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建立了哪吒大桥———钢桁加劲梁悬索桥的三维有限元计算模型,对该桥进行了振动特性和地震响应研究,对比分析了一致激励下和考虑局部场地效应、行波效应非一致激励下的桥梁地震时程响应的差异。计算结果表明,由于悬索桥的钢桁加劲梁采用半飘浮体系,纵向约束较弱,桥梁第1阶振型为钢桁加劲梁的纵飘;各阶振型的频率呈现出密集分布的形态;考虑地震波传播速度产生的行波效应的影响,桥梁的地震响应与一致激励下的地震响应有一定差异;局部场地效应对哪吒大桥的地震响应影响较大,特别是对大缆应力及结构变形影响很大;哪吒大桥在7度设防(地震波峰值加速度不超过0.15g)时,大桥的抗震安全性是可以得到保证的。  相似文献   

Ambient and forced vibration tests were carried out on the Beauharnois bridge, a unique, 177‐m combined suspension and cable‐stayed structure near Montreal, Canada. A rehabilitation program was completed on the bridge during which the deck was completely rebuilt with an orthotropic slab on two steel trusses. The rehabilitation program also included the addition of two pairs of stay cables on both towers, creating a hybrid suspension system. The paper presents a series of dynamic tests performed to evaluate the dynamic properties and the dynamic amplification factor (DAF) for the rehabilitated bridge. The experimental program involved the measurement of vertical, transverse, and longitudinal acceleration responses of the deck and tower under ambient and controlled traffic loads. Displacement, strain, and integrated acceleration DAFs were computed under different loading conditions. Modal properties were evaluated and used to correlate a three‐dimensional finite element model for the bridge, including non‐linear cable behaviour. The paper discusses the experimental setup as well as the techniques used to evaluate vibration frequencies, mode shapes, and the DAF. Correlation of numerical dynamic properties and experimental results is also presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以某三塔自锚式悬索桥为工程背景,建立三维有限元模型,通过调整缆索初应变确定恒载作用下的成桥线形,基于静力平衡状态进行模态分析得到三塔自锚式悬索桥的振型及频率。结构动力特性影响参数分析表明:主缆抗拉刚度、加劲梁竖向弯曲刚度、桥面恒载集度、矢跨比等参数对结构动力特性影响较大。  相似文献   

以鼓山大桥为工程背景,研究黏滞阻尼器对该桥抗震性能的影响。利用非线性动力时程分析的方法讨论了黏滞阻尼器参数C及ξ的不同组合对该桥塔底、墩底、梁端及塔顶等关键部分内力及变形的影响规律。综合考虑桥梁结构各个关键部位的反应情况,得出该桥的拟安装阻尼器的最优参数约为C=1500kN/(m·s)^0.3,ξ=0.30左右。分析结果表明:在纵桥向设置适当参数的阻尼器可有效减小纵桥向位移的同时改善关键构件受力。  相似文献   

