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We performed a multidisciplinary study characterizing the relationships between hydrodynamic conditions (currents and water masses) and the presence and abundance of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus in a submarine canyon (Blanes canyon in the NW Mediterranean Sea). This species is heavily commercially exploited and is the main target species of a bottom trawl fishery. Seasonal fluctuations in landings are attributed to spatio-temporal movements by this species associated with submarine canyons in the study area. Despite the economic importance of this species and the decreases in catches in the area in recent years, few studies have provided significant insight into the environmental conditions driving shrimp distribution. We therefore measured daily A. antennatus catches over the course of an entire year and analyzed this time series in terms of daily average temperature, salinity, mean kinetic energy (MKE), and eddy kinetic energy (EKE) values using generalized additive models and decision trees. A. antennatus was captured between 600 and 900 m in the Blanes canyon, depths that include Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) and the underlying Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW). The greatest catches were associated with relatively salty waters (38.5–38.6), low MKE values (6 and 9 cm2 s−2) and moderate EKE values (10 and 20 cm2 s−2). Deep-water rose shrimp occurrence appears to be driven in a non-linear manner by environmental conditions including local temperature. A. antennatus appears to prefer relatively salty (LIW) waters and low currents (MKE) with moderate variability (EKE).  相似文献   

Both national (GRUND) and international (MEDITS) trawl surveys carried out in the Italian seas since 1994 have produced consistent and rather homogeneous samples of red shrimps (per season, gear, and methods to ascertain abundance). Study and discussion of data regarding Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) from Ligurian fishing grounds during the REDs project (FISH/2004/03‐32) made it possible to verify how key instars of the life of the female shrimp can be recognized from length frequency distributions derived from trawl surveys, allowing the age distributions to be split up. The segment of life that can be studied spans ages 1 and 10 and includes 20 instars, but larger sizes have been found which may extend the life span another 3 years. After age 5, only one growth instar per year occurs. Based on our study of the instars, we developed a size/age key for A. antennatus and used it to derive a von Bertalanffy growth function, total mortality rates and exploitation rates. Our results are related to basic biological and ecological characteristics of this species. Large individuals (females ≥50 mm CL at age 5 onward) present in a considerable percentage in the Ligurian Sea, are very important because (i) their fecundity is very high and therefore greatly influences the reproductive potential and (ii) they represent commercially the most valuable part of the catch. In addition, substantial relationships between the life history of A. antennatus and local oceanographic processes exist because the long life span of the species enlarges the area to which eggs and larvae are transported in surface currents, as well as the active return movements in deep waters where adult life mainly takes place. In the study area, the Northern Current provides the possibility of great horizontal displacement of A. antennatus eggs, larvae and early juveniles and, in general, attention to surface circulation may help to identify affinities in distant Mediterranean populations. This study presents A. antennatus in terms of a resource on the move at a Western Mediterranean scale.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the deep-sea blue–red shrimp Aristeus antennatus were determined based on the analysis of 1047 stomach contents, sampled in the Greek Ionian Sea (E. Mediterranean). The diet of this economically and biologically important decapod was studied in relation to the season, size class and sex. The diet of A. antennatus consisted of 54 different prey categories, and belonged mainly to smaller crustaceans (e.g. natantian decapods, euphausiids, tanaidaceans), molluscs, polychaetes, chaetognaths and, to a lesser extent, fishes. The above prey categories consisted of 71–82% of the relative abundance and total occurrence for males and 61–81% for females. Females seemed to be better fed than males (stomach fullness, food quality). A. antennatus displayed a highly diversified diet and the different feeding patterns were discussed. Diet composition showed slight seasonal fluctuations. The observed slight differences on A. antennatus diet among the western, central and eastern Mediterranean could be attributed to the more oligotrophic character of the eastern part of the basin. The principal factors driving the changes in the feeding strategy of this decapod among the seasons are the increased energy demands related to sexual requirements and the food availability in the marine environment. The ontogenetic changes in the shrimp's diet were relatively clear. Larger individuals exhibited selecting prey with a good swimming capacity (e.g. fishes), while the smaller individuals consumed prey with low mobility (e.g. copepods, ostracods).  相似文献   

