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We utilize experimental data collected in 2002 over an open field in Hanford, Washington, USA, to investigate the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget in the atmospheric surface layer. The von Kármán constant was determined from the near-neutral wind profiles to be 0.36 ± 0.02 rather than the classical value of 0.4. The TKE budget was normalized and all terms were parameterized as functions of a stability parameter z/L, where z is the distance from the ground and L is the Obukhov length. The shear production followed the Businger–Dyer relation for −2 < z/L < 1. Contrary to the traditional Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), the shear, buoyancy and dissipation terms were found to be imbalanced due to a non-zero vertical transport over all stabilities. Motivated by this local imbalance, modified parameterizations of the dissipation and the turbulent transport were attempted and generated good agreement with the experimental data. Assuming stationarity and horizontal homogeneity, the pressure transport was estimated from the residual of the TKE budget.  相似文献   

We present a new account of the kinetic energy budget within an unstable atmospheric surface layer (ASL) beneath a convective outer layer. It is based on the structural model of turbulence introduced by McNaughton (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112: 199–221, 2004). In this model the turbulence is described as a self-organizing system with a highly organized structure that resists change by instability. This system is driven from above, with both the mean motion and the large-scale convective motions of the outer layer creating shear across the surface layer. The outer convective motions thus modulate the turbulence processes in the surface layer, causing variable downwards fluxes of momentum and kinetic energy. The variable components of the momentum flux sum to zero, but the associated energy divergence is cumulative, increasing both the average kinetic energy of the turbulence in the surface layer and the rate at which that energy is dissipated. The tendency of buoyancy to preferentially enhance the vertical motions is opposed by pressure reaction forces, so pressure production, which is the work done against these reaction forces, exactly equals buoyant production of kinetic energy. The pressure potential energy that is produced is then redistributed throughout the layer through many conversions, back and forth, between pressure potential and kinetic energy with zero sums. These exchanges generally increase the kinetic energy of the turbulence, the rate at which turbulence transfers momentum and the rate at which it dissipates energy, but does not alter its overall structure. In this model the velocity scale for turbulent transport processes in the surface layer is (kzɛ)1/3 rather than the friction velocity, u*. Here k is the von Kármán constant, z is observation height, ɛ is the dissipation rate. The model agrees very well with published experimental results, and provides the foundation for the new similarity model of the unstable ASL, replacing the older Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, whose assumptions are no longer tenable.  相似文献   

Modification of a turbulent flow due to a change from a smooth to a rough surface has been studied by means of a stream function-vorticity model. Results of four models of eddy viscosity (or turbulent exchange coefficient) K mhave been compared. The models are: (1) K m = l2S, where l is the mixing length and S is the deformation of mean flow; (2) K m E/S, which is based on the assumption that turbulent momentum flux is proportional to turbulent kinetic energy E; (3) K m lE1/2, the so called Prandtl-Kolmogoroff approach; and (4) K m E2/, the E — closure, where is the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy.It is found that net-production, i.e., the difference of production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy counteracts the influence of mean shear on turbulent shear stress and diminishes turbulent shear stress. The reduction of mixing-length, being predicted by Model 4 only, adds to this attenuation. As a consequence, in Models 2 and 4, loss of horizontal mean momentum is concentrated close to the ground, which results in an inflexion point in the logarithmic, vertical profile of horizontal mean velocity. By contrast, in Models 1 and 3, modification of turbulent shear stress reaches larger heights causing deeper internal boundary layers. Concerning the existence of an inflexion point in U(lnz), the depth of the internal boundary layer for mean velocity, and the modification of bottom shear stress, Model 4 comes closest to experimental data.A remarkable difference of Models 1, 2, 3 and Model 4 is that only Model 4 predicts a very slow relaxation of eddy viscosity which can be attributed to the reduction of mixing-length.  相似文献   

Towards Closing the Surface Energy Budget of a Mid-latitude Grassland   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Observations for May and August, 2005, from a long-term grassland meteorological station situated in central Netherlands were used to evaluate the closure of the surface energy budget. We compute all possible enthalpy changes, such as the grass cover heat storage, dew water heat storage, air mass heat storage and the photosynthesis energy flux, over an averaging time interval. In addition, the soil heat flux was estimated using a harmonic analysis technique to obtain a more accurate assessment of the surface soil heat flux. By doing so, a closure of 96% was obtained. The harmonic analysis technique appears to improve closure by 9%, the photosynthesis for 3% and the rest of the storage terms for a 3% improvement of the energy budget closure. For calm nights (friction velocity u * < 0.1 m s−1) when the eddy covariance technique is unreliable for measurement of the vertical turbulent fluxes, the inclusion of a scheme that calculates dew fluxes improves the energy budget closure significantly.  相似文献   