The Vincent Thomas Bridge in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, is a critical artery for commercial traffic flow in and out of the Los Angeles Harbor, and is at risk in the seismically active Southern California region, particularly because it straddles the Palos Verdes fault zone. A combination of linear and non‐linear system identification techniques is employed to obtain a complete reduced‐order, multi‐input–multi‐output (MIMO) dynamic model of the Vincent Thomas Bridge based on the dynamic response of the structure to the 1987 Whittier and 1994 Northridge earthquakes. Starting with the available acceleration measurements (which consists of 15 accelerometers on the bridge structure and 10 accelerometers at various locations on its base), an efficient least‐squares‐based time‐domain identification procedure is applied to the data set to develop a reduced‐order, equivalent linear, multi‐degree‐of‐freedom model. Although not the main focus of this study, the linear system identification method is also combined with a non‐parametric identification technique, to generate a reduced‐order non‐linear mathematical model suitable for use in subsequent studies to predict, with good fidelity, the total response of the bridge under arbitrary dynamic environments. Results of this study yield measurements of the equivalent linear modal properties (frequencies, mode shapes and non‐proportional damping) as well as quantitative measures of the extent and nature of non‐linear interaction forces arising from strong ground shaking. It is shown that, for the particular subset of observations used in the identification procedure, the apparent non‐linearities in the system restoring forces are quite significant, and they contribute substantially to the improved fidelity of the model. Also shown is the potential of the identification technique under discussion to detect slight changes in the structure's influence coefficients, which may be indicators of damage and degradation in the structure being monitored. Difficulties associated with accurately estimating damping for lightly damped long‐span structures from their earthquake response are discussed. The technical issues raised in this paper indicate the need for added spatial resolution in sensor instrumentation to obtain identified mathematical models of structural systems with the broadest range of validity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自锚式悬索桥主桥动力特性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以某自锚式悬索桥主桥为研究对象,采用M IDAS有限元程序,建立了该桥的空间力学计算模型,利用子空间迭代法计算了该桥梁结构的自振频率和振型,结合计算结果对桥梁的动力特性和刚度特点进行了讨论。计算结果可为该类型桥梁的设计、施工以及使用阶段的健康检测和维护提供技术参数和依据。  相似文献   

四渡河大跨悬索桥空间地震响应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非一致激励输入对大跨结构响应有着较大影响。本文以四渡河悬索桥为背景,首先根据该桥动力特性对规范反应谱进行调整,基于修正反应谱并考虑相位非平稳性合成地震动位移;然后编制了调索程序来确定有限元模型的初始平衡构型;采用时程法,分别分析了在纵桥向、横桥向以及竖向的非一致激励(行波输入、多点输入)下的悬索桥地震响应。计算结果表明,纵向非一致激励输入增大了悬索桥的地震响应,横向、竖向非一致激励输入的影响有增有减。  相似文献   

针对钢-混凝土叠合梁自锚式悬索桥的结构特点,在总结以往大跨径桥梁有限元模型的基础上,采用组合有限元法以梁、板、杆、索单元建立邵阳市桂花大桥三维有限元模型,计算分析获得结构的主要频率和振型。通过现场测试获得大桥环境激励和行车激励作用下的响应时程,分析得到结构的主要频率、振型和阻尼比,引入模态置信因子对计算模态信息和实测模态信息进行比较分析,以验证数值模型和实测结果的准确性。研究结果可为全面了解钢-混凝土叠合梁自锚式悬索桥的动力特性、准确预测结构的动力响应以及类似桥梁的抗震、抗风设计提供重要依据。  相似文献   

The problem of spatial dynamic response of a suspension bridge to the passage of trains of concentrated forces with random values is considered. The arrival of forces at the bridge is assumed to constitute a Poisson process of events. Such an excitation process is an appropriate model of vehicular traffic loads acting on the bridge. The bridge is idealized by a single-span thin-walled beam underslung to two cables. The response of the bridge in the space-time domain is described by a coupled system of non-linear, integro-differential equations. The dynamic influence functions of vertical and horizontal deflections at each cross-section point are obtained for the linear case. Cumulants and probability density functions of response are determined. Numerical methods have been used to develop a computer-oriented algorithm aimed at the numerical solution of the problem. As examples, numerical results for a particular bridge with some practical load cases are presented and illustrated by graphs.  相似文献   

以某双链式悬索桥为工程背景,建立了空间有限元计算模型.运用几何非线性时程分析方法,分析并探讨了不同垂跨比、阻尼比,塔桥不同连接方式和双链位置对双链式悬索桥地震响应的影响.分析表明,竖向地震动分量使桥塔轴力迅速增大,加劲梁采用钢筋混凝土边梁可有效减小地震响应;塔梁间采用简支连接方案其抗震性能比固定支座连接方案、滑动支座连接方案要好;双链式悬索桥横向抗震性能优于单链式悬索桥.对双链式悬索桥抗震性能的研究,为此类悬索结构的设计选型,乃至减震、隔震及抗震加固提供了参考.  相似文献   

