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This paper briefly outlines the production and certification of reference materials at the Central Geological Laboratory (CGL) of Mongolia. The marketing of CRMs produced in Mongolia, as well as problems encountered in internationally recognised certification attempts and some proposed solutions, are discussed. The basic elements of the CGL’s strategy for the development of the CRM sector are to produce high quality CRMs according to the requirements of internationally recognised norms, to consider the market needs, to certify the RMs at the international level and to widely advertise them to the geochemical community. The CGL has already established the basis for the further development of this sector by, for instance, accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025, by modernising its preparation technology, by cooperation with international organisations in the field of CRMs and by permanent participation in the International Association of Geoanalysts’ GeoPT™ proficiency testing programme.  相似文献   

Most laboratories aim to produce data of the highest quality. Trying to lower uncertainties to infinitesimal figures and push detection limits even lower are valid goals. However, is it possible to overachieve? Are old data still of good enough quality to be usable? In a geochemical context, the main goal of producing analytical results is to answer geological or environmental questions. Not all scientific problems require the same data quality. What is really required are data of adequate quality – i.e., ‘fit-for-purpose’– to ensure that the geological problem at hand can be solved. Furthermore, it is doubtful that uncertainties and reproducibilities associated with field sampling are better than those from laboratories. It is thus proposed that, as geoanalysts, we encourage data users (students, colleagues or referees) to ensure that their analytical results are of sufficient quality to solve the problem. However, authors have to demonstrate, through the use of reproducibility testing, reference and quality control materials, that the quality of their results is sufficient to solve the problem. Uncertainties and detection limits in publications should not only be evaluated with respect to a set value, such as 10%, but also with regard to the geological problem to be solved.  相似文献   

Election probe microanalysis of indicator minerals is extensively used in the exploration for kimberlite deposits, the evaluation of specific kimberlite occurrences for their diamond bearing potential and to classify grains into different chemical and lithological mantle associations. Kimberlite exploration programmes can involve several tens of thousands of indicator mineral analyses. Procedures for monitoring data quality and consistency of analyses across large data sets are commonly absent. Suitable monitor minerals should be used to verify the data quality of kimberlite exploration and evaluation data sets. This material should have a suitable composition, be homogenous, be available in sufficient quantities and have a similar appearance to the unknown samples. Garnet P1, a megacryst garnet from the Premier kimberlite, was found to have a suitable composition as a monitor for kimberlite garnet analyses. Data were collected on the monitor material at regular intervals during routine analyses, over an extended period, both as a fixed grain mounted on the sample holder and as separate grains set within batches of routine samples. The data were evaluated to assess the quality and consistency in the analyses of large data sets over time. The monitor material was also analysed at independent laboratories using their routine analytical set-up and calibration procedures for comparative purposes. Values are given for the mean ± 2s range, which can serve as guide values for acceptable analyses for all elements.  相似文献   

The International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) has certified a slate sample, OU-6, for twelve major and minor constituents, as well as thirty-five trace elements through an interlaboratory programme conducted in close compliance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Guide 35 (1989). Laboratories were qualified for participation in the certification programme, based on their performance in the prior analysis of OU-6 as a proficiency test material. Thirty laboratories provided data for the certification, though not for each constituent that was certified. Certification criteria included a means of establishing traceability for the certification data, generally through concurrent analysis of the existing Geological Survey of Japan reference material JSl-1, agreement of results between laboratories and methods, and a minimum of data rejection (4% rejection rate for OU-6 data and 6% for JSl-1 data), preferably for well-understood technical reasons only. Information values are provided for an additional eight constituents where certification criteria were not met. Uncertainties developed in accordance with the "Guide on Uncertainty in Measurement" (Eurachem 2000) and representing the 95% confidence interval of the certified and information values are reported for all fifty five constituents. The material is currently available in 40 g units for distribution by the IAG. Supply is anticipated to last about ten years.  相似文献   

International carbon and oxygen isotope calibration material NBS 19 and reference materials NBS 18, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)-CO-1 and IAEA-CO-8 are prepared from naturally occurring rock specimens of marble and carbonatite. Mineralogical and chemical analysis showed that only NBS 19 and IAEA-CO-1 represent essentially pure samples of calcite containing < and minimal (< 1%) quantities of quartz. In contrast, both NBS 18 and IAEA-CO-8, although primarily composed of calcite, are contaminated by a range of additional phases. NBS 18 was estimated to contain 1% Fe-dolomite and trace (< 1%) quantities of apatite and quartz. IAEA-CO-8 was estimated to contain at least 4% non-carbonate material (including apatite, barite, biotite and magnetite). NBS 18 and IAEA-CO-8 are both derived from samples of carbonatite and the calcite component of each material is characterised by appreciable substitution of Mg + Mn + Sr ± Fe ± Ba (Σ ≈ 14000–15000 μg g-1) for Ca. The observations reported in this study complement data in the literature detailing significant grain-scale isotopic heterogeneity in NBS 18 and IAEA-CO-8. Both data sets highlight the need for careful characterisation of calibration materials prior to distribution.  相似文献   

