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在行星地转框架下研究了具有弱耗散的南大洋的低频长Rossby波海盆本征模。本征模的本征函数具有倾斜的特点。最小耗散模的周期是由海盆中最慢的Rossby波从东边界传到西边界所需要的时间确定的,而其他模的本征频率是最小耗散本征模的本征频率的整数倍。最小耗散本征模的周期对耗散系数和大陆的南北平移不敏感,而半衰期对这2个参数比较敏感。另外,最小耗散本征模的周期和半衰期都对德雷克海峡的关闭或打开较敏感。通过假定科氏参数为β0的线性函数,发现本征函数的倾斜方式和周期都随着f0和β0变化,而半衰期在耗散系数不变的情况下基本是不变的。进一步验证了海盆模的本征函数的倾斜方式与斜压Rossby波传过海盆的时间有关。  相似文献   

利用2003—2015年的重力恢复和气候实验(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)卫星观测数据, 揭示了印度洋海底压强的变化特征, 并探讨了其变化机制。结果表明, 印度洋海底压强具有显著的季节变化特征, 北半球冬季在40°S以北(南), 海底压强呈负(正)异常, 夏季分布与冬季相反。印度洋区域的海底压强空间分布与Ekman输送空间分布有较好的对应关系。正压涡度方程诊断结果表明, 利用风场重构的海底压强能够较好地解释印度洋海底压强的季节和长期变化。此外, 海平面变化收支分析表明, 海底压强的变化在高纬度区域主导了海平面变化。  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variability of ocean bottom pressure(OBP) in the Southern Ocean was investigated using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) data and a Pressure Coordinate Ocean Model(PCOM)based on mass conservation. By comparing OBP, steric sea level, and sea level, it is found that at high latitudes the OBP variability dominates the sea level variability at seasonal-to-decadal time scales. The diagnostic OBP based on barotropic vorticity equation has a good correlation with t...  相似文献   

High resoultion Eulerian mean velocity field has been derived by combining the satellite tracked surface drifter data with satellite altimetry and ocean surface winds. The drifter data used in this study includes Argos and surface drifter data from Global Drifter Program. Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) weekly files with a resolution of(1/3)° in both Latitude and Longitude for the period 1993–2012 have been used. The Ekman current is computed using ocean surface mean wind fields from scatterometers onboard ERS 1/2,Quikscat and ASCAT. The derived mean velocity field exhibits the broad flow of Antarctic Circumpolar Current with speeds up to 0.6 m/s.Anomalous field is quite significant in the western part between 20° and 40°E and in the eastern part between 80°E and 100°E with velocity anomaly up to 0.3 m/s. The estimated mean flow pattern well agrees with the dynamic topography derived from in-situ observations. Also,the derived velocity field is consistent with the in-situ ADCP current measurements. Eddy kinetic energy illustrates an increasing trend during 1993–2008 and is in phase coherence with the Southern Annular Mode by three month lag. Periodic modulations are found in the eddy kinetic energy due the low frequency Antarctic Circumpolar Wave propagation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mechanism controlling the short time-scale variation of sea ice cover over the Southern Ocean. Sea ice concentration and ice velocity datasets derived from images of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) are employed to reveal this mechanism. The contribution of both dynamic and thermodynamic processes to the change in ice edge location is examined by comparing the meridional velocity of ice edge displacement and sea ice drift. In the winter expansion phase, the thermodynamic process of new ice production off the ice edge plays an important role in daily advances of ice cover, whereas daily retreats are mostly due to southward ice drift. On the other hand, both advance and retreat of ice edges in the spring contraction phase are mostly caused by the dynamic process of the ice drift. Based on the above mechanism and the linear relation between the degree of ice production at the ice edge and northward wind speed, the seasonal advance of ice cover can be roughly reproduced using the meridional velocity of ice drift at the ice edge.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) availability limits phytoplankton biomass and production in large regions of the Southern Ocean and influences community composition and size structure, which may affect C export and other system-level functions. To improve our understanding of Fe partitioning within communities and the response of different components to fertilization, we assessed the cellular Fe contents of individual diatoms, autotrophic flagellates, and heterotrophic flagellates during the recent Southern Ocean Fe Experiment using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (SXRF). Dual 55Fe/14C radioisotope incubations were also conducted to estimate Fe:C ratios in size-fractionated plankton. Cellular Fe quotas determined by the two techniques were in close agreement when low amounts of 55Fe (0.2 nM) were added, but 55Fe additions of 2 nM resulted in 2–3-fold higher quotas. SXRF assessments of cellular Fe quotas (normalized to C) were generally in good agreement with prior bulk analyses of natural assemblages, but revealed compositional differences among protistan taxa not previously detected. Mean Fe:C ratios for diatoms, autotrophic flagellates, and heterotrophic flagellates from unfertilized waters were 6.0, 8.7, and 14.1 μmol mol C−1, respectively. Smaller cells had higher Fe:C ratios than larger cells. Fertilization enhanced Fe quotas in all cell types, with mean Fe:C ratios increasing approximately 4-fold (from about 10 to about 40 μmol mol C−1) after two Fe additions. This study provides some of the first measurements of Fe quotas in phytoplankton cells from natural communities and the first measurements of Fe quotas in natural protozoa.  相似文献   