Molecular data have shown that jellyfishes are more geographically restricted and evolutionarily divergent than previously thought. We examined genetic variation and divergence within the meroplanktonic barrel jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo in the Mediterranean Sea; specific sampling areas were the northern Adriatic, western Mediterranean and Tunisian coast. A total of 19 sampling sites and 68 sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene were used. Of the 68 COI sequences, 45 were newly collected specimens which originated from nine sampling sites along the Tunisian coast. A total of 24 haplotypes were obtained and the specimens sampled were characterised by relatively high levels of haplotype diversity (h = 0.866) and low levels of nucleotide diversity (π = 0.004). Haplotype network analysis showed the presence of three distinct phylogenetic lineages (populations), with separate geographic ranges in the northern Adriatic, western Mediterranean and Tunisian coast. The observed genetic differentiation between these three lineages was supported by the presence of significant genetic differentiation between the 19 populations (FST = 0.757, p < 0.001). The high level of genetic differentiation detected in the barrel jellyfish investigated could be attributed to either intrinsic and/or extrinsic barriers to genetic exchange between different populations that may have adapted to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) are among the more toxic anthropogenic contaminants. They are fat-soluble and accumulate in animal tissues. Exposure to PCDD/Fs can cause several endocrine, reproductive and developmental problems in animals, including human beings. Several studies have demonstrated that fish and invertebrates living in association with sediments are exposed to and accumulate contaminants, but to date there have been no studies of PCDD/Fs contamination in deep-sea regions. Specimens of Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) were collected from depths of 600–2500 m at different points in the Mediterranean Sea, from the western basin off the coast of Barcelona to the central basin off the Peloponnesian Peninsula, with otter trawl gear. Amounts of PCDD/Fs were measured in different animal tissues by high resolution gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC–HRMS). This is the first study to report the presence of PCDD/Fs in deep-sea organisms dwelling at depths below 600 m. A. antennatus presented levels of PCDD/Fs of the same order of magnitude, or slightly higher, as those found in shallow-water species (Melicertus kerathurus) with respect to land-generated contamination. This highlights the widespread distribution of these pollutants and the potential threat posed to the biodiversity of fragile and vulnerable ecosystems such as the deep-sea. PCDD/F levels detected in the edible parts (muscle) of the commercial shrimp A. antennatus were clearly below the toxic limit value established by European legislation. Levels followed the trend muscle<ovary<hepatopancreas, according to the lipid content of the organs in question. The specific profile of toxic PCDD/F congeners in the studied Penaeid shrimp specimens was characterized mainly by octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) congeners. Moreover, non 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners bioaccumulated in this species, as observed in shallow-water crustaceans. PCDD/Fs were found in the shrimp A. antennatus throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Total PCDD/Fs burdens were higher in shrimps caught in the western Mediterranean than in those caught at eastern Mediterranean sites. There was a tendency for higher levels of PCDD/F contamination in samples obtained from deeper (2500 m) than from shallower sites (600 m).  相似文献   

We studied the genetic structure of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Roweothuria) polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) by analysing the mitochondrial DNA variation in two fragments of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes. Individuals were collected in seven locations along the Mediterranean Sea, which cover a wide range of the species distribution. We found high haplotype diversity for COI and moderate diversity for 16S, and low nucleotide diversity for both genes. Our results for the COI gene showed many recent and exclusive haplotypes with few mutational changes, suggesting recent or ongoing population expansion. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean populations exhibited slight but significant genetic differentiation (COI gene) with higher genetic diversity in the East. The most ancient haplotype was not present in the westernmost sampling location (SE Spain). The oldest expansion time was observed in Turkey, corresponding to mid‐Pleistocene. Turkey had also the highest genetic diversity (number of total and exclusive haplotypes, polymorphisms, haplotype and nucleotide diversity). This suggests that this region could be the origin of the subsequent colonizations through the Mediterranean Sea, a hypothesis that should be assessed with nuclear markers in future research.  相似文献   

