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The thermodynamical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Deccan plateau region has been studied with aerological data for 1980 and 1981.The temperatures in the sub-cloud layer were lower on active monsoon days than dose on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the layer above the 900 mbar level. The moisture content on active monsoon days was higher than that on weak monsoon days. The profile of relative humidity above the 850 mbar level showed large deviations between the active and weak monsoon conditions. On active monsoon days the values of dry static stability were higher than those on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the case of moist static stability. On active monsoon days the magnitudes of thev components of wind were small compared with those of theu components, and the latter showed a gradual decrease with height. 相似文献
Black carbon aerosols and their radiative properties in the Pearl River Delta region 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
Dui Wu JieTai Mao XueJiao Deng XueXi Tie YuanHang Zhang LiMin Zeng Fei Li HaoBo Tan XueYan Bi XiaoYing Huang Jing Chen Tao Deng 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2009,52(8):1152-1163
The climatic and environmental effects of atmospheric aerosols are a hot topic in global science community, and radiative
properties of the aerosols are one of the important parameters in assessing climatic change. Here we studied the black carbon
concentration and absorption coefficient measured with aethalometers, scattering coefficient measured with nephelometers,
and single scattering albedo derived at an atmospheric composition watch station in Guangzhou from 2004 to 2007. Our main
results are as follows. The data of black carbon concentration and absorption coefficients measured with instruments cannot
be directly used until they are measured in parallel with internationally accepted instruments for comparison, calibration,
and reduction. After evaluation of the data, the result shows that the monthly mean of BC concentration varies 3.1–14.8 μg·m−3 and the concentration decreases by about 1 μg·m−3 in average over the four years; It is higher in the dry season with a multi-year mean of 8.9 μg/m3 and lower in the rainy season with a multi-year mean of 8.0 μg·m−3; The extreme maximum of monthly mean concentration occurred in December 2004 and extreme minimum in July 2007, and a 4-year
mean is 8.4 μg·m−3. It is also shown that monthly mean scattering coefficient derived varies 129 −565 Mm−1, monthly mean absorption coefficient 32–139 Mm−1, and monthly mean single scattering albedo 0.71–0.91, with annual mean values of 0.80, 0.82, 0.79 and 0.84 for 2004, 2005,
2006 and 2007, respectively. Three instruments were used to take simultaneous measurements of BC in PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 and the results showed that PM2.5 took up about 90% of PM10 and PM1 accounted for about 68% of PM2.5, and BC aerosols are mainly present in fine particulates. The variability of BC concentrations is quite consistent between
the Nancun station (141 m above sea level) and the Panyu station (13 m above sea level), which are 8 km apart from each other.
The concentration in higher altitude station (Panyu) is consistently lower than the lower altitude station (Nancun), and the
difference of annual mean is about 4 μg·m−3.
Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U0733004, 40375002, 40418008, 40775011), National High Technology
R & D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006AA06A306 and 2006AA06A308) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.
