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Flow slides may affect the stability of dikes. A flow slide is an instability of a submerged slope caused by liquefaction of loose, (medium) fine sand. Whether a flow slide will occur depends on the properties of the sand, which are a function of its density, and the geometry of the slope, as determined by wave and current induced scour and sedimentation. The influence of sand properties and the geometry parameters on the risk of flow slides are discussed. The application of a flow slide prediction method to an example and a risk analysis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of drag reduction by ribbons attached to cylindrical pipes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study proposes a drag reduction device that uses three ribbons attached 120 degree apart to vertical pipes. Experiments were conducted in a circulating water channel to investigate the effects of the ribbon length and the direction of the flow on various current velocities. Drag on a vertical cylinder was measured by a resistance dynamometer. Flow visualizations were conducted using laser sheet beams. Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) was used to measure the velocity field in the wake. This experiment demonstrates that attached ribbons can be used to reduce the drag force on vertical pipes for various directions of incoming flows. The ribbon-type device is very simple and easy to fabricate for field applications. The results are promising for the application to offshore structures.  相似文献   


Lower Cook Inlet in Alaska has high‐ tidal currents that average 3–4 knots and normally reach a peak of 6–8 knots. The bottom has an average depth of about 60–70 m in the central part of the inlet that deepens toward the south. Several types of bedforms, such as sand waves, dunes, ripples, sand ribbons, and lag deposits form a microtopography on the otherwise smooth seafloor. Each bedform type covers a small field, normally a few hundred to a few thousand meters wide, and usually several kilometers long parallel to the tidal flow. High‐resolution seismic systems, side‐scan sonar and bottom television were used to study these bedforms. Large sand waves with wavelengths over 300 m and wave heights up to 10 m were observed. Fields of ebb‐oriented or flood‐oriented asymmetric bedforms commonly grade into more symmetric shapes. Several orders of smaller sand waves and dunes cover the flanks of the very large bedforms. The crest directions of both size groups are normally parallel, but deviations of up to 90° have been observed; local deviations may occur where smaller forms approach the crests of the larger sand waves. Bottom television observations demonstrated active bedload transport in a northerly direction on crests and midflanks of southward asymmetric large sand waves, but not in their troughs. Movement of bedload occurs in the form of small ripples. Although the asymmetry of the large bedforms suggests that migration has taken place in the ebb or flood directions, the very low surface angles (2.5°‐8°) of these bedforms do not indicate regular movements. The large bedforms are probably relict features, or they migrate only under severe conditions, whereas active sand transport by ripples and smaller sand waves and dunes moves bedload back and forth with the tides. An understanding of such movements is essential for determining design criteria for offshore installations and in benthic‐faunal studies.  相似文献   

The first map of the sea bed morphology and sedimentary features within the RMSTitanic search area is proposed from the interpretation of SAR side-scan sonar images. Downslope sedimentary features such as erosional furrows and crown scarps constitute a 7 km wide instability corridor. A large field (15 km2) of asymmetrical sediment waves indicating a downslope transport is identified. Current-induced features corresponding to associated sand ribbons and barchan dunes resulting from the Western Boundary Undercurrent action are mapped. The morphology of theTitanic Canyon is also precised from the SAR images. Finally, the origin of the sea bed features is discussed in an attempt to link each bed form to a sedimentary process.  相似文献   

Recent deep-towed, high resolution sidescan sonar records and seismic profiles have been collected on the lower Valencia Fan (Northwestern Mediterranean). Three morphological zones, channelled, transition and unchannelled, have been recognized in the Valencia Channel mouth. Sonographs from the transition zone show a progresive transversal gradation from depositional to erosional bedforms. This asymmetry may be due to the lateral inputs of sediment flows from the Rhone deep-sea fan and to the effect of the Coriolis force, which could have diverted the flows to the southwest. Bedforms recorded in the study area include trains of starved ripples and dunes, sand ribbons, and fields of elongated scours. Most morphological features, bedforms and seismic characteristics of the Valencia Channel mouth are typical of channel-lobe transition zones.  相似文献   

Recent deep-towed, high resolution sidescan sonar records and seismic profiles have been collected on the lower Valencia Fan (Northwestern Mediterranean). Three morphological zones, channelled, transition and unchannelled, have been recognized in the Valencia Channel mouth. Sonographs from the transition zone show a progresive transversal gradation from depositional to erosional bedforms. This asymmetry may be due to the lateral inputs of sediment flows from the rhone deep-sea fan and to the effect of the Coriolis force, which could have diverted the flows to the southwest. Bedforms recorded in the study area include trains of starved ripples and dunes, sand ribbons, and fields of elongated scours. Most morphological features, bedforms and seismic characteristics of the Valencia Channel mouth are typical of channel-lobe transition zones.  相似文献   

