is co-located with the deepest red coloration of the GRS interior. The maximum contrast between the core and the coldest regions of the GRS was 3.0-3.5 K in the north-south direction at 400 mbar atmospheric pressure, although the warmer temperatures are present throughout the 150-500 mbar range. The resulting thermal gradients cause counter-rotating flow in the GRS center to decay with altitude into the lower stratosphere. The elliptical warm airmass was too small to be observed in IRTF imaging prior to 2006, but was present throughout the 2006-2008 period in VLT, Subaru and Gemini imaging.Spatially-resolved maps of mid-IR tropospheric aerosol opacity revealed a well-defined lane of depleted aerosols around the GRS periphery, and a correlation with visibly-dark jovian clouds and bright 4.8-μm emission. Ammonia showed a similar but broader ring of depletion encircling the GRS. This narrow lane of subsidence keeps red aerosols physically separate from white aerosols external to the GRS. The visibility of the 4.8-μm bright periphery varies with the mid-IR aerosol opacity of the upper troposphere. Compositional maps of ammonia, phosphine and para-H2 within the GRS interior all exhibit north-south asymmetries, with evidence for higher concentrations north of the warm central core and the strongest depletions in a symmetric arc near the southern periphery. Small-scale enhancements in temperature, NH3 and aerosol opacity associated with localized convection are observed within the generally-warm and aerosol-free South Equatorial Belt (SEB) northwest of the GRS. The extent of 4.8-μm emission from the SEB varied as a part of the 2007 ‘global upheaval,’ though changes during this period were restricted to pressures greater than 500 mbar. Finally, a region of enhanced temperatures extended southwest of the GRS during the survey, restricted to the 100-400 mbar range and with no counterpart in visible imaging or compositional mapping. The warm airmass was perturbed by frequent encounters with the cold airmass of Oval BA, but no internal thermal or compositional effects were noted in either vortex during the close encounters.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of atmospheric gravity waves on the vertical and horizontal structure of the ionosphere of Jupiter. The presented non-linear, two-dimensional model of the jovian ionosphere allows for spatially and temporally varying neutral wind and temperature fields and tracks the time evolution of six ionospheric species, , and . An analytical approach is used to validate the model results for linear, small-amplitude waves and to elucidate the mechanisms that leads to perturbations in the density of the main ion species, H+ and . We demonstrate that the long-lived H+ ions are perturbed directly by wave dynamics whereas short-lived ions such as are perturbed by chemical interactions with other perturbed ion species. The model is then applied using larger gravity wave amplitudes consistent with observations. Atmospheric gravity waves propagating at high altitudes create layers of enhanced electron density similar to the system of layers observed during the J0-ingress radio occultation of the Galileo spacecraft. Our best fit to the J0-ingress observation is achieved using an 82 min period forcing wave with horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 500 km and 60 km respectively, and peaks at 510 km above the 1 bar pressure level. We further investigate the effects of the wave-induced ion flux on the background ionospheric structure and demonstrate that in the presence of a gravity wave the background density profiles of the H+ and ions are significantly modified. We also find that the column density of has variations that can exceed 10% as the wave propagates.  相似文献   

The Alice ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the New Horizons spacecraft observed two occultations of the bright star χ Ophiucus by Jupiter’s atmosphere on February 22 and 23, 2007 during the approach phase of the Jupiter flyby. The ingress occultation probed the atmosphere at 32°N latitude near the dawn terminator, while egress probed 18°N latitude near the dusk terminator. A detailed analysis of both the ingress and egress occultations, including the effects of molecular hydrogen, methane, acetylene, ethylene, and ethane absorptions in the far ultraviolet (FUV), constrains the eddy diffusion coefficient at the homopause level to be  cm2 s−1, consistent with Voyager measurements and other analyses (Festou, M.C., Atreya, S.K., Donahue, T.M., Sandel, B.R., Shemansky, D.E., Broadfoot, A.L. [1981]. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 5717-5725; Vervack Jr., R.J., Sandel, B.R., Gladstone, G.R., McConnell, J.C., Parkinson, C.D. [1995]. Icarus 114, 163-173; Yelle, R.V., Young, L.A., Vervack Jr., R.J., Young, R., Pfister, L., Sandel, B.R. [1996]. J. Geophys. Res. 101 (E1), 2149-2162). However, the actual derived pressure level of the methane homopause for both occultations differs from that derived by [Festou et al., 1981] and [Yelle et al., 1996] from the Voyager ultraviolet occultations, suggesting possible changes in the strength of atmospheric mixing with time. We find that at 32°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,397 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,383 km, the acetylene concentration is  cm−3 at 70,364 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,360 km. At 18°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,345 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,332 km, the acetylene concentration is cm−3 at 71,318 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,315 km. We also find that the H2 occultation light curve is best reproduced if the atmosphere remains cold in the microbar region such that the base of the thermosphere is located at a lower pressure level than that determined by in situ instruments aboard the Galileo probe (Seiff, A., Kirk, D.B., Knight, T.C.D., Young, R.E., Mihalov, J.D., Young, L.A., Milos, F.S., Schubert, G., Blanchard, R.C., Atkinson, D. [1998]. J. Geophys. Res. 103 (E10), 22857-22889) - the Sieff et al. temperature profile leads to too much absorption from H2 at high altitudes. However, this result is highly model dependent and non-unique. The observations and analysis help constrain photochemical models of Jupiter’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nightside infrared limb spectra of the Venus upper atmosphere, obtained by Venus Express VIRTIS, show strong scattering of thermal radiation. This scattering of upward-going radiation into the line-of-sight is dominant below 82.5 km even at a wavelength of 5 μm, which is indicative of relatively large particles. We show that 1 μm-sized sulfuric acid particles (also known as mode 2 particles) provide a good fit to the VIRTIS limb data at high altitudes. We retrieve vertical profiles of the mode 2 number density between 75 and 90 km at two latitude ranges: 20-30°N and 47-50°N. Between 20 and 30°N, scattering by mode 2 particles is the main source of radiance for altitudes between 80 and 85 km. Above altitudes of 85 km smaller particles can also be used to fit the spectra. Between 47 and 50°N mode 2 number densities are generally lower than between 20 and 30°N and the profiles show more variability. This is consistent with the 47-50° latitude region being at the boundary between the low latitudes and high latitudes, with the latter showing lower cloud tops and higher ultraviolet brightness (Titov, D.V., Taylor, F.W., Svedhem, H., Ignatiev, N.I., Markiewicz, W.J., Piccioni, G., Drossart, P. [2008]. Nature 456, 620-623).  相似文献   