2005CB422207) 相似文献
The two leading modes of winter surface air temperature(SAT) over China during 1961–2017 are a spatially consistent pattern and a north-south dipole pattern. Based on the two leading modes, the characteristics of the extreme cold and warm days in the two patterns, defined by the standard deviation larger than 1.28 or smaller than-1.28 in the time series of the two leading modes, are analyzed. With the increase of winter SAT during 1961–2017, the number of spatially consistent extreme cold days decreased and their occurrence was restricted to late December to early January, whereas the number of spatially consistent extreme warm days increased significantly in January and February. Global warming is associated with an increase in the spatially consistent extreme warm days and a decrease in spatially consistent extreme cold days, but has little relation to the sum of extreme cold and warm days of either the spatially consistent or north-south dipole pattern. The Siberian High(SH) is the main factor controlling the sum of spatially consistent extreme warm and cold days. The strong(weak) SH before(after) the1990 s corresponds to an increase(decrease) in the sum of the spatially consistent extreme warm and cold days. The occurrences of extreme south-cold-north-warm and extreme south-warm-north-cold days are related to the north-south difference of the SH.When the center of the SH is in mid-high latitudes, the extreme south-warm-north-cold(south-cold-north-warm) days occur more(less) often. During the winters of 1961–2017, the total number of extreme cold and warm days of the north-south dipole pattern changes negligibly. The North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) may be the main factor affecting the sum of the extreme cold and warm days of the two types of SAT pattern in China. 相似文献
The application of the weighted and unweighted least-squares method to the analysis of the individual concentrations of short-lived radon daughters in the open atmosphere, where, unlike in the mines the levels are low, is discussed. The method can be optimized to give minimum counting errors by proper choice of collection times and counting periods. By analysing a large number of samples it is shown that the least squares method gives better accuracy than the simultaneous equations method generally in use. The calculation can be simplified by using the unweighted least-squares analysis without significant loss in accuracy. The levels of RaA, RaB and RaC in surface air at Bombay during the period January-June 1975, calculated using the least-square method, are presented. The activity ratios of RaC/RaB are shown to have an average value around 0.6–0.9 even at 18 m height. The RaB/RaA activity ratios however show a much larger scatter than the RaC/RaB values. The possible reasons for these differences are discussed. The application of the least-squares method to the analysis of Th-B and Th-C is also described. 相似文献
J. M. C. Plane 《Annales Geophysicae》2000,18(7):807-814
It is proposed that a component of meteoric smoke, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), provides particularly effective condensation nuclei for noctilucent clouds. This assertion is based on three conditions being met. The first is that NaHCO3 is present at sufficient concentration (104 cm–3) in the upper mesosphere between 80 and 90 km. It is demonstrated that there is strong evidence for this based on recent laboratory measurements coupled with atmospheric modelling. The second condition is that the thermodynamics of NaHCO3(H2O)n cluster formation allow spontaneous nucleation to occur under mesospheric conditions at temperatures below 140 K. The Gibbs free energy changes for forming clusters with n = 1 and 2 were computed from quantum calculations using hybrid density functional/Hartree-Fock (B3LYP) theory and a large basis set with added polarization and diffuse functions. The results were then extrapolated to higher n using an established dependence of the free energy on cluster size and the free energy for the sublimation of H2O to bulk ice. A 1-dimensional model of sodium chemistry was then employed to show that spontaneous nucleation to form ice particles (n > 100) should occur between 84 and 89 km in the high-latitude summer mesosphere. The third condition is that other metallic components of meteoric smoke are less effective condensation nuclei, so that the total number of potential nuclei is small relative to the amount of available H2O. Quantum calculations indicate that this is probably the case for major constituents such as Fe(OH)2, FeO3 and MgCO3. 相似文献
L. Menut R. Vautard C. Flamant C. Abonnel M. Beekmann P. Chazette P. H. Flamant D. Gombert D. Guédalia D. Kley M. P. Lefebvre B. Lossec D. Martin G. Mégie P. Perros M. Sicard G. Toupance 《Annales Geophysicae》2000,18(11):1467-1481