A thermal ionisation mass spectrometric technique enabled the abundance of Zn in geological and biological reference materials and water samples to be measured by double spiking isotope dilution mass spectrometry enriched in the 67Zn and 70Zn isotopes. In the past, thermal ionisation mass spectrometry proved to be difficult for low-level zinc isotopic measurements. The size of Zn samples used for isotopic determination, in particular the biological RMs, represents an important breakthrough. These results represent the most accurate and precise concentrations measured for Zn in these samples. The maximum fractional uncertainty was that for TILL-3 (2%), while the minimum fractional uncertainty was 0.7% for both BCR-1 and W-2. The inhomogeneity of Zn in HISS-1 was revealed while other reference materials appeared homogeneous at the 95% confidence uncertainty. The certified concentration of Zn in HISS-1 and IMEP-19 by their producers are 28% and 3.8% higher than the values measured in this work. These are the first Zn concentration measurements in these materials by the isotope dilution-TIMS technique, except for BCR-1, NIES No 9 and IMEP-19. Reducing the blank enabled accurate measurement in water at the ng g-1 level demonstrating the applicability of the technique for low-level Zn samples.  相似文献   

During the past decade the work of ISO/REMCO, the International Organization for Standardization’s Technical Committee on Reference Materials, was dedicated to achieving global harmonisation, and true involvement of the member countries. The first major accomplishment was the clarification of the terminology in the definitions for reference material and certified reference material, which were published as an amendment to ISO Guide 30 in 2008. The next milestone was the recognition that ISO Guide 34 (‘General requirements for the competence of reference material producers’) be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17025 for the accreditation of reference material producers. The third edition of ISO Guide 34 published in November 2009, clarifies the acceptable procedures for the certification of reference materials. This paper will discuss the role of ISO/REMCO in formalising the procedures for the accreditation of reference material producers and the evolution of the terms reference material and certified reference material. The paper will conclude with a case study, where a primary method in a single laboratory – one of the recognised acceptable metrologically valid procedures according to ISO Guide 34 – was used for the certification of reference materials. The reference materials are South African Reference Material SARM 2 (Syenite), SARM 3 (Lujavrite) and SARM 4 (Norite) from the suite of six NIMROCs that were originally certified by the Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK) in South Africa in the 1970s.  相似文献   

It is argued that the current division between field sampling and chemical analysis is counterproductive in terms of ensuring that geochemical measurement results are fit for their intended purpose. An integrated approach to the whole measurement process has many advantages including no dependence on the two assumptions that either the samples are necessarily representative if taken with a correct protocol, or that the measurement results can be assumed to be true values of chemical concentration. The measurement results then require values of measurement uncertainty, including that from sampling as well as from chemical analysis. This enables the user of the measurement results, rather than the producer, to judge their fitness for a specific purpose. Case studies are used to illustrate the practicality and benefits of this new approach, including the use of measurement results with optimal, but relatively high, levels of uncertainty to make reliable decisions. This contrasts with the traditional assumption that pursuit of the lowest possible measurement uncertainty is the best approach.  相似文献   

A method to determine F and Cl in silicate materials by employing pyrohydrolysis and ion chromatography (IC) is described. Pyrohydrolysis involved mixing a pulverised sample (∼ 40 mg) with V2O5 (∼ 160 mg) and heating to 1100 °C under a wet oxygen flow in a quartz tube. Recovery yields of F and Cl were ∼ 97% using a NaF + NaCl standard solution. Detection limits of the pyrohydrolysis-IC method for silicate samples were 0.36 and 0.69 μg g-1 for F and Cl, respectively. Fluorine and Cl concentrations were determined in the reference materials JB-2, JB-3 and JA-1 from the GSJ; BCR-2, BHVO-1, BHVO-2, AGV-1 and AGV-2 from the USGS; and NIST SRM 610, 612 and 614 glasses. Precisions (RSD) for determinations of F were 1–13% (except NIST SRM 614) and 2–19% for Cl, and were dependent on the concentration and blank correction. Most results obtained in this study were in good agreement with those of previous studies. In comparison, the Na2CO3 + ZnO fusion method at 900 °C showed that the yields of F and Cl by alkaline fusion systematically decreased with fusion duration time. The yields were 84% and 83% for JB-3, inferring that F and Cl were lost in this alkaline fusion.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the application of variants of LA-ICP-MS – including infrared femtosecond laser ablation (fs-LA) inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QMS) and nanosecond laser ablation (ns-LA) coupled with single-collector sector-field (SF-) ICP-MS – to the in situ determination of trace elements in different splits of the reference material (RM) ATHO-G (MPI-DING). Analyses of the materials performed by fs- and ns-LA-ICP-MS demonstrated the efficiency of the techniques with typical accuracy at a level of ≤ ± 20%. One ‘anomalous’ split, however, displayed a significant discrepancy from the reference concentrations for B, V, Zn, Mo, Sn, Sb, Cs, W and Pb. Three- to six-fold enrichment of V, Mo, Cs and Pt relative to the reference contents in this split is likely to have been due to direct contact of the silicate melt with Pt crucible walls and ceramics. Boron, Zn, Sn, Sb, W and Pb depletion relative to the reference concentrations is probably due to siderophile element adsorption by the Pt walls and/or related to the formation of volatile-depleted compositional cords during the preparation process. Our results imply that additional precautions should be taken against volatile/siderophile element heterogeneity in marginal/surface layers (≤ 10 mm) during the preparation of RMs by the fusion technique.  相似文献   

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