美国东岸,自纽约长岛经马里兰、新泽西直至弗罗里达基本属于沙坝渴湖岸,岸外的内、外陆架上分布一系列水下沙脊及脊间沙带、沙丘和沙波等次一级底形。按新泽西岸外20-80m水深处35个沙脊的统计,脊长约2~11km,宽约1~4km,长宽比界于2:1~3:1之间,与世界典型沙脊长宽比40:1比较,本区沙脊属于短轴浪控型,脊高约1~3m,或者更高。向NE10°~30°伸展,两坡不对称,上游坡平缓,下游坡较陡,约2.5°~7.0°。按34-48m水深处的“黄金沙脊”上的20余钻孔岩心分析和HC年龄测试,划分沙脊自下而上3层地层:9~11kaBP以前的平原陆相层;9—5kaBP的下部沙脊沙层;5kaBP以来的上部沙脊沙层。上部沙脊层不断向下游SE侧超越迁移,局部定位观测的沙脊迁移率为1~2m/a。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,216(4):275-296
Recent chirp seismic reflection data combined with multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and analysis of grab samples and short cores provide evidence of significant recent erosion on the outer New Jersey shelf. The timing of erosion is constrained by two factors: (1) truncation at the seafloor of what is interpreted to be the transgressive ravinement surface at the base of the surficial sand sheet, and (2) truncation of apparently moribund sand ridges along erosional swales oriented parallel to the primary direction of modern bottom flow and oblique to the strike of the sand ridges. These observations place the erosion in a marine setting, post-dating the passage of the shoreface ravinement and the evolution of sand ridges that form initially in the near shore environment. Also truncated by marine erosion are shallowly buried, fluvial channel systems, formed during the Last Glacial Maximum and filled during the transgression, and a regional reflector “R” that is > ∼ 40 kyr. Depths of erosion range from a few meters to > 10 m. The seafloor within eroded areas is often marked by “ribbon” morphology, seen primarily in the backscatter data as areas of alternating high and low backscatter elongated in the direction of primary bottom flow. Ribbons are more occasionally observed in the bathymetry; where observed, crests exhibit low backscatter and troughs exhibit high backscatter. Sampling reveals that the high backscatter areas of the ribbons consist of a trimodal admixture of mud, sand and shell hash, with a bimodal distribution of abraded and unabraded sand grains and microfauna. The shell hash is interpreted to be an erosional lag, while the muds and unabraded grains are, in this non-depositional environment, evidence of recent erosion at the seafloor of previously undisturbed strata. The lower-backscatter areas of the ribbon morphology were found to be a well-sorted medium sand unit only a few 10's of cm thick overlying the shelly/muddy/sandy material. Concentrations of well-rounded gravels and cobbles were also found in eroded areas with very high backscatter, and at least one of these appears to be derived from the base of an eroded fluvial channel. Seafloor reworking over the transgressive evolution of the shelf appears to have switched from sand ridge evolution, which is documented to ∼ 40 m water depth, to more strictly erosional modification at greater water depths. We suggest that this change may be related to the reduction with water depth in the effectiveness of sediment resuspension by waves. Resuspension is a critical factor in the grain size sorting during transport by bottom currents over large bedforms like sand ridges. Otherwise, we speculate, displacement of sand by unidirectional currents will erode the seafloor.  相似文献   

西地中海加的斯湾、埃布罗湾、巴塞罗那岸外和利翁湾等外陆架和陆坡上部分布大片的砂质水下沙丘、沙带、沙脊以及沙席等砂质底形。沙丘长为150~760m,最长为3km;高一般为0.1~5.0m,最高为20m。背流坡指向SW,丘长与丘高相关斜率为H=0.934L0.006 3,低于1978年世界标准的F氏斜率线;沙脊长为4~24km,宽为1~2.3km,高出海底10~30m。砂层厚约12~30m,其成因与冰消期古岸线相关。以水深350m的直布罗陀海峡为中心,大西洋低盐水团和地中海高盐水团相交换而形成的地中海环流是导致海底砂质底形发育的主要动力,陆架外侧普遍分布的垂岸沟谷及顺谷流也起一定作用。据14C年代测定,大型沙丘沙脊形成于距今13~11ka的冰消期,当时海面波动式趋稳。现代洋流只能在暴风浪期间、底流速较大时才能带动泥沙运动且进行局部修饰、破坏和蚀低原砂质底形。  相似文献   