The Étude et Simulation de la QUalité de lair en Ile de France (ESQUIF) project is the first integrated project dedicated to the study of the processes leading to air pollution events over the Paris area. The project was carried out over two years (summer 1998 to winter 2000) to document all types of meteorological conditions favourable to air quality degradation, and in particular to photo oxydant formation. The goals of ESQUIF are (1) to improve our understanding of the relevant chemical and dynamical processes and, in turn, improve their parametrizations in numerical models, and (2) to improve and validate existing models dedicated to pollution analysis, scenarios and/or forecasting, by establishing a comprehensive and thorough database. We present the rationale of the ESQUIF project and we describe the experimental set-up. We also report on the first experiments which took place during the summer of 1998 involving surface networks, and remote sensing instruments as well as several aircraft. Focusing on three days of August 1998, the relative contributions of long-range transported and locally-produced ozone to the elevated ozone concentrations observed during this period are discussed and chemistry-transport model preliminary results on this period are compared to measurements. 相似文献
Spatio-temporal patterns of throughfall and solute deposition in an open tropical rain forest 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Alexander Zimmermann Sonja Germer Christopher Neill Alex V. Krusche Helmut Elsenbeer 《Journal of Hydrology》2008,360(1-4):87-102
The brief interaction of precipitation with a forest canopy can create a high spatial variability of both throughfall and solute deposition. We hypothesized that (i) the variability in natural forest systems is high but depends on system-inherent stability, (ii) the spatial variability of solute deposition shows seasonal dynamics depending on the increase in rainfall frequency, and (iii) spatial patterns persist only in the short-term. The study area in the north-western Brazilian state of Rondônia is subject to a climate with a distinct wet and dry season. We collected rain and throughfall on an event basis during the early wet season (n = 14) and peak of the wet season (n = 14) and analyzed the samples for pH and concentrations of , Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, , and DOC. The coefficient of variation for throughfall based on both sampling intervals was 29%, which is at the lower end of values reported from other tropical forest sites, but which is higher than in most temperate forests. Coefficients of variation of solute deposition ranged from 29% to 52%. This heterogeneity of solute deposition is neither particularly high nor particularly low compared with a range of tropical and temperate forest ecosystems. We observed an increase in solute deposition variability with the progressing wet season, which was explained by a negative correlation between heterogeneity of solute deposition and antecedent dry period. The temporal stability of throughfall patterns was low during the early wet season, but gained in stability as the wet season progressed. We suggest that rapid plant growth at the beginning of the rainy season is responsible for the lower stability, whereas less vegetative activity during the later rainy season might favor the higher persistence of “hot” and “cold” spots of throughfall quantities. The relatively high stability of throughfall patterns during later stages of the wet season may influence processes at the forest floor and in the soil. Solute deposition patterns showed less clear trends but all patterns displayed a short-term stability only. The weak stability of those patterns is apt to impede the formation of solute deposition-induced biochemical microhabitats in the soil. 相似文献
The warming over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) is very significant during last 30 years,but the thermal forcing has been weakened.The thermal weakening is attributed mainly to the enhancement of the TOA(top of atmosphere) outgoing radiation.This enhancement is opposite to the greenhouse-gas-induced weakening of the global mean TOA outgoing radiation and is also unable to be explained by the observed decrease of total cloud cover.This study presents the importance of cloud height change and the warming over the TP in modulating the TOA radiation budget and thus the thermal forcing during spring and summer.On the basis of surface observations and satellite radiation data,we found that both the TOA outgoing shortwave radiation and longwave radiation were enhanced during this period.The former enhancement is due mainly to the increase of low-level cloud cover,which has a strong reflection to shortwave radiation,especially in summer.The latter enhancement is caused mainly by the planetary warming,and it is further enhanced by the decrease of total cloud cover in spring,as clouds extinguish outgoing longwave radiation emitted from the land surface.Therefore,the radiative cooling enhancement and thus the thermal weakening over the TP is a response of the earth-atmosphere system to the unique change of cloud cover configuration and the rapid warming of the land surface.However,these trends in cloud cover and TOA outgoing radiation are not well represented in four reanalyses. 相似文献
