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Soil loss caused by wind erosion is a widespread phenomenon in the Sahelian zone of West Africa. According to Sahelian farmers, scattered vegetation standing in amongst the crop has the potential for a wind erosion control strategy. This study was conducted to study the effect of single vegetation elements on the pattern of average wind speed and sediment transport. This was done by two experiments that were carried out during the rainy seasons of 2002 and 2003 in north Burkina Faso, West Africa. Wind speeds were measured using three sonic anemometers, at a sampling frequency of 16 Hz. Sediment transport was determined by calculating the mass fluxes from 17 MWAC catchers. In this study, a shrub was defined as a vegetation element with branches until ground and a tree as a vegetation element with a distinctive trunk below a canopy. Behind shrubs wind speed near the soil surface was reduced up to approximately seven times the height of the shrub. The observed reduction in wind speed in the area where wind speed was reduced was 15 per cent on average. At the sides of the shrub, wind speed was increased, by on average 6 per cent. As the area of increase in wind speed is one‐third of the area of decrease in wind speed, the net effect of a shrub is a reduction in wind speed. A similar pattern was visible for the pattern of sediment transport around a shrub. Downwind of a shrub, sediment transport was diminished up to seven times the height of the shrub. Probably most of this material was trapped by the shrub. Trees showed a local increase of wind around the trunk, which is expected to relate to an increase in sediment transport around the trunk. Mass flux measurements of sediment transport were not made, but visual observations in the field substantiate this. Behind the canopy of a tree, a tree acts similarly to a shrub regarding its effects on average wind speed, but as a tree is generally a larger obstacle than a shrub the extent of this effect is larger than for shrubs. Thus, whereas shrubs are more effective than trees regarding their direct effect on soil loss by trapping sand particles near the soil surface, trees are more effective in affecting soil loss indirectly by reducing the wind speed downwind more effectively than shrubs. Therefore, to reduce soil loss in an area, the presence of both trees and shrubs is crucial. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Influences of Aquifer Properties on Flow Dimensions in Dolomites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper focuses on analyses and correlations of flow dimensions in different dolomite aquifers in Slovenia. Flow dimensions are obtained through the reinterpretation of 72 pumping tests with the generalized radial flow model, based on the fractional flow dimension. The average value of flow dimensions is 2.16 for all dolomites. A study of flow dimensions in individual aquifers categorized according to their lithological properties shows that higher dimensions occur in massive late-diagenetic Cordevolian and Anisian dolomites compared with bedded Main, Bača, and especially Lower Triassic dolomites, which contain a greater proportion of noncarbonate minerals. Partially penetrating wells have higher flow dimensions than fully penetrating wells. Flow dimensions are poorly correlated with hydraulic conductivities of fractures. When comparing the quantities of major dissolved minerals, obtained by hydrogeochemical inverse modeling, with the values of flow dimensions, the Cordevolian and Anisian dolomites are found to exhibit the highest values of both dissolved dolomite and flow dimensions, indicating that greater dissolution occurs at higher flow dimensions. For other aquifers, data points are more scattered and the correlation is mostly poor. When compared with three-dimensional fractal dimensions of fracture networks, there is no correlation with flow dimensions. However, almost all the values of flow dimensions are lower than the corresponding fractal dimensions in dolomites (average D = 2.77), possibly indicating the channeling of flow within the available space of the fracture networks, consequently reducing the flow dimensions.  相似文献   

We consider two sources of geology‐related uncertainty in making predictions of the steady‐state water table elevation for an unconfined aquifer. That is the uncertainty in the depth to base of the aquifer and in the hydraulic conductivity distribution within the aquifer. Stochastic approaches to hydrological modeling commonly use geostatistical techniques to account for hydraulic conductivity uncertainty within the aquifer. In the absence of well data allowing derivation of a relationship between geophysical and hydrological parameters, the use of geophysical data is often limited to constraining the structural boundaries. If we recover the base of an unconfined aquifer from an analysis of geophysical data, then the associated uncertainties are a consequence of the geophysical inversion process. In this study, we illustrate this by quantifying water table uncertainties for the unconfined aquifer formed by the paleochannel network around the Kintyre Uranium deposit in Western Australia. The focus of the Bayesian parametric bootstrap approach employed for the inversion of the available airborne electromagnetic data is the recovery of the base of the paleochannel network and the associated uncertainties. This allows us to then quantify the associated influences on the water table in a conceptualized groundwater usage scenario and compare the resulting uncertainties with uncertainties due to an uncertain hydraulic conductivity distribution within the aquifer. Our modeling shows that neither uncertainties in the depth to the base of the aquifer nor hydraulic conductivity uncertainties alone can capture the patterns of uncertainty in the water table that emerge when the two are combined.  相似文献   