Pasiphaea multidentata is a deep‐water caridean shrimp fished in the Mediterranean in association with the commercially exploited red‐shrimp Aristeus antennatus. A previous study describes seasonality in the reproductive pattern of P. multidentata using external morphological parametres. This study assesses the spatio‐temporal variations in the population structure, sex ratio, ovary cycle and gametogenesis of P. multidentata from three different fishing grounds in the Blanes canyon and adjacent margin (North‐western Mediterranean) over an annual cycle. The oogenetic pattern of this species is typical of a caridean shrimp. There is a pool of previtellogenic oocytes at all times that develop from the periphery of the gonad towards the centre during maturation. Previtellogenic oocytes grow to approximately 200 μm before undergoing vitellogenesis. The vitellogenic oocytes are surrounded by a monolayer of accessory cells. The maximum size observed for a mature oocyte was 1420 μm. The oocyte‐size distribution confirmed the seasonal reproductive pattern of this species; in winter, the ovaries contained mainly previtellogenic oocytes, some of which start maturing in spring, resulting in a slightly bimodal distribution. In summer, the vitellogenic oocytes reach approximately 1000 μm and in late autumn the ovaries are fully mature and ready to spawn. There were no significant differences in the reproductive and population structure patterns of P. multidentata among the three sites, suggesting that the population’s distribution is not affected by the geomorphology of the area, in particular the presence of the canyon. The populations are dominated by females at all sites and all seasons, with the arrival of juveniles in spring. The seasonal variations in the reproduction and recruitment of P. multidentata and the lack of spatial segregation within the population are discussed in terms of the species’ known biology, the effects of canyons in energy supply to the deep‐sea floor and the relationships of this species with the red‐shrimp A. antennatus.  相似文献   

Although several studies have evaluated the genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns in many species of marine invertebrates, a general model that applies to all of them remains elusive. For example, some species present an admixture of populations with high gene flow, whereas others exhibit more complex patterns characterized by small‐scale unstructured genetic heterogeneity, even at a local scale. These differences are thought to be due to clear biological aspects such as direct versus indirect development, or the presence of lecithotrophic versus planktotrophic larvae, but few studies compare animals with similar distributions and life modes. Here, we explore the phylogeographic and genetic structure patterns in two chiton (Chiton olivaceus and Lepidopleurus cajetanus) and one abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) species co‐occurring in the same habitat. Samples were obtained from shallow rocky bottoms along the Iberian Peninsula (Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts), Italy, Croatia and Greece, and the mitochondrial markers COI and 16S rRNA gene were sequenced. Our data show evidence of admixture and population expansion in C. olivaceus and H. tuberculata, whereas L. cajetanus exhibited a ‘chaotic patchiness’ pattern defined by a high genetic variability with locality‐exclusive haplotypes, high genetic divergence, and a lack of geographic structure. Shared haplotypes were sampled in both coasts of Iberia (for H. tuberculata) and in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean (for C. olivaceus), potentially indicating high dispersal ability and a recent expansion. The processes underlying the fine‐scale structuring in L. cajetanus remain a mystery. These results are especially interesting because the reproductive mode of the two chitons is similar but differs from that of the abalone, with a veliger larva, while instead the genetic structure of C. olivaceus and H. tuberculata are similar, thus contrasting with predictions based on the life history of the three molluscs and showing that the genetic patterns of marine species may be shaped by many factors, including historical ones.  相似文献   

The sparid Dentex macrophthalmus is a widespread, important fishery species along most of the West African coast from southern Namibia to the Mediterranean. In southern Angola it is an important artisanal species targeted predominantly by handline fishers. A biological and fisheries study was conducted on this species in southern Angola between June 2008 and July 2009. It was the dominant species in the artisanal fishery, accounting for 99% of the sparids captured and 67% (by mass) of the total catch. The life history of D. macrophthalmus was characterised by slow growth (females: Lt = 309[1 ? e?0.06(t + 5.43)], males: Lt = 248[1 ? e?0.16(t ? 1.77)]), advanced age at maturity (females: 7.4 years, males: 6.0 years) and high longevity (females: 36 years, males: 38 years). The sex ratio was 1:1 male:female. The length- and age-frequency distributions and macroscopic observations suggested that the species is a late gonochorist. Males and females reached 50% maturity at 151 and 166 mm fork length respectively. Although individuals with ripe gonads were found during most of the year, the peak spawning period appeared to be in December and January. Despite a life history that renders D. macrophthal-mus vulnerable to overexploitation, only 38% of artisanal fishers noticed a decline in the catches of this species. Potential reasons for this include: technology creep; limited pressure on the juvenile portion of the stock as a result of late recruitment (above the length of 50% maturity); the ‘basin affect’, whereby depleted areas are reseeded by areas (e.g. deeper water) inaccessible to the linefishery; and a deep-water reserve of large individuals. It is recommended that precautionary management strategies be implemented until the age estimates are revised by the countries in which this species forms significant fisheries.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that cause population divergence has long been of interest to marine biologists in their attempts to interpret the effect of human‐mediated vectors. Broadcast‐spawning species with limited dispersal capability are excellent candidates to measure the present‐day patterns of genetic diversity. The tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea) is comprised of a complex of morphologically cryptic species that form vigorous aggregates in eutrophic habitats (harbors, gulfs and lagoons) where they can compete with the epibenthic community and cause biofouling problems. This study investigated biogeographic variability and migration patterns of C. intestinalis sp. A along Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts using microsatellite markers. Data presented here on 371 specimens collected from 17 populations reveal high genetic polymorphism, but with a deficit of heterozygote deficiency. Absence of evidence for isolation by distance suggests that the genetic patterns do not reflect the geographic distribution of sampled populations. Substantial gene flow and artificial potential for dispersal boost high levels of within‐population genetic variability and prevent genetic differentiation within and between seas. A predominant eastward migration pattern was revealed by the data set, with very limited opportunity for C. intestinalis sp. A to travel westward. This directional movement indicates that other properties (e.g. habitat quality, genetic traits, mating system, life cycle) may cause adaptive divergence at a large biogeographic scale.  相似文献   