Two years of eddy covariance measurements of above- and below-canopy carbon fluxes and static opaque chamber and gas chromatography technique measurements of soil respiration for three treatments (bare soil, soil litterfall, soil litterfall seedling) were carried out in a tropical seasonal rain forest. In addition, data of photosynthesis of dominant tree species and seedlings, leaf area index, litter production and decomposing speed, soil moisture, soil temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density within the forest were all measured concurrently. Data from January 2003 to December 2004 are used to present annual variability of carbon flux and relationships between carbon flux and impact factors. The results show that carbon flux of this forest presented unusual tendency of annual variation; above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the dry season (November-April) and mainly positive in the rainy season, but overall the forest is a carbon sink. Carbon flux has obviously diurnal variation in this tropical seasonal rain forest. Above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the daytime and absolute values were larger in the dry season than that in the rainy season, causing the forest to act as a carbon sink; at night, carbon fluxes were mainly positive, causing the forest to act as a carbon source. Dominant tree species have greater photosynthesis capability than that of seedlings, which have a great effect on above-canopy carbon flux. There was a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of tree species. There was also a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of seedlings; however, the below-canopy carbon flux was only significantly correlated with rate of photosynthesis of seedlings during the hot-dry season. Soil respiration of the three treatments displayed a markedly seasonal dynamic; in addition, above-canopy carbon fluxes correlated well with soil respiration, litterfall production, litterfall decomposition rate, precipitation, and soil moisture and temperature. A primary statistical result of this study showed that above-canopy carbon flux in this forest presented carbon source or sink effects in different seasons, and it is a carbon sink at the scale of a year. 相似文献
Daily sea level variability in the Adriatic Sea is studied from different data sets using Empirical Orthogonal Functions, in connection with atmospheric pressure and wind stress. The first mode explains 56–69% of total variance and consists of uniform sea level variability all over the basin, correlated with atmospheric pressure through the inverse barometer effect. The second mode explains 13–16% of variance and accounts for an along-basin sea level gradient, which is correlated with the meridional wind stress component. The first two Principal Components are used as proxies to pressure- and wind-induced components of storm surges in the northern Adriatic. The analysis of the frequency of the most intense events in the 1957–2005 period shows that the wind contribution to storm surges has decreased, while no significant trends are found in the contribution of atmospheric pressure. 相似文献
Impact of salt stress on the features and activities of root system for three desert halophyte species in their seedling stage 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Linkage between belowground and aboveground sections of ecological system is mainly depending on root system. But root system is the parts of plant that people less understand. The absorption function of root system is closely related to their morphology and activity. Moreover root system can interact with the environmental stress under the adverse situation, and adjust its system to take adaptation responses in morphology and physiology to strengthen its survival chance. This research is focused on three desert halophyte species of H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge., S. physophora Pall., and S. nitraria Pall. under solution culture, to study the differences of their root system morphology and activity in the seedling stage under varying salt concentration conditions. The study results show that: A certain salt concentration can promote development of these three halophytes; but rather high salt concentration will restrain their growth, in particular inhibit the root system development. Under the same salt concentration condition, S. nitraria Pall. grows fast and accumulates the largest amount of biomass. Under relatively low salt concentration, the length of axial root and the total length of root system of these three halophyte species are all increased; and compared to the checking samples, S. physophora Pall. occupies the top place of root system growth, but the high salt concentration will restrain the increase of total root length; among them, the impact intensity on S. physophora Pall. is lighter than to H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. and S. nitraria Pall. is lighter; the salinity does not bring distinct influence on the average diameter of root system of these three plant species, but trends to reducing the size; under the solution culture conditions, the middle and lower parts of the axial root of H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. and S. physophora Pall. are rather equally distributed, but the central zone of S. nitraria Pall. root system is more significantly increased than the upper and lower zones; salt concentration does not bring significant impact on the root system spatial distribution of each species. The root activity of the three plants is increased along with the increase of the salt concentration. When the salt concentration is low, the root activity is not significantly increased; but when the salt concentration is high, the root activity is increased significantly. The experimental results show that the saline tolerance capacity of H. ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bge. is lower than the other two species, and the capacity of S. physophora Pall. ranks the top place. 相似文献