The pre-melt energy budget of a snowpack on landfast first-year sea ice at a remote site in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago was analyzed. Over a 19-day period, the total heat conducted into the snowpack at the snow–sea-ice interface was the largest single energy transfer to the snowpack, while each of the turbulent heat fluxes removed comparable amounts of energy. The total energy transferred from the snowpack (∑Q?≈??7027?kJ?m?2) should have reduced its temperature; however, the opposite occurred. The snowpack’s temperature at both the 7 and 13?cm depths increased over the pre-melt period. The total change in internal energy and latent heat of the snowpack (ΔUsnowpack), derived from 15-minute changes in the snowpack’s temperature over the pre-melt period, was approximately 672?kJ?m?2. Closure of the energy budget was not achieved for either the daily or the total pre-melt period. The terms of the energy budget were determined independently; thus, the failure to close the energy budget was the result of the accumulation of errors associated with all the terms. However, for snow on first-year sea ice, the parameterization of the salinity and temperature dependence of the “specific heat” of the basal layer of the snowpack was likely the primary source of error. The snowpack plays a central role in the transfer of energy across the ocean–sea-ice–atmosphere interface, but an adequate method for modelling the evolution of snow on Arctic sea ice including the energy budget, which determines the warming rate and subsequent melt rate of the snow, has yet to be developed.  相似文献   

Observations of the dependence of the dimensionless wind speed gradient fm{\phi_m} as a function of the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter z/L o under strong stability diverge from results of large-eddy simulation (LES) modelling. A kinetic energy budget analysis indicates that it is likely caused by violations of the assumptions of stationarity and/or homogeneity of turbulence in the field experiments rather than in imperfections of the LES. This confirms the validity of the widely used linear approximation for fm{\phi_m} not only at weak to moderate stability, but also under strong stability. The new interpretation of the linear approximation of fm{\phi_m} is given in terms of turbulent scales, which gives hope for its applicability to the free atmosphere as well.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical and observational investigations have shown that vertical plumes are formed in the high Rayleigh number convection field over heated horizontal surfaces and that these plumes become unsteady and turbulent when the Rayleigh number is higher than about 20 times its critical value R c. Based on these results, we conclude that the dissipation of kinetic energy takes place mainly in the surface boundary layer in high Rayleigh number laminar convection and mainly in the vertical plumes in turbulent convection, while the conversion of eddy potential energy into kinetic energy is accomplished mainly in the well-mixed main body of the fluid. On making use of these rather general conclusions concerning the kinetic energy generation and dissipation processes in the energy integrals, we are able to derive the well known 5/4 and 4/3 power laws of upward heat transfer by laminar and turbulent convections theoretically.  相似文献   

We estimated the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate for thirty-two 1-h intervals of unstable stratification covering the stability range 0.12 ≤ −z/L ≤ 43 (z/L is the ratio of instrument height to the Obukhov length), by fitting Kolmogorov’s inertial subrange spectrum to streamwise spectra observed over a desert flat. Estimated values are compatible with the existence of local equilibrium, in that the TKE dissipation rate approximately equalled the sum of shear and buoyant production rates. Only in the neutral limit was the turbulent transport term in the TKE budget measured to be small.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the nature of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in a steep and narrow Alpine valley under fair-weather summertime conditions. The Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland was chosen for a detailed case study, in which the evaluation of aircraft data (obtained from the MAP-Riviera field campaign) is combined with the application of high-resolution (350-m horizontal grid spacing) large-eddy simulations using the numerical model ARPS. The simulations verify what has already been observed on the basis of measurements: TKE profiles scale surprisingly well if the convective velocity scale w * is obtained from the sun-exposed eastern slope rather than from the surface directly beneath the profiles considered. ARPS is then used to evaluate the TKE-budget equation, showing that, despite sunny conditions, wind shear is the dominant production mechanism. Therefore, the surface heat flux (and thus w *) on the eastern slope does not determine the TKE evolution directly but rather, as we believe, indirectly via the interaction of thermally-driven cross-valley and along-valley flows. Excellent correlation between w * and the up-valley wind speed solidifies this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The adjustment of the boundary layer immediately downstream froma coastline is examined based on two levels of eddy correlation data collected on a mast at the shore and six levels of eddy correlation data and profiles of mean variables collected from a mast 2 km offshore during the Risø Air-Sea Experiment. The characteristics of offshore flow are studied in terms of case studies and inter-variable relationships for the entire one-month data set. A turbulent kinetic energy budget is constructed for each case study.The buoyancy generation of turbulence is small compared to shear generation and dissipation. However, weakly stable and weakly unstable cases exhibit completely different vertical structure. With flow of warm air from land over cooler water, modest buoyancy destruction of turbulence and reduced shear generation of turbulence over the less rough sea surface cause the turbulence to rapidly weaken downstream from the coast. The reduction of downward mixing of momentum by the stratification leads to smaller roughness lengths compared to the unstable case. Shear generation at higher levels and advection of stronger turbulence from land often lead to an increase of stress and turbulence energy with height and downward transport of turbulence energy toward the surface.With flow of cool air over a warmer sea surface, a convective internal boundary layer develops downstream from the coast. An overlying relatively thick layer of downward buoyancy flux (virtual temperature flux) is sometimes maintained by shear generation in the accelerating offshore flow.  相似文献   