In order to study the dynamic performance of seismically isolated bridges under the most unfavorable loads in the longitudinal direction,a dynamic equation for vehicle braking in the longitudinal direction is established.A four or fiveorder Runge-Kutta method is adopted to obtain the time-history response of a wheel set under braking force.The quadratic discretization method is then used to transform this time-history into a braking and bending force time-history of a structural fixed node,and a dynamic response analysis of the seismically isolated bridge under the vehicle’s braking force is carried out using ANSYS,a universal finite element analysis software.According to the results,seismic isolation design results in a more rational distribution of braking force among piers;the influence of the initial braking velocity on the vehicle braking force is negligible;the location where the first wheel set leaves the bridge is the most unfavorable parking location;a seismic isolation bridge bearing constructed according to typical design methods enters into a yield stage under the braking force, while the shearing force at the bottom of the pier declines as the isolation period is extended;the design requirements can be met when the yield displacement of the seismic isolation bearing is less than 5 mm and the yield strength is greater than the braking force.  相似文献   

The natural frequencies of the San Pedro-Terminal Island Suspension Bridge were fairly accurately determined by measuring traffic-excited vertical vibrations with sensitive seismometers mounted at various locations on the bridge. The Fourier amplitude spectrum of the recorded vertical movements was computed and plotted. The measurements revealed a wide band of natural frequencies. The results for the vertical and torsional natural frequencies were correlated with the computed frequencies. The results of the field measurements showed reasonable agreement with the computed values. Finally, further recommendations toward obtaining better results were also indicated.  相似文献   

通过足尺寸吊杆横梁试件试验,验证了拱肋为钢管混凝土三角形桁架结构吊杆横梁的设计承载力,并对吊杆横梁的受力及变形进行了分析,提出了吊杆横梁施工的改进技术方案,保证了工程设计和施工质量。  相似文献   

本文根据某自锚式悬索桥独特的动力特性,分别提出了在悬索桥主梁与主塔之间沿纵向设置粘滞阻尼器和铅挤压阻尼器的消能减震设计方案,来控制悬索桥的纵向地震反应。研究表明,采用以上2种消能减震技术,可以有效地减小悬索桥的纵向地震反应。本文研究结果可供工程实践参考。  相似文献   

本文以一实际长输管道悬索桥跨越工程为原型,制作了缩尺比例为1:8的试验模型,对试验模型的模态、抗震性能进行了白噪声和不同强度的El Centro波输入下的试验研究以及有限元分析。试验结果表明:试验模型的自振频率随地震强度的增加而降低,最大降低20%;试验模型的最大地震反应为塔架顶部的纵向振动,加速度达1.75g,折合原型为1.62g,动力放大系数为5.47。管道的地震反应以横向振动为主,最大加速度达1.21g,折合原型结构为1.12g,动力放大系数为2.63。试验过程中,输入的最大横向和竖向地震反应加速度折合原型均超过0.4g,但模型构件未发生破损,结构体系保持稳定,表明悬索跨越结构具有抗御地震烈度9度而保持使用功能的能力。不同强度的地震动作用下,钢索与管道的内力分配改变,钢索具有调节结构体系构件受力的重要机能,有限元分析结果与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

天兴洲公铁两用斜拉桥主梁纵向列车制动振动反应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对天兴洲公铁两用斜拉桥主梁纵向列车制动的振动反应进行了研究。天兴洲大桥是目前在建的世界上跨度最大的公铁两用斜拉桥,由于具有四线铁路,其主梁在列车制动及行车移动荷载作用下会沿纵向产生大幅振动,因此对其列车制动及行车移动荷载反应进行研究尤为必要。文中,首先根据车辆动力学的原理建立了列车制动动力学模型,获得了列车制动力纵向荷载及在制动过程中列车行走所产生的竖向荷载,并建立制动力传递有限元模型,应用有限元分析软件来获取钢轨上制动力及列车行走时引起的桥梁结构节点上的作用力时程。最后对天兴洲公铁两用斜拉桥主梁纵向列车制动及行车移动荷载的振动反应进行了仿真分析,发现了其主梁纵向列车制动反应具有位移大且速度极小的特点。  相似文献   