Streamwatcr chemistry was monitored for five years in six streams in a paired catchment experiment in Mendolong, Sabah, Malaysia, including controls in rain forest and secondary vegetation after the [Borneo fire] of 1982–3 and comparing the effects of different ways of establishing forest plantations with Acacia mangium. Three catchments were covered with selectively logged lowland hill dipterocarp forest (W4-W6) and three (W1-W3) with secondary vegetation after forest fires. The control catchments, W3 and W6 reported in this paper, had no treatments applied. Reference monitoring at all streams was for 25 months and the total period of study reported here is 64 months. The soils in the catchments were mainly Orthic Acrisol in W3 and Gleyic Podsol in W6 and a mix of both soil types in the other catchments. Element baseflow concentrations were generally low and not significantly different from stormflow concentrations for all streams during the reference period. Concentrations were also generally consistently low for the two control streams during the whole period of measurement. Chemical inputs as wet deposition were low as a result of a high input from local convection. The rain forest on the Podsol had a tight nutrient circulation indicated by small net losses of macronutrients. The Podsol was found to have poorer conditions for soil mineralization and more surficial runoff, resulting in higher loads of S, C and N in the organic phases, with higher organic C/N ratio, in the discharge. Nitrogen was found to accumulate in both catchments. An almost double accumulation of N in W3 was attributed to a larger biomass accumulation continuing after the forest fire 3–8 years earlier. On the other hand, the Acrisol in W3 had much larger net losses of S, Si, K, Ca, Mg and Na. Most of differences could be attributed to differences in weathering between the soils and local mineralogical differences. 相似文献
Ricardo M. Llamas Roberto Bonifaz Mauro Valdés David Riveros-Rosas Amando LeyvaContreras 《Geofísica Internacional》2013,52(4):321-341
The purpose of this paper was to study aerosol particles in the Northwestern region of Mexico (NWM) through Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) parameter in the atmosphere. This parameter represents one of the extinction coefficients of solar radiation and the rate of suspended particles in the atmosphere. For determination of AOT, we considered the use of remote sensors outside of the atmosphere. In particular, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) which can measure the atmospheric AOT thickness. Data from the MODIS sensor must be validated before they are considered reliable. For this task, we required surface measurements to obtain a correlation with the data acquired with the remote radiometer. The paper describes the validation process performed for data obtained with MODIS through measurements provided by an AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) photometer located in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, NWM. Additionally, we carried out a temporal analysis based on the behavior of the AOT graphics and spatial analysis supported in maps with sufficient information. 相似文献
Radan Huth Lucie Pokorn Josef Bochní
ek Pavel Hejda 《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2009,71(13):1471-1483
We examine joint effects of the solar activity and phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on modes of low-frequency variability of tropospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere in winter. The winter months (December–March) are stratified by the solar activity into two (below/above median) classes, and each of these classes is subdivided by the QBO phase (west or east). The variability modes are determined by rotated principal component analysis of 500 hPa heights separately in each class of solar activity and QBO phase. Detected are all the modes known to exist in the Northern Hemisphere. The solar activity and QBO jointly affect the shapes, spatial extent, and intensity of the modes; the QBO effects are, however, generally weaker than those of solar activity. For both solar maxima and minima, there is a tendency to the east/west phase of QBO to be accompanied by a lower/higher activity of zonally oriented modes and increased meridionality/zonality of circulation. This means that typical characteristics of circulation under solar minima, including a more meridional appearance of the modes and less activity of zonal modes, are strengthened during QBO-E; on the other hand, circulation characteristics typical of solar maxima, such as enhanced zonality of the modes and more active zonal modes, are more pronounced during QBO-W. Furthermore, the zonal modes in the Euro-Atlantic and Asian sectors (North Atlantic Oscillation, East Atlantic pattern, and North Asian pattern) shift southwards in QBO-E, the shift being stronger in solar maxima. 相似文献