A wind-tunnel experiment was designed and carried out to study the effect of a surface roughness transition on subfilter-scale (SFS) physics in a turbulent boundary layer. Specifically, subfilter-scale stresses are evaluated that require parameterizations and are key to improving the accuracy of large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer. The surface transition considered in this study consists of a sharp change from a rough, wire-mesh covered surface to a smooth surface. The resulting magnitude jump in aerodynamic roughnesses, M = ln(z 01/z 02), where z 01 and z 02 are the upwind and downwind aerodynamic surface roughnesses respectively, is similar to that of past experimental studies in the atmospheric boundary layer. The two-dimensional velocity fields used in this study are measured using particle image velocimetry and are acquired at several positions downwind of the roughness transition as well as over a homogeneous smooth surface. Results show that the SFS stress, resolved strain rate and SFS transfer rate of resolved kinetic energy are dependent on the position within the boundary layer relative to the surface roughness transition. A mismatch is found in the downwind trend of the SFS stress and resolved strain rate with distance from the transition. This difference of behaviour may not be captured by some eddy-viscosity type models that parameterize the SFS stress tensor as proportional to the resolved strain rate tensor. These results can be used as a benchmark to test the ability of existing and new SFS models to capture the spatial variability SFS physics associated with surface roughness heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Computations of the buoyantly unstable Ekman layer are performed at low Reynolds number. The turbulent fields are obtained directly by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations (using the Boussinesq approximation to account for buoyancy effects), and no turbulence model is needed. Two levels of heating are considered, one quite vigorous, the other more moderate. Statistics for the vigorously heated case are found to agree reasonably well with laboratory, field, and large-eddy simulation results, when Deardorff's mixed-layer scaling is used. No indication of large-scale longitudinal roll cells is found in this convection-dominated flow, for which the inversion height to Obukhov length scale ratio –z i /L *=26. However, when heating is more moderate (so that –z i /L *=2), evidence of coherent rolls is present. About 10% of the total turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent heat flux, and 20% of the Reynolds shear stress, are estimated to be a direct consequence of the observed cells.  相似文献   

The boundary layer in the warm sector of a moderately deepening winter cyclone during the Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA) is studied near the cold front. Data from the National Center for Atmospheric Research Electra research aircraft are used to examine mean and turbulence quantities. The aircraft data and supplemental data from ships, drifting buoys and moored buoys reveal an equivalent-barotropic pressure field. The area is found to be dominated by gradients in temperature and in turbulent fluxes, with changes occurring over 100 km horizontally being comparable to changes over 350 m vertically. The horizontal components of the gradients are found to be a maximum in a direction perpendicular to the front. Cross-sections perpendicular to the front are used to illustrate boundary-layer structure. Profiles of wind speed, stress, wind direction and stress direction are estimated from an Ekman model that is modified to take into account the equivalent-barotropic pressure field. Comparison of profiles from the model to the aircraft-measured data show reasonable agreement far from the front (100 km) when the model uses a constant eddy viscosity of approximately 6 kg m–1 s–1. Near the front there is less agreement with the model. Profiles of turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and latent heat are divergent, with along-wind momentum flux negative and decreasing upward, cross-wind momentum flux positive and increasing upward, and heat flux and latent heat flux small, positive and decreasing upward. Far from the front, the turbulent kinetic energy budget shows that dissipation balances shear production. However, near-front behavior has an imbalance at low altitude, with shear production appearing as a TKE sink.  相似文献   