南大洋太平洋扇区中尺度涡旋的统计特性及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中尺度涡旋在南大洋海洋动力学中具有重要地位,其对气候变化的响应表现也引起了海洋学家与气候学家的广泛关注。本文利用涡动动能与涡旋自动探测技术两种方法对南大洋太平洋扇区的涡旋特性及其变化进行了分析。与前人结果相一致的是,高值的涡动动能主要集中在南极极锋海区,并且自西向东逐渐减弱。在过去的20年里,涡动动能在太平洋扇区的显著增强也集中在中西部海域,这里也是南极绕极流斜压性较强的海域。涡旋统计特性揭示了涡动动能的空间分布及其年际变化主要归因于涡旋振幅与旋转速度,而并非涡旋个数或者涡旋半径。这些结果进一步确认了对应于南半球环状模正位相的绕极西风异常改变了南大洋的涡旋特性,从而表现出涡旋活跃性增强。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) distribution patterns in the Bering Sea basin (BSB) and Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean (ISSO) were described and compared. In both sites, the waters were divided into four layers: surface layer, subsurface layer, N2O maximum layer, and deep water. Simulations were made to find out the most important factors that regulate the N2O distribution patterns in different layers of both sites. The results showed that in the surface water, N2O was more understaturated in the ISSO than the BSB. This phenom- enon in the surface water of ISSO may result from ice melt water intrusion and northeastward transport of the Antarctic surface water. Results of the rough estimation of air-sea fluxes during the expedition were (-0.34±0.07)-(-0.64±0.13) μmol/(m2·d) and (-1.47±0.42)-(-1.77±0.51) μmol/(m-2·d) for the BSB and the ISSO, respectively. Strongly stratified surface layer and temperature minimum layer restricted exchange across the thermocline. The N2O maximum existed in higher concentration and deeper in the BSB than the ISSO, but their contribution to the upper layer by eddy diffusions was negligible. In deep waters, a concentration difference of 5 nmol/L N2O between these two sites was found, which suggested that N2O production occurred during thermohaline circulation. N2O may be a useful tracer to study important large-scale hydrographic processes.  相似文献   

随着技术的进步和数据处理方法的完善,经过修正的卫星高度计数据已获得普遍认可.但在南大洋缺少波浪现场数据,卫星高度计在极端恶劣气候条件下获得数据的准确度仍受到一定程度的质疑.中国于2020年第36次南极考察中,在南大洋布放了一套感应耦合漂流浮标,可提供可靠的南大洋现场波浪数据.本文利用该漂流浮标2020年1月27日至9月...  相似文献   

简述利用空间大地测量观测数据和海洋水文数据推求海面动力地形的方法。基于EGM96重力场模型和卫星重力恢复的重力场模型GL04C,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算西太平洋海域的平均海面动力地形,并与根据海洋水文数据推算之结果进行比较分析。结果表明:卫星重力场模型GL04C更好地表现了海面地形的细节特征。卫星重力和卫星测高的联合应用将成为确定海面动力地形的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