Biological invasions result in huge ecological and economic impacts; therefore, a great amount of effort is dedicated to predicting the potential success of newly established or candidate bioinvaders. Thus far, over 90 species of fish have entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez canal, the so‐called Lessepsian bioinvaders. The bluespotted cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii, is remarkable in its ability to disperse within the Mediterranean and has been dubbed ‘the Lessepsian sprinter’. In just a few years, starting in 2000, it expanded over the entire area, from the Suez Canal to Gibraltar. Theoretical predictions correlate the dispersal capabilities of an invader in its native range (using the population genetic metrics, Fst, as a proxy) with its dispersal capability in its invading area (continuous extent of spread, CES). Here, we estimated the population genetic characteristics of Indo‐Pacific native populations of F. commersonii in order to determine if this Lessepsian ‘sprinter’ fits the predictive model of dispersal. Indeed, we found that even in the case of such a very rapid range expansion, the predicted relationship between Fst and CES is fulfilled in F. commersonii.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are increasingly threatened worldwide by a variety of biological and physical factors, including disease, bleaching and ocean acidification. Understanding levels of connectivity among widespread populations can assist in conservation efforts and the design of marine protected areas, as larval dispersal scales affect population demography. This study examined genetic connectivity and morphological variation of the broadcast spawning coral Montastraea cavernosa (L., 1767) among five locations in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Analysis of mtDNA and nuclear rRNA internal transcribed spacers, at both the local and regional scale, revealed that the majority of variation existed within locations rather than among them. Likewise, the majority of pairwise comparisons were non‐significant between sites and locations. These results suggest that moderate to high gene flow occurs within and among populations of M. cavernosa in the Western Atlantic. The phylogeographic signature and significant pairwise comparisons among several locations, however, indicate that populations are also partially maintained through self‐seeding and that gene flow may be restricted over large geographic distances. Additionally, while some anatomical variation is likely attributable to phenotypic plasticity, variations in skeletal morphology between Jamaica and other locations correspond with significant pairwise genetic distances and the presence of private sequence types (limited to a single location), suggesting selection to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Populations of continuously distributed marine organisms that disperse via pelagic larvae are often assumed to exist in a state of genetic panmixia because of their potential ability for long‐distance dispersal. However, obligate symbionts may have more restricted gene flow due to recruitment limitations, making host specificity an important potential driver of biodiversity. To explore the tension between broad dispersal ability and limited recruitment potential, we used sequences of mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) to assess the fine‐scale phylogeography of the cleaner shrimp, Ancylomenes pedersoni, an obligate symbiont of sea anemones, along 300 km of the Florida Reef Tract (FRT). The results indicate high genetic diversity within A. pedersoni populations along the FRT. Pair‐wise ?ST values indicate significant genetic structuring between northern (Fort Lauderdale and Upper Keys) and southwestern (Lower Keys) populations, with significant isolation by distance. Two divergent COI haplotype lineages were detected through statistical parsimony analysis: one evenly distributed across the entire FRT (Clade 1) and one found primarily in two sample localities in the Lower Keys (Clade 2). Phylogenetic analyses using 16S‐rDNA indicates that this genetic diversity is of paraphyletic origin, and possibly the result of multiple colonization events. These results reveal a complex demographic and evolutionary history for A. pedersoni populations and provide the first evidence of highly divergent intra‐specific lineages independently colonizing the FRT. Because the FRT is a highly impacted coral reef system, understanding phylogeographic patterns along it has value beyond documentation of the factors that generate genetic diversity in tropical reef systems: these data are critical for creating scientifically based management strategies.  相似文献   