We have conducted large-eddy simulations (LES) of the atmospheric boundary layer with surface heat flux variations on a spatial scale comparable to the boundary layer depth.We first ran a simulation with a horizontally homogeneous heat flux. In general the results are similar to those of previous large-eddy simulations. The model simulates a field of convective eddies having approximately the correct velocity and spatial scales, and with the crucial property that kinetic energy is transported vigorously upwards through the middle levels. However, the resolved temperature variance is only about half what is observed in the laboratory or the atmosphere. This deficiency — which is shared by many other large-eddy simulations — has dynamic implications, particularly in the pressure/temperature interaction terms of the heat flux budget. Recent simulations by other workers at much higher resolution than ours appear to be more realistic in this respect.The surface heat flux perturbations were one-dimensional and sinusoidal with a wavelength equal to 1.3 times the boundary-layer depth. The mean wind was zero. Results were averaged over several simulations and over time. There is a mean circulation, with ascent over the heat flux maxima (vertical velocity ~0.1w *) and descent over the heat flux minima. Turbulence is consistently stronger over the heat flux maxima. The horizontal velocity variance components (calculated with respect to the horizontal average) become unequal, implying that convective eddies are elongated parallel to the surface heat flux perturbations.A consideration of the budgets for temperature and velocity suggests several simplifying concepts.The research reported in this paper was conducted while the first author was on study leave at Colorado State University.  相似文献   

The mean structure within the internal boundary layer (IBL) near the shore, which develop from the coast in the presence of a sea breeze, has been described in Part I of this study (Ogawa and Ohara, 1984). This paper presents the results of the similarity and energy budget analysis for the purpose of parameterization of the turbulent structure within the IBL. The analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy balance, turbulent intensities and spectra show that the wind is strongly affected by mechanical turbulence in comparison with the past results in a fully developed convective layer where thermal convection dominated. The standard deviations of the wind velocities normalized by the friction velocity u * (surface-layer scaling parameter) are functions only of the normalized height z/Z i within 160 m of the shoreline, where Z i is the IBL. On the other hand, the standard deviations of temperature normalized by * (mixing-layer scaling parameter) have less scatter with distance than those normalized by T * (surface-layer scaling parameter). The data showed that both u * (not a mixed-layer parameter), and Z i (not a surface-layer parameter) are necessary to describe the turbulent characteristics of the IBL near the shore.Deceased March, 1984.  相似文献   

The output of a large-eddy simulation was used to study the terms ofthe turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget for the air layers above andwithin a forest. The computation created a three-dimensional,time-dependent simulation of the airflow, in which the lowest third ofthe domain was occupied by drag elements and heat sources to representthe forest. Shear production was a principal source of TKE in theupper canopy, diminishing gradually above tree-top height and moresharply with depth in the canopy. The transfer of energy to subgridscales (dissipation) was the main sink in the upper part of the domainbut diminished rapidly with depth in the canopy. Removal ofresolved-scale TKE due to canopy drag was extremely important,occurring primarily in the upper half of the forest where the foliagedensity was large. Turbulent transport showed a loss at the canopytop and a gain within the canopy. These general features have beenfound elsewhere but uncertainty remains concerning the effects ofpressure transport. In the present work, pressure was calculateddirectly, allowing us to compute the pressure diffusion term. Wellabove the canopy, pressure transport was smaller than, and opposite insign to, the turbulent transport term. Near the canopy top andbelow, pressure transport acted in concert with turbulent transport toexport TKE from the region immediately above and within the uppercrown, and to provide turbulent energy for the lower parts of theforest. In combination, the transport terms accounted for over half ofthe TKE loss near the canopy top, and in the lowest two-thirds of thecanopy the transport terms were the dominant source terms in thebudget. Moreover, the pressure transport was the largest source ofturbulent kinetic energy in the lowest levels of the canopy, beingparticularly strong under convective conditions. These resultsindicate that pressure transport is important in the plant canopyturbulent kinetic energy budget, especially in the lowest portion ofthe stand, where it acts as the major driving force for turbulentmotions.  相似文献   

