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Design of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) for augmentation of groundwater resources often lacks detailed data, and simple diagnostic tools for evaluation of the water table in a broad range of parameters are needed. In many large‐scale MAR projects, the effect of a regional aquifer base dip cannot be ignored due to the scale of recharge sources (e.g., wadis, streams, reservoirs). However, Hantush's (1967) solution for a horizontal aquifer base is commonly used. To address sloping aquifers, a new closed‐form analytical solution for water table mound accounts for the geometry and orientation of recharge sources at the land surface with respect to the aquifer base dip. The solution, based on the Dupiuit‐Forchheimer approximation, Green's function method, and coordinate transformations is convenient for computing. This solution reveals important MAR traits in variance with Hantush's solution: mounding is limited in time and space; elevation of the mound is strongly affected by the dip angle; and the peak of the mound moves over time. These findings have important practical implications for assessment of various MAR scenarios, including waterlogging potential and determining proper rates of recharge. Computations are illustrated for several characteristic MAR settings.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Methane Sources in Groundwater in Northeastern Pennsylvania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Testing of 1701 water wells in northeastern Pennsylvania shows that methane is ubiquitous in groundwater, with higher concentrations observed in valleys vs. upland areas and in association with calcium‐sodium‐bicarbonate, sodium‐bicarbonate, and sodium‐chloride rich waters—indicating that, on a regional scale, methane concentrations are best correlated to topographic and hydrogeologic features, rather than shale‐gas extraction. In addition, our assessment of isotopic and molecular analyses of hydrocarbon gases in the Dimock Township suggest that gases present in local water wells are most consistent with Middle and Upper Devonian gases sampled in the annular spaces of local gas wells, as opposed to Marcellus Production gas. Combined, these findings suggest that the methane concentrations in Susquehanna County water wells can be explained without the migration of Marcellus shale gas through fractures, an observation that has important implications for understanding the nature of risks associated with shale‐gas extraction.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 50 μg/L for arsenic was exceeded in 86 of 2125 water supply wells sampled over a broad geographic range in pails of Drown. Outagamie and Winnebago Counties, Wisconsin. The hydrologic and geochemical properties of the area were examined and the source of arsenic was determined to be natural, Ground water collected from two geologic formations, the St. Peter Sandstone and the overlying Platteville/Galena Dolomite, was found to be the principal source of the elevated arsenic concentrations. These two Formations supply a large portion of eastern Wisconsin private wells with their drinking water.
Three wells were found within Outagamie County to have an unusually low pH. Results suggest that the cause of the low pH in these wells is of natural origin induced by the oxidation of iron sulfide minerals. In this reaction iron sulfide minerals are oxidized. forming sulfuric acid causing a low pH and a high concentration of various metals to leach from native rock formations into the water supply.
Based on the data gathered from this study, an arsenic advisory area was designated for both Outagamie and Winnebago Counties. Guidelines were developed for well drillers and owners constructing new wells within the advisory area to reduce the likelihood of arsenic presence in the water supply. Fifteen wells containing arsenic exceeding the MCL were successfully reconstructed or new wells were constructed based on the guidelines developed. These constructions substantially reduced arsenic levels in the well water supplies.  相似文献   

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an established tracer for use in managed aquifer recharge projects. SF6 exsolves from groundwater when it encounters trapped air according to Henry's law. This results in its retardation relative to groundwater flow, which can help determine porous media saturation and flow dynamics. SF6 and the conservative, nonpartitioning tracer, bromide (Br added as KBr), were introduced to recharge water infiltrated into stacked glacial aquifers in Thurston County, Washington, providing the opportunity to observe SF6 partitioning. Br, which is assumed to travel at the same velocity as the groundwater, precedes SF6 at most monitoring wells (MWs). Average groundwater velocity in the unconfined aquifer in the study area ranges from 3.9 to 40 m/d, except in the southwestern corner where it is slower. SF6 in the shallow aquifer exhibits an average retardation factor of 2.5 ± 3.8, suggesting an air-to-water ratio on the order of 10−3 to 10−2 in the pore space. Notable differences in tracer arrival times at adjacent wells indicate very heterogeneous conductivity. One MW exhibits double peaks in concentrations of both tracers with different degrees of retardation for the first and second peaks. This suggests multiple flowpaths to the well with variable saturation. The confining layer between the upper two aquifers appears to allow intermittent connection between aquifers but serves as an aquitard in most areas. This study demonstrates the utility of SF6 partitioning for evaluating hydrologic conditions at prospective recharge sites.  相似文献   