Whilst foraging in the water column for zooplankton, sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus, are under heavy predation from marine birds and fish. To avoid predation, sand lance bury in the sand when not foraging and during overwintering. We did two experiments to determine whether oil contamination of the sand would reduce the amount of time that sand lance spent buried. In the first experiment (June, 1980) sand lance significantly decreased by 20% the time spent buried in oiled sand (306 ppm). In the second experiment (June, 1981) sand lance did not decrease time spent buried in oiled sand at 28 and 256 ppm but did at 3384 ppm. The higher condition index of the 1981 fish suggested that nutritional state may have influenced how sand lance used the sediment as a refuge and how they responded to contamination of that refuge.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(10):825-843
A newly developed two-phase flow model was applied to simulate the sediment movement under 2nd-order Stokes wave sheetflow conditions with different sediment sizes and wave periods. As for the distribution of eddy viscosity and sediment diffusion coefficient, the difference between onshore and offshore phases was considered by using an equivalent sinusoidal velocity amplitude for the asymmetric velocity profile. Sophisticated comparisons between laboratory measurements [O'Donoghue, T., Wright, S., 2004b. Flow tunnel measurements of velocities and sand flux in oscillatory sheetflow for well-sorted and graded sands. Coast. Eng., 51 (11–12), 1163–1184.] and the present numerical simulation were performed for sediment concentration, sediment velocity, sand flux and net transport rate. Four existing engineering models, together with the present two-phase flow model, were introduced for net transport rate prediction. Taking both the net sand transport rate magnitude and direction into account, the present process-based two-phase flow model provided the best estimations, which can simulate both the onshore net transport for medium/coarse sand cases and offshore net transport for fine sand cases with the agreement by a factor of 2 for almost all the considered cases.  相似文献   

Two morphological orders of ridge and trough topography can be recognized on a terraced segment (at 37 m) of the central New Jersey shelf: (1) a first-order system with ridges to 14 m high, 2–6 km apart, in a Z-shaped pattern trending to the NNE, and (2) a second-order system with ridges 2–5 m high, 0.5-1.5 km apart and trends to the NE.Side-scan mapping together with submersible observations and bottom samples indicate a third-order system of large-scale current lineations which has been imprinted across the first- and second-order systems. The lineations are low relief forms (to 1.5 m high) which occur as elongate zones of textural contrast arranged in furrows, bands, patches and ribbons and display a uniform directional trend to the ENE.The morphology of the lineations appear to vary in response to the nature of the bottom. The lineations are narrow (10–25 m apart) and have no detectable relief in troughs and wider (to 75 m apart) and higher (to 1.5 m high) on ridges, especially second-order ridges of fine sand. Also revealed are wave ripple patterns and a pattern related to the outcropping of Pleistocene/Holocene units in trough bottoms and lower flanks.It is suggested that the first- and second-order systems developed during earlier stages of the Holocene transgression in response to a hydraulic regime of the inner shelf. The first-order system may have inherited some of its morphology from an older system, but did respond to a Holocene tidal regime adjacent to a major estuary. The second-order system developed in slightly deeper water, subsequent to the resumption of the transgression after the 37-m stillstand.The third-order lineations appear to be a response to the helical-flow structure within the flow field of a major shelf storm. Ridges of the central shelf may be maintained by alternate periods of oblique sweeping during storms, resulting in a net transport of fine sand out of the troughs and up on the ridges. Subsequent wave reworking returns the fine sand to the troughs.  相似文献   

Current-generated bedforms were found on sandy seafloor at water depths of 200–400 m on the northern Izu Ridge, where the Kuroshio Current encounters and passes over the ridge. The observed bedforms include large dunes and sand ribbons and are interpreted to be products of present-day oceanographic conditions and to indicate intensive flow activity controlled by local topography. A comparison between the surface flow velocity estimated from empirical relationships for dune formation and the observed flow velocity suggests that the dunes are generated when the main axis of the meandering Kuroshio Current passes through this area, and that subsequent current velocities are sufficiently high to maintain the dunes up to the next event.  相似文献   

TidalbedformsineasternpartoftheBohaiSeaLiuZhenxia,S.Berne,WangKuiyang,T.Marsset,XiaDongxing,TangYuxiang,J.F.Bourillet(Receive...  相似文献   

Near-bed oscillatory flows with acceleration skewness are characteristic of steep and breaking waves in shallow water. In order to isolate the effects of acceleration skewness on sheet flow sand transport, new experiments are carried out in the Aberdeen Oscillatory Flow Tunnel. The experiments have produced a dataset of net transport rates for full-scale oscillatory flows with varying degrees of acceleration skewness and three sand sizes. The new data confirm previous research that net transport in acceleration-skewed flow is non-zero, is always in the direction of the largest acceleration and increases with increasing acceleration skewness. Large transport rates for the fine sand conditions suggest that phase lag effects play an important role in augmenting positive net transport. A comparison of the new experimental data with a number of practical sand transport formulations that incorporate acceleration skewness shows that none of the formulations performs well in predicting the measured net transport rates for both the fine and the coarser sands. The new experimental data can be used to further develop practical sand transport formulations to better account for acceleration skewness.  相似文献   