During the service life of civil engineering structures such as long-span bridges, local damage at key positions may continually accumulate, and may finally result in their sudden failure. One core issue of global vibration-based health monitoring methods is to seek some damage indices that are sensitive to structural damage. This paper proposes an online structural health monitoring method for long-span suspension bridges using wavelet packet transform (WPT). The WPT- based method is based on the energy variations of structural ambient vibration responses decomposed using wavelet packet analysis. The main feature of this method is that the proposed wavelet packet energy spectrum (WPES) has the ability to detect structural damage from ambient vibration tests of a long-span suspension bridge. As an example application, the WPES-based health monitoring system is used on the Runyang Suspension Bridge under daily environmental conditions. The analysis reveals that changes in environmental temperature have a long-term influence on the WPES, while the effect of traffic loadings on the measured WPES of the bridge presents instantaneous changes because of the nonstationary properties of the loadings. The condition indication indices VD reflect the influences of environmental temperature on the dynamic properties of the Runyang Suspension Bridge. The field tests demonstrate that the proposed WPES-based condition indication index VD is a good candidate index for health monitoring of long-span suspension bridges under ambient excitations.  相似文献   

轨道交通荷载下桩板结构主动隔振效果研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究在轨道交通荷载作用下桩板结构主动隔振措施的隔振效果,通过无限元边界与有限元边界相结合的有限元分析方法在路基中建立桩板结构模型,并在沙土地基中设置混凝土桩板结构进行模型试验,通过模型试验对有限元数值模拟结果加以验证,将桩长、埋深及置换率3个因素考虑在内,研究其对隔振效果的影响。结果表明:模型试验验证有限元计算方法的可靠性;随桩长增加振幅降低比减小,隔振效果明显,随着振源距离增加其振幅降低比减小明显;埋深为桩板结构主动隔振措施中的主要影响因素,随着埋深增加振幅降低比明显减小,隔振效果越明显;有限元计算过程中置换率对隔振效果的影响不明显,但是在模型试验中置换率对隔振效果影响较显著。  相似文献   

涡激振动下管桥段的模糊动力可靠性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先给出了管道在流体作用下的力学模型,并对风力作用下管道产生涡激振动的机理进行了分析,从而建立了管桥在风力作用下的力学模型和相应的振动微分方程,同时给出了管桥的固有特性和动力响应分析结果,然后,在此基础上,提出了首超模糊失效、模糊疲劳失效和混合失效等三类模糊失效准则,并依据这些准则分析给出了动力可靠性的计算公式,最后,给出了具体的算例。  相似文献   

A simple and effective procedure for conducting the free vibration test on highway bridges is presented. The impulsive force in each direction is generated by a loaded truck that either stops suddenly or falls down from a rigid block. The feasibility of the procedure is demonstrated in identification of the dynamic properties, i.e. the vibration frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios, of a three-span box-girder concrete bridge using the Ibrahim Time-Domain (ITD) technique. Up to 14 modes have been identified for the present case. For the purpose of verification, ambient vibration tests were also carried out, with the data processed by the random decrement (Randomdec) technique to yield the free vibration response, followed by the ITD technique. The dynamic properties identified from the two types of test correlate very well with each other, indicating the validity of each procedure described herein. Although many more modes can be identified from the free vibration test because of the higher quality of data produced, the easiness and general applicability of the ambient vibration test can still be appreciated. A comparison of the experimental results with those by the finite element method indicated a lesser degree of correlation, implying that the finite element model adopted in design requires further refinement, say, through a more realistic evaluation of the boundary conditions, geometric and material properties of the bridge. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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