Faults can act as flow barriers or conduits to groundwater flow by introducing heterogeneity in permeability. We examine the hydrogeology of the Sandwich Fault Zone, a 137 km long zone of high-angle faults in northern Illinois, using a large-scale historic aquifer test. The fault zone is poorly understood at depth due to the majority of the faults being buried by glacial deposits and its near-vertical orientation which limits geologic sampling across faults. The aquifer test—perhaps one of the largest in terms of overall withdrawal in North American history—was conducted in 1942 at a facility adjacent to the fault zone. More than 34,000 m3/day was pumped for 37 days from nine multiaquifer wells open to the stratified Cambrian-Ordovician sandstone aquifer system. We modeled the aquifer test using a transient MODFLOW-USG model and simulated pumping wells with the CLN package. We tested numerous fault core/damage zone conceptualizations and calibrated to drawdown values recorded at production and observation wells. Our analysis indicates that the fault zone is a low-permeability feature that inhibits lateral movement of groundwater and that there is at least an order of magnitude decrease in horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the fault core compared to the undeformed sandstone. Large head declines have occurred north of the fault zone (over 300 m since predevelopment conditions) and modifying fault zone parameters significantly affects calibration to regional drawdown on a decadal scale. The flow-barrier behavior of the fault zone has important implications for future groundwater availability in this highly stressed region.  相似文献   

Reservoir siltation is one of the most important off‐site effects of soil erosion. In Burkina Faso a large number of small dams have been built to store rainfall and runoff water in the rainy season, which is much needed for domestic use, irrigation and stock watering in the dry season. This study quantifies the siltation rates of two small reservoirs in southwestern Burkina Faso by comparing the initial and current reservoir bed morphology and by analyzing variations in accumulated sediment in terms of stratigraphical changes and 137Cs concentrations. Results of a bathymetric survey show that both reservoirs have already lost approximately 10% to 15% of their original storage capacity at normal pool level and more than 60% of their initial inactive storage volume at spillway level in the last 15 to 20 years. During this period, inflow sediment had accumulated on the bottom of the reservoir to a thickness of 0.3 m to 0.5 m. Sediment core measurements confirmed this thickness by showing a clear stratigraphical change in core properties with significant variations in the 137Cs concentrations at these specific depths. The thickness of accumulated sediment on top of the relict soil indicates that the reservoirs have a ‘half‐life’ of about 40 to 45 years before siltation might affect its water supply and flood control. Compared with other reservoir studies in West Africa these siltation rates can be seen as reasonable but not alarmingly high. Nevertheless, many of the small dams built during the 1980s are likely to reach their ‘half‐life’ in about 10 to 20 years causing hydrological and geomorphological changes upstream and downstream of the dams. Therefore, further research studies should focus on prevention measures to reduce the off‐site effects of erosion and thus to slow down the process of siltation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantification of the character and spatial distribution of porosity in carbonate aquifers is important as input into computer models used in the calculation of intrinsic permeability and for next‐generation, high‐resolution groundwater flow simulations. Digital, optical, borehole‐wall image data from three closely spaced boreholes in the karst‐carbonate Biscayne aquifer in southeastern Florida are used in geostatistical experiments to assess the capabilities of various methods to create realistic two‐dimensional models of vuggy megaporosity and matrix‐porosity distribution in the limestone that composes the aquifer. When the borehole image data alone were used as the model training image, multiple‐point geostatistics failed to detect the known spatial autocorrelation of vuggy megaporosity and matrix porosity among the three boreholes, which were only 10 m apart. Variogram analysis and subsequent Gaussian simulation produced results that showed a realistic conceptualization of horizontal continuity of strata dominated by vuggy megaporosity and matrix porosity among the three boreholes.  相似文献   

Chlorinated degreasing solvents are multicomponent liquids containing not only the chlorinated hydrocarbons with which their name is associated (e.g., trichloroethylene or |TCE]. perchloroethylene or [PCE], 1,1,1-trichlorocihane [TCA]) but also a number of organic additives included as corrosion inhibitors and antioxidants. The additives, such as 1,4-dioxane, are likely to be of significant public-health importance as ground water contaminants due to their toxicity, solubility, and mobility. Following their use in vapor degreasing systems by industry, chlorinated degreasing solvents will also contain about 25% solubilized oil and grease.
A number of physical-chemical properties become especially important in the light of the multicomponent nature of these solvents. First, the higher aqueous solubility and lower sorption of the additives makes it is reasonable to expect that faster moving plumes of these solvent additives will precede plumes of the chlorinated hydrocarbons. Second, due to high losses of chlorinated hydrocarbons by volatilization from vapor degreasers during years in the middle of the century, it is probable that background concentrations of these hydrocarbons are present in ground water flow systems due to their downwind washout. Finally, the solubilized oil and grease may cause profound changes to the wettability of aquifer materials contacted by the solvents during their subsurface migration. It is argued, therefore, that the wettability of aquifer materials contaminated by chlorinated degreasing solvents needs to be experimentally determined before remediation of DNAPL at each site, rather than being simply assumed as water wet.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent geophysical literature addressing the estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) from static low frequency electrical measurements (electrical resistivity, induced polarization (IP) and spectral induced polarization (SIP)). In the first part of this paper, research describing how petrophysical relations between electrical properties and effective (i.e. controlling fluid transport) properties of (a) the interconnected pore volumes and interconnected pore surfaces, have been exploited to estimate K at both the core and field scale is reviewed. We start with electrical resistivity measurements, which are shown to be inherently limited in K estimation as, although resistivity is sensitive to both pore volume and pore surface area properties, the two contributions cannot be separated. Efforts to utilize the unique sensitivity of IP and SIP measurements to physical parameters that describe the interconnected pore surface area are subsequently introduced and the incorporation of such data into electrical based Kozeny–Carman type models of K estimation is reviewed. In the second part of this review, efforts to invert geophysical datasets for spatial patterns of K variability (e.g. aquifer geometries) at the field-scale are considered. Inversions, based on the conversion of an image of a geophysical property to a hydrological property assuming a valid petrophysical relationship, as well as joint/constrained inversion methods, whereby multiple geophysical and hydrological data are inverted simultaneously, are briefly covered. This review demonstrates that there currently exists an opportunity to link, (1) the petrophysics relating low frequency electrical measurements to effective hydraulic properties, with (2) the joint inversion strategies developed in recent years, in order to obtain more meaningful estimates of spatial patterns of K variability than previously reported.  相似文献   