Limb and nadir spectra acquired by Cassini/CIRS (Composite InfraRed Spectrometer) are analyzed in order to derive, for the first time, the meridional variations of diacetylene (C4H2) and methylacetylene (CH3C2H) mixing ratios in Saturn’s stratosphere, from 5 hPa up to 0.05 hPa and 80°S to 45°N. We find that the C4H2 and CH3C2H meridional distributions mimic that of acetylene (C2H2), exhibiting small-scale variations that are not present in photochemical model predictions. The most striking feature of the meridional distribution of both molecules is an asymmetry between mid-southern and mid-northern latitudes. The mid-southern latitudes are found depleted in hydrocarbons relative to their northern counterparts. In contrast, photochemical models predict similar abundances at north and south mid-latitudes. We favor a dynamical explanation for this asymmetry, with upwelling in the south and downwelling in the north, the latter coinciding with the region undergoing ring shadowing. The depletion in hydrocarbons at mid-southern latitudes could also result from chemical reactions with oxygen-bearing molecules.Poleward of 60°S, at 0.1 and 0.05 hPa, we find that the CH3C2H and C4H2 abundances increase dramatically. This behavior is in sharp contradiction with photochemical model predictions, which exhibit a strong decrease towards the south pole. Several processes could explain our observations, such as subsidence, a large vertical eddy diffusion coefficient at high altitudes, auroral chemistry that enhances CH3C2H and C4H2 production, or shielding from photolysis by aerosols or molecules produced from auroral chemistry. However, problems remain with all these hypotheses, including the lack of similar behavior at lower altitudes.Our derived mean mixing ratios at 0.5 hPa of (2.4 ± 0.3) × 10−10 for C4H2 and of (1.1 ± 0.3) × 10−9 for CH3C2H are compatible with the analysis of global-average ISO observations performed by Moses et al. (Moses, J.I., Bézard, B., Lellouch, E., Gladstone, G.R., Feuchtgruber, H., Allen, M. [2000a]. Icarus 143, 244-298). Finally, we provide values for the ratios [CH3C2H]/[C2H2] and [C4H2]/[C2H2] that can constrain the coupled chemistry of these hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Measuring the spatial distribution of chemical compounds in Saturn’s stratosphere is critical to better understand the planet’s photochemistry and dynamics. Here we present an analysis of infrared spectra in the range 600-1400 cm−1 acquired in limb geometry by the Cassini spacecraft between March 2005 and January 2008. We first determine the vertical temperature profiles from 3 to 0.01 hPa, at latitudes ranging from 70°N to 80°S. We infer a similar meridional temperature gradient at 1-2 hPa as in recent previous studies [Fletcher, L.N., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Orton, G.S., Parrish, P.D., de Kok, R., Howett, C., Calcutt, S.B., Bowles, N., Taylor, F.W., 2007. Icarus 189, 457-478; Howett, C.J.A., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Simon-Miller, A., Calcutt, S.B., Fletcher, L.N., de Kok, R., 2007. Icarus 190, 556-572]. We then retrieve the vertical profiles of C2H6 and C2H2 from 3 to 0.01 hPa and of C3H8 around 1 hPa. At 1 hPa, the meridional variation of C2H2 is found to follow the yearly averaged solar insolation, except for a strong equatorial mole fraction of 8×10-7, nearly two times higher than expected. This enhancement in abundance can be explained by the descent of hydrocarbon-rich air, with a vertical wind speed at the equator of 0.25±0.1 mm/s at 1 hPa and 0.4±0.15 mm/s at 0.1 hPa. The ethane distribution is relatively uniform at 1 hPa, with only a moderate 25% increase from 35°S to 80°S. Propane is found to increase from north to south by a factor of 1.9, suggesting that its lifetime may be shorter than Saturn’s year at 1 hPa. At high altitudes (1 Pa), C2H2 and C2H6 abundances depart significantly from the photochemical model predictions of Moses and Greathouse [Moses, J.I., Greathouse, T.K., 2005. J. Geophys. Res. 110, 9007], except at high southern latitudes (62, 70 and 80°S) and near the equator. The observed abundances are found strongly depleted in the 20-40°S region and enhanced in the 20-30°N region, the latter coinciding with the ring’s shadow. We favor a dynamical explanation for these anomalies.  相似文献   

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