The present investigation focuses on population structure analysis of the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus across the African Mediterranean coast, with the main aim of assessing the influence of the Siculo-Tunisian Strait on gene flow disruption in this highly dispersive echinoid species. For this purpose, patterns of morphological and genetic variation were assessed among its populations from the western and eastern Mediterranean coasts. A total of 302 specimens from seven Tunisian sites were collected and examined for morphometric variability at twelve morphometric traits. Concordant results, inferred from CDA (canonical discriminant analyses), pairwise NPMANOVA (non parametric multivariate analysis of variance) comparisons and MDS (multidimensional scaling) plot, unveiled significant inter-population differences in the measured traits among the studied populations. Furthermore, the combined use of the one way ANOSIM (analysis of similarities) and the Discriminant/Hotelling analysis allowed unravelling two morphologically differentiated groups assigned to both western and eastern Mediterranean basins. The SIMPER (similarity percentages) routine analysis showed that total dry weight, test diameter and spine length were major contributors to the morphometric separation between locations and between groups. Pattern of phenotypic divergence discerned in P. lividus across the Siculo-Tunisian Strait is interestingly in congruence with that inferred from the genetic investigation of the purple sea urchin populations from the same region based on the analysis of the mtDNA COI (cytochrome oxidase I) gene in 314 specimens from nineteen locations covering a wider geographic transect, streching westward to the Algerian coast and eastward to the Libyan littoral. The specific haplotypic composition characterizing each Mediterranean basin, as inferred from the minimum spanning network, confirmed the geographic partioning of genetic variation, as revealed by F-statistics and AMOVA (analysis of molecular variance) analyses, yielding significant genetic differentiation between eastern and western Mediterranean populations. The newly detected phylogeographic patterns, observed for the first time in P. lividus throughout the explored distribution range, suggest the involvement of different biotic and abiotic processes in shaping such variation, and provide evidence that a large and geographically exhaustive dataset is necessary to unveil phylogeographic structure within widespread marine species, previously cathegorized as panmictic in part of their distribution range.  相似文献   

Penaeus semisulcatus, the green tiger prawn, is an ecologically and economically important penaeid shrimp in the Indo‐West Pacific region, especially in rice‐shrimp farming and capture fisheries in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, respectively. Genetic variation and phylogeography of samples of this species from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka were studied utilizing different mitochondrial DNA markers, i.e. cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1), control region (CR) and 16S rRNA genes. No evidence of population structure was observed in Bangladesh, but distinct variations were found among the Sri Lankan samples (ΦST = 0.04, p = .002; FST = 0.07, p = .001), with the western sample differing from the northwestern and southern samples. The Bangladesh population had lower genetic diversity than two of the three Sri Lanka populations. The phylogeography of P. semisulcatus revealed two distinct mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages, one in the Western Pacific Ocean and second in the Indian Ocean. The Bangladesh samples showed highest levels of similarity with samples from Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia, with the Bangladesh and Sri Lanka populations sharing the most common recent ancestry. Among the Indian Ocean samples, high levels of variation were observed in the samples from Iran, indicating admixture of two distinct mtDNA lineages, one shared by the populations from the Bay of Bengal and the other possibly originating from Eastern Africa. The genetic and phylogeographic information obtained in this study will be useful in appropriate planning for management and conservation of shrimp fisheries in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and in the Indo‐West Pacific region.  相似文献   

Growth and reproduction of the Japanese mantis shrimp, Oratosquilla oratoria, were investigated in the Tongyeong, Korea from July 2014 to August 2015. A total of 2,621 samples (1,380 females and 1,241 males) were collected during the study period. Females were observed more frequently than males. The mean body length (BL) was 128.5 ± 0.38 mm in females and 126.9 ± 0.42 mm in males. The mean body weight (BW) was 31.2 ± 0.28 g in females and 31.1 ± 0.32 g in males. There was a significant difference in the length-frequency distribution between females and males. The relationship between BL and BW was lnBW = 2.85 × lnBL - 10.43 for females and lnBW = 2.87 × lnBL -10.52 for males. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) varied on a monthly basis. The GSI reached a maximum in May and a minimum in November. The highest values of the GSI coincided with the spawning period of O. oratoria. Larger individuals of O. oratoria have their spawning season earlier than smaller ones. The size at sexual maturity of females was estimated as 96.5 mm. The Von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were BL = 184.5 mm, K = 0.72 year?1, C = 0.36 and WP = 0.45 for females and BL = 183.75 mm, K = 0.82 year?1, C = 0.38 and WP = 0.22 for males. The growth of males was slightly faster than females. The present study will help with the fisheries management of O. oratoria based on ecological parameters.  相似文献   