王伟  丁孟文  董云伟 《海洋科学》2017,41(11):67-74
作为常见的肺螺亚纲生物,日本菊花螺Siphonaria japonica(Donovan,1824)会将卵带产于潮间带岩石上,因此会经常遭受降水的影响。为阐明降水对日本菊花螺胚胎发育和幼体孵化的影响,本研究通过实验室模拟和野外原位取样相结合的方式分析了降水对卵带内胚胎发育状态、幼体累积孵化数、单位时间幼体孵化最高值和最高值出现时间的影响。结果表明:实验室模拟降水会显著影响卵带胚胎发育和幼体孵化(P0.05);自然降水并不会影响幼体累积孵化数(P0.05),但会显著加快幼体孵化速率(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Anomalous morphological features within large estuaries may be: (1) recorders of external forces that periodically overwhelm the normal morphodynamic responses to estuarine energy fluxes, and (2) possible predictors of cycles of future coastal change. At the entrance to Willapa Bay, Washington, chronic beach erosion and frequent coastal flooding are related to the historical northward channel migration that destroyed the protective sand spits of Cape Shoalwater. Northward channel migration since the late 1800s conforms to the long-term net sediment transport direction. What requires explanation is periodic southward relocation of the trunk channel by as much as 5 km, and attendant construction of moderately large sand spits on the north side of the bay such as Kindred Island, Tokeland Peninsula, and Cape Shoalwater.Both autocyclic and allocyclic processes may have been responsible for trunk channel realignment and associated spit deposition. Channel recycling may occur when the main channel becomes overextended to the north and the tidal flow is inefficient because of its decreased gradient and increased susceptibility to shoaling by the growth and migration of tidal sand ridges. Under those conditions trunk channel relocation would be facilitated by increased wave heights and water levels of El Niño winter storms. However, co-seismic subsidence is the most likely mechanism for abruptly increasing sand supply and longshore transport that would favor discrete periods of channel relocation and spit deposition. Unless external forcing changes sand supply and predominant sediment transport directions in the future, the relative rise in sea level, frequent winter storms, and local deficit in the sand budget assure that beach erosion will continue at the mouth of this large estuary.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the high frequency behaviours and magnetic anisotropy of rapidly solidified FINEMET (Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1) alloy ribbons annealed in an applied magnetic field. It finds that the ribbons annealed with the applied magnetic field show much higher resonance frequencies and have even higher permeability at higher frequencies than the samples annealed without the magnetic field and the non-annealed ribbons. M?ssbauer spectroscopy had been employed to study the spatial distribution of the magnetic moments of five selected FINEMET alloy ribbons in different heat-treated conditions. The results show that an easy plane has been established after annealling in the magnetic field, while for the other ribbons this effect is not significant. Hence, the relationship between magnetic field annealing and high frequency property has been bridged by the bianisotropic theory.  相似文献   

The Interstitial Environment of Sandy Beaches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anton  McLachlan Ian  Turner 《Marine Ecology》1994,15(3-4):177-212
Abstract. The interstitial system of sandy beaches is lacunar and has its dimensions defined by the sand granulometry. It can be described by features such as pore size, porosity, permeability, and water content. The most important process occurring in this system, water filtration, is driven by inputs of freshwater from groundwater discharge, and inputs of seawater by tides, wave run-up, and subtidal wave pumping. Reflective beaches have seawater input effected mainly by waves; they filter large water volumes with short residence times. Dissipative beaches display the opposite patterns, slowly filtering small volumes input by tides. Flow patterns and their effects on interstitial climate are described. The water table of the beach moves in response to groundwater discharge, tides, and waves and influences erosion/accretion processes on the beach face: a high water table promotes erosion. A series of moisture zones can be recognised from the dry surface sand at upper tide levels, to permanently saturated sand below the low tide water table, namely: a stratum of dry sand, a stratum of retention, a stratum of resurgence, and stratum of saturation. Interstitial chemistry is briefly described in terms of salinity changes, organic loads, oxygen content, and nutrient cycling. It is concluded that the interstitial environment of sandy beaches spans a continuum between physically and chemically controlled extremes: the former condition occurs on coarse sand reflective beaches, which experience low organic inputs and high filtration rates of large water volumes — resulting in powerful hydrodynamic forces; the latter occurs on dissipative beaches of fine sand, which are subject to high organic inputs and low filtration volumes — resulting in stagnation and steep vertical chemical gradients. Many intermediate situations occur and these are more favourable to interstitial life than either of the extremes.  相似文献   

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