Geochemical evaluation of the sources and movement of saline groundwater in coastal aquifers can aid in the initial mapping of the subsurface when geological information is unavailable. Chloride concentrations of groundwater in a coastal aquifer near San Diego, California, range from about 57 to 39,400 mg/L. On the basis of relative proportions of major‐ions, the chemical composition is classified as Na‐Ca‐Cl‐SO4, Na‐Cl, or Na‐Ca‐Cl type water. δ2H and δ18O values range from ?47.7‰ to ?12.8‰ and from ?7.0‰ to ?1.2‰, respectively. The isotopically depleted groundwater occurs in the deeper part of the coastal aquifer, and the isotopically enriched groundwater occurs in zones of sea water intrusion. 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from about 0.7050 to 0.7090, and differ between shallower and deeper flow paths in the coastal aquifer. 3H and 14C analyses indicate that most of the groundwater was recharged many thousands of years ago. The analysis of multiple chemical and isotopic tracers indicates that the sources and movement of saline groundwater in the San Diego coastal aquifer are dominated by: (1) recharge of local precipitation in relatively shallow parts of the flow system; (2) regional flow of recharge of higher‐elevation precipitation along deep flow paths that freshen a previously saline aquifer; and (3) intrusion of sea water that entered the aquifer primarily during premodern times. Two northwest‐to‐southeast trending sections show the spatial distribution of the different geochemical groups and suggest the subsurface in the coastal aquifer can be separated into two predominant hydrostratigraphic layers.  相似文献   

Yanmei He 《Ground water》2017,55(4):489-494
China shares more than 20 transboundary aquifers with its coaquifer states, but they have not exploited their transboundary groundwater resources, and these resources have not been governed by any international agreements. Given the close interaction between surface water and groundwater, and the growing demands for transboundary groundwater in China and its coaquifer states, there is increasing necessity for these countries to undertake international cooperation on this issue. This article overviews China's transboundary aquifers, reviews the duty to cooperate on China's transboundary groundwater as well as the emerging transboundary aquifer law. It concludes by providing some proposals on international cooperation in this context, based on the two theories of international water law—limited territorial sovereignty and common interests, taking into account the practicability of China's cooperation with its coaquifer states. The author suggests that China cooperates with its coaquifer states through such means as the exchange of data and information, joint monitoring, the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral aquifer agreements, the establishment of joint management mechanisms, and international technical cooperation.  相似文献   

Borehole flowmeters that measure horizontal flow velocity and direction of groundwater flow are being increasingly applied to a wide variety of environmental problems. This study was carried out to evaluate the measurement accuracy of several types of flowmeters in an unconsolidated aquifer simulator. Flowmeter response to hydraulic gradient, aquifer properties, and well‐screen construction was measured during 2003 and 2005 at the U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. The flowmeters tested included a commercially available heat‐pulse flowmeter, an acoustic Doppler flowmeter, a scanning colloidal borescope flowmeter, and a fluid‐conductivity logging system. Results of the study indicated that at least one flowmeter was capable of measuring borehole flow velocity and direction in most simulated conditions. The mean error in direction measurements ranged from 15.1° to 23.5° and the directional accuracy of all tested flowmeters improved with increasing hydraulic gradient. The range of Darcy velocities examined in this study ranged 4.3 to 155 ft/d. For many plots comparing the simulated and measured Darcy velocity, the squared correlation coefficient (r2) exceeded 0.92. The accuracy of velocity measurements varied with well construction and velocity magnitude. The use of horizontal flowmeters in environmental studies appears promising but applications may require more than one type of flowmeter to span the range of conditions encountered in the field. Interpreting flowmeter data from field settings may be complicated by geologic heterogeneity, preferential flow, vertical flow, constricted screen openings, and nonoptimal screen orientation.  相似文献   