南大洋气旋气候与变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A new climatology of cyclones in the Southern Ocean is generated by applying an automated cyclone detection and tracking algorithm(developed by Hodges at the Reading University) for an improved and relatively highresolution European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis during 1979–2013.A validation shows that identified cyclone tracks are in good agreement with a available analyzed cyclone product.The climatological characteristics of the Southern Ocean cyclones are then analyzed,including track,number,density,intensity,deepening rate and explosive events.An analysis shows that the number of cyclones in the Southern Ocean has increased for 1979–2013,but only statistically significant in summer.Coincident with the circumpolar trough,a single high-density band of cyclones is observed in 55°–67°S,and cyclone density has generally increased in north of this band for 1979–2013,except summer.The intensity of up to 70% cyclones in the Southern Ocean is less than 980 h Pa,and only a few cyclones with pressure less than 920 h Pa are detected for1979–2013.Further analysis shows that a high frequency of explosive cyclones is located in the band of 45°–55°S,and the Atlantic Ocean sector has much higher frequent occurrence of the explosive cyclones than that in the Pacific Ocean sector.Additionally,the relationship between cyclone activities in the Southern Ocean and the Southern Annular Mode is discussed.  相似文献   

世界大洋潮波特征的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对TOPEX/Poseidon(以下简称T/P)高度计资料直接分析得到4个主要分潮(M2,K1,S2和O1)的调和常数,并与5个全球大洋潮波模式的模拟结果和138个验潮站观测资料的分析结果进行了系统比较,得出如下结论:在深水大洋,高度计资料直接分析结果与潮波模式模拟结果较一致;模拟出的无潮点的个数和位置也较一致;半日分潮模拟结果比全日分潮要好。5个模式模拟结果之间的差异相对较小,振幅的绝对偏差在1.0 cm左右,迟角的绝对偏差在10(°)左右。在陆架浅海,不同模型结果差异相对较大。高度计资料直接分析结果比模式模拟结果普遍偏小,尤其在陆架浅海更是如此。  相似文献   

Both historic and currently operational chlorophyll algorithms of the satellite-borne ocean color sensors, such as SeaWiFS, were evaluated for in situ spectral radiation and chlorophyll data in some Case I waters, including the waters in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. Chlorophyll a concentration of the data set (n = 73) ranged from 0.04 to 1.01 mg m–3. The algorithms had higher accuracy for the low- and mid-latitude waters (RMSE: 0.163–0.253), specifically the most recently developed algorithms of OCTS and Sea WiFS showed 0.163 and 0.170 of Root Mean Square Errors, respectively. However, these algorithms had large errors (0.422–0.621) for the Southern Ocean data set and underestimated the surface chlorophyll by more than a factor of 2.6. The absorption coefficients in the blue spectral region retrieved from remote sensing reflectance varied in a nonlinear manner with chlorophyll a concentration, and the value in the Southern Ocean was significantly lower than that in the low- and mid-latitude waters for each chlorophyll a concentration. The underestimation of chlorophyll a concentration in the Southern Ocean with these algorithms was caused by the lower specific absorption coefficient in the region compared with the low- and mid-latitude waters under the same chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

Iron has been found to limit primary productivity in high nutrient, low chlorophyll regions of the oceans, including the Southern Ocean. Here we assess the relative magnitudes and geographical distributions of the sources of iron (sedimentary, atmospheric, icebergs and sea ice) to the Southern Ocean, and their impact on productivity. We present an iron cycling model, based on the assumptions of iron and light limitation of primary production, which is embedded in an eddy resolving ocean general circulation model. We find that the injection depth of the various iron inputs determines their availability for driving production because dissolved iron may be scavenged prior to it entering the illuminated mixed layer where it can drive primary production. The model suggests that production is predominantly regulated by sediment-derived iron sources rather than icebergs, sea ice or atmospheric dust. We note non-linear response in productivity to changes in the strength of one or more iron sources due to scavenging. Sea ice influences productivity by modifying the timing of iron supply to the euphotic zone. We also show that in the Scotia Sea the majority of productivity is driven by sediment-sourced iron from the Antarctic Peninsula, with additional local hotspots driven by island sources.  相似文献   