The role of time and aggregate size in the crusting process 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Farres 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1978,3(3):243-254
One of the fundamental mechanisms operative during pre-overland flow soil erosion is crusting. The form of the crust, its relationship to infiltration, have been described by earlier workers. But the way in which a crust forms and develops through a single storm has not been considered. A set of controlled laboratory experiments were undertaken to look at this. In these experiments a constant rainfall intensity was used, and supplied by a rainfall simulator, the soil was held constant throughout the experiments. The areal development through a single storm event was looked at by means of time sequence air photographs, and the vertical development by the study of time sequence thin sections. The results show how crust formation may be regarded as a discrete rapid event with respect to time. The rapid development moves towards an equilibrium state prior to the initiation of overland flow. A model of the mechanisms of crust development is also formulated. 相似文献
利用强震组增益P、强震组效能R和强震组分布变异值S等3种指标,对安徽省1300年以来地震成组活动的客观性进行了检验,结果显示,该区不同时段、不同震级的地震活动呈现不同的特征和分布类型;同时,用b值方法分析了目前地震活动状态;在此基础上,应用泊松模型对未来地震趋势进行了概率预测。 相似文献
Bulk transfer coefficients of the atmospheric momentum and sensible heat over desert and Gobi in arid climate region of Northwest China 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
By utilizing the data of the intensive observation period (May-June, 2000) of Dunhuang land-surface process field experiment that belongs to "Land-atmosphere Interactive Field Experiment over Arid Region of Northwest China", the bulk momentum transfer coefficient Cd and bulk sensible heat transfer coefficient Ch between surface and atmosphere over desert and Gobi in the arid region are determined according to three different methods. The result shows that, though these bulk transfer coefficients are different, they are in the same order. Especially, the means of Cd and Ch are close. Moreover, through analyzing the wind direction, the interference of the building near the observational station with the data is eliminated. From this, the relation between the bulk transfer coefficients and the bulk Richardson number and the range of the typical values of the bulk transfer coefficients over desert and Gobi in the typical arid region are obtained. 相似文献
Heating status of the Tibetan Plateau from April to June and rainfall and atmospheric circulation anomaly over East Asia in midsummer 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
DUAN Anmin LIU Yimin & WU Guoxiong State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(2):250-257
Based on the 1958-1999 monthly averaged reanalysis data of the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the rainfall data of 160 Chinese surface stations, the relationship between rainfall and the atmospheric circulation anomaly over East Asia (EA) in July and the sensible heating (SH) over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) from April to June (AMJ) is investigated by using the rotational experimental orthogonal function (REOF) method. The results show that the TP is an isolated heating source in this period. The lagged correlation analysis between the first rotational principal component (RPC) of SH over the TP in May and rainfall of EA in July demonstrates that strong SH over the TP before July leads to a positive rainfall anomaly over the TP, the valley between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and the regions south and southeast of the TP, and the Sichuan Basin and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, but less rainfall anomaly over the regions north, northeas 相似文献
Thermodynamic conditions (first of all, temperature) are the main dynamic factors in the transformation process of ferrous
to ferric iron (TFFI). TFFI usually takes place within a temperature range of 473–843 K (most active at temperatures above
673 K) and does not require presence of the oxidizing agents above 673 K. Analysis of the chemical composition of different
rocks and minerals indicates that only for some sedimentary rocks is the relative content of ferrous iron oxide less than
its value in magnetite, and this value is minimal for oceanic sediments. The relative content of ferrous iron oxide in oceanic
magmatic rocks exceeds this value in continental magmatic rocks and depends on the rate of rock cooling. An investigation
of the role of the titanium oxide content of different rocks on stability of ferrous iron oxide against its transformation
to ferric iron oxide shows that a significant correlation (r = 0.79) does exist between the relative content of ferrous iron oxide and ratio of TiO2/Fe2O3. Temperature within the solar nebula at location of the Earth was within the temperature range of the TFFI. During the Earth
accretion and its early evolution, ferric iron oxide was unstable and most likely did not exist. The first magnetic minerals
containing ferric iron could have appeared only after the Earth’s surface had cooled below ∼843 K. The formation of the first
Algoma-type banded iron formations could be used as a marker of the Earth’s surface cooling below ∼843 K. 相似文献