Pollution caused by pesticides is becoming relevant because of their harmful environmental effects. The persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity of some organochloride pesticides have resulted in their restricted use since 1970 and a requirement to monitor them in many countries. Pesticides have endocrine, immunological, reproductive and carcinogenic effects in both humans and animals. The facilitated infiltration of substances results in the pollution of hydric underground resources in karstic limestone such as that found in the state of Yucatan. Observing the north occidental region of the state of Yucatan is particularly important as it is characterized by agricultural activities (wide use of pesticides), significant human settlements and underground water flows oriented towards the north coast. In this study, the underground water quality of a karstic aquifer was evaluated by quantifying the presence of organochlorine pesticides in 29 wells located throughout the Mérida‐Progreso transect, Yucatan, Mexico. The presence of DDT, lindane and their metabolites was detected at concentrations above the permissible limits stated by Mexican regulatory standards (NOM‐127‐SSA1‐1994 2010) in the majority of wells studied. Continuous monitoring of the underground hydric resources in this region is therefore essential to raising awareness of pollution risks and the vulnerability of the coastal north to the contamination of the underground water flows.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the chemo-isotopic characteristics and origin of the groundwater was carried out at six major qanats in the hyper-arid Gonabad area, eastern Iran. These qanats as a sustainable groundwater extraction technology have a long history, supporting human life for more than a thousand years in this region. The Gonabad qanats are characterized by outlet electrical conductivity (EC) values of 750 to 3900 µS/cm and HCO3-Na-Mg and Cl-Na water types. The Gonabad meteoric water line (GnMWL) was drawn at the local scale as δ2H = 6.32×δ18O + 8.35 (with R2 = 0.90). It has a lower slope and intercept than the global meteoric water line due to different water vapor sources and isotope kinetic fractionation effects during precipitation in this arid region. The altitude effects on isotopic content of precipitation data were derived as δ18O = (−0.0031 × H(m.a.s.l))−1.3). The δ2H and δ18O isotopes signatures demonstrate a meteoric origin of the groundwater of these qanats. The shift of the qanat's water samples from the local meteoric water line (LMWL) in a dry period with higher temperatures is most probably due to evaporation during the infiltration process and water movement in qanat gallery. Based on the isotopic results and mass balance calculations, the qanats are locally recharged from an area between 2000 to 2400 m.a.s.l of nearby carbonate formations and coarse alluvial sediments. The dissolution of evaporate interlayers in Neogene deposits deteriorates the groundwater quality, especially in Baidokht qanat.  相似文献   

Dasheng Zhang  Zhang  Yongxiang  Liu  Licai  Li  Binghua  Yao  Xuchu 《Water Resources》2020,47(3):399-408
Water Resources - Artificial recharge is an effective way to alleviate water shortages and excessive groundwater exploitation. In this study, to explore environmental changes of surface water and...  相似文献   

This study develops an approach based on hierarchical cluster analysis for investigating the spatial and temporal variation of water quality governing processes. The water quality data used in this study were collected in the karst aquifer of Yucatan, Mexico, the only source of drinking water for a population of nearly two million people. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to the quality data of all the sampling periods lumped together. This was motivated by the observation that, if water quality does not vary significantly in time, two samples from the same sampling site will belong to the same cluster. The resulting distribution maps of clusters and box‐plots of the major chemical components reveal the spatial and temporal variability of groundwater quality. Principal component analysis was used to verify the results of cluster analysis and to derive the variables that explained most of the variation of the groundwater quality data. Results of this work increase the knowledge about how precipitation and human contamination impact groundwater quality in Yucatan. Spatial variability of groundwater quality in the study area is caused by: a) seawater intrusion and groundwater rich in sulfates at the west and in the coast, b) water rock interactions and the average annual precipitation at the middle and east zones respectively, and c) human contamination present in two localized zones. Changes in the amount and distribution of precipitation cause temporal variation by diluting groundwater in the aquifer. This approach allows to analyze the variation of groundwater quality controlling processes efficiently and simultaneously.  相似文献   

A Modified Gauss-Newton Method for Aquifer Parameter Identification   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Water Resources - The Mitidja-plain is very important in size and role, it contains two important aquiferous tanks exploited to serve Algiers and the surrounding agglomerations, these resources...  相似文献   

One‐km resolution MODIS‐based mean annual evapotranspiration (ET) estimates in combination with PRISM precipitation rates were correlated with depth to groundwater (d) values in the wide alluvial valley of the Platte River in Nebraska for obtaining a net recharge (Rn) vs. d relationship. MODIS cells with irrigation were excluded, yielding a mixture of predominantly range, pasture, grass, and riparian forest covers on sandy soils with a shallow groundwater table. The transition depth (dt) between negative and positive values of the net groundwater recharge was found to be at about 2 (±1) m. Within 1 (±1) m of the surface and at a depth larger than about 7 to 8 (±1) m, the mean annual net recharge became independent of d at a level of about ?4 (±12)% and 13 (±10)%, respectively, of the mean annual precipitation rate. The obtained Rn(d) relationship is based on a calibration‐free ET estimation method and may help in obtaining the net recharge in shallow groundwater areas of negligible surface runoff where sufficient groundwater‐depth data exist.  相似文献   

The results of hydrophysical and hydrochemical monitoring in the northeastern Black Sea and the results of Black Sea-99 expedition conducted in the autumn of 1999 are discussed. Examination was made to analyze the basic features of the climatic vertical hydrochemical structure, seasonal variations in the fields using the data of sections from the shore to the center of the sea, and the vortex-related variations assessed based on the data of area surveys.  相似文献   

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