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In situ mining of uranium was conducted in two well fields at a research and development site in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming from March 1980 to July 1981. Subsequent aquifer restoration activities continued until December 1982. During the restoration phases of operation, complex pumping-injection schemes, necessitated by the absence of adequate disposal facilities, were employed by the mining company in an attempt to satisfy the conditions imposed by the mine permit.
An analytical "Random Walk" solute transport model was used to simulate mass transport mechanisms associated with the pumping-injection schemes used in the A-1 well field. Because the hydrogeology at the site is relatively simple; a more sophisticated model requiring extensive calibration was not required. The model was not used as a "predictive" tool, but as an analytical supplement to existing water quality and hydrogeologic data. As such, it provided a very useful and inexpensive means by which to evaluate the adequacy of the restoration techniques employed at the site and the effectiveness of the water quality monitoring program.
Model simulations suggest that the restoration methods used by the mining company were not adequate to remove residual lixiviant and actually tended to displace contaminants to a circular region between the well field and peripheral monitoring wells. An analysis of the water quality and operational history at the site suggests that the model results may be accurate. If this is true, the postrestoration water quality data collected at the site may not be an accurate measure of the effectiveness of aquifer restoration.  相似文献   

In situ mining of uranium typically requires the injection of a reactive leaching solution (lixiviant) such as sodium carbonate/bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate/bicarbonate, or sulfuric acid, and an oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide or oxygen into an ore-bearing, confined aquifer. It also requires the environmental restoration of the source aquifer. The stratigraphy of sandstone uranium deposits typically consists of interbedded layers of poorly consolidated sands and clays and gravels deposited in fluvial or coastal environments. The parameters that influence the migration of lixiviant during mining and restoration in these environments include induced hydraulic gradients, hydrodynamic dispersion, heterogeneity, anisotropy, physicochemical reactions, leakage into and/or through confining layers, and convergence of flow lines due to partial well penetration.
The effectiveness of the various methods of aquifer restoration is sit -specific and is dependent upon the site hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, and the chemistry of the lixiviant. Each method of aquifer restoration has advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the most effective and economically feasible method requires detailed knowledge of the site-specific hydrogeologic conditions.  相似文献   

Sampling methods for characterization of microbial communities in aquifers should target both suspended and attached microorganisms (biofilms). We investigated the effectiveness and reproducibility of low‐frequency (200 Hz) sonication pulses on improving extraction efficiency and quality of microorganisms from a petroleum‐contaminated aquifer in Studen (Switzerland). Sonication pulses at different power levels (0.65, 0.9, and 1.1 kW) were applied to three different groundwater monitoring wells. Groundwater samples extracted after each pulse were compared with background groundwater samples for cell and adenosine tri‐phosphate concentration. Turbidity values were obtained to assess the release of sediment fines and associated microorganisms. The bacterial community in extracted groundwater samples was analyzed by terminal‐restriction‐fragment‐length polymorphism and compared with communities obtained from background groundwater samples and from sediment cores. Sonication enhanced the extraction efficiency up to 13‐fold, with most of the biomass being associated with the sediment fines extracted with groundwater. Consecutive pulses at constant power were decreasingly effective, while pulses with higher power yielded the best results both in terms of extraction efficiency and quality. Our results indicate that low‐frequency sonication may be a viable and cost‐effective tool to improve the extraction of microorganisms from aquifers, taking advantage of existing groundwater monitoring wells.  相似文献   

In situ air sparging is used to remediate petroleum fuels and chlorinated solvents present as submerged contaminant source /ones and dissolved contaminant plumes, or to provide barriers to dissolved contaminant plume migration. Contaminant removal occurs through a combination of volatilization and aerobic biodegradation: thus, the performance at any given site depends on the contaminant and oxygen mass transfer rates induced by the air injection. It has been hypothesized that these rates are sensitive to changes in process flow conditions and site lithology, but no data is available to identify trends or the magnitude of the changes. In this work, oxygenation rates were measured for a range of air injection rates, ground water flow rates, and pulsing frequencies using a laboratory-scale two-dimensional physical model constructed to simulate a homogeneous hydrogeologic setting. Experiments were conducted with water having low chemical and biochemical oxygen demand. Results suggest the following: that there is an optimum air injection rate: advective How of ground water can be a significant factor when ground water velocities are > 0.3 m/d: and pulsing the air injection had little effect on the oxygenation rate relative lo the continuous air injection case.  相似文献   

An in situ microcosm (ISM) consists of a stainless steel cylinder isolating about 2 L of the aquifer and is equipped with valves allowing for loading and sampling from the ground surface. During the last five years, this technique has been used frequently to study the degradation of organic chemicals in polluted and pristine aquifers representing different redox environments. The ISM technique has great potential for providing field-relevant degradation potentials and rate constants, but care must be taken in using the equipment and interpreting the results. This paper provides details concerning the installation and operation of an ISM and presents experiences concerning data interpretation and monitoring of redox conditions.  相似文献   