An iron enrichment experiment, EisenEx, was performed in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic spring of 2000. Deck incubations of open ocean water were performed to investigate the influence of ultraviolet B (UVB: 280–315 nm) and ultraviolet A (UVA: 315–400 nm) on the speciation of iron in seawater, using an addition of the radioisotopes 59Fe(III) (1.25 nM) or 55Fe(III) (0.5 nM). Seawater was sampled inside and outside the iron-enriched region. The radioisotopic Fe(II) concentration was monitored during daylight under three different light conditions: the full solar spectrum (total), total minus UVB, and total minus UVB+UVA. A distinct diel cycle was observed with a clear distinction between the three different light regimes. A clear linear relationship was found for the concentration of radioisotopic Fe(II) versus irradiance. UVB produced most of the Fe(II) followed by UVA and visible light (VIS: 400–700 nm), respectively. UVB produced 4.89 and 0.69 pM m2 W−1 radioisotopic Fe(II) followed by UVA with 0.33 and 0.10 pM m2 W−1 radioisotopic Fe(II) and VIS with 0.04 and 0.03 pM m2 W−1 radioisotopic Fe(II).  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate samples were collected to study the distribution of thorium isotopes (234Th, 232Th and 230Th) in the water column of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (from 42°S to 47°S and from 60°E to 66°E, north of the Polar Front) during Austral summer 1999. Vertical profiles of excess 230Th (230Thxs) increases linearly with depth in surface water (0–100 m) and a model was applied to estimate a residence time relative to the thorium scavenging (τscav). Low τscav in the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) are found, compared to those estimated in the Subtropical Front Zone (STZ). Changes in particle composition between the PFZ and STZ could influence the 230Thxs scavenging efficiency and explain this difference. An innovative coupling between 234Th and 230Thxs was then used to simultaneously constrain the settling velocities of small (0.6–60 μm) and large (above 60 μm) particles. Although the different hydrological and biogeochemical regimes visited during the ANTARES IV cruise did not explain the spatial variation of sinking velocity estimates, our results indicate that less particles may reach the seafloor north (60 ± 2 m d− 1, station 8) than south of the Agulhas Return Current (119 ± 23 and 130 ± 5 m d− 1 at stations 3 and 7, respectively). This information is essential for understanding particle transport and by extension, carbon export. In the deep water column, the 230Thxs concentrations did not increase linearly with depth, probably due to lateral transport of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) from the Atlantic to the Indian sector, which renews the deep waters and decreases the 230Thxs concentrations. A specific 230Thxs transport model is applied in the deep water column and allows us to assess a “travel time” of NADW ranging from 2 to 15 years.  相似文献   

依托中国第36次南极科学考察,利用船载走航气溶胶及气体组分在线分析仪对南大洋大气中气态和颗粒态有机胺进行了在线观测。获得了南大洋开阔海域及普里兹湾大气中高分辨气态和颗粒态有机胺的组成及分布,并对其来源特征进行了分析。结果表明:南大洋大气有机胺以气态三甲胺(TMA)和二甲胺(DMA)为主要存在形态,其均值分别为(104.0±285.2)、(3.5±6.0) ng/m3。普里兹湾大气中有机胺的平均浓度显著高于南大洋开阔海域,气态TMA和DMA均值分别达到(289.0±396.6)、(5.6±16.1) ng/m3。南大洋大气中气态TMA、DMA和氨气(NH3)在不同区域内均具有良好的线性关系,表明三者具有同源性。从来源分析,南大洋大气有机胺主要受到海洋生物活动的影响,但在海冰边缘区及南极近岸海域,企鹅等动物的生物活动会导致大气中有机胺的浓度显著升高。  相似文献   

The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Type I was first used in Antarctic waters during the 1925–1927 Discovery Expedition, and has been used successfully for 70 years to monitor plankton in the North Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. Sixty-five years later the CPR as a Type II version returned to Antarctic waters when the Australian Antarctic Division initiated a survey of the Southern Ocean on RSV Aurora Australis south of Australia and west to Mawson. The objectives are to study regional, seasonal, interannual and long-term variability in zooplankton abundance, species composition and community patterns, as well as the annual abundance and distribution of krill larvae. The survey covers a large area from 60°E to 160°E, and south from about 48°S to the Antarctic coast—an area of more than 14 million km2. Tows are conducted throughout the shipping season, normally September to April, but occasionally as early as July (midwinter). The large areal and temporal scale means that it is difficult to separate temporal and geographical variation in the data. Hence, CPRs are now also towed on the Japanese icebreaker Shirase in collaboration with the Japanese Antarctic programme. Shirase has a fixed route and time schedule, travelling south on 110°E in early December and north on 150°E in mid-March each year, and will serve as an important temporal reference for measuring long-term interannual variability and to help interpret the Australian data. Since 1991, over 90 tows have been made, providing over 36,000 nautical miles of records. The most successful seasons to date have been the 1997/1998, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 austral summers with 20, 31 and 26 tows, respectively. The 1999/2000 season included a unique, nearly simultaneous three-ship crossing of the Southern Ocean along 25° 30’E, 110°E and 157°E. Typical CPR tows show very high abundance of zooplankton in the uppermost 20 m of the permanently open ocean zone between the sea-ice zone and the Sub-Antarctic Front; this is an area thought to be oligotrophic. Appendicularians and small calanoid and cyclopoid copepods dominate the plankton. By comparison the surface waters of the sea-ice zone have low species diversity and abundances. Zooplankton data, and hence distribution patterns, can be time- and geo-coded to GPS data and environmental data collected by the ships’ underway monitoring system (e.g. fluorescence, water temperature, salinity, and meteorological data).  相似文献   