采用PCR扩增和序列测定等技术,对脊尾白虾3个野生群体共计58个个体的线粒体16SrRNA基因片段进行初步研究。结果表明,在获得的长度为509bp核苷酸序列中,共检测到7个变异位点、8种单倍型,除象山湾群体外其它两个群体遗传多样性水平都较低。AMOVA分析表明,象山湾与莱州湾群体有显著的遗传差异,其余群体间的遗传差异不显著。另外,将本研究所得序列与GenBank中长臂虾科11个种的16SrRNA基因片段序列进行比较后,发现其聚类关系与传统分类略有不同,并依据16SrRNA序列变异百分比推测了长臂虾科12个种的大致分化时间。  相似文献   

Atlantic–Mediterranean anchovies were genetically characterized at two polymorphic nuclear loci (intron 6 of two creatine-kinase genes) and compared to reference Engraulis albidus and E. encrasicolus samples from the northern Western Mediterranean to provide new insights into their geographic structure. Northeastern Atlantic anchovy, represented by one sample from the Canary archipelago and one sample from the Alboran Sea, were genetically distinct from Mediterranean E. encrasicolus (Weir and Cockerham's  = 0.027–0.311), indicating geographic isolation from either side of the Almería–Oran oceanographic front. Generally smaller genetic differences were evident among anchovy populations from different sub-basins in the Mediterranean ( = − 0.019–0.116), the genetic differences between Black Sea and Ionian Sea/Aegean Sea anchovies being the strongest ( = 0.002–0.116). There was no evidence of the presence of E. albidus in our samples outside Camargue (northern shore of the Western Mediterranean). However, a sample from the southern Western Mediterranean appeared to be genetically intermediate between E. albidus and Mediterranean E. encrasicolus, indicating possible hybridization. Anchovy from the Benguela current system off southern Africa possessed allele frequencies characteristic of E. albidus at one locus and Northeastern Atlantic anchovy at the other locus, suggesting past introgression.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression strongly affects the biological fitness of organisms throughout their life cycle. These negative effects are more pronounced in species with low dispersal potentials, where mating among relatives is more likely. However, in some species, an outbreeding depression could be expressed when local adaptive and genetic beneficial interactions are disrupted when mating occurs between individuals from different localities. The amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata inhabits the upper level of sandy beaches. This species has direct development and adults are poor swimmers, resulting in low dispersal potential. We herein evaluated potential inbreeding and outbreeding depression responses in O. tuberculata estimated in fecundity, egg size, and mate choice. Artificial families were used with individuals from different sites within a single beach and from distinct beaches. Results showed that the highest fecundity (66.7%) and the largest egg size (50.1 mm3) were recorded in females that mated with males from the same site, rather than males from other sites and beaches. We also observed potential recognition mechanisms that clearly favored inbreeding (81.8% of males chose females from the same site). These results suggest a potential outbreeding depression in O. tuberculata. Additional studies are needed to elucidate underlying adaptive mechanisms favoring inbreeding in this species.  相似文献   

A total of 639 pink dentex Dentex gibbosus was collected in Canary Islands waters between April 1991 and September 1993. Total lengths ranged from 14,2 to 95,2 cm. Females dominated smaller size-classes and males the larger ones. The species was characterized by protogynous hermaphroditism. The overall ratio of males to females was 1 : 1,45. The reproductive period extended from April to September, spawning peaking in June/July. The total lengths at 50% maturity were 34,7 cm for females and 38,6 cm for males. The length-mass relationship for the whole sample can be described by the parameters a = 0,01014 and b = 3,0812. Fish aged 0–16 years were present in the samples. The parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L = 101,2 cm, k = 0,149·year?1, and t 0 = ?0,111 years. The rates of total mortality Z and natural mortality M were 0,57 and 0,28·year?1 respectively. Rates of fishing mortality F and exploitation E were 0,29 and 0,51·year?1 respectively. The estimated length at first capture (LC 50) was 17,8 cm total length.  相似文献   

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