In situ thermal remediation technologies provide efficient and reliable cleanup of contaminated soil and groundwater, but at a high cost of environmental impacts and resource depletion due to the large amounts of energy and materials consumed. This study provides a detailed investigation of four in situ thermal remediation technologies (steam enhanced extraction, thermal conduction heating, electrical resistance heating, and radio frequency heating) in order to (1) compare the life‐cycle environmental impacts and resource consumption associated with each thermal technology, and (2) identify options to reduce these adverse effects. The study identifies a number of options for environmental optimization of in situ thermal remediation. In general, environmental optimization can be achieved by increasing the percentage of heating supplied in off peak electricity demand periods as this reduces the pressure on coal‐based electricity and thereby reduces the environmental impacts due to electricity production by up to 10%. Furthermore, reducing the amount of concrete in the vapor cap by using a concrete sandwich construction can potentially reduce the environmental impacts due to the vapor cap by up to 75%. Moreover, a number of technology‐specific improvements were identified, for instance by the substitution of stainless steel types in wells, heaters, and liners used in thermal conduction heating, thus reducing the nickel consumption by 45%. The combined effect of introducing all the suggested improvements is a 10 to 21% decrease in environmental impacts and an 8 to 20% decrease in resource depletion depending on the thermal remediation technology considered. The energy consumption was found to be the main contributor to most types of environmental impacts; this will, however, depend on the electricity production mix in the studied region. The combined improvement potential is therefore to a large extent controlled by the reduction/improvement of energy consumption.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations were used to identify and evaluate optimum electrode configurations and approaches for electrokinetic in situ chemical oxidation (EK‐ISCO) remediation of low‐permeability sediments. A newly developed groundwater and EK flow and reactive transport numerical model was used to conduct two‐dimensional scenario simulations of the coverage of an injected oxidant, permanganate, and the oxidation of a typical organic contaminant (tetrachloroethene, PCE). For linear configurations of vertical electrodes, the spacing of same‐polarity electrodes is recommended to be about one‐third to one‐quarter of the anode–cathode spacing. Greater coverage could also be achieved by locating additional oxidant injection wells at the divergence of the electric field in linear electrode configurations. Horizontal electrodes allowed greater contact between the injected permanganate and PCE and resulted in faster degradation of PCE compared to vertical electrodes. Pulsed oxidant injection, closer electrode spacing, and electric field reversal also resulted in faster EK‐ISCO remediation.  相似文献   

Aerobic biodegradation can be enhanced within contaminant plumes by elevating typically low dissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels using materials or devices that passively release oxygen. We have developed passive devices that provide a uniform, steady, long-term source of oxygen by diffusion from pressurized polymeric tubing and report test results under lab and field conditions. Lab flow-through reactor tests were conducted to determine the diffusion coefficient (D) of oxygen through four readily available tubing materials. Oxygen diffusion was greatest through Tygon® 3350 platinum-cured silicone (D = 6.67 ± 10-7 cm2/sec), followed by 2075 Ultra Chemical Resistant Tygon (1.59 ± 10-7 cm2/sec), 2275 High Purity Tygon (5.11 ± 10-8 cm2/sec), and low-density polyethylene (LDPE; 1.73 ± 10-8 cm2/sec). Variable-pressure release tests with LDPE resulted in very close estimates of D, which confirmed that mass transfer is controlled by diffusion and that the concentration gradient is a valid approximation of the chemical potential driving diffusion. LDPE emitter devices were designed and installed in seven 8-inch-diameter well screens across a portion of a gasoline plume at a former service station. With the devices pressurized to 620.5 kPag (kilopascals gauge) late in the test, steady-state D.O. concentrations reached as high as 25 mg/L, comparing favorably to the value predicted using the mass-transfer coefficient estimated from the lab test (26.3 mg/L). The method can also be used to release other gases for other reasons: gaseous tracers (i.e., sulphur hexafluoride, helium, and argon), hydrogen (for reductive dechlorination), or light alkanes (for cometabolic biodegradation of methyl tertiary butyl ether [MTBE] or chlorinated solvents).  相似文献   

An Overview of In Situ Air Sparging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In situ air sparging (IAS) is becoming a widely used technology for remediating sites contaminated by volatile organic materials such as petroleum hydrocarbons. Published data indicate that the injection of air into subsurface water saturated areas coupled with soil vapor extraction (SVE) can increase removal rates in comparison to SVE alone for cases where hydrocarbons are distributed within the water saturated zone. However, the technology is still in its infancy and has not been subject to adequate research, nor have adequate monitoring methods been employed or even developed. Consequently, most IAS applications are designed, operated, and monitored based upon the experience of the individual practitioner.
The use of in situ air sparging poses risks not generally associated with most practiced remedial technologies: air injection can enhance the undesirable off-site migration of vapors and ground water contamination plumes. Migration of previously immobile liquid hydrocarbons can also be induced. Thus, there is an added incentive to fully understand this technology prior to application.
This overview of the current state of the practice of air sparging is a review of available published literature, consultation with practitioners, a range of unpublished data reports, as well as theoretical considerations. Potential strengths and weaknesses of the technology are discussed and recommendations for future investigations are given.  相似文献   

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