There are two sets of carbonate source rocks in the Lower Carboniferous layers in Marsel: the Visean (C1v) and Serpukhovian (C1sr). However, their geochemical and geological characteristics have not been studied systematically. To assess the source rocks and reveal the hydrocarbon generation potential, the depositional paleoenvironment and distribution of C1v and C1sr source rocks were studied using total organic carbon (TOC) content, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) data, stable carbon isotope data, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis data. The data were then compared with well logging data to understand the distribution of high-quality source rocks. The data were also incorporated into basin models to reveal the burial and thermal histories and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The results illustrated that the average residual TOC contents of C1v and C1sr were 0.79% and 0.5%, respectively, which were higher than the threshold of effective carbonate source rocks. Dominated by type-III kerogen, the C1v and C1sr source rocks tended to be gas-bearing. The two source rocks were generally mature to highly mature; the average Ro was 1.51% and 1.23% in C1v and C1sr, respectively. The source rocks were deposited in strongly reducing to weakly oxidizing marine–terrigenous environments, with most organic material originating from higher terrigenous plants and a few aquatic organisms. During the Permian, the deep burial depth and high heat flow caused a quick and high maturation of the source rocks, which were subsequently uplifted and eroded, stopping the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons in the C1v and C1sr source rocks. The initial TOC fitted by the △logR method was recovered, and it suggests that high-quality source rocks (TOC ≥ 1%) are mainly distributed in the northern and central local structural belt.  相似文献   

The coupling of physics and biology was examined along a 160 km long transect running out from the north coast of South Georgia Island and crossing the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) during late December 2000. Surface and near surface potential TS properties indicated the presence of three water types: a near-shore group of stations characterised by water which became progressively warmer and fresher closer to South Georgia, an offshore grouping in which sea surface temperatures and those at the winter water level were relatively warm (1.8°C and 0.5°C, respectively), and a third in which surface and winter water temperatures were cooler and reflected the presence of the SACCF. The transect bisected the SACCF twice, revealing that it was flowing in opposite directions, north-westward closest to South Georgia and south-eastwards at its furthest point from the island. The innermost limb was a narrow intense feature located just off the shelf break in 2000–3500 m of water and in which rapid surface baroclinic velocities (up to 35 cm s−1) were encountered. Offshore in the outermost limb, shown subsequently to be a mesoscale eddy that had meandered south from the retroflected limb of the SACCF, flow was broader and slower with peak velocities around 20 cm s−1. Chlorophyll a biomass was generally low (<1 mg m−3) over much of the transect but increased dramatically in the region of the innermost limb of the SACCF, where a deepening of the surface mixed layer was coincident with a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (7.4 mg m−3) and elevated concentrations down to 100 m. The bloom was coincident with depleted nutrient concentrations, particularly silicate, nitrate and phosphate, and although ammonium concentrations were locally depleted the bloom lay within an elevated band (up to 1.5 mmol m−3) associated with the frontal jet. Increased zooplankton abundance, higher copepod body carbon mass and egg production rates all showed a strong spatial integrity with the front. The population structure of the copepods Calanoides acutus and Rhincalanus gigas at stations within the front suggested that rather than simply resulting from entrainment and concentration within the jet, increased copepod abundance was the result of development in situ. Estimates of bloom duration, based on silicate and carbon budget calculations, set the likely duration between 82 and 122 d, a figure supported by the development schedule of the two copepod species. Given this timescale, model outputs from FRAM and OCCAM indicated that particles that occurred on the north side of South Georgia in December would have been in the central-southern Scotia Sea 2–3 months earlier, probably in sea ice affected regions.  相似文献   

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