Lincolns municipal wellfield consists of 44 wells developed in an alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska Induced recharge from the river is the primary source of water for the wellfield. Wafer samples were collected on a periodic basis from the Platte River arid two transects of monitoring wells. These samples were analyzed for the herbicide atrazine, which was used as a tracer of induced recharge in this stream-aquifer system. Atrazine concentrations in the river and aquifer were much less than 1.0 ppb during late fall and winter, but increased to as high as 18.9 ppb during spring and summer, associated with runoff from upgradient agricultural lands. There was approximately a 21-day lag time from the first detection of increasing atrazine concentration in the river to the first detection in monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river. This lag time was relatively constant throughout the year and from one year to the next, even with major fluctuations of river stage and wellfield production. This consistency of lag time indicated that the travel times from the river to the first set of monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river were fairly constant.
Paths of preferential flow were identified in the aquifer at a depth of 25 to 35 feet below land surface. This aquifer zone appeared to play a significant role in movement of water from beneath the river into the wellfield.
Aquifer dispersivity was calculated using a method described by Hoehn and Santschi (1987). Macrodispersivity (AL) was shown to increase linearly over the scale of the wellfield. Calculated values of AL were within limits of other reported values for this type of aquifer material and agreed well with values reported by Hoehn and Santschi (1987); These findings will be extremely beneficial for planning and management of the municipal wellfield.  相似文献   

Water level time series from groundwater production wells offer a transient dataset that can be used to estimate aquifer properties in areas with active groundwater development. This article describes a new parameter estimation method to infer aquifer properties from such datasets. Specifically, the method analyzes long‐term water level measurements from multiple, interacting groundwater production wells and relies on temporal water level derivatives to estimate the aquifer transmissivity and storativity. Analytically modeled derivatives are compared to derivatives calculated directly from the observed water level data; an optimization technique is used to identify best‐fitting transmissivity and storativity values that minimize the difference between modeled and observed derivatives. We demonstrate how the consideration of derivative (slope) behavior eliminates uncertainty associated with static water levels and well‐loss coefficients, enabling effective use of water level data from groundwater production wells. The method is applied to time‐series data collected over a period of 6 years from a municipal well field operating in the Denver Basin, Colorado (USA). The estimated aquifer properties are shown to be consistent with previously published values. The parameter estimation method is further tested using synthetic water level time series generated with a numerical model that incorporates the style of heterogeneity that occurs in the Denver Basin sandstone aquifers.  相似文献   

Methods for predicting aquifer sensitivity to contamination typically ignore geochemical factors that affect the occurrence of contaminants such as nitrate. Use of geochemical information offers a simple and accurate method for estimating aquifer sensitivity to nitrate contamination. We developed a classification method in which nitrate-sensitive aquifers have dissolved oxygen concentrations > 1.0 mg/L, Eh values >250 mV, and either reduced iron concentrations < 0.1 mg/L or total iron concentrations < 0.7 mg/L. We tested the method in four Minnesota aquifer systems having different geochemical and hydrologic conditions. A surficial sand aquifer in central Minnesota exhibited geochemical zonation, with a rapid shift from aerobic to anaerobic conditions 5 m below the water table. A fractured bedrock aquifer in east-central Minnesota remained aerobic to depths of 50 m, except in areas where anaerobic ground water discharged upward from an underlying aquifer. A bedrock aquifer in southeast Minnesota exhibited aerobic conditions when overlain by surficial deposits lacking shale, whereas anaerobic conditions occurred under deposits that contained shale. Surficial sand aquifers in northwest Minnesota contained high concentrations of sulfate and were anaerobic throughout their extent. Nitrate-nitrogen was detected at concentrations exceeding 1 mg/L in 135 of 149 samples classified as sensitive. Nitrate was not detected in any of the 109 samples classified as not sensitive. We observed differences between our estimates of sensitivity and existing sensitivity maps, which are based on methods that do not consider aquifer geochemistry. Because dissolved oxygen, reduced iron, and Eh are readily measured in the field, use of geochemistry provides a quick and accurate way of assessing aquifer sensitivity to nitrate contamination.  相似文献   

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