This is the first of a series of three papers describing experiments on the dispersion of trace heat from elevated line and plane sources within a model plant canopy in a wind tunnel. Here we consider the wind field and turbulence structure. The model canopy consisted of bluff elements 60 mm high and 10 mm wide in a diamond array with frontal area index 0.23; streamwise and vertical velocity components were measured with a special three-hot-wire anemometer designed for optimum performance in flows of high turbulence intensity. We found that:
  1. The momentum flux due to spatial correlations between time-averaged streamwise and vertical velocity components (the dispersive flux) was negligible, at heights near and above the top of the canopy.
  2. In the turbulent energy budget, turbulent transport was a major loss (of about one-third of local production) near the top of the canopy, and was the principal gain mechanism lower down. Wake production was greater than shear production throughout the canopy. Pressure transport just above the canopy, inferred by difference, appeared to be a gain in approximate balance with the turbulent transport loss.
  3. In the shear stress budget, wake production was negligible. The role of turbulent transport was equivalent to that in the turbulent energy budget, though smaller.
  4. Velocity spectra above and within the canopy showed the dominance of large eddies occupying much of the boundary layer and moving downstream with a height-independent convection velocity. Within the canopy, much of the vertical but relatively little of the streamwise variance occurred at frequencies characteristic of wake turbulence.
  5. Quadrant analysis of the shear stress showed only a slight excess of sweeps over ejections near the top of the canopy, in contrast with previous studies. This is a result of improved measurement techniques; it suggests some reappraisal of inferences previously drawn from quadrant analysis.

The surface energy budget is closely related to freeze-thaw processes and is also a key issue for land surface process research in permafrost regions.In this study,in situ data collected from 2005 to 2015 at the Tanggula site were used to analyze surface energy regimes,the interaction between surface energy budget and freeze-thaw processes.The results confirmed that surface energy flux in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau exhibited obvious seasonal variations.Annual average net radiation(Rn)for 2010 was 86.5 W m-2,with the largest being in July and smallest in November.Surface soil heat flux(G0)was positive during warm seasons but negative in cold seasons with annual average value of 2.7 W m-2.Variations in Rn and G0 were closely related to freeze-thaw processes.Sensible heat flux(H)was the main energy budget component during cold seasons,whereas latent heat flux(LE)dominated surface energy distribution in warm seasons.Freeze-thaw processes,snow cover,precipitation,and surface conditions were important influence factors for surface energy flux.Albedo was strongly dependent on soil moisture content and ground surface state,increasing significantly when land surface was covered with deep snow,and exhibited negative correlation with surface soil moisture content.Energy variation was significantly related to active layer thaw depth.Soil heat balance coefficient K was>1 during the investigation time period,indicating the permafrost in the Tanggula area tended to degrade.  相似文献   

The spectral equations of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance have been solved by using Onsager's energy cascade model and by extending Onsager's model to closure of terms that embody the interaction of turbulent and mean flow.The spectral model yields the following results: In a stably stratified shear flow, the peak wave numbers of the spectra of energy and temperature variance shift toward larger wave numbers as stability increases. In an unstably stratified flow, the peak wave numbers of energy spectra move toward smaller wave numbers as instability increases, whereas the opposite trend is observed for the peak wave numbers of temperature variance spectra. Hence, the peak wave numbers of temperature spectra show a discontinuity at the transition from stable to unstable stratification. At near neutral stratification, both spectra reveal a bimodal structure.The universal functions of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory are predicted to behave as m ~ H ~ (- Z/L)-1/3 in an extremely unstable stratification and as m ~ H ~ z/L in an extremely stable stratification. For a stably stratified flow, a constant turbulent Prandtl number is expected.  相似文献   

The influence of an idealized moving wavy surface on the overlying airflow is investigated using direct numerical simulations (DNS). In the present simulations, the bulk Reynolds number is Re = 8000 (; where U0 is the forcing velocity of the flow, h the height of the domain and v the kinematic viscosity) and the phase speed of the imposed waves relative to the friction velocity, i.e., the wave age varies from very slow to fast waves. The wave signal is clearly present in the airflow up to at least 0.15λ (where λ is the wave length) and is present up to higher levels for faster waves. In the kinetic energy budgets, pressure transport is mainly of importance for slow waves. For fast waves, viscous transport and turbulent transport dominate near the surface. Kinetic energy budgets for the wave and turbulent perturbations show a non-negligible transport of turbulent kinetic energy directed from turbulence to the wave perturbation in the airflow. The wave-turbulent energy transport depends on the size, tilt, and phase of the wave-induced part of the turbulent Reynolds stresses.According to the DNS data, slow waves are more efficient in generating isotropic turbulence than fast waves.Despite the differences in wave-shape as well as in Reynolds number between the idealized direct numerical simulations and the atmosphere, there are intriguing similarities in the turbulence structure. Important information about the turbulence above waves in the atmosphere can be obtained from DNS—the data must, however, be interpreted with care